The Law Of Attraction Blueprint

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THE LAW OF ATTRACTION BLUEPRINT The most effective step by step guide to get what you want, reach your goals and manifest abundance in your life.

Table of contents:

Introduction Chapter 1: What is the Law of attraction?? Chapter2: How everything is energy? Chapter 3: Relation between our thoughts and our vibration Chapter 4: Why the law of attraction does not work for many? Chapter 5: How to make the Law of attraction work for you?? Chapter 6: How do you raise your vibration? Chapter 7: How your conscious mind works with your subconscious?? Chapter 8: Goals Chapter 9: The role of Imagination in goal setting Chapter 10: Time for action Tips and tricks. Conclusion


I thank you for choosing this book to read. I want to congratulate you to have chosen to follow your heart and really go after what is yours in this universe. Do you feel that things are not going good for you or you are trying as hard as you can still the results which you want are alluding you? Do you feel that life basically is stacked against you and that however hard you try, you are not going to make it. Well, banish those thoughts right away as this book will help you to look within yourself for solutions and not outside. This book will lay before you a complete step by step process for attracting all the good you want to in your life. At the end of the book you will start to use the law of attraction like a pro (If you apply all the steps properly as directed) and start attracting the abundance and the good stuff you always wished for. This book puts forth the steps which I take daily in order to attract abundance in my life and claim rightfully what is mine. You will find the book to be easy to read and understand and most importantly apply in your daily life. My sincere wish is that you get the maximum benefit out of this book and keep returning to the book as many times you would want. Sit back and enjoy the book.

Chapter 1: What is the Law of attraction??

The law of attraction puts forth the fact that whatever you will give consistent thought to, you will create and bring it into your life. The universe works on the concept of attraction and we get what we think about. Once you have given thought to something and attach your emotions to it and expect it to come to you, it will. Unfortunately the Universe cannot distinguish between what is right and what is wrong for you. Whatever you think about and associate it with feeling and expect it to come to you(Your belief), the Universe will make sure that it will deliver it you. So one can think of the Universe of a courier delivery boy or the waiter at the hotel who will deliver to you the exact courier bearing your name or the dish which you have ordered. The best way to understand the Law of attraction is to bear in mind that you will get exactly what you give greatest amount of thought and emotion to. The more you emotionalize and believe in anything, the quicker and with surety it will appear. The way you are living right now has been attracted by you, the good, the bad and the Ugly. I know that this concept is tough to accept but once you wrap this fact around your heads and burn it into your mind, you will have such a power to create anything. So once you understand the law of attraction and how to use it to your benefit, you will be in a position to think the thoughts that will help you to live the life which you always dreamt of. That will also help you not to attract the ugly things in your life. Thus the law of attraction puts forth that we attract to our reality an exact match to how we think and feel. Now what is this reality?? Everything in the universe is made of the same thing: And it is Energy!!

Chapter 2 : How everything is energy?

We have always thought of matter as solid but if we were to look at our hands with a powerful microscope then we would find a mesh work of atoms. If we take a closer look, we will find that the observations are nothing different from what you have learnt in your Physics school classes. We find that these atoms are made of nucleus with protons moving around them. This is similar to planets revolving around the sun. So it means we are not solid, nor are we static but we are Energy. Now this is the reality!! The reality is that we are energy and our thoughts are energy. I am sure this is going to be a very different way of thinking of who we are and isn’t it a very liberating thought. We and our thoughts and everything around you are energy. Whatever we can see, hear, touch and smell is made of different wavelengths vibrating at different frequencies. Our brain is designed in such a way that it interprets an energy cluster as a table or a chair or a tree or another person. They may all appear solid but if we break them down as explained before, they are all energy. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 3: Relation between our thoughts and our vibration?

Every time we think a thought , we send out that thought’s specific vibration. Now if a thought makes you feel good then you emit higher frequency vibration and conversely if a thought makes you feel depressed or sad then you emit lower frequency vibration. These vibrations are sent out to the Universe (which does not know the nature of the vibration) and checks for the other vibrations which are of the same frequency. The added and multiplied vibrations are attracted to you who help in fastening your manifestation process. Therefore now it is easy to understand why like attracts like and gets multiplied. Now think of giving power to your thoughts. The more focus you give to a thought, more thoughts of the same vibration will join in thus giving more power to your thoughts thus setting up the Law of attraction. And thus like attracts like. The ‘like’ in the like attracts like could be a positive like or a negative like. All the Universe is doing is sending to us events and circumstances in tune with our highest frequency of vibration be it positive or negative.

Chapter 4: Why the law of attraction does not work for many?

As explained earlier you give power to your thoughts by thinking more thoughts of the same vibration. Now the more attention you pay to a subject in the way of vibration, the easier it gets to associate with that thought. And you will be surprised to find the same situation all around you in newspapers, TV etc. You are in such a terrible vibration right now that if anyone talks to you about the positive side, you may feel awkward about it. The thoughts you think form a collective vibration. So if you think predominantly positive thoughts your overall vibration is going to be positive compared to you thinking negative thoughts. You by default are pure, positive energy. If we have no thoughts we will be in the highest frequency of vibration. So any thought which deviates from the natural vibration will bring down the overall vibration and affect our being. Very few are conditioned from the childhood to see the positive side of the things. Majority are conditioned with lack and limitation and thus their thoughts don’t soar higher than the frequency which they are accustomed to due to which they keep on strongly attracting lower frequency vibrations which are basically negative in nature. And this is the only reason why the Law of attraction does not work for many. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 5: How to make the Law of attraction work for you??

Till now it must be clear to you that you are Energy vibrating at a very high frequency. So to attract positive instances and circumstances your thoughts should also emit highest frequency of vibration. The negative and limiting beliefs that you pick up during your upbringing will definitely lower your vibration even more. This has a cascade affect. The lower your vibrations, the lesser the energy you will have and less joyful you will be. With this you will feel very low emotionally. So now you see how contagion the lower vibration is. Raising your vibration will definitely make the Law of attraction work for you. The trick is to raise your vibration and make sure that you are vibrating at the highest frequency possible.

Chapter 6: How do you raise your vibration?

There are many ways to increase your vibration and attract the life which you always dreamt of. The following are the few which I list. Bear in mind that there are no exact ways to increase your vibration. The goal is to move from a lower frequency of vibration to a higher frequency of vibration and start attracting the good which is rightfully yours. The ways to raise your vibration: 1) Start being more appreciative: learn to focus on things which are happening in your life which you may have taken for granted. Appreciate your family, friends all the things which you have accomplished till now. Be grateful for the house which you are staying in. Appreciate all the opportunities which came your way and you made the most of it. Make it a habit to do it regularly at a specified time. 2) Listen to the music which you enjoy: Music is the sound frequencies and vibrations which you experience through the sense of hearing. Such music will raise your vibration and make you feel good. 3) Meditate: Meditation can be the best stress reliever. It clears the mind of all the clutter and helps you reach the highest vibration possible. 4) Become aware of the current vibration: How are you feeling right now? Give deliberate attention to your feelings? Are you feeling down and tired. If yes, change it with the help of above mentioned steps. Do it now!! 5) Stop complaining and give out positive feelings: As we have already seen that your thoughts are powerful and if you always think of what you do not want, guess what, you will attract it. So don’t give power to such thoughts and concentrate on what you want and doing. 6) Write down exactly how you want your life to be: Write down exactly you want your life to be. What do you really want to do with the one life which you have got? Imagine and write it down. This writing down has the power to manifest itself in your life. 7) Start practicing positive affirmations: Affirmations are a very good way to alter your state of vibration instantly. If you repeat the affirmations daily, you will find that you will be constantly in the vibration which will attract the things which you want as by affirming you are programming your subconscious for positive expectancy.

Till now we have seen how you will attract your reality in accordance with the vibration in which you are. Also we have gone through the ways in which vibration can be improved. Now let’s use this Law in actually attracting what you really want in your life. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 7: How your conscious mind works with your subconscious??

You have a powerful mind and you should know how to use it effectively for your good and for the good of others. There are two levels of your mind—the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, also known the rational mind and the irrational mind. You think with your conscious mind and whatever you habitually think sinks down into the subconscious mind. The moment the thought sinks in to the subconscious, it starts to work and sees to it that things in accordance with the thoughts are attracted to you. The subconscious mind is the creative mind and creates in accordance with your thoughts. The subconscious mind is like a fertile land. It does not know what is being sown as a thought in it. Just like a fertile land can grow a weed and a Oak tree irrespective of the seed, similarly the subconscious will see to it that the output it provides is in accordance with your thoughts. Here you can clearly imagine the power of the handiwork between your conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Just imagine if you feed only thoughts and images of abundance and prosperity to the subconscious through the conscious. The whole creative process is nothing short of magic and can manifest itself before we know. Only thing which is required is positive channelled thought process which once planted into the subconscious will result into the life which you want. The main point to remember here is that your subconscious mind once accepts an idea; it begins to execute it perfectly. It does not care whether the idea is good or bad. It takes both the good and bad idea at face value and like a loyal servant goes about executing it. This fact is both freeing and scary. If you plant a negative idea there by emitting vibrations of lower frequency your subconscious will bring about fear, anxiety, doubt and ill health to you. On the other hand if you feed the idea of positivity along with higher frequency vibration you will find that all the good things which you expected and more will be created.

Now that you know how your conscious mind feeds your subconscious mind with a particular thought frequency and how that thought frequency controls your vibration and the Law of attraction is set into motion. With this understanding we have got the keys to the kingdom. The next step is to decide what do you really want?? Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 8: Goals

To manifest your dream life into reality, you should first of all know what your dream life looks like. One of the ways is to go after what you want. In other words you should have goals to hit at and go after. If you can’t see anything how are you going to take aim and shoot? So it’s very imperative to have goals. How to set goals: 1) Decide: Decide what do you really want??Make sure that the goal which you are aiming for is something which you absolutely want and nor what you know you can achieve or you think you can achieve. Your goal should both scare and excite you at the same time. Set goals that motivate you. Ask to yourself why it is important for me to achieve the goal. 2) Write your goals down: writing down your goals will increase your chances of sticking to them. Carry a goal card with you where you have written down what it is that you really want. Describe your goal in specific terms. Ex: Instead of writing I want to make lots of money, write I am so happy and grateful now that, I make Rs. 2lakhs per month from multiple sources and help my family and society. Be as specific as you can. Universe loves clarity. 3) Tell someone about your goals: telling a near one about your goal can increase the probability of sticking to it. 4) Break down your goals: This is important for big goals which you have for yourself. Sometimes your bigger goal can be daunting for you (which has to be). If your aim is to be healthier, then you can break it down to smaller timelines and smaller tasks like jogging for a nonstop of 15 minutes. Such smaller goals are measurable, actionable and will help you to reach your bigger goal. 5) Start now: Don’t procrastinate Start now. Take the first step and the path will be laid in front of you. You will be amazed to see things ‘falling in place’ and all the steps required will be revealed to you if you move towards your goal with confidence. Just take the first step.

6) Keep on going: On your path of achieving your goals you will find yourself stuck many times. Don’t stop at those times as all the hard work which you did till now will be wasted. You will be frustrated that the progress is not there as you want but you have to persevere and have faith in the unseen. Just sit down and explore of ways to do things in a different way. Don’t hesitate to ask for help wherever you feel stuck. Remember if you move confidently toward your goal without giving up, you will find inspiration and success at uncommon places and hours. What you are seeking is seeking you too. 7) When you reach your goal, just enjoy the moment and thank all who made it possible. Appreciate the journey which you were put through and note down what you learnt along the way. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 9: The role of Imagination in goal setting:

The most important intangible quality that plays a role in goal setting is Imagination. I will draw a similarity between Imagination to your goals as a engine to a train is. Imagination fuels your goals. Nothing can drive your goals like imagination. Every great idea or invention was imagined in the mind of the inventor as a thought and only then the necessary steps were attracted in accordance with the vibration of the thought. You can also do the same. You have the ability to see the things that have never existed by using your imagination. So let your imagination fly when you set your goals. Imagination will in many ways make your life worth living. Without imagination to set our goals we simply exist, not knowing our true calling. Make use of imagination while setting your goals. Go after what you want and not after what you know u can do or what you think you can do, as explained earlier. Imagine yourself walking into a dark room with a lamp in your hand. You know that there is a switch out there somewhere in the room which will banish the darkness. And you search for it diligently. In the similar way imagination works for you. When you set a goal you may not see everything clearly. But once you move toward your goal confidently, things will become clear if you plug yourself to the infinite power that is available. Don’t get overly concerned about how the goal which you have set will manifest. It is not your job to do so. By doubting how it is going to manifest you are hindering with the creative process which has already started when you have written down your goal and committed to it. All the means and routes will be shown to you at the right time. All you have to do is hold the image in your mind and stay committed. The law of vibration works so precisely that once you doubt the process, your vibration will lessen as you no longer believe in the manifestation and if you do not believe how you are going to attract. When you try to go into the details of how it is going to happen, actually you are operating with the limited knowledge of your conscious mind which will try to reason out the how. This the conscious mind cannot do as it is not aware of the higher working powers of our subconscious mind.

So the best way to manifest your goals is to leave it to the universe to find out how it is going to happen. Your role after writing down your goal is to relax and imagine as the goal being already achieved. Imagine that you are already in the possession of your goal and emit positive life giving vibrations. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!

Chapter 10: Time for action

It’s not enough to just imagine, create the image in your mind, believe that the goal will be achieved. The most important step after all of the above while you hold that image in your mind is to take inspired action. Once you imagine and create a mental image of what you want, you will find that you will come across events that will help you reach your goal provided you take inspired action. This action taking will not feel to be laborious and cumbersome to you as it is inspired and the Universe has asked you to take the step. How do you know that the Universe has asked you to take action?? That is called a hunch. Remember any event in your life that you dearly wanted to happen and all of a sudden you get an idea and act upon it and find that your job is accomplished. That feeling or the nudge from the universe is a hunch. Always act on your hunches or your gut feel as they are most pure form of advice anybody can give you as they come to you from your pure and higher self. Such hunches will take you by your hand and make sure that you reach your goal safely. Hunches and gut feel are your subconscious working with the universe mind, thus it makes sense in listening to your heart and not your mind in such cases. If you feel confused whether taking action will be beneficial or not, just close your eyes and imagine the end result. If this inspired action helps you to reach your goal, just do it. Don’t overlook hunches and gut feel. Listen to them. It is the universe talking to you. And that is amazing.


You would be asking yourself how fast I can get results. Well it depends on how much time you spend on the positive vibration which you emit. If you are an optimist and feel it’s easy to get into positive vibration mode quite easily, you can achieve your goals fairly quickly. On the other hand if you are having a bad time getting around your situation and get into positive vibration then try out the ways mentioned in the earlier section about how to change and increase your vibration. The more you commit to make the process a daily routine, the more you practice the easier will it be to spend your time in the new vibration where achieving anything is possible.

Tricks and tips:

Won’t it be fun if we accelerate our manifestation of our goals. The most important step toward that direction is repetition. Repeating your affirmations (written on your goal card) daily will quicken the process, channelled imagination done thrice a day will help fasten the goal achieving. Another way is to create a vision board which is basically a collage of the various images, pictures and affirmations of your dreams and things which make you happy. Prepare it and keep it at such a place where you can look at it daily and mentally rehearse your life film which you have created. Another way to keep reminding and make your mind go in that direction is to have your passwords set as that goal. Example: if your goal is to travel the world related to your work, have a password like iamtravellingtheworld or travelwork2016. This will create a mental picture of the goal which you have set out for yourself and believe me it will accelerate the process of your reaching to your goal. Unfold This Hidden Secret of Law of Attraction To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires Within 24 hours !!!


You can attract whatever you want in your life. Remember the circumstances you attract are in direct proportion to you vibrations you put out in the Universe. And by absolute law you attract those circumstances in your life depending on your vibrations. Thank you for reading this book. I hope you were able to get value out of this read and implement the learning in your life. Finally, if you have enjoyed the book please take a moment to post a review and share your thoughts on Amazon. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and good luck. (

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