Outcomes of panel discussions

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Outcomes of panel discussions Art Encounter 2011 VOLUNTEERING: Young people’s contribute to their communities How does volunteering link to local and global citizenship? What opportunities are there? How can young people get involved? What principles are important? Cork Volunteer Centre: Marie oMahony Comhlamh: Grainne O'Neil

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION/FORMAL AND NON FORMAL LEARNING How can young people learn about belonging in the world? What do they need to get involved? How do they like to learn? Trocaire: Hilary Daly NYCI: Elaine Mahon

YouTH ART PARTICIPATION Arts: how does Arts participation contribute to a sense of belonging in local communities and belonging in the world. Should it contribute? What do young people need to participate? Cork City Council Arts Of<ice: Maeve Dineen Youth in Action: Emma Grainger

VOLUNTEERING: Young people’s contribute to their communities

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION/FORMAL AND NON FORMAL LEARNING These suggestions have come from the young people in relation to how they like to learn. Learning needs to be dynamic and a change to the normal routine It needs to be in a comfortable space, relaxed environment teas/ drinks etc. Trips are important Learning should be interactive/ Experimental There needs to be choice Scheduling/programme needs to suit us Role of teacher and students needs to change Motivated to learn by fun

Young people emphasized that young people and Youth workers/ educators should have and take joint responsibility in communication and design of their learning. And that Teachers need to be trained in non-­‐formal and experiential learning and need to incorporate it into the classroom settings. While Formal and non formal education structures have different roles they are dealing with the same young people so both systems need to be focused on young peoples learning styles and needs. Awareness and access to information is a crucial <irst step for young people to engage with global Citizenship themes. We would see it as a <irst step in development education to ignite an interest Young people expressed that news in Ireland is: too local too focus on the negative..you can’t <ind out about positive actions young people are taking in other parts of the world news is to focused on money and business interests. They would engage with global perspectives in the following ways: Cinema Adverts/ shorts before movies info in bus stops and public spaces talking to other people with different experiences and perspectives through social media/ eg facebook Celebrity endorsement of awareness raising initiative would generate and hold young peoples interest.

They also identi<ied the need to public spaces to be open for them to engage with messages that are not all with commercial interest. They also expressed that they would like more access to public spaces e.g. Bus stops to communicate their messages and perspective on development issues.

As a result of the exploration today we decided on several actions The young people will share their experience of this art encounter using social media and telling their friends They will talk to people who are volunteering to <ind out more about opportunities T h e y w i l l s h a r e l i n k s t h r o u g h t h e p r o j e c t s communication network to exchange ideas and opportunities for participation. They will communicate directly to the minister of Arts about the types of arts they would like to experience their schools They will communicate with Irish Aid about how they like to engage with global citizenship themes, to input their strategic review.

YouTH ART PARTICIPATION What would we love to be able to do... locally, nationally, European, in the world? Go to clubs and learn about music and art Do a demo To have more chances at trying new things to express ourselves More stuff like this seminar, arts projects and meeting new people To learn how to play the guitar More rap workshops Dance classes Singing lessons Enterprise Exchanges based on arts I want to do ballet Travel to see and experience new cultures Places to go for young people that they can afford

What would you need to achieve your creative dreams? Equiptment Venues Good facilitators Young peoples ideas Facilities Good choices

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