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Immigration P.L.A.N. Conference - March 2-3
The Oregon Chapter of the American Immigration lawyers Association (AIlA) invites paralegals, law students, assistants, and new practitioners interested in immigration law to attend. scholarships available. Early-bird discounts end February 3. see registration page at www.bit.ly/aila-plan for details.
MBA LSAT Preparation Course Scholarship - Apply by March 10
To help achieve the goal to foster and expand diversity in the Multnomah County legal community and the state of Oregon, the MBA Equity diversity & Inclusion Committee awards scholarships for lsAT preparation courses to law school applicants whose future involvement in the law will enhance the diversity of our bench and bar. Applications are due March 10. details available at www.bit.ly/mba-lsat.
Commitment to Professionalism
The MBA Professionalism statement is available for MBA members to order and display in their offices. The statement is printed on quality 11x14” parchment paper and is suitable for framing. Reconfirm your commitment to professionalism; order your free Professionalism statement at www.bit.ly/prof_statement.
Pick-Up Soccer
Join middle-aged MBA members and others for Monday and Friday 10 a.m. pick-up soccer at Buckman field in NE Portland. Great workout. Contact Bob Bonaparte for details. bob@bb-law.net; 503.242.0008.
Noontime Rides
Join all ages of bicycle riders for noontime hill climbs on Mondays and Thursdays. Assemble at noon at sW Corner of Pioneer square and leave together at 12:15 p.m. Rain or shine. Frequent regroups. Mondays include rotating paceline around sW Fairmount; Thursdays go up through Forest Park. E-bikes okay. Great repeating interval workouts. Contact Ray Thomas, 503.228.5222 if you are a new rider or for additional details.
Volunteers Needed to Serve as Courthouse Experience
Tour Guides
Classroom law Project is seeking volunteers who can dedicate at least one weekday morning a month to guide teachers, students, and chaperones on courthouse tours. Training and support will be provided. Email Christopher Parrucci at cparrucci@classroomlaw.org for more information.
PDX Starting Grounds
The coffee café in the Central Courthouse offers beverages, breakfast, lunch and snack items. Open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. see the menu or order online for takeout at www.pdxgrounds.com.