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News And Initiatives
+H2 Colombia. This initiative, backed by the government’s Fenoge clean energy management fund, aims to fund feasibility studies of clean hydrogen projects in the country.
Colombia’s green hydrogen development jumped to second place on account of its new National Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap. Published in 2021, the national strategy outlines the country’s hydrogen production routes, identifies domestic sources of demand and underscores the country’s export opportunity. Colombia’s hydrogen potential was also boosted by the government’s promotion of hydrogen tax breaks.
Colombia has two projects producing this energy at present and another 10 that are under development.
The Fund for Non-Conventional Energies and Efficient Energy Management (Fenoge) closed a call to finance more than US $6.5 B, to 10 projects and nine firms for the development of green and blue hydrogen works.
Colombia has more than ten projects under study, and the areas of application range from the construction of a green hydrogen hub to supply the steel industry, to the production of fuel from renewable energy surpluses, for mobility and industrial use.
A green hydrogen initiative is already in operation at Ecopetrol’s Cartagena oil refinery, powered by solar panels.
Natural gas supplier Promigas also has an active project in the country.