Level 3 Techniques based on Natural world
Megan Bird
Pin Hole Photography P O S I T I V E
Pin hole photogprahy is a basic way of taking a photo was created in 1800’s by william fox talbot. Firstly yo you need to create a cover for it, black card a duct tap graphic paper in the can and put the cover down. No roughly 60 seonconds. Depending on you can determ Image was taken throughout a 60 second period. Ret per into chemicals, it will then develop them. I chose light would help to gain a clear image and i thought t
o but the results are spectacular. The inavative idea ou get a tin can and make a pin hole in it, Secondly pe. Then once in a dark room put a peice of photoow take the can to a bright place and lift the lif for mines the length of time the lif should be up for. My turn to the dark room and put the photographic pae this particular spot for my photo as i knew that the that the photo caputred the surrounds of the room.
Dark rooms Cyanotype
Cyanotype is a a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print on top of images, to give them a enhanced blue tone. I feel as though these pictures have grasped the affect well and therefore the photos are well enhanced and good examples of Cyanotypes.
Techniques Palladium
Palladium gives a near to sephia tone throughout the images. It enhacnes the yellows in the images and then adds a all over layer of golden/yellow. I chose these images to use this effect on as they fit in with my theme of nature, furthermore they are well enhanced and good examples of what the effect can do to a photo.
Dark rooms
Infared I like the infared overlay as it gives the images a unique edge. Within the photos all aspects are turned mono. Then the whites are strongly highlighted. From my examples the one to the left is my favourite due to how the water looks on the leaves.
Techniques Black and White The black and white overlay is simple, it is done my all saturation and vibrance taken out of the photo. Out of my photos the top one is my favourite, due to normally it being very colourful to no colour at all.
Dark rooms
Selenium toning is a popular proccess that convetrs metallic silver into silver selendide. Usually in a diluted toning solution. Selenium gives a red-brown tone while a strong solution gives a purple tone. Within my photos there is a mix of strong and diluated therefore the photos have different tones. I partiually like the image of the swan as the effect hasnt changed the image too much, it has just given it some alernate tones.
Techniques Solargraphy is a manual edit that allows you to capture the sun/light movements over a period of time. To do this you need to put a small peice of photographic paper into a film canister, then hang it on a high enough place that isnt blocked by trees or building. Leave it hanging for a minium of 7 days and then but the paper in a photographic solution, Once the paper has dried scan to upload and then invert it.
Manua This is a example of drawing on photos to empasie elements.
al Edits This is a example of a photogram. I printed a image of acetate and then layered photos ontop of photogeaphic paper. Then let light onto the images for a certain period of time- 3-5seconds. Then putting the photographic paper in the solution and leave to develop.
Crop Image
Mirror image
Colour Overlay Colour overlays, are used to give the photos a different edge. The alternate colours add different elements to the photos. As you can see if the purple overlay the water droplets are highlighted.
Colour Gradient
Colour Gradients, Add lots of different colour elemtents to photos. the examples i have used are multi coloured. The brings life and vibrance to a image. Which is perfect for nature as if i were to use a colour overlay on my final piece then it would let nature be filled with colour.