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Executive Board Minutes

by Greg Scott, Secretary

MAY 31, 2022

Attending: Jesse Applegate (in-person), President, Aimee Filimoehala (in-person), Vice President , David Urbaniak, (remote) Treasurer; Greg Scott (remote), Secretary, Charles Barker (remote), Bob Breivogel (remote); Not present:, Amanda Ryan-Fear; Staff: Kaleen Deatherage, Interim Executive Director (in-person); Guests: Katherine Griffth, Risk Management, Tom Bode

WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER ■ The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by President Jesse Applegate. ■ Jesse noted a quorum was present. Jesse began by noting that the focus of the meeting would be on five agenda items outlined in the packet.

BUSINESS AGENDA ■ Minutes. Jesse asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 27, 2022 meeting. Aimee made a motion to approve the minutes, Greg seconded.

Motion carried. ■ Membership Report. Membership numbers increased to 2,705 members.

This is consistent with the 2020 membership numbers. ■ Treasurer’s Report. Kaleen Deatherage and David Urbaniak gave the following report: □ Started budget planning for 2022/2023. □ Suggestion for guiding principles for bookkeeper and Kaleeen. The proposed principles are (1) Allocation of overhead; (2) having a cap on budget increases; (3) being prescriptive about having a margin that we are going to expect each committee to meet. □ Goal is for a balanced budget. □ Looking to simplify the budget template. □ Through April, YTD actual revenue $493k versus expected budget of $738k, difference of $245k. Activity fees are off considerably by $128k (expected $154k versus $25k). Note: We should explore if this is accounting related, a timing issue, or other as to the level of miss. □ Through April, YTD actual expenses $459k, versus planned budget of $677k for a difference of $217k. Spend is down by 32% for the budget year. Biggest drivers to reduction: IT, Merchandise

Expense, Lodge Meals, and Personnel costs are down for year. □ Transition to bills.com complete - expect for simpler, streamlined ability with this change ■ Budget planning - Meaningful progress on 2022-2023 budget planning □ Aligned/Overarching goal: Balanced budget for 2022-2023 budget year □ Focus on: Program Revenue,

Fundraising Revenue, Control Expenses □ Guiding Principles (proposed) □ Recommend allocation of overhead to each committee □ Assign goals/targets for non-rev and revenue programs □ Non Rev Programs □ Capping budget increase 110% of 2021 budget (+overhead) (as example) □ Revenue Generating Programs □ Each program to target a X% margin (revenue over expenses). If not able to meet target, committee to raise with executive council. Target number to be finalized. □ Other Steps upcoming: □ Treasurer/ED to partner with bookkeeper to understand best practices to allocate overhead to revenue/non revenue areas. □ Creation of budget template □ Collapsing budget tabs to reduce complexity □ Investigating trailing expenses from the previous 12 months to inform upcoming budget, as well as looking into controls/reporting so we have better understanding as to how we’re tracking to budget throughout the year.

INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT. ■ Kaleen Deatherage gave their acting executive director report. Items noted beyond the written report are as follows: ■ Brendan will be out for wedding and honeymoon. Working on coverage. ■ Hired Ryan Cousins as lodge manager.

He will be living at the lodge all summer.

Will look at adjusting onsite presence for the winter if he decides to stay on. ■ Rick Craycraft’s last day is today. Do not yet have a plan to replace his duties as

MMC facilities manager. Rick has agreed to do the minimal amount of continued work to cover transition. ■ Lodge updates. □ Grateful to lodge committee about hiring and navigating Resnex □ Greg and Charles working on funding for maintenance projects. □ Charles specifically helped with staffing. □ Will contact summer customers with

Ryan, hoping for overlap with Kiki for training opportunities. □ Everyone is aware that the roof is a priority. We have a quote from a metal roofing company. Provided this to the

Forest Service and started the process for approval. □ Clarity of roles is improving as these decisions are being made together. □ Lodge will not be open daily until after Ryan is trained, and we have a better understanding of staff support availability, but the goal is to have it open daily.

FOREST SERVICE PERMIT RENEWAL UPDATE ■ Kaleen is working on finalizing the

Forest Service Permit Renewal. Might be some expenses related to this, but need to wait and see what permit assessment will be.



FOREST SERVICE MANAGEMENT PLAN (GREG) ■ Presentation of Mt. Hood Forest

Management proposal to charge a fee for climbing on the South Side. ■ Question came up about whether the

Mazamas took a position on recent similar proposals? Will research this and be proactive about getting messages out when the public comment period begins probably sometime this summer.

BYLAWS CHANGE (KALEEN) ■ Working on the website page for Road

Ahead. Will include a FAQ and links to articles in the bulletin. Will include a president’s corner. ■ Stoel Rives non-profit advice engagement (Kaleen/Greg)

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