CHALLENGE NEWS | Maxs Muscle-Up Challenge Online Edition

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2ND & 3RD RUNNER UP Read their inspirational transformation stories


See their inspirational transformations

THE CHALLENGE STORY Why you should do the Challenge!



CHALLENGE YOURSELF The MAX’S Muscle-Up & Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge Story

what is it? ver the past four years the MAX’s Muscle -Up Challenge and Maxine’s Shape -Up Challenge have helped thousands of people get into the best shape of their lives and achieve amazing transformations and now, you can too! If you have tried numerous ways to lose weight or create lean muscle, without success, then the Challenge will not only kick start your 2015, but the rest of your life as well. This program is for everyone and that means you! So whether you train at home or at a gym, live in the city or regional Australia, there are no excuses if you want


to make a positive change to your life and achieve the body you have always wanted. Challenge Registrations open Monday 9 February with the Challenge start date being 23 Feb, but if you head to either or maxineschallenge. you can subscribe for up-dates and we’ll be in touch with more info on how to make

what do you get? sure you get in your best possible shape. The MAX’s Muscle-Up Challenge for men and the Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge for women are an online, twelve week body transformation program, and the best thing is, it’s free! Whether your goal is to build size, get shredded or just shape up, the Challenge provides you with a completely structured training

and nutrition schedule. And your reward for twelve weeks of dedicated effort will be an amazing transformation that will be the envy of your friends and family and the body you always dreamed of. That is a reward worth celebrating in itself, but what distinguishes this Challenge from others, is a prize

pool valued at an incredible one hundred thousand dollars! The TOP 10 men and women who are judged to have achieved the best body transformations are flown to Melbourne for an all expenses paid weekend, that includes a photo shoot, television interviews, professional training sessions and the Challenge Gala night held at the iconic home of sport, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The Grand Champion will also

receive a fabulous five star luxury holiday and a six month MAX/ Maxine’s sponsorship! The difference between the Challenge and other programs you may have tried, is we provide you with access to all of the resources you need to succeed. As long as you are over sixteen, and an Australian resident the Challenge is open to enter and there are no limits as to what you can achieve. The Challenge has qualified Nutrition, Training Coaches and

Ambassadors who are past Challenge finalists who have walked the walk and can now talk the talk and provide advice to you about their experience and how to complete a successful Challenge. Every four weeks during the Challenge we will supply you with a new comprehensive training and nutrition schedule that completely maps out what is expected of you and the food you need. You can also join our online Coaches,

Ambassadors and fellow Challengers on the Challenge forum, any time of the day or night to ask questions, share stories, and learn all you need to know about health and fitness. Our online support team is committed to helping you achieve your goals, so whether you have questions around nutrition, training, supplements or general motivation, the team have the answers to help you stay focussed and remain on track. This Challenge is for real

why do it? people looking to make a real change to their lives and as past Challengers will tell you, they can’t believe they achieved their amazing results in just twelve weeks. Thousands of Australians can’t be wrong, the Challenge is a free twelve week program that really works. The structured nutrition and training routines and online support are all waiting for you, but you must create the change! All of the information including registration details is available at the or maxineschallenge. websites. Don’t just dream about what you can achieve. Get in the best shape of your life and be a part of the 2015 Challenge!

“There are many reasons people decide to take on the Challenge. For most, it is not just about dreaming of what they could achieve, but committing to the goal of being the best they can be, getting that new physique, and improving their overall health and wellbeing.”





The Max’s Muscle-Up Challenge was the spur Neil Geritz needed to dedicate his efforts into restoring his focus and energy into looking after himself.

s a self employed dairy farmer with regular 4:30am starts, former footballer and regular gym goer, Neil Geritz, was finding it hard to maintain a consistent exercise and nutrition program. Despite having had a background in personal training and fitness, Neil still felt it very confronting to take and then upload the original


before photo. “I just found it very hard to look at myself, but I knew if I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t be able to make the changes I was hoping for.” As a dairy farmer and responsible for the milking of around eighty cows twice per day, finding the necessary time to dedicate to his training was one of the mini challenges Neil had to overcome.



“The early results happened pretty fast so it encouraged me to keep going and work harder to push myself, but it was great to wake up after just a few weeks and have new muscles.” Aiming to build size, Neil committed himself to his training and was thrilled with his initial results. “The early results happened pretty fast so it encouraged me to keep going and work harder to push myself, but it was great to wake up after just a few weeks and have new muscles.” As the Challenge continued, Neil’s old energy and motivation levels soared as he propelled his training levels to greater heights and increased intensity.

“I like to train by myself and working out later in the night at the all hours gym, meant especially early on in the Challenge, I could do that pretty much without interruption, but as the twelve weeks wore on, I noticed a lot of younger guys starting to follow my program which was flattering.” Neil credits a lot of his success to his partnership with his wife Jade, whose dedication to meal preparation kept him on the right track

“The key for me was to stay very focussed and deal with whatever curve balls are thrown your way. It was important when things got tough, to pick myself up and just keep going.” and enabled him to not only eat well, but allowed him to spend quality time in the gym. “There is no way I could have done this without the support of my wife, Jade. We really did work as a team and with her preparing my meals every day and encouraging me all the way, not only did it make my job easier, but I think it made the difference in me achieving such a terrific result.” Neil is rightly proud of his transformed body and the results he has achieved.

“I can barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror. I have always enjoyed training but I never had any idea how important the nutrition side was to adding clean bulk.” Neil rigidly followed the MAX’S Challenge nutrition program and made sure the kitchen was stocked with precisely the ingredients listed on the nutrition schedule with an admission there was perhaps only one to two times he “blew out”during the twelve weeks. Neil is a terrific example of achieving amazing

“I can barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror. I have always enjoyed training but I never had any idea how important the nutrition side was to adding clean bulk.”

goals through his determination to set his mind to a task, to believe in himself and finish the job right through to the end.The result was an amazing transformation and one future Challengers will be trying to emulate.

Congratulations Neil Geritz winner of the 2014 MAX’s MuscleUp Challenge.





“I have learned more in the last three months, than in the gym over the past seven years.” aving previously worked hard in the gym, Nathan Karas knew that his nutrition program and some poor health decisions were not getting him to a point where he was satisfied with his appearance and he hoped the MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge would be the kick up the pants he needed, to transform his lifestyle choices. “Over the last seven years I had been doing a lot of weight training, but I found I wasn’t really getting the results others were achieving or I had hoped for, and I had lost a lot of passion for pushing myself further.” Seeking inspiration, Nathan saw the MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge advertised


MASS GAINS Nathan Karas transformed and evolved not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. His drive to succeed fuelled his inner burn and led to positive impacts on those people around him.

easy when the MAX’S than a whopping on a poster at his 23 kilos and found local gym and felt this shopping list was himself constantly could be the stimulus supplied for you.” reassessing his As the twelve week to getting him back goals and setting journey continued, on track. Learning a his standards for Nathan started to lot about nutrition, achievement even understand the need portion control, organisation, routine and consistency “I liked to mix up my training and throughout the keep my body guessing.” Challenge, Nathan’s early results for a routine nutrition higher than he surpassed his initial program and the believed possible. expectations. “A key learning for me need for good quality “I had set myself was the routine protein every two the initial goal of associated with the hours. Beginning the reaching 95kg but having reached that meal plans and the Challenge at more with more than half need to follow the than 111 kilograms, Nathan shed more of the Challenge still program and it was

remaining, I realised I was capable of so much more.” “It was about this time I experienced a real light switch moment. Having developed a routine and the momentum around my progress really building, I knew there would be no stopping me from that time on.” Maintaining a positive mindset was crucial in Nathan’s success and he found solace in following the advice of Fred Liberatore and Craig Harper, as well as the questions and comments of others via the Challenge forum. “The online community kept me inspired. There

was a strong sense of connection and you didn’t ever feel isolated and I liked to watch daily motivation videos prior to training.” “I found it really inspiring to watch the videos before my workouts to ensure I was ready to roll and in the right headspace for the day ahead.” “I liked to mix up my training and keep my body guessing. I would train with weights five to six times per week but I would also perform high intensity cardio, where I would have low rests and high reps to keep the blood pumping.” Nathan transformed and evolved not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. His drive to succeed fuelled his inner burn and led to positive impacts on those people around him.

“I think initially there were some people who had their doubts as to how I would go and thought I would fall off the wagon, but as the Challenge progressed, they saw how focussed I was, and by the end, there were no doubters, and everyone was one hundred per cent behind me.” Benefitting from the support of a loving family, Nathan felt empowered to focus on getting the most out of himself, each and every day of the Challenge. “It was

“this experience has shown me if you believe in yourself, you can turn things around, be your own inspiration and do great things.”

important for me to find a balance between the Challenge, work and my home life. The support of my wife and young family made it so much easier for me to commit to the Challenge and make my transformation a reality.” Nathan’s transformation has attracted a lot of attention and it has inspired others to try and seek out “his secrets”, but being an inspiration is a role Nathan is keen to adopt. “Being a role model is a bit scary, but I do feel I have an obligation to give back and pass

on the knowledge I have built up.” “You see people eating the wrong things and that was me before this Challenge began, but this experience has shown me if you believe in yourself, you can turn things around, be your own inspiration and do great things.” “I have learned more in the last three months, than in the gym over the past seven years.” With a positive attitude and commitment to achieve Nathan is stronger and fitter with greater endurance than ever before. Receiving the phone call from Fred

Liberatore notifying him of his Top Ten placing, was a source of great pride for Nathan. “Secretly I guess I was hoping to make the TOP 50 and possibly the TOP 10, but you see so many amazing transformations I had prepared myself for a worst case scenario of not making the TOP 50.” “For me, this Challenge was always a personal journey to discover what I was capable of achieving. I was determined to do my best, day in and day out and not focus on others, but it was a great feeling to get Fred’s

call.” Without setting any personal limits, Nathan reinvigorated his desire to achieve throughout the Challenge. There were no obstacles that stood in his way in his pursuit for his wonderful transformation. “I no longer see the same person as I did before. Before the Challenge I thought I was healthy and eating well, but the challenge has shown me what my body was really missing.” “For one thing, I need to buy a new wardrobe, but this challenge has also taught me that it is okay to walk to the

beat of your own drum and that real success is dependent upon a good mix of exercise and nutrition programs.” Well done Nathan Karas a very worthy Runner up in the 2014 MAX’s– Muscle Up-Challenge.

MAKE OR BREAK An upcoming 40th birthday where Chris Spratt had promised himself to be in his best physical condition meant the MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge came along at precisely the right time for him.

erious injuries and surgeries had hampered the ex basketballer’s fitness program and Chris was unsure as to how to best tackle his nutrition and cardio needs. “I had been trying various cardio activities at the gym without great success and there were constant social engagements so eating right and training were just not a priority.” I kept saying, I’ll start next Monday, next Monday, but the truth was, I was running out of Mondays to begin.” A chance viewing of the transformations from the 2013 Maxine’s Shape-Up and the MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge was the elixir Chris needed to begin his own transformation process. Chris committed himself one hundred percent


to the Challenge and was determined to focus on his training and his nutrition in an effort to clean himself up both inside and out. “I knew the Challenge would be a testing journey for me and as I wanted to train most days I started on light weights to get my body used to the load and then as my momentum built I progressed harder through the weights.” “I wanted to give this Challenge absolutely everything I had so that meant preparing my meals five days in advance and a lot of what I achieved wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my wife and two young girls.” As the early weeks passed, Chris began to see positive changes in his body and his self satisfaction and sense of purpose were

enhanced. “I liked to take weekly shots of myself to assess my progress. Even though the early changes were minor I wanted to just keep a record that what I was doing was working and that helped me stay focussed.” Chris also benefitted from the support of the MAX’S team and maintaining a daily blog where he could document events and monitor his progress and revisit past accomplishments. After reading and really enjoying Glenn Black’s blog, I used that as a stimulus to understand what I could accomplish.” “The blogging was





“I kept saying, I’ll start next Monday, next Monday, but the truth was, I was running out of Mondays to begin.”

fantastic for me and I used it as a diary so that I could see what I had done before and keep me going into the next phase of training.” “It was great to get on the forum and seek out different exercises for my shoulder and receive information as to who I should consult with and be given technique advice tips.” “The MAX’S team were phenomenal. To just jump on and have access to the information and weekly videos was just like having your own personal trainer with you the whole way.” This Challenge has shown Chris that he is able to achieve great things and has reinvigorated his passion for weight training, as well as introducing him to new forms of cardio. “The effects of the Challenge have been life changing. I have my love of fitness back and have a real understanding of the right things to eat and when to eat them. I am back enjoying the weight training and the non impact cardio like swimming, spin classes and walking has been excellent.” “Things really started to change for me in week nine. I noticed

for the first time in my life I had abs and I liked what I saw!” My love handles began to disappear and it really motivated me to work harder than before.” “Whenever there was an opportunity to further tighten my nutrition or punch out some additional reps I would do it, because I wanted those handles gone forever!” Enormous self restraint saw Chris strip 15 kilos from his starting weight and not once did he surrender to temptation with cheat foods or alcohol. The startling results have inspired many of Chris’s family and friends to undertake their own transformations and Chris is very keen to act as their mentor. “The support of friends and family has been brilliant with lots of positive feedback.” ”Initially they might have thought I wouldn’t last the distance, but when they realised how serious I was and that nothing would stop me from reaching my goal, many were really

keen to ask advice about what they could be doing to perform their own transformation and that inspired me to pass on the information I have learned.” The Challenge has been a journey of self discovery for Chris and he has crossed the finishing

line with nothing left in reserve and he was shaking when he received the phone call from Master Coach, Fred Liberatore, notifying him of his TOP 10 placing.“Just by completing the Challenge I felt as if I had won, so to get the phone call from Fred,

“I knew the Challenge would be a testing journey for me and as I wanted to train most days I started on light weights to get my body used to the load and then as my momentum built I progressed harder through the weights.”

“The effects of the challenge have been life changing. I have my love of fitness back and have a real understanding of the right things to eat and when to eat them. blew me away on what has been an incredible ride.” “I feel I now have a new positive direction in my life and obstacles previously put in front of me, no longer seem quite so tough and I’m really looking forward to my 40’s with increased energy levels and being a real participator in my kids lives.” Chris is understandably proud of his efforts and he believes it has allowed him to create a direction for himself where the future holds no limits

and as promised, he is in his best physical condition for his 40th birthday. “It is better than any birthday present I could have wished for and I will not be hiding from any camera during the holidays.” “My new body means there will be no burnt love handles, which means less sunscreen is needed for the family and that is a good thing!” Enjoy the celebrations Chris, you deserve it, third in the MAX’s Muscle-Up Challenge for 2014.








“It’s been a holistic change, mentally, physically and soulfully as well and I can’t get over the support and the pats on the back I have received.”

A huge congratulations to our TOP 10 Men! You are all an inspiration!





“The Challenge gives you the structure to change and maintain your lifestyle. I’m 45 years old and I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have.”



“I’m about to hit 40 and this is the most pivotal point in my life, I either keep letting it slip or I make a change, and that was it. The dedication, discipline and commitment were all part of my journey to help me achieve what I wanted most.”






“I got the body I’ve been chasing for years and I’m over the moon! I’m still shocked I did it in 12 weeks!”

“This program works! All people who have done it will say to you, just follow the program. Trust and believe and stick with it, and you will get the results!”





GARY RUIZ “It’s not about comparing yourself to others. If you make a transformation and your results are better than when you started, then you have won. I know I improved and look a lot better, so I know I won!”


RICK LONGDEN “If your mindset is you want to improve, go ahead and do it. You won’t change by doing the same thing. This is a simple uncomplicated process where you make positive life changes, and it’s only 12 weeks!”



Have you got what it takes to get into the best shape of your life in just 12 weeks? Transform your body, feel great, look fantastic and go in the running to win awesome prizes – it’s all part of the Challenge. SUBSCRIBE FOR UP-DATES AT:


? e g n e l l cha Neil Geritz MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge Winner 2014

Lyndal Trott Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge Winner 2014

THANK YOU FRED! 2014 Master Coach Fred Liberatore

A pipe in between two cemented paint tins and the lure of a gym membership was the inspiration behind Master Coach Fred Liberatore’s rise in the fitness industry. Fred is now a Body Transformation expert who not only trains elite athletes, including Australian kickboxing champion, Les Clarke Jnr. but also many everyday average gym users,


all looking to tap into his wealth of exercise programming and nutritional information. Clients come to Fred with a range of goals and varying life experiences, from athletes like Clarke, with a seemingly limitless threshold of pain, to those looking to find a better, more healthier self. The RealFit Director knows there are no short cuts and no

substitutes for hard work. “The only thing I ask of all my clients is for them to show up on time and not be lazy.” Laziness is definitely not a trait Fred tolerates in others or himself. Most mornings Fred surfaces by five am to check emails, have breakfast and blog before he meets clients from six until about eleven. He trains through the middle of the day

before more client appointments and admin work prior to retiring for the night about nine thirty. The former Sonny Schmidt Classic and Nabba Master Mr Australia winner continues to love what he does and pushes himself to train daily because of his passion and dedication for the sport and to demonstrate with goal setting and hard work, anything

can be achieved. “Obsession is a good thing,” says the twin brother of former AFL Brownlow Medallist and Western Bulldogs star, Tony Liberatore. “If you were not slightly obsessed I would question your commitment, but there is a need to enjoy a social life in the process - just not too social.” Having been involved in the Max’s Challenge competition since its inception more than four years ago, he has taken great delight in seeing thousands of people change their lives for the better and sharing their success stories. The INBA Natural show host is set to launch his own online Personal Training program called LeanMuscle, focusing on mindest, nutrition and workout coaching. “I wanted

to create a program tailored to each person’s unique goals and needs, not just a one size fits all cookie cutter approach to diets and workouts, providing the user with more attention, more dedicated help and proven plans and systems that really work.” There is no mention of cemented paint tins, but with the number of fitness trainers set to double in the next few years, this personal trainer understands the value of hard work and that there are no limits and certainly no barriers when it comes to achieving your goals.

“I wanted to create a program tailored to each person’s unique goals and needs, not just a one size fits all cookie cutter approach to diets and workouts, providing the user with more attention, more dedicated help and proven plans and systems that really work.”

lthough Fred announced that he will be stepping down from his role as Master Coach for 2015, he remains a highly regarded member of the Max’s and Maxine’s family, and leaves the role of Master Coach with nothing but the admiration, gratitude and goodwill of all involved with the Challenge.


Muscle-Up Coach Adam Gee consulting with Artur Migas.

Master-Coach Fred Liberatore and MindCoach Craig Harper hosting the gala event.

David Bruce

Gary Ruiz meeting ‘MuscleUp Coach’ John Delinac Muscle-Up Coach Laughlin Harkin trainging Neil Geritz. Nick Rooms.

TOP 10 trainging with The Challenge Coaches & showing off their new physiques.

Rick Longden getting in a quick pump before his photoshoot. Artur Migas.

David Bruce

Rick Longden keeping up on his BCAAS between sets.

Arthur Athans.

Nick Rooms staying hydrated inbetween sets.

Jaques Niehaus modelling his new chisled physique.


Master-Coach Fred Liberatore and MindCoach Craig Harper hosting the Gala event.

2014 MAXS’ Muscle-Up Top 10 Finalists.

Neil Geritz getting awarded 2014 Grand Champ.

2014 Challenge Gala Award Night at the iconic M.C.G Gary Ruiz and Rick Longden during the gala event.

Nick Rooms staying hydrated inbetween sets.

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