Partner Profile: Cooperacion Cultural Renovacion

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Corporacion Renovacion



The Cultural Corporation, Renovación (CCR), is a community-based non-proÞt organization seeking spaces that encourage the participation and inclusion of the citizens through the development of artistic activities. The CCR works children, young people and adults from Castilla, Medellin who have historically been marginalized in Colombian society and aȔected by violence. CCR was founded in 1991 by Luz Gabriela Montoya Zapata, a teacher with 33 years of experience behind her. Since then, CCR has become one of most recognised community organisations involved in cultural activities in Medellin. It has more than 16 years experience working in the Þeld of education and production in the arts. The staȔ is made up of people trained in diȔerent disciplines, with experience in the organisation and management of projects of artistic promotion and formation, execution of socio-cultural projects and artistic events of the city. At the moment, it has a core group of more than 90 youth and a network of 200 participating youngsters.

The CCR is based in the neighbourhood of Castilla in northwest Medellin, Colombia.


The main aim of the CCR is to create spaces of participation for the population of the city of Medell n, by means of workshops in Þne arts, theatre, dance and alternative cultural activities, for the active and creative use of free time, with the goal of nurturing better citizens who will give back to the community. In addition, the CCR aims to bring life to the educational spaces through artistic, recreational and cultural expression, developing and creating speciÞc forms of the creative expression that strengthen the sense of community for all its citizens. The CCR provides workshops in: ¥ Theatre: Performance, physical expression, vocal technique, make-up, wardrobe and stage design. ¥ Dance: Modern dance, classic ballet, folkloric dance, contemporary dance, direction and stage production ¥ Fine Arts: Painting, drawing, sculpture, photography ¥ Music: Percussion, wind section (clarinet-gaita) ¥ Other workshops: Field trips and awareness activities You can Þnd out more about the Corporacion Renocavion on their blog, and on YouTube. ( Photos: Above left, The CCR youth team. Above right, young people participate in diȔerent dance and street theatre workshops

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