1 minute read


It is a leader in the production of chlorine and caustic soda and it is among the largest PVC producers in South America.



Juana Manso 555, piso 7°, oficina D, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina – Phone: +54 11 5283 9300

Bahía Blanca Petrochemical Production Center (Buenos Aires), Argentina – Phone: +54 291 459 3000

SILVER SPONSOR the petrochemical companies which outstands in the region with more than 2800 direct and indirect staff in its offices and industrial plants located in Cubatão and Santo André (Brazil) and Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Besides, it is located in other regions of Brazil such as Bahía, Río Grande del Norte and Minas Gerais in projects of construction and operation of solar and wind parks, in cooperation with renewable energy companies. As an industry of industries, it provides commodity chemicals to all the chain, ensuring quality in its products and attention level.

The production of such commodity chemicals, which are the base of all industries, is fundamental for several economic sectors, such as the textile industry, cellulose and paper, aluminum, toys, footwear, food, beverages, drugs, hospital supplies, mining and civil construction. Placing greater emphasis on sustainability, people and their internal culture, operational excellence, sustainable growth and competitiveness, Unipar is one of

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