MES Specials Area Newsletter 1st Quarter 2012

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October 15, 2012

Special Areas News Keyboarding by Mrs. Ruth Birchfield Keyboarding class has had a great start to the school year! Students are now able to learn new skills using new laptops. This will provide new learning opportunities for all. Fourth and fifth graders have been provided with accounts to an online keyboarding program called TypingMaster. This program will guide students through a self-paced learning process of keyboarding accurately and faster. It will monitor their progress and give students results immediately. Students will be able to set their own goals. This program is available from any computer with online access and can be used at any time. Students will need to enter their login information. If you have any questions about your child’s account, you can email me at rbirch- Third graders are working on keyboarding skills using an online program from BBC called Dance Mat. It is oriented toward younger students and entertaining at the same time. We focus on different levels during each class, building skills slowly. When the level for the day has been completed, students can navigate to “Keyboarding Fun” on my webpage and pick a keyboarding game of choice. Second graders have been working on letter placement on the keyboard along with an animal research project using World Book Kids Online. First graders have been practicing computer navigation skills as well as becoming more familiar with their keyboard. Kindergarten students are coming to class with varying computer knowledge and skills. Opportunities for

advancement are set for all students. Some may need help with mouse control while others may be proficient with the skill. We are reinforcing independent navigation as well as letter recognition and becoming more familiar with the keyboard. During all classes, students work from my webpage. They have become familiar with using different pages within the site. There are online sites that are directed toward Kindergarten (using the icon of a tree), first and second graders (using the icon of a gold star), Keyboarding Fun and Typingmaster, as well as many other activities. Just click on “Teachers” at the Maysville Elementary Home Page, and then click on Birchfield, R. to access these resources.

Inside this issue: From the Art Room


Intermediate Music


Primary Phys. Ed.


Media Center


Grading Scale for Specials by Mrs. Kim Henderson

Fifth Grade Program


3-5 parents as you open up ProgressBook to access your child’s grade you will see a marking similar to this: 60 P: this means at this time your child is receiving a score of 60 which is proficient – this is a good score. Proficient is the scoring



Recorder Corner


Why Study Music?


Intermediate Physical Education by Mr. Lew Nicholas In intermediate Physical Education class, we have been trying to get a bunch of pre-assessments done that are required by the state. We have just begun

a unit on soccer. We will be working on passing, trapping and shooting. The fifth grade will also try to work on better positioning and spacing during a game situation. Once

range that we want our students to be in. Proficient is any score from 60-89. If you read 92 A: this means Advanced which ranges from 90-100 (difficult to achieve). If you read a 58 L: this would mean Limited which has a range of 59 and below – this means that your student

we have completed our soccer unit, we will be moving on to Archery. This will be our in class unit, before we start the afterschool archery in late November.

is not where we want them to be scoring at this time.

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Special Areas News From the Art Room by Mrs. Kim Henderson All of our students created a Maysville Panthers design for the PTO t-shirts during one of their art classes. They have all been turned in to me and the next step will be narrowing down the choices until just 1 design is chosen for the primary (K-2) and 1 for the Intermediate (3-5) t-shirts. The students also voted for their color choice. The majority of the primary students voted for gold and the intermediate overwhelmingly voted for blue. We have had a lot of great ideas submitted and I’m certain it’s going to be a long process to choose just 2 designs. At this point students are voting for their final choice. Kindergarten students have finally begun painting as they learned to use the primary colors of tempera paints and then smooshed them between their folded paper to create symmetrical designs. They have also spent time learning about overlapping and shapes. 1st grade students have just

begun using oil pastels to reflect upon their recent field trip and their knowledge of apples. They have also used the resist method to create paintings as the wax crayon designs are resistant to the watercolors. 2nd grade students are completing their “camouflaged” picture. The process began as they created a pencil sketch including at least 3 animals/ birds/insects and then filled in their background. They had to choose just 1 color family and filled in small areas with tints (color+white) or shades (color+black) of that color. Watercolors were the next step and finally tempera paints were allowed for the remaining areas. The result is a mixed media project showing values of the same color helping their images to blend together and camouflage their animals/birds or insects. 3rd grade students have been learning to draw 3-dimensional forms. After drawing two faces they are connected at the corresponding corners (vertices) to create the edges. Students are then practicing

using these 3-Dimensional forms to draw real-life objects such as fish tanks, desks, refrigerators, tents, houses, lamps, cups and many other objects. 4th grade students are creating dreamcatchers. They have a reed circular rim which has been wrapped after they measured out 5’ sections of yarn. After measuring a 15’ piece they wrapped this piece again. The next step entailed learning to pull in on the individual sections to thread the piece through, constantly working in this circular pattern to create the “web” in the center of their “sacred hoop”. 5th grade students had to measure inches in order to create their woven paper. This is an introduction to the “basket” weave pattern of over, under and the necessity of alternating the weft strips as they are placed on the warp. Students finished with this 2-D form are beginning to work on their 3Dimensional reed basket.

Intermediate Music by Mrs. Beth Sellers In intermediate Music, third graders have been reviewing skills they learned with Mrs. Davidson. We are focusing on reading written music and translating it into musical sounds. We are working on pentatonic melodies and simple rhythm patterns. We are playing musical games to work on singing skills and playing instruments. Fourth graders have been working on reading notes on the treble clef. The students

have played reading games, used manipulatives and done written work to reinforce this skill. We will use the staff to read our recorder music. The recorders are here and students have begun to use them in music class. Please see the on page 4 about Recorder Karate. Fifth Graders started the year reviewing reading skills and writing their own songs. We have had fun with “Weird and Wacky” instruments and singing with the dulcimer and ban-

jo. The main focus has been preparing for their upcoming program “Go West!” “I Can” statements for each grade level, fun websites, and other information can be found on my web page. Go to Maysville Elementary, click on teachers, and then click on B. Sellers.

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October 15, 2012 Primary Physical Education by Mrs. Jen Whiteman The first nine weeks in primary physical education we have been focusing on aerobic games. Game play is an important part of elementary physical education. We are learning sport and movement skills, cooperation, and other meaningful social values. In addition, game play is motivating and an excellent method for developing cardiovascular fitness. We did spend a short amount of time working on rolling. Your children were

introduced to the log roll, egg roll, forward roll, backward shoulder roll and parachute roll. These rolls are great foundational skills that build strength, balance and flexibility. The forward roll not only builds on coordination, but also timing. These skills can be applied throughout life and in other physical activities. We will soon be shifting our focus to working with the parachute. Parachute activities provide many benefits including coop-

erative skills development, fitness, active participation, and fun. All students can be involved regardless of their skill ability or fitness level. We have a large variety of activities that we will soon be doing. Please help your children be prepared for class by sending them in their tennis shoes on gym days. This is really an important factor in the safety of all students.

Media Center News by Mrs. Krissy Machamer With the changes made to accommodate new learning opportunities for all students, your child’s Library experience has changed a bit. Previously, students visited the Library twice during the eight day specials rotation. This year, students in grades K-2 visit the library twice; one of those visits is dedicated to library time and getting new books, and during their other visit they receive a character building lesson from Mrs. Moore. Students in grades 3-5 visit the library once to get new books or renew current ones, and then also receive the additional technology class from Mrs. Machamer.

Mark your calendar for the MES All Star Fall Book Fair! This year’s Fair will be held from Monday, October 29th –Thursday, November 1st, 2012. Students will visit the book fair during their library times. Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans will be very happy to know that they will be able to pre-order the brand new Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel book (scheduled to be released in early November) when they come visit the book fair! The Fair will also be open during both Parent Teacher Conference Nights on Tuesday, October 30th, and Thursday, November 1st from 4:00-7:30.

Students will be bringing home flyers and details soon from their library classes. You can find all details about the Fall Book Fair by visiting the MES Media Center’s website at http:// domain/62 and click on the All Star Book Fair Logo on the right hand side. You can also “Like” the MES Media Center on Facebook to keep updated on new events and book recommendations. Visit https:// mesmediacenter or scan the QR code with your smartphone that can be found at the bottom of the Media Center homepage.

Fifth Grade Program: Go West by Mrs. Beth Sellers The fifth grade students are preparing for their program “Go West!” The classes of Mrs. Hern, Mrs. Branch and Mrs. Warne will present their program on November 7th. The classes of Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. Jacolenne and Mr. Henderson will be performing on November 8th.

Both programs begin at 7:00 p.m. in the cafetorium. The program tells the story of westward expansion and the American Dream, the right to be the best you can be and that anything is possible. I am asking that all students dress “western”. They can wear jeans, western shirts, t-

shirts with bandanas at the neck, anything western. Permission slips will be out by the end of this week, along with the part I would like them to take. Please join us in November for the rousing and rollicking story of the West!

Technology by Mrs. Krissy Machamer In addition to Mrs. Birchfield’s Keyboarding class, students in grades 3, 4, and 5 also receive an additional technology experience with Mrs. Machamer as part of their specials rotation. In this class, students will be refining their skills in navigating the internet, exploring available resources, and learning how to use an educational platform. This year we will use Edmodo.

Edmodo is a free educational platform available for teachers and students to conduct online learning opportunities. Students seem to enjoy using Edmodo because it allows them to learn in a new, engaging way and connect and communicate with their classmates about school-related topics. Edmodo offers apps in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for students and parents

to use. Encourage your child to visit Edmodo to show you what we have been working on for the first grading period. You can find Edmodo by visiting the MES Media Center’s website at http:// domain/62 and clicking on the Edmodo logo on the right hand side.

Recorder Corner by Mrs. Beth Sellers Every year the fourth graders begin working with soprano recorders. The recorder is a beginning wind instrument that is relatively easy to play. Learning the recorder helps children with music reading on the treble clef and learning to play musically with correct technique. To encourage children to practice and set goals with the recorder, I use Recorder Karate.

Very similar to regular karate, the students learn new songs to earn colored belts. They earn a belt by playing songs accurately and with correct technique. The students can earn the following belts: White - It's in the BAG Yellow - French Song Orange - Rain, Rain Green - Little Train Purple - Lullaby

will work through the purple belt and in fifth grade the students will finish the belt songs. Please encourage your children to play with the following technique: Left hand on top Tilt recorder down Cover the holes tightly Breath gently...warm air. Begin each note with a whispered "duh"

In fourth grade the students

Why Study Music? By Mrs. Joan Davidson Why study music? How will music be important to anything I do? Relevance is important. We do not want to waste our time doing things that will be of no benefit to us. Even if your child does not grow up to be a musician, studying music is a very worthwhile endeavor. The Ohio Music Standards for kindergarten, first, and second grade all state that music should have connections to other subjects. What are those connections? Science and music share vocabulary such as frequency, intensity, volume, and duration. We both make extensive use of charts. Both

are exacting subjects. Math and music also share concepts. To read, write, and perform music, students need to be able to add and subtract beats, and also, to divide beats into fractions. Foreign language is another area that is present in the music class. Students learn to sing songs in languages they do not speak. They study cultures from all over the world, and music has its own specific language of symbols that students need to be fluent in. Most students love physical education. Music requires a unique combination of small and gross motor skills,

which must be done simultaneously while watching a director and reading a chart. Last, but not least, as it states in the reflecting/ responding standard for first and second grade, music communicates feelings, moods, images, and meanings. All of which tie into the visual arts, drama, and dance. Why study music? Because it is relevant to virtually everything we do in every other subject. Coming soon – “A Musical Holiday Around the World” presented by the second grade classes of Maysville Elementary on December 5

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