4 minute read

Interim Executive Director’s Message

Option two could be to make climbs and hikes free to all members and avoid needing outfitter-guide permits in national forests where we operate. This option would require eliminating the glaciated peak requirement because we could no longer have a member and non-member option for climbs. Still, it would expand our climbing and hiking programs to suit our community better and enable us to continue our mission. This approach would require funding climbs and hikes from a different source, such as membership dues or a combination of sources. As a rough estimate, with a nominal increase in regular dues, and commensurate increases for other categories, members could get unlimited climbs and hikes for about the average cost of one climb. Other considerations include offering leaders membership discounts as an incentive to put on climbs and hikes and a mechanism to limit no-shows. Funding options and their details, as well as evaluating how our climbing and hiking programs could adapt, would need to be further explored by the Access Committee and leadership team before finalizing.

The Executive Council has discussed options for navigating this challenge, but this is a prime example of where our hands are tied. We need you, the membership, to help us as there are significant changes that our current bylaws require the membership to decide. In this effort, we’re working with a nonprofit legal expert to help us draft a new set of bylaws that more closely follows Oregon statutes. The outcome, we hope, will enable us to adapt to these challenges so we can continue for another 128 years. As I write this, we intend to share them within several weeks.

by Kaleen Deatherage, Mazama Interim Executive Director

The past several years have been challenging, to say the least. Over the past nine months, we’ve aimed to be very transparent about the fiscal challenges the Mazamas face due to COVID-19, on-going membership decline, constraints we’ve placed on ourselves with our governance structure, and changing requirements in the national forests where we climb, hike, and recreate.

In short, our world has changed, and this is our moment to respond by adjusting how we oversee and operate our organization ensuring we can continue to fulfill our mission as a leading climbing, conservation, and outdoor recreation focused nonprofit. Our aim is to make certain that the rationale for belonging to the Mazamas remains compelling, with benefits such as being part of a climbing community, training and safety, wilderness access, protection of our beloved mountains, use of our cherished and historic lodge, as well as developing the new and exciting opportunities we want to give our members in the years to come.

Have you renewed your membership for 2022-2023 yet? In addition to the quality classes hikes and activities you love, we are adding to our educational opportunities, with classes like our Introduction to Alpine Climbing course. We are also continuing with convenient virtual and hybrid offerings as COVID-19 remains present and we seek to give everyone a safe and comfortable path to engaging with the Mazamas. The more members we can attract, the greater the opportunity we get to achieve the #1 reason for belonging to the Mazamas that I heard from all of you when we met, and that is COMMUNITY. The Mazamas is the place where many of you meet new friends who share your love of the outdoors. With that in mind, please renew your membership today.

Another critically important way for you to stay engaged with the Mazamas is by casting your vote in our upcoming election. In our fall cycle, members will vote on three new Executive Council (Board of Directors) positions and three new Nominating Committee positions. Current Mazama members are eligible to vote, remember your membership must be current as of September 1 of this year to be eligible to vote in this election cycle. Voting opens September 3, 2022 at 9 a.m. Please read the voter’s guide contained in this edition of the Bulletin and give some thought to how you can help shape our future by selecting the best people to help lead our great organization to a vibrant future. Your vote matters, thank you for participating!

The last event I want to share in this edition is our upcoming volunteer appreciation event. It has been a while since we have gathered solely to socialize. And what better way to restart this practice then by honoring the many volunteers who make the Mazamas possible. Join us from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15 at the Markowitz Herbold law firm in downtown Portland. They have a beautiful outdoor deck and lovely event space which they are donating to the Mazamas for our gathering. We are so excited to celebrate our volunteers, from those who tend to our grounds at the MMC to those who teach our climbers, hikers, skiers, and canyoneers to recreate responsibly outdoors. There will be awards and a raffle with prizes too. Please be sure to register in advance, space is limited. I look forward to seeing you there for a fantastic evening celebrating our volunteers!

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