3 minute read


■ Jesse made a motion to approve the engagement of Stoel Rives with an approved memo specifying tasks. Motion

Seconded by David. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS □ David - suggestion to have a weekly meeting to check in about board priorities. The board was in agreement. □ Bob - would like to see a point person program with committees. ■ Jesse adjourned the meeting at 8:03p.m..

JUNE 22, 2022

Attending: Jesse Applegate, Aimee Filimoehala, Charles Barker, Bob Breivogel, Amanda Ryan Fear; Absent: Greg Scott, David Urbaniak; Staff: Kaleen Deatherage

WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER ■ The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by President Jesse Applegate. Jesse noted a quorum was present.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE EC CANDIDATES REPORT ■ John Rettig ■ Executive Council Candidates 2022 □ Chris Brox □ Terry Donahe (previous board experience) □ Marty Hanson (previous board experience) □ Claire Tenscher has been on nominating committee ■ Nominating Committee Candidates 2022 □ Kirsten Jacobson □ Barbara Weiss ■ Will need to appoint 2 candidates ■ Nominating committee would like to use formsite again for election, nominating committee will test system ahead of time, prepare candidate statements ■ Names will need to be added to July/

August bulletin per bylaws ■ Deadline for petition candidates is July council meeting ■ Paper ballots will be opt in ■ Last year 250 paper ballots sent out 135 returned ■ Ardelle Frick will be chief teller

BUSINESS AGENDA: KALEEN DEATHERAGE ■ Executive Director’s Report ■ Finance & Budget □ Guiding principles for next year’s budget came from meeting with SMJ and finance committee □ Pass a budget that balances this year □ Inflation may be exception □ Help committees that generate revenue to aim toward 15% profit margin □ Discussion of how to allocate overhead costs with SMJ, Kaleen and David □ Need to be able to tell donors what % of each dollar goes to overhead □ More details at July board meeting □ Charles asked where investment account stood in current market,

Kaleen will email us □ ICS info night on 6/28 - can we get in front of this re: pricing? (Aimee) □ Committees for Kaleen to reach out to ■ ICS ■ BCEP □ Kaleen and Charles looking at how we can represent costs of lodge and revenue generation potential □ Kearn and Thompson draft financial statements available for review for vote for approval of compiled statements in

July or August ■ Lodge □ Problem solving through loose ends through staff transition □ Need help this weekend at lodge to support Ryan ■ Bylaws □ Hired Stoel Rives attorney who met with Greg, Jesse, Aimee and Kaleen last week □ Suggested approaching the changes by article and vote on each separately □ Need to firm up unclear language in bylaws □ Board meeting next week to discuss recommendations from attorney ■ Bob moved to approve May meetings minutes, Charles seconded, motion carried

OTHER BUSINESS ■ None ■ Jesse concluded the meeting at 5:10pm



Mazama Mountaineering Center 527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97215 Phone: 503-227-2345 | help@mazamas.org Hours: Tuesday–Thursday, 10:30 a.m.–5 p.m.

Mazama Lodge

30500 West Leg Rd., Government Camp, OR, 97028 Phone: 503-272-9214 mazamalodge@mazamas.org Hours: Friday–Sunday, 9 a.m.–10 p.m., Monday, 9 a.m.–Noon


Editor: Mathew Brock, Bulletin Editor (mazama.bulletin@mazamas.org) Members: Peter Boag, Darrin Gunkel, Ali Gray, Ryan Reed, and Claire Tenscher (publications@mazamas.org)



Office & Communications Coordinator ginabinole@mazamas.org MATHEW BROCK

Library & Historical Collections Manager mathew@mazamas.org RICK CRAYCRAFT Facilities Manager facilities@mazamas.org KALEEN DEATHERAGE Interim Executive Director kaleendeatherage@mazamas.org BRENDAN SCANLAN Operations & IT Manager brendanscanlan@mazamas.org

For additional contact information, including committees and board email addresses, go to mazamas.org/ contactinformation.

MAZAMA (USPS 334-780):

Advertising: mazama.ads@mazamas.org. Subscription: $15 per year. Bulletin material must be emailed to mazama.bulletin@mazamas.org. The Mazama Bulletin is currently published bi-monthly by the Mazamas—527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, OR 97215. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MAZAMAS, 527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, OR 97215. The Executive Council meets at 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are open to members. The Mazamas is a 501(c)(3) Oregon nonprofit corporation organized on the summit of Mt. Hood in 1894. The Mazamas is an equal opportunity provider.

Mazamas® 527 SE 43rd Ave. Portland OR 97215 www.mazamas.org Mazama Periodical Postage Paid in Portland, Oregon


Donations this year will go to support education scholarships, youth programming, grants, and Mazama Lodge maintenance.

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