Midlands Business Journal November 27, 2020 Vol. 46 No. 48 issue

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NOVEMBER 27, 2020




VOL. 46 NO. 48

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank moves into new corporate office by David Kubicek

Perspire Sauna Studio offers refreshing new twist on old wellness idea. – Page 2

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank chose to relocate earlier this year due to the rapid land development and growth in southeast Lincoln, according to President Kyle Poppe. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it was able to complete construction without any delays. The bank is also responsible for developing the corporate land surrounding its new “In July, in the middle of the pandemic, we shut all of our systems down and relocated,” Poppe said. “We were able to get through that without affecting our customers at all. closings. It was a stressful time, but we made it through that.”

re ctu e t i ch Ar

Architects see new tech trends, redesigned workplaces and restaurants. – Page 3

the bank became a federal charter, Lincoln Federal Savings and Loan to the western part of the state. In Continued on page 10.

& s erstion g r e si M cqui A

Pandemic presents uptick in workloads for advisers for acquisitions and sales. – Page 22

President Kyle Poppe … Amid pandemic, the 114-year-old banking institution has relocated its corporate

Redefining home entrance, Hello Garage franchise aims to elevate garage spaces by Michelle Leach

From its metro Omaha headquarters, a well-recognized local entre-

years now,” said President Dave the home service contractor industry. There is so much opportunity. It was just a matter of which vertical we

launch of Hello Garage, which introduced its national franchise network this summer and boasts locations in -

Thrasher, of the family-owned and family-operated Thrasher Foundation Repair and Supportworks,

“We have been thinking about diversifying our business for several

Continued on page 11. Owner Deborah Dogba … Empowering entrepreneurs to transform ideas into viable businesses.

Pivoting during the pandemic, Business Seals Consulting Firm emphasizes custom services by Gabby Hellbusch

President Dave Thrasher … Since its July franchise network debut, metro Omaha-born garage concept onboards six franchisees

When it comes to clients, Deborah Dogba, founder/owner of Omaha-based Business Seals Consulting Firm, doesn’t believe in using a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, Dogba applies a customer centric model, which has helped the business spring forward by maintaining its longterm client base. “The goal is to empower entrepreneurs and help them transform their ideas into viable

businesses,” Dogba said. Dogba, originally from Togo in West Africa, moved to the completing her bachelor’s degree Omaha, she held a number of corporate positions but her entrepreneurial spirit pushed her to launch a consulting business in Continued on page 12.


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

Perspire Sauna Studio offers refreshing new twist on old wellness idea franchise opportunities, eventually findby Dwain Hebda Like a lot of people, Ashley Kloxin had ing Perspire Sauna Studio, a 10-year-old experienced using a sauna in her lifetime. California-based company. Impressed by It wasn’t what she’d call a favorite part of the quality of the equipment, the couple signed up and opened their nine-room her wellness routine. “The traditional steam or dry sauna location in July. “Our sessions are 40 minutes and was very hard to tolerate,” she said. “I found I couldn’t sit in one for more than you’re going to get the same benefits anywhere between 115 degrees and 158 20 minutes and had to get out.” Last year while traveling, she and degrees,” she said. “It’s completely up to personal preference her husband Nate as to how hot you t r i e d a n i n f r a r e d Perspire Sauna Studio like the temperature. sauna on a whim, You have full control without having high Phone: 402-513-6364 over it. expectations. They Address: 3525 N. 147th St., Unit 204, “We’ve attractcame away not only Omaha 68116 ed the busy mom feeling rejuvenated, Service: Infrared sauna who comes in once but also having seen Employees: 7 or twice a week to their professional Website: perspiresaunastudio.com/ne/ omaha relax, get some time future. to herself and watch “When I saw [an infrared sauna studio] I was incredibly whatever she wants on TV to somebody intrigued by it,” she said. “The traditional who’s detoxing from heavy metals. Maybe sauna heats up the air around you. The they have an injury or they’re just trying infrared sauna heats up your soft body tis- to boost their immune system. We have sue directly through those infrared waves. people who come in five days a week So, when you’re in the sauna, there’s because they enjoy it so much and they infrared panels that surround you and the feel so good afterwards and those doing infrared works as a safe and penetrating something a little bit deeper.” The business has grown steadily, dewavelength. It doesn’t give up its energy in the air. It gives up its energy when it spite being launched in the middle of a hits your skin and penetrates into that pandemic and where other elements of the health and fitness industry were affected soft tissue. “We tried it out that same day, abso- by shutdowns and other issues. Kloxin lutely loved it and felt fantastic afterwards. said the company’s set-up helped insulate Literally, the first thing I said was, ‘I wish it from health concerns suffered by gyms everybody could try this and feel this great and other similar businesses. “It was really just a lot of education after they had a sauna session.’” Inspired, Kloxin began looking for for people,” she said. “It’s having people

Owners Ashley Kloxin and Nate Kloxin … The couple opened the franchise after experiencing an infrared sauna while traveling — the new technology is catching on understand that we have nine sauna rooms and nine separate saunas. You get your very own suite while you’re there and you don’t have to be around anybody else. You really don’t have to be within six feet of anybody else. “Then, it’s doing the other part of the education; we’re letting people know infrared waves are antimicrobial and the wood in the saunas is antibacterial. In addition, everything is fully disinfected

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Established in 1975


The Lincoln


APRIL 2018

Vol. 21 No. 4 $2.00


Erickson Sullivan

Architects finding

ready market for

its Foodlines services. Page 2

New owners of



by Richard D. Brown

Father-son team ha and Jason LanohaDavid Lano— owners of Lanoha Real Estate Co. — are focused on what they term “good projects” and an overall portfolio of developments with an almost even split between single/multiple Under new ownership GrandBox develops new products, programs. – Page 2

gy olo hn Tec Tec




Wealth of data, digital processes underscore evolving customer experience, in-demand skills. – Page 6

s ines Bus es aha l Pag Om rna Jou

Graphite Lock startup takes modern approach, targets real estate market. – Page 26

The Printer invest

in technology, equipment

and Reap!



Lanoha Real Estate



and innovation. Page 3

Lincoln Real Estate . Page 5 Insurance........... Pages 6 - 7 Banking .............Pages 17-19

Cooper & Co. creates shopping services. experience, expands

inventory and

proposes visual impact




VOL. 45 NO. THIS 41

to Omaha’s skyline



for ing est ent Inv irem Ret

(Photo by MBJ /

Becky McCarville) s ines n ll Bus ratio Sma inist Adm

Interest in new, international markets and entrepreneurship drives demand for programs. – Page 26

by Michelle Leach


VOL. 44 NO. 16

g for greater accurac

in 2005.

President and CEO

Dale Gubbels …

HDM Corp adds new cloud-based, health products to enhance services by Michelle Leach

Investment in a

new sorting mine

poises the company for im(Photo by MBJ / Noel Hoig)

New General Manager Chris of things,” Woodhouse expects Woodhouse said. a 50 percent “But boost to just one of HDM Corp.’s there [is not] a lot of compliance management. We saw a need for a likes of production schedules, and ramping up and making good adjustments to Headquartered products, when Mill Road, HDM at 10828 Old Corp. has been are doing

“Our mission statement Continued on page is 22. Principal Julie Stavneak at the Centerline on multiple commercial projects and adding project site … Focusing company to the a property management roster.


J. Development Co. expands with projects in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Sioux City by Becky McCarville


From the Centerline along South 72nd complex the Rise mixed-use Street, to building in Council apartment Bluffs, to

duce HIPAA Vault, complex processes. among products designed to simplify historically

Sheltering Tree near 72nd and is expanding its portfolio clude more commercial to inprojects and market rate housing. While past projects focused

PUBLISHER, Andrea “Andee” Hoig


sorting a wider range of material. plant in southwest Omaha and

“Quite a few people Agency Principals from left, Marcus Rob Schmitt … Haith, Carly Thomas Rooted in family and real estate businesses, insurance

logical assets.

Veteran Omaha firms join to form Dodge Partners forces Insuranc

in the future,” said With each firm boasting a Agency Prinreported 60-plus cipal Carly Thomas, year formerly a the metro, NP Dodge heritage in Peterson Bros. Insurance princiInsurance Agency Inc. and Peterson Bros. pal. “Ultimately, we decided we Insurance Inc. have were stronger together.” joined their complementary Over the past year, clientele, carriers and cultures indicated the companies Thomas to worked Partners Insurancecreate Dodge together to align LLC. which are now basedtheir teams, “We both were at the point of out of 8701 deciding where we wanted to be West Dodge Road in Omaha Continued on page — 24.


million on one of the sophisticated sortingregion’s most mines. The installation of the equipment, which is projected to take from six to eight weeks at the St., has begun and President/CEO

“The equipment coming down the can see what’s line such as Continued on page a 22.

FireSprint diversifie s with in equipment to accommo investments date growth by Michelle Leach

the winter.” If not for FireSprint’s $5,500 It was around this screen-printer getting period that FireSprint same time freight, the trade-only damaged in Hamzhie had originally was born; sign printer shop started the probably wouldn’t as TargetOmaha have Marketing in go on, roughly eight survived to 2007 and brought on brother, Direcbe named among years later, to tor of Customer Inc. Experience James est-growing companies 5000’s fast- Hamzhie, and longtime friend in America, fellow and according to CEO owner/COO, Mark Gene Hamzhie. Kistler, as partners a year “We ran out of later. he said. “That check cash in 2011,” “Prior to 2007, got us through I had an eBay Continued on page 14.


s First Star Recyclin

by Richard D. Brown

r 40 de Un 40 Jilek builds E&A environmental services from ground up. – Page 4

Today’s retirement increasingly holistic as cyberthreats reign. – Page 5


New equipment position As residential and corporate momentum, one of the state’s

r 40 de Un

However, Vice son Lanoha admits President Jawhich was founded the business, in 1988, is venturingby his father to the next level — and then some proposed 1416 Dodge, — with its a two-tower, 730,000-square-f oot will include office, endeavor that parking and retail space. “We’re getting good traction with a lot of really attracting tenants since we announced our plans earlier this year,” Jason Lanoha said. “It is our commitment to provide something that pride and enhance will garner the of downtown Omaha.” perception As proposed, the on the site of the development former Union Pacific headquarters could see construction begin as early as 2022, Continued on page 13.

From left, co-owners Gene Hamzhie, Hamzhie … Nebraska-based Mark Kistler and James Durst printer among recent major inbusiness.

“Any government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take all you’ve got.”

design Page 4

Journal — inside APRIL 20, 2018


Midlands Business Journal FOUNDER, Robert Hoig

Read itLincoln Business OCTOBER 11,

between every session. The studio is kept extremely clean.” On top of that, there are the health benefits of sauna itself, which also struck a chord with the public. “A big thing of it is really just that education piece and having people understand that it’s safe and it does help boost the immune system because it does induce that artificial fever,” she said. “Those are all big things for people right now and you’re not going to find that kind of specialized treatment in a gym, especially since a lot of traditional saunas and gyms are still closed.”

fordable housing

and completing

set their sights on commercial projectsadding more rate housing in Omahaand market and Sioux “One of our goals was to ramp up and do more of our Continued on page





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Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Architecture A section prepared by the staff of the Midlands Business Journal

November 27, 2020

Architects see new tech trends, redesigned workplaces and restaurants by Gabby Hellbusch

drive thru locations expanding, and segregated pickup areas in a restaurant to keep customers and employees separated are already happening,” he said. “A side effect of the virus

The architecture sector continues to see new trends, while also overcoming obstacles in today’s changing world. Daniel Siedhoff, senior associate at DLR Group, said the industry is experiencing new and emerging technologies that are enhancing the design

planning and zoning agencies are taking toward their interpretation of current codes and ordinances. We have found governing agencies understand they have to provide a more liberal understanding and application of the governing requirements.” Additionally, a

communicating design concepts and ideas to clients and working seamlessly with contractors. “Many Midwest communities are seeing great urban inaround density and Kay place making,” he said. “Walkable neighborhood markets are being recreated that sometimes involve personal automobiles but are designed to repurpose structures for alternative uses. Similarly, there will be a movement to repurpose community assets, such as large retail and commercial centers that have closed out of necessity. With a little creativity and design inspiration, these spaces and places can be reimagined to once again be community destinations.” Looking ahead to 2021, Siedhoff said workplace. “Clients are rethinking their spatial needs environments that respond to occupant health and well-being,” he said. clair Hille Architects, said that one of the more ing new communication tools in response to the pandemic. “Effective communication has always been one of the most important skills in architecture — both verbal and graphic — and design firms have adapted their working process to replicate what were previously interactive face-to-face work sessions with client stakeholders,” Kay said. “This is especially important during the schematic design when we explore various alternative design concepts together, often using computer images overlaid with real-time hand-sketching. This speaks more about a shift in the working methods of the architect rather than trends related to design style or client markets, but it has been Most are viewing the world through the

Daniel Siedhoff, senior associate at DLR Group. lens of the COVID-19 pandemic and as a result Kay said. the industry is responding to more questions In the hospitality industry, Harlan Faust, on creating healthy indoor air quality. president of FHA Architects, said a lot of “Clients are seeking answers on the restaurants’ ability to entertain and accept cusintegration of secure air systems and we an- tomers has been deeply affected recently and ticipate even more work with our mechanical the industry will be investigating a number of engineering partners to integrate systems for alternatives to serve their customers. reducing airborne pathogen transmission,” “Walk up pickup windows in urban areas,

be the downsizing of rentable and usable Faust space, as customers will be frequenting restaurants less for dine-in experiences. Working from home will also continue to be a trend. “Businesses of all kinds have found that with the internet and available technology it is no longer necessary for all employees to be “Our personal experience has been a mixed result and the collaborative nature of our business has not been as successful as other


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal • Architecture

Tools to facilitate collaboration, elevate flexibility have never been more relevant by Michelle Leach

A familiar refrain, the pandemic and associated demands are accelerating trends with well-established footholds in the design world. “Adaptable spaces are not new,” said Leo A Daly Senior Design Architect Stacy Feit. “But, in the post-COVID world, adaptability is key, whether it’s a workplace, a distribution center or a civic building. It’s all about up and scale down places of gathering.” McCormick With more people working remotely, buildings need spaces for tele-conferencing (without being disruptive to other occupants), especially in open settings. “Post-pandemic, private workplaces will be periods of heads-down, distraction-free work,” Feit said.

Mobile furnishings present an adaptable design element used to scale and “right-size” spaces for variously-sized groups. “Large meeting rooms can feel out-of-scale with fewer people in them,” she said. “Utilizing mobile barriers to make the space feel more intimate helps restore pre-pandemic levels of comfort and connection.” Holland Basham Architects Associate AIA Reenie McCormick and AIA Architect/principal Kurt Cisar have noticed that Dolezal many people generally balance and shared spaces, they said, will likely become more critical post-pandemic. “Understanding the needs, culture and work style of each company has become even more critical,” McCormick said. “We spend a lot Stacy Feit, senior architect at LEO A DALY. sources toward preventing the spread of viral pandemics — before they become a pandemic. within departments or sub-departments to plan “This is a much broader challenge as a country than what we can do as design professionals,” Conversations also include company policies he said. “I do, however, feel that there are some for remote working, now and post-pandemic.” really smart, common-sense, passive ways to Cisar acknowledged the continuous change help mitigate or slow the potential spread of in the workplace environment: “Our approach the disease.” is to develop a baseline understanding of the Due to the nature of COVID-19’s transmisworkplace for each of our clients at the moment. sion through the air as tiny particles, Dolezal After the baseline is created, we continue to noted how small, interior spaces with limited the design process and monitor changes in the baseline as often as possible.” motion include: touch-free options for doors, antimicrobial surfaces, acrylic partitions, areas to screen employees and visitors, and HVAC upgrades. They further underscored workplace management software to track employees for heightened collaboration, and as an opportunity to merge contact tracing. TACKarchitects Principal Jeffrey J. Dolezal highlighted the industry’s need to direct re-



“Spreading people out within a space and wearing masks is still going to be the smartest way to reduce the spread of the disease,” he said, adding that they have been getting many questions from clients what to do to bring people back to work. or more open seating arrangements, as well as passive design strategies that allow users to and operable windows. “These elements can be incorporated quite Continued on next page.

Architecture •

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Design trends emphasize connections, existing surroundings by Gabby Hellbusch

Looking ahead to 2021, local architects say there are a number of design trends that will surface. Curt Field, principal at Prochaska & Associates, said design seems to be continuing

older developed areas for quite some time, possibly because previous developers did not see the marketability of these areas to the

both those which rehab older, historically or seek to sensitively imitate those existing surrounding structures. “While Omaha, and the rest of the country, continue to develop at the outer edges of the built environment, there has been renewed focus on rehabbing older neighborhoods with retail and mid to higher density residential Dundee and Blackstone districts have been met enthusiastically by the public and have also followed this sensitivity to surrounding context. Also, newer corporate and commercial structures under construction in the West Farm area south of West Dodge Road, and north of West Center, also show similar design elements.” According to Field, society has ignored

Facilitate collaboration Continued from preceding page. ments as well,” Dolezal said. “I feel our role as architects and designers needs to address how ments that seamlessly operate between indoors and outdoors,” he said. The challenges of today’s public health-driven design include, according to Feit, understanding how long the pandemic will last and its lasting impacts. “We are social creatures, so while we may not return to ‘normal,’ we will discover best practices to keep us healthy in the future,” she said. lenges of monitoring evolving changes to individual habits and company policies. have several employees working from home while others are at full capacity. Understanding their current needs and their future policy towards remote working (post-pandemic) are critical components to engage during the design process.” Cisar also spoke to innovations coming out of the pandemic; for instance, related to remote working. employees to have easier access to the outdoors and their families throughout the day,” he said. “Not everyone wants to work from home all the While it can be easy to become caught up in provided some perspective; she directed readers toward its partnership with Architectural Foundation of Nebraska interactive app, which is a companion to 150 at 150: Nebraska Landmark Barnes. The app explores notable buildings’ insight into design trends can also be found at AIA.org, when reviewing the winners of this year’s Excellence in Design Awards, announced in early November.

Palandri Field purchasing public. “Today, the culture of living and working closer to the city centers, particularly in established neighborhoods, is more appealing to a younger-minded public, so I believe this trend will continue for quite some time,” he said. Randy Palandri, managing principal at AO, said the greatest challenge architects and designers face right now is how to design facilities and spaces that accommodate the basic need to be connected with each other and to work collaboratively, but still offer safeguards against the spread of the virus. “The challenge in 2021 will be how to design facilities that continue to expand on the trend of the last several years of creating open, less formal spaces that increasingly blur that foster open, easy communication with increased focus on collaboration, but do it in a way that is safe for all who use the facilities,” he said. Other trends, Palandri said, include increased integration and acceptance of technology within facilities, increased number of conference areas and rooms sized with fewer persons per area to foster team meetings with

a safe distance between participants, working with clients to design space for staggered use by participants or staff, constructing facilities with increased ventilation and equipping mechanical systems tion systems, UV germicidal irradiation or ionization systems to mitigate the spread of the virus from entering the facility and/or spreading it throughout the facility. Dobesh Erin Dobesh, associate/architect at Davis Design, said reactions 2021 in the architecture industry. there has already been an immediate demand to incorporate isolation rooms into facilities. “These rooms emphasize cleanable,

smooth surfaces combined with negative pressure ventilation systems that are independent from the rest of the facility,” she said. While there will be a shift for many employees to work from home, Dobesh said that ciency questioned and that will lead to a fresh look at how workspaces are set up. “Between the distractions, the lack of privacy and the inability to maintain social distancing, new workspace environments will see more space between users, partitions of some sort between users, and an emphasis on sanitation and noise control,” she said. “A lot of people have rediscovered their connection to our natural environment during COVID. I think architects will see this manifest in many forms. From adding usable outdoor spaces, incorporating recycled or natural materials into a palette and integrating daylighting systems and natural ventilation, I think we will continue to see the natural environment merge into our built environment.”

AO* (in conjunction with project owner Aldrich Holdings, LLC and general contractor Lueder Construction) is in the process of renovating the historic shell of the 1929 (Courtesy of AO*)


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal • Architecture

Sustainability finding way from jobsite to architecture workplace by Dwain Hebda

Local architects’ opinions are mixed when it comes to clients’ emphasis on sustainability in projects, but when it comes to internal operations, it’s a different story. “Going paperless has been a huge push for architecture and engineering design teams in recent years,” said Dana Blaschko, project architect at HGM Associates. “At HGM, we’ve started using cloud-based digital markup sessions for collaboration. Engineers, architects and owners can all collaborate Blaschko on the same set of drawings and everyone sees the same information. It has streamlined our workflow and drastically reduced printing.” Blaschko also said the growth in digital meeting platforms — spurred by safety concerns over the coronavirus — has delivered several unexpected benefits. “Holding more meetings on digital meeting platforms reduces the amount of travel required to complete a design,” Blaschko said. “We have all seen the impact of reductions in driving and flights on world air pollution levels due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. If even a portion of this travel can be eliminated, it could have huge, lasting impacts on the environment.” Rich Onken, president of CLH Architects, said some clients are placing more

value on these operational efficiencies than on the sustainability elements of the design itself. “There are still companies that have made a firm commitment and continue to follow through on sustainability, and that is to their credit considering all that 2020

Onken Korth has done to push us off track,” he said. “Unfortunately, I see flagging interest in sustainability in the face of other priorities such as COVID-19 and remote working.” However, Onken said, many of these same clients are making project demands that are leading architecture firms to achieve a net positive sustainable effect. “We were negotiating a Design Guide to define how Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Departments would be designed,” he said. “It included a massive travel budget; we had three people traveling over the course of a year on seven separate trips, some lasting a full week. The government typically sends at least double the number of staff as on the consultant side. “The government made the decision

to run the project for its entire duration resource, if not properly managed with travel-free, so we’ve used technology, a sustainable harvesting practices, we will virtual site visit format, in lieu of actu- undermine the stable supply of lumber al site visits. The benefit is lower time causing prices to once again soar.” Companies with a greener mindset are commitment and broader collaboration because more than just those authorized also reaping additional benefits when it to travel can participate. While many comes to staffing and employee morale. “Sustainability and green practices are would simply point to the dollars saved, I think of the carbon footprint of all of important to Millennials and Generation those trips which was summarily erased Z employees,” Korth said. “In one study, approximately three-quarters of Millenas a result.” Other factors brought on by the current nials and Generation Z polled indicated pandemic are also pressing certain practic- a company’s social and environmental es in architecture firms, both in the name commitments were a deciding factor when of efficiencies as well as saving the planet. choosing where they want to work.” “As companies strive to implement [COVID-19] safety procedures and protocols, we have seen several short-term effects on material availability and extended lead times,” said Eileen Korth, president of Jackson-Jackson and Associates. “Framing lumber is a good example. Starting in mid-April 2020, prices began to steadily rise to a peak in mid-September 2020. The soaring prices and supply shortages were partly University of Nebraska at Omaha, Baxter Arena: 3D coordue to the pandemic. “Although lumber dination of clash detection of roof drain versus chilled water is a green building ma- and natural gas using Building Information Modeling (BIM). terial and renewable (Courtesy of HDR)


Prochaska & Associates planning | architecture | engineering interiors | facility management 402 . 334 . 0755


Architecture •

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Emerging technology boosts accuracy and efficiency in architecture by David Kubicek

Architects are relying more and more on automation and emerging technologies to deliver their products with greater accuracy and Like many other industries today, the technologies taken to market in architecture are using a data centric, or “data-driven,” approach, said Rachel Riopel, digital practice

devices — like 3D cameras — which are be-

Generative design also will be a big part

the architect is going into different iterations of the design, and in production where the designs

“When we talk about creating a digital twin, we’re taking that location and bringing it digital-

“There’s a certain amount of automation

Immersive technologies — where architects

to have a picture on one side and a picture on the other and we’re missing what’s in between, we now have 360-degree photogrammetry from

“It’s a very positive thing to see the advancements in comRiopel puting power to help digest the vast amounts of data that we can These technologies seek to identify and resolve the multitude of questions that arise when From the data, architects can discern patterns, filter by communicating preferences, ideas that are no longer purely empirical but have

The firm uses a Leica RTC360 laser scanner, which allows architects to look all around the building

Murphy “We get this 3D environment from a point cloud that’s way more accurate than we ever got This scanning allows architects to fabricate pieces off site and avoid issues during construc-

Schemmer achieve greater accuracy and shorter turnaround times, and it is becoming more wide-

An image of a 3D modeled stair from Revit being overlayed on a point cloud model of an existing building. Laser scanning with the Leica RTC360 helps create accurate stakeholders. (Courtesy of Schemmer) “Similar to other periods in architectural his-

see a continued trend toward information-based design processes that allow design solutions to be will be a push to enable intelligent management working with reality capture, which allows architects to view a building in a 3D environment, similar to what Google uses for its “street view” “We used to go out with a tape measure, sketch out a space, and assign measurements There was a certain level of inaccuracy we where you were shooting a laser in a space, which was a little faster, but you were still Today, laser scanners and other capture

augmented and virtual reality — will be a big are things we can do to automate tasks, how The place to do that is the design process where

“You are able to walk a site and have


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal • Architecture

Health care, societal shifts drive consistent demand for professionals in the A/E/C space by Michelle Leach drive broader societal shifts, and some of the biggest challenges of our time are also playing a role in how professionals

work to design, engineer and construct our buildings. “The current global pandemic has recalibrated society’s attention and heightened our awareness of how we occupy the built

The organization is also seeing an increase in facility assessment and 3D building scans. “This requires an extensive knowledge in building systems and assemblies, maintenance procedures and protocols, and the latest in scanning technology and software,” he said. For AIA Nebraska’s part, its membership can access a network for consistent dialogue on the likes of market trends and educational opportunities (with strong ties to area educational institutions). Sinclair noted wellness and well-being are gaining prominence in early design conversations. “The age-old tripartite diour graduates will take those Sinclair rective of protecting the health, skills into the profession.” The program emphasizes digital collab- safety and welfare of individuals will evolve into a paradigm not seen since sustainabilioration, production and design. “Our students are connected to in- ty and green became buzzwords of the late ternational scholars and practitioners in 90s,” he said. “Evidence-based design will our classrooms every day through hybrid start to gain prominence outside of the trateaching and learning models,” he said. ditional health care-focused realm, and ex“As a result, this provides our students with pand into all facets of the practice, justifygreater exposure to a diversity of thought ing research as a key phase to nearly every design project.” and architecture approaches.” Furthermore, Sinclair referenced a An indicator of interest in the profession, Karle said in the fall of 2020, the “booming” construction industry, increased college had one of its largest incoming material and labor prices and, in turn, the need for creative solutions (both materiality freshmen classes in recent years. “The architecture program is interested and construction methods). Streamline Construction President in fostering creative capital to impact the immediate and broader surroundings,” he Joe Pogge characterized the availabilisaid. “The architecture program is current- ty of talented people in the industry as ly tackling essential topics ranging from “The college-educated individuals with equity and inclusion to health and climate construction management or engineering change.” American Institute of Architects Ne- degrees are pretty easy to come by, but a braska Chapter President Michael P. young, talented, ambitious and hard-workSinclair, who is also a shareholder at ing person in the trades is especially Schemmer, said there has been a high narrative I consistently hear across all trade groups. Consequently, wages are increasing some time.” “Yet, there is an underlying hesitancy proportionately faster for someone with to over-hire at this point in time with as hands-on skills.” Pogge said the industry is reliant upon many economic uncertainties as there are,” an older-aged workforce to impart wisdom long term, in lieu of following current and experience. “In my observation, this is the differenmarket trends.” Due to the market-oriented demand for tiator for producing quality talent,” he said. While some projects have slowed jobs, Sinclair said there is a lot of demand for municipal, government and public proj- in the pandemic, the volume of projects has remained extremely high. Skilled ects (schools to infrastructure). carpenters are particularly difficult to focus seem to be faring quite well currentavailability of plumbers, electricians ly,” he added. and tinners. “The Gen Xers and older were much more loyal and willing to work harder to make a career within an organization,” he said. “When people are willing to start with a new company for 50 cents per hour more money, to me that means the company culture is broken. Emphasizing safety is No. 1 but, in that same vein, I feel like you have to care for your people environment,” said David Karle, associate professor and director of the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Architecture’s role and value continue to increase as we see more importance placed on the design and experience of the built environment.” The program, Karle said, prepares students to see challenges as opportunities and propose innovative ways to occupy the built environment. “Through this pandemic, our students are becoming more aware of the importance and need for a well-designed built environment,” he said. “This situation has taught us we need

line but, in my opinion, critical to recruiting and retaining the right people for your organization.” Due to heightened awareness of cleanliness in the pandemic, Pogge sees more opportunities going forward for firms that do sanitization, air filtration and the like.

Architecture •

Landscape architects design meaningful outdoor spaces by David Kubicek getting bogged down into the details,” Landscape architecture is often mis- Casper said. “It allows you to move the construed as gardening or plant design, elements around on paper if you have chalbut it is much more complex. lenges, such topography, utilities, easeBruce Niedermyer, a partner at RDG ments or access to the site. Once you dePlanning & Design, said the profession velop a sound concept for the project, and ranges from large scale watershed planning the owner is in agreement you, can begin to focused on sustainability and protecting work on the details of the project for how it natural ecosystems to designing is put together. This process inthe town squares, playgrounds, volves drawing the construction streetscapes or trails that we all documents so a contractor can experience every day. build or implement the project’s “For me, landscape architecdesign intent.” ture is a wonderful combination Becoming a landscape archiof art and science with a focus tect requires a degree from an on designing the future of our accredited landscape architecoutdoor environments to create ture program — the University meaningful experiences for peoof Nebraska-Lincoln, Kansas ple today and for generations to State University, and Iowa State come,” Niedermyer said. have accredited programs — and Niedermyer Every community, client, or taking the Landscape Architect project is different, and those differences Registration Exam (LARE). need to be assessed before a project be“After passing the [LARE] exam, as gins. Landscape architects are often hired long as you have three years of progressive to create a vision for the future through a landscape architecture experience, you are planning process. Other times, a vision or able to apply for a license,” Niedermyer plan is already in place and ready to be said. “This license then must be maintained thoroughly reviewed and designed in order by completing 24 hours of professional to create construction documents for the development hours or continuing educacontractor to implement. tion that meets requirements of health, “The convergence of these two pro- safety and welfare. Licensure is by state cesses is typically quite fluid and often and while many offer reciprocity, some involves collaboration with a variety of have more or less strict requirements other design disciplines — a process that than others and may require retesting in I believe landscape architects excel at, order to be able to complete work within especially when working in an interdisci- their boundaries.” plinary design firm like RDG Planning and “As we move through this pandemic, Design, where we have many of these de- landscape architects will continue to play signers under the same roof,” Niedermyer a key role as social thinkers and urban said. “At least we did when working from visionaries to create engaging spaces home was not the norm.” people and communities can enjoy for Eric Casper, associate principal at The centuries,” Casper said. “Our parks, Clark Enersen Partners, said the process plazas and streetscapes are essential starts by meeting with the client to de- places people need to create safe social termine and understand the scope of the distancing. The best part of this job is the project, budget, and schedule for when opportunity to make a meaningful impact the work needs to be completed. The on the user’s experience that people can landscape architect then conducts an relate to.” analysis of the project site to identify the opportunities and constraints and records the information on a series of graphic drawings. Next is the schematic design phase where the landscape architect will develop a series of fictional diagrams that break down the project elements — building locations, parking, plazas, open space, and other features — to see how they relate to one another on the site. “[The schematic design] phase allows us to develop solutions quickly without

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Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •



• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank moves into new corporate office Continued from page 1. 1990, the bank changed its name to Lincoln Federal Savings Bank of Nebraska, and today, in 2020, it has more than $300 million in total assets, has developed land across the city of Lincoln, and has built a

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank Phone: 402-474-1400 Address: 8400 Maddox Drive, Lincoln 68520 Service: banking Founded: 1906 Employees: About 100 Goal: To help people with home ownership. Website: https://www.lincolnfed.com/

“Our main goal is to help people with The bank is most known for its mortgage department, but as a full-service bank it offers a range of services that include personal banking, checking and savings accounts, construction loans, and home Over the past 12 months Lincoln Federal closed more than $480 million in mortrates, in-house processing, and in-house In the past few years Lincoln Federal has evaluated the market and reevaluated its product offerings to provide a highly accessible and easy to use mobile app, bill pay, compatibility with Apple Pay and “I think we have most of the options big banks and credit unions offer,” Poppe people don’t go to the bank like they used new products and technology to allow our In 2020, Lincoln Federal, like many companies, has been presented unique its workforce was working remotely, and it had to adapt loan closings to make sure that customers were feeling comfortable throughout the process — the bank did this

through video chats and even conducted Customer service representatives adapted so that all personal banking services Lincoln Federal Savings Bank is a

has local branches in Omaha, Lincoln, Holdrege, Hastings, Benkelman, Blair, Poppe graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with a Bachelor of

than 30-year career, he gained experience In 2017, after moving to Lincoln to be January, 2019, he was granted his current title as president and member of the board

Public websites must be accessible to people with disabilities by David Kubicek

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires businesses to make their physical locations accessible to people with disabilities, also requires “Generally, public-facing websites may be considered a place of public ac-

internet usage, it does not include direct regulatory guidance for the internet, web-

operated by Utah State University, Eide

“The United States Department of Justice is the primary federal government agency in charge of enforcing the ADA’s

you to check that the contrast between text and background meets basic standards for If you have experience with code, follow the compliance checklists provided

result, companies should ensure their websites comply with certain standards so that disabled individuals, such as those who are visually impaired, are able to successfully mining whether a website is compliant ways that allow people who are blind to navigate the page using screen reader software, which reads aloud text, links, and descriptions of images, according to Paul Eide, who is in charge of SEO, social media, and content marketing at Little Videos should have captions for the hearing impaired, and the website should be structured clearly to make it easy to “The government has created specific regulations that apply to government websites and organizations that get govyears, businesses have also been successfully sued under the act for not having Langdon said that since the ADA was enacted in 1990, before the surge in

If you don’t have coding experience and are building a website using a dragand-drop interface, such as a pre-built



“The Department of Justice takes the position that all public-facing websites Congress has not acted on the ADA’s specific application to websites, some confusion persists as to legal issues that arise

that even if a theme starts out ADA compliant, altering that theme with your own “It’s a good idea to consult with web design and development agencies that have coding experience and can test your site to make sure it works with screen

The ADA prohibits disability discrimination in places of public accommoda-

ADA compliance are in flux as lawsuits are filed and courts work out exactly what businesses and other organizations need

may be considered a place of public

your website meets current compliance

“Companies should ensure their websites comply with certain standards so that disabled individuals, such as those who are visually impaired, are able to successfully

“One way to ensure your website is ADA compliant is to reach out to a third-party service provider that will conduct usability or accessibility test-

There’s no one-stop shop for determining ADA compliance, although several resources can help, such as those provided by

identify any deficiencies and incorporate technical updates to your website so certain disabled individuals can successfully

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Redefining home entrance, Hello Garage franchise aims to elevate garage spaces Continued from page 1. market research. “Garages offer incredible market potential, considering 61% of homeowners are dissatisfied with their garage,” he said. Its corporate store launch in Omaha followed in November 2019, with its national franchise network launch this July receiving more than 100 inquiries from prospect “We have six franchisees already launched and operating in Texas, Florida, Maryland, Kansas and South Carolina,” SUPER CROSSWORD

he said. “Our corporate store is on pace to install over $1 million in our first year, and we just opened a showroom at Westroads Mall that had great success opening weekend — just in time for holiday shopping.” Clients have access to focused expertise on garage transformations. “We provide high-quality products such as polyaspartic floor coating that offers a granite-like look and durability, a modular cabinet system that is versatile enough to organize any garage space on any budget, as well as slatwall and other DIRECTLY ON TOP

time developing the concept. accessories,” he said. “We are on a mission to transform the When compared to epoxy, Thrasher said the floor coating resists yellowing garage to America’s true front door,” he and peeling, and is backed by a lifetime said. “How often do you walk into your home through your front door? Shouldn’t warranty. “We have partnered with a local stor- you have the same welcoming feeling age company to help homeowners when when you pull into the garage as your guests have when they need to clean they come through out their garage pri- Hello Garage your front door? or to installation,” Phone: 1-888-59-GARAGE That was the geneThrasher added. “We Services: garage improvement via storsis behind the name also have come up Hello Garage.” w i t h p a i n t c o l o r s Founded: 2019 They’re also fofrom Sherwin Wil- Website: cused on elevating liams that match our eight floor colors. Most people after they the customer experience, assuring every get their floor installed notice how bad franchisee is trained on this and stays “on their walls look and want to paint them brand.” The franchisees they look for are not ASAP. So, we thought we would make it easy on them and provide complementary unlike the employees they select — team members Thrasher described as “humble, paint colors.” When asked about its motivations hungry and people smart.” “We want franchisees who are aligned for partnering with franchisees, Thrasher indicated the reasons to franchise were with our core values and share our purpose of redefining the industry,” he said. “They multi-fold. “We believe the Hello Garage brand want to take care of the customer and do can become a household name by using it what it takes to create a remarkable cusconsistently across the country,” Thrasher tomer experience.” Thrasher’s entrepreneurial experience said, adding how a store would be nearby when clients need services to transform with its other brands is both informing their garages. “A franchise system also growth thus far and contributing to its gives us the ability to centralize certain ability to meet demand. “With almost 50 years’ experience in functions of the business, such as a national contact center, which will give our the construction home services industry at customers a more consistent experience Thrasher, we have a unique understanding of how to create remarkable experiences when the call us for an estimate.” It also eases the burden of that respon- for homeowners and employees,” he said. sibility off of the contractor, Thrasher said, “We also have the supply chain expertise, training support and overall infrastrucso they can focus on field service. “We also wanted to ensure that every ture at Supportworks, which allows us to Hello Garage franchise had exclusive source materials more efficiently, train territories and didn’t compete with each franchisees to be successful right from other,” he said. “This will help to foster the start, and scale the business more a network of franchisees who want to quickly and effectively.” Its leveraging Supportworks’ robust work together, share best practices and collectively redefine the garage renovation staff, and have hired 10 new support staff members to help with Hello Garage. industry together.” “We anticipate adding another 10 Partner Franchise Fast Lane has been “blown away,” Thrasher said, by the employees for Hello Garage in 2021,” he interest Hello Garage has received from said. “As an evergreen company, we are focused on paced growth that will allow potential franchisees. “One-hundred-plus territory checks us to create advancement opportunities in the first two weeks of launch proves for our employees without sacrificing our the home services industry is doing well culture. Paced growth also allows us to despite the COVID pandemic — not to remain privately held without taking on mention our brand is attractive and the cost outside investors, which we believe will to become a franchise is extremely compet- help us to still be redefining the garage itive,” he said. “The fact that homeowners industry over 100 years from now.” To be certified, companies reportedly are at home, staring at things they want to fix or improve day in and day out, has undergo and pass an extensive, rigorous assessment focused on continual improvecertainly helped accelerate our growth.” Thrasher said the team spent a lot of ment and enduring excellence.

Erasing hunger in America requires more than charity by Bruce DeBoskey

Answers on page 12.

The holidays are around the corner and, for tens of millions of our neighbors across the U.S., this will be a time of scarcity, insecurity, worry and, in the richest nation on earth, hunger. Consider these facts: P r i o r t o PhilanthroPy COVID-19, 37 million people in the U.S. struggled with hunger. Feeding America, the nation’s third largest charity, estimates that as a result of the pandemic, that number may rise to 54 million people — almost one in six Americans,

including 18 million children. More than 29% of Coloradoans are food insecure — lacking reliable access to nutritious food — a rate that has tripled since the start of COVID-19. Parents, people of color and those with disabilities face even higher rates of food insecurity. As of July 2020, it was estimated that America will face an 8 billion meal shortfall in charitable food by June 2021, more than three times Feeding America’s last annual distribution. The United States is the global leader Continued on page 19.


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

Pivoting during the pandemic, Business Seals Consulting Firm emphasizes custom services Continued from page 1. enced mentoring and effective tools to help other businesses achieve success. “I’ve always loved solving problems,” Dogba said. “Working with my clients and listening to their needs to identify the problem and find an adequate solution is always my priority.” At times, it can be difficult to convince clients to try new approaches, but it’s all

about gaining their trust, she said. It helps that Dogba is never afraid to take on a challenge. Plus, she utilizes a team of experts in each industry to find the very best options for clients. She is also willing to help any customer and doesn’t let language barriers stand in her way, as she speaks multiple languages, including English, African dialect, German and French.

The business serves a variety of clients, typically medium-sized businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Dogba usually acquires clients through networking, but that has been challenging during the pandemic. “Everything must be done remotely right now,” she said. “I have also had to redesign the curriculum in a way that we can do training and workshops over Zoom.”

Five unusual year-end tax strategies for investors by James Royal

Taxpayers have any number of deductions and credits that they can take to reduce their tax burden, but those looking to get a break for their investing activities have a more limited menu of choices. If you’re an investor, you’ll want to optimize your tax situation with strategies beyond the traditional ones – earned income credits, interest write-offs InvestIng and the like. And the deadlines for making these moves are key to remember if you want to lock in your tax break for this year. Here are five unusual year-end tax strategies for investors to reduce what they owe. Strategies to slash your taxes The traditional 401(k) and the traditional IRA are both well-known ways to save for retirement and reduce your taxes (though the traditional IRA does have some limitations.) Certainly these are great moves for investors to make if they haven’t already done so, and those looking for the best and easiest ways to reduce their tax bill will get the most mileage from these strategies. But if you’ve taken advantage of these avenues fully, here are some more unusual ways to beat the tax man, including one that’s new in 2020. 1. Check out a donor-advised fund A donor-advised fund is a great way to work around the relatively high standard deduction on taxes, which may limit your ability to gain additional write-offs for your charitable contributions. By making a charitable contribution to a donor-advised fund (before year end), you’re able to deduct that amount from your taxes this year. Meanwhile you can distribute the funds in later years, and the money can even grow tax-free in the fund, providing more benefit to the charity. “From the perspective of the organizations you support, nothing changes, but the donor-advised fund allows you to control the timing and amount of your charitable tax deduction,” says Mark Brown, CFP and managing partner at Brown and Co. in the Denver area. The donor-advised fund has many advantages, including flexibility and simplicity. 2. Give directly from your IRA A donor-advised fund is optimal if you’re able to exceed the standard deduction, but if you’re not able to reach that threshold and want to give anyway, then you can give straight from your IRA. “For those who are of required minimum distribution age and might not be itemizing taxes, qualified charitable contributions are a great way to give directly to the charity from your IRA,” says Michael

Kojonen, founder and owner of Principal Preservation Services in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Normally, investors with a traditional IRA and subject to a required minimum distribution (RMD) could use the qualified charitable contributions rule to exempt their distributions from tax. Although the RMD was suspended this year as part of the CARES Act, investors can still donate the money and claim the deduction, says Kojonen. You’ll need to take care of your charitable giving by the end of the calendar year. 3. Convert your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA And if you’re able to get out of a required minimum distribution from your traditional IRA, it may be a good time to convert that fund to a Roth IRA. You can save on taxes that you might otherwise have paid if you converted in a normal year. The calendar year that you make the conversion will determine when you’re taxed. “Some retirees may have an unusually low tax rate this year, since their RMDs are subject to ordinary income tax rates and can often be a big source of taxation in retirement,” says Brown. He suggests that if you’re in a lower bracket it may make sense to convert a portion of your traditional IRA into a Roth, reducing the tax liability that usually accompanies the conversion. The Roth IRA remains one of the most popular retirement plans because of its tax-free benefits. 4. Look into trusts Trusts can be an effective way to achieve all kinds of goals when you’re planning your estate. Given a relatively favorable tax regime – and the potential that the Biden administration may make it less favorable – it might make sense to establish a trust to sidestep future tax increases. With the lifetime gift exemption amount at a historically high $11.58 million per person (in 2020), Brown suspects the amount will decline in the future. “It makes sense to consider strategies like grantor retained annuity trusts and intentionally defective grantor trusts,” says Brown. “The intention is to get future capital appreciation out of your estate and avoid estate taxes.” “The current low interest rate environment can make these wealth transfer strategies even more appealing,” says Brown. 5. Older workers can still contribute to an IRA While contributing to an IRA is a typical game plan to reduce your taxes – and you have until April 15 of the subsequent calendar year to do so – this year saw

something new for older workers. The SECURE Act removed the maximum age for contributing to a traditional IRA. “It allows those over (age) 70 1/2 who are still earning income to contribute to a traditional IRA,” says Morgan Hill, CEO and owner of Hill & Hill Financial in Woodstock, Georgia. “This has never happened before and for many, could be a good tax strategy to take advantage of.” You can also contribute to a Roth IRA, but it won’t reduce your taxable income. Regardless of which type of IRA you contribute to, you have until tax day to deposit your money. Bottom line When prepping your taxes, it’s important to begin before the calendar year ends, because some tax moves must be made before the new year. Meanwhile, others can wait until Tax Day. It’s key to know which moves can be made when and then act fast to get them done by the deadline. (c)2020 Bankrate.com Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Some businesses and entrepreneurs have put things on hold recently due to the current climate.

Business Seals Consulting Firm Phone: 402-505-1348 Founded: November 2018 Service: Customer-centric growth partner empowering entrepreneurs by leveraging available resources, boosting business productivity and generating business solutions. Goal: To grow consultant team to take on more clientele. Website: https://bizseals.com

“I have told my clients that it’s all about learning to pivot in these situations and continue to move forward,” she said. “In the end, these challenges can make a business stronger and more competitive, especially when individuals continue with operations.” While there is flexibility to being a business owner, Dogba stressed that there’s also a lot of time invested. Yet, all of that effort goes toward the growth of the business, while helping others grow, as well. Down the line, she looks forward to recruiting full-time and part-time consultants in order to take on more jobs. Whether she’s helping businesses get started, improve, or work through a pandemic, Dogba said she enjoys all of it. “It’s very rewarding to be able to bring solutions to clients and watch them grow and be very competitive in the community and in their respective industry,” she said. “Their success makes me extremely happy.”


Puzzle on page 11.

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • LEGAL NOTICES MBJ legal notice instructions The following are some guidelines to consider when posting legal notices with the Midlands Business Journal: 1. Submit a written notice in either Microsoft Word or as a PDF document to the Legal Department at legals@mbj.com, fax to 402-758-9315 or mail: 1324 S. 119th St. Omaha, NE 68144. For trade names, submit a copy of approved (bar code in upper right hand corner) Application For Registration of Trade Name from the Secretary of State to the same email address. Please include your billing address and the desired duration you’d like your notice to run (trade names run for only one week). As a publisher and not a legal advisor we print notices exactly as they are submitted and therefor only comp reruns when the notice was rejected or messed up due to a MBJ error. All companies submitting notices are are responsible for the cost of republishing the notice if it is rejected due to misinformation or missing information Payment options are cash or check. 3. Deadline is noon Tuesday for a notice to start publishing that Friday. and/or any appropriate courts.

Notice is hereby given that Gifted Minds Investments LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the Omaha, NE 68164. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Beverly Tate, 11235 Sahler Street, Omaha, NE, 68164. The company is member-managed. Nature of the Company is Real Estate.

JACOB A. ACERS, Attorney SMITH SLUSKY LAW8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 400 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DENKER FAMILY FARMS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 9, 2020, Denker Family Farms, LLC was organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, with a designated Company's initial agent for service of process is Jacob A. Acers at 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 400, Omaha, Nebraska 68114.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DRAGON LAND COMPANY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dragon Land Company, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Commercial, LLC, 1303 S 72 Street, Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124. The Registered Agent of the Company is Lisa Naylon, c/o Access Commercial, 1303 S 72 Street, Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124.

DIANE B. METZ, Attorney 1823 H Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR20-1440 Estate of Helen Goings, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on November 5, 2020, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Harold Durman Goings, Jr. II a.k.a. H.D. Goings whose address is 9015 South 16 Place, Phoenix, Arizonia 85042 was appointed by the Court as Personal Representative of this estate. at Courtroom No. 30, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before January 13, 2020 or be forever barred. CARROL L. MILLS Registrar

DANA DOBROVOLNY, Attorney RINGENBERG & RATTNER LAW 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PAPILLION SCHRAM ROAD PARTNERS LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Papillion Schram Road Partners LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124. The Registered Agent of the Company is Lisa Naylon, 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124.

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LEGACY 323, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Legacy 323, LLC has been the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha,

JUSTIN A. SHELDON, Attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska 68118 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KMAM LLC Notice is hereby given that KMAM LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability is 8010 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, NE 68124. The agent for service of process for the Company is David G. Wilwerding located at 8010 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, NE 68124.

DVORAK LAW GROUP LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GOLDENROD SECURITIES II, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Goldenrod Securities II, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Omaha, Nebraska 68122. The Registered Agent of the Company is Zach Wiegert, 10340 North 84th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68122.

DANA DOBROVOLNY, Attorney RINGENBERG & RATTNER LAW 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF OMNICORP SCHRAM LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Omnicorp Schram LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124. The Registered Agent of the Company is Lisa Naylon, 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, NE 68124.

company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on November 3, 2020.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DAILYTEKK INCORPORATED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DAILYTEKK Incorporated has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated NE 68130. The registered agent of the company is Chris McConnell, 17330 W Center Rd, Ste 110-306, Omaha, NE 68130. The total number of shares which the corporation shall have the authority to issue is 10,000. The incorporator of the corporation is LegalZoom.com, Inc., 101 N Brand Blvd, 10th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203.

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. 1. The name of the corporation is DR. SWIRCZEK DDS, PC. 68137, and the initial registered agent at the address is Cynthia Breasch. 3. The general nature of business is to provide a dentistry services, and, in general, any type of service ancillary thereto, and to do business which is not forbidden by the laws of the State of Nebraska. 4. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is 10,000 shares of issued for any medium permissible under the laws of the State of Nebraska and as is determined from time-to-time by the Board of Directors. 5. The corporation commenced existence on August 20, 2020 and shall have perpetual existence. 6. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such 7. The incorporator is Holly Swirczek. The address of incorporator is 4305 Barker Ave, Omaha, Nebraska 68105 Holly Swirczek, Incorporator


CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF CELESTIAL CARDS AND COLLECTIBLES LLC A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1. The name of the limited liability company is CELESTIAL CARDS AND COLLECTIBLES LLC. 2. The period of duration for CELESTIAL CARDS AND COLLECTIBLES LLC is perpetual. 3. CELESTIAL CARDS AND COLLECTIBLES LLC is organized for the purpose of conducting any and all business as permitted by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. AND COLLECTIBLES LLC in Nebraska is 10527 S 97TH COURT UNIT 2206, PAPILLION, NE 68046. 5. The name and address of the registered agent for CELESTIAL CARDS AND COLLECTIBLES LLC in Nebraska is ETHAN SCHWARTEN, 10527 S 97TH COURT UNIT 2206, PAPILLION, NE 68046. 6. Additional provisions, not inconsistent with the law, for the regulation of the internal affairs of the limited liability company shall be provided for in the Operating Agreement. 7. ETHAN SCHWARTEN, organizer(s) of CELESTIAL CARDS AND effective this 21st Day of October 2020.

MICHAEL K. HUFFER, Attorney CASSEM, TIERNEY, ADAMS, GOTCH & DOUGLAS, Attorneys at Law 9290 West Dodge Road, Suite 302 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BOLD HOMES, LLC A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bold Homes, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State Omaha, Nebraska 68118 and with its initial agent for service of process Suite 302, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The general nature of its business is to engage in any lawful business. The company was organized and commenced November 9, 2020, and its period of duration will be perpetual, unless terminated earlier. The affairs of the limited liability company shall be conducted by its Managers until such a time as a successor or successors are selected pursuant to the Operating Agreement.on next page. Continued

KARINE E. SOKPOH, Attorney SOKPOH LAW GROUP Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DOKS HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given that DOKS HOLDINGS, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws and its duration is perpetual commencing from September 8th, 2020. Its affairs are to be conducted by the managers Karine E. Sokpoh and Damilola J. Oluyole.

KATHRYN J. DERR, Attorney BERKSHIRE & BURMEISTER 1301 South 75th Street, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PREMIER URGENT CARE/ FAMILY CARE OF NEBRASKA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 29, 2020, Notice of Dissolution of Premier Urgent Care/Family Care of Nebraska, LLC, was adopted by said company. 1. Dissolution of said company was made upon the unanimous written consent of its members pursuant to the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act, § 21-2622. 2. Cynthia Hald, and Larry Hald, the Managing Members of said business and affairs of the company.

DANA DOBROVOLNY, Attorney RINGENBERG & RATTNER LAW 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LYNN FAMILY HOLDINGSOMAHA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lynn Family Holdings-Omaha, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154.


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal


JOSEPH J. SKUDLAREK, Attorney 1055 North 115th Street, Suite 301 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Notice of Organization



may be organized under Nebraska law. The Company is managed by its



under Nebraska law. The Company is managed by its Managing Member,


MATTHEW WURSTNER, Attorney CARLSON & BURNETT, LLP Omaha, Nebraska 68130 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SANDHILLS HOLDINGS, LLC DANA DOBROVOLNY, Attorney RINGENBERG & RATTNER LAW 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CITY VENTURES CAPITAL, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that City Ventures Capital, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska.



DVORAK LAW GROUP LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CAVITO CHEMICALS, LLC “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska.

Nebraska 68114.

JOSEPH J. SKUDLAREK, Attorney 1055 North 115th Street, Suite 301 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Notice of Organization

may be organized under Nebraska law. The Company is managed by its

Jeffrey T. Palzer, Attorney KELLOGG & PALZER, P.C. 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6

BROWN & WOLFF, P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1925 North 120th Street, One Bennington Place Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CUBBY’S-BELLEVUE, LLC

NOTICE OF NON-PROFIT INCORPORATION JOSEPH J. SKUDLAREK, Attorney 1055 North 115th Street, Suite 301 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Notice of Organization

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys JOSEPH J. SKUDLAREK, Attorney 1055 North 115th Street, Suite 301 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Notice of Organization


JOSEPH J. SKUDLAREK, Attorney 1055 North 115th Street, Suite 301 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Notice of Organization

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • LEGAL NOTICES MATTHEW WURSTNER, Attorney CARLSON & BURNETT, LLP 17525 Arbor Street Omaha, Nebraska 68130 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MCVICKER, LLC Notice is hereby given that MCVICKER, LLC is organized under the



ANNE K. BURNETT, Attorney CARLSON & BURNETT, LLP, Attorneys 17525 Arbor Street Omaha, Nebraska 68130 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KSGOODNIGHT PROPERTIES, LLC organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated

Solutions, Inc.

Matthew Wurstner, Organizer


SEAN D. MOYLAN, Attorney MOYLAN LAW, LLC 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE HOMETOWN TEAM, P.C.


will not have members.


DENNIS P. LEE, Attorney JAKE T. HOULIHAN, Attorney LEE LAW OFFICE 2433 South 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68144 NOTICE OF SUIT

RICHARD A. TROIA, Attorney RICHARD TROIA LAW 9802 Nicholas Street, Suite 375 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-2168 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF J AND B BEHAVIORAL SERVICVES, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited

JULIA K. PALZER, Attorney KELLOGG & PALZER, P.C. 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6 Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2647 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION

be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THREADWORKS, LLC ERIN K. ARTZ, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN and MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3743 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF CHUNKY CHICKENS, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited

the Members shall determine.

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF MERGER Notice of LLC Dissolution

made in writing and include the claim amount, basis and origination date.

RUSSELL S. DAUB, Attorney at Law 2800 South 110th Court, Suite 1 Omaha, Nebraska 68144-4818 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION FOR BALLISTIX, LLC

DENNIS P. LEE, Attorney JAKE T. HOULIHAN, Attorney LEE LAW OFFICE 2433 South 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68144 NOTICE OF SUIT

third required notice.



be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly.


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

LEGAL NOTICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP, Attorneys 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION South Arrow Coffee Company #1, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is given that GREAT PLAINS REMODELING, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DAILEY OPERATION LAWN CARE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dailey Operation Lawn Care, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of

is to engage in any lawful business permitted under the laws of the State of continue in perpetuity unless sooner terminated in accordance with the be managed by its primary member Francisco Rivera in accordance with

mailing address of the initial registered agent of the company for service of KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys

MYRON J. KAPLAN, Attorney McGILL, GOTSDINER, WORKMAN & LEPP, P.C., L.L.O. 11404 West Dodge Road, Suite 500, Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2584 NOTICE OFAMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF KAREN AND DAVID, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Karen And David, LLC, a Nebraska Organization establishing the name of the Company and substituting the following provision in its place: Article 1 NAME The name of the Company is Briar Park Apartments, LLC. Natan Schwalb, Manager

ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP, Attorneys 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION South Arrow Management, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company mailing address of the initial registered agent of the company for service of

ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP, Attorneys 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION PAV LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing mailing addresses of the initial registered agent of the company for service

RODNEY G. GNUSE, Attorney GNUSE & GREEN LAW OFFICES, P.C. 11311 Chicago Circle Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PURPOSE REAL ESTATE, L.L.C. A Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that Purpose Real Estate, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State

RE, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN FLOORING, LLC Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is American Flooring, LLC The name and street address of the company’s

Dakota Garvey, Member

and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the limited liability company’s initial registered name of its’ initial registered agent at such address is Rodney G. Gnuse. The and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Members. Rodney G. Gnuse, Organizer


Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BUCK’S INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Buck’s Intermediate Holdings, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The

EXHIBIT 12 NOTICE OF REQUIRED PUBLIC HEARING OR PUBLIC MEETING ON APPLICATION Dodge St.- Ste. 101, Omaha, NE, the Midwest Housing Development Fund & Arch Icon Development Corporation will hold a public hearing or meeting as applicable concerning an application to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development for a HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), CDBG-DR or National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) award. This funding is available for local affordable housing activities. Midwest Housing Development Fund & Arch Icon Development

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MISTLETOE QUILTING CO., LLC Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Mistletoe Quilting Co., LLC The name and street address of the company’s

Haley Schober, Member

LEGACY DESIGN STRATEGIES 9859 South 168th Avenue Omaha, NE 68136 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is FRANCHISE OPTICS, LLC.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary will create 30 affordable multifamily apartments for tenants earning below Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Portillo Cleaning, LLC. low- and moderate-income families. There will be no tenant displacement. Fuentes. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute.

Dodge St., Omaha. All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard regarding

managed by its members.

ANDREW J. HUBER, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN and MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3743 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF JACKSON FENCE, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited

interpreter service, Braille, large print, or recorded materials, please contact November 20, 2020

any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement.

JEFFREY T. PALZER, Attorney KELLOGG & PALZER, P.C. 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6 Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2647 NOTICE OF NON-PROFIT INCORPORATION 1. The name of the non-profit corporation is HOMECARE

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Blockchain Team LLC has been of the corporation is professional caregiver support. nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company perpetual existence. The name and address of the incorporator is Mark Goetz duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement.

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • LEGAL NOTICES PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP, Attorneys 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF FLANAGAN POINTE HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Flanagan Pointe Holdings, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Flanagan Pointe Holdings, LLC; and 17225 Clay Street, Bennington, Nebraska 68007, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114.

JEFFREY T. PALZER, Attorney KELLOGG & PALZER, P.C. 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6 Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2647 NOTICE OF NON-PROFIT INCORPORATION 1. The name of the non-profit corporation is NAZARETH MINISTRIES, INC. Jeffrey T. Palzer. of the corporation is to create Christian community and nurture discipleship. 4. The corporation commenced on October 2, 2020, and shall have perpetual existence. The name and address of the incorporator is Mary Stevens, 4545 Manchester Dr., Omaha, Nebraska 68152. 5. The corporation will not have members.

ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP, Attorneys 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 50851 Partners, Inc. has been incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The street address of the corporation's initial

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TEAM UNINVITED, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Team UninVited, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Nebraska 68132. The Registered Agent of the Company is Registered Agents Inc., 530 S. 13th St., Ste 100, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TOXIE’S TRADES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on October 30, 2020, Toxie’s Trades, LLC was organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Nebraska Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104. The Company’s initial agent for Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104.

ANDREW J. HUBER, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN and MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3743 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF HMS L STREET, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is HMS L Street, LLC. The address of the initial designated Parkway Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The general nature of the business is any or all lawful business. The company commenced existence on November 13, 2020 and shall have a perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement.

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRENTALEC 1, LLC Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is BrentAlec 1, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial is located at 12502 Longshore Circle, Papillion, NE 68046. James Ditoro, Member

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DESDE UNA ESQUINA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on November 2, 2020, Desde Una Esquina, LLC was organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, with a designated agent for service of process is Ricardo Trejo, whose address is 5711 S. 33rd Avenue, Omaha, NE 68107.

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 N O T I C E O F O R G A N I Z AT I O N O F P E R F E C T D O O R INVESTMENTS, LLC Notice is hereby given that a professional limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Perfect Door Investments, LLC The name and street


Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha,

Omaha, NE 68127. The name and address for the Company’s registered agent is Carl J. Troia, Jr., 10703 J Street, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68127.

of State for Village HC5, LLC (the “Company”) on August 12, 2020. The

Papillion, NE 68046. James Ditoro, Member

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JESSICA MARIE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jessica Marie, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Registered Agent of the company is Jessica M. Martinez with registered and designated street

JOHN Q. BACHMAN, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NSC, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of NSC, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is NSC, LLC. street address of the initial agent for service of process is John Q. Bachman, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114.

DVORAK LAW GROUP LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KARTHAUSER FAMILY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Karthauser Family, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Elkhorn, NE 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG 68114.

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NORTH 192 PROPERTIES, LLC Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated

is Thomas J. Malicki. The corporation is authorized to issue 10,000 shares of Common Stock. The name and street address of the incorporator of the Omaha, Nebraska 68114.


Andrew Petersen, Member AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), EDITH J RYAN SHAUN P RYAN 08/27/2020 on Case Number CI20-16044, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $373.00, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 01/04/2021 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION


is to recover the sum of $2,442.42 , plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 01/11/2021 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION

DVORAK LAW GROUP LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jensen Veterinary Consulting, P.C., the Nebraska Secretary of State on November 17, 2020, and the corporation is in the process of voluntary dissolution. The terms and conditions of such dissolution are, in general, that all debts and obligations of the corporation therefore. Ellis G. Jensen, as President of the corporation, will wind up and liquidate the corporation‘s business and affairs. The corporation has no assets or liability as of the date hereof.

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LondynChains, LLC Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is LondynChains, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial is located at 16602 Longbow Loop, Omaha, NE 68136.

HALEY REAL ESTATE GROUP, LLC 10703 J Street, Suite 101 Omaha, NE 68127 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF KEY ASSOCIATES, LLC. Notice is hereby given that Key Associates, LLC (the “Company”) October 30, 2020 and is effective October 30, 2020. The name of the Registered Agent of the Company is Carl J. Troia, Jr., 10703 J Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68127. Any person having claims against the Company third publication of this Notice. Such claims must be in writing and should include the amount, date and description of items asked for on the claim.

ALLAN M. ZIEBARTH, Attorney 1702 South 10 Street, Suite 2 Omaha, Nebraska 68108 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Corporate Name: PARADIS PRACTICE, P.C. Registered Agent: Allan M. Ziebarth Authorized Shares: 10,000 shares of $1.00 par value common stock


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

LEGAL NOTICES ALTON E. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law, LLC 1905 Harney Street, Suite 711 Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Notice of Organization of Wisdom Enterprises, LLC Notice is hereby given that a Limited Liability Company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska.The initial Registered Agent is: Alton E. Mitchell, 1905 Harney Street, Suite 711, Omaha, NE

MARY E. VANDENACK, Attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska 68118 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE PAMPERED PUP LLC Notice is hereby given that THE PAMPERED PUP LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys

of the company is 20012 Chicago Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The agent for

company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on November 18, 2020.

Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. The Company has perpetual existence; the general nature of its business is real estate investment. Company business will be conducted by its Manager as described in the Company’s Operating Agreement. Alton E. Mitchell, Authorized Representative

ALTON E. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law, LLC 1905 Harney Street, Suite 711 Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Notice is hereby given that a Limited Liability Company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial Registered Agent is: Alton E. Mitchell, 1905 Harney Street, Suite 711, Omaha, NE

The Company has perpetual existence; the general nature of its business is real estate investment. Company business will be conducted by its Manager as described in the Company’s Operating Agreement. Alton E. Mitchell, Authorized Representative

Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is CST Cleaning is Carlos Ivan Serrano Torres at 10917 Jaynes Plaza Apt 1813, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated address is 10917 Jaynes Plaza Apt 1813, Omaha, NE 68164. Initial members: Carlos Ivan Serrano Torres and Yelitza Ortiz Robles. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in November 2020 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members.

STEVEN G. RANUM, Attorney C R O K E R , H U C K , K A S H E R , D e W I T T, A N D E R S O N & GONDERINGER, L.L.C. 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 4809 DAVENPORT, LLC The name of the limited liability company is 4809 Davenport, LLC. The 68102. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Steven G. Ranum, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124.

MATTHEW G. DUNNING, Attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska 68118 NOTICE OFAMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF RESTORATION STATION LLC Notice is hereby given that RESTORATION STATION LLC has the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The amended notice 43, Omaha, NE 68127 to 10840 204th Avenue Circle, Apt. 207, Gretna, NE 68028.

said Deceased, Determination of Heirs, and Appointment of EMILY C. in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, located at 1701 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska, CR 330, on Jan. 6, 2021 at 9:00 o'clock A.M. EMILY C. KOSLIK Petitioner

JUSTIN A. SHELDON, Attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska 68118 NOTICE OFAMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF KMAM LLC of Organization as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform NE 68124 to 522 Mayberry Street, Omaha, NE 68106.


Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. 3. The name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114.

ERICKSON l SEDERSTROM, P.C., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MAC5 INVESTMENTS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mac5 Investments, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with Nebraska 68114.

Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ANTLER AVENUE, LLC Registered Agent: Donald J. Pistillo Notice is hereby given that Antler Avenue LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, The general nature of the business is to engage in the business of real estate management and development and activities relevant thereto as permitted by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. 21-101 to 21-197 et. seq.; and such other business activities necessary and incidental thereto. The company commenced existence on September 25, 2020 and its duration is perpetual. The affairs of the Company shall be conducted by its Members pursuant to an Operating Agreement duly adopted by the Company.

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: The Perennial Homestead Name of Applicant: Snowshoe Candy Co., LLC Address:12505 Ponca Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68112 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska General nature of business: Value-added farm good production, online retail shop ALI CLARK YAHNKE Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative


liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of NE 68118 and designating its registered agent as Erickson | Sederstrom,

ERICKSON l SEDERSTROM, P.C., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CHRISTENSEN HOMESTEAD, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Christensen Homestead, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the

Omaha, NE 68114. Braun Avenue, La Vista, Nebraska 68128 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a limited liability organization with

Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is Nebraska 68114.

of the limited liability company is 8913 North 171st Street, Bennington,

DONALD J. PISTOLLO, Attorney at Law EDWARD F. POHREN, Attorney SMITH, SLUSKY, POHREN, & ROGERS, LLP 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 400 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR 20-01658 Estate of MICHAEL D. KOZLIK, Deceased


Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PEANUT AND HECTOR, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Peanut and Hector, LLC has been

Nebraska 68114. TIM J. BUCKLEY, Attorney SMITH, SLUSKY, POHREN & ROGERS, LLP 8712 W. Dodge Road, #400 Omaha, NE 68114 LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR20-1589 Estate of MARTIN C. HERNANDEZ, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on October 23, 2020, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of said Decedent and that ANGELA V. HERNANDEZ, whose address is 6712 South 53rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68117, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. at Courtroom No. 30, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before January 27, 2020 or be forever barred. CARROL L. MILLS Registrar


of the corporation is to assist charitable organizations who are assisting families and individuals struggling with mental illness. 4. The corporation commenced on November 19, 2020, and shall have 5. The corporation will not have members.

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • LEGAL NOTICES MICHAEL J. WEAVER, Attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska 68118 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF SEACOAST MEDICAL, LLC. Notice is hereby given that Seacoast Medical, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, (the “Company”) has been dissolved pursuant to the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company has collected and liquidated its assets, discharged its liabilities, distributed its remaining property to its member, and done every other act necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs. David MacFarlane, Manager of the Company, was the person responsible for winding up and liquidating the business and affairs of the Company. All claims against the Company must be made in writing and must include (1) the amount of the claim, (2) the basis of the claim, and (3) all documentation supporting the claim, including, without limitation, invoices, purchase orders, and contracts. All claims must be sent to David MacFarlane, c/o Michael J. Weaver, 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. All claims against the Company will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Step Stone Homes Name of Applicant: Step Stone Acquisitions, LLC Address: 3157 Farnam St., Suite 7104-7170, Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska General nature of business: Real estate and property management TREVOR SCHADE Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative November 27, 2020

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LLC Notice is hereby given that Aperture Development (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Its purpose is any lawful business. The Registered Agent of the company

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF FOUR SEAM INVESTMENTS, LLC Notice is hereby given that a professional limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Four Seam Investments, LLC The name and street address

Jared Meays, Member

BARBARA MEDBERY-PRCHAL, P.C., L.L.O., Attorney 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103 Omaha, Nebraska 68164 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CALLAWAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Notice is hereby given that a corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the corporation is CALLAWAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. The corporation is authorizied to issue 10,000 shares of common stock. The name and street address of the corporation’s L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, La Vista, NE 68128, and its incorporator is Chris Cannon, 7812 S. 195th Street, Gretna, NE 68028. Chris Cannon, Incorporator

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BAREFOOT PROPERTIES, LLC the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on November 23, 2020.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION FOR HOGAN VENTURES LLC State for Hogan Ventures LLC (the “Company”) on November 18, 2020. Omaha, NE 68127. The name and address for the Company’s registered agent is Carl J. Troia, Jr., 10703 J Street, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68127.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LLC Notice is hereby given that Hardline Holdings (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Its purpose is any lawful business. The Registered Agent of the company

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LLC Notice is hereby given that Kulm Construction (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Registered Agent of the company is Morgan Kulm, 11905 Mitchell Rd.

Extra Mile Holdings LLC 314 S 68th AVE Omaha, NE 68132 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Extra Mile Holdings LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Limited Omaha, Nebraska 68132 and shall be managed by member Chris Whirrett. S 68th Ave, Omaha, Nebraska 68132. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the company is any lawful business which may be carried on in Nebraska as an LLC. The company commenced business as an LLC on September 11, 2020 and shall have perpetual duration.

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SCHAEFER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schaefer Development Company, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of St, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jeff Lapel, 14707 California St. #10, Omaha, Nebraska 68154.

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Soccer Shots Omaha Name of Applicant: Hogan Ventures LLC Address:10703 J Street, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68127 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska CARL J. TROIA, JR. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative November 27, 2020


Erasing hunger in America requires more than charity Continued from page 11. in food waste, discarding nearly 80 billion pounds of food each year, equating to more than $161 billion and 30-40% of the U.S. food supply. Most of this food is sent to landfills, making up 22% of municipal solid waste. Wasting food has irreversible environmental consequences: wasting the water and energy needed to produce it, and generating greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. The amount of wasted food in the United States generates the greenhouse emissions equivalent of 37 million cars. While it may seem convenient to try and solve hunger by recovering and redistributed wasted food to the poor, we must be careful not to conflate these two problems into a single solution. “Hunger will not be solved by distributing excess food production or food waste to the poor. If we are going to end hunger, we must address the root causes of poverty and a corporate food system that places profit over people. Food banks cannot do that on their own, they must do so alongside diverse coalitions demanding the right to food and sustainable agricultural practices at the policy level,” explains geographer Joshua Lohnes, author of “Regulating Surplus: Charity and the Legal Geographies of Food Waste Enclosure” (Agriculture and Human Values, 09/12/20). Dr. Lohnes’ words remind me of the parable about two people walking on a riverbank when they heard cries for help from people drowning in the river. One of the observers immediately dove into the river to try to save as many people as possible. The other ran upstream to determine how people were ending up in the river in the first place to try to prevent more! Tackling food insecurity in the U.S. must take both approaches. Hungry people must have access to healthy, sustainably produced, nutritious food — now. With many schools deploying remote learning, millions of children who depend upon schools for much of the nutrition they need to learn are without these resources. Philanthropy plays a vital role by its support of food banks and pantries, homeless shelters, feeding kitchens, nonprofit restaurants, school-based foundations and other charities whose mission is to get food to people. On the upstream side, however, groups are examining the structure and priorities of America’s food manufacturing, distribution and assistance systems to try to determine how to prevent so many people from ever becoming food insecure. Rather than focusing only on the demand side of the hunger equation, they’re looking at the supply side and finding that America’s food policies, federal and state laws and regulations that promote the production, manufacture and distribution of food are often antiquated, unjust and contributing to hunger, food insecurity and waste, rather than supporting ways to nourish communities. Philanthropy has a huge role to play in this upstream, supply side, policy-based approach. Donors can support organizations — from grassroots to national — that help small scale, local farmers enhance regional food distribution, address racial and economic inequalities in the food system and elsewhere and work on policies that address the problems before people find themselves worried about their next meal. Philanthropists can support organizations providing education about food policy issues and can join forces with other donors, through organizations like Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders. And donors can pay close attention to food policy legislation, like the all-important Farm Bill, the primary agricultural and food policy tool of the federal government, scheduled for renewal in 2023, and other federal and state laws, that directly impact these issues. A bilateral approach may help us finally ameliorate this critical societal need and philanthropic challenge. We need to both jump in the water and run upstream, going beyond charity to transformational change. (c)2020 Bruce DeBoskey Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal



Over the past year, Taco John’s restaurants, owned by Bremer Restaurant Management in Omaha and Council Bluffs, responders. Franchisees Jeff and Debbie Bremer presented two checks to the First Responders Foundation, an organization ers and their families, build appreciation and respect for their work and enhance public Chapter. The second presentation was in Council Bluffs for $4,000 donation to the Council Bluffs Chapter. TOMY International, Inc., the subsidiary of TOMY Company, Ltd., responsible for North America, South America, Europe and Australia, and a global designer, producer and marketer of a broad range of innovative, high-quality toys, has completed the acquisition of Fat Brain Holdings LLC. Fat Brain, located in Elkhorn, is a privately-held developer, marketer and seller of innovative, quality children’s toys, games and gifts. Fat

Brain Toys is an independent toy company. As a vertically integrated company, Fat Brain operates a state-of-the-art D2C platform and also designs its own line of award-winning toys and games. The following Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, LLP attorneys have been recognized by Best Lawyers in America 2021: Scott D. Kelly, Mark A. Christensen, Richard P. Garden, Jr., Shawn D., John C. Miles, Don R. Janssen, Susan K. Sapp, Kevin J. Schneider, Gary R. Batenhorst, Jill G. Jensen, Rochelle A. Mullen, Trenten P. Bausch, Michael C. Pallesen, Richard P. Jeffries, Andre R. Barry, David J. Routh, Tara A. Stingley, Michael J. Whaley, Tom C. Huston, L. Bruce Wright, Robert J. Routh, David R. Buntain and Terry R. Wittler. Richard P. Garden, Jr., Gary R. Batenhorst and Tom C. Huston have all been recognized as Best Lawyers 2021 Lawyers of the Year in their area of practice. Adam W. Barney, Travis W. Tettenborn, Heather A. Carver, and Lily Amare have all been recognized as Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch. Essex Communities, a developer, build-

er, and property management company for 55+ active living communities, has acquired The Reserve on Walnut Creek in Urbandale, Iowa. The 121-unit independent living community is being converted by Essex from an entrance-fee model community to a rental model community and is Essex’s sixth acquisition and conversion like this over the past three years. The community will be rebranded as The Arbordale and will soon undergo a multimillion-dollar renovation that will update apartments and community spaces as well as expand services and amenities. Veridian Credit Union is now issuing credit and debit cards enabled with radio-fremembers to tap for payment wherever the technology is accepted. Tapped transactions are protected with the same security as the card’s chip. The new contactless cards are also redesigned with the cardholder’s name and card number on the back of the card for added security. All newly issued Veridian debit and credit cards are now contactless. Payment terminals that accept tapped payments are marked with the universal symbol of four vertical, curved lines. Wherever the technology is not accepted, Veridian’s cards can still be swiped or inserted. The following members have been elected to the Sarpy County Chamber of Commerce board of directors: Scott Suchholz, SVP and CIO, Black Hills Corporation; Clayton Mulford, Realtor, success coach, kwELITE; Mark Rogers, VP of treasury services, Core Bank; and Melissa Spearman, principal, DLR Group.

Education notes…

Two Creighton University sociology professors published on the rising anti-vaccination trend in the United States. Kevin Estep, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Cultural and Social Studies in Creighton’s College of Arts and Sciences, and Pierce Greenberg, Ph.D., also an assistant professor in the department, published “Opting Out: Individualism and Vaccine Refusal in Pockets of Socioeconomic Homogeneity” in the American Sociological Review this month. The research, Estep said, has implications beyond the issue of childhood

vaccinations. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted disputes over the rights of the individual versus the public good, particularly in regard to mask mandates and social distancing requirements. Kayode Oshin, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences at Creighton University, has been selected as a 2020 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, an award honoring young faculty in the chemical sciences. Oshin is among eight college and university faculty members honored by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation for creating “an outstanding independent body of scholarship” and for being “deeply committed to education with undergraduates.” Each awardee receives an unrestricted research grant of $75,000. His research cited in the award, “Developing New Catalyst Systems for Atom Transfer Radical Addition Reactions,” seeks to develop new compounds (intermediates) used by pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Health care notes…

Researchers at UNMC have found sig-

of the prescription opioid oxycodone on offspring exposed during and after pregnancy in the journal Translational Psychiatry and were led by Katherine Odegaard, a graduate student in the lab of Sowmya Yelamanchili, Ph.D. an assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology and a co-corresponding author on the study. Using a rodent (rat) model, Dr. Pendyala said his team was able to pinpoint neurodevelopmental disruption that has lasting impacts on behavior and weight. Susan Swindells, MBBS, professor in the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Internal Medicine, cochaired a landmark study for new treatments for tuberculosis. Results indicate that a four-month daily treatment regimen is as safe and effective as the existing standard six-month daily regimen at curing drug-susceptible tuberculosis disease. Results from the international, randomized, controlled clinical trial were presented recently during the virtual 51st Union World Conference on Continued on next page.

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


REGIONAL LANDSCAPES Continued from preceding page. Lung Health and soon will be submitted for was led by the U.S. Centers for Disease Consortium. Debra Romberger, M.D., Henry J. partment of internal medicine, announced a new division of hospital medicine within the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Romberger has named Chad Vokoun, MEETINGS AND SEMINARS Monday, Nov. 30 The Kitchen Council is hosting a virtual Happy Hour with the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals. The Happy Hour is an informal opportunity to learn more about food safety, code and regulations. Registration is available online and the event will start at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1 Exit Playbook is hosting “Have Enough Funds for Retirement?” at 9:30 a.m. The virtual webinar will be hosted by Susan Koesters of D.A. Davidson and participants will learn about how to develop a for retirement with a personalized plan. Registration is available online at exitplaybook.com/events/. Wednesday, Dec. 2 ExitPlaybook is hosting “Year-End Tax Update & Strategies” at 7:30 a.m. The virtual webinar will be hosted by Lutz, and participants will learn about new tax law changes and how to prepare for general year-end planning ideas. Registration is available online at exitplaybook.com/ events/. Thursday, Dec. 3 The Greater Omaha Chamber is hosting a webinar for its Small Business Series from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The webinar will cover Year-End Must Do’s in partnership with Core Bank gal and accounting experts. in light of COVID-19 (including CARES pants will leave the session with a checklist to help improve their business operations

Michael Beverly, Jr., from Hayes and AssoBank. Registration is online. AIM Institute will host its AIM Tech Awards on Dec. 3 to recognize visionaries Cox Business, tickets for the annual Tech Awards, which will be hosted in a virtual format this year from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., are open to the public. The event will celebrate educators, students, businesses and business owners for their dedication to the tech community through the presentation of six technology awards. The event also will include the announcement of a scholarship, as well as robots, coding, and prizes. Before the program begins, attendees can participate in a 20-minute virtual networking. Registration is online.

Division of Hospital Medicine. Dr. Vokoun has served as the interim hospital medicine

in Omaha, and Junior Achievement of the Midlands, Inc. in Omaha.

the platform can be used to connect with a

Arts & events…

items. Inclusive Communities is hosting a virtual version of Omaha Table Talk on Dec. 1 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The topic for this session will be “Queer Table Talk: Living Positively with HIV

The Durham Museum is hosting a

chair of clinical affairs.

Activities of nonprofits…

The Midlands Community Foundation board of directors has named four new members to its board. They are Rod Buethe Spencer Kimball Kevyn Sopinski Jay Theis Veridian Credit Union has awarded $69,000 in grants to 17 organizations -

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Scout families will enjoy the best of Christmas at Union Station complete with cookies, crafts and a scavenger hunt. will make this a night to remember. Cost Registration must be done in advance and payment is required upon registration. SHARE Omaha is launching the metGiving Tuesday campaign on Dec. 1. The day is recognized as a global generosity movement which, led locally by SHARE to volunteer and who can share material

readiness. Locally, grants went to: Junior Achievement of Lincoln, College Possible

Individuals, businesses, organizations and be made through SHAREomaha.org and

ber. The moderator will be Abbi Swatsworth The Durham Museum will be hosting a virtual spin on its Holiday Cultural Conversations on Dec. 4 from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. featuring an introduction to Christmas at 40-foot, fully decorated tree. Then, guests will take a tour of the Holiday Cultural Tree display with help from local cultural organizations. This event is free, but registration is required.


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

Mergers & Acquisitions A section prepared by the staff of the Midlands Business Journal

November 27, 2020

Pandemic presents uptick in workloads for advisers for acquisitions and sales

by Michelle Leach fade into the background.” Pandemic, bear market, election-oriented He also referred to how owners are more volatility or otherwise, regardless of the chal- open to having conversations relative to their lenges presented in the current environment, exit strategies than prior to the pandemic. there are still plenty of deals to be had — it just “In the Omaha or Midwest area, in March depends on where one looks. and April we were getting a lot of calls about “At this point, [the pandemic] hasn’t had a whether we had some ‘really distressed stuff,’” major impact, but some of that may Ellis recalled. “In Omaha, it takes be a function of our momentum as a longer to see some of those ripple company,” said ExitBig’s VP of Clieffects.” ent Relations Luke Ellis. “There are And, sometimes those effects certain sectors that are getting hurt are surprising; for instance, he devastatingly by the pandemic, and referred to a company that had a other businesses that are faring well.” terrible 2020 but is projected for That said, Ellis referred to the twice the amount of sales in 2021 dynamics of a seller’s market still be due to factors such as having a present — as there are so few sellers vaccine in place. relative to the buyer’s side. Generally, Ellis encourages Brisk activity can be broken owners to explore options by talking Overcash down into windows of time; for to multiple types of professionals, instance, right after the initial lockdown, indus- not just a CPA or attorney. Referring to a Ketrial or essential services companies that serve arney client, Ellis noted how simple changes, the community represented keen activity. But such as upselling products, can make a dramatic they’ve also represented the likes of apparel difference in positioning the business well for companies and restaurants that have evolved whatever the future holds. An attorney at Woods Aitken Law Firm who “Some of the restaurant owners we’ve spo- regularly counsels clients on business and corken to are making more money doing take-out porate matters, Cooper J. Overcash said in the now than they did before,” Ellis said, indicating early stages of the pandemic there was a “wait the pandemic has accelerated disruptive forces and see” approach on the seller side. that were already at work. “Folks who have been “Now that people have found their ‘new doing it the same way for 30 years … they’ll normal’ and hopes of a vaccine are rising,

Jennifer L. Cooke-Yin, partner at Stinson. (Photo courtesy of Stinson) sellers are more amenable to begin engaging in Now more than ever, Overcash said busibusiness transactions,” he said. “Unsurprisingly, nesses need advisers who understand their needs all parties are cautious and do not want to rush and are willing to take the time to understand anything. Everyone wants to make sure that all their business. the I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed. With the “It is incumbent upon attorneys to take the general uncertainty in the global economy, all time to become familiar with the strategic vision parties are attempting to reduce the uncertainty of any company they assist,” he said. with respect to potential business transactions.” Stinson Partner Jennifer L. Cooke-Yin said many pending transactions prior to the COVID-19 outbreak either paused in March in the U.S. — or they actually accelerated more quickly toward closure (“to try to get it done before entering even more uncertain times,” she explained). After that, Cooke-Yin said she expected her workload to dramatically decrease. “But that isn’t what happened,” she said. “My practice this year has been as busy or maybe even a little busier than recent years. Overall, the M&A market slowed down during the second quarter 2020 but rebounded in the third quarter. Some of this is attributable to deals paused in the second quarter being picked back up. I also believe stimulus measures, especially in this. Buyers and target companies may have access to relatively low-cost capital, which can have a positive impact on valuations.” Also, prior to the election, Cooke-Yin said some transaction parties were nervous about that uncertainty. “But this seems to have mostly calmed down,” she said. When asked about the long-term effects of the pandemic, Cooke-Yin said remote work Continued on page 24.

Mergers & Acquisitions •

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Legal, financial experts offer insight on the ‘when’ and ‘why’ of M&As by Gabby Hellbusch

The mergers and acquisitions realm can be complicated at times, which is why consult with professionals in the industry. Matt Plooster, co-founder and managing director of Bridgepoint Investment Banking, said the most important aspect is deciphering the optimal type of transaction. “Most company owners incorrectly think that selling 100% of their company is their only option to gain personal liquidity,” he said. “The truth is, there are many options to monetize your comoptions allow you to keep control, brand the various paths to liquidity available to a company.” Additionally, Plooster said timing is

life-changing transaction right,” he said. mind the depth of management and organization chart, performance and resilience of capital/funding runway through another po-

value of your business, you should focus your energy on strategies that will have a direct impact on the overall market value, rather than just trying to grow top line revenue,” he said. “Similarly, if you are looking

Plooster Oxley to purchase a business, you want to have the true value of the target.” intimidating for a business owner. “It is time consuming and, often, a be immensely rewarding,” he said. “If you are patient and allow a trusted adviser to assist, navigating the process to a successful conclusion is very achievable.” Sitz, partner at Husch Blackwell, said how

ness owners should take the time to consult “If you want to increase the enterprise

nies has become an important concern for buyers and sellers. She said patience is going to be a key virtue for both buyers and sellers within

2020 and well into 2021. “The uncertain economic environment will likely continue to drive volatility

Sitz Worthington believe will lead to a near-term focus by both buyers and sellers on smaller carveout transactions and strategic tuck-in or add on transactions,” Sitz said. “Sellers will be looking to strengthen their balance sheets by investing in their core-business and dimany corporate and private equity buyers are likely to focus on opportunities that provide strategic resources or access to new geographic markets in order to grow core operations or strengthen the value of Tom Worthington, attorney at McGrath North, said both buyers and sellers should always be as proactive as possible. tion takes a great deal of effort, and usually the transaction work is in addition to your

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day job of running a business,” he said. remember that most transactions involve parties beyond the buyer and the seller, such as lenders, customers, suppliers and — in some situations — even governmental agencies that need to receive notice of the transaction or possibly even approve the transaction from a legal perspective. “Every transaction is unique, and there will be challenges along the way,” he said. “However, if you remain focused on the key rationales for the transaction you can help avoid rash decisions, deal fatigue and other bumps in the road as you move toward


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• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal • Mergers & Acquisitions

Uptick in workloads Continued from page 22. tools such as teleconferencing and online data transactions for some time to limit travel expense as potential acquirers are often not in the same place as the target company. “I think the pandemic has accelerated this trend and we will continue to see these tools, as well as newer products such as Zoom, leveraged,” she said. Cooke-Yin also highlighted a number of new products on the market (some claiming to make use of AI) that seek to make due diligence and other routine aspects of the M&A process technology committee and we’re regularly reviewing the latest offerings,” she said. “I would not be surprised if new technologies in coming years.” Cline Williams’ Transactional Practice Section Chair, Michael C. Pallesen, noted deals across all sectors (both buy- and sell-side) have continued but at a slower pace. “Many prospective transactions in ‘nonessential’ industries are stalled,” he added. “Inspans several states moving forward, but with and carve-outs.” Just as with the pandemic, Pallesen said long-term implications are hard to predict. “I believe that widespread distribution of one or more vaccines with a high degree of more ‘business as usual,’” he said.

Success of mergers measured after legal day one by Dwain Hebda

For as much planning and work that goes into purchasing another company, experts say it's what happens after “legal day one” that matters most in the overall success of the venture. “In the legal profession, we definitely agree that integrating existing operations of two companies during an M&A transition is an art form and requires planning,” said Tom Dorwart, attorney with Goosmann Law Firm. “The transition is vital, and we recommend

inviting additional personnel to these meetings on an as-needed basis.” Carver said, depending on the situation, it can be helpful to construct the transition team to include people from both sides of the merger,

culture will also be important to a smooth and of the merger or acquisition to the employees will be helpful.” A comprehensive transition plan should detail exactly how all of these tasks will be executed, post closing. Jason Carver, managing director, Mergers & Acquisitions for Carson Group Holdings, said a transition team is the key element to keeping the plan on track. “A designated transition team is critical to ensuring the success of an integration,” he said. “Typically, a transition team is comprised of the various department heads in compliance, opera-

“I was part of the Wachovia-Wells Fargo merger, on the Wachovia side. Communication to staff, training with the new procedures and the sysculture changes, those

the strengths of each company.” Dorwart said investing time and energy into the workforce will pay dividends leading up to “Preparing employees for the integration is important; letting them know their future roles, how their roles may change and what is expected in this new endeavor,” he said.

Peters, director/faculty of the Financial Planning Program and Applied Finance Institute at Metropolitan Community College, saw this

Dorwart Carver especially when it comes to evaluating how the plan is working following legal day one. “The integration plan should include emoperations and processes and locations,” he said. “The biggest area I see overlooked is the timing of when things move over, so having that dialed in and making sure both sides are on the same page is imperative. “I recommend weekly touch-base meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page, review the progress of the past week and key items for the following week. Also, review the overall timeline going forward to ensure you are sticking to the original plan and/or adjusting as needed.” An effective transition plan provides employees updates, training and ongoing support

challenges,” she said. “They addressed that situation with daily communication from Peters the leadership team concerning what has come down from the top. “It was almost to the point of over-communication. There was also extensive training. We were given two or three weeks on a dummy system where you could play around with it before they went live. Once the system went live, they assigned a systems specialist for each department. I think that person was there a month before the transition and then a month after the transition.” Peters said the overriding goal is to change employees’ mindset from “we” and “they” to “us.” “I remember everyone saying the only difference the client should see is the name on the building,” she said. “The biggest takeaway you’re striving for [with employees] is that change is okay, change can be good and to not be afraid of it.” Continued on next page.

Mergers & Acquisitions •

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


Due diligence and strategic plan essential components when considering asset acquisitions by Jasmine Heimgartner

While some businesses strive to achieve a certain level of organic growth and maintain it, others may hit a plateau that requires thinking outside of the company. Whether that means purchasing a competitor or another company that can help expand offerings, acquiring assets requires extensive research and a strategic plan. It also means being prepared to wait for the right seller or opportunity to arise. “Typically, the seller makes the decision to get out of the business, and they are going to decide the way the want to get out,” said Dave Nelson, attorney at Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman. “Generally, there are three categories. The most common is asset acquisition. That is when a buyer is going to purchase all or substantially all of the assets of the seller. Second, if the seller is a corporation, the buyer may purchase the stock. The seller stays in business but with a change of ownership, so all liabilities are assumed by the purchaser. The third category is where you might purchase some of the of the interest or stock and the seller would stay a partial owner, which is a buy-in of the company.” Asset and stock acquisitions both have their benefits, but they often lean toward either the seller or buyer. “Buyers typically prefer the transaction be structured as an asset sale as they can identify specifically what assets they are purchasing and have more visibility

into what risks they are assuming,” said Gary Grote, Bridgepoint Investment Banking managing director. “In addition, there are some tax advantages for the buyer. Sellers typically prefer a stock sale due

Nelson Grote to favorable capital gains treatment and the ability for a clean exit from all risks associated with their former company.” How the selling entity is structured determines if a certain type of acquisition is even possible. “For example, a sole proprietorship, partnership or a limited liability company (LLC) set up as a disregarded entity for tax purposes are not entities with stock that can be transferred to someone else,” said Kirsten Soneson, First National Bank of Omaha director of corporate banking. “These entities would require an asset sale. Owners of incorporated companies (C and S corporations) generally look to sell their company through a stock sale with full assumption of the business.” When developing an acquisition strat-

egy, among the many factors that be must be considered is operational goals. “The buyer needs to identify up front what type of business owner they are going to be,” Nelson said. “Are they going to manage and run it or be a passive investor and hire the right employees and manager to manage it? No matter what type of acquisition or management plan, the buyer goes through a process that we call due diligence. The buyer Soneson may be purchasing an asset or stocks, but they are really purchasing a stream of revenue. Along with a valuation of assets, taking a look at the customers can help tell a buyer what future sales may be. A buyer should also look at the competition in the market. How is it evolving? Are more competitors getting into the market? All of that will impact potential future earnings.” When contemplating the potential benefits of an acquisition, “synergies” come into play. “Synergies can be classified into two main categories: revenue synergies and cost synergies,” Soneson said. “Revenue synergies are less tangible in nature and heavily dependent on more productive use of assets, such as patents to create more competitive products or bundling

of products to produce higher sales to a customer. From a financing perspective, revenue synergies are also more difficult to underwrite. Cost synergies are usually tangible and can be implemented more quickly. They derive from cost savings due to operational efficiencies, such as integration of technologies to one platform or staff reductions due to duplicated roles. Thinking through synergies is an important initial step of the acquisition process.” Throughout the process, potential buyers should be prepared for potential negatives. “There is no such thing as a risk-free transaction,” Grote said. “There’s always a chance of future impairment of the assets being acquired or unforeseen risk associated with the assets. Valuing a business, whether it be an asset or stock transaction, is a complex endeavor. Owners would be well-advised to consult with professionals rather than trusting their instinct that a friendly offer seems ‘fair.’”


• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

In the Spotlight Paid Content RECOGNIZED


Top Wealth Advisor


Paul West Managing Partner Carson Wealth

Paul West, CFP®, CAP®, Managing Partner of Carson Wealth, has been recognized by Barron’s as one of the top independent advisors in the country, and the top-ranked advisor from Nebraska to make the list at #48. West has more than 22 years of experience in wealth management, and works with individuals and families across the country. 2020 is his third consecutive

appeared on 2019’s WealthManagement. com Thrive list of fastest-growing advisors. West said, “It is an especially encouraging time to be recognized by Barron’s. American families have experienced a great deal of turmoil in 2020 as we navigate a global pandemic and the financial, emotional and healthrelated fallout. It’s an honor and a privilege to work with our clients closely to help them keep sight of their goals and make a game plan to get through this, together.” West, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business alumni, is deeply committed to the Omaha community and currently serves

as a board member for the Dreamweaver Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling life-long dreams

Chris Vasek, SIOR

also actively involved in the finance board at Mary Our Queen Catholic Church and is a member of the Omaha Chamber’s Economic Development Council.

LINE Partners


Chris Vasek, SIOR joins LINE Partners, a new full-service commercial real Lincoln, NE, as President. Vasek brings 14 years of industry-related experience and specializes in investment, industrial, responsible for the strategic vision and growth of LINE Partners.





D. David DeWald Attorney McGrath North

McGrath North is excited to welcome D. David DeWald to our firm to join our Environmental and Litigation groups. David, a Nebraska native, is returning to Omaha after serving five years as Senior Assistant Attorney General within the State of Wyoming’s Attorney General’s Office. While in Wyoming, he supervised the Natural Resources Section, handled litigation and administrative contested cases on a broad variety of

environmental matters, and served as a policy advisor to the Governor and his staff. Prior to this, he practiced for five years in the commercial trial group of a national firm in its Omaha office and served as a law clerk to former Nebraska Supreme Court Justice John M. Gerrard. “David brings significant environmental and litigation experience that deepens our capabilities to successfully support our business client needs in these areas across the country,” said Roger Wells, President of McGrath North. "David and his family will be a great addition to McGrath North and the Omaha Community," Wells added. David

received his J.D. from the University Distinction in 2010 and was recognized for his high achievements as a member of the Order of the Coif, Nebraska Law Review, and a recipient of the Prize for Outstanding Scholastic of Arts from the University of Nebraska in 2004.

Michelle Wangler, CPM Vice President of Property Management LINE Partners

Michelle Wangler, CPM joins LINE Partners as Vice President of Property Management, bringing more than 20 years of industry experience. Wangler recently received her (CPM) from the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). Wangler’s role at LINE Partners includes the coordination and oversight of the functions within the property management division.





Casey A. Jenkins Attorney Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP

The law firm of Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP welcomes Casey A Jenkins to our team of business attorneys. Casey joined the firm all construction phases from pre-bid to project of experience in-house, representing owners directly, which gives him first-hand knowledge to develop strategies to help clients protect their profits, minimize delays and expenses, enforce

their contract rights, and resolve disputes. Casey is also uniquely positioned to help contractors and subcontractors protect their contract rights and assert those rights when necessary. Casey has extensive experience drafting and negotiating engineered equipment purchase agreements and contracts for both owners and contractors, implementing processes and procedures to reduce risk, and can skillfully mediate construction delay claims and contract disputes, including claims of inefficiency, delays, contract default and termination, and prosecuting and defending claims for extra work. Casey also has a deep understanding of insurance coverage, claims, and policy interpretations related to construction, engineering, and property insurances applicable to large scale construction projects. In 2001 Casey received his bachelor’s degree in Construction Management from the

JD with honors from Washburn University Law School in 2005 and is a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association. Casey served as a past Board Member for the Association of Corporate Counsel, Mid-America Chapter. Casey has served as counsel for Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, an international multi-billion-dollar EPC and design firm in Kansas City, and for Kiewit Valmont Utility. Casey is a published author, coauthoring the Kansas Chapter of the Design-Build Desk Book, Fourth Edition, published by the ABA. The Desk Book provides state-specific outlines for both statutory provisions and relevant case law addressing legal requirements for design-build contracts. Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP has been serving Omaha businesses for over 75 years. We specialize in business law, estate planning and litigation. Visit us online at AKCLaw.com

Submit your company’s employee announcements to Spotlight@mbj.com

Mattison Wenzl Senior Associate, Office Manager LINE Partners

Mattison Wenzl joins LINE Partners as a Senior Manager. Wenzl has been in the brokerage business in Lincoln, NE since 2017, specializing in all aspects of commercial real estate transactions and asset types.

Midlands Business Journal • NOVEMBER 27, 2020 •


In the Spotlight Paid Content LEGAL SERVICES




Erin K. Artz Associate Attorney Lamson Dugan & Murray

Responsibility. This award is given to the highest scoring student in each law school course. Ms. Artz received her B.B.A. with a focus in Accounting, cum laude, from St. Norbert College in 2017. She was a captain of the cross country and track

Jackson E. Stokes Associate Attorney Lamson Dugan & Murray

in Madrid, Spain. Ms. Artz received CALI Excellence for the Future Awards in Constitutional Law, Contracts, Legal Research and Writing, and Professional

Jackson Stokes is an associate attorney with the Firm’s Litigation Department. Mr. Stokes earned his J.D. from Creighton University School of Law, graduating with honors. Jackson graduated from Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 2011 with a Bachelor’s in Sociology. Mr. Stokes was an editor for the Creighton Law Review, a member of the Phi Delta Phi honor society, and a class representative on the Student Bar



Erin K. Artz is an associate attorney in Lamson Dugan & Murray’s corporate department. Ms. Artz graduated cum laude from Creighton University School of Law in 2020. While at law school, she spent a semester studying international

Knights and was honored as an NCAA Division III All-American.


Association. He received the CALI Excellence for the Future Award in Negotiation. Prior to law school, Mr. Stokes worked as an Initial Assessment worker for the State of Nebraska, investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect and as a Family Services Specialist for the County of Suffolk County, New York, working to reunite children in foster care with their parents.


Seth C. McCauley Associate Attorney Lamson Dugan & Murray

Seth C. McCauley is an associate attorney in Lamson Dugan & Murray’s litigation department. Mr. McCauley earned his J.D. from Creighton University School of Law. While at law school, he was a member of the Creighton University Trial Team, Arbitration Team, and a two-year participant in the Tulane University Professional

Football Negotiation Competition in New Orleans. He received the CALI Excellence for the Future Award in Trial Practice, Commercial Law, Employment Law, and Law of Church and State. This award is given to the highest scoring student in each law school course. Mr. McCauley was also awarded membership to the Order of Barristers, one of 10 selected students in the 2020 graduating class for excellence in trial advocacy. Mr. McCauley received his B.A. from Morningside College, in Sioux City, Iowa, where he majored in Business Administration and was a four-year member of the Morningside College Men’s Golf Team, achieving team captain honors.

Michael Doherty Managing Director, Corporate Banking & Loan Syndications First National Bank of Omaha

First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO) has named Michael Doherty its managing director, Corporate Banking and Loan Syndications, announced John Grose, vice president and head of Corporate Banking. Doherty will be based in Denver, Colorado. “Michael brings extensive knowledge and experience to this new position and he will play a critical role in expanding and strengthening FNBO’s loan syndication expertise, while growing the bank’s base of Corporate Banking

customers in the Denver area,” said Grose. “Our middle-market and corporate banking customers across our seven-state footprint capabilities to help them continue to grow their businesses.” Doherty has more than 25 years of establishing, building and managing Loan Syndications and Corporate Finance teams at a number of regional and money center banks. He is a former member of the board of directors of the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA). He received a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. FNBO’s Corporate Banking, Commercial Real Estate, Agribusiness Banking, Healthcare Banking and Transportation Banking teams provide comprehensive solutions in helping


2019 • • APRIL 26, ess Journal Midlands Busin

Pat Heiser

ht In the Spotlig ISING

Sales Associate LINE Partners

Pat Heiser joins LINE Partners as Sales Associate. Prior to joining LINE Partners, Heiser has been a top-performing sales producer with a 12-year record of achievement in consultative sales in the healthcare industry. Heiser’s role at LINE Partners includes commercial real estate sales and leasing of retail, office, industrial, investment, and multifamily properties.




Dr. Tim

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In the Spotlight Have big hiring plans for 2021? Purchase a package now and save. Six-packs are available for $360 (savings of $90) or 12-packs are available for $720 (savings of $180).




Jen Landis

Katherin Warren

Vice President, r Operations Directo KidGlov

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Nonprofit Vice President, r Creative Directo

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has Kelley Peterson vice to been promoted


been Jen Landis has promoted to vice tive president, execu She creative director. e creativ KidGlov’s will lead and growOmaha and in Loveland, ln, ping teams in Linco emphasis on develo with ado, Color has worked within for more ry new ideas. She indust ising advert ent of marketing and is the current presid than 20 years and tising the American Adver ln. Federation Linco

r. She creative directo e will lead creativ through g her expertise while also sharin national speaking and ent of the local, regional is a past presid engagements. She Council of sional Chapters and National Profes ting Association Marke ican ence in the Amer 20 years of experi brands. has more than their ce zations advan helping organi




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• NOVEMBER 27, 2020 • Midlands Business Journal

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