7 Day Mind & Soul Cleanse

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Contents Contents........................................................................ 2 Day 1 - Gratitude........................................................... 5 Day 2 - Connecting to our world ................................... 7 Day 3 - Meaning and Purpose ....................................... 9 Day 4 - Letting Go ....................................................... 11 Day 5 - Looking After Your Body ................................. 13 Day 6 - Altruism .......................................................... 15 Day 7 - Engage Your Brain ........................................... 17 Conclusion................................................................... 19 What Next?..................................................................... 19


Welcome to the 7 Day Mind & Soul Cleanse! I wrote this after feeling overwhelmed with living in a state of chaos. To be honest I was only just keeping my head above water. I was always one step behind and constantly apologising or feeling awful about something I’d done or forgotten to do! I knew I needed to change something. Which is when a good friend introduced me to Manifestation Magic. With Manifestation Magic I was able to create a calm space for myself each untangle the stress and busy thoughts running through my mind… Essentially I learned that by taking care of myself first, I was able to perform better in all areas of my life. And these positive changes inspired me to write this Mind and Soul Cleanse!

Here’s how it works… Below you’ll find a 7 day plan to cleanse your mind, soul, and home… Each day you have simple 3-10 minute exercises to cleanse and rejuvenate specific areas of your life. These aren’t difficult, but they will reinvigorate you and give you a fresh perspective on life.


With this Mind and Soul Cleanse, you will start each day with a short thought to prepare your mind, plus a daily task that you will be able to do as you go through your day.

You’ll also get one home-decluttering task. I discovered that having a decluttered house lead to a decluttered mind. These tasks are fast and simple, but they have a powerful decluttering effect on your mind.

And for those of you who love to go one step further, I have included some reflection exercises that will magnify your cleanse. And if you want to learn the Manifestation Magic method for injecting your day with calm, creativity, and joy, go now and

Watch the awesome presentation here.


Day 1 – Gratitude We live in a world full of stress and negativity, which we know is bad for our health. It’s nearly impossible to exist in our modern world without experiencing some element of stress and negativity so we must combat these forces. Which is where today’s task comes in… Today we are going to focus on gratitude. Why? Because we know that being thankful for what we have makes us feel more positive and better about ourselves. Practicing gratitude gives us perspective and allows us to declutter the tangle of fears, worry, stress, tiredness and other thoughts that negatively impact our lives. When we practice gratitude, we reset our mode of thinking… so positivity becomes the controlling force in our lives.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “Today I am going to focus on what I have, not what I haven’t”

Daily Task Now you are going to set yourself an alarm on your phone that goes off at three separate times of the day i.e. 10am, 2pm, 7pm. When your alarm goes off I want you to write down 3 things you are grateful for. 10am 2pm 7pm


Home Decluttering Task Today you are going to declutter your bathroom. Grab a bin liner and spend 3 minutes throwing away any old or empty bottles.

Reflection Exercises What is the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?

What do you love about your family?

When was the last time you showed appreciation to your friends and family?

How do you show your appreciation to others?


Day 2 – Connecting to our world Even though we are surrounded by people we can often feel lonely. Feeling connected boosts our mental and physical health. In fact, research shows that it can increase our immunity and longevity. However, there is a word of warning: you need to find your connections with people who embody what you are trying to achieve. So if you are searching for a state of peacefulness and happiness then you need to make an effort to connect with others who share those values. Now, feeling connected with the world does not just mean social interactions with people. You can also experience the feeling of connectedness through nature or animals. This form of connectedness helps us cope with stress and allows us to thrive.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “The world is a better place with me in it”

Daily Task Your task today is to connect with your world. Make the effort to have a conversation with a friend or a stranger, and shape the conversation to be positive and uplifting in some way. You could simply discuss the beautiful weather, or the color of the trees at this time of year, discuss a book or art, or call an old friend who lifts you up. Be creative and look for the opportunities you have for an uplifting connection. You could also get outside and connect with nature. Notice the plants, trees and landscape around you. I can guarantee you have at least 5 opportunities for uplifting connections if you look for them. 7

Decluttering Task Get out into the garden and spend 5 minutes pulling out weeds or clearing rubbish in your garden. If you don’t have a garden, check on your house plants 

 Reflection Exercises When do you feel the most connected to your world? Is it when you are with a friend? At a party? Or on a hike?

How often are you going to connect with your world? Can you schedule time each day to connect with a person or nature? When? How often? How?


Day 3 – Meaning & Purpose We all have those days where you feel you haven’t achieved anything. Maybe your whole day was spent running errands, or you spent the whole day trying to recover a document lost on your computer... The reason why we all hate these types of days is because they make us feel like we haven’t achieved anything of any worth. It wasn’t meaningful to us. Having a sense of purpose or meaning makes us feel more positive. It makes us enjoy life more and research says it can even help us live longer! When we have a strong sense of meaning, we are more: 






The science behind all of this is chemical. When we feel positive our brain floods us with dopamine which makes us feel happier.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “I have a sense of purpose”

Daily Task Start your day by writing a To Do List and list them in order of priority. 3-5 main items is perfect. Make sure you tick them off as you complete them!


Decluttering Task Declutter your living room.  Throw out any old magazines or newspapers 

Donate any books that you don’t want to keep anymore

Throw out anything broken or unfixable

Reflection Exercise What would you like to achieve this year?

What do you think gives you a sense of purpose?

What would you like to be doing?


Day 4 - Letting Go Whether we know it or not we all carry thoughts or issues that make us feel more anger and stress. It might have been the feeling that you are not good enough or that because you received one critical comment you believe that everyone thinks you are bad at your job. When we harbour these negative thoughts about ourselves and the people around us we develop a tough exterior which makes it hard for people to connect. And holding a grudge has been shown to negatively impact your own happiness. Researchers have discovered that the simple act of ‘Letting Go’ is directly correlated to reducing tension, stress and depression. They have also discovered that the act of forgiving is beneficial for our own emotional health. So today we are focus on ‘Letting Go’. We are going to practice forgiveness and learn to be vulnerable.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “I acknowledge the negative but I choose to let it go”

Daily Task Today you are going to write down every persistent negative thought that comes into your head. At the end of the day I want you to analyse each negative thought and ask yourself: Is it valid? How can I make it positive? Carry around a small notepad or piece of paper and write down any persistent negative thoughts.


Decluttering Exercise Go through your phone and social media accounts and remove anybody you wouldn’t want to sit down and have a coffee with.

Reflection Exercises If you had to sum up the root cause of the negativity in your life, what would you say it was?

Can you change anything in your life to remove the negativity? If not, how are you going to manage the negativity so that you can let it go?


Day 5 - Looking After Your Body It is so easy to neglect our physical self when life becomes busy! BUT (and I know this won’t come as a surprise) anxiety, depression, pessimism, unhappiness and dissatisfaction with your life are all effected by your physical wellbeing. So… what do we mean by looking after our body? It means including some physical activity into your week, eating a healthy well balanced diet and making sure you get enough rest.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “Today I am going to be kind to my body, I will nourish it with good food, I will allow it to rest & I will do what I have to make sure it is well”

Daily Task Keep a food diary and record everything you eat today. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Did you get enough rest (sleep, relaxing, meditation?)

How much exercise you did today?


Decluttering Task Move to the bedroom today and declutter your room so that it becomes a calm, serene environment for sleep.  Remove any old bottles of perfume or items of make up you don’t use  Put any read books away or any old newspapers in the recycling  Wash bed linen **Bonus – give your pantry and fridge an overhaul and trash the foods you don’t want to be eating!

Reflection Exercises How do you feel about your diet? What would you like to change or improve?

How could you improve the quantity or quality of your sleep?

What is a realistic exercise goal for you?


Day 6 – Altruism Today we are going to practice altruism. The act of doing something for someone else without expecting anything in return. Here’s what we know about altruism – that happiness and altruism go hand in hand. Researchers have discovered that it’s not the amount of money you earn that is important but how you choose to spend it. Helping others releases endorphins which make us feel connected and happy with our life. It is important to remember that altruism isn’t only about giving away money… your time, energy, and love are all important gifts.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “I am a generous and kind person”

Daily Task Choose one of the following tasks to complete today: - Donate your time to helping a charity or someone you know who needs help. - Complete a random act of kindness. - Give money to the next person you see who needs it more than you.


Decluttering Task Clear out your wardrobe and donate any clothes that don’t fit or don’t like to a charity that resells clothing.

Reflection Exercises What do I currently do for others (outside of my family)?

What else could I do?

When am I going to start doing this?


Day 7 - Engage Your Brain There are literally hundreds and hundreds of studies that list one of the keys to happiness is learning something new. But it goes further than that. Learning something new affects us in wide and varied ways. Challenging our brain with new ideas and concepts helps us to stay curious about the world that we live in. Gaining knowledge or a new skill boosts our self confidence and gives us a positive feeling of accomplishment. By learning something new we are widening our view of the world, allowing us to appreciate life more.

Daily Thought Begin your day by repeating this phrase 3 times in front of a mirror: “I am going to feed my brain by challenging myself�

Daily Task Find one topic you currently know nothing about but really want to know more about.


Decluttering Task Throw out any old magazines, books, paperwork you no longer need. Create a clear space perfect for learning.

Reflection Tasks 1. What is something you have always wanted to learn or try?



When was the last time you learnt something that really excited you?

Conclusion Congratulations! I know how you must feel… more organised, more positive and happier. It’s amazing how small changes can make such dramatic differences to your life! I know that when I started being more mindful and taking action to care for myself, things quickly fell into place and my life started constantly improving.

What Next? If you want to feel calmer, more focused, more creative, and more vibrant every day, then I highly recommend you check out this free video presentation. The beauty of this is that they use effective, science based techniques... and they work FAST! Use them whenever you’re feeling stressed, or as a fast and easily maintainable daily practice. These sessions are easy for any person to use… and are perfect if you want the benefits of traditional meditation with a much easier and faster system. You will love these!


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