Design and Development of CMF in Bicycles

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GRADUATION PROJECT Design & Development of colours in Bicycle for teenagers (Case study- BSA Ladybird in urban India) Sponsor : Ti Cycles, Chennai

Volume : 1 of 1



National Institute of Design Ahmedabad

The Evaluation Jury recommends Mayank Kaushal for the Graduation of the National Institute of Design IN TEXTILE DESIGN (LIFESTYLE ACCESSORY DESIGN) Herewith, for the project titled “DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT OF COLOURS IN BICYCLE FOR TEENAGERS (CASE STUDY- BSA LADYBIRD IN URBAN INDIA)” on fulfilling the further requirements by

Chairman Members :

*Subsequent remarks regarding fulfilling the requirements :


ORIGINALITY STATEMENT I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and it contains no full or substantial copy of previously published material, or it does not even contain substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of any other educational Institution, except where due acknowledgment is made in this Graduation project. Moreover I also declare that none of the concepts are borrowed or copied without due acknowledgment. I further declare that the intellectual content of this Graduation Project is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is acknowledged. This Graduation project (or part of it) was not and will not be submitted as assessed work in any other academic course. Student Name in Full: Mayank Kaushal



COPYRIGHT STATEMENT I hereby grant the National Institute of Design the right to archive and to make available my Graduation project/thesis /dissertation in whole or in part in the Institutes’s Knowledge Management Centre in all forms of media, now or hereafter known, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act. I have either used no substantial portions of copyright material in my document or I have obtained permission to use copyright material. Student Name in Full: Mayank Kaushal



ACKNOWLEDGMENT It is my pleasure to express my gratitude towards National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar and TI cycles of India, Chennai for offering me an opportunity to work on “Design & Development of colours in Bicycle for teenagers (Case study- BSA Ladybird in urban India)” I am sincerely grateful to Mrs. Shimul Mehta Vyas & My project guide Mr. Amresh Panigrahi for their guidance throughout my Post graduation Programme & my graduation project which helped me to grow as designer. I would like to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my mentors, Mr. Sushant Jena(Vice President) and Mr. Mithun Darji (AGM) in TI Cycles for their exemplary guidance and constant encouragement throughout my project. Also I would like to thank to the staff members of Product development and advanced design - Vaidy, Raghavendraa, Hari, Vaishak, Sandeep, Parag and Ashish for enriching my experience at TI Cycles. My fellow trainees from NID and MIT college - Prashant and Rakesh for their cooperation during the period of my assignment. Also, I would like to thank staff members - Mrs Rajshree ben, Kutty bhai and Bharat bhai in Lifestyle accessory design department, NID for their constant support and helping me through out NID period. It is with immense pleasure I express my thankfulness to my batch mates Manoj Kuldeep, Aniruddha Deheria, Tanmay Awasthi, Mala Patel & Aprajita for all the support and motivation during the course of my work. I would like to acknowledge my other friends for their moral support and motivation, which drives me to give my best. Tanaya Agarwal, Sumedh Sonare, Sukanya, …the list is endless…thanks to one and all. Lastly, I thank my family for their constant encouragement without which this project would not have been possible.

Disclaimer: Image Source: Facebook or Linkedin Profiles

CONTENT Synopsis


About NID

2 4

About Murugappa & TI Cycles


Introduction to Project 7 7 7 7 9

Research Objective and preparation of research Methodology adopted during research Intent of questionnaire

12 13 14

18 19 20 30 31

36 43

57 59 61 63 69 71 83 84

Knowing market competition 89 91

Knowing consumer Consumer study Insights from interview Analysis of data Persona story board Identification of Personality traits Specification sheet as per persona type

97 100 103 111 118 121

Trend Tracking Socio-cultural trends Trend tracking in fashion and lifestyle products

Knowing CMF Understanding colour, material, finish Relation between colour and human mind

TI cycle brands and official store Understanding BSA and Ladybird as a brand Scope of project BSA lady bird - brand DNA Existing product portfolio & CMF Production methodology - Colour communication Current market - Ladybird cycle range Consumer preference & insights

Comparisons of Ladybird and competitors colour Comparisons of Competitive brands

Knowing Bicycle Evolution Of a Bicycle Types Of Bicycle - At A Glance Classification of Bicycle Bicycle in Indian context Bicycle anatomy

48 51

Knowing the Brand

About LAD in NID PG Campus

Project Background Objective Project Brief Proposed Methodology Proposed Flow and Time line

Relation between colour and culture Relation between colour and consumer

128 143

Conceptualization Theme 1

Untold Bold (Bold Is Beautiful)


Theme 2

Rainbow Revise (Exploration Is My New Habit)


Theme 3

Sovereign Ethic (My Home Is My World)




Final Swatches


Material And Finishes








SYNOPSIS The journey starts from tackling some of the basic questions which are helpful to build a concrete key basics like - What is a bicycle? Different type of bicycles & components? What is CMF ? In India, Cycles are one of the major commuting medium and nonmotorized vehicles used by a vast variety of consumers from age group 3 to 70+. Now, cycles are not only seen as a utility product but also enters into lifestyle product category catering various needs like heavy & domestic usage for commuting, daily needs like going to school & tuition, for health & fitness as well as recreational activities. TI Cycles is a major manufacturer and pioneer in the cycle industry in India and offers a wide range of bicycles for kids, teenagers, ladies and premium segment. Among this vast product portfolio, BSA ladybird bicycle category focuses on aesthetics and visual appeal along with its utility. BSA brand itself stands for style, joy, fun and comfort. BSA Ladybird’s targeting consumers are teenage girls of age group 13 & 14, who not only seek utility but also, need something more than that. Hence, bicycle is incomplete until it is aesthetically and visually appealing to them. Here CMF’s role enhances aesthetics and visual appeal value of the bicycle exclusively made for teenage girls without affecting its utility. .CMF is one of the major elements which affects the mindset of the teenage girls while making any decision before purchase. This project has been initiated from this motivation. Proposing a colour palette for upcoming year. There were no defined tools or methodology to propose it. So, I have defined a new strategy option to find out the CMF options. Research commences from creating a detailed understanding of teenage girls from all prospects varying from user psychology, aspirations\need, lifestyles to influencing factors like demography, education, economy, fashion, technological influence, cultural influence etc which helps to understand the intricate factors, influences, characteristics, their buying and aspirational preferences.

It helps to decide the upcoming CMF options having manufacturing feasibilities. While proceeding with the project, generating the appropriate information from teenage girls is the most difficult part. During research, respondents were too shy to share their information and even photographs. To overcome this hurdle , I made a visual and contextual questionnaire to extract legitimate information. A lot of learning happened in the process of understanding teenagers and their preferences through all perspectives and come up with CMF strategy & new series of options & solutions.

1 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

ABOUT NID The National Institute of Design (NID) is an internationally renowned institution providing design education and is also a catalyst for Indian commerce and industry. NID has rendered more than five decades of service and contributed to India’s development. The institute is also Recognized as a scientific and industrial research organization by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. On the 17th July 2014, National Institute of Design, India’s premier and first Design institute was declared ‘Institution of National Importance’ by the Act of Parliament, by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act. NID’s vision is to emerge as a global leader in Design Education and Research and become a torchbearer for innovative design directions in the industry, commerce and development sectors. NID’s

Other courses include Fashion and Industrial Design History, Trend Mapping and Forecasting, and Retail Management and Design. There are 6 design modules that cover the various areas of accessory design including personal accessories and space accessories. Students are encouraged to undertake focused research which Involves in-depth understanding of the target user. A design brief is Derived from the research, ensuring user-oriented solutions.

Trans-disciplinary environment consisting of 18 diverse design domains helps in creating innovative and holistic ecosystem for design learning. National Institute of Design offers professional education programmes at Undergraduate and Post Graduate level with five faculty streams (Industrial Design, Communication Design, Textile, Apparel & Lifestyle Design, IT Integrated (Experiential) Design and Interdisciplinary Design Studies) and 20 diverse design domains. NID has established exchange programmes and ongoing pedagogic relationships with over 75 Overseas institutions. NID has also been playing a significant role in Promoting design. From being a single campus institute at Ahmedabad, NID has grown into a multi-campus institute with a national and international profile. NID has now two extension campuses—the Post Graduate Campus at Gandhinagar & the R&D Campus at Bengaluru. The courses currently offered at the postgraduate campus are New Media Design, Strategic Design Management, Lifestyle Accessory Design, Toy and Game Design, Transport and Automobile Design, Photography Design and Apparel Design and Merchandising. Lifestyle & Accessory Design involves research and understanding of the way people live and their habits, to create better products, systems, spaces and accessories for them to use. Skill development modules such as Design Drawing, Material and Structure, and Geometry give an understanding of various material properties and enhance students’ Working and representational skills. Graduation Project | NID | 2

3 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

LAD IN NID PG CAMPUS The Lifestyle Accessory Design (LAD) postgraduate Programme Educates and trains professional designers to visualize and create Lifestyle accessories and systems using different materials, processes and technologies. It relates to people’s way of living and the products they interact with, which form an important basis of their day- to-day lives. Focusing on personal and space accessories and products, it offers a strong multidisciplinary edge wherein the students get an opportunity to work in wide spectrum of domains such as jewellery, watches, bags, luggage, footwear, lighting, furniture, space accessories, interior objects, trend research, colours, materials, trims for white goods and automobile interiors. Students are encouraged to build emotional connect and conceptual experiences for consumers through the products they create. The Programme draws from indigenous contexts and their Socio-cultural values, beliefs, practices, cultural diversity and knowledge which have contemporary applications in a global context. It delves into perception and trend studies of diverse dynamics that influence the Lifestyles of consumers from various strata of society. Designers from this Programme aspire to drive the market by Designing for Changing Needs and Designing for Future Needs, and make ‘Designed in India’ a premier global brand.

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5 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

ABOUT MURUGAPPA & TI CYCLES Founded in 1900, the INR 243 Billion Murugappa Group is one of India’s leading business conglomerates. The Group has 28 businesses including eleven listed Companies traded in NSE & BSE. Headquartered in Chennai, the major Companies of the Group include Carborundum Universal Ltd., Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd., Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd., Coromandel International Ltd., Coromandel Engineering Company Ltd., E.I.D. Parry (India) Ltd., Parry Agro Industries Ltd., Sabero Organics, Shanthi Gears, Tube Investments of India Ltd., And Wendt (India) Ltd. Renowned brands like BSA, Hercules, Ballmaster, Ajax, Parry’s, Chola, Gromor and Paramfos are from the Murugappa stable. The organization fosters an environment of professionalism and has a workforce of over 32,000 employees.

These stores are a one-stop premium shop for all Hercules, BSA & Montra products and have a customer friendly ambiance which serves as a model for other bicycle outlets in the country. In 2010, the company Started “Hercules BSA Cycles” to provide the urban retail buying experience in smaller towns. In just over a year’s time, there are over 200 of these rural stores. For its retail innovation, the company recently received the certificate of appreciation for ‘Excellence in Rural Retailing’ at the ET Retail Awards 2011. TI Cycles has plants at Chennai, Nasik and Noida, major Warehouses at Guwahati, Durgapur, Patna and Cuttack and regional offices, through which its serves it nationwide 2500 plus dealer network. Certified with ISO 9001:2000, OSHAS 18001-2007 and ISO 14001-2004, TI Cycles is a quality and customer centric organization.

Tube Investments of India Limited was one of the most important postIndependence forays of the Murugappa Group into manufacturing. It was a niche the group identified as a trump card for a nascent nation, making poor man’s vehicle, the bicycle. It was originally founded as TI Cycles of India, in 1949. Grou p companies Tube Products of India and TI Miller – which manufactured cycle lamps and dynamo sets, were merged with the company in 1959 and 1984, respectively. TI is the second-largest manufacturer of bicycles in India, marketing top brands like Hercules, BSA and Philips. A pioneer in the Cycles market, TI Cycles, formed in 1949, has constantly come up with new trends in line with evolving consumer needs. TI Cycles’ vision is “To be the most preferred brand in fitness, recreation & personal mobility solutions”. It strives to give its customers not only a bicycle but a lifetime experience. TI Cycles has introduced fun and is entertaining stores across the length and breadth of India. The company has been proactive and was the first bicycle company to change the cycle retail landscape, both in urban and rural areas. With the first urban store in 2007, Hercules is sold in over 200 exclusive urban stores known as ‘BSA Hercules Exclusive Stores’ which have revolutionized the way people buy bicycles in India.

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Cycle is one of the major Non-motorized vehicle used for daily activities and utility in urban as well as rural areas in India and one of the mass vehicle to cater wide range of user, 3 to 70+ age group. One of the major Sub-brands of BSA is ladybird for teenager girls which stands for style, fun and comfort, creating experience and trends. Hence, apart from utility, the major connect to BSA ladybird is its Aesthetic values and overall design. Colour plays role of a major element in targeting aesthetic values and connecting with consumers. Therefore it has great impact on them.. Comprehensive vision of TI cycles is to target the emotional side of the consumer apart from only utility.

Studying human psychology, behavior, choices and identifying different forces which work behind a product and its experience. Defining CMF strategy through consumer understanding, their lifestyle, aspirations and needs along with influencing factors for better product position in market.

Design & development of colours in bicycle for teenagers girls in context of urban India and Case study of BSA Ladybird. Develop & define a new strategy options for CMF and methods to derive colours and processes to implement the same on the end product, which will enhance the product experience and aesthetics.

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RESEARCH - Primary and Secondary Research, observation, focus group interviews.

Proposing a strategy options for CMF and Discovery colour options for teenager girls (BSA Ladybird).

(Understand the user needs and demands through market research)

Swatches including Applications on product.

Study of human behaviors through different case studies, one to one interviews and through questionnaires. Competitive study for the brand Opportunity mapping for design interventions Create understanding about colours and its applications Studying buying decisions, buying behaviors, Influencing factors Execution : Application of derived CMF strategies into the end product.

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May 14



May 14


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Jun 14

Jun 14


Jun 14



July 14


Aug 14

Sep 14


O 1



Oct 14

Nov 14


Nov 14

Dec 14


Dec 14




Jan 15


Feb 15

Mar 15

April 15


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11 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

OBJECTIVE AND PREPARATION OF RESEARCH Objective of research is to define a Colour,Material&Finish(CMF) strategy and Colour options for teenagers girls in urban context.(Case studyladybird). To arrive at final objective, two research processes were adopted. A) Desk Research B) Primary Research Desk Research - 1)Create a detailed understanding about bicycles and different type of bicycles & their uses. 2)Develop CMF understanding 3)Role of CMF in bicycles 4)Relation of colour with culture & consumer buying behavior 5)Brand understanding for BSA-Ladybird 6)Finding the current trends in fashion and lifestyle products as well as socio-cultural trends. Primary Research - Primary research objective is to understand consumer psychology(for teenager girls, age-13 &14), behavior, lifestyle,aspirations\needs, likes and dislikes, buying behavior as well as their influencing factors like technology, economy, eduction etc. Different research tools and methodologies were used to collect information on above guidelines.

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METHODOLOGY ADOPTED DURING RESEARCH Methodology adopted : ●● For desk research - online information gathering, research paper, news paper, magazines and books. ●● For primary research - Field visits, visual questionnaire, personal interviews.






Research Paper



Field visits

Visual Questionnaire


Personal Interview


Record Ask

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INTENT OF QUESTIONNAIRE To gather information about target consumer groups. Understanding their aspirations, daily lifestyles, needs, exposure to various fields (like fashion, movies, technology etc.) various affecting factors (like

Demography, cultural influence, socio-cultural trends & education) and try to map the personality traits thus emerged from buying behavior and various factors with understanding of consumer psyche.

QUESTIONNAIRE Questions during personal interview What is your name? Age? Which bicycle you own?(Brand , Type) Colour of cycle? Do you want some other colour? Specify? Do you share your bicycle with your family members or friends? What else you want in your bicycle? What is your favorite. Colour? Have you ever tried riding a boys’ bicycle? What do you do after school and in evenings? Do you go to temples or religious places ? If yes , how many times a week ? What is your favorite activity? What is your hobby? What is your favorite game? Do you have a personal cellphone? Do you know about internet? What do you do on Internet? How many hours do you watch TV? What kind of serials you usually watch? Do you like movies? If yes, which one? Do you know about different brands of cycle? Do you know about new technologies? How often do you go for shopping and with whom ? Whose is the final decision while out for shopping? What you generally buy and like to buy in market? What kind of footwear, bag, fashion outfit, hairstyle you like?

Intent of the Questionnaire General Information

Direct Information about consumer

Lifestyle Understanding

Exposure & Influencing factors

Aspirations & Buying behavior

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VISUAL QUESTIONNAIRE Each Visual have different characteristics and represents various personality traits in diverse segments like hairstyle to footwear.

Movies & TV visual questionnaire helps to understand Exposure,Lifestyle and Influencing factors

Fashion-outfits, Hairstyle, Footwear and bags images reveals Personality, needs, aspiration and buying behavior.


HAIRSTYLE 15 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design


QUESTIONNAIRE AND VISUAL QUESTIONNAIRE Take a Sample size from 30 User group from Tier-1 and Tier-2 city and conduct a research on Identifying users observing their behavior, aspirations, needs and their associations with bicycles as well as their buying behavior and influencing factors.

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KNOWING BICYCLE Desk research begins with create a understanding about the bicycles, different types of bicycles and their uses. How we differentiate bicycles from each other and develop a understanding about anatomy of bicycles and their terminology. In India , bicycle is one of the major nonmotorized vehicle used on the roads(urban+rural) for various purposes ranging from earning a bread & butter to recreational & health purposes. Bicycles are used by vast variety of age group 3 to 70+.Hence, bicycle have unlimited scope of intervention , whether its a Colour, material&finish or bicycle itself.

the other, frame one behind a in ld he els he w the front wheel. of two lebars attached to A vehicle consisting nd ha ith w d re ee ls and st propelled by peda

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Road Bikes - Bicycles for long distance, fast cycling

Mountain Terrain Bicycles

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Bicycles for comfortable riding in the city

Special Cycles: Tandem, BMX Graduation Project | NID | 22


Types of Racing Bike Standard: This is the most common type of road bike suitable for most road riding. Riding position is usually aerodynamic. Some of the more modern “compact” road bikes give you a slightly less aggressive position on the bike which can favor certain riders and people with back problems. Time Trials: Time trials involve riding as fast as possible around a circuit on a road usually 10, 25 or 50 miles. Time trial bikes are designed to be as aerodynamic as possible and riders adopt a very hunched over position, using extensions on the handlebars to bring their hands forward. Bikes can sometimes have smaller front wheels to get the riding position even lower. Track bikes: Track bikes are raced indoors on banked oval circuits. They have just one fixed gear (you can’t stop pedaling) and no brakes. You can slow down by slowing your pedaling. These bikes are very strong and very minimalist designed for riders putting massive amounts of force through the pedals.

Evaluation: Description: Racing bikes (also known as road bikes) are designed to go as fast as possible on tarmac. Everything is pared down as much as possible to save weight and to improve aerodynamics. Racing bikes have quite a lot of gears, but they are very close together so the rider can choose a gear which perfectly matches the conditions. The riding position is quite hunched over to cause less wind resistance, and the drop handlebars give a choice of riding position depending on conditions. Tyres are very thin and at very high pressure.

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Pros: On tarmac road bikes are very fast. The slick tyres mean there is very little drag on the road surface and your aerodynamic position keeps wind drag to a minimum. Cons: Because racing bikes are very skinny (especially the saddles) they can be uncomfortable. On cobbles and rough surfaces, the high-pressure tyres don’t absorb much of the vibration.


Types of Mountain Terrain Bikes: XC (Cross Country) Most Mountain Bikes fit into this category. They are lightweight bikes which can ride over the toughest of terrains easily, both up and down hills. This is the typical Mountain Bike and can be used with ease for riding on the road or commuting. Downhill For serious Mountain Bikers seeking the feeling of thrill! Downhill bikes have both front and rear suspension, strong components, and disc brakes. These bikes are rarely available off the shelf and most riders prefer to custom build their own. Jump/Slalom Jump and slalom bikes are designed to be very strong and are used for jumping, street riding and slalom racing. They have front suspension and use very strong dedicated components. This type of bike is currently very popular with most manufacturers offering jump and slalom bikes within their ranges.


Description: The Mountain terrain bike was developed in the early 1970’s. Mountain bikes have strong frames, powerful brakes, multiple gears and wide tyres - perfect for riding off the beaten track. Suspension is now becoming more popular for two reasons - it increases comfort and can allow you to progress faster over the given terrain which you are riding on. Mountain bikes at the lower end of the price range, sometimes called All Terrain Bikes or Urban Mountain Bikes, are not as capable as true mountain bikes when it comes to off road riding.

Pros : Very versatile - you can use a Mountain Bike for anything from commuting to traveling across the Himalayas. Cons: Although Mountain Bikes can be used for other purposes they require modifications which will add additional costs to its original purchase price. Cheap Mountain Bikes can often disillusion people and should not be confused with proper mountain bikes which are lightweight and maneuverable. These cheap bikes are heavy, unresponsive and generally nasty to ride.

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Evaluation: Pros: Hybrids are lightweight, have a wide range of gears and are equally at home on road or on well made tracks and towpaths etc. They are equally good for long and short journeys. Cons: They are not suited to severe off-road conditions (mountain biking) so you are best to stick to well worn tracks and paths. They can be more expensive than an equivalent mountain bike.

Description: The hybrid is a cross between a mountain bike and a road bike. They are also referred to as “Trekking” bikes or “Town and Trail” bikes and are ideally suited to most leisure riders and commuters. Hybrids have become more popular since the early 90s but have taken a while to catch on. They originated at a time when most people would purchase a mountain bike but often these were simply too cumbersome, heavy and slow for the average rider. Designers took the best elements from Mountain and road bikes which they used to build a bike that would meet the requirements of the average rider.

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Description: Tandems are bicycles built to carry two or more riders. The traditional “bicycle built for two� is operated by a captain, or front rider, who controls the steering and the brakes, and by a stoker, or rear rider. The drive train is designed so that both riders may contribute to the pedaling. Tandems are seen in racing as well as in touring and recreational riding, as two riders pedaling in cadence have far faster times than individual riders. Tandems are also useful for introducing visually impaired individuals to bicycling or for touring with children not yet skilled enough to operate a standard bicycle. In these cases, the sighted cyclist or the parent rides as captain.

Types of Tandem bikes: Depending on capacity of bike: Tandems can be two seater, or can even hold upto 7-8 riders! Depending on purpose of tandem: Tandems may be with Road Bike features such as thin tires, and drop down handlebars; or like, Mountain Bikes with thicker tires and straight handlebars; or even as a recumbent tandem bike!

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Description: A folding cycle is designed to be easier to store and transport than a normal full size cycle. People who would benefit the most from a folding cycle are commuters, people who would like to carry a cycle in the back of a car and people who don’t have the space to keep a full size cycle within their home. At one end of the range there are cycles designed for shorter journeys, which will fold into a compact size but do not feel quite like a full size cycle. They are perfect for commuting as you can cycle to your nearest train station or bus stop, quickly fold them up and put them behind your seat or in a luggage rack.

Evaluation: Pros: You can put them almost anywhere. If you need to take a car, train or bus, they are a lot easier to transport. They are small enough that you can often take them into work with you rather than leaving them outside where they could be stolen. Cons: Folding cycles are generally more expensive than an equivalent full size cycle as you are paying for the convenience. They are not as efficient with your energy due to a smaller wheel size. Folding technique will come with practice.

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Types of BMX Bikes: Dirt jump: In many cases this is freestyle taken onto the dirt. Riders build series of jumps from piles of earth and then jump over them, performing tricks off the ground. These bikes are strong due to the nature of this type of riding. Race: The original BMX bike, a no frills machine built for speed around a dirt track with many jumps very similar to a Moto Cross circuit. They are typically fitted with frame pads to protect the rider. Freestyle: Designed to be ridden purely to perform tricks and stunts. They have smooth tyres and usually have some form of mechanism to allow the steering to be rotated fully through 360 without entangling the brake cables. Freestyle is generally split into 3 main types: Ramp, Street and Flatland. Ramp and street bikes tend to be slightly longer in the frame than Flatland bikes. Ramps are built in the form of an elongated semi-circle where the rider goes back and forth between the 2 ramps performing aerial tricks. Flatland bikes are shorter which allow riders to perform a series of tricks by moving around the bike often only on one wheel without allowing their feet to touch the ground.

Description: BMX originated back in the late 70’s but peaked in popularity in the early 80’s as the human powered form of Moot-Cross. Instead of a motorbike, riders would tear around a circuit of bumps and jumps on a small wheeled bike with a single gear. BMX (Bicycle Moto Cross) gradually developed and manufacturers began to make bikes which suited the circuits. They were fitted with 20” wheels, had a relatively small frame and high bars. This style of bike became very popular with the younger rider, particularly teenagers who adopted this new “style” of bike as their own. Although BMX faded away in popularity when Mountain Bikes really began to catch on, a core of riders and enthusiasts have kept the “style” alive. More recently BMX has seen a resurgence in popularity and is possibly now as popular again as it was in the early 80’s.

Evaluation: Pros: Most BMX bikes are very solid and robust. They tend to be more durable than other equivalently priced bikes. They require less maintenance due to the fact they only have one gear so there are no moving gear parts. Cons: Not suitable for riding any long distances due to lack of gears and small frame/wheel size.

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INDIAN TERMINOLOGY Having gone through all the different types of bikes and their special feature, it is now necessary to point out that the categories of bikes manufactured in India are slightly different due to different needs and a totally different user groups. Standard bike/ Standard Roadster: When we say roadster, it is not a ‘road bike’ or a ‘racing bike’. A roadster is a tough and hardy bicycle meant for Indian roads, and generally for daily commuters and delivery persons. The standard roadster is a Hybrid bicycle with slim tyres, and an upright sitting position, generally a leather ‘mattress’ saddle, and a sturdy carrier. MTB: Again, An MTB, in the Indian context is not really a specialty bike meant for adventure sports such as mountain biking, since the culture of mountain biking is not really prevalent in India. The mountain Bike is usually used by teenage, and slightly older city dwellers. SLR: The SLR or Sporty Light Roadster, as the name suggests is a light bike, and thus slim tyres, and light frame. The main differentiating feature between the SLR and the Standard bicycle is in the wheel size, and in and form of the handlebars. While the Standard has a wheel size of 28” the SLR has a wheel size of 26”. The construction of the bike is aimed at maximum comfort for the rider. Being a slim light bike, this category of bike is usually preferred by girls. Racer: There is no culture of bicycle racing in India, but still the Racer cycle is used by sports enthusiasts in schools and colleges.

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BICYCLE IN INDIAN CONTEXT A bicycle, often called a bike or bicycle is a non-motorized vehicle used transportation. From the beginning & still today, bicycles are used for many purposes like transportation for a short distance, health, recreational activities, fun, leisure as well as used for earning their daily income. Slowly, bicycles become a part of life in almost every individuals life span. Since, childhood to current generation & even old age people using a bicycle for different purposes according to their context. Eventually, different type of bicycle available in market for different uses & set of activities. Different types are like road bikes for racing, MTB bikes for off-roading & tracks, hybrid for city rides, BMX & folding bikes for stunt & easy to carry and transport respectively. But traditionally In India, bicycles are overlapped for many activities due to less economic and buying capacity. That’s why “ Roadsters bicycles are made for Indian roads, which is tough & sturdy” But now, due to increasing economy and buying capacity as well as exposure to more information, People are eventually accepting bicycle as a lifestyle products and ready to spend more on it in urban areas. But still, bicycles falls under utility sector. So, this is a period of transition when consumers are more specific, what they want & need from bicycles, either it’s a aesthetics and visual appeal or features or maybe both.

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Image Source :

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Mechanical interface between foot and crank arm. There are two general types, one secures the foot with a mechanical clamp or cage and the other has no connection to lock the foot to the pedal

Component of a bicycle drive train that converts the reciprocating motion of the rider’s legs into rotational motion used to drive the chain or belt, which in turn drives the rear wheel.

A mechanical assembly that integrates a bicycle’s frame to its front wheel and handlebars, allowing steering by virtue of its steerer tube


WHEEL As in common usage. Traditionally and most commonly spoked

CHAIN A system of interlinking pins, plates and rollers that transmits power from the front(s) to the rear sprocket(s)

SEAT STAY Frame components, small diameter tubes running from top of seat tube to rear dropouts

Frame member leading from steerer tube to seat tube

HEAD TUBE The tube of a bicycle frame that contains the headset

SEAT TUBE The roughly vertical tube in a bicycle frame running from the seat to the bottom bracket

DOWN TUBE The tube of a bicycle frame that contains the headset

SADDLE A seating for the bicyclist

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INSIGHTS ●● Practically all the components in bicycle comes in a variety of colours, materials and finish. Just as bicycles comes in many variety and different types according to the usability and need. ●● Each component such as pedal, handle bar, frame, saddle etc are customizable according to the user preferences. These preferences largely depends upon utility & aesthetics. ●● Colour options can be applied on any surface but mainly used for frames because frames have the larger surface area than other components. ●● Mostly, Accent colours are used to enhance the smaller parts like pedals, crank, rims, chain stay etc. ●● Cycle frames are manufactured in variety of materials like steel, carbon, wood, bamboo etc. Also, we can achieve the desired feeling of any materials or pattern\graphics by using decals\stickers. ●● Finishes varies from Matt, gloss, metallic, & pearl etc depending upon the different kind of bicycles and consumer psychology. As an example, In sports bike - target consumers prefers more Matt & glossy but on the other side, girls and kids have inclination towards metallic, gloss and pearl. ●● Body touchable points in bicycle are saddle, handle bar and pedal. Saddle and handle bar have more options of customization(Using embroidery, leather techniques, fabric to make covers or directly applied on it) than any other components in bicycle. ●● For enhancing the visual appeal in bicycle - Accessories are available like bicycle basket, bell, saddle cover, handlebar grip & bags. These have more options of customization possibilities not only colour but also for form, finish & material. For Example - saddle, handlebar grip and saddle cover made from different types of leather, rexine, plastics, fabric, foam etc.

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●● It helps to create a deeper understanding about the bicycles and its different types available in a current market. ●● Each different kind of bicycles like MTB, ROAD or HYBRID bikes have specific utility & features. ●● Basically each bicycle defined on the basis of usability, features and aesthetics. ●● Road bikes are mainly used for racing and are designed to go as fast as possible. They have features like thin tyres and ability to get very high pressure for better performance. ●● CMF of these bikes gives the sense of thrill, adventure & fastness. These bikes mostly come in two colours like blue and white, orange and black or red and black etc. With sharp and sporty graphics on it. ●● Mountain bikes are made for off road riding. MTB are famous in India after roadster in young generations, those looking for something different. These bikes have strong frames, powerful brakes, multiple gears and wide tyres for offbeat tracks. ●● CMF of these bikes generally gives the feel and sense of strong & powerful and ride in unfavorable conditions. MTB comes in a brighter shades and tones .So, you can easily distinguish between terrain & bicycle. But now a days, it comes in all colours like red, blue, yellow, black etc with mostly typography graphics. ●● Hybrid bikes lies between MTB & Road bikes. Hybrid bikes emerges to satisfy a city ride needs. These are light weight as compared to MTB but it sustain a rough terrain rides also. Most of the hybrid bikes have a minimalistic graphic approach. ●● There is an another segment of bicycles available in market for ladies and girls. ●● CMF of this segment is more softer, in brighter shades of red, pink or purple and has feminine graphics traditionally. But now, there is a scope and opportunity to experiment with CMF because target consumer wants more options in CMF. ●● Bicycles are emerging as a new lifestyle product which have multiple benefits from health to solving a short distance transportation in India. ●● Learning terminology and anatomy of bicycles for easy communications inside factory.

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CMF & BRAND ●● CMF communicates a unique design message and product’s brand identity in today’s highly competitive and changing markets. This is incredibly useful for a brand to strategize the upcoming launching products. ●● It is important to recognize that CMF trends are no permanent, and can fluctuate over an extended period of time. Therefore,it is important to stay up to date with current marketing research on CMF in order to make the best decisions for a company/brand.





CMF ●● “CMF is a specialized area of design that focuses on color, material and finish development. This involves trend research, materials and processes R&D, analysis, strategy and lots of creative thinking.” -Reiko ●● Colour, Material, and Finish trends (often referred to as CMF) are the most widely tracked trends in the creative field. Each organization is devoted to predict(or rather proclaim) what its next year’s winning colours or pattern. ●● Material trends are more rarely tracked, mostly in the architecture/ interior design categories. Finish is even more rare, and involves the fine surface texture of a material (i.e. brushed vs. bead-blasted vs. glossy vs. matte). ●● One thing about colour that is highly predictable: there are no new colours being invented. Therefore treating CMF in new and fresh ways is critical for creating differentiated products.

●● Consumer\User buying decisions are strongly affected by CMF. ●● In industrial and other design fields, this marks a new approach characterized by products relying on a strong emotional and psychological identity of consumer. ●● Consumers not only look at the functionality but also wants a complete product or service with aesthetic & functional values which suites their personal identity. ●● The study comprises of different research methodology to identify the potential trends, influences among consumers along with advancement of material technology.

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COLOUR Colour is a sensory event, which mostly gets the first attention in anything . It is a visual perceptual property corresponding in categories that derives from spectrum of light. It is a very subjective phenomena. The colour evokes emotions and has cultural importance. Hue, saturation and value are the three major attributes, which define the colour.

The colours which can not be created through mixing of other colours.

SECONDARY COLOUR Primary colours can be mixed together to produce Secondary colour.

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TERTIARY COLOUR These colours are made by mixing a primary colour with an adjacent secondary colour.

HUE Pure colour in degree around outside of colour wheel

VALUE Lightness or darkness of the colour from top to base

SATURATION The dominance of hue in the colour

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COLOUR HARMONY AND SCHEMES Certain colour combinations look very pleasing, while others are painful and abrasive to look at. Why is that? It’s more objective than you think: It’s based on the colour wheel. Colour harmonies consists of two or more colours with a fixed relation on the wheel. Six most common colour schemes.

MONOCHROMATIC COLOUR One colour with varied value and saturation in a single hue

COMPLEMENTARY COLOUR Two opposite colours on the colour wheel ANALOGOUS COLOUR Adjacent colours on the colour wheel

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TRIADIC COLOUR Three colours equally spaced around the colour wheel

TETRADIC COLOURS Two complementary colour pairs

SPLIT COMPLIMENTARY COLOUR A colour and two colours adjacent to its complementary

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MATERIAL The fundamental substances by which each product gets manufactured are materials. It involves manufacturing process for production and gets used for the particular physical or chemical properties.


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FINISHES The part of a product which comes in direct visual or tactile contact with a person. These visual or tactile details of the surface, enhance the shape of a product.





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RELATION BETWEEN COLOUR AND HUMAN MIND ●● Colour has long been understood to be something which appeals greatly to our visual senses. Studies have found that particular colours have their own effects on consumers, with some colours stimulating areas of the brain in ways which will either promote excitement or tranquility and trigger certain kind of feelings. ●● It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. Of course, your feelings about colour are often deeply personal and rooted in your own experience or culture. ●● For example, while the colour white is used in many Western countries to represent purity and innocence, it is seen as a symbol of mourning in many Eastern countries. While perceptions of colour are somewhat subjective, there are some colour effects that have universal meaning. ●● Colours in the red area of the colour spectrum are known as warm colours and include red, orange and yellow. These warm colours evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. ●● Colours on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colours and include blue, purple and green. These colours are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.


Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Physical courage, warmth, energy, basic survival, ‘fight or flight’, stimulation, masculinity, excitement, fun,speed, movement, excitement, strength,and passion, ●● Negative: Defiance, aggression, visual impact, strain. ●● Creates a sense of urgency


●● Physically stimulates the human body, affecting nerve impulses, raising blood pressure and heart rate ●● Encourages appetite “Colour is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood and cause physiological reactions.”

Commercial point of view:

●● Is high in energy and immediately pulls focus ●● Is frequently used for clearance sales

In Context of bicycle:

●● Red is widely used in Road bike, MTB as well as in ladybird segment. As road bikes used for racing and generates a feeling of energy, excitement, strength. And ladybirds relates with love and passion.

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Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, reflection, calm. ●● Negative: Coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, unfriendliness. ●● Associated with peace, water and reliability ●● Calming mind, providing a sense of tranquility in space


●● Preferred by men as a general notion but now people are experimenting with this colour ●● Stimulates productivity ●● Curbs appetite

Commercial point of view:

●● Provides a sense of security and promotes trust in a brand ●● Most common colour used for offices corporate brands

Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance, environmental awareness, equilibrium, peace. ●● Negative: Boredom, stagnation, blandness, enervation. ●● Also associated with money and wealth ●● Associated with health tranquility and nature


●● Green stimulates harmony in the brain and encourage balance between body and emotions, leading to decisiveness

Commercial point of view:

●● Frequently used for promoting environmental issues ●● Used in stores to relax customers

In Context of bicycle:

●● Blue is also widely accepted colour for all the different types of cycle and accessories made by denims are used by girls. Blue is becoming a new pink this year as a trend.

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Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extroversion, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity. ●● Negative: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide. ●● Shows Optimistic feeling ●● Encourages communication ●● Conveys optimism, timelessness, happiness & hospitality


●● Power to speed up our metabolism and bring out some creative thoughts

Commercial point of view:

●● Effective tool in marketing and branding ●● Often used for children’s toys and products

In Context of bicycle:

●● Yellow used in kids bicycles prominently and also, in road bikes for grabbing a attention on busy roads

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Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Spiritual awareness, containment, vision, luxury, authenticity, truth, quality. ●● Negative: Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority. ●● Associated with Royalty, Wisdom, Mystery, respect, soft, feminine


●● Stimulates the problem solving area of the brain as well as creativity

Commercial point of view:

●● Frequently used for beauty and anti-aging brands & products ●● Represents a creative, wise and imaginative brand, service or product

In Context of bicycle:

●● Violet and purple colour are used dominantly in ladybird cycle segment.



Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Physical tranquility, nurture, warmth, femininity, love, sexuality, survival of the species. ●● Negative: Inhibition, emotional claustrophobia, emasculation, physical weakness. ●● Related to femininity ●● Sensitive and passionate without being too aggressive ●● Associated with romance and softness ●● Youthful, fun and exciting


●● Stimulates the problem solving area of the brain as well as creativity

Commercial point of view:

●● Highly used in girl’s products

In Context of bicycle:

●● Pink colour are used dominantly in ladybird cycle segment and widely accepted as feminine colour. But now, Glimpse of pink also emerges in a men’s segment

Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Physical comfort, food, warmth, security, sensuality, passion, abundance, fun. ●● Negative: Deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity. ●● Conveys innovation, energy and fun ●● Increases cheerfulness and optimism ●● Orange shows caution


●● Stimulates logic center of the brain and promotes enthusiasm

Commercial point of view:

●● Used to draw in impulsive buyers and window shopper

In Context of bicycle:

●● Orange colour used mostly in kids segment and BMX bikes also. ●● BMX bikes comes in more striking colours also, which grabs attention of other people

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Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Sophistication, glamour, security, emotional safety, efficiency, substance. ●● Negative: Oppression, coldness, menace, heaviness. ●● Associated with authority, power, control, stability and strength ●● Portray Elegance and wealth

●● Teenagers often have a psychological need to wear black during the stage of transition from the innocence of childhood to the sophistication of adulthood.

Commercial point of view:

●● Frequently used to trim down appearance of sizes on items ●● Commercially accepted colour in transportation like bicycles, cars, motorcycles etc.

In Context of bicycle: Black Black Black Black

Colour association & feelings generated :

●● Positive: Hygiene, sterility, clarity, purity, cleanness, simplicity, sophistication, efficiency. ●● Negative: Sterility, coldness, barriers, unfriendliness, elitism. ●● Associated with feeling of purity, cleanliness and safety

Commercial point of view:


●● ●● ●● ●●


is used in every bicycle segment. colour is overly exploited and used in cycles brand from ages. colour is not considered for ladies or girls segment. is emerging trend for girls bike.

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●● White can be used to project the absence of colour or neutrality

RELATION BETWEEN COLOUR AND CULTURE COLOUR ATTRIBUTE In Indian context, due to the diversity in population, people follow various religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, shikh etc. .There is strong connection between colour and culture. Also, it is seen among the users themselves, the dominance of certain colour in their life. Colour represents different moods, emotions & feelings to people living in different regional\geographical locations. In India, be it the north, south, east or west, color and culture go hand in hand. For example - Red colour is dynamic in nature and constantly pops out in a scenario. It indicates fear and associated with goddesses in Hindu mythology – Durga. Red also stands for purity and is the preferred color for a bride’s garment in Indian Hindu weddings. Red has a deep meaning in the Indian psyche.


●● Red indicates both sensuality, Power, protection, fertility, love, beauty and purity. In Hindu religion, red is used for auspicious occasions like marriages, birth of a child, festivals, etc. ●● Women put red powder on the hair parting as a sign of marriage and wear a red sari during marriage. Even, on the death of a women, her body is wrapped in a red cloth for cremation. ●● Red powder is usually sprinkled on statues of god.

The blue colour is associated with Lord Krishna. Green symbolizes a new beginning, harvest and happiness. It is also referred as a color of Islam, a large religious presence in India. It also symbolizes nature and therefore is a expression of God himself. Yellow symbolizes sacredness .Turmeric(yellow colour) is used for cooking in both north and south and its also used in ceremonies offering prayers and marriages.

Matrimonial bliss


Therefore, Usually people associates the colours while making the buying decision. So, colour creates a major impact depending upon the cultural, functional, usability, aesthetic and visual appeal factors. Hence, In Indian scenario, an understanding of cultural colour & symbolism is essential for better product placement in market and it helps to understand the consumer mindset. So, we need to take a extreme care while deciding a colour option for any product\bicycle, which doesn’t interfere with the cultural values.


Divine & Powerful


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●● Most sacred colour for Hindu religion ●● Saffron is the colour worn by monks, thus it directly related to spirituality. ●● Wearing this colour symbolizes the quest for light. ●● It is the battle colour of the Rajputs in Rajsathan.

●● Yellow is another colour after red which is used in rituals because of the meanings attached to them ●● Yellow is the colour of learning and knowledge ●● It symbolizes happiness ,sacred, auspicious and protection ●● Yellow food is eaten at spring festivals


Celebratory & Blessings

Auspicious & New beginning



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●● The cultural importance of the trees, herbs and eatables , validates the significance of this colour. ●● This is the iconic colour of Muslim beliefs. ●● Many festivals are based upon farming so when the new crops come they celebrate and wish for the proper crops




Clean & pure

●● ●● ●● ●● ●●

Peace and purity Represents the knowledge Represents Unhappiness Symbol of sorrow in death of family member and funerals Traditionally the only color a widow is allowed to wear


White colour in Indian flag shows: Truth, Peace and Purity

Traditionally White colour garments worn by widow in India

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RELATION BETWEEN COLOUR AND CONSUMER EFFECT OF COLOUR ON BUYING DECISION? COLOUR & CONSUMER Color sells products. It is a powerful marketing tool that significantly influences consumer purchases, so much so that it accounts for 85% of the reason why someone decides to purchase a product (Hemphill 275). While some color associations appear to be strongly rooted, a lot depends on the personality, age, gender, and cultural background of the consumer. Fast food restaurants and clearance sales use stimulant colors like red, orange, and black to illicit a sense of urgency in impulse buyers. Retail clothing stores use lighter colors like pink and sky blue to evoke a calm, soothing experience for traditional shoppers who prefer to browse through items at a leisurely pace.

The study says that colour perception and colour preferences show that when it comes to shades, tints and hues men seem to prefer bold colours while women prefer softer colours. Also, men were more likely to select shades of colours as their favorites (colours with black added), whereas women were more receptive to tints of colour (colours with white added). It has also been observed that the shades of pink and purple are preferred by traditional buyers, whereas shades of Blue are mostly in demand of budget based buyers. Orange and Black colour usually attract the impulsive buyers


Color preferences also change depending on age and gender. Research findings reveal that 76% of women prefer cool colors compared to 56% of men (Hemphill 276). Men also prefer orange to yellow, while women prefer yellow to orange. Men’s favorite colors include blue, black, brown, green, and red, while women like blue, orange, yellow, purple, green, and red the best. Color preferences and emotional connections to color also change with age. For example, 7--year olds prefer the color yellow much more so than adults (Boyatzis and Varghese78). The study Exciting Red and Competent Blue also confirms that purchasing intent is greatly affected by colours due to the impact they have on how a brand is perceived.

6% Buyers look at the texture of the product

1% Buyers decide on smell or sound


93% Buyers focus on visual appearance. Condition applicable while buying a product : Aesthetics and functionality is equally important.

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85% Colour is the primary reason why a person buy a product

52% customer don’t return to a store if they dislike the aesthetics

80% customers believe the colour is responsible for brand recognition

“Research reveals people make a Sub-Conscious judgment about an environment or product within a 90 Seconds of initial viewing. Between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on colour alone”


73% Comprehension

55 - 68% Learning

40% Reading

ADS in colour are read up to 42% more often than tha same ads in BLACK AND WHITE

Content Source :

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INSIGHTS ●● After understanding about the colour, material and finish in a brief, Colour comes out one of the most powerful tool which influences the consumer purchases and consider to be a major element of any product and enhances aesthetic value. ●● CMF affects the brand perception and user directly or indirectly ●● CMF makes product a step ahead from competitions in terms of aesthetic and visual appeal. ●● CMF is always interconnected. Colour cannot stand alone without finish and material. Colour always have finishes like gloss, Matt, metallic, pearl etc. ●● Sometimes, material itself have some specific colour and finish. So, we don’t need to paint a external colour on top of it. For examplebamboo and wood. ●● Colour affects buying decisions. ●● Due to increase in buying capacity, people tend to seek aesthetic & visual appeal. ●● Brands create their identity on CMF basis. For example, KTM uses a orange colour on bikes and it becomes a distinct identity in bike segment. ●● Ladybird have a wide range of colours which distinguishes from other bicycle brands ●● Studies found that colour stimulates some areas of brain in certain ways which will trigger certain feelings and create associations with them. There is a strong connection between colour and human mind. For example- White colour represents death as well as peace, knowledge, purity also. So, choice of certain colour is subjective to a personality traits. Usually, white colour is used in MTB, ROAD bikes, Hybrid bikes because it associates with simplicity & efficiency. But not used in kids and ladies segment because it doesn’t go with their mindset. ●● In Indian context, People follow various religions and colour sometimes associates with the religious values. So, we need to take an extreme care while deciding any CMF for Product\Brand , without hurting the cultural and religious values. For example - Red colour is dynamic in nature and constantly pops out in a scenario. It indicates fear and associated with goddess in Hindu mythology – Durga. Red also stands for purity and is the preferred color for a bride’s garment in Indian Hindu weddings. Red has a deep meaning in the Indian psyche.

●● Each colour symbolizes and influence the mood of the consumer. So, conduct a detailed study of colour psychology from various resources like online, books etc to understand the initial impact of colours on consumers which are widely accepted.

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KNOWING THE BRAND (Case study - Ladybird)

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●● BSA stands for style, fun and comfort. BSA Ladybird, BSA SLR, BSA Champ, BSA Mach are trend-setters and icons in their respective categories. It signifies the joy of cycling. Excitement and comfort go hand in hand with BSA. Today, BSA is an intrinsic part of the Indian family. ●● BSA caters several consumer segments ranging from kids, ladies and other premium end customers.

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●● Hercules stands for a unique pride of possession. It’s a TI’s first brand which is still as young as ever, signifying strength and passion. It is rugged, robust and is for rough and tough. ●● Hercules caters to youth and urban adults. The range of Hercules Roadeo and Hercules MTB Turbodrive caters to the youth. The range of Hercules Ryders is for urban adults, for them to ride towards a healthier, happier self. The Hercules Popular brand of “standard” bicycle is a market leader in the segment.

●● Montra stands for “My Track”, which means one who follows his\her own aspirations. It is designed and manufactured ingeniously and is a part of the flagship range of TI cycles under Track and Trail.

●● Official store for everything in cycles - from the best of international bicycles and worldclass accessories to a network of people with expertise on technology, performance and the intricacies of cycling.

●● Montra signifying Faster, lighter and stronger characteristics. Also, Montra brings international standard carbon frame bike for the first time in India.

●● For mountain, road and hybrid bikes, one can choose from Cannondale, Bianchi or Schwinn – world-class brands known for incomparable designs, superior comfort and ease of riding including exciting range of BMX and MTB cycles from GT and Mongoose for those who like a bit of adventure in their lives.

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SCOPE OF PROJECT & KEY FACTOR FOR DECIDING BRAND ●● Ladybird is the highest selling product of TI cycles ●● Colour, material, finish and patterns for graphics is refreshed in every six month’s interval because there is a huge demand for colour options from girl(Target Consumer). Also, girl who seeks new graphic options for refreshing look. ●● Therefore, BSA Ladybird has the largest colour palette in its range. ●● BSA Ladybird have tremendous scope of work in CMF&P

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BSA Ladybird helps girls gain confidence become independent and self-reliant.

BSA Ladybird bicycles are designed to be a feminine style statement that ensure a hassle-free and enjoyable riding experience.

The imagery will always show young girls on their cycles riding care-free and confident.

PRODUCT BSA Ladybird bicycles come in attractive feminine colors, materials and finishes. They are crafted to DIFFERENTIATION provide the girls with the utmost riding comfort.

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BRAND KEY AND BRAND ESSENCE 5. Values & Personality

This is an analysis tool that efficiently positions the brand.

6. Reason to Believe

Equally desires Childish innocence and feminine coyness. Carefree, Feminine, Charming

Lower step-through frame, attractive wire-mesh basket, Skirt guard, soft grips and attractive colors that give a fresh feel to the bicycle. Easy riding that makes her feel independent and 8. Essence confident.

Stylish. Femininity. Independence

4. Benefits

Rational: • Stylish, feminine designs • Easy to ride

7. Discriminator With superior looks and features designed for comfort, BSA Ladybird cycles are sure to let the girl stand out from the crowd & become Self-reliant.


Helps build confidence and self-belief.

3. Insight

In her adolescent years, anything that helps her become more confident and independent is most welcome. Girls want to stand out from the crowd and be considered unique.

1. Competitive Environment

Primarily all bicycle brands for teenage girls. Secondary competition will be from toys or accessories targeted at teenage girls, priced upto Rs. 5000.

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2. Target

Teenage girls, SEC A&B. These teenage girls are in a stage where they want to have both, the freedom of childhood and the charm of womanhood. They love to go for short fun escapades with other girls in their age group.


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JUNIOR LADYBIRD Bicycles under junior ladybird segment have a frame size of 13 inch & 15 inch MATERIAL Steel frames FINISH Gloss, Metallic & Pearl

Ladybird Shine

Ladybird Dreamz

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Ladybird Shine

Ladybird Ex

Ladybird Breeze

Ladybird Angel

Ladybird Dreamz

Ladybird Dazz

SENIOR LADYBIRD Bicycles under senior ladybird segment have a frame size of 17 inch & 19 inch

Ladybird Splash

MATERIAL Steel frames FINISH Gloss, Metallic & Pearl Graduation Project | NID | 70

PRODUCTION METHODOLOGY - COLOUR COMMUNICATION In TI cycles, Pantone shade card is used for defining any new colour.

What is Pantone? Pantone is a standardized color matching system, utilizing the Pantone numbering system for identifying colors. By standardizing the colors, different manufacturers in different locations can all reference a Pantone numbered color, making sure colors match without direct contact with one another. The most commonly referenced colors are in the Pantone solids palette. The Pantone Solid palette consists of 1,114 colors, identified by three or four digit numbers, followed by a C, U, Or M suffix. Originally designed for the graphics industry, the pantone solids palette is now used by a wide range of industries, and is the most commonly used palette. For example, Pantone 199 Red can be identified as Pantone 199C (C= Coated Paper), Pantone 199U (U= Uncoated Paper) or Pantone 199M (M=Matte Paper) This system was referred to as the Pantone Matching System, or the PMS system. It’s goal was to allow designers to ‘color match’ specific colors when a design enters production. This system was widely adopted by graphic designers and reproduction and printing houses and is still used today to specify colors for a wide range of industries.

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As per the marketing team of TI Cycles , the company has maximum demands for the ladybird bicycles in Northern and Southern region of the country .These two places were carefully chosen identifying the highest possibilities to interact with consumers and dealers and getting the appropriate information for the project

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CHENNAI 77 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

INITIAL OBSERVATION ●● English is the most commonly used after Local language. ●● Society is dominated by customs and traditions. ●● People are attached and practice their traditions rigorously which are reflected in their attire, food habits and daily rituals. ●● Gender equality is higher than North India. ●● People are concerned about their regional identity and believe to follow on daily basis. ●● Impact of demographic factors seen in food and clothing. For example - In a coastal region, fish, rice and crab are the major food items. ●● Higher literacy rate in Chennai ●● Social shift seen in the attitude of people

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DELHI 79 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

INITIAL OBSERVATION ●● Diverse and mixed culture as well as lifestyle ●● Greater opportunity for education and business sector but still lacks behind Southern region ●● Highly developed lifestyle with a mix of imbalance social strata ●● Due to increasing population, Safety is major concern for parents ●● Higher facilities and exposure make the teenagers active participants in decision making ●● Social activities frequently organized like raahgiri at connaught place

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SMALL RETAIL SHOPS ●● Small retail shops where bicycles are displayed with their covers and mostly cycles are stacked randomly

BIG RETAIL SHOPS ●● Big retail shops where bicycles are displayed in a planned manner and had displays with proper ambiance ●● Keep varieties of bicycle accessories as a additional value to store

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Dazz Rs.6560


Splash Rs.5640

Breeze Rs.5545

Dreamz Rs.5355


Shine Rs.5025

EX Rs.4900

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CONSUMER PREFERENCE & INSIGHTS ●● Target consumer always fascinated by experimenting colours like neon green Bright green is getting good response but Orange is not well accepted

●● Preferred simple & clean designs in bicycle ●● Pink and purple have always high demands by the consumer group ●● Always look for wide range of colour options for each cycle in any given point ●● Prefer to match with their dressing sensibilities ●● Look for an option which give possibilities to customize things according to them ●● Clean and minimal graphics are prefer by user ●● Look for a Uniqueness and identity in the product which provides

Pearl Pink is much more preferable than Metal Pink

them the pride of ownership


Pink is considered to be another favorite colour for girls which limits the colour palette

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●● Classic colours like black, white and steel Grey are preferred along with the bright colours ●● Consumer wants a wide range of colour palette to choose new bicycle ●● Target consumer relate themselves with “Scooty pep” because Desire and aspiration of having “Scooty pep” targets the same psychological and emotional values as BSA ladybird . “Scooty pep” brand psychology matches with the ladybird bicycles

●● Consumer preferences shifted to sporty and masculine look ●● Sporty graphics are now more preferred than floral patterns ●● Target consumer preferred Two colour combination in a bicycle ●● Strong, Sturdy and tough looks preferred over delicate ●● Consumer needs & aspirations have evolved over a period of time

●● Wants a durable stickers and dust proof. Usually, Dust penetrate into sticker’s surface and damage it. ●● Consumers looking for a different style and more options in a bicycle itself including CMF and Graphic patterns

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●● In a retail store like scenario, competitive brands are kept in one place ●● Due to many competitive Brands present in a market, Consumer’s buying decision based on utility is shifting towards CMF considerations

●● Preferred broad tyres like MTB bicycles which develop a feeling of safety and security ●● At present context, girls are looking for gear and suspensions in a bicycle

●● Accessories like seat covers and powerful bells are always a basic demand in store ●● Consumers purchase bicycle accessories & bicycle together ●● Wants a customization in CMF & accessories ●● Printed saddles are in demand rather than boring single colour

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KNOWING THE MARKET COMPETITION “The Indian bicycle manufacturers are not very cost competitive. The need based purchasing behavior of consumers makes the manufacturer do low cost interventions into the products. No much Differences could be observed in terms of Colour, material and finishes among standard bicycles. Only branding of the company helps them to identify� Hero Cycles, TI and Avon are the major players in the domestic market. Maximum bicycles produced in the country are sold in domestic market. Most of the brands are not cost competitive. In the context of specialty segment, TI cycles take a leadership over to other brands. Where Hero take a leadership in standard of the product in the context of India. Sensitivity towards the price factor gives a competitive edge between the industries. Most of the bicycle are within the price bracket of 5k to 7k.The market opportunity for premium brands are emerging through time. Due to increase in buying capacity, consumers are looking for a costlier product.

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A Ludhiana based bicycle manufacturing company. It is a clear leader in the standards and overall domestic market. This company was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1986 as being the world’s largest maker of bicycles.

This is also a Ludhiana based company. It supplies highly affordable bicycle in standard category. Standard category stands for Roadsters.

Segment for girls

Segment for girls

Empress Jasperrald Miss India 26 Miss India Emerald Miss India Gold 24 Miss India gold 26 Miss India Jade 26T Neon Lady Queen

Noorie Rohini IBC VX ASHA IBC Glory IBC Lady Oma IBC Young Lady Lizza Alto Wild fire lady Magna Fiza Ladyoma

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INSIGHT ●● Graph shows competitive colours available in market ●● Most of the brands only play with blue, pink and purple shades or tones. ●● Ladybird is the only brand which have max. Colour range in this segment ●● BSA ladybird is surely winner in CMF segment .Now TI cycles looking for more creative options to make a benchmark in market 89 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

●● Only colour is refreshed in this segment, while finish and materials are almost constant in all the cycles.


COMPETITOR EXPERIMENTS Experimental colours used by hero for girls consumer segment. Ex- Brown.



Cosmic bicycles uses sporty and masculine graphics on girls bike.



Hero Introduces Two tone and tone-on-tone colours in bicycles.

Consumer of this category have higher preferences for the appearance and don’t mind to pay a little more if the product appeals them


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●● Colour - Hero cycles comes in a wide range of colours like RED, purple, pink, sky blue, Grey, green etc.

●● Colour - Few extra colours are available for this segment as compared to competitive brand

●● Price - Keeping the competitive price, they benchmark their premium segment at 7k.But All other bicycles falls between 3.5k to 5k

●● Price - Premium segment falls under 6k category and have a wide range between 4k to 6k

●● Features - Experimental colours

●● Features - Gear cycles are launched in current season with all basic features including basket, side stand, saree guard and chain cover

●● Finish - Gloss, pearl and metallic as per industry standard

●● Finish - Gloss, pearl and metallic as per industry standard

●● Material - Steel frames are used

●● Material - Steel frames are used



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●● Colour - Limited colour option for this segment

●● As bicycle industry is very competitive in nature.

●● Price - Between 3k to 4.5k

●● BSA ladybird as a brand try to incorporate the unique & valuable

●● Features - Basic features includes basket, side stand, saree guard and chain cover ●● Finish - Gloss, pearl and metallic as per industry standard

features in their segment which helps them to create a benchmark in this competitive industry. ●● Finish and materials used in all the brands are somewhat constant in nature and Mostly, colour changes in every season. Hence, there is a

●● Material - Steel frames are used

huge scope for colour experimentation to add values in bicycles.


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Age Group : 13 to 14 yrs Occupation : School Going Girls Context : In Urban context

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SUMMERY OF CONSUMER SURVEY Finding a pattern among 30 sample group in terms of their fashion sensibility, their belief and traditional influences, user psyche and buying behaviors. Sample group is divided into 3 major groups.

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IMPORTANT USER EXCERPTS FROM INTERVIEW “School cycle se jana acha lagta hai” “I love to go to school by cycle”

“Main apni cycles apni friends ke saath exchange kar lete hu, toda sa change milta hai na ji” “I usually exchange my cycle with my friends for a change”

“Main roz cycle se school jati hu aur mera bag cycle ki basket main nahi aata hai” “I go to school daily by cycle and my bag doesn’t fit into my basket”

“Mujhe cycle saaf karna pasand nahi hai” “I don’t like to clean my bicycle”

“Mujhe mere cycle pe stickers aur friendship band lagana pasand hai, mere cycle alag dikhti hai sab main aur school main pechanne main help hoti hai” “I like to paste and knot, stickers and friendship band on my bicycle, it looks different from other cycles and easy to recognize” “Mere ko papa ki car ke colour wali cycle chaiye, jaise black aur steal grey(papa ki car ki matching wali colour)” “I want a black and steal gray cycle same as my papa’s car” “Ladko ki cycle chalane main maza ata hai kyuki usme gear hote hai aur mote(ranger’s) tyres hote hai” “I like to ride a boy’s cycle because they have gears and ranger tyres” “Mere cycle dekhne main kharab lagti hai kyuki uski sari stickers nikal gaye hai” “My cycle doesn’t look nice because all stickers are peeled off” “Main apni friends ke saath race lagati hu” “I love to race with my friends” “Mere cycles ke tyres bhaut thin hai jisse bhaut jaldi puncture ho jati hai” “My cycle tyres are thin so, it will punctured often” “Seat pe ache ache covers hone chaiye, fancy covers aur handle par bhi” “wanted a fancy handle and seat covers” “Mujhe papa ne badi cycle dilayi jisse aage bhi main chala saku” “My father bought a bigger size cycle for future use”

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“Mujhe red , purple , turqoise blue colours bhi pasand hai, pink colour se main bore ho gayi hu” “I like red, purple, turqoise blue colours, bored from pink” “Flowers wale pattern purane ho gaye hai, khuch naya hona chaiye” “Flower patterns are outdated, wanted something new” “Mere cycle sabse alag dikhni chaiye” “My cycle should look unique” “Shemmery effect acha lagta hai” “I like Shemmery effect”

INSIGHTS FROM INTERVIEW ●● Cycle is the most common medium of non-motorized transportation for target consumer group. ●● Need to create a better understanding towards need , aspirations & Technical aspects of a product ●● Wants to customize their bicycle for different look and feel ●● Want to stand out in crowd or among friends or Seeking for a personal identity which makes her different from other girls ●● Moving from traditional colour palette to more experimental ●● Pink colour is over exploited in girls bicycles ●● Aspiration for better bicycle ●● User is concerned about the aesthetics and visual appeal in product ●● Bicycles are also used for recreational and leisure activities ●● Bicycles become a part of user’s lifestyle ●● Need of better quality products as well as innovations to tackle the problem\situation ●● Need of customization has evolved ●● Consumers are concerned about the cost of the product and always seeking for a better product in their budget range ●● Cleaning a bicycle is a additional task for consumer. Need to find a solution for time delay in cleaning process ●● Traditional motifs(Flower patterns) used from years become classics and consumer is now looking for more options in graphics ●● Uniqueness and personal identity required in bicycles ●● Buying decision is also affected by finishes. Graduation Project | NID | 100

ALL ANSWERS ARE SUMMARY OF 30 SAMPLE GROUP Question - What you generally buy and like to buy in market?( ALSO ASPIRATION) Answers Sandals and clothes Nail paints Tech gadgets Mobile I pads Barbie Jewellery Dress Candies Want mobile and pod Want to buy a gear bicycles Fashion products - Head gear, Bags etc Question - What else you want in your bicycle? Answers More colour options More Finishes Stickers for cycles Baskets Bell Gears Colourfull tyres

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Question - What is your hobby? What do you do after school and in evenings? List of Daily Answers -


Cycling Swimming Playing Indoor games - like chess and Business Playing outdoor games Dancing Racing with friends Games - Hide and seek and badminton Goes to mall with family on sundays Collecting idol pictures Reading story books and Dancing Playing with friends and riding brother cycle and try to go near by places with friends Playing computer and mobile games Drawings Gardening Playing with Dad’s computer or Mom’s Computer games Visiting malls Watching TV Visiting friends house Going to temple daily with mom Loves to dress up Collecting Barbie and watching TV series News with father, Loves to wear brother clothes Collecting match boxes Love to watch english tv series Watching cartoons hindi tv serials with mom Playing with brother and brother’s friends in evening. Copying fashion\hairstyles and dressing. Surfing Net and Online shopping with mom Playing guitar and Musical instruments

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ANALYSIS OF DATA Analysis of data from questionnaire, visuals and also from personal interviews to create understanding of inclination of consumer group, affecting factors, aspirations, need, daily activities, lifestyle, psychology, buying behaviors and various several other factors which directly or indirectly affects consumer. Also finding a personality traits which leads them to certain buying pattern or affecting their decisions in daily life.

INSIGHT Ladybird is the most famous and recognized brand among this consumer group.

INSIGHT Pink and purple is the most selling colour and preferred

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INSIGHT Seeking for a variety of colour to look different from others

INSIGHT Consumer group influences buying decisions and take part in buying decisions at home too.

INSIGHT Maximum consumers don’t share their bicycle and love to become independent. Also they enjoy grown up feeling.

INSIGHT Consumer groups are frequent shoppers despite of the fact which merchandise they shopped for.

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INSIGHT Follows tradition and rituals but clearly differentiated between true follower to occasional visitor

INSIGHT Major group shows that they explore and try out new things

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INSIGHT Shows variations among the same consumer group - True follower to occasional visitor

INSIGHT They have a knowledge about (brands, fashion, lifestyle,cooking etc) and exposed to pool of information about what is happening around the world and around them.

INSIGHT Well connected with their peer group

INSIGHT Facebook, You tube, Online games, Search for studies

INSIGHT Exposed to information and have a knowledge about what is happening around them

INSIGHT Major part of consumer group interact with their surroundings and loves to play outdoor games instead of indoor games.

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INSIGHT Follows and aspires for different styles of fashions and lifestyle.


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On the basis of following activities and tasks - Create a Persona story board for this consumer group having multiple personality traits and create a understanding of lifestyle, aspiration and User psychology as well as the influencing factors which helps to identify different patterns and personality traits for the same consumer group.

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The space called home

Prayer in school

Perform traditional rituals

Studying in classroom

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Going to school

Now its a lunch time

Dealing with fast life in urban area

Playing with friends

Playing with friends and interact with people from various culture

Exploring nearby areas

Recreational activity

Come back and study\going to tuitions

Back home and TV

Its a personal time

Dinner with family

Evening rides with friends and other leisure activities

Time to bed, good night

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LIFESTYLE(Summary & Insights)

●● Max. No of consumers (teenager girls) goes to school and tuition classes by bicycles ●● Target consumer(teenage Girls) goes for a evening and leisure rides with friends in their locality or nearby locality ●● Frequency of visits to friend place is higher ●● Girls in urban lifestyle deals with the fast life of city and multiple tasks at a time ●● Loves to take part in recreational activity. For ex- dance, drama etc.

PSYCHE (Summary & Insights)

●● Girls wants to be a part of group in school & home ●● Loves to make friends ●● Conscious for social image ●● Consumer group feels grown up because they get the freedom to ride their own bicycle on the roads ●● Consumer group starts to take their own decisions and personal space ●● Consumer group become opinion makers. ●● Emergence of peer pressure while taking decisions

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●● Budget conscious but can’t restrict themselves for getting better products in a given financial conditions

ASPIRATIONS & NEED (Summary & Insights)

●● Teenage girls loves to customize their bicycles and personal stuff .Ex- badges on bags and applying stickers on bicycles to make it personal and try to stands out & be different in a group ●● Loves to flaunt their personal belongings for grabbing\seeking attention and be in limelight among peer group ●● Need of safety and security emerges among consumer group due to current context in India ●● Inclination for better product quality and hassle free rides

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Some girls becomes the true follower of their tradition because of the large influence of their upbringing. Also, Some girls influenced by the peer group and friends.

Sample group follows fashion and trends including nail paint art , follows On screen fashions and experiment with hairstyles and outfits. Also, follows traditional values and mix and match with Modern fashion.


SG are attached and waiting for such occasions every year to Celebrate , fun and Specially buying new products on these occasions. These are the time to learn and connect to the traditional ritual which makes them feel grown up and attached to the cultural values

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As they belong to middle and upper middle class of family, they can spend more and look for a quality products and can’t restrict themselves from dreaming. Parents are capable of fulfilling their demands.

Sample group knows the importance of the education and opportunities. They are capable to make decisions based upon previous knowledge.

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They are attached to their locality like Parks and places they ride bicycles in the evening etc. But also like to explore other nearby places.

●● Television Viewer : 100% Sample group girls spend 1 to 3 hours(Even more than that) on an average watching their favorite TV shows daily. Try to follow & copy the fashion, lifestyle, health and cooking etc. Getting a major influence from this media. ●● Internet surfer : Exposed to vast variety of information and having a knowledge about what is happening around the world. ●● Communication age : sample group have a access to communication devices and have their own or uses Mom’s or Dad’s phone.

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IDENTIFICATION OF PERSONALITY TRAITS After Creating a detailed understanding of consumer group, several variable and static factors present in a same age group which define various personality traits were studied. Four major variable domains which leads to different personality traits and define persona’s are as follows:





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IDENTIFY PERSONA’S 3 major persona is identified having five similar variable factors in each of the personality trait.

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Decisions based on 5050% parents as well as independent

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●● Want to look smart and strong yet casual and carefree ●● Loves to play soccer and ride boys bicycle ●● Want to prove herself ●● Loves sporty look ●● Plays computer games and ●● Loves gadgets ●● Takes their own decisions


They tend to belief and follow traditional values but sometimes they become rebellious in nature.



Decisions based on 50-50 % Parents and User



●● More experimental ●● Take active part in Recreational activities ●● Follow contemporary fashion ●● Wants to stand out and create a personal identity ●● Loves personalization ●● Loves to explore ●● Want something unique ●● Need wide range of colours ●● Prefer to match with their dressing sensibilities


Have a strong sense of belief and traditional influence but at the same time have a curiosity to know and try other rituals (As seen in Peer group)

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Majorly dependent on parents decisions

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●● Attached to family member ●● Follow Religions & idols ●● Importance to functionality ●● Want to create a personal identity ●● Loves Light cycles ●● Agree with parents decisions ●● Love bright colours ●● Pink and purple are influencing colours ●● Open to try out new colours


They have a huge traditional influence from daily or occasional activities performed by parents .exDaily prayers and Clothing. Also learns from parents, family members and peer groups. Girls becomes the true follower of their tradition because they have large & intensive influence from their upbringing.

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TREND TRACKING SOCIO-CULTURAL TRENDS Finding the socio-cultural trends through events, news, Products etc to validate the change in emotional and consumption values in current user lifestyle and behavior which leads them to need of new colour, material, finish and pattern.

TREND IN FASHION AND LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS Finding trends in fashion and lifestyle shows the aspiration, inclination and define various taste of consumer group which falls into a different persons category.

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SOCIO-CULTURAL TRENDS Finding traces and drivers in socio cultural trends from vast variety of fields.

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SOCIO-CULTURAL TRENDS Finding traces and drivers in socio cultural trends from vast variety of fields.

Experimental travel over traditional tourism Young affluents are choosing experimental travel over traditional tourism, which has elements of discovery,thrill and adventure. The demand for activities and local experiences is said to have grown by 250% in the last 4 years. Solo travel is on the rise too verses stereotypical group holidays that are common among Indians.


Consumers see value in virtual healthcare services The business of offering consumers virtual visits with physicians is booming even as questions about the quality of care and cost effectiveness of those services remain unresolved. 88% are comfortable with interacting with their doctors virtually instead in person.94% are willing to store their health records in the clouds.(Cisco study,2013)


Facebook moments, a new private photo sharing app Facebook has revealed its new moments app that will privately upload your photos to the cloud and suggests tag for your friends based on facial recognition with the help of facebook’s face recognition technology. This allows the user to simply tag people in the pictures.


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Xiaomi’s first ‘Made in India’ smart phone Redmi 2 Prime launched Chinese handset maker Xiaomi on August 11, 2015. Launched its first ‘Made in India’ smart phone Redmi 2 Prime in Visakhapatnam. Following the Chief Minister’s visit to China earlier this 2015, Xiaomi has come to Visakhapatnam to launch its first made-in-India smart phone and announce its plans for the country.


Fitness at home The gym is no longer seen as the ultimate fitness destination. Today, the fitness conscious are ready to sweat it out in the personal confines of home. working out under the watchful eyes of a personal trainer,at home is definitely a lifestyle statement but it also helps one escape the crowded gyms


Personal utility vehicle for Indian businessman “We have over 5.8 crore individual businessman in the country(India), whom we are targeting. Multix can easily adapt to needs of the consumer from being a family vehicle to load carrier,” Siddhartha Lal, Managing Director and CEO, Eicher Motors, said. From Eicher polaris point of view, the independent businessman is a son-ofthe-soil who loves his town and has no intentions of leaving it. He is ambitious and keen to grow his business. He also has a family and would love to spend more time with them on picnics and other kinds of leisure outings


Regional music catching on Regional music consumption is growing faster than bollywood music. Although the latter still dominates the online music scenario in India. Distribution companies are now cataloging regional music across international digital platforms, including i-tunes,spotify,amazon,deezer,pandora apps now allow extra users to access categorized to regional language, artists and genres.


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Smart Home Automation Home automation solutions were earlier too costly for an average person, now thanks to smart phone proliferations and improved capability the solutions are not just cheaper but also more functional. Consumers can now control lights remotely or avail of home automation packages with complete security and automation at affordable rates. Local companies like home automat, zhome etc offer smart home solutions


Restaurants go tech Restaurants are making good use of new age gadgets and gizmo’s like tabs,buzzers,touch screens and other new devices to serve their customers better and increase a foot fall. Touch screen menus,quicker bills payments and placing orders online are some of the aspects that are being enhanced through technology


Empowering women technologists “ABI has built programmes and initiatives that are focused on growth and the retention of women in technology. Our flagship programme, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference, held in the U.S. and now in India since 2010, is the largest gathering of women technologists in the country.” High aspiration for tech education among women and get access to a platform to learn from peers and experts and get quality career advice specific to their needs.


Spreading Agricultural technology to India’s poor farmers Technology can help farmers to augment their knowledge of which crop to produce for best return,find the most effective farming practices and make plans based upon weather forecasts. “Technavio, a tech-focused research firm, has published a new report on the agricultural machinery market in India, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of nearly 8% from 2015-2019.”


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Heritage but with a modern twist Urban Indians are choosing contemporary Indian themed brands alongside an increased repertoire of international lifestyle brands. Sanjeev Batra of Sunrydge who restored his heritage-declared havelis in the Qutab Minar area and leased out two of them for commercial use to Olive Bar & Kitchen and Ayamik, a luxury designer-wear store. “Fabinidia launched fabel”


‘Doublement’ apartments designed for new age joint families Attached, yet independent apartments(Doublements) is a new offering that developers have come up with to cater to young Indians who want their space and yet look after their aging parents well.


‘Kiss of love’:youth protest against moral policing ‘Tired of right wing politicians’ moral diktats - in this context how the youth should not show affection in public as it’s against our culture - the youth across cities got together through the ‘Kiss of love’ campaign - a mass kissing campaign against moral policing. young couples hugged and kissed each other to the background score of bollywood songs celebrating love and freedom.


Digital India Recently elected prime minister, Narendra Modi’s ambitious e-governance initiative has a budget of INR100 billion to ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically. This pan-India programme aims to promote digital inclusion with broadband connectivity down to village level, thereby enabling improved access to services through IT enabled platforms


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Amazon ad campaign Amazon India has launched its new campaign ‘Aur Dikhao’ , whose concept has been created by Orchard Advertising. Amazon is very well known E-commerce site and No. 1 online seller who created campaign to get product to lowest price for Amazon customers and this ad is specially created for Indian Customers to create awareness and faith in E-Commerce business.


Chinese brands dominating the smart phone market “One-plus set out to make the best Android Phone and set a reasonable sales target of 50,000 units for their debut device – the One Plus One.” So, Now mindset of people changed that Chinese phones are cheaper. As the giants like one-plus-one and xiaomi changed the market scenario


SALE and Consumer mind “ has launched ‘The Great Indian Freedom Sale’ starting Monday morning and the e-commerce giant is offering big discounts on smart phones, headphones, home & kitchen appliances, books, clothing among the wide range of over 25 million products across hundreds of categories.” Consumer mindset has changed that sale products are faulty. Now, people wait for sales and don’t mind to buy a 6 month old products.


Seeking experience Taking cues from various luxury safaris, travel experts recently unveiled an 8-day Indian wildlife luxury safari trip designed by them. Covering heritage properties like qutub minar and raj ghat and checking into at 5 star hotels, the package includes state-of-the-art concierge services and unique wildlife experiences at the panna and bandhavgarh national parks.


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Online platforms make luxury accessible to ‘small town wealthy’ Indians are likely to spend USD 35 billions on online luxury stores by 2016 verses USD 8 billion in 2012.Small towns now have a fair share of wealthy individuals but for brands, it’s not practical to find or invest in luxury stores in such places. Luxury shoppers are well connected digitally and it becomes easier for brands to showcase themselves online


Luxury homes redefined Bangalore, now the top luxury home market in India, is seeing new benchmarks in luxury housing. Luxury is not just in form but also in function:Privacy, Customization,Sophisticated technology(digital security, electronic surveillance systems, temperature control and wireless communications) amenities such as helipads, professional services and maintenance operators.


Affordable Luxury for young India “I want every girl in India to wear my clothes and feel like a million bucks”is the strategy of fashion designer Anita Dogre. Her biggest accomplishment,though,has been the ability to recognize and occupy the affordable luxury plank that other top designers had ignored. Instead of sticking to high price points, Dogre decided to provide affordable style.


Fashionable yoga wear The country prepares to celebrate the first ever International Yoga Day with mass demonstrations in several cities and towns on 21st June 2015, a handful of Indian yoga wear marketers are using the occasion to push their chic collections. Brands have all lined up a range of organic breathable yoga wear that promises comfort and fashion to new-age enthusiasts of the ancient spiritual discipline that involves meditation, breath control and physical postures.


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Under one roof In Delhi, People looking for variety under one roof and the best example is Nehru place metro station. It is a prime example of a food mall. Epicuria, fused with the metro station, has 27 restaurants under one roof, including international brands like Benihana, Gelato Roma, etc, and has plans to afloat for 11 more joints.


Exhibitions becoming popular India International Consumer Fair (IICF) exhibition has over 125 stalls from across the country, displaying the latest models in electronics products, home furnishings, kitchenware, interior decorations, and educational products. “This is the eighth year of the expo in Visakhapatnam, and with each year the response has been growing. We are expecting 25,000 to 30,000 footfalls over the four days,” said Umesh Pandey, director of IICF.


Khadi no more ancient fabric - It goes chic The hand woven cotton fabric that was the dowdy sartorial symbol of India’s independence has gone chic with many designers endorsing the fabric. For the past decade or so popularity of khadi was limited to older generations, it’s getting popular with the youth once again. khadi saris are in too.


Second hand market sees great growth With improving incomes,for the first time,middle class Indians can afford new phones,Tv,cars etc without waiting for the old ones to completely give up(Leading to shorter purchase cycles and ‘as good as new second hand goods). The second hand good market in the country is estimated to crores INR 1.15 trillions in 2015 ( verses 600 billion in 2011).This market is getting more organized through online platforms.


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ResQ technology jackets by an Indian brand In response to customer feedback,Wood land, an Indian apparel and footwear brand has launched jackets with ResQ technology. It enables skiers to be located up to 30 feet below snow, through detectors and reflectors embedded in the jacket


4G Networks war in India India’s top cellular carrier Bharti Airtel Ltd has expanded its fourth-generation (4G) mobile phone services to cover nearly 300 towns in the coming weeks, ahead of a launch by a formidable newcomer. Airtel became the first telecom company to roll out its 4G services pan-India to become exclusive for their customer and network


India’s First Hindi speaking induction cooker With a growing induction cooker market, an Indian brand sundev now offers an induction cooker that speaks menus in hindi. Going forward their language reported will include other regional languages in Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati etc.


Wi-Fi enabled AC in India Videocon now has India’s first air conditioner range that can be controlled through Wi-Fi. The ACs connect to your home or office wireless network and you can use to control the AC with its dedicated Android or iOS app. The free app not only enables users to control basic AC functions but adds handy features like Away Mode that automatically turns off the AC when the smart phone is away and adjusts AC temperature by regularly updating the weather. It is equipped with a LCD display and even shows a Precise Energy Meter that shows the energy consumed and saved. Ref-31

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Experimental travel over Traditional tourism


Smart Home Automation

Xiaomi’s first ‘Made in India’ smart phone Redmi 2 Prime launched

Fitness at home

SELF INDULGENCE Consumers see value in virtual healthcare services

Facebook moments, a new private photo sharing app

Consumers have become individualistic. They want things designed for them. There is a strong sense of belongings towards products and services

Restaurants go tech

Empowering women technologists

Personal utility vehicle for Indian businessman

Regional music catching on

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Spreading Agricultural technology to India’s poor farmers

ASPIRING HIGH After understanding basic factors and combined with the present technologies to make a better future and their aspiration values grows to help achieve advancement

Heritage but with a modern twist

Amazon ad campaign

‘Doublement’ apartments designed for new age joint families

Chinese brands dominating the smart phone market

NEW VISION Consumers have a new vision towards life to products as well as services.

‘Kiss of love’:youth protest against moral policing

Digital India

Sale and Consumer mind

RATIONAL THOUGHTS Consumers have started making logical opinions about the products and services. They not only first check but also thinks twice in different circumstances and then give their opinions about product and services

Seeking Experience

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Online platforms make luxury accessible to ‘small town wealthy’

Under one roof

Luxury homes redefined

Exhibitions becoming popular

VALUABLE LUXURY Indian consumer has reached a level where they can understand the difference between Affordable Luxury for young mindless spending and valuable luxury India

Fashionable yoga wear

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Khadi no more ancient fabric - It goes chic

Second hand market sees great growth

In a race where every brand is trying to allure consumer, Consumer has got the power of demanding more variety with diversity. They want all under one roof according to one’s taste

ResQ technology jackets by an Indian brand

4G Networks war in India


India’s First Hindi speaking induction cooker

Powerful consumer wants that the brand they are loyal to should be able to provide exclusivity to them in terms of product offering and services

WI-Fi-enabled AC in India

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141 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

INSIGHTS ●● Study the Socio-Cultural trends from news, social gatherings, Ted talks etc. Related from diverse fields like design, technology, politics, music, fashion, culture and social related in their respective fields. ●● Also, insights which generates from the socio-cultural trends are seen in the consumer behavior and psychology. For example, targeted consumer group having a high aspiration value, new vision, need and look for a more variety etc Self indulgence ●● Consumer group has a strong sense of belongingness and wants to create their own identity. ●● Consumers have become individualistic. They want things designed for them. There is a strong sense of belongings towards products and services Aspiring high ●● After understanding basic factors and combined with the present technologies to make a better future and Consumer groups aspiration values are growing with the advancement of technologies.

More variety ●● Consumer group wants more variety and options while making a buying decision. ●● In a race where every brand is trying to allure consumer. ●● Consumer has got the power of demanding more variety with diversity. They want all under one roof according to one’s taste Exclusivity ●● Consumer wants to create a personal identity through exclusivity in their products. Hence, customization of product\Bicycles is emerging very rapidly. ●● Powerful consumer wants that the brand they are loyal to should be able to provide exclusivity to them in terms of product offering and services These factors directly or indirectly affects the consumer mindset. However, This is considered to be a validation that consumer is strongly affected by these external factors and therefore it influences their aspirations and buying behaviors.

New vision ●● In Indian context, consumers are looking for something new except what is going on traditionally in bicycles. ●● Consumers have a new vision towards life to products as well as services. Rational thought ●● Consumers have started making logical opinions about the products and services. They not only first check but also think twice in with different circumstances and then give their opinions about product and services. Valuable luxury ●● Consumers have a understanding of value of luxury. ●● Indian consumer has reached a level where they can understand the difference between mindless spending and valuable luxury

Graduation Project | NID | 142


Finding traces and drivers in fashion and lifestyle trends from accessories and apparel industry Trends from Wills spring summer 2015

Aneeth Arora opened the fashion week with her collection Pero-love on foliage. Her show was a visual delight. She recreated a beautiful Ref-32 spring garden in full bloom.

Designer Samant Chauhan presented his spectacular Rajputana collection. He enthralled the audience with elegant white outfits and innovative floral designs.

Insight: Floral Motifs are in trend

Insight: Floral designs and artworks

143 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Tarun Tahiliani showcased fascinating ensemble inspired by the paintings of twin sisters Rabindra & Amrit Singh from London.

Ritu Pande brought the Victorian era alive with classic Italian & French lace designs, patchwork, embroidery and layering.

Insight: Use of multiple colors and colour blocking, is a method of wearing multiple solid colors in an outfit

Insight: Contemporary classics referred as a touch of modernism in traditional wardrobe Graduation Project | NID | 144

Designer Payal Singhal was an enchanting monochromatic range of churidaar, skirt & crop top sets, embroidered jacket & cigarette pant set, shirt dresses, kaftans, lehenga sari and Kurtis with pine cone motifs & embroidered yoke, shararas in silk, tulle and organza fabrics.

Rabani and Rakha presented their mesmerizing exquisite collection with detailed work..

Insight: Contemporary monochromatic geometric patterns

Insight: Detailed traditional outfits

145 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Embroidery with silk threads, block printing, gold leaf printing on velvet, matka silk, and mulmul. Designed by Rohit bal

Insight: Contemporary classics with experimenting colour Graduation Project | NID | 146

MANISH ARORA Spring 2015 Ready-to-Wear

ARUN TAHILIANI Ready to wear 2015 collection

Insight: God and goddesses used as motifs. Hence, people are experimenting with cultural and spiritual part of human beings

Insight: Pitching Black enters wardrobe collection

147 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design



Louis Vuitton


Insight: Blue become a new favorite colour for girls. BLUE is new PINK.



Akaaro by Gaurav Jai Gupta

Insight: Colour blocking, It’s a method of wearing multiple solid colors in an outfit.

Anthony Vaccarello

Ermanno Scervino

Normcore and denim movement 2015


Thomas Tait

Issa Vogue Trend Report A/W 2014-15 Graduation Project | NID | 148


Traditional motif

Stripes are back

Colour block look




Quirky college products

Contemporary Experimental



149 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Contemporary colour accent Salvatore Ferragamo

Patch block Alexander Wang

Quirky Marc Jacobs

Rebellious look Celine

Contemporary block Jason Wu

Contemporary classic Dolce & Gabbana

Classic look Christopher Kane

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151 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

INSIGHTS ●● Floral motifs are used every year as they are in trend in past as well as in current scenario. ●● Experimentation and variation in floral designs is emerging to break the repetitiveness & monotony ●● Colour blocking & multicolor are in trend. ●● Color-blocking, is a method of wearing multiple solid colors in an outfit. ●● Classics is always present but also, they are in transition to contemporary classics ●● Emergence of monochromatic geometric patterns ●● We can’t ignore the presence of classics from ages ●● Emergence of contemporary classics with experimenting colour ●● God and goddesses used as motifs. Hence, people are experimenting with cultural and spiritual part of human beings ●● Black colour is in demand ●● Blue become a new pink colour for girls. It is no more considered for boy’s colour palette ●● Rebellious look and feel seen in the trends ●● Products having Fun and quirky feel present ●● Sometimes, People tend to prefer comfort over aesthetics ●● Use of accent colour for unique identity and visual appeal ●● Stripes are back in trend ●● Consumer is directly or indirectly affected by the fashion and lifestyle trends because consumers have exposure through many mediums like TV shows, internet, TV, magazines etc. Which are easily and commonly available. So, these insights helps to design and deciding factors for CMF for upcoming end product according to the different type of personalities.

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Seeking an experience of unwalkable path and establish a smart, Casual and carefree look among peer group. Loves to be fit and active. Attributes : Bold, casual, Carefree, active, rebellious

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Bold, casua active l, Carefr , rebe e l ious e,

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157 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design




MATERIAL Steel frames FINISH Gloss, Metallic & Pearl



●● Bold and classic colours yet striking attractive ●● Look herself as smart and strong yet sometimes cool and bubbly ●● Fascinates from Dark and Mysterious colour palette ●● Look for a Uniqueness and identity in the product which provides them the pride of ownership ●● Classic colours like black, white and steel Grey are preferred along with the bright colours ●● Consumer preferences shifted to sporty and masculine look and decals. ●● Strong, Sturdy and tough looks preferred over delicate. ●● Preferred broad tyres like MTB bicycles ●● Moving from traditional colour palette to more experimental ●● Emergence of monochromatic geometric patterns ●● Black colour is in demand ●● Blue become a new pink colour for girls. It is no more considered for boy’s colour palette ●● Rebellious look and feel seen in the trends ●● Stripes are back in trend MATERIAL- Steel frames FINISH- Gloss, Metallic & Pearl

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161 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

(Keywords: Bold, casual, Carefree, active, rebellious Inspiration from: BOLD colours, stripes and simple shapes )

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Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


165 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 166





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


167 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 168





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


169 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 170





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


171 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

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Seeking an experience of ZARA HATKE and tends to be more experimental. Follows a motto of “ Uniqueness is new identity” Eventually depends upon their parents but have a strong sense of selection. Attributes : Contemporary, quirky & bubbly, Mix-match identity, Confident, active, vivid, dynamic, Empactful

173 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Contemporary, Confident, Active, Vivid, Dynamic, Empactful

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175 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design


●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●●





Ready to experiment with new Options Want to stand out and fresh No more safe play Capturing attention New series of PoPy colours with Combination of Popy with accent colours (Mix and Match) Pastels , keesh, pop art and block colours are in trends Use of accent colour for unique identity and visual appeal Products having Fun and quirky feel present Emergence of contemporary classics with experimenting colour. Ex- experimental floral decals Classics is always present but also, they are in transition to contemporary classics Experimenting with cultural and spiritual part of human beings in bicycles

MATERIAL- Steel frames FINISH - Gloss, Metallic & Pearl

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GRAPHIC EXPLORATIONS & DOODLES (Keywords: Contemporary, quirky & bubbly, active vivid, dynamic Inspiration from: Flower & prints)

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181 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

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Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


183 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 184





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


185 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 186





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


187 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

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Seeking an experience of getting values in their possessions . Love and Has a strong emphasis on doing things the way they are done by their parents and family plays a central role in their life. Attributes : Emotional , energetic, tradition-conscious, loyal, sociable, practical

189 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Tradition-conscious & sociable

Loyal, energetic & practical


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191 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design






●● Palette contains traditional feminine look with new taste which gives a separate identity from traditional look but open to try new colours ●● Pink and purple are safe colours and demanding colors Must needed in palette with different tones and shades ●● Easily connects with their belief system like Rangoli and Puja & Balance of pastel as well as bright colour ●● Current trend oriented - Primary colours as well as their tones with floral graphics. Use of white colour ●● Loves to try out and go towards little bit pastel colour palette as they are influenced to experiment. ●● Blue is no more a colour for boys, It has been observed during research that its highly demanding these days among target consumers ●● Target consumer preferred Two colour combination in a bicycle ●● Traditional motifs (Flower patterns) used from years become classics ●● Experimentation and variation in floral designs is emerging to break the repetitiveness & monotony MATERIAL Steel frames FINISH Gloss, Metallic & Pearl

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PANTONE NUMBER 193 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design


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195 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

(Keywords:: energetic, tradition-conscious, soft Inspiration from: Rangoli and butterfly)

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DIMENSION Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


199 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 200




DIMENSION Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production. ART WORK -2

201 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 202




DIMENSION Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


203 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 204




DIMENSION Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


205 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 206





Saree guard - 24.48” X 11.60” (ART WORK -1) Chain cover - 28.35” X 12.29” (ART WORK -2)

MATERIAL - DECAL Vinyl Decals used on prototypes Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) decals used in production.


207 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

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209 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design


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Colour Pigments

Mixing pigments to get the desired pantone colour

Metal plate swatches

Color+Hardner+binder+thinner(In case of need)

211 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Mixing colour and painting in process

Painting in process

In process

Stand for swatches

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Final painted swatches

213 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design

Graduation Project | NID | 214

MATERIAL AND FINISHES In BSA Ladybird segment, Cycle frames are manufactured in steel having multiple finishes like metallic, glossy, Pearl finish etc. but largely gloss and pearl finish is used.


Accessories are made from REXINE and PU (Poly) Synthetic Leather or faux leather. WHY Steel? The steel-framed bike, particularly over a carbon fibre frame, has strength and durability. Steel is resilient to the repeated stresses placed on the bike frame when riding (flex, for instance). It is tough, being resistant to cracks and impact. When dents or nicks do occur, with steel, they are less likely to turn into full-blown failures. If there is a failure, it tends to progress slowly rather than catastrophically (unlike carbon fiber).A steel frame can be repairable.



WHY Rexine and PU? It has a number of advantages: it can be made into any different type of color or texture, which can be more fashion forward and allow people more freedom when decorating, and it generally costs less. It is also easy to clean, and usually only needs an occasional wipe with a damp cloth, while real leather needs regular conditioning. Additionally, it can be very durable, won’t fade as easily in ultra violet (UV) light, and doesn’t involve the death of any animals.



215 | Mayank kaushal | Lifestyle Accessory Design


RETROSPECT From my childhood to till that date, when i ride my first cycle without my parents support and even now, I still get fascinated to peddle and gain control over two wheels. This Project has helped me to understand the other end of the story where in a bicycle is created. Initially when my journey started with this project, I realized that its a challenge to explore CMF design opportunities in bicycles considering available surface area. But towards the end of the journey, I could understand that irrespective of any industry, CMF plays a very important role in branding of a products which provides them fresh and new look. Understanding colour at start seemed simple but during research I could find that various influencing factors and behaviors are deeply connected with Color and hence they significantly affects one’s decision. Therefore I believe that CMF is presently emerging as a domain which influences consumer mindset and has started defining guidelines of a Brand. The most challenging part of this project was to get access to the consumer group. In Chennai, parents specifically for female teenagers do not encourage to indulge in any research activity. For example, not allowed to take photographs or even, it is difficult to get the authentic information because of safety & security reasons. This created a huge barrier to reach and understand consumer groups unmet needs. On the other side of table, I will get the immense opportunity & exposure for bicycle rides, workshops and understand the bicycle from its core. Still, there is vast scope of work required to get the flawless product. However, Final renderings are the first digital prototype of bicycles with proposed colour and decals on it. Lastly, I would like to say that, through this project. I explored color design opportunities but I believe in near future, CMF would offer huge scope for design opportunities in Material and Finishes including Graphic capabilities irrespective of any industry.

Graduation Project | NID | 216

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