Theta Healing Manifesting Manual

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ThetaHealingÂŽ Manifesting & Abundance Manual By Vianna

ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

Vianna’s Manifesting and abundance Class In ThetaHealing®, the concept of manifesting is the Belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using the power of the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. If you constantly say that you are poor, you will be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant, you will be. It is of the utmost importance to stay on a positive mind set. When deciding what it is you want to manifest for in your life, the biggest challenge is deciding what it is that you truly want. Many people don’t know what they want in their life; therefore they never create it. Other people believe that their life is leading them and they are not leading their life. These people go with the flow and wait to see what happens. The truth is that we are creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But you must first decide what it is you want in your life.

Manifesting in a Theta State Being in a Theta State while manifesting will increase the chances of a manifestation to about eighty to ninety percent. Just talking about things will sometimes manifest things in your life, and the chances of this happening are about thirty to forty percent, visualizing increases your chances nearer to fifty percent. But a Theta State increases the manifestations enormously. • • •

The spoken word is effective 30-40% of the time. Visualizing is effective 50% of the time. Theta wave manifesting is effective 80-90% of the time. Theta wave is the most effective way to manifest.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

One important aspect to remember when you are doing any kind of manifesting is that should the manifestation come true, you will get exactly what you ask for. This is why you should always ask for the highest and the best. If you need money, be mindful that you ask for it in the highest and the best way. For example, you do not want ten thousand dollars from an accident insurance claim filed on behalf of yourself. The following of these principles are important in any Theta-created manifestation for abundance. • • • • • • • •

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We create our own reality. Think before you ask for something. You may just get it. You are only allowed to manifest in your own life. Be very specific about what you want. Be specific as to what you ask for. If you ask for one million dollars, specify that it comes to you in the highest and best way. Know exactly what you want, “word for word”, and specify “word for word” in your prayer of manifestation. Be careful with the spoken word and directed thought forms, as this may bring manifestations, either good or bad, to your life. What you say and what you think creates your life. Be aware that there be may be blocks on some level concerning what you want to manifest. If your manifestations do not come into reality, the cause may be programs on Core, Genetic, History, or Soul levels. Test for these Programs and replace accordingly. State that the manifestation is created in the present positive sense. State, “I have this, now!” Do not command that you be like someone else; rather command that you be the best that you can be.

Many people attempt to use ThetaHealing® to download complete financial success without first Energy-Testing themselves to find what may be blocking them. In some instances these people become upset when they do not achieve immediate results. In this manual you will learn how to clear these possible blocks, how to make a plan, to set your intentions, and follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes. This is not a get-rich-quick manual, but rather a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential. The following course is divided into two portions: 1. Finding your blocks. 2. Retraining your Mind. This class is designed to teach you how to use Theta in the Highest and Best Way to assure yourself success in all aspects of your life.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance


As we begin talking about abundance and how to create it in our lives, it is important to figure out what is blocking you. Being clear from the blocks listed in this manual is the first step toward creating the things you desire in your life and helping those around you attain the things they, too, desire. Remember, blocks on abundance are seldom about money. Programs and blocks pertaining to money are rarely ever the bottom beliefs that are keeping us from abundance. When working on yourself or others, a useful and more in-depth resource to guide you in finding and releasing the following issues can be found in the Basic DNA Course Manual and the book “ThetaHealing®”. Regret People are often unable to move past our society-taught thoughts of “I should have/could have done...” In many cases, these emotions or feelings cause a fear of moving forward because we are afraid to experience these failures (or mistakes) again. There are many books written on living in the now, but physics teaches that what you think about the future creates the now, thus creating our realities. To create using Theta, it is essential to remove these negative emotions and thoughts so that we may manifest and create a future without past fears. It is important as we move forward in life, to avoid wallowing and becoming caught up in the emotions of a prior incident. Eliminate regret, as it only allows you to relive the past. Learn from mistakes and apply that knowledge to your future to ensure success and abundance. Resentments It is human nature to compare and acknowledge what other people have in the way of abundance and do for a living. But we must avoid resenting others, as this will only create a stagnant life for you. If you resent others for what they have or own, then remember to focus inward so that you may gain your own abundance. If you have resentments about the past from physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, then you should make a conscious effort to forgive and move ahead. As with the aspect of regret, in order to create in the Highest and Best way using Theta, you must be free from these negative emotions. It is hard to hold the Seventh Plane energy when you hold resentments.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Coveting One of the biggest blocks that you can have is to covet what others have. You must instead focus on your own life so that you can clearly manifest abundance. Instead of focusing on what others have, compete with no one and focus on your own goals and life path. Remember, there is plenty of money and abundance for everyone! Anger It can be quite common for people to become angry when they have not yet achieved their exact manifestations. This anger is often misdirected toward other people around them, whether consciously or unconsciously. Anger can also become focused on the Creator when abundance is not achieved. Our own beliefs hold us back, and it is important to locate these programs of anger rather than blame the Creator or anyone else outside of you. Lack of Direction Some people cannot achieve because they have a lack of direction in their life. They may know what they want to create, they may even be unaware that they are able to create. Some people have a belief that it is selfish to want things, or to want things to be better. Remember that wanting is a human characteristic and to deny yourself of wanting is to deny yourself of being human. Within Theta we can create the things you want and download the emotions and beliefs needed to allow your subconscious to accomplish your goals. Partner Always Against You Without even knowing it, some of us unconsciously use our partners as a crutch and an excuse as to why we have not yet achieved the abundance we desire. This crutch can manifest itself in your partner as you project onto them your beliefs that they keep you from your goals. Doing Belief Work on each other can help clear this block. Poor Me The “poor me” complaint is a genetic excuse to get pity and prevent you from achieving your goals. Overspending For some people, living within a budget can feel extremely confining. They can feel forced to obey it and search for ways to control the feeling of being controlled. The result of this is often spending money before they have it, overspending to compensate for feeling deprived. In a sense, these people dig “abundance holes” to dig their way out of. This is also a way to keep the mind, body, and spirit occupied with a challenge.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Expecting Something for Nothing This can be referred to as the “Next Generation Syndrome”, as many children from the current generation feel that the world owes them and that no effort of any kind is required to achieve these things. It is inappropriate to demand abundance from God without any action, responsibility, or accountability. These Core and Genetic Beliefs can be changed to allow abundance. Taking We learned as young children that it was wrong to take other people toys, etc. This principle is still vitally important today in our adult lives. You must be accountable for your own actions by avoiding taking what is not rightfully yours. (“Taking” electricity without paying your bill, taking over someone else’s personal space, etc.) Some people feel that they should just take what they want, whenever and wherever they want, but this will halt the abundance in life and not allow manifesting in Theta to come true. The More You Make, the More You Spend This is genetic programming. Generations have said you have to spend money to make money causing this belief to come about. Money is the Root of All Evil This is a generational belief designed to make those who are poor to stay poor. Many people fear that money will make them evil or too powerful. Money is simply a form of exchange, it is just numbers! There is plenty of money in the world for everyone. Spending or having money is not a sin. Ego The human ego can stir up trouble if not controlled and balanced. Some people will put their ego first and pretend to be something they are not, and others will crave power over other humans as they allow their ego to take over. The characteristics of the ego should be worked on and changed for the Highest and Best manifestations in life. Demanding Proof of the Creator A subconscious way of sabotaging your self is to demand proof of the Creator’s existence. This refers to those who demand abundance from God in order to prove the very existence of God. In this thinking, if abundance doesn’t take place then therefore God must not exist. Or, if you have abundance then it is because of God’s existence. When this thinking takes place, there were already internal beliefs blocking abundance in place. God is not the root of missing abundance. Complaining It may seem innocent or it may just be a habit, but complaining that “I don’t have” is programming the self to not have. Be aware of the things you say as you go about creating the abundance you desire.

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ThetaHealingÂŽ Manifesting & Abundance

Items to Ponder What are your blocks? One way to find out is to practice the Seventh Plane manifesting technique. Follow the exercise as guided through the accompanying Theta CD. If money was not an issue, where would you live and what would YOU have? (Remember, live without coveting!)

Exercises to remove your blocks Manifesting from the Seventh Plane: Follow the exercise as guided through the accompanying Theta CD. What is the worst thing that would/could happen to you if you have all that you desire? Using the Digging and Belief Work processes as outlined in the Basic DNA Course, start with the following question. What will you regret when this happens? How will the people around you react? Use the Digging and Belief Work processes as outlined in the Basic DNA Course.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

Abundance List

Doing simple things in your daily life will help you create your abundance. Following is a list of items you need to program yourselves to be able to receive. If you are struggling with a specific aspect in your life such as money, it is a good idea to focus Belief Work and digging on that issue. Set Intentions Create an achievement list of items that you wish to achieve. This should always be expounded on to continue after each achievement. Go beyond the point of having things. What will you do after you reach your first set of goals? Allow your subconscious to always move forward. ThetaHealing® is used to change sickness and create a healthy reality. In many ways being poor is a type of sickness. Using ThetaHealing®, this “ailment” can also be changed instantly. Leave your ego out of this. The Creator is the teacher and healer, and we are the witnesses to facilitate this from the Seventh Plane. Great Ideas If you have great ideas, you must make sure that your subconscious is able to follow through with them. If you do not understand or have some of these feeling of how to follow through, teach yourself these feelings by downloading them from the Creator. Clever Be clever with your adventure of creating your life. Take control and create your own life rather than let it create itself for you. Know your Material If you choose to make your abundance through ThetaHealing®, you must first know your material. If you are a teacher and you want people to come to your class you must take action and promote yourself. First make good clients (this means you must be a good reader), then these clients will become students in your classes. If you are not being referred clients or students, Energy Test yourself to find limiting Beliefs (or the lack of Feelings) and this will improve your reading and teaching skills. Listen to others but hold your space Do not allow others to project their Beliefs of failure or anger on you. Keep your council to yourself and trust only to a few as others may sabotage a good idea before it begins. Remember, you create for you.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance The Seventh Plane of Existence is all the planes in their highest form. When using the Seventh Plane, you need to understand that this will increase your manifesting ability immediately. It is therefore important to remove negativity so we do not manifest it from the Seventh Plane. Working with Those Around You As mentioned in previous teaching, the people around you affect your energies and beliefs. Working with your partner and those close to you is important in you achieving your abundance. Energy Test yourself to see if you can only achieve and be successful if you have conflict, or if someone tells you that “you can’t”. Change this belief so that you no longer need to thrive on negativity and conflict, so that you can have support from those around you. As your own energy changes, many people around you will have a desire to change their energy as well. Some, however, will simply move in a different direction. Do not be upset at those who are not ready to change. Let them continue on their path and look forward to your paths crossing again sometime in the future. Also, you need to make sure that you are impervious to the negative thoughts and sabotaging beliefs of those who are around you. When you are open to God’s Abundance, God Will Bring you those who help you in your journey. Divine Timing Before we came to this lifetime we made promises to the Creator, which put us in synch with the Divine Timing of this planet. When you live your life in harmony with your Divine Timing, life is easier. With Divine Timing more can be accomplished than you can currently imagine. Are you prepared to receive all the abundance that Creator has to give you? If you reject the Creator’s abundance you reject your Divine Timing. The Creators unconditional love energy brings love, laughter, family, friends and plenty of abundance for those who use it, for the Creator is not poor; the Creator is Omnipotent. When we begin to use our birth right we will not only bring abundance to our own lives, but we will bring it to those around us as well. In order to be prepared for our own Divine Timing we must clear our blocks surrounding such simple things as money. Practice asking the Creator for your own Divine Timing. If you receive an answer that you are the only one able to bring a secret to the world, then your ego is most likely interfering. If you see great things beyond yourself you are without ego. Boundaries Before receiving true abundance, you must set your boundaries and beliefs to prevent others from taking your abundance. People often believe that if you have more than they do, then you owe it to them. Set your boundaries to protect your energy before a situation arises, as it is much more difficult to create boundaries during a given situation. Always make time that is special for you and your family that others do not intrude on.

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ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Honesty The more honest you are with yourself and others, the faster you will receive abundance. Remember that we are talking about the Creator’s Definition of honesty. Being honest does not mean letting your Ego put other people down in your quest to express yourself. Accountability Another secret to abundance is accountability. Make arrangements to pay your bills, and do not use what you do not have. Do not become overwhelmed, but take the necessary steps to make life easier. Running away from your bills will not help your abundance, but makes you feel more trapped. Put yourself in others’ shoes. Focus not on the corporations who you are paying the bill to, but rather on the people that work in the corporation whose lives that bill will support. Would you like someone to get away with not paying you? There are many organizations available to assist you in restructuring your bills to help you get caught up and move ahead. Following the ‘golden rule’ is often times the best way to approach your situation. When you have taken something from someone that requires paying them back, just remember that money is simply an energy exchange. Be honest if you do not have the money, and find ways to return this energy to them. There are many solutions to keep you accountable. If you ask the Creator you will be shown how to receive your abundance. Generosity A rule for abundance is to be generous. If you are teaching classes, tithe some people for the classes. If you are abundant, help those around you. This doesn’t mean that you should give everything away, but that you should live in the energy of helping others’ achieve their happiness. Practice generosity on yourself! (Buying yourself something to eat does not mean you are being generous with yourself.) But purchasing even very small things for yourself will lead to improved abundance. Reputation Your reputation precedes you; It is a direct reflection of how you treat the people around you. There will always be people whose opinions differ from yours, but if you have a positive reputation they will always respect you. Do you feel you have a good reputation? Plan Once you manifest, the universe will give you ideas and plans with which to work on. The human mind is set for action. You can have all the good ideas in the world, but without action you have not set forth your manifestations. Sometimes action is as simple as making a business card. If you act on what you are shown, your manifestations of abundance will become your reality.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Remembering your Future: There is an old wives’ tale that intuitives can not see their own future. This is an untruth. Not only can they see their future, but they can create it as well. In the mechanistic view of reality, you can’t see your future, because it simply hasn’t happened yet. I believe that the past, present, and the future are the same thing, and that one does not exist independently without the other. I believe that we live in all three at once, and just as we can remember our past, we can also remember the future. You see, I think that there is a part of our consciousness that is beyond the past the present and the future, and this is the God-Self, the spark of creation that is within all of us to change reality. If you connect to the Creator of the Seventh Plane and ask to remember it, you can see it crystal clear. This takes practice. In many instances, the intuitive tries to make the future what they want, without the consideration of others around them. This practice is done by those intuitives who think that they can throw spells (the ability of throwing thoughts at another person in order to hurt them or to control their life). This is a Fifth Plane action and goes against the Law of Free Agency. A good intuitive is always impervious to negative thoughts of others and can easily realize that they are creating everything in their life and in doing so, become aware of the lives of others. There are several ways to remember your future. One way is to go up to the Creator and ask to be taken to the Law of Time where the Akashic Records are to see your perceived future. I prefer to go up to the Creator of All That Is and stand at the edge of the Universe where you can see your past, present and your future at the same time, with one added advantage. Once you connect to the Seventh Plane, you can see the perceived future and simply change it…or better yet, just create it.

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ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

Items to Ponder What areas on the abundance list give you the most trouble? What type of planning would work for you? Can you uphold the abundance list when you reach your goals?

Exercises Remembering Your Future : Imagine going up to the Seventh Plane. Make the command: “Creator of All That Is, it is commanded that I see and remember my future now. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.” Remember silently and observe. This will take you to the Sixth Plane of Existence on the outer edge of the Universe. This is where the Law of Cause and Effect abides. This is where they can see what your actions have created in your lives until this point, both future and past. Stand there for a moment and watch as it looks like two mirrors on both sides of you and you can see all the past and all the future. You can also command to go to the Akashic Records, but if they go to the Law of Cause of Effect, they can go and change what they are creating. The Law of Cause of Effect overlaps the Law of Time, which overlaps the Akashic Records. Sit there and see what you are creating in your life. In the next class we’re going to teach you how to manifest changes in your future. Of course, all you have to command is to “remember your future.” The Creator will take you up to the Law of Cause and Effect without having to be specific, where you can see your future. See Your Future: Follow the exercise as outlined in the Basic DNA Manual given to you from the Basic DNA course.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

House Rules, Object assignments To begin training your mind for success you must first begin with yourself, then your family, friends, followed by your community. To begin with yourself you must include your home. In much the same way that you download Feeling-Programs into your self, now we will teach you how to use the animate and inanimate things around you to aide you. Step 1: Your house is a reflection of you. If your house is full of clutter then your mind is full of clutter. If you have clutter on the top of desks, your refrigerator or countertops, you either have young children or this is a sign of too much burden on your body and in your life. This stems from the feeling that you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Clean your house and clear your mind. When you clean things around you it makes room for abundance. For example, whenever our store at Nature’s Path clean the store more customers to come in immediately. Rid yourself of things in your house that you don’t want. Don’t keep gifts sitting around just because someone gave them to you. If you do not like something, get rid of it! Don’t keep clothes that you have no intention of wearing again. Remove things from your home that do not serve you. This does not mean that you have to buy new furniture, but you should find items that you like and make you feel comfortable. Step 2: As taught in the Advanced DNA Course, all the Planes work together. Items hold negative and positive thoughts, but if you charge these items with a purpose they will only allow energy to be held in attaining their purpose. They will reflect that purpose back to you, giving you a safe haven to recharge your mind. So have the items in your home work for you. In a Theta State a condensed thought form can be instilled in every important article in our home to charge them with intentions. Examples: 1. Your kitchen table should be charged that there will always be an abundance of food, and that whoever shall eat at that table will leave full and satisfied. 2. Your walls should allow you to feel safe. 3. Your couch should be charged to feel comfortable and inviting. 4. Statues and rocks can reflect sacredness, project abundance, (etc.) 5. The bed is charged with comfort, love, rest, and playfulness.


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance 6. Pictures are charged with nurturing, honor, and inspiration (depending on the theme). 7. Carvings are charged with the appreciation of beauty, majesty and power.

Home Exercises: Charge all objects in your home and space with the desired intentions. Downloads: I know the Creator’s definition of what if feels like and how to: -

Know the difference between Divine Timing and my imagination. Be clever Listen to others Accept all the abundance that Creator has in store for me Have accountability Set boundaries on my time Make time for my family and myself Have generosity Be honest Be impeccable with my word Understand the power of intention Know the difference between my thoughts and other’s thoughts Discipline myself to achieve Be close to God and still have money Be thankful See how abundant I already am Live my life without blaming my mother or father Live my life with abundance as second nature Know that there is always a solution Have creative solutions. Be abundant in the future.

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ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

Abundance Course beliefs (From Questionnaire) At the beginning of class you were asked to fill out a questionnaire that pertains to different Belief Systems. They are Core, Genetic, and History Beliefs. (Further explanation of these levels and how to work on them can be found in Chapter 11 in the book “ThetaHealing®” beginning on page 62.) So that you have an understanding where some of these blocks came from we have listed the Belief Level on the right hand side. Some of these beliefs are held on more than one level, which is why when you EnergyTested the answer on the 2nd morning of class you may have noticed a variation in how you originally answered the questions. The questions have provided a start for the digging process as outlined in Chapter 14 in the book “ThetaHealing®” beginning on page 84.) 1)

I fall victim to the sickness of greed.



I am driven by the illusion of power.

Core, Genetic


I have to have more than anyone in my family.



It’s wrong to have more than my family.



I know the difference between my thoughts and others.

Core, Genetic, History


I know the difference between my fear and my spouses’ fear of success.



I have to save every penny I get.

Core, Genetic


I have to spend every penny I get.

Core, Genetic


I have to be punished for mistakes in the past. (Karma)

Core, Genetic, History

10) The more I make the more I spend.


11) God hates me.


12) God is punishing me.

Genetic, History

13) My partner is against my manifestations.

Core, History

14) I know the difference between The Creators voice and my own ego.


15) I have to have terrible problems in order to solve them.


16) I have to work for someone else.


17) I can’t move above my station in life.

Genetic, History

18) I am poor and proud of it.

Genetic, History

19) Rich people are run by greed.

Genetic, History

20) The rich are my enemies.

Genetic, History


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance 21) I will lose my friends/family if I am rich.

Genetic, History

22) If God loved me, God would make me rich.

Core, Genetic

23) To succeed you have to be able to step on other people’s toes.

Core, Genetic, History

24) Nobody wants me to be rich.

Genetic, History

25) If I am rich everybody will take it.

Genetic, History

26) People will hurt my family or me if I tell them I cannot pay my bills.

Genetic, History

27) Bill collectors scare me.

Core, Genetic

28) Responsibility scares me.


29) No one else is there to help me.


30) People use me.

Genetic, Core

31) I am the scapegoat.


32) I have to be poor to get close God.

Genetic, History

33) I fear the burdens of success.

Core, Genetic

34) It works for everyone else but me.

Core, Genetic

35) It is wrong to charge money for services.


36) I feel guilty when people compensate me for my time.

Genetic, History

37) I know how to be accountable for my responsibilities.


38) I know what if feels like to have my bills completely paid off.

Core, Genetic

39) I know what I want.


40) I know what I would do with millions of dollars.


41) The thought of a lot of money scares me.

Core, Genetic

42) I can see how abundant I already am.


43) People drive me crazy.

Core, Genetic

44) I find something wrong in everyone I meet.

Core, Genetic

45) I can live my life without gossip.


46) It’s my mother/father’s fault.

Core, Genetic

47) If I am successful my children will want it all.

Core, Genetic

48) If I am successful my parents will want it all.

Core, Genetic

49) Success is money to me.


50) Success is family to me.

Core, Genetic

51) I am a lousy parent.



ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance 52) I am lousy with money.


53) I am a fast food junkie.


54) I know where my money goes.


55) I would rather buy food than material possessions.


56) I would rather buy clothes than things for my home.


57) I care what people think about me.

Core, Genetic, History

58) People owe me things.

Core, Genetic

59) Life owes me.

Core, Genetic

60) I am not afraid of hard work, but I never get anywhere.


61) I want somebody else’s life.


62) I want somebody else’s body.


63) I plan things, but they never come through.

Core, Genetic

64) I know how to advertise for myself.


65) My opinion matters.

Core, Genetic, History

66) I come from a long line of poor people.


67) I come from a long line of successful people.


68) I hate money.


69) Money is a nuisance to me.


70) I like my reputation.


71) I know how let other people know of their importance to God.


72) I know how to build my reputation.


73) I pay my bills.


74) I know how to use my credit.


75) I am married to God.


76) It is wrong to have material possessions.

Genetic, History

77) If I am rich I will worship money.

Genetic, History

78) If I am rich I will forget God.

Genetic, History

79) I am destined to be poor.

Core, Genetic, History

80) It’s harder for a rich a man to get to heaven.


81) It is everybody else’s fault.

Core, Genetic

82) I am afraid I am going to make more money than my spouse.



ThetaHealingÂŽ Manifesting & Abundance 83) I have to make everybody happy.


84) I have to fail to please my parents.


85) I have to succeed to please my parents.


86) My siblings will hate me if I have more than them.


87) My friends will hate me if I have more than them.


88) I am honest with myself.


89) I am honest with those around me.


90) I have to go through hard times to be wealthy.

Genetic, History

91) I have to go through hard times to be happy.

Genetic, History

92) The Creator wants me to be happy.

Core, Genetic, History

93) The Creator has already decided I will be poor.


94) I can only be abundant in the next life.


95) I can attain abundance in this life.


96) I have to save the world.


97) I have to save my family.

Core, Genetic

98) Life is supposed to be difficult.

Core, Genetic

99) Everything I have gone through in my life matters.

Core, Genetic, History

100) If life is easy the suffering I have done does not count.


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ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Exercises Exercise I am stuck exercise (How does this serve me) Exercise How to create your future from the Seventh Plane

Things you can do Daily Bless your money Set your intention on your money for it is just a form of exchange. Put your intention that your money comes back to you 3 to 10 fold every time you spend it. Always carry some money in your pocket. Your subconscious will think there is plenty and bring you more. Always leave a little food on your plate By doing this it will train your subconscious that you always have more than you need. Just this small technique can change the belief structure of “I always have just what I need.” This will help keep your live flowing in a positive direction. Make out payments for bills… BUT DO NOT SEND THE BILLS UNTIL YOU HAVE IT! By doing this it triggers your subconscious to know that you desire to pay your bills and thus create it for you.

Practice creating on the Seventh plane and take action! The universe will give you many opportunities.

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ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

Classes Taught by Vianna and Certified ThetaHealing® Instructors: ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing®

Basic DNA Advanced DNA Course, The 7 Planes of Existence Manifestation and Abundance Intuitive Anatomy Course Children of the Rainbow Course World Relations Disease and Disorder DNA 3

ThetaHealing® Classes Taught Exclusively by Vianna: ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing®

Basic DNA Teachers Course Advanced DNA Teachers’ Course Intuitive Anatomy Teachers’ Course Children of the Rainbow Teachers’ Course World Relations Teachers’ Course Disease and Disorder Teachers’ Course DNA 3 Teachers’ Course

ThetaHealing ® Elective Classes ThetaHealing Soul Mate ThetaHealing RHYTHM a Perfect Weight ThetaHealing® Game of Life ThetaHealing® Digging

ThetaHealing Elective Instructors Courses Taught exclusively by Vianna: ThetaHealing Soul Mate Instructors ThetaHealing RHYTHM a Perfect Weight Instructors ThetaHealing® Game of Life Instructors

Prior Books: Go Up and Seek God Go Up and Work With God

Present books ThetaHealing® Advanced ThetaHealing® All That IS ThetaHealing® Disease and Disorder


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

ThetaHealing® DVD’s & Cd’s ThetaHealing® Manifesting from the Seventh Plane CD ThetaHealing® Technique DVD ThetaHealing Digging and Belief Work DVD ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abundance DVD ThetaHealing® Enlightenment DVD

Class Manuals: ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing® ThetaHealing®

Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Students’ and Instructors’ manuals Advanced DNA Students’ and Teachers’ Manual Manifesting and Abundance Manual Intuitive Anatomy Students’ and Instructors’ manuals Rainbow Children’s Young Children’s Manual Rainbow Children’s Young Adult Manual Rainbow Children’s Teachers’ Manual World Relations Students’ and Instructors’ manuals DNA3 Students’ and Instructors’ manuals Soul Mate Students’ and Instructors’ manuals RHYTHM Students’ and Instructors’ manuals Game of Life Students’ and Instructors’ manuals


ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance

ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge THInK 1615 Curlew Dr, Ammon ID 83406 Office: (208) 524-0808 Fax: (208) 524-3061 E-Mail: Web Page:

This manual is derived from the classes and books of Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing®. Text copyright© Vianna Stibal-Vianna’s Nature’s Path respectively. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be stored transiently or permanently on any medium. It is prohibited to transfer, transmit, reproduce, photocopy, publish or otherwise exploit, modify, create derivative works from, or combine with other material, the contents of this manual without the expressed permission of the copyright holders and the publisher. The trademark ThetaHealing® is owned by Vianna Stibal, owner of Vianna’s Nature’s Path. Any unauthorized use of the term ThetaHealing® is prohibited. The trademark Orian Technique™ is owned by Vianna’s Nature’s Path. Any unauthorized use of the term Orian Technique™ is prohibited. Copyright © 2007 by Vianna Stibal & “Vianna’s Nature’s Path” All rights for this manual are reserved. All techniques and processes in this manual are trademarked and copyrighted.


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