2021 Mar/April Mazama Bulletin

Page 16



by Jeff Hawkins


deas are often born of a confluence of needs. This is one. For approximately two years, I have been working with the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) to reopen the Eagle Creek Trail and, in October 2019, I learned they were looking for a place to store their trail maintenance tools. At the same time, I had been musing about how to get the Mazamas more active in trail work. It seemed like a good opportunity to collaborate and I thought we had enough space to share our trail tending room. Unfortunately, it is more than full of trail tools, climbing wall accessories, and materials for the Portland Alpine Fest. Mitsu, our executive director at that time, asked if we could build a storage building instead, dedicated to trail tools, and share it with PCTA, freeing up the inside room for much needed storage. The perfect building would have enough space, be secure, provide 24/7 access, have power for lights and to charge radios, allow for storage of chainsaw fuel, and have a nearby faucet for washing tools. About 300 square feet is needed for both sets of tools. Could we do it? It turns out that there are many constraints—zoning restrictions on height and setback from property lines, a conditional use permit on the property requiring 34 parking spaces, required minimums on turn radius within the parking lot, and parking space width. It was also important to protect the trees planted by Dick Pugh in the proposed area. After much study and communication with the City of Portland, I determined it was possible.

Does anyone else want it? The PCTA has long wanted to collaborate with the Mazamas, and in a few conversations, we worked out a proposal for shared funding in exchange for rent-free storage. The Mazamas Foundation and Executive Council came out in favor of the proposal.


Over a year later, we have a design. It is for a 252 square foot building with a full-length attic. It fits within the space, meets all zoning and conditional-use permit constraints, preserves the trees, and is secure—no windows, cement board siding, and a steel door. There will be electricity, and a water faucet will be nearby. Three parking lot modifications are needed. The two curbs along the planting bed will be moved four feet (east and north), and the five parking spaces on the west end will be narrowed for compact cars. Pedestrian access to the back door of the MMC will be reduced from ten feet wide to five feet wide. Whew! It works, just barely. We had to cut a corner off the proposed shed to maintain sufficient turn radius in the parking lot. The aspen trees are close to the shed and to preserve them an elevated foundation on piers was designed. Arborists were consulted to confirm the approach and they did, but the arborists also said that the aspens are invasive, and their roots will soon be causing significant damage to the curbs and the parking lot. Cracks are already appearing. The shed can be built with or without removing the trees, but for separate reasons—eliminating future expensive work on the parking lot—it seems wise to remove

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