Why Do Parents Need To Focus On “Reading Comprehension” For Kids At Early Age? [Must Read]

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MAYUR GUPTA en Positive Parenting: Inspiration for Parents, Homeschool, parenting Hace 7 d · 5 min de lectura ·  ~100

Why Do Parents Need To Focus On “Reading Comprehension” For Kids At Early Age? [Must Read] As a parent – or teacher – Reading Comprehension For Kids should be a priority. You have heard the saying “The Children Are Our Future”. You should want your children to get a head start by learning to read at an early age. Using certain reading and comprehension strategies will not only allow our children to improve their reading skills – but it will give them a tremendous advantage towards their future.

Focusing on reading comprehension for kids is one of the best things we can do for them. It is our job to protect them, to teach them and to guide them in the right direction.

1. Make Reading Comprehension For Kids A Priority!

When teaching or encouraging reading comprehension for kids – we should lead by example. Yes – we should read. Letting our children see us read will cause them to want to read also. If you are going to get your child interested in learning to read – make sure you are reading a book that they can understand. It is almost a certainty that your child will want to crawl up next to you and want to read what you are reading. Soon – your child be asking “when are we going to read again?” They will be choosing the books that they want to read. Before you know it, their curiosity will be peaking and you probably won’t be able to stop them from wanting to read.

2. We All Need To Encourage Reading Comprehension For Kids Reading and comprehension of a child is a process that happens naturally. It is our responsibility as parents and teachers to help our children improve their reading skills by providing easy reading comprehension strategies. There are reading exercises – as well as – reading comprehension games that all children will enjoy. Being a good parent involves many things. Teaching children right from wrong, teaching them good manners and doing our best to make sure that they have the best chance of having a great future. There is no doubt that we are going to be proud of our children. But – we should do everything in our power to make them feel proud of themselves.

Again – as in all aspects of life, we should lead by example when it comes to our kids. What you say – they will say, What you do – they will do. Grab a book every now and then, even if you don’t really read it. Chances are, once your child has begun reading, they will grab a book also and dive on in. Sure – you want your child to succeed. But – it is also imperative that our children learn to be leaders and

educators. The future of the world is relying on them.

3. How To Teach Reading Comprehension For Kids is Vital! In order to teach reading comprehension for kids – you should gure out what type of “learner” your child is. This will make it easy for you to help them with their learning process. When your child is learning to read – this will also help them to improve their reading skills dramatically. Once you decide which best describes your child – nding easy reading comprehension strategies will be simple. Observe your child and see if you notice any of the following characteristics which might best describe the type of “learner” he/she may be. Does he/she enjoy:

a. Numbers and putting things in order? b. Sounds or music? c. Word games? d. Taking action? e. Taking things apart and reassembling them? f. Interacting with others? g. Watching, observing and studying people? When you decide the type of focus your child will have when learning – the hard part is done. Now comes the easy part. Deciding on which reading comprehension strategy to use in order to guide your child down the path that leads towards the future that is waiting for him/her.

4. Teaching Reading Comprehension For Kids Made So Simple You are wondering what system to use in order to teach reading to your children. Learning to read may be a long process for your small child, but it doesn’t have to be a dif cult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more. Experts after long years of research work, personally recommend using the “Reading Head Start Program” for your kid to get the fast and accurate results within a short period. The Reading Head Start approach is one of the most well researched and highly successful reading strategies available for young kids and it’s so crucial to get a head start on kids’ reading success at an early age. Not only does early reading success predict reading success at older ages… it predicts success across the board, in any subject. And it’s impossibly hard to catch up if reading is not mastered early that consists of proven strategies that help the kids to learn to read sooner than other kids.

5. Story of Sue and Her Little Daughter

Let’s have a look what Sue (mother of 2 yr daughter) has to say about the proven Reading Head Start Program-

“When my daughter was about to turn two, I discovered to my horror how I had ‘wasted’ those initial crucial years of her life, by not giving her the proper stimulation to nurture a love for reading. The turning point came when my daughter was about to turn two. About that time, I picked up a book by Glenn Doman called “How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge“, given by a dear niece. After reading the book, my whole perspective on early childhood education completely changed. A few of Glenn’s discoveries stuck to my mind: • Children absorb information without any effort. As they get older, they have to put in more effort to learn new things. • It is easier for a 1-year old child to learn, than a 2-year old, and easier for a 2-year old to learn than a 3-year old. • Children enjoy learning! In Glenn’s words, “Kids would rather learn than eat; kids would rather learn than play. In fact, kids think learning is play”. I was riddled with guilt after reading Glenn’s book. I should have started to teach my daughter to read when she was only a few months old, as not only would she enjoy it, it would require lesser effort on her part when she is younger! Our Reading Journey But hey, no point crying over spilt milk, correct? I decided then that I would make a concerted effort to teach my daughter to read, to give her a strong foundation and a reading headstart which would set her for life! However, it is one thing to want to do something, and quite another to gure out how/where to start! To help me get started, I decided to seek out the help of my best friend Maria whose daughter Lilly of the same age as my daughter can read easily & perfectly. She sure helped a lot, she suggested me for the proven reading headstart program. I ordered that “ Reading Head Start Program” for my little daughter on the same day because I also wanted to see my daughter reading perfectly and correctly like Lilly. I started spending 15–20 minutes daily with my daughter with that program. I was regular with this routine with my daughter to provide her with a rigid foundation for a whole life. And it worked! The reading head start program was so promising as mentioned in the video. My daughter started to read just after 2 weeks after she turned 2! I still remember how I was completely taken by surprise when she started to read words like “cow”, “dog”, “cat”, etc when I ashed them to her. It was truly the happiest and proudest moment of my life!

I remember thinking to myself, if only I had started her when she was even younger, her reading journey would have even started much earlier. But hey, it’s never too late! In fact, I am extremely thrilled and immensely satis ed with her amazing progress in reading to date.” There are parents and teachers all over the world that have used this system – and they have been absolutely satis ed with it.

It doesn’t matter what type of “learner” that your child is – this system works for any type. When you are ready to teach your kids to read – you will not be disappointed with this system. If parents provide their children at least 15 min daily at their home with this program as Sue did, they can see the astounding results within the week. You will be surprised and even your neighbours too by watching this change inside your kid. There are almost more than 5000 parents who have bene tted their children at a very young age. Their children have become an amazing reader. Children are performing very well in their academics and as well as in their daily lives. Now, you can also be among those parents and can assure your child’s success in the coming future.

Now, as a responsible parent to your small child, it totally depends on you that whether you want to provide a strong foundation to your small child for his/her bright future, Sue has already provided to her daughter, what about you, don't you want?

Yes! I also want my child to become an amazing reader.

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