Law of Attraction- How To Attract Money and Manifest The Freedom and Lifestyle You Want

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Law of Attraction: How to Attract Money and Manifest the Freedom and Lifestyle You Want

Table of Contents Introduction

Chapter 1: Making the Decision

Chapter 2: Strengthening the Belief

Chapter 3: Maintaining a Positive Mindset

Chapter 4: Attracting Opportunities

Chapter 5: Acting on Your Vision

Introduction I want to thank you and commend you for downloading the book, “Law of Attraction: How to Attract Money and Manifest the Freedom and Lifestyle You Want”. This book contains actionable steps and strategies on how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve the life that you have always wanted. When it comes to applying the Law of Attraction, many people think that it is all about having dreams and dreaming your way into achieving them. However, it is quite the opposite. The Law of Attraction is not just about thinking positive; it is about changing your mindset, attitude, and behavior and fashioning these in such a way that you would attract the life that you desire. It is not all about “thought” as many people think it is. It is about adopting a way of life that is positive in terms of its effects on your vision of your future self. In the first chapter of this book, you will learn how to create the vision of your desired life by making specific decisions about the things that you really want. Next, you will learn how to strengthen your belief in that vision, using the most powerful Law of Attraction techniques. Then, you will learn how to adopt a positive attitude and ensure that you do not lose sight of your goals no matter what obstacle you face along the way. After that, you will learn of the actions that you need to take to attract positive opportunities that will help you achieve your dreams faster. Lastly, you will learn of the specific actions that you need to do to make sure that you send a stronger positive vibration. After reading this book, you are guaranteed to have a different outlook in life. You will pay more attention to the things that you think of, the words that you say, and the things that you do. Thanks again, I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: Making the Decision The Law of Attraction isn’t something that automatically gives you a better life without you doing anything at all. It starts with a decision: to get the life you want, you should decide to WANT THE LIFE YOU WANT. Just plain “wanting” will not do anything different with the way things around you work. The Law of Attraction needs your conviction—your strong desire to change the life that you have right now. What are the things that you need to decide on? First, you need to decide on WHAT you want.

Decide on What You Want If you have been following the lives of those who advocate the Law of Attraction, you will learn that the very first thing that they did is to specify what they would like to have. Everything that you want to happen in your lie will happen, only if you are able to fully visualize exactly how it is going to manifest in the real world. Unlike the majority, those who became really wealthy have specific goals. Here are the things that you need to decide on that will help you create a clear vision of the things that you want to manifest: 1. Decide on the emotional state that you want to be in – Many people, when asked what they want to feel, will almost automatically answer, “I want to be happy.” But do you know exactly what kind of happiness you want? Do you want to experience pleasurable things brought by riches? Do you want to feel contentment and settle down with just enough money? Or do you want to have the feeling of security with your loved ones? If you want to be happy, be specific about the things that you think will make you happy. In the later chapters, you will learn how important it is to specify the type of things that you want to happen to you, because you will have to create affirmations about it. 2. Decide on what you want to do – It is one thing to decide on WHAT to want and quite another to decide on HOW you can make it happen. The Law of Attraction will change your life, but it will not do so magically. For everything that you want to gain, you will have to give something in return. Decide on the things that you are willing to do in exchange for getting what you want. If you want riches, are you willing to work specific types of jobs? If you want promotion, are you willing to take on more challenging roles? If you want security, are you willing to take risks on businesses? If so, define the type of jobs or businesses that you are willing to do. 3. Decide on the material things you want to have/financial state you want to be in – If you want to have money, exactly how much money do you want to have in your bank account? If you want to have a car, what type of car do you visualize yourself driving? You need to create a concrete image of your future self in your mind, because you will use that image to attract the things that you want to gain. Decide on When You Want to Have It

Another mistake that many people commit when trying to use the Law of Attraction is failing to specify their desired timeline. Many people will just say they want a Ferrari, but they will leave the “date of fulfillment” blank, banking on fate to work its magic for them. The thing is, if you do not tell the universe when you want to have the things that you desire, there is a good chance that such things will not come to you when you want them to. Having a definite timeline is crucial when using the Law of Attraction to have a better life. It ensures that the processes involved in making your dreams come true are fulfilled within the schedule that you have set. You do not want for these things to come into completion when it is too late for you to enjoy them. Every opportunity that will come your way will do so according to the timeline that you have set. Set a realistic and specific date for when you want the things that you desire to happen. Do not think of a vague date like “the future” or “in the coming years.” Instead, say “I will have a car within three years from now.”

Decide on Your Priorities Now that your vision of what you want to have and how soon you want to have it is clear, it is time for you to organize your thoughts. You will not be able to get all the things that you want at the same time. Some of these will come sooner, and some will take some time. It is important that you set priorities because your short-term goals will also depend on it. This step will require you evaluate which type of things are “more important” to you. Those things that you need and are vital to your survival should come first. These things will have a shorter timeline than the things that you want (for leisure/luxury). The things that you want but are not essential to your survival will come later, after you have secured your livelihood. Your “wants” are the things that add value to your life and make you happy. Now that you have made the decision, it is time for you to write it down. Keep a “Dream Journal” where you will put all of the things that you decided on. Remember to specify the HOW and the WHEN for every item that you list in your journal. In the next chapter, you will learn how you can strengthen your belief in the accomplishment of these things.

Chapter 2: Strengthening the Belief After deciding on the vision that you want, it is time for you to ponder on this: DO YOU BELIEVE THAT IT’S POSSIBLE? One of the foundations of the Law of Attraction is the certainty that thoughts can affect the way things become. Bob Proctor, one of the early proponents of this school of thought even went as far as saying that “thoughts are things”, meaning, thoughts do not just “become” things after going through a creative process. The fact that thoughts exist in the mind means it is in itself a ‘thing’ that has mass, occupies space, and has energy. CONCEIVING something means it already exists, and BELIEVING in it strengthens the possibility of it manifesting as a tangible object. You have just gone through the process of conception in the first chapter. By visualizing yourself having the things you desire and living the life that you want, you have already made your future a reality. Now, you need to go through the process of STRENGTHENING your belief. The stronger your belief is, the clearer your vision will be. A clear vision gives you the assurance that what you are aiming for is possible. There are many ways to strengthen your belief in your vision. In the field of the Law of Attraction, these techniques are sometimes called “manifestation” (although the term actually refers to the point when the “thought” actually becomes a “thing”). The following are some of the best manifestation techniques that you can incorporate in your daily life: Creative Visualization Creative visualization is the process of visualizing your ideal mental image from scratch. It doesn’t mean you have to start imagining a blank paper which slowly becomes a picture. It means your vision starts with your WHAT, your HOW, and your WHEN.

In the past chapter, you made decisions on what you want to have, how you are going to have it, and when these things will come into completion. This is how you will start your visualization. For example, if your ideal future is as follows: What: A million dollars How: By owning <specific industry> business When: In 5 years Your creative visualization should be: 1. Your self-image today. 2. Your self-image owning a business and getting an exact amount of profit each month. 3. Your self-image checking your bank account five years from now, and looking at exactly a million dollars. The example above is a short version of your actual visualization. When you visualize, it will actually be like a movie—a motion picture—not a static photograph. This way you can figure out exactly what you need to do for your desires to be fulfilled. Also, take note that the example above is a long-term goal. You can also visualize your short-term goals, or the achievements you need to accomplish first in order for your long-term goal to happen. This is why it is important that you set your priorities before you start your visualization. This way, you can focus first on desires that can be manifested sooner. Going back to the example above, one of the short-term goals that you can try visualizing first is: What: Owning a <specific> business How: By saving <specific amount> each month to get a total of <specific amount> for startup capital When: Exactly a year from now In this case, this is how the creative visualization process will go: 1. Your selfimage today. 2. Your self-image cutting down your expenses and saving a specific amount in your savings account. 3. Your self-image checking your bank account a year from now and seeing that the account has the specific amount that you want. 4. Your image having a meeting with potential business partners.

5. Your image signing a contract or holding a business license. You should give yourself at least five minutes every day for creative visualization. The best timing would be right after waking up and right before going to sleep, because it is during these times that your conscious mind is closest to your subconscious. The goal of creative visualization is to embed your ‘motion picture� deep into your subconscious to strengthen your belief in it.

Affirmations Affirmations are positively-phrased sentences that ‘affirm’ your belief. It is one of the techniques used to effectively push your vision deep into your subconscious. By phrasing the affirmative sentences positively, you are attracting positive energies that will help you manifest your desires. Aside from positivity, affirmations have the following properties: 1. Present or presentprogressive tense – It is crucial that you phrase your affirmations in the present tense to strengthen your belief that they are currently happening. 2. Single statements – Affirmations are short statements containing the What and How of your vision. It cannot be more than one sentence, because the goal is to repeat it every day. It does not have the “When” component because affirmations should be phrased using the present tense. 3. Active – All of your affirmative statements should be in the active voice. This signifies your intention to act on them. You can have multiple affirmations, but the ideal number is 5: 1 affirmation for your ultimate goal in life, 2 affirmations for your short-term goals, 1 affirmation for your goals concerning your environment, and another for your specific goal for the day. Some people list too many affirmations thinking that they will attract more positive things in doing so. That is not the right way of applying the Law of Attraction. What you need to do instead is to ensure that your affirmations cover exactly what it is that you want to happen, and then repeat those simple statements every day. If you create too many affirmations, there is a chance that some of them will be redundant, or that you will not be able to repeat all of them every single day. Here are some examples of Affirmations: 1. I feel happy having a million dollars to my name by having a profitable <specific> business. 2. I am earning 500,000 dollars this year. 3. I feel good driving my Ferrari down the road. 4. I am helping my environment become cleaner by taking responsibility of my own trash.

5. I am completing my <specific task> today with ease. Affirmations are best read/recited in the morning, before you start your tasks for the day. Doing this will set the tone for your day and will help you have a positive outlook. Affirmations do not only strengthen your belief in your ability to achieve your goals, it also serve as reminders that what you will be doing that day is directly affecting your future. You can also recite your affirmations during the day, especially at times when you feel bored or discouraged. It would help to write your affirmations on a piece of paper that you can carry everywhere (or save it on your mobile device). I recommend that you check out the book below if you want some more information about affirmations.

Conscious Confirmation The moment your belief in your vision becomes stronger, you will start seeing opportunities come your way. These opportunities will directly affect the manifestation of your dreams, but in varying degrees. Some will have a great impact on how soon you are going to achieve your dreams, and some will be of little help. What’s important is that you spot these things and “confirm” that these things happen because you started following the Law of Attraction. Conscious confirmation is the challenge of connecting positive events with your vision and affirmation. A simple example will be a vision of someone giving you an apple within the week. You can apply the Law of Attraction by visualizing yourself receiving an apple, and then create an affirmation for it. After a few days, you will either: - See apples or drawings of apples - See apple-flavored products or - Hear somebody mentioning apples You will find that more and more events related to your vision will be presented to you. Conscious confirmation means acknowledging these positive events as directly connected to the Law of Attraction techniques that you have been practicing. When you do this, you are not only strengthening your own belief, but also attracting more positive events. The more you “confirm” the attraction, the more likely it is that someone will give you an apple within that week. You do not have to verbalize the confirmation. All you need is to tell yourself that “Hey, this happened because I believed in it”. This acknowledgement should be followed by gratitude for all the forces of the universe that conspired to make it happen. How to Strengthen Your Belief Every Day To make the most out of the techniques you have just learned, it is essential that you make a visualization, affirmations, and conscious confirmation. If this is all new to you, it would greatly help to have a list of the things that you should do and commit to doing them every day. Here is an example of the morning and nighttime routine for you: Morning Power Hour

(after waking up) 1. Visualize your desire – Imagine yourself actually having the things that you wanted to have. Let your imagination take you on a journey to the life you have always dreamed of. If it was a specific amount of money, you were aiming for, imagine how it looks and how it smells. If you are aiming for success, imagine yourself being given accolades for your accomplishments. 2. Read/Recite your affirmations – Recite your affirmations with gusto, believing that these things are already happening. Nightly Reflection (before going to sleep) 1. Visualize your desire – To effectively push your desires into your subconscious, it is important that you think about them again before you go to sleep. 2. Read/Recite your affirmations – This is one of the best ways to end your day. It will make you look forward to the next day with a positive mindset. 3. Reflect on the events that happened during the day – Spend some time thinking back on how your day went and check if there were any events that were directly related to your desire. Be grateful that these things happen and know that you are indeed attracting things that are going to help you manifest your desires. In the next chapter, you will learn how you can maintain a positive mindset. Staying positive in different situations is important because your mindset determines the type of things that you will attract.

Chapter 3: Maintaining a Positive Mindset Positivity is one of the key concepts of the Law of Attraction. Before delving into the ways on how you can adopt a positive mindset, it is important that you understand why you need it first. Many of those who are skeptical about the Law of Attraction think that one can never really attract positive things all the time because positive things cannot happen continuously. What these people fail to understand is that it’s not about attracting positive things all the time; it is about maintaining a positive attitude despite negative circumstances. The Law of Attraction states that everything has energy, and this energy makes things vibrate in a certain direction and frequency. The direction determines whether something is going for or against another thing. The frequency determines how strong the vibration is. According to the Law of Attraction, things that vibrate in the same direction and frequency attract each other to form another thing—that which has stronger frequency and moves faster. Thus, small positive things combine to form bigger things of positive nature. In your case, the “positive” things are those that have the same frequency and direction as your goals. Now, as the skeptics said, negative things will also happen. Of course, they will, but what’s important is that you counter them with positive things so that they do not form a “bigger” negative thing. The best positive “things’ that you can use are your thoughts. By maintaining positive thoughts, you are effectively countering the negative effects of things that hinder you from achieving your goals. Positive thoughts fuel a positive attitude. Maintaining a positive attitude despite negative circumstances effectively changes the course of negative things, deflecting them so that they would not affect the positive things that are coming your way. Here are some of the things that you need to do to maintain a positive attitude:

Stop worrying – Among the things that feed negative vibrations are worries. Worrying is the habit of expecting negative things to happen. It weakens your belief in your own goals. It makes you doubt your own plans. It attracts negative things and stops the positive ones from coming to you. Do not worry about things that will happen in the future; doing so will only make you less confident about yourself. No one will ever know exactly what will happen, so instead of pre-empting the results, just keep on strengthening your vision of success. If you catch yourself worrying, stop what you are doing for a few minutes and visualize your goals again. If that isn’t enough, go ahead and recite your affirmations. You need to consciously counter the effect of your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Stop doubting yourself – Self-doubt starts to happen when you question your own capabilities. Do not limit your vision just because you think some of the things that you need to do are beyond what you are capable of. That isn’t true. You can do everything that you can conceive; it just takes some skills and elaborate planning. Just because you haven’t actually tried doing something doesn’t mean you cannot do it. Give yourself a chance to grow by acknowledging that you have the ability to learn everything you set your mind to. Always look at the brighter side of things – When something happens, it does so as a result of combined vibrations of several things. Because vibrations go to and fro, it means that there will always be a duality: something given means something taken, something found means something is lost, something turned good means something turned bad, etc. When the circumstances do not go the way you expect, it only means it went well for somebody else, or that it serves you quite differently from what you initially thought. There will always be an opportunity for you to turn things to your favor, but only if you recognize that the “bad” things that happen are not really “bad” in every aspect. Remove the concept of “competition” in your mind – People have been led to believe that success means coming out on top of everybody else. This is the

basis of the “rat race” where everybody rushes off to get their work done in an attempt to get ahead of everybody else. The problem with this kind of thinking is that people end up using other people’s achievements as their standard for success. Instead of acquiring their own skills or building their own talents, they focus on besting others. This results in disappointment, envy, jealousy, and sometimes even hate (because they think others do not deserve what they are getting). You need to completely avoid this kind of mentality. Your success will depend on your own actions. You should be the one to set your own standards and not base your performance on other people’s achievements. Other people have different goals from you, so there is no sense in competing with them. If you do find some people who share the same dreams, what you should do is be friends with them, not try to surpass them. Working with people who have the same vision strengthens your beliefs and theirs, and it sends out a stronger vibration that will attract positive opportunities. Know That Nothing is Permanent – Do not be afraid to try things just because you fear failure. Nothing is permanent in this world. The vibrations that things and people have will always keep the world moving in a particular direction. This means that failure (and success) isn’t permanent, either. All you need is to be consistent with advocating positive thoughts and actions to ensure that the vibrations that you send go towards the direction that you want. The failures that you may experience will pass and can become your success later on.

In the next chapter, you will learn how to make the most out of the Law of Attraction principles when manifesting opportunities for yourself. Remember that you would need to give/do something in order to get something back. The next chapter will show you exactly what you need to do to effectively attract opportunities that will help you achieve your ultimate goals.

Chapter 4: Attracting Opportunities In the earlier chapters, you have learned how you can attract positive things that will help you achieve your dreams through various Law of Attraction techniques. Those techniques are focused on your cognition. It aims to send a positive vibration by the use of your thoughts. In this chapter, you will learn about the actual things that you can do to attract positive opportunities for your success. Here are some of the things that you can do to send a stronger positive vibration: Your Short-Term Goals Should be Consistent with Your LongTerm Goals – Think about this: if your “long-term” goal is to save $1000 in 10 weeks, is it wise to have a short-term goal of “saving $50 a week”? Of course, it isn’t. Your short-term goals should always be consistent with your ultimate goals. Do not expect to achieve your ultimate goal if you cannot commit yourself to setting short-terms goals that are consistent and relevant. When setting tasks for yourself, always think about how they are going to help you in the long run. Do not waste your time doing things that do not have any positive effect on your vision. How will it help you attract positive opportunities? It will do so through what is known as the “snowball effect.” If you successfully achieved your shortterm goal, you will be equipped with skills that will help you in your journey towards your next short-term goals. Your acquired skills will then accumulate and will make you better at handling obstacles and challenges. It will make you more confident in your decisions. When opportunities start presenting themselves, you will be able to identify whether or not they are positive opportunities (i.e. opportunities that help you achieve your ultimate goals better than other opportunities can). From then on, similar opportunities will present themselves and you will no longer have any difficulty in making the right choices.

Make Sure That Your Speech is Positive – Earlier, when we discussed affirmations, you learned how positive phrasing affects the way you attract

money and riches. This does not only apply to the affirmations that you created. Your manner of speaking should also be of the same frequency as your goals. For example, if you do not want to be late for an appointment, do not say “I will not be late.” Instead, say “I will be early.” Positive phrasing involves removing negative words and replacing them with positive ones. Here are some examples: Negative: I cannot pay my bills today. Positive: I will pay my bills once I get the money. Negative: I do not have enough time to do that. Positive: I still have time to do some of it. Negative: I have problems in completing my tasks. Positive: I can complete my tasks with a little help. Positive speech isn’t only a form of action that will attract opportunities; it is also a good way to strengthen your belief and self-confidence. Be With Positive People – Finding the right people to add to your social circle is crucial to your success. Not only do you need to find people with positive attitude, you also need to find positive people who share the same vision and goals as you. People with positive attitude are those who are relaxed, confident, and driven. They always find ways to achieve their dreams and they are also looking for people who have the same attitude as they do. These people can help you, encourage you, and even teach you become the person you have always wanted to be. Positive people are those who will directly affect your vision. These people have influence and experience. You should have these people as your mentors and counselors and ask them for advice on what to do next.

Expand Your Knowledge – Another good way of attracting positive opportunities is learning the ropes of your chosen trades. Having mentors is a good thing, but it will not be enough to teach you about the in-and-outs of the industry in which you want to excel. You have to do your own research or even enroll in formal classes if you have to. Do not expect to be successful at something that you do not know anything about. Along with your thoughts and attitude, you should also have the knowledge.

Try Your Hand at it – If you want to really attract opportunities that are directly related to your goal, what you need is to actually experience what it’s like to work in the industry. If your goal is to get rich by operating a successful shoe business, then start learning how to make shoes and actually MAKE A PAIR OF SHOES. If you want to be a successful actor, then start learning the craft then START ACTING. Positive opportunities come best when they are triggered by actions that are directly related to them. No one will buy shoes from you if no one knows that you’re making them. No one will offer you any acting stints if you haven’t even tried making your own movies. You’ve got to at least display your skills in the playing field to attract real opportunities. In the next chapter, you will learn how you can act positively on your vision. Actions will affect your vision stronger because it directly causes movement in the environment. Positive actions, combined with positive decisions, strong belief, and positive attitude, can propel you into achieving the life you want sooner than you ever imagined.

Chapter 5: Acting on Your Vision Another misconception about the Law of Attraction is that people only need to think of their goals consistently so that opportunities will come to them magically. However, that is not true at all. The Law of Attraction does not deny the truth that the things that you hope for will not come to you if you do not act on them. In fact, the Law of Attraction encourages action more than it encourages thought. It is because actions send stronger vibrations as they directly affect the things in the environment. To put it into perspective, think of thoughts as wind and actions as pebbles. A positive thought about your goals can affect your surrounding like a soft breeze touching the water in a still pond—you will get little waves in one direction. Now, when you strengthen your positive thoughts, the breeze will become stronger and will create bigger waves in one direction. Actions, on the other hand, are like pebbles dropped in the middle of the still pond. They send waves equally to the area surrounding the point where the pebble was dropped. A bigger pebble will create bigger ripples which spread equally around the center point. This only means that although thoughts can affect your success, actions will affect your life on a much larger scale because they send the vibrations to every aspect of your life. There are many ways to act on your dreams, but only a few of them will benefit you and the people around you. Your actions should be consistently positive and you should always consider how you are affecting your environment. Here are some of the most effective ways to use the Law of Attraction in deed: Plan Your Course of Action – After you set your goals, it is important that you get ready for the tasks that you are about to do. This would mean making sure that you have the skills and resources required for the job. If you do not have those yet, then make plans on how you can have them. For example, if your goal is to have a million dollars in your bank account in 5 years by running a

successful food business, set your short-term goals first. Then, based on the nature of your short-term goals, make plans on how you can execute the first one. If you need to learn about the food business first, then make plans on how you can get the necessary knowledge. Make sure that you set alternatives in case some of the things you set did not turn out exactly how you planned them. Having alternatives will make you worry less and will also help you become more flexible with your other future plans. Make the Most of Your Time – In the earlier chapters, you have learned how important it is to specify the “when” of every goal that you set. This means that you have a timeline to follow. Make sure that you do not engage in activities that are irrelevant to your goals. Wasting your time on things that do not help you will only put unnecessary pressure on your shoulders when you realize that the “deadline” that you set for yourself is coming. Always make sure that the activities that you do all have a positive effect on your long-term goals. Ask Help from the Experts – If you are having difficulty achieving some of your goals, do not hesitate to ask for help. Aside from your mentors and counselors, there are many experts in the field/industry that you chose who will be willing to share what they know. All you need to do is ask. Be Flexible – As mentioned earlier, things will not always go exactly as you planned. This is not because you are not attracting the positive vibrations, but because somewhere in your journey, you may have sent a vibration of a frequency different from that of your goals. Again, do not worry. As long as your vision stays clear and your belief is intact, no one can stop you from attracting the riches and the lifestyle that you want. You may need to make some adjustments, and that is okay. Think of it as a little detour that will still lead you to your destination in the end. Replace Old Habits with New Ones – Remember this: if the things that you have been doing so far are not getting you anywhere near your goals, then it is time to stop doing them. You need to let go of the things that you are used to doing if it’s not helping you. Start as a blank slate and adopt new habits. If you are clueless on what habits to adopt, study the successful people you admire and find out what their habits are. You do not need to copy exactly what they do; you just need to get some insight on the type of habits that they have. Then, based on

what you have learned from these successful people, create positive habits of your own. Try committing to a new habit for a few weeks to see if it is helping you. If it isn’t, then try a different one. Again, be flexible. Help Other People – As you have learned, the Law of Attraction states that one action will lead to another of the same kind if the vibration is strong. Helping others make their dreams come true is a positive action that sends a very strong positive vibration. Think of it this way: by helping people, you are helping yourself become more positive. By helping them attract more money and a good lifestyle, you are doing the same for yourself. Be Grateful – Last but not last, always be grateful for the things that you have. Remember that the reason for you having these things is that positive things combined to manifest them. The Law of Attraction worked to ensure that the things that you enjoy now become yours. Make sure that you let the universe know that you are thankful for these.

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