Columbia University/ GSAPP/ MsAUD Portfolio

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Huai Kuan Chung.


1. Cutting the Edge of South Bronx 2. Invisible Elements of Staten Island Ferry Road 3. Shifting Gear 4. Analysis Walker 5. MoirĂŠ Pattern Study 6. Borderfield 7. People of Changing Water 8. Sky Watcher 9. Data Flows 10. Remote Sensing

Cutting the Edge of South Bronx Summer 2016 South Bronx, New York Instructor: Kaja Kühl, Thad Pawlowski Team: Majed Samad, Jiaqi Sun

We are suggesting a transit-oriented development that addresses the social and environmental problems in Port Morris while maintaining and enhancing its industrial character. The goal is to make Port Morris an attractive destination for commercial investments and new industries by restoring its links to other south Bronx neighborhoods, and to Queens and Brooklyn. Introducing transit infrastructure will do more than improving regional mobility. It also will address environmental issues in the area, create opportunities for future developments in South Bronx, and give more people access to jobs. It will also improve the transportation network in NYC and make it more resilient to daily disruptions and upcoming environmental challenges. What we’re introducing is a port, a freight train station, and an added passenger train stop on the proposed Triboro Train plan. Aside from the development focus on improving regional mobility for cargo and passengers, the transit-oriented development would open doors for future developments in the area making it an attractive destination for new industries and commercial investments in the city. The proposal consists of three main components, a small-scale industrial port, a freight train station on the existing underutilized rails, and a passenger train station on the currently-proposed Triboro line. By activating the existing transit infrastructure in the neighborhood, and investing in a waterfront development, “Re-linking Port Morris” aims to improve the NYC transportation network and the resiliency of the system from daily disruptions and upcoming environmental challenges. Cutting the edge of South Bronx is a development pro-

posal aiming to enhance the South Bronx connectivity to the neighboring boroughs by providing alternative transit means from and to Port Morris.

Context analysis of proposed Tri-Borough line.

More than 90% of the context is residential use area.

Transportation hub as a way to maintain Port Morris continually being a work hub for Tri-Borough Line.

A mix-use transportation hub including ferry, road, train and subway trasportation system.


Invisible Elements of Staten Island Ferry Road Summer 2016 Staten Island Ferry Road, New York Instructor: Phu Duong, Kyle Hovenkotter

The Ferry Road doesn’t present a lot of information. However, this becomes a good opportunity to explore the invisible data of this hustle and bustle body of water. The selected data include the timetable of the ferry, other moving vehicles and their own route, New Jersey’s territory which has been crossed every day, tags for introducing different places, Hurricane Sandy’s flood area, the depth of water and the last and also the most important one, is the movement. I use all different kinds of angle and perspective of views to describe the movement, which includes the view from the ferry itself, the view from helicopters, the view from the top and side and the view from the Statue of Liberty. The overall concept of this model is trying to elaborate all different kinds of information from this body of water as much as I can. After this, demonstrate this data-annotated urban fragment from all different kinds of angle.

Movement of ferry’s surrounding.

Hustle and bustle body of water.

Helicopter’s route.

Movement of helicopter’s surrounding.


Shifting Gear Fall 2016 Poughkeepsie, New York Instructor: Lee Altman Team: Ying Ping, Nabi Agzamov, Jiaqi Sun

1 out of 4 prisoners in the world lives in the land of the free. 75% of these inmates are high school dropouts. However, expenditure on prisons has tripled compared to education since 1980. NY state spends $60,000 per inmate vs $18,000 per student annually. Recently a quarter of a billion-dollar Dutchess County Jail expansion has been approved in the city of Poughkeepsie. Meanwhile, Poughkeepsie school district’s performance is in the lowest 10% in the state, with a graduation rate of 57%. The district has been underfunded for years and lacks simple services such as bus network for highschool students. How can we reinvest in and rethink the failing industrial educational model, so it stops funneling students into prisons? Can public schools be more focused on collaboration and creativity like schools in Finland, and use design and design thinking as a vehicle for public education as Project H did in North Carolina. We want to adopt a project-based educational model in Poughkeepsie that would address local issues such as, drop out rate, lack of social services in schools, and the community and law enforcement relation. Therefore, we first propose a bike sharing system that is produced by students, and could serve as an alternative way of transportation for everyone including Poughkeepsie high school and the police department.

Regional analysis of the Shifting Gear Project.

Biking network and related programs.

Biking network and related programs.

Underutilized garage as headquarter and fabrication shop for Shifting Gear Educational Center.

Design intervention.


Analysis Walker Fall 2016 Instructor: Dan Taeyoung

Analysis Walker is an analysis driven design tool. It helps urban designers play with route planning and data collection, using GIS and grasshopper. Examples are demonstrated in the following video showing two different ways to use this tool. The first case shows the analytical process from the existing route navigation to data collection, whereas the second one shows the efficient route planning based on the GIS data input.

From Route and GIS data analysis.

From GIS data to Route navigation.

Moiré Pattern Study Fall 2016 Instructor: Ezio Blasetti Team: Huai-Kuan Chung, Zichang Yan, Wanpeng Zu

In mathematics, physics, and art, a moiré pattern or moiré fringes are large scale interference patterns that can be produced when an opaque ruled pattern with transparent gaps is overlaid on another similar pattern. In this project, we generate series of extruded surface and extract out the intersected lines, in order to use a systematic to generate moiré pattern from surfaces.

Pattern 01 & 02.

Pattern 03 & 04.

What if the Jordan River Border was re-conceptualized to convert dangerous minefields into an evolving landscape?


The Militarized Border The border between Jordan, on the east and Israel and Palestine’s West Bank, on the west, is defined by the Jordan River - a border that is demarcated as a militarized zone. To prevent border crossings, landmines have been arranged in large bands on either side with military posts positioned strategically. This enforces the borderline, and allows only those with a permit to access the river. The threat of the landmines has deterred investments in the valley inhibiting economic growth and harming local communities. The Border Effect The superimposition of political boundaries has diverted freshwater resources from the larger ecosystem of the Jordan River Valley and divided it among different states. All of which extract natural resources but are not held accountable for the consequences of these actions. This has resulted in the river becoming a thin stream of pollution, thus turning the lush valley into a deteriorating fragmented ecosystem. To address the failing system, a widening of the border through the reshaping of the riverbed is proposed. In this way, the Jordan River itself, and the border that traces it, can be transformed from a divisive tool to a shared, productive resource benefiting all sides. By demining the border we can facilitate ecological and cultural regeneration. To do this, we propose two necessary phases: 1_DEMINING THE VALLEY National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation

Borderfield Spring 2017 Jordan River Valley, Jordan Instructor: Kate Orff Team: Bridgett Cruz, Shuman Wu, Jiahong Lu

will remove the remaining 20% of landmines that were leftover from the original demining initiative from 1993 to 2008. The landmines remain in the valley because their exact location was not known. Lack of knowledge about original placement, and repositioning due to flooding, erosion, and growth of vegetation has made their location hard to predict. In unfarmed pockets where landmines are suspected, a swarm of drones will plant Thale-Cress seeds, spray fertilizer, and water growing plants. The engineered plant reacts to the nitrogen dioxide emitted from unexploded landmines causing a change in color from green to red signifying the location of landmines. Over the course of three to five weeks, the drones will be used to monitor color changes and help the Jordanian Army plan safe demining paths. The landmines will be detonated and with their explosive elimination, a new cratered landscape will emerge. 2_DESIGNING THE RIVERBED Using the water flow analysis, grey water from the local town will be channeled to the river pockets for purification.This influx of water will help to reshape the riverbed by naturally connecting craters to the river. The greywater path will be planted with several water filtration species that will help to densify the fragmented biotic components of the riverbed ecology. The purified water will be used to irrigate the agricultural lands that run adjacent to the river, eliminating the need to truck water from far distances. With a nationwide approach towards a decentralized water infrastructure system [ie: local waste water recycling, rainwater capture, and fog harvesting] less water will be diverted from the Jordan River Basin allowing for the increase of water to flow in the river and to the Dead Sea. The increase of water will help dilute existing pollutants

and help the river to naturally re-meander in the cratered pockets which are outfitted to help further purify water. A NEW WATER NETWORK As the process of demining is happening, the JORDAN VALLEY AUTHORITY will monitor the quality of the abiotic components of the Jordan River Valley. JORDANIAN VALLEY AUTHORITY will monitor the quality of the abiotic components of the Jordan River Valley. JORDANIAN UNIVERSITIES will work with LOCAL FARMERS to establish experimental agricultural greenhouse laboratories within the newly created ecology that researches water-reduction techniques in crops types, farming and irrigation. The new techniques will be shared with the local farmers. Implementation will result in the lower dependency of water, increase of profitability and significant reduction of pollution in the river creating a more holistic and sustainable farming culture. Within the net of the river, natural meanders, and water craters, the rehabilitation of fragmented ecosystem will be forefronted as essential in the support of the new water purification ecology. The densification of native plants and the fortification of bird habitats will ensure birds assist in the rehabilitation by spreading seeds.This will strengthen the threatened ecology of the Jordan River Valley. ECOPARK, a not-for-profit organization will work with LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS to monitor the biotic components of the Jordan River Valley. By appropriating the landmine we invert the tool that was used to crystallize the border into a tool to expand it, giving it an instinctive and unpredictable width, thus creating a new lens from which to understand the existing condition.

Meandering simulation.

Agricultural testing ground on Jordan-Israel border.

Plan of argricultural testing ground.

Plan of argricultural testing ground.

Landmine layout.

Detection simulation of plant demining method.

Demining grid and route.

Runoff analysis and potential connection of water.

The Jordan River floodplain and the purified water connection back into town.

Systematic Axo along different phases.

Animation footages.

Animation footages.


People of Changing Water Summer 2016 Instructor: Cassim Shepard Team: Huai-Kuan Chung, Deniz Onder, Zhen Quan

The site is at Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn. By using a series videos of that area and interviews from different local people, we’re trying to portrait the character of Gowanus Canal, an area which is under a process of gentrification.

Video footages.

Sky Watcher Spring 2016 Instructor: Joseph Brennan, Phillip Crupi Team: Deniz Onder

The use of perspective and rendering is often an afterthought. With the abundance of 3D modeling software and the ability to see every angle of a project instantaneously, renderings are often thought of as a last minute tool for representation. This project challenges the participants to not only think of rendering as a method of presentation, but also a tool for design. Sky Watcher is a project aiming to push the boundary of ultra real images by using realistic rendering style.

Far view.

Middle view.

Close view.


Data Flows Spring 2016 Cheonggyecheon, Seoul Instructor: Biayna Bogosian, Maider Llaguno Team: Deniz Onder

Spring is notorious for its poor air quality here. The combination of smog and the yellow dust that descends from Mongolia’s Gobi Desert every spring has produced pollution so thick that on the worst days — and there have been many of them — Seoul has looked like a city shrouded in a toxic gray blanket. In this project, we’re aiming to use data representation to raise the awareness about the air pollution in Seoul. Along the most important river in the city, where is also surrounded by roads and expressway, we use colored dots and lines to represent the density of CO & NO2.

Colored dots and lines for representation of the air quality of Seoul City.

Colored dots and lines for representation of the air quality of Seoul City.

Remote Sensing Spring 2016 Jordan/ Israel Instructor: Grga Basic

Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance from the targeted area. Special cameras collect remotely sensed images of the Earth, which help researchers “sense� things about the Earth. These Landsat images are composed of 7,3,5 bands combination from Landsat 8. With this band combination, we can clearly tell the agriculture area and differentiate various geographical conditions.

Sea of Galilee.

Circular irrigation system in Saudi Arabia.

Jordan Rift Valley.

Huai Kuan Chung Columbia University MsAUD, GSAPP

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