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Student Art
- Allison Reiling '15
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Crimson The Morristown-Beard School
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Debi Roth, President John Adams, Vice President Mike Ranger, Vice President Barbara Sandelands, Vice President
Paolo Cucchi, Secretary John Egan, Treasurer
The Graduation Gallery
BOARD MEMBERS Patrick Burke ’84 Mary-Ellen Campbell (Honorary) John F. Fay Wilfredo Fernandez
p.14 moving up Gallery
Thompson D. Grant, Jr. '69
Commencement Cover Page
David V.H. Hedley ’64 (Honorary)
Remarks from the Headmaster
Michael Magner
Remarks from the Student Government President
Joe Robillard
Remarks from the Valedictorian
The Graduation Gallery
Haleh Shafaie
Moving Up Awards
Johanna (Katie) Simon '85
The Moving Up Gallery
Moving Up Remarks
Moving Up Class of 2012
Class of 2012
Class of 2012 Matriculation List
Steve Patchett
Morristown-Beard Celebrates Alumni Weekend
Alumni Relations Associate
MBS News Briefs
Features Writer
Varsity Sports Round-Up
Class Notes & In Memoriam
Allan P. Kirby, Jr. ’49 (Honorary) Loretta Porter James '62
Lee Kellogg Sadrian ’89 Roger Schwarz ’66
Monya Taylor ’88 Siobhan A. Teare ’77
Director of Development Betsy Patterson
Director of Communications Greg Williams ’05 Carol Selman ‘64
p.36 Martha's vineyard
David Kramer ‘69, Steve Patchett
Jennifer DeAngelis
Steve Patchett
“ Class of 2012, parents and family members and friends of seniors, congratulations, and thank you for all you have given to mbs during your time here. As my first senior class, you will always have a special place in my heart. We will not forget you. ” - peter j. caldwell 1
Commencement 2012 "This is a time for looking forward and for celebrating all that you – Class of 2012 – have accomplished."
the teacher went back into the school and got the head of lower school. The head of lower school tried every tactic she could think of. He would not budge.
This is a time
for looking forward and for celebrating all that you – Class of 2012 – have accomplished. When given the opportunity, it has been my custom to speak to you of important life lessons. Today I continue this discussion that I began last fall in the form of Bench Talks. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to the seniors one last time. One day when my son was in second grade, he decided he was not going to go to school. My wife had driven our three kids and one neighborhood classmate the 55 minutes to school, and when they pulled up to the front door, three of the four children hopped out of the car - but not Tyler. As a twenty-two year old looking back on this day, Tyler chuckles about the ruckus he unintentionally caused. He was not a boy who liked public attention, and he does not remember why it was that he suddenly decided he would not go to school that day, but he does remember that as the car turned onto Tower Road, he simply decided he was going to keep his seat belt buckled and remain in the back of the car. In general, Tyler was a very obedient child. He was solicitous of his twin sister who bossed him around; he was patient with his younger sister who always wanted to play with him. He says his resolution to skip school did not stem from feelings of oppression or being stifled. The idea just popped into his mind right before he was supposed to get out of the car. If we had lived closer to the school, which was very much like the well-established K-12 schools in northern New Jersey, my wife might have simply driven home with him in the car and let him off the hook. However, she knew if she did that, it would potentially be a battle if he decided to do this more often. So she tried every tactic she could think of to get him out of the car. He would not budge. Throwing up her hands, she went into the school and got the teacher, who came out to the car. The teacher tried every tactic she could think of. He would not budge. Together my wife and 2
The head of the lower school realized they might have to use something besides reason. “Let’s get Mr. Markley,” she said. Mr. Markley was the extremely musclebound gym teacher. He had the kind of biceps and pectoral muscles you can see through a shirt. He looked as though he spent every waking hour in the weight room of Lifetime Fitness. At this point my wife started crying, and she went into the building, where she would not have to watch the extraction of Tyler from the family station wagon. Within five seconds, Mr. Markley had Tyler Caldwell out of the car. It was amazing the speed with which he got this little boy to go to school. How do you think Mr. Markley did it? I will tell you. As he leaned his giant torso through the front window of the car, he said: “Tyler, you have two choices. You can get out that door or you can get out this door.” Tyler chose the door furthest from the gym teacher, jumped out of the car, and ran into school. He later reported that the most horrifying aspect of this experience was not the part where everyone was trying to get him out of the car; it was being late for school. And this very idea is my topic for this reflection: CHOICE. We love choice. We tend to equate choice with freedom and empowerment. We like to feel in control and to know our options. And certainly Tyler responded fully to Mr. Markley’s allowing him to choose which door he would use. Choice is important to us. We want to be able to choose what we eat, what time we go to bed, what we wear. Beyond these small decisions, we want to be able to choose our school, our career, our life partner. But choice can also be very scary because we do not know the
outcome of our choices. When we are wrestling with college choices, for example, we might wonder: What will it mean for my life if I choose to go to college in Massachusetts rather than in Virginia? Choices can be hard because choosing one option may close off other options, and we don’t like to close off options. Also, choices invariably entail transition and change. When you make a decision, usually this has to do with your future and a change in the status quo, and that, too, is scary. All of you seniors have faced a multitude of choices this year, some seem life changing and others may appear less significant. How do you know what route to take? What should dictate your decision on these big life-changing choices? I would argue that the smaller day-to-day choices matter as much or maybe even more than the seemingly more significant ones. The small choices where one makes contact with another human being are the moments that endure. Choices where you have a conversation with someone even as you rush to hurry out the door, choices where you thank people for something they have done, or when you take the time to visit with your grandparent on grandparents’ day. Or when you help your mom or dad with something even when you don’t really feel like it. These small choices matter, and they shape who you are. I would submit that when these small choices turn into habits, you become gracious, and that is an attribute that is enduring and increasingly scarce in today’s world. So, in a word, learn to be gracious. Virginia Woolf explores the significance of these small moments in To the Lighthouse. Over half of the book tracks the characters’ lives during a single day, and by including all of the small moments that happen in one’s daily life, Woolf emphasizes the importance of what she calls “little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.” Woolf exposes choices that endure: a look, a moment with someone, a conversation, a meal.
It is these small moments that I would like to celebrate in this year’s senior class. In early September, I gave you seniors several charges. I asked you to work harder than you ever had before, not just in school but in everything you do. I said to you that this year would define you NOT because it determines where you will go to college but because it will reveal how you behave under pressure and under the challenge of leadership. I reminded you that respect from the underclassmen does not come from your title as seniors but from the way you act. Leadership is earned, not inherited. I could not be more pleased with this year’s senior class. Individually and collectively, you were able to work hard for your personal goals, but you never lost sight of those around you. You have been a paradigm of leadership in your capacity to give to the greater good and be true to yourselves. An eighth grader described one of you seniors on the softball team this way: “She inspires me every day. Even on the days when she isn’t having a very good day, she would reach out to me and encourage me
to work hard and to do my best, and that meant a lot to me especially when I knew she had hard things she was dealing with, too.” A freshman described meeting a senior on the first day of football practice and developing a relationship with him throughout the year. “From day one on the football field then throughout the weeks of football and the rest of the year he taught me how to basically survive high school from freshman year to graduating day in 2015. From school, to sports, to girls, he covered everything. I’ll never forget his encouragement and advice and the moment when, after a particularly hard drill, he acknowledged me as a teammate and peer.” A group of eighth graders said they were studying in the lobby of Founders when one of you came up to them and congratulated them on their diligence and said, “Keep up the good work, guys.” A freshman girl recalls when a senior, noticing that she was having a hard week, came up and said, “I hope that you know that you can talk to me if you need anything at all.” “At that moment,” the ninth grader said, “she taught me what kind of person she was and showed me that she cared about me. That meant a lot to me.” An eighth grade boy said he would never forget a moment when the senior captain of the ice hockey team said hello and held the door for him. These seemingly inconsequential interactions actually do resonate. The simple fact that the eighth and ninth graders remember these moments, these choices that you made during your busy day, demonstrates their durability and significance. A couple years ago a maintenance man came to our house to fix our washing machine. As he worked, I chatted with him. As men often do, we complained about the challenge of raising our daughters, knowing full well how much we loved them. We talked about work and family for about half an hour. Although I had seen him around the campus and always said hello, this was the most sustained conversation we had ever had. As it turned out, this was our final conversation. Two weeks later Bucky died from a heart attack, and his wife asked me to speak at his funeral. When she first asked me, I resisted because I could not imagine how he would want me to speak at his funeral. I had only had one conversation with him. She said that the half an hour we spent together, talking about family, work, and life in general was hugely important to him. That single conversation was most definitely “a small moment,” yet it resonated. With that affirmation, I spoke at his funeral. As you leave MBS and head off into the world don’t underestimate these small moments. Choose to embrace them the way you have here on this campus. These small choices of graciousness and inclusion, habits that you developed here at MBS, will define you in the years ahead. Class of 2012, parents and family members and friends of seniors, congratulations, and thank you for ALL you have given to MBS during your time here. As my first senior class, you will always have a special place in my heart. We will not forget you. 3
Accolades Morristown-Beard School salutes those Seniors
who have exhibited academic and moral excellence
Arthur Lee James Award
William H. McBride Prize
William C. Mules Prize
The Arthur Lee James Award is given to the young man judged by his peers to best exemplify the qualities of integrity, responsibility, cooperation and school spirit.
The William H. McBride Prize is presented by the faculty in honor of William H. McBride, a teacher of science at Morristown-Beard School from 1977 to 1996. The prize recognizes students whose academic vigor, enthusiasm and curiosity serve both as an example to other students and as a reminder of the spirit and dedication of Mr. McBride.
The William C. Mules Prize is awarded annually to the senior who possesses a passionate love of learning and a fascination for an enormous range of facts and stories.
Alexander Bruno
Class Valedictorian
Class Leader Award
Thompson D. Grant Award
The Valedictorian is the senior with the highest grade point average over the junior and senior years.
The Class Leader is the student with the highest grade point average in, strictly, the senior year.
The Thompson Doane Grant Award is given to the senior who has shown the greatest academic improvement since the 11th grade.
Cynthia Tremonte
Alexandra Smith
Hillas Citizenship Award
The Dickinson W. Richards Cup, in memory of a wise counselor and devoted friend of Miss Beard’s School, is awarded annually to that member of the senior class who has made the greatest progress in her studies and character during her years in the Upper School.
The Hillas Citizenship Award, in memory of Albert Fisher Weber, Jr., is presented to that senior boy who best exemplifies the qualities of character, scholarship, leadership and service.
Dylan Krouse
Zachary Gray
Harry Okun
Melissa Rodriguez
Lucie C. Beard Award
Burke-Wilkie Trophy
Mrs. Thomas W. Cauldwell Cup
The Lucie C. Beard Award is presented to the girl in the senior class who has shown the greatest all-around improvement.
The Burke-Wilkie Trophy is awarded to the boy in the Upper School who has shown the greatest improvement in all-around development.
The Mrs. Thomas W. Cauldwell Cup is awarded for consistent, conscientious volunteer service to the School community.
Frederick Cross Remington
Philip L. Anderson Prize
Hauserman Award
The Philip L. Anderson Prize is presented to that senior whose enthusiasm, energy, and interest in the welfare of fellow students have served to promote school spirit and the sense of community at Morristown-Beard.
The Hauserman Award is presented to that senior who displays sincerity, compassion, and consistent dedication to those qualities best exemplifying human character.
WeiYin Petersen
Dickinson W. Richards Cup
Harrison Kronfeld
Spencer Zubrow
Marissa Cohen
Nancy Carolyn Hoyer Memorial Award
Jillian Raia
The Nancy Carolyn Hoyer Memorial Award is presented to the senior girl who has been judged by the faculty and her classmates to have best shown the qualities exemplified by Nancy of personality, integrity, responsibility, friendliness, cooperation and school spirit.
Service Award
Mariah Beck
The Frederick Cross Remington Service Award is presented to a senior in recognition of his/her caring service to others,
Tatiana Johnson
Austin Fernandez
Remarks from the Student Government President
Pisano ’12
wanted to hear. It wasn’t until one of my closest friends, Doran McManus, sent me a text saying “speak from your heart,” that I realized what I have to say must be my own. It’s funny; I still remember the quiet, unconfident boy I was the first time I set foot on this campus. In preparation for my interview, I had spent hours the night before reviewing potential questions. Well, to my surprise, Mr. Mitchell and I ended up talking about basketball, something I absolutely didn’t need a note card for. Although you might be asking, “how is this significant at all?” Mr. Mitchell’s attitude in my interview symbolizes what is best in the Morristown-Beard spirit. You see, I left that interview with a secure attitude, not concerned whether I answered a question correctly or incorrectly, but happy because I was allowed to
interests lead to successes that are extremely different: Rex played on the violin, Charlie had an outstanding performance in Batboy, and Tyler ripped five goals in soccer. Although our passions are all diverse, we are still such a close-knit community, not just over this past year, but even in our younger years, reaching back to middle school. This school has gone through many hardships, but none harder than what the Class of 2012 went through when one of our classmates passed away during our eighth-grade year. Although Emily Aguas is no longer with us, her death brought us closer together. Although some knew her better than others, the entire class responded to this tragedy by coming together and supporting each other. Our entire grade went to her church for Emily’s
someone who needs help, our natural reaction is to provide it. Our help often takes the form of supporting others through school spirit. My favorite moment, which speaks volumes about our grade, happened during the county quarterfinal basketball game. Harrison Rosemond hit a shot with 3.2 seconds on the clock to put the game into overtime. We unfortunately lost the game, but that was not what was significant. During that time, many of the students here were also preparing for the première of the musical Batboy. Even in the midst of the biggest weekend of the year, right after hours of rehearsal, the performers still came all the way to Randolph to help support our boys’ basketball team. They were yelling like madmen (particularly Sam and Susana), and this expression of school spirit really shows the class of 2012’s commitment to each other.
“ The best part of Morristown-Beard is that there is not a specific cool thing. Instead, your passion and interests are what makes you cool. express my true self. Mr. Mitchell and this community do not judge someone based on how he or she answers a question, but instead they appreciate the whole person.
Mr. Caldwell, trustees, faculty, family, and friends,
I stand before you today to talk about the graduating class of 2012. However, I must admit, of the countless times coming up to the microphone and acting over confident and a bit out of control, this speech feels quite different. I have to say on a day like today, the Class of 2012’s graduation day, being given the honor of speaking on behalf of the community has humbled me and truthfully made me extremely nervous. I knew I wanted this speech to focus on how much Morristown-Beard has done for me over the past four years and, more importantly, how much it has done for the Class of 2012 as a whole. I was a little less sure about how I was going to convey my thoughts. I was approached by many people throughout these weeks, who wanted to guide me on what direction to take. Teachers, friends, family (specifically my amazing mother whom I have promised I will not embarrass or say anything inappropriate enough to get my diploma revoked) all had suggestions. However, nothing was coming to me because I was so caught up in wanting to write and say something that other people 6
My experience before MorristownBeard was not this way. My grammar school was very concerned with micromanaging students and there was a school culture that valued awards and statistics rather than individuality. In contrast, Morristown-Beard lets you discover the excellence within yourself. Our friends and teachers encourage us to follow our passions and not be concerned with what others think. The best part of Morristown-Beard is that there is not a specific cool thing. Instead, your passion and interests are what makes you cool. Many of our
service. Emily isn’t here with us today; however, I like to think she is graduating with us because her spirit lives on with the Class of 2012. It is not only in such profound traumatic events that we show our interconnectedness and support for each other. Little things, such as a basketball or field hockey game, bring forth the true character and support of the Class of 2012. For example, during Morristown-Beard’s spirit week, a player accidently struck a friend, knocking out his two front teeth. Our classmate Tom O’Brien has first-aid experience, and his training clicked into place as he leapt onto the field to assist the injured student. His actions are the finest indication of the profound support we have for one another; when we see
So please, before leaving campus today, acknowledge how much we owe to this school. I have been hearing for years now that people say you never really leave Morristown-Beard. Well, the truth is you do, and we are today, but what people really mean is that MorristownBeard never leaves you. We will use what we have learned at MorristownBeard as a foundation for the way we will live the rest of our lives. This place has given us the opportunity to grow into ourselves and, although we have all grown differently, we are all blessed to have grown together. So, to my parents and to all the parents, we say “thank you.“ And to the Class of 2012, congratulations and good luck. john pisano ’12 7
Remarks from the Valedictorian
Cynthia Tremonte ’12
We did not breeze through MorristownBeard without any hardships. Our classes were difficult and our schedules complex. However, our teachers were our academic guides through the obstacle course that defines the high school experience. My AP Biology class, which only had three students in it, for example, allowed for considerable student-faculty interaction, particularly in our lab experiments. I still remember Dr. Howells growing pea plants alongside the three of us for use in a genetics experiment. Our teachers have also been our social guides. Dr. Molowa, Mr. Brescher, and
but because it seemed like a scary step away from the comforts of the MBS bubble. And yet, I have complete confidence that we will encounter few difficulties after high school that we are not able to overcome. We have become strong, independent leaders and thinkers, which was demonstrated, for example, when Elaina and Rubana won the 2012 Princeton Prize in Race Relations for their video depicting diversity within the school. We have grown as a class, and I cannot be more proud that I am part of the graduating class of 2012. Our class has initiated school-wide
“ we are prepared to take on the world and to change it. The words of President Barack Obama describe our future endeavors perfectly: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Good morning, Mr. Caldwell, trustees, faculty, family, and fellow classmates. We are gathered here today to celebrate our achievements as a class. We are grateful for all the support given to us by everyone here.
I remember my first experience with Morristown-Beard. I was a lowly middle school student who had come for a visit. My vivid memory of that day was that sunshine radiated throughout the entire school. That welcoming feeling of warmth generated by both the students and the faculty has remained with me. I feel truly lucky to be a part of the Morristown-Beard family. Skip ahead to our first days of high school: just a bunch of confused freshmen trying to figure out which was Beard Hall or Grant Hall and whom we would be friends with for the next four years. We had no concrete ideas about how we would pave our way. We could only imagine what high school would be like – the classes, faculty, friends, and extracurriculars – and how we would fit into this new world. 8
Dr. Mascaro have always been willing to discuss my future plans. And, I know that Dr. Fidler still has a lavender pipe cleaner bowtie on a lamp in his office that my friends and I made for him freshman year. I extend a heartfelt thank you to the faculty for being truly invested in both our education and our growth. For me, graduating high school has always seemed a distant event. Walking down senior circle to receive our diplomas was never something that I envisioned accomplishing, not because I thought we were unable to,
events, including Beardstock, a very popular music festival. We are successful athletes, actors, musicians, artists, and scholars, participating in the Coffeehouse, plays, musicals, CMW, and sports games. We have heard Charlie sing, watched Sussana perform, and listened to Chris rap. One of my favorite things to do was go to the plays, which were always incredible, even though I have to admit I was a little scared of Harry Kronfeld after seeing him in Batboy!
to create a better world through volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, Miles for Matheny, and even overseas. We have made a difference in the world around us. And now as we graduate, we look forward to new beginnings, experiencing new adventures, and meeting new people. I have no doubt that we will accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves. But I hope that we take with us some of that warmth that I first encountered on my Middle School visit and continue to be willing to lend a hand to the people around us. Our true triumphs are what we have done for each other. Everyone around me has always looked out for his or her fellow classmates. From just holding the door open to discussing our deepest troubles, we have always cared for one another. I know that this spirit of compassion will carry with us throughout our lives. Finally, I am convinced that we are destined for great success. I believe that we will continue to make a difference, whether we are lawyers who fight for the civil rights of others, pediatricians who save children’s lives, or musicians who are able to stir our emotions. We are prepared to take on the world and to change it. The words of President Barack Obama describe our future endeavors perfectly: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” So let’s change the world and leave our mark. Congratulations, Class of 2012. Let’s celebrate our accomplishments and welcome the amazing journey that awaits us. Thank you. CYNTHIA TREMONTE ’12
We have also learned to reach out to those who need help outside of Morristown-Beard. We have worked 9
The Graduation Gallery MBS
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
The Class of 2012
June ’12
“As my first senior class, you will always have a special place in my heart. We will not forget you. “ -headmaster, Peter j. caldwell
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
“Congratulations, Class of 2012. Let’s celebrate our accomplishments and welcome the amazing journey that awaits us. -cynthia tremonte ’12
Moving Up
June ’12
Moving Up
June ’12
Mathematics teacher Susan Glover congratulates Bella Cuomo.
Art Award
Moving Up
Priya Aggarwal
June ’12
Congeniality Award William Stitt Director of Middle School Athletics John Sheppard congratulates Meg Damstrom and Patrick Davis.
Science teacher Bill Lamson congratulates Isabelle Fagan.
June ’12
Physical Education Award Hannah Fuller Calvin Wetmore Physical Education teacher Mike Sturgeon congratulates Calvin Wetmore.
June ’12
Francis Perrelly Science Award Isabelle Fagan
English Award Alissa Masini
Kay Drake History Award William Mallen
Class Leader
Math Award
William Mallen
Bella Cuomo
Slattery Award for Sports
Spanish Award
Meg Damstrom Patrick Davis
Patrick Davis
Leona Fagan French Award
Performing Arts, Teacher Bruce Van Hoven congratulates Willian Stitt.
Hannah Benton
Vocal Music Award William Stitt
Instrumental Music Award Gus Capatides
Dance Award Isabelle Fagan
Theatre Award Will Laud
Performing and Visual Arts teacher Jeanine Erickson congratulates Gus Capatides.
World Language teacher Juan Tejeda congratulates Hannah Benton.
moving up Gallery The Class of 2012
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
"Wonderful things happened as you made your way through the first semester of 8th grade... MBS
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12 MBS
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
June ’12
...You began to take more responsibility for your learning, showed greater appreciation for one another, and you really began to click as a class." -lisa swanson
Moving Up Remarks
We are extremely proud of this class and are happy that you are here to mark the occasion.
My remarks are really directed at the graduating class, so it is somewhat awkward in that I am looking at everyone except the 8th graders! To those sitting behind me, don’t be dismayed, because you know what they say about teachers and parents…we all have eyes in the back of our heads. Let’s take a walk down memory lane by thinking back to 6th grade when most of you first arrived at MBS. Those early days were filled with excitement, yet angst, as you worried about making new friends, “fitting in,” opening your combination lock, and going to your first school dance. Now having taught all of you, with the exception of Vincina, Cory, Justin, and Jack, I can tell you that 7th grade was quite a year to navigate. I watched as most of you entered the throws of puberty, struggling to maneuver social minefields as you did your best to respond to increased expectations. I have fond memories of our year together in geography. I recall the first week when you laughed nervously when I handed you an 8 x 11 piece of paper and said “take your time as you draw a mental map of the world and, by the way, include every possible detail.” Who can forget the number of times you had me play “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” during our Africa unit and you were moved to belt out the lyrics as you left class. And lastly, your fine work at the end of the year to tease out viable solutions to real world problems made me proud. Wonderful things happened as you made your way through the first semester of 8th grade. You began to take more responsibility for your learning, showed greater appreciation for one another, and you really began to click as a class. What a transformation! You showed me that you were not “too cool for school” when you responded to my call to attend the gym and pool night in the fall. This year’s 6th graders really loved having you there. I have been impressed by how much you like spending time together. That was apparent each morning as I climbed over outstretched legs in the 8th grade hall and watched you banter back and forth before advisory. You are a class with a sense of humor. If it be rigging a classmates locker, making Mrs. Darby laugh uncontrollably over your antics, or submitting a proposal to me requesting that you be allowed to follow the Upper School dress code this Spring, as to make your transition to high school “easier.” When I think back to my many graduations, I remember sitting on stage struggling to concentrate on the words of the speaker because I was too busy thinking about summer vacation, saying goodbyes to classmates, and going to graduation parties. So, I will make this easy for you by focusing on one guiding principle that has shaped my life and one that I embrace as I start each day. Simply put, the guiding principle is making a difference in people’s lives. 16
The dramatic progress you have made as students has happened because dedicated teachers have made it their mission to make a difference in your lives. Let me share a real life story that illustrates the difference a middle school teacher made for one student. Several months ago, I was fishing out the mail from our home mailbox and saw a gold trimmed envelope with a large gold seal placed on the back. It was addressed to my husband, Tim. He opened the envelope, and it was an invitation to attend the West Point graduation ceremony, with a request to take part in a commissioning ceremony following graduation. The invitation was sent by one of my husband’s former 6th grade Ancient World students, whom he had not seen in 10 years. A teacher who modeled fairness, kindness, and truthfulness made a difference to Paul in 6th grade and clearly left a lasting impact on 2nd Lieutenant Anderson.
Moving Up
Look to the wings of the auditorium to where your former teachers sit. Put names to those who gave you needed confidence, could see things in you that others couldn’t, championed your strengths while downplaying your weaknesses, sharpened your habits of mind, helped you discover your abilities, and who were fair, just, kind, and truthful.
Class of 2012
Moving Up Class Of 2012
Every human being is here for a reason. You have been given a set of abilities and talents that you need to use to enrich the lives of others, although not in a selfish way to satisfy your own ego. I could go on and on, but I hope you understand the point I am trying to make. I would like to end with a story that was told by Dr.Wallace Stettler, the first headmaster under which I first served, when I started my teaching career. My hope is that it will resonate with you as you close this chapter in your life and look to open another next year. There was a man who loved the ocean and enjoyed walks along the beach early in the morning. During the night, there was a tremendous storm and when the man went to the beach the next morning he noticed 100’s of starfish that has washed ashore and were dying in the sand. As the man walked, he started picking up the starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. There was a bystander who was watching, laughing and making fun of him, saying “what are you doing, there are 100’s of starfish, you can’t save them all, you can’t make any difference whatsoever for them.” And with that, the man bent over and picked up another starfish and threw it into the ocean. He then looked at the bystander and said, “Made a difference for that one, didn’t I?” It is true that the man could not save all the starfish. When the bystander ridiculed him, he could have easily given up, but he didn’t. Instead, he picked up a starfish and saved its life. You will have similar opportunities in your life to make individual differences for others. Don’t run away from them, but open your arms wide to the opportunity to serve others.
Priya Aggarwal
Justin Connell
Alexander Ives
Daniel Porth
Zaire Alston
Lauren Conway
Tatiana James
Annabel Pruitt
Casey Andrews
Isabella Cuomo
Harris Johnson
Zain Asif
Meg Damstrom
Corey Joskowitz
Jessica Babb
Patrick Davis
Steven Karbachinskiy
Hannah Benton
Jenna Dertouzos
Daniel Lombardi
Vincina Bivona
Matthew Enman
William Mallen
Steven Shields
Alexander Borowiec
Grayson Everett
Thomas Margosian
Peter Smith
Spencer Bridges
Isabelle Fagan
Alissa Masini
Zachariah Buteux
Ryan Fisher
Arielle Moss
Kendall Cairoli
Hannah Fuller
Connor Murray
Gus Capatides
Jeana Henderson
Samuel Nickson
Madeline Carroll
Dylan Henry
Colin Patterson
Brady Wilson
John Collins
Emily Hromin
Thomas Pickthall-Healey
Hailey Winterbottom
Jackson Robillard William Segal Sara Seuffert
Alexie Snook William Stitt Calvin Wetmore
Congratulations Class of 2016. 1 17
Class of 2012 Adrianna Elizabeth Aguayo
Drew Thomas Hagerstrom *
Elizabeth Anne Pellicane
Elaina Kathryn Aquila
Maureen Veronica Hargrave-Kerns
WeiYin Petersen
Brian William Bartner
Lamar Rasheed Harmon Jr.
John Jude Pisano Jr.
Mariah Rayfield Beck *
Reid Cooper Harris
Carl Joseph Postighone III
Andrea Katherine Boiardo
Gerard Splane Edward Heffernan III
Matias Rhodes Pribor
Tyler Braslow
Jonas Hercksen
Jillian Marie Raia
Alexander John Bruno
Charles Draper Hill
Alexandra Beth Rakow *
Nina Elena Cammarata *
John Peter Hoeller III
Melissa Ashley Rodriguez
Ryan Paul Casey
John Dranoff Horowicz
Harrison Chad Rosemond
Zachary Scott Chodor
Rubana Islam
Matthew Evan Rosenberg
Danielle Rae Ciccodicola
Tatiana Nicole Johnson
Samantha Eleanor Cocuzza
Elizabeth Anne Ryan
Jackson Paul Kramer
Marissa Brittany Cohen
Harrison Richard Kronfeld *
Jamie Cossolini
Dylan Alexa Krouse *
Gabriella Maria Daidone
Andrew George Kundrat
Christopher Louis DeBono
Jacob William Lessick
Thomas Kenneth DePoalo
Michael Brennan Magner
Rachel Catherine Donahue
Ryan Conner Martin
Sailesh Doraiswamy
Susanna Tilghman Mathews *
Corrina Barbara Jean Drost
Margaret Rose McDonagh
William Jacob Drucker
Jacqueline McGinley
Rex Richard Dyer III
Doran Patrick McManus
Austin Daniel Fernandez
Laura Hartley Mead
Kyle Christopher Fisher
Meghan Copeland Merriman
Mia Geswelli
Benjamin Carmichael Miller
Brandon Ray Szapiro
Emma Maslin Giordano
Casey Ellen Miller
Max Spencer Tabak
Griffin Shine Giordano
Maximilian Moog
Christopher Novick Taggart
Rebecca Aviva Gitomer
Vanessa Leigh Moore
Olivia Michele Tedesco
Alexis Marjorie Givens
Thomas Carrington O’Brien
Tyler Nathaniel Terens
Kevin Richard Glancy
Harry Abraham Okun *
Cynthia Ann Tremonte *
Zachary Michael Gray
John Peter Olcese Jr.
Sharon T. Zelnick
Jessica Greene
Elizabeth Lagan O’Neill
Spencer Evan Zubrow
Emily Michelle Gruenberg
Maura Ayn Passione
Nina Kathryn Zwarycz
* Denotes membership in Cum Laude Society 20
Tiana Eilina Santiago Ashley Nicole Sauder * Joshua Cole Schramm Jacob Justin Schreer Devon Gray Seelig Donald Richard Shauger Jaynie Lane Siegel Taylor Leigh Silvestri * Alexandra Leigh Smith Julia Anne Smith Robert Sydenham Stone Samuel Jordan Stone
Morristown-Beard School Class of 2012 Matriculation List
2012 Graduate
Adrianna Aguayo Barnard College Elaina Aquila¬ Skidmore College Brian Bartner Wesleyan University Mariah Beck Brandeis University Andrea Boiardo Fordham University Tyler Braslow Santa Clara University Alexander Bruno Syracuse University Nina Cammarata DePaul University Ryan Casey Villanova University Zachary Chodor Indiana University Danielle Ciccodicola The George Washington University Samantha Cocuzza Indiana University Marissa Cohen University of Massachusetts Boston Jamie Cossolini Hobart and William Smith Colleges Gabriella Daidone Florida State University Christopher DeBono Kean University Thomas DePoalo Stonehill College Rachel Donahue Boston University Sailesh Doraiswamy University of Rochester Corrina Drost Undecided William Drucker The University of Scranton Rex Dyer Johns Hopkins University Austin Fernandez Marywood University Kyle Fisher Kenyon College Mia Geswelli Elon University Emma Giordano University of San Diego Griffin Giordano Colgate University Rebecca Gitomer Washington University in St. Louis Alexis Givens St. John’s University Kevin Glancy Muhlenberg College Zachary Gray Lehigh University Jessica Greene University of Miami Emily Gruenberg Franklin & Marshall College Drew Hagerstrom Colgate University Maureen Hargrave-Kerns Gap Year Lamar Harmon New York University Reid Harris Miami University Gerard Heffernan Ohio Wesleyan University Jonas Hercksen Bentley University Charles Hill University of Vermont John Hoeller Hobart and William Smith Colleges John Horowicz Dickinson College Rubana Islam St. John’s University Tatiana Johnson University of Rhode Island Jackson Kramer Lafayette College Harrison Kronfeld Washington University in St. Louis Dylan Krouse Dartmouth College Andrew Kundrat Boston College Jacob Lessick Phillips Exeter Academy Michael Magner St. Lawrence University Ryan Martin Fairfield University Susanna Mathews Connecticut College
2012 Graduate
Margaret McDonagh University of Delaware Jacqueline McGinley Boston College Doran McManus Bates College Laura Mead Wesleyan University Meghan Merriman Clemson University Benjamin Miller Rutgers University Casey Miller Connecticut College Maximilian Moog Loyola University Maryland Vanessa Moore The George Washington University Thomas O’Brien Rollins College Elizabeth O’Neill University of Vermont Harry Okun Haverford College John Olcese The Citadel Maura Passione Fairfield University Elizabeth Pellicane Denison University Wei Yen Peterson University of South Carolina John Pisano Villanova University Carl Postighone Villanova University Matias Pribor Trinity College Jillian Raia Bentley University Alexandra Rakow Colgate University Melissa Rodriguez Miami Dade College Harrison Rosemond Syracuse University Matthew Rosenberg Binghamton University Elizabeth Ryan Boston University Tiana Santiago Stevens Institute of Technology Ashley Sauder Boston College Joshua Schramm Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jacob Schreer Dickinson College Devon Seelig University of Vermont Donald Shauger The University of Scranton Jaynie Siegel University of Wisconsin Taylor Silvestri Wake Forest University Alexandra Smith Muhlenberg College Julia Smith University of Miami Robert Stone Lehigh University Samuel Stone Bryant University Brandon Szapiro University of Cincinnati Max Tabak Syracuse University Christopher Taggart University of Southern Maine Olivia Tedesco Georgetown University Tyler Terens Hobart and William Smith Colleges Cynthia Tremonte Princeton University Sharon Zelnick McGill University Spencer Zubrow Berklee College of Music Nina Zwarycz Northeastern University 21
Alumni also enjoyed a Morristown and Beard School Lunch at Rod’s Steakhouse in Madison, class visits, and the Half Century Club & Distinguished Alumni Dinner honoring the 50-year reunion classes as well as Siobhan Teare ’77, Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient.
Celebrates Alumni Weekend
Graduates from the Beard School, the Morristown School, and MorristownBeard School gathered on campus on May 18th and 19th to reunite with old friends and enjoy a full slate of activities as part of Alumni Weekend 2012.
On Friday, May 18th, members of the MBS community gathered in Founders Hall to hear artist Craig Slaff ’78 deliver the 2012 Lehman Lecture, “Painting Stories.” Honorable Siobhan Teare '77, Peter Caldwell
Penny Probert Boorman '52
Susan McAllister Underwood '62, Marie Younkin-Waldman '62, Diane Nixon '62, Cille Kennedy '62, Anne Hoffman Moore '62, Joy Esehak Dybas '62, Loretta Porter James '62, Barbara Hardenbrook '62, Judy Burgess Keen '62. Cheryl Teare '73
Emily Lehman Smith '56, Craig Slaff '78, Peter Caldwell, Gail Lehman Harty '59
Members of the Class of '87
Craig Slaff '78
Peter Caldwell, Tom Marotta '62, Jim Rutgers '62, David Seabury '62, Edward Lee Fogt '62, Patrick Burke '84
Vally Taishoff Flint '47, Nancy "Taz" Tasman Brower '47
Senator Nia H. Gill
Members of the Class of 2002
Reunion events on Saturday, May 19th included a bus trip to the former Beard School campus, a State of the School with Headmaster Caldwell, the Headmaster’s Bar-B-Que Lunch, Alumni Baseball and Lacrosse games, an Alumni Cocktail Party, and Class Reunion Dinners. The festivities continued well into the night with individual class gatherings off campus.
Susan Magennis Underwood '62, Vally Taishoff Flint '47, Marie Neubert Younkin-Waldman '62, Loretta Porter James '62, Peggy Harding Nelson '59 Alumni Lax Game Members of the Class of '87 with Rose Koch
Members of the Class of 2007
Dan Pellenberg '02, Todd McConnell '02, Jane Cooper '03, David Starr '02, Stan Gale '03
The band Hub Hollow once again provided wonderful entertainment for the Alumni BBQ. Hub Hollow features MBS Jason Frigerio '91, Jill Frigerio Turpin '91, and John Turpin '92, as well as Rick Chance.
Judy Taggart - PA President, Sam Taggart '10
David Hedley '87
Members of the Class of 1992
MBS News Briefs
Totton Golf & Tennis a Success!
On the prior Monday, members of the MBS community enjoyed Crimson Night - a cocktail reception, dinner, and live and silent auctions. Parent and professional auctioneer Kathy Shepperly auctioned off golf trips, vacations, and a large puzzle representing the Crimson athletic program. In a silent auction, guests had an opportunity to bid on tickets to sports events, jewelry, autographed memorabilia and much more. Thanks to all of those who participated and made both events so enjoyable! All proceeds from the events support the Morristown-Beard School athletic program. The tournament is named in honor of Larry Totton who was a 1955 graduate of the Morristown School and a 1960 graduate of Lehigh University. After serving several years in the U.S. Marine Corps, he returned to the Morristown School in 1964 to begin his teaching career. Larry taught in the Social Studies Department and was an outstanding coach of track, wrestling and cross-country. He was responsible for founding the MBS Alumni Association after the merger in 1974 and served as its President until his death in 1977. He was inducted into the Morristown-Beard School Athletic Hall of Fame in 1987.
Middle School Stages "Once on This Island"
Will Segal ’16 (Papa Ge), Lucy Thoromon ’17 (Storyteller 4), and Hailey Winterbottom ’16 (Mama Euralie). The ensemble included: Amogh Anakru ’17, Arabella Berman ’17, Isabelle Fagan ’16, Lara Gajewski ’17, Connor Heffernan ’18, Grace Hromin ’18, Taylor Jaskula ’17, Tatiana James ’16, Mikaeel Jan ’17, Blake Kernan ’18, Sophie Laferriere ’18, Courtney Ober ’18, Sophie Richman ’18, Julian Rogala ’18, Sami Saunders ’17, Sara Seuffert ’16, Matthew Smith ’18, and Mark Timcenko ’17.
Good things truly come to those who wait! After being
postponed due to rain, the 35th Larry Totton Golf & Tennis Tournaments were played under sunny skies on May 29th and were a tremendous success.
More than 70 golfers enjoyed a wonderful day on the course, participating in numerous contests and opportunities for prizes along the way. John McDonald took the prize for low score of the day, shooting a 67. Maura Ballard had the best round among the women with a 78. This year’s event also included a day of tennis on Morris County Golf Club’s clay courts. Congratulations to Norman Riback, who took first place in the round-robin tournament. 26
In almost non-stop song and dance, the show included elements of the Romeo and Juliet story as well as the fairytale, "The Little Mermaid". The story centers around a peasant girl on a tropical island who uses the power of love to bring together people of different social classes. The cast included: Jessica Babb ’16 (Storyteller 2), Hannah Benton ’16 (Asaka), Caroline Bernardon ’18 (Andrea), Richie Carchia ’18 (Agwe), Trevor Clemson ’18 (Tonton Julian), Ryan Fisher ’16 (Daniel’s Father), Connor Heffernan ’18 (Daniel’s Son), Dylan Henry ’16 (Daniel Beauxhomme), Taylor Jaskula ’17 (Gatekeeper), Jayden Lawrence ’18 (Erzulie), Arielle Moss ’16 (Storyteller 1), Annabel Pruitt ’16 (Storyteller 3), Natalie Pruitt ’18 (Ti Moune), Sophie Richman ’18 (Little Ti Moune),
Thirteen Students Join Cum Laude Society
Bryan Burrough, a renowned journalist and author of the classic financial book Barbarians at the Gate, visited Morristown-Beard School on May 9th to speak with students in Ida Picker’s journalism class. Burrough, a former investigative reporter at The Wall Street Journal, is currently a special correspondent at Vanity Fair magazine. His book Barbarians at the Gate, which chronicles the takeover battle for RJR Nabisco in 1988, has been called one of the most influential business books of all time.
“Almost every story starts off as an unscalable wall; you have to figure out how to jump in and attack it. I write as I go,” he said, adding that the editing process is critical. “There’s nothing that you write that won’t be better shorter.” story and plenty of catchy Caribbean songs as MorristownBeard School presented “Once On This Island, Jr." in Founders Hall on May 24th.
“Nothing is worse in life than getting stuck in a job you don’t really like. You have to do what you love,” he said. “I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy anything as much as I enjoyed writing Public Enemies.”
“Barbarians” Author Speaks to Students
In an informal discussion in Wilkie Hall, Burrough discussed his work as an author and journalist, and also talked about the process of writing.
This year's Middle School musical featured a poignant
Johnny Depp.
He also said that no career path ever ascends in a straight line. Setbacks are not only inevitable – they can prove to be helpful. “Every failure makes you better,” said Burrough. “I never truly failed until I was 30. I had a bestseller (Barbarians at the Gate), and then I had a book that totally tanked (Vendetta). I grew up after that.” Burrough said he learned that you have to follow your heart and have passion for your work. “After Barbarians, my heart wasn’t in business books, but they were throwing a lot of money at me and I ended up writing Vendetta – a book that about 17 people read,” he said. “I finally said to myself, ‘wow – you’re doing this for the wrong reasons.’” In the late 1990’s, Burrough said that he realized that murder mysteries were more interesting to him than business stories, so he began to write books like The Big Rich and Public Enemies, which was made into a film starring
Thirteen Morristown-Beard students were inducted into The Cum Laude Society at a special dinner in Founders Hall on April 23rd. This year’s inductees are: Mariah Beck ’12, Nina Cammarata ’12, Daniel Collins ’13, Drew Hagerstrom ’12, Harrison Kronfeld ’12, Susanna Mathews ’12, Harry Okun ’12, Alexandra Rakow ’12, Sumiran Sapru ’13, Ashley Sauder ’12, Matthew Sauder ’13, Taylor Silvestri ’12, and YiYun Zhu ’13. The students join seniors Dylan Krouse ’12, Jillian Raia ’12, and Cynthia Tremonte ’12, who were inducted into The Cum Laude Society last year. The Cum Laude Society, modeled on Phi Beta Kappa, was founded in 1906 at the Tome School in Port Deposit, Maryland, to promote learning and scholarship in secondary schools. The Beard School received its Cum Laude Society charter in 1950, the Morristown School in 1958, and Morristown-Beard School in 1976. Each chapter elects to membership those members of the senior and junior classes who have demonstrated academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and good character.
Steficek ’15 Wins Rising Star Award MBS freshman Carina Steficek '15 was awarded a Student Achievement Award as part of the 17th Annual Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards for Excellence in the 27
Production of High School Musicals. The award was for her work as master electrician and light board operator for the Spring Upper School musical, Bat Boy. Nominations in the Student Achievement category are submited by school faculty or outside directors who work on the production. Carina was honored with one of ten awards handed out in that category at the gala awards ceremony and received an engraved glass trophy, provided by Tiffany & Co. In placing her in nomination, Performing Arts Department Chair Susan Speidel, noted that Carina, "was not part of the light crew… she ran the light crew. She made herself indispensible to guest designer Craig Stelzenmuller (of Broadway's Wonderland), learning very quickly about the different types of instruments and figuring out how to program the light board just by watching Craig do it a few times. Soon, Craig moved to the side and yielded the board to her completely. He was impressed with her skills and mature work ethic - but was completely blown away with her ability to learn quickly, retain what she had learned and and apply it to the next task. In the months since Bat Boy, Carina programmed lights for two concerts and also worked on the Middle School musical - working with other students to pass on what she learned from Craig." Created in 1996, to recognize achievement in the production of high school musical theater, the 2012 Rising Star Awards featured 100 schools from 19 of New Jersey's 21 counties.
Pribor ’12 Honored by Football Foundation Congratulations to MBS
senior Dusty Pribor ’12, who was selected as a scholarathlete for his achievements on and off the field by the Morris County Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame.
The Morris County Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame promotes both sportsmanship on the field and commitment to educational growth in school. The many board members of the chapter include former NFL quarterback Neil O’Donnell, New York Yankees minority owner Barry Halper, and former Rutgers Athletic Director Bob Mulcahy.
Tabor ’13 Named Music Student of the Month
Annual Fund Tops
$1 million G e n e ros i t y he l p s M B S r e ac h n e w h ei g h ts
It is with great excitement and gratitude that Morristown-Beard announces the 2011-2012 MBS Annual has surpassed a million dollars in unrestricted giving for the first time since its inception.
Congratulations to Morristown-Beard junior Beck Tabor
’13, who was selected as a Music Student of the Month by the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown, recognizing his efforts as a section leader in the chorus. Beck was honored on stage before a performance by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on April 12th. “When I heard they were seeking nominations for section leaders, I instantly thought of Beck,” said MBS choral direction Mr. Van Hoven. “Beck has been in the chorus for 5 years, and has grown every year. This year, in addition to coming to class during his scheduled chorus period, he often gives up his free period and comes to the other section of chorus as well. He has also recruited other students to the chorus and is a big part of the growth and success of the choral program.” The Music Student of the Month program is not designed to simply honor extraordinary musicians, but to recognize those students who put forth a tremendous effort to embody what it is to be a good member of a band, choir or orchestra. The program honors students who demonstrate extraordinary leadership, personal development, and an overall sense of musicianship.
This is a testament to the generosity of the entire MBS community and to our constituents' belief in our School and mission. We are immensely appreciative to every donor who helped us reach this tremendous milestone!
Go Crimson!
Get your gift in early! MBS Annual Fund 2012-2013 As a member of the MBS community, your support of the MBS Annual Fund is critically important. Yo u r s u p p o rt – at a n y l e v e l – w i l l ma ke a d i f f er enc e! giv e o n l in e at www.mbs.net/giving
Dusty, who served as a Captain of this year’s MorristownBeard football team, was honored by the organization at a special scholar-athlete banquet on April 18th at the Madison Hotel. 28
Crimson Corner
Varsity Sports Round-Up SPRING 2012 TRACK & FIELD Members of the MorristownBeard track & field team enjoyed tremendous individual and team success in 2012. Girls’ MVP Tatiana Johnson ’12 placed second in the shot put at the Morris County Championships and the Meet of Champions with a personal best 41-0.5. Johnson, who was selected First Team All Daily Record, won the NonPublic B shot put with a meet-record 43-5.25 and also won the discus. Her teammate, Halia Rosemond ’15 was named Second Team All Daily Record in the discus and has already shattered the school’s discus record as a freshman. At the Morris County Relays, the MBS discus team of Johnson, Rosemond and Yasmine Perry ’13 won the entire competition with a total distance of 297’11”. The team also placed fourth in the shot put. The MBS girls’ distance medley team of Aly Maser ’13, Taylor Vessa ’13, Micaela Reilly ’14 and Meghan Merriman ’12 had a strong season as did the freshman-sophomore sprint medley REX DYER '12
team of Micaela Reilly ’14, Eva Rago ’15, Kelsey Downey ’15 and Samantha Siragusa ’15, which placed third at the Morris County Relays. On the boys side, the triple jump team of Rex Dyer, Drew Hagerstrom and Scott Chanzit finished 8th at The Morris County Relays, and the boys’ distance medley relay team comprised of Rex Dyer, Drew Hagerstrom, Nick Cornine and Kyle Larsson placed 10th. Hagerstrom, a triple jump stand-out, was named the team’s MVP, while Larsson – who ran 4:45 in the 1600 meters – earned a Coaches Award. Speedster Nicholas Cornine ’13, who excelled in the 3200 meters, was selected as the Crimson’s Unsung Hero.
BASEBALL It was another winning season for the Morristown-Beard baseball team, as the Crimson finished with a stellar 15-8-1 record and advanced to the Semifinals of the State Tournament before falling to Newark Academy, 10-5. The Crimson also advanced to the Morris County semifinals and drew the top seed in this year’s Prep B Tournament. In April, Head Coach John Sheppard won his 300th game as MorristownBeard blanked Boonton, 14-0. The Crimson followed the victory with another impressive game, a 3-2 road win over Millburn, which was ranked 9th in the state at the time. The Crimson were led by Zach Gray ’12, Jackson Kramer ’12 and Nicholas Ferry ’13, who shared the team’s Most Valuable Player Award. Kramer, a shortstop, was named the All Daily Record First Team, while Gray and Ferry were selected to the Second Team along with outfielder Travis Nardin ’14. Morristown-Beard was also led by senior
John Olcese ’12 and junior Nick Naples ’13 as well as freshman pitcher Jeremy Westaway ’15, who was named the StarLedger’s Performer of the Week for April 12th after allowing just two runs and three hits in the Crimson’s upset win over Millburn. “What impressed me most about this year’s team is the fact that they are a great group of young men who carry themselves with dignity,” said Coach Sheppard.
SOFTBALL Despite posting a losing record, the MBS girls’ softball team has plenty of reasons to be optimistic as they look to the future. The team was led by freshman pitcher Sarina Morales ’15, who pitched 89 out of 114 innings this year and helped the team stay competitive. Morales, who earned the team’s MVP Award, was joined by fellow freshmen Lindsay Reeth ’15 at third base and Hannah Guenther ’15 in right field. The young core of the team also included promising sophomore first baseman Jessica Wright ’14. Seniors Jill Raia ’12 and Jaynie Siegel ’12 earned Coaches Awards and provided leadership for the young team. Raia, the team’s catcher, batted .311, led the team in runs batted in, and was named Liberty Division First Team. Siegel played multiple positions for the Crimson and maintained a positive attitude all season long. Taylor Silvestri ’12 and Rubana Islam ’12 served as team captains along with Siegel and Raia.
GOLF It was a year of ups and downs for the golf team, which finished the season with a 10-10 record. The Crimson won their first match handily before dropping
the next seven in a row. To their credit, they stayed positive and finished the year strong, posting an 8-2 conference mark. The team was led by junior Pat Kennedy ’13, who sank a hole-in-one this year and was called “the heart and soul of the team” by Coach David Molowa. Kennedy received a Coaches Award this season as did fellow junior Pete Alevras ’13 and sophomore Spencer Shepperly ’14. “Spencer is totally committed to golf and is always practicing his swing. He dropped his stroke average by two this year,” said Coach Molowa. Alevras showed steady improvement throughout the season and also dropped his average by more than two strokes.
GIRLS' LACROSSE Although they finished with a disappointing record, the MBS girls’ lacrosse team had a season that was filled with plenty of highlights and reasons for optimism. On May 1st in a game against Colombia High School, senior forward Lizzy Pellicane ’12 notched her 205th career goal to make her the alltime leading scorer in school history. “It is truly an honor to hold this record and I know I would not be here without all my teammates and coaches during the past four years,” said Pellicane, who was named team MVP and Third Team All Daily Record. Sophomores Devon Flinn ’14 and Carolyn Chambers ’14 both earned Honorable Mention All Daily Record and received Coaches Awards after outstanding seasons. Flinn was second on the team with 27 goals, while Chambers netted 25 and finished second in draws. The team was also led by senior captains Mia Geswelli ’12, Lizzie O’Neill ’12, and Nina Zwarycz ’12.
BOYS' LACROSSE It was an exciting season for the MBS boys’ lacrosse team, which posted a 7-6 double-overtime victory over Immaculata in the quarterfinals of the Prep B Tournament. The Crimson (713) advanced to the semifinal round of the Non-Public B NJSIAA Tournament before falling to Montclair-Kimberley,
12-5. Morristown-Beard was led by freshman Teddy Hatfield ’15, who led the team in goals and was second in assists. “Teddy did so well in the first few games that he became a starter and just exploded,” said Coach Bill Rentiers. “He is fearless.” Hatfield was named Honorable Mention All Daily Record, as were his teammates Trevor Baptiste ’14, Ryan Martin ’12 and John McDonald ’15. Martin, a face-off specialist, earned a Coaches Award while fellow senior Max Tabak ’12 was named the team’s Most Improved Player. “Max switched from goalie to defense and really excelled this year,” said Coach Rentiers. “He usually covered the best player on the opposing team and did a good job of shutting them down.”
BOYS' TENNIS The MBS boys’ tennis team posted their second straight winning season, compiling an impressive 12-7 record. In his first season as the First Singles player, sophomore Peter Daly ’14 was nothing short of dominant. Daly fashioned a 21-4 record and advanced all the way to the Morris County Tournament First Singles Final before falling to Delbarton’s Chase Savage. Daly was named the Crimson’s Most Valuable Player and also picked up Second Team All Daily Record honors at First Singles. Morristown-Beard was also led by senior John Pisano ’12, Coach Eddie Franz’s “turnaround player of the year.” “After playing varsity as a sophomore, John was not a varsity player last year. It would have been easy for him to quit, but he came back, committed himself to it and played as hard as he could,” said Coach Franz. The team’s Most Improved Player Award was given to Sumi Sapru ’13, whom Coach Franz called a “role model” for his work ethic.
CLASS Notes 1947
Nancy “Taz” Brower writes
that she enjoyed her 65th Reunion with classmate Vally Taishoff.
Lois Dane Soule says she is “still
chugging along…can’t believe I’ll be 75 in September! We have four grandchildren – three in Orono, Maine and one in Essex Junction, Vermont. We are too busy and more disorganized than ever!”
Cary Wiedenmayer Smallhorn writes that she
“enjoyed an early spring lunch at the Metropolitan Museum overlooking the pink blooming trees of Central Park with Emmy Lou Lehman Smith ’56, Sally Brooks Smith ’56 and Lisa Blauvelt Weil ’56. Conversation on all sorts of subjects was lively and funny and could have lasted for hours…just like half a century ago!”
Tobi Wobbe Graham shares, “The
score for us now is four grandchildren and nine lighthouses (as volunteer lighthouse keepers)!”
Marie Neubert YounkinWaldman lives in Narragansett,
Rhode Island, where she started a grass-roots citizen’s group called
“Where’s The Town” to try to revitalize and energize the center of town and enhance the sense of community. The group’s first big event, a seaside fair in Narragansett, was held on June 9th.
Nancy Wallin Flores writes:
"After Parsons School of Design, I joined the Ice Follies which brought me to San Francisco. I fell in love with it and lived in Marin County for almost 30 years. I had a Ballroom dance studio in the 80s; that was when I competed. Later my son Tytus Bergstrom did – he was U.S. International Latin champion three times, and went to the worlds, the first time with me in the Pro Am. I met my husband Mark Lessler while I was teaching dance and he was a special federal agent. He now works for the FBI as a consultant. We have lived in Napa Valley for about 12 years and have never been happier." Julie Glover says, “Seeing Lindy
(Orchard Smallwood) was a real treat when I made a quick trip to the New York area in February; I saw Nancy Boardman ’63, too. I live in paradise (Whidbey Island, an hour north of Seattle) with Robert, whom I've been with for 40 years. Somehow we seem to be growing younger together, not older. I live surrounded by phenomenal beauty. Since I recently retired from doing organizational development consulting (mostly for nonprofits), I've been spending the majority of my time growing organic vegetables and landscaping the grounds of the retreat house we live in and run, called Bluff House. My life is filled with mentoring young people, insight meditation, and reading good books." Ginny Howard Kenney and
husband Richard are both retired, enjoying their home and planning some travel.
Sue Drewes Minich is loving this time of life and her four children. She is presently relocating to near Melbourne, FL from Colorado. After other careers Sue became a realtor. Sue will be transferring to the Keller Williams Realty Office in Melbourne and spending more time with her Florida-based son.
away in Atlanta. Our eldest son and grandchild are in Washington, DC and our youngest son and his wife are at their new home in Connecticut. Our three Cleveland granddaughters attend a school much like Beard (Hathaway Brown), and it's such a treat to attend Grandparents' Day and feel very much at home."
Kerry O’Brien is nanny to her three
Holly Berdan Sweetow is
grandchildren in Bethesda, MD. She sold her beloved house and garden in Maine last year and is looking for a place in Maryland she can love. Carol Selman reports, “After
30 years of teaching history and art history, I have morphed into a professional journalist, with more than 600 largely arts-related, published articles – art and theater reviews, profiles, interviews – plus some humor pieces, too. I recently shared the 2012 New Jersey Library Association Journalism Award with a fellow freelancer for our body of work on the Newark, NJ public libraries. My favorite writing remains for Crimson Magazine. My favorite musician remains my jazz guitarist-composer and husband Bob DeVos.” Lin (Caroline) Orchard Smallwood writes: "Right
now babysitting for our youngest granddaughter. Such fun. Still working at my church. Wondering when to retire for the second time. Had a great visit with Julie Glover recently. Would love to get her to our 50th. Life is very good." Sandy Paine StewaRT writes: "I retired from my 27-year Cleveland Clinic In vitro Fertilization Nurse Manager career at the end of 2010. Now husband Bill and my lives revolve around baby-sitting. Bill also retired at the end of 2010, although lawyers never really retire. Our daughter, an orthopedic surgeon, and her husband and children are now a 12-hour drive
also a realtor with Keller Williams – she is in California, near her home. Holly and husband Alan share seven grandchildren; the youngest is an 8 month little girl. Holly writes: “Still living in Coronado so life is pretty good! We are playing a lot of tennis and less boating now since the cost of fuel makes a day out on the bay not fun!”
Amy Chaiken Wolffe and Debra Autrey Bock ’78 got
together with their husbands in New Orleans while Debra and her husband were on their way to her nephew’s college graduation. As you can see the Salmagundi 1978 yearbook was present! “It was so much fun catching up after almost 30 years and remembering our cheerleading days at Morristown-Beard!” said Amy.
Summer Wood reports
that her latest novel will be coming out in paperback in September with a brand new title, Raising Wrecker. After a quiet winter, Summer says she is back to giving readings, meeting with book groups, teaching and blogging. She looks forward to working with a group of gifted novelists at the Taos Summer Writers’ Conference.
Scott Robertson was recently
appointed to the U.S. Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) by Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. Established by federal autism legislation, the IACC designates priorities for federal spending on autism research. In addition, Scott remains active with The Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), a nonprofit organization he co-founded in 2006. ASAN boasts a national network of chapters and is run entirely by individuals with cognitive disabilities. The group serves as a partner on the federally-funded Autism NOW: National Autism Resource and Information Center. To learn more, visit www.autisticadvocacy. org.
Andrew Brucker serves as
President of the American Aluminum Company. He and his wife live in Mendham, NJ with their three children – Pierce, Colin and Ashley.
Major Ryan Leonard
is currently deployed with the U.S. Army to Afghanistan. “My duties involve travel to multiple locations throughout the country to accomplish our mission. While on the road, the living conditions are quite primitive, but similar to what I experienced in Iraq. Most of the people appear to appreciate our goal to make the nation safer and self-sufficient. As I look back, I realize that the MorristownBeard experience prepared me well for the numerous challenges that life has
Alumni Help Put Digital Photography in Focus
Laurie Hartman’s Digital Photography class got a hands-on lesson from several professional photographers on April 25th including MBS alumni Dave Kramer ’69 and Gary Stein ’74 as well as local photographer and teacher Jim DelGiudice. The day-long workshop was hosted by Dave Kramer at his studio, Edmund M. Kramer Photographers, in Florham Park. With Kramer and DelGiudice offering tips and advice, the students divided into groups and shot an array of portraits using available light, both inside and outside. They also practiced using diffusers and reflectors, and got to learn the basics of studio lighting using softboxes. During lunchtime, DelGiudice sat down with each student to review his or her photos. Stein spoke to the students about the latest digital camera equipment and gave each student a Nikon gift bag. Stein, who is president of Florham Village Camera, also generously donated a Canon photo printer to the student whose work was judged to be the best for the day. After much deliberation, the judges decided that all of the photographers did a fantastic job – and they donated the printer to the MBS Art Department on behalf of all the students. “They were a really talented group. You can show people how to shoot pictures, but these kids already have that natural ability, which is wonderful,” said Kramer. “They are way ahead of where I was at that age. They have a great future in photography if they want to go in that direction.”
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presented. I hope to be able to attend future MBS activities.”
Emily Prentiss was featured in the
recent New York Times article, “Are Travel Agents Back?” After graduating from Bucknell University with a double major in Anthropology and Women’s and Gender Studies, Emily now works for Valerie Wilson Travel in New York City where she plans custom vacations for clients looking for V.I.P attention. Last year, she was named one of the top 35 travel agents under 30 by Travel Agent magazine.
12 draw control efforts earlier in the season. Fry was fifth on the team with 22 goals and ranked second on the squad with 15 assists.
John Donnally
finished off a great lacrosse career at Colgate University where his team advanced to the NCAA Division I quarterfinals. Although Colgate lost to third-seeded Duke in the quarterfinals, they defeated favored UMass during the previous week. The team finished the year with a record for school wins with 14. Donnally was primarily a defensive midfielder for the Colgate Raiders.
2007 Lindsay Fry,
a senior lacrosse player at Drew University, was named First Team AllLandmark Conference for the second season in a row after emerging as one of the league's top players off the draw. She was tops on the team and third in the Landmark Conference with 89 draw controls this season. Three times this year she collected double-digit draw controls in a game, falling two shy of the school record with back-to-back
Anna Harrington finished her archery career at Columbia University with a bronze medal for the Columbia recurve team at the United States Intercollegiate Archery Championships, held from May 11-13 on the campus of James Madison
University. Individually, Harrington advanced to the quarterfinals and finished eighth overall. For the fourth consecutive year, Harrington was named to the All-East Women’s Recurve Team. Ryan Paradis, a senior lacrosse player at Skidmore College, was named honorable mention AllAmerica by the United State Intercollegiate Coaching Association. He represented Skidmore in the 2012 North/South Senior All-Star game. Paradis was also selected to the Liberty League men's lacrosse first team as a short stick specialist after a dominating year for the Skidmore Thoroughbreds. He won 60.8 percent of the faceoffs this season and led the league with 125 ground balls, shattering the program record for ground balls in a career. He also added nine goals and three assists for 12 points.
netted 43 goals and finished with 49 points this spring, coming within three markers of matching the school record. Six of his tallies came with a man advantage, tying him for second in the Northeast-10 Conference, while three went down as game-winners. He also scooped up 35 ground balls. Donnally stands third in the NE-10 in goals and sixth in points, as well as fifth in Division II in goals per game. Forty-two games into his college career, Donnally has 96 goals and 116 points, leaving him just 13 markers short of matching the program record.
Peter Donnally,
a junior who plays lacrosse at St Michael's College, was named to the New England Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association (NEILA) All-New England team. Donnally
Air Force Lt. Joelson’06 Speaks at Morning Meeting If anyone epitomizes the defining qualities of the Cum Laude Society – academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and good character – it’s Air Force Lieutenant Benjamin Joelson ’06. The MBS graduate returned to campus on April 13th to speak to student body about his journey since graduation and the lessons he has learned along the way. Although he is just 24 years old, Lt. Joelson knows a thing or two about leadership. Since graduating from the Air Force Academy in the top 10 percent of his class with a Distinguished Legal Studies Degree, he is now stationed at Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming where he serves as an Officer in Charge and Nuclear Convoy Commander. Notably, he trains, leads and equips 120 airmen and his responsible for providing Security Escort and Armed Alarm Response for 150 Minuteman Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles – valued in excess of $1.5 Billion.
“If you make a mistake, the President is briefed on it…so no pressure,” he said with a smile. Lt. Joelson said that returning to MorristownBeard School was special. “I’ve been around the world, but this place really feels like home to me,” he said, adding that he was grateful to the many MBS teachers who helped guide him. “My teachers at Morristown-Beard School prepared me really well for the Air Force Academy and beyond,” Joelson told the students. “You might think that what you’re learning right now doesn’t apply in the real world, but I promise you it does.” Joelson spoke about three elements that have been instrumental to his career – effective communication, character, and leadership. He emphasized that true leadership involves an element of empathy. “I’ve found that you need to get out of your office, get out from behind the desk, and be out there in the field, sharing the experience with the troops that you supervise,” he said. He told the students that effective communi-
In Memoriam
Barbara Crane Tobin ’41. March 6, 2012, age 88. After Miss Beard’s, Barbara graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Smith College in 1945. She and husband Jack Tobin lived in West Orange before moving to Vermont in 1972. Barbara resided in Sanibel, Florida; Old Lyme, Connecticut; and Duxbury, Vermont. She is survived by four children: Carol ’66, Gretchen, John, and Betsy and five grandchildren. Barbara’s many Beard family connections included daughters Gretchen and Betsy who were students there in the 1960s; nieces Sherry Smith Mailliez ‘64, Shelley Smith’ 65, Mary Scranton Grabarz ‘70 and Susan Scranton '75 and sisters in law Genevieve Tobin Scranton ‘42 and Dr. Judith Gedney Tobin ’44. Barbara
cation will serve them no matter what career they pursue, and that personal integrity is also essential. “Your name is everything,” he said. “People need to know they can rely on you.” In addition to his immense responsibilities, Lt. Joelson finds time to serve as a guest lecturer across the country. He has presented at Hamilton College on the dangers of outsourcing inherently governmental functions to the private sector. This past fall, he served as an Air Force representative for a panel discussion at the American Society of Public Administrator’s annual national conference. Lt. Joelson’s talk at Morning Meeting was sponsored by the MBS Cum Laude Society. The Cum Laude Society, modeled on Phi Beta Kappa, was founded in 1906 at the Tome School in Port Deposit, Maryland, to promote learning and scholarship in secondary schools. The Beard School received its Cum Laude Society charter in 1950, the Morristown School in 1958, and Morristown-Beard School in 1976.
Ryan Kinsella, a baseball player at Elon
University, was named Second Team All-Southern Conference. Kinsella claimed Second Team honors after a season in which he hit .296 with a team-high 41 runs scored and 44 RBI. He added 11 doubles, two triples and seven homers in his sophomore campaign. Kathleen Magner of the Bryn Mawr
women's lacrosse team, was named Owl of the Week for the week ending April 8. During the week for the Owls, Magner tallied four goals and one assist in two games. She also added three ground balls and 11 draws, including six draws against Haverford, tying her season-best. In Bryn Mawr's two conference games with Washington and Haverford, Magner netted a pair of goals in each game, while going 2-for-2 in free position attempts. Alia Roth served as make-up crew for the Department of Music and Theater’s production of “Bat Boy: The Musical” at Connecticut College’s Tansill Theater from March 1st – 4th. Roth is currently a sophomore at Connecticut College.
was a former president of the Amateur Ski Club of New York--she skied into her 80s-- past secretary of the Duxbury Planning Commission, and board member of the Vermont Mozart Festival. She a birdwatcher, conservation advocate, avid reader and “New York Times” crossword puzzle aficionado. George H. Kraus ’92. March 13, 2012, age 37. George was an automobile body technician for Vinart Dealerships in Allentown, Pennsylvania, near where he lived with his wife and twin daughters, who survive him. George loved time with family, fishing, and the outdoors.
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If you have a Class Note that you would like included in an upcoming issue of Crimson Magazine, please contact editor Steve Patchett at spatchett@mbs.net
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MBS Travels to
Martha’s Vineyard
This summer, Morristown-Beard celebrated Headmaster Peter Caldwell’s inaugural year with a very special event on Martha’s Vineyard at the home of Michele and David V.H. Hedley ’64.
2012 Homecoming Weekend
Graduates from Morristown, Beard and Morristown-Beard joined the Hedley family (including David ’64, David '87, Melissa ’90, and Peter ’97), members of the Board of Trustees, and MBS faculty and staff for this lovely evening. We are grateful to the Hedleys for welcoming us to their home and to all of our guests who traveled to the Vineyard for this wonderful celebration. Members of the MBS alumni family who attended the event included: Sandy Adam ’57, Melissa Hedley Carbeau ’90, Betty Steele Farrow ’53, David V.H. Hedley ’64, David Hedley ’87, Peter Hedley ’97, Loretta Porter James ’62, Judy Blackmar Jahries ’58, Sarah Jahries Kenyon ’81, Greg Maynes ’05, Tyler Mulvihill ’05, Seth Podell ’05, G. Anthony Scheller ’60, Siobhan Teare ’77, Alexandra Henley Turner ’44, and Greg Williams ’05.
October 12 & 13 Join us for MBS Athletic Events Running of the Kirby Mile Campus tours Food, Fun And much more!