Expat Lifestyle Magazine October 2022

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October 2022 Issue 11

Autumn is here!

enjoy the cooler nights

Autumn is here. The nights are ge�ng darker and at the end of the month, the clocks will go back, and we will all be ge�ng our winter clothes out. Thank goodness for the old saying, “spring forward, fall back” as I never know which way, I am changing the clock!

Of course, the other significant happening at the end of the month is Halloween and our front cover and Moira’s Kitchen reflect that crazy �me, with recipes featuring bu�ernut squash, and some chocolate bites to have handy for those who come knocking for Trick or Treat.

We are building up to the Expat Lifestyle show at beginning of November at La Laguna Hotel and on the inside back cover, you can register your interest in a�ending. Early registra�ons go into a free prize day for a spa day for 2 – so register now at www.theexpat centre.com

Also we have some fun compe��ons at the show –Cutest Pet and The Great Expat Lifestyle Bake Off….see page 30 and get your compe��ve head on …we are excited to see your entries.

Córdoba features in the Talking Wine ar�cle and our Talking Travel and David’s coachtrips, have some great offers, so get yourself out and about and enjoy other parts of Spain as there are so many places to see.

Have a lovely October. Stay safe and well. Love Moira

Expat Lifestyle Magazine is published by The Expat Centre. Whilst the publisher has taken all reasonable precau�ons and effort to ensure the accuracy of material contained in this magazine at the �me of publishing, no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage will be assumed by The Expat Centre or its employees. All condi�ons, rates, specifica�ons and policies are subject to change without no�ce. Expressed or implied authors’ and adver�sers’ opinions are not necessarily those of the editor and/or publisher. All material produced and/or published by Expat Lifestyle Magazine in electronic, printed or other format is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the express wri�en permission of the publisher. The adver�ser assumes all responsibility for a�aining copyright permission for any material not produced by Expat Lifestyle Magazine.

Le�er from the Editor – Moira Carmenate
Our Experts Contact Us
TALKING WINE 3 MOIRA’S KITCHEN 4 - 9 TALKING WELLBEING 10 - 11 TALKING HEALTH 12 - 13 TALKING LEGAL 14 SPOTLIGHT ON CÓRDOBA 16 TALKING PROPERTY 20 REPATRIATION 22 WHAT’S ON 26-27 GARDEN/TERRACE IDEAS 28 -29 EXPAT LIFESTYLE SHOW COMPETITIONS 30 with Moira Carmenate with elite wellness group with elite wellness group with OP group spain with david’s coachtrips with costa sea legal with white doves funeral planning Legal - Costasea Legal Advisors Health and wellbeing - The Elite Wellness Group Property - OP Group Spain Travel– David’s Coachtrips The Expat Centre, Calle de Villena 12 Dona Pepa, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 ALICANTE Tel. +34 865 668 596 Editor Moira@expatlifestyle.es Adver�sing Tracy@expatlifestyle.es Admin Tracy@expatlifestyle.es


Situated In the vast province of Andulacia, is the beau�ful city of Córdoba. A city steeped in history, it is famous for La Mezquita an immense Mosque da�ng from 784 A.D. Córdoba is also world renowned for its leather manufactur ing sites and silversmiths. But what about wines from Córdoba?

Firstly, the climate within the Córdoba province is generally hot and dry which affects wine vi�culture, together with a unique soil, producing high quality grapes, which leads to the produc�on of excep�onal wines. Within the province, set in a landscape dominated by vines and olive trees, there is a popular wine route for wine lovers to visit including the towns of Mon�lla, Lucena, Moriles, Agular de la Frontera, Montemayor, Fernán-Núñez, Puente Genil and La Rambla.

Andalucia is well known for its heavy dessert wines made from Moscatel and Pedro Ximénez grapes.

The Pedro Ximénez grape represents more than 95% of the vine cul�va�on in Córdoba Province and is the main variety with which the wines of the Mon�lla Moriles Denomina�on of Origin are made. With a long winemaking tradi�on of careful barrel ageing, Mon�lla Moriles wines have become pres�ge wine ambassa dors for Andalucia.

Although most Mon�lla-Moriles wines are made exclusively with the Pedro Ximénez grape variety, there are certain wines that are obtained with other white varie�es authorized in the PDO: Layren, Baladí, Verdejo, Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Moscatel de Alexandria, Torrontés, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Macabeo.

A lot of Mon�lla Moriles wines are for�fied wines and similar to what we know as sherry. Within the range there are various categories including Joven (young) wines which are fresh with fruit and floral aromas; Jar Wines which are fresh wines without aging and tradi�onally the base to make for�fied wines. These base wines were consumed by the farm labourers and were called Tinaja wines.

Addi�onally, Fino a popular white, dry wine; Almon�llado, a fine for�fied wine aged for at least five years and then a further three years in the oxida�ve ageing. Interest ingly, this wine because of its incredible aromas was knows as a “handkerchief” wine before perfumes existed.

Whilst there are many more wines within the range, the jewel in the crown is the intense and sweet PXimenez Wine, from the name of the grape. Produced from overly ripe grapes which have been “sunned”, i.e. dried in the sun, it is probably one of the sweetest wines in the world with notes of figs, raisins and dates, together with aromas of honey, candied fruits and dark chocolate. Despite all these complex flavours and aromas, it remains fresh on the palate.

Give it a try.



Many of you ask about the recipes and have been surprised to know that I research every recipe, adapt them to make them my own, and on many occasions invent my own. I then cook everything to check if it needs anything or could benefit from an addi�on. I then photograph all, to the frustra�on of my loving husband who has to wait un�l I have the best shot, whilst he o�en holds the backdrop, and then eventually can eat! Believe me I have tested his pa�ence as I develop my "David Bailey" skills.

Hope you enjoy and release your inner chef.

Roasted Squash & Red Len�l Soup

Bu�ernut squash

garlic crushed



1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees C.

2. Peel, deseed and dice squash into 1-inch pieces and spray lightly with oil, season and roast for 30 minutes un�l the squash is so�.

3. Heat 3 tbsp oil in large pan, add diced onions and gently fry for 10 minutes.

4. Add crushed or grated garlic to the onions and cook for a few minutes.

5. In a separate small pan, toast the cumin and coriander seeds to release the oils and flavours, then grind and add with the cinnamon to the so�ened onions.

6. Add the len�ls to the pan with the onions and cover with 1 litre of boiled water and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Once len�ls are so�, add the roasted squash, stock, lemon juice, salt and pepper and allow to simmer for a further 15 minutes.

8. Remove pan from the heat and blend with a s�ck blender.

9. Adjust seasoning to suit your taste and then its ready to serve and enjoy with breads of your choice.

Ingredients 1kg
2 onions diced 4 cloves
or grated 1 tsp
seeds 1 tsp coriander seeds 1 tsp ground cinnamon 160 g red len�ls 750 ml vegetable stock Juice of 1/2 lemon Salt and pepper


1. Heat oven to 200 degrees C.

2. Peel, deseed and dice bu�ernut squash and add to roas�ng �n. Spray lightly with oil and season with salt and pepper and roast for 30 minutes un�l so�.

3. Add tablespoon of oil to heavy based pan, add onion and gently fry for 5 minutes un�l so�. Add garlic and fry for a few minutes.

4. Add riso�o rice to onion and garlic mix and coat in the oil and onion mix then add the bu�er and mix.

5. Slowly add the wine and stock a li�le at a �me, le�ng the rice absorb each addi�on.

6. When all the liquid has been added to the rice, let it gently cook. Test a grain to ensure it is cooked and then add the roasted squash.

7. In a separate pan, fry the chorizo (if using) to release the oils and brown the chorizo.

8. Add the chorizo, chorizo oil and the sliced goat’s cheese to the riso�o rice and squash and check the seasoning before serving.

9. In a li�le hot oil, deep fry the sprigs of basil for a few seconds un�l crisp and garnish your riso�o along with shavings of Parmesan.

Ingredients 1 Bu�ernut Squash 150 g riso�o rice 1 tbsp oil 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 small white onion 1 litre vegetable stock 1 glass white wine 20 g bu�er 100 g goats cheese Sliced chorizo Salt & pepper Basil & Parmesan shavings for garnish Riso�o with Roasted Squash, Goat’s Cheese and Chorizo


1 medium sized bu�ernut squash

4 garlic cloves

1 bag frozen spinach

1 large courge�e

½ tsp chilli flakes

Salt & pepper

Cheese sauce

70g bu�er 70g flour 800 ml warm milk

Pinch mustard 200g Grated cheese


1. Peel, deseed and dice squash, lightly spray with oil and roast with the garlic cloves, chilli flakes, salt & pepper in oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes un�l so�.

2. Heat spinach un�l thoroughly defrosted

3. Thinly slice courge�e lengthways, ideally using a mandolin. You will use the courge�e slices instead of lasagne sheets.

4. Make the cheese sauce. Melt bu�er in pan and slowly add flour & mustard and make a roux. Gradually whisk in the warm milk making sure there aren’t any lumps un�l you have a smooth thick sauce. Add grated cheese, keeping some in reserve.

5. Slightly mash the roasted squash and spread a layer in bo�om of your roas�ng dish.

6. Layer mash, then spinach, courge�e slices, cheese sauce and repeat un�l you have used all the mixture, ending with a layer of sauce.

7. Sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top and bake in oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes un�l golden and bubbling.


You can add a meat sauce layer before the courge�e slices if you fancy a meaty lasagne.

Bu�ernut Squash and Spinach Lasagne (No Pasta)

Roasted Squash,




1. Defrost puff pastry.

2. Heat oven to 220 degrees cen�grade

3. Peel, deseed and chop bu�ernut squash, season with salt, pepper & chilli flakes, Spray lightly with oil and roast in oven for 30 minutes un�l so�. Remove from oven, lightly mash, and allow to cool.

4. Take your defrosted block of pastry and cut into squares – depending on how big you want the pas�es. If it’s for a party, you might want to cut into 12 smaller squares, if not, cut into 6.

5. On lightly floured board, roll out your cut pastry pieces into squares about the thickness of a coin.

6. Spread a large spoonful of cooled squash diagonally onto each pastry square and top with pieces of goats cheese. Brush the edges with beaten egg and fold and push lightly together to seal.

7. Line baking trays with parchment paper and place filled pastry parcels leaving 2-inch gap between them. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with nigella seeds if using. Bake for 15-20 minutes un�l golden.

8. Remove from oven and cool for a few minutes on wire rack before serving.

Goat’s Cheese & Chilli Pas�es Ingredients 1 medium bu�ernut squash I pack goats cheese Chilli flakes Salt & Pepper 1 block frozen
pastry 1 beaten egg for glaze Nigella seeds for garnish


80g cornflakes

200g chocolate

60g mini marshmallows

1 tbsp golden syrup

Op�onal: Raisins

Ski�les/M & M’s


1. Put cake cases into muffin �n.

2. In large pan add chocolate, marshmallows and golden syrup and melt then remove from heat.

3. Add the cornflakes to the melted chocolate mixture and mix well together.

4. Add in whatever you fancy, I had some mini chocolate eggs in cupboard and used those.

5. Fill the paper cake cases and put in fridge to set.

6. Remove from fridge 5 minutes before ea�ng to avoid a visit to the den�st


100g salted bu�er 200g dark chocolate 100g milk chocolate 70g golden syrup 250g diges�ve biscuits roughly broken 100g pistachios (no shells) 100g halved glacé cherries 50g raisins 100g white chocolate (op�onal)


1. Line a 26cm x 19 cm roas�ng �n with parchment paper.

2. In a large pan, melt bu�er, dark and milk chocolate and syrup over a low heat un�l melted, then remove from heat.

3. Add the broken biscuits, pistachios, cherries, and raisins to the chocolate mix (reserving a few to sca�er on the top).

4. Pour the mix into the lined �n and put in fridge for an hour to set.

5. Melt the white chocolate and drizzle over the top of the cake. Sprinkle with the reserved pistachios, raisins and cherries and return to fridge for a minimum of 2 hours.

6. Remove from fridge and cut into por�ons. (Best to store in fridge)

Chocolate & Pistachio Fridge Cake
Chocolate & Marshmallow Cornflake Bites

225g So�ened bu�er

Castor sugar

Self raising flour

Baking powder

Bicarbonate of soda

Cocoa powder


tbsp milk with squeeze of lemon juice

Dash of red food colouring

jar raspberry jam

Fros�ng: 1 block bu�er 600g icing sugar

cocoa powder

1 tbsp vanilla extract

tbsp milk


1. Heat oven to 180 degrees cen�grade and grease 3 x 20cm �ns. Line bo�om of �ns with parchment paper.

2. Add lemon juice to milk and allow to stand for few minutes.

3. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, bicarb of soda and cocoa powder.

In your mixer, or large baking bowl, beat together so�ened bu�er and eggs un�l light and fluffy.

5. Add the eggs one at a �me and gradually add in the flour mix, combining well but don’t overmix.

6. Add the red food colouring to the milk mix and then add the milk to your cake mix.

7. When everything combined, divide the mixture into your baking �ns and bake for 20 minutes. (You will know when it’s ready as it will be golden on top or when skewer inserted in middle comes out dry).

8. Leave to cool in �ns for about 5 minutes before turning onto baking racks to cool completely.

9. Make the fros�ng by mel�ng bu�er in large pan, beat in the cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and milk. Gradually beat in the icing sugar un�l you have a thick and smooth icing. Add more milk where required.

10. Remove the parchment paper from bo�om of cold cakes.

11. Spread two of the cakes with jam and top with chocolate fros�ng.

12. Assemble your 3 cakes and finally cover the whole cake with fros�ng.

Allow to set then decorate with whatever takes your fancy.

Halloween Chocolate Layer Cake Ingredients


Moira Carmenate, The Elite Wellness Group


Leave a Legacy

“None of us will live forever”. In November 2021, our now dearly departed HRH Queen Elizabeth urged world leaders to rise above poli�cs and address the impact of climate change. How sad and a li�le ironic that within one year of voicing those words, she is no longer here. Paying tribute to the Queen, her granddaughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie in their statement included “we, like many, thought you’d be here forever” and we all miss you terribly. Queen Elizabeth’s legacy to the world will live on forever.

“we, like many, thought you’d be here forever”

The reality is most of us think that we, or our partners, children, family, friends are immortal. But what if one day they are not there? Or you are not here? It’s not something we generally like to talk about because it can be uncomfortable and of course it feels like it’s out of our hands.

According to Merriam-Webster dic�onary examples of legacy in a sentence are:

She le� us a legacy of a million dollars.

He le� his children a legacy of love and respect.

The war le� a legacy of pain and suffering.

Her ar�s�c legacy lives on through her children.

If you are brave enough, think about what your legacy will be, what will it look like if someone was reading a Eulogy about your life today?

Life is, as those of us who are old enough to remember the Carole King song, a Tapestry. A mix of threads, woven together to create a picture of events, moments, stories - some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. Whatever picture is woven – it is your picture, with a single thread that �es them all together. Your legacy started the day you were born and has been woven every day of your life.

When you take �me to think of how your legacy may be summed up today, it may focus you on how you would like it to look in the future. You can’t erase the threads of the tapestry that’s been woven to date, but you can live with inten�on and create the picture you would like for the future.


Where do you start?

Here are a few ques�ons to help you get some focus around your thoughts - remember, this is your legacy – it’s what feels right for you.

What are your core values?

Your key guiding principles, the founda�ons of your belief system that serve as “filters” in your decision making as you go through life.

What is your purpose?

What gets you out of bed in the morning and fills you with energy?

Where do you want to be and what do you want to do?

Figure out what drives you. Otherwise, you are just aimlessly heading nowhere.

Are you being you?

Be authen�c! Be genuine! Be you! Play to your strengths and accept your weaknesses – it’s ok to be vulnerable!

Be grateful!

Have gra�tude for everything the Universe brings you -even the nega�ve. Believe that nega�ves are leading you to be�er things. Get rid of self-limi�ng beliefs as you can do whatever you set your mind to do.


If you believe you can, you can!

If you believe you can’t, you can’t!

So why would you choose a nega�ve!

Ignite your legacy and live with inten�on

Our legacy will be how we interacted and influenced others through acts of though�ulness, kindness, and posi�vity.

Don’t leave words of kindness or love unsaid!

Don’t be busy being busy and fail to see the needs of those close to you!

Be posi�ve and live a life of gra�tude. Posi�vity and gra�tude are infec�ous.

Share those feelings with others.

Leave a legacy of kindness and live with inten�on. Why wait!

Love, Moira www.theelitewellnessgroup.com

Elite Wellness


Moira Carmenate, The Elite Wellness Group



Ea�ng clean means ea�ng foods that are good for you. It’s not rocket science and deep down we all really know when we are ea�ng foods that are not good for us, but we carry on regardless.

Ea�ng clean is all about balance. Focus on fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and control your por�on sizes. It’s also about hydra�on. Think of a plant that doesn’t get enough water, it withers and dies. We humans need water to hydrate us and yet most of us don’t drink enough.

The benefits of Ea�ng Clean and drinking plenty of water:

You will be healthier, your eyes will be brighter, your skin will glow, you will speed up your metabolism and have loads more energy – so what’s stopping you.

Where do you start?

Eat o�en! Now behave! Eat foods that are good for you o�en! Not nibbling away on crisps, salted peanuts, biscuits!

Feeling the need to nibble – like a squirrel, graze on nuts – not salted or fried and in modera�on!

Be mindful about your meals and plan ahead. Planning your meal op�ons makes your shopping more focused to what you need, and you will be less tempted to pick up random items.

The Ea�ng Clean principles include:

Eat six small meals per day

Eat breakfast

Eat lean protein

Eat two servings of healthy fats

Include fibre in your ea�ng plan from fruits and vegetables

Control your por�on sizes

Drink 2 to 3 litres of water every day

Forget coun�ng calories! Think about what you are ea�ng and drinking!

Why eat breakfast?

Breakfast kickstarts your day and boosts your metabolism. First thing in the morning your blood sugar is low, and breakfast gives the boost needed to make your muscles work and help fire up your brain.

But don’t be reaching for cookies donuts as you dash out of the door!

In line with your Ea�ng Clean plan, be mindful of what you are ea�ng and why. Fibre keeps you feeling full longer and nothing be�er than a bowl of healthy grains with low fat milk or porridges. Or what about a low-fat yoghurt smoothie with fruits and a teaspoon of bran or grains. Remember to drink a couple of glasses of water.

Lean Protein includes:

Greek Yoghurt

Skinless breast of chicken or turkey

Low fat co�age cheese

White fish


Lean beef

Lean pork


Beans, len�ls and peas

Protein helps regulate your blood sugars and keeps you feeling full as well as suppor�ng body func�ons like cell maintenance, muscle building and �ssue repair. Lean protein has less than 10 grams of total fat and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol In a 4 oz serving.

As a key part of your ea�ng plan it helps stop hunger pangs and is a healthy addi�on to your diet.

Healthy fats include:

Olive oil

Fish – salmon, trout, tuna, herrings, mackerel, sardines

Nuts – almonds, walnuts, pecans


Seeds – hemp, pumpkin, flaxseeds

Stay Hydrated

Simple - drink 2-3 litres of water per day – but most of us don’t!

Keeping hydrated is essen�al for every organ and �ssue in your body to func�on properly.

Most of us are dehydrated a lot of the �me and this leads to chronic fa�gue, headaches and brain fog.

Our bodies are made up of around 60% of water and drinking enough ensures that bodily waste is flushed out, your temperature is regulated and your brain func�ons.

Crea�ng healthy hydra�on habits is essen�al for all of these body func�ons to operate at their op�mum level.

Drink at least one glass of water before every meal

Ul�mately, you need to create an Ea�ng Clean plan that works for you – a plan you can s�ck to and just think – no calorie coun�ng

Moira Carmenate www.theelitewellnessgroup.com



with Costasea Legal Advisers

Why is it advisable to have a Spanish Will?

When you are a foreigner and you have assets in Spain, it is always be�er to have a Spanish Will over those assets than not to have one, since the applicable Spanish Law determines who will be the forced heirs when a person dies without a Will.

The applicable law in Spain imposes who will be your forced heirs when you have not made a will over your assets in Spain, removing from your control, the decision over your assets.

Don’t lose control over who receives your assets

That is to say, if you have not made a will in which you have determined who your heirs should be, the applicable law in Spain will forcefully impose an order of heirs, which may go against who you wish to be your beneficiaries.

But you also have to take into account that if you do not make the corresponding will before your death, taking into account the value of your estate, it is possible that the tax legisla�on will take your heirs and rela�ves by surprise.

This means that by not having a Will you are not deciding who are your beneficiaries, the applicable Spanish legisla�on will act, at the same �me you are not controlling correctly what taxes your heirs can pay. Since depending on the assets and the family you have, or even if you have no family, the tax consequences for your heirs may be to pay in the future when you pass away for the transfer of your assets.

Therefore, whenever a foreign person has assets in Spain, it is highly recommended that he/she make a Spanish Will according to his/her family and economic circumstances.

Some�mes a person in good faith determines, for example, that his girlfriend or boyfriend will be his heir in case of death, without taking into account that, according to the applicable Spanish legisla�on, since he is not a rela�ve, he will pay taxes for receiving a house in inheritance, and that however, you do not have money for taxes to be paid for the transmission of your assets.

Always seek specialized legal advice when making your Will

At Costasea asesores legales we have lawyers specialized in wills and inheritance and we will be happy to hear your case giving you the best advice according to your personal, family and economic situa�on.

Will your heir have the money to pay taxes?

That is why it is always advisable before gran�ng a Spanish Will to go to a specialist lawyer so that, depending on the wealth of the person and its value, you can correctly choose who to name as beneficiary, or for example specifically determine a rela�ve as heir taking into account the tax consequences of your decision.

OUR WILLS ARE ONLY €99 WITH NO HIDDEN CHARGES TALKING LEGAL With Costasea Legal Advisers Your trusted legal service Have you got an INHERITANCE TAX PLAN regarding your assets in Spain? Are your beneficiaries here in Spain to inherit your assets? We can help you with all of this. Make an appointment with us and keep calm. We are specialists in inheritance law and inheritance taxes C/La Purisma, 22 03158 Catral +34 966 843 946 info@costasea.com www.costasea.com The Expat Centre Calle de Villena 12 03170 Ciudad Quesada +34 865 668 596 info@theexpatcentre.co m www.theexpatcentre.com


spotlight on Córdoba

What a deligh�ul city Córdoba is. Charisma�c narrow cobbled streets wind their way between rows of white painted houses leading happy smiling visitors to the many impressive sights of the city which, in earlier �mes, was the home of invading Cartheginians, Romans under the direc�on of the iconic rulers such as Julius Caesar, the less well-known Visigoths, and of course the Moors, who more than any others turned medieval Córdoba into the most advanced and probably most populated city in the known world at the �me.

Under their rule universi�es were born, free schooling was introduced, medical science and philosophy were developed. Today much of the old city walls s�ll stand. Hundreds of small shops have sprung up. Selling amongst other things, the speciali�es of the city, leather goods and filigree silver. The old Roman bridge s�ll straddles the ample waters of the river Guadalquivir as it meanders its way through Córdoba en route to Sevilla and out to the open sea.

Visit the Alcazar, an impressive for�fied palace, with beau�ful gardens, which was once the home of the notorious Catholic monarchs, Isabel and Ferdinand. One of only a few medieval synagogues surviving in Spain is to be found in the Jewish quarter. The famous Córdoba pa�os, filled with stunningly colourful flower displays, are all opened to the public during the annual pa�o fair which is held in the month of May. At other �mes of year these can o�en be glimpsed through the occasional open door or by visi�ng a pa�o restaurant.


Above all in Córdoba you have the unique and incompa rable Mezquita. A massive mosque come cathedral. Originally built by the Moors between the years of 784 and 787 A.D. but with the cathedral element added later by the Chris�ans as a result of the Chris�an re-invasion of 1236. Oriental lanterns hang from the ceilings. Hundreds of orange and white striped Islamic arches surround you in every direc�on. You are suddenly engulfed in a fantasy world which was created over one thousand years ago. Then without warning you find yourself in the more sombre cathedral with its beau�ful ly ornate chapels and sculptured wooden benches.

This architectural coming together of two very different cultures is a unique experience that you are unlikely to be able to enjoy anywhere else in the world. As you step out of the Mezquita back into the buzz of the city, the clip clop of horses hoofs on the cobbled streets as they pull along li�le carriages filled with wide eyed sightseers bring you back from Medieval Córdoba to the pleasant blend of old and new which is Córdoba in the 21st century. A city of Flamenco, guitars, horse drawn carriages, stunning medieval buildings, whitewashed houses, and beau�ful pa�os, which is as pleasing to the eye as it is to the soul.



Coachtrips have various organised trips to Córdoba including the City Trio Trip from 2 - 4 November
Andalucia Trio trip which stays in Cordoba – 24 - 27 October or 14 - 17 November – 249€ pp
Cordoba city trip 2 - 4 November – 185€pp
Cordoba Pa�o fair in May – dates to be advised
more informa�on contact David’s Coachtrips at www.coachtripsonline.com Halloween Chocolate Layer Cake


OP Group Spain have been matching buyers and sellers and finding new homes on the Costa Blanca for like minded people for over 16 years now. The perfect job being fortunate enough to live and work in this beau�ful environment and finding the ideal property for customers wan�ng the same lifestyle.

Circumstances change and you may be in a situa�on where you are unable to use the property as o�en as you once did and wish to sell. Timing is everything in property same as stocks and shares or any investment. As I write this the euro is on a high so if you are transferring back into pound sterling you will be ge�ng more, property prices have increased quicker this year than any �me in the last 20 years and demand from almost all European countries and Spanish na�onals is the highest in that �me also.

We would love to find you a buyer who will enjoy your home and pay the best price for it while offering you peace of mind and transparency as a full member of AIPP (Associa�on of Interna�onal Professionals) with compe��ve fees and our MLS (Mul� Lis�ng Service) shared between hundreds of agents, so you only need one lis�ng agent. For a full free no obliga�on market appraisal contact me on stuart.markham@opgroupspain.com

We are a family run business established here on the Costa Blanca South since 2006.

We specialise in Property Sales, Property Management and Long-term lets with our office located in the Gran Alacant Commercial Centre

with Stuart from OP Group Spain

OP Group Spain have been established since 2006 working within Property Management, Sales and Rentals. We have successfully rented and sold thousands of proper�es over the years and have built up a reputa�on for finding the right property and the right price, and the connec�ons to secure the right deal for our clients.

This Detached Villa is located in Valverde, Alicante, Spain and has 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, on a 2300m² plot.

Ref: GAS202

This Townhouse is located in Altomar I, Gran Alacant, Alicante, Spain and has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms

Ref: OPGA062

This Townhouse is located in Monte y Mar, Gran Alacant, Alicante, Spain and has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms

Ref: OPGA067

Look at this property, if you are looking for peace and tranquility this is the one for you. An individu ally designed 2 bedroom 2 bathroom detached villa with private pool.

Ref: OPGA070

Detached Villa in Valverde - €350,000 Gran Alicant Townhouse - €112,000


Your final resting place

Repatriation – an increasingly popular choice

The world was stopped in its tracks by Covid and whilst we hope we will not see a repeat of a situa�on that kept everyone from their families and loved ones, there is no doubt about it, it made many of us ques�oned our mortality. We were forced to think about death and unfortunately for many, dealing with unexpected death, made us realize how fragile we are at such a difficult �me.

When you or your family are facing unbearable pain and feelings of loss, here in Spain you have the added stress of dealing with cultural differences as well as challenges with the language and the speed at which a funeral will take place, i.e., within 48 hours.

For many people, they want their body to be repatriated back to their home country or place of birth. Some for religious reasons, some because of family plots that have been there for decades and some because they want a service where many families and friends can a�end and celebrate their life.

If repatria�on is something you wish, and you want to plan ahead to ensure your family doesn’t have to make heart wrenching decisions as to what you would have wanted, choose wisely.

Many plans make contribu�ons towards services and may not fully cover what is needed at the �me of death, so always read the small print, and don’t overpay. Also be aware of payment plans loaded with interest where you end up paying mul�ple �mes the cost.

At White Doves Funeral Planning we are here for you, every step of the way. Whether it’s at a �me when someone has passed suddenly and you don’t know what to do, or whether someone is ill, and you are planning their repatria�on to their home country when the �me comes, we will handle all the legali�es for you. It’s a complicated process and we will ensure that everything is handled sympathe�cally, professionally and with compassion.

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you:

White Doves Funeral Planning & Global Repatria�on Specialists Telephone +34 865 668 597 www.whitedovesfuneralplanning.com

+34 865 668 597 www.whitedovesfuneralplanning.com When a loved one dies, nothing prepares us for the emotional distress we face, even if it was expected. We can’t take away your pain, but our repatriation services help make the process easier, ensuring everything is taken care of to get your loved one back home. Global Repatriation Specialists To find out more call us on
P I C K ‘ N ’ P A Y B r i tis h s u p erma rket Massive range of UK stock now in store. Don't forget our amazing inhouse butchers! Carrer Fusters 76 Polígono Industrial Santa Ana Guardamar del Segura 03140 Tel. 965 728 898 ALSO, TRY OUR NEW STORE AT Calle Apolo 5 Fortuna 30629 Murcia
Contact us now! info@whitedovesfuneralplanning.com “I want to work with a business that cares” “I want to help people “ “I want to earn more money - but ethically” White Doves funeral planning are expanding throughout Spain and looking for individuals who will professionally represent our business and deal with clients with care and empathy. · Comprehensive Induction Training · Innovative Agent Portal for 24/7 applications · Sales and marketing training to build your own substantial business · Full/ Part time as preferred



Local Markets

ONDAY nta Pola Market Square

UESDAY n Fulgencio Calle Gabriel oro

EDNESDAY uardamar Main Street

URSDAY ojales Avenida Juso Quesada

All October


Torrevieja Behind the Water Park

SATURDAY Playa Flamenca Calle Nicolas de Bossi

SUNDAY Zocco Market Behind BP garage at the AP7 roundabout Lemon Tree Market Lemon Tree Road

A new produc�on uni�ng ar�sts from all over the world together on one stage, which pays tribute to planet Earth and Mother Nature. Terra is choreographed by David Moore under the direc�on of Vicente Climent, and takes the spectator on a journey, via the different a�rac�ons in the show, to some of the most emblema�c places on the 5 con�nents.

October 7th 11am

Are you the next master chef? Do you love cooking?

On the 7th October at the theatre fairground of San Fulgen cio a new edi�on of the cooking contest Abuelo Chef will take place.

Register at the Town Hall un�l Tuesday 4 October to par�ci pate.

October 8th 7pm

How about some live music?

The Trouper’s Swing Band are an awesome 7 PIECE Rockabil ly & Swing Band are LIVE at the Lakeview in Quesada

Witness this fabulous band in a great venue and enjoy some tasty food all in the one night!!

26 Great value and sure to be busy so book early to avoid disappointment


October 25th 8pm

Come and see Mr Snake Hips himself!

Whether your favourite is ‘Delilah’ ‘It’s Not Unusual’ or ‘Sex Bomb’ this is sure to be a great night!

On the terrace where is it’s nice and cool with the best sunsets around. Plus some of the best cocktails you will ever taste!

October 27th 12pm

In support of: Help at Home Charity Costa Blanca

Join us for a VERY special show in support of the ‘Help at Home Charity Costa Blanca’ at the gorgeous Panaché Restau rant, Cabo Roig.

The whole Glamour Glamour team are delighted to be suppor�ng this very worthwhile charity

We will be selling all new autumn styles, so come along and look good whilst doing good!

October 28th 9pm

The Michael Jackson History and Dangerous tours weave together a proposal that, although it pivots on Cortez's interpreta�on in his imita�on of the legendary musician, is completed with audiovisual montages, dancers, a guitarist and a singer. The careful wardrobe, makeup and staging complete a very personal performance.

Dura�on: 90 minutes

Price: €18 in advance and €20 at the box office www.teatrocircoapoloelalgar.es


Enjoy deligh�ul sunny a�ernoons with this prac�cal and comfortable garden swing. The sturdy powder-coated steel frame ensures the construc�on's stability and resistance to stain. The swing has a wide and comfy seat, which swings effortlessly, crea�ng a blissful experience. shade, making the swing a perfect relaxa�on spot for spring, summer and autumn days.



Warmth and romance: steel brazier for a campfire atmosphere in the garden or on the terrace Robust: solid construc�on with 2 mm thick walls for op�mal heat storage 2-in-1 �lt func�on: horizontal as a normal brazier, and diagonal as a heat reflector and windbreak www.blumfeldt.es

Con�nue to enjoy ea�ng outdoors with this garden dining set for four, designed like old-�me handicra� with generous propor�ons in durable hardwood. Fade-re sistant light grey chair cushions make life easier.




Turn your garden, terrace or pa�o into an oasis of well-being with this high-quality polyra�an sofa. On sunny days the parasol will give you pleasant shade and protect you from the wind. Being modular, you can use it as a single piece to lie down or as a set of comfortable armchairs for several people.


Davos porch furniture set for garden or terrace consis�ng of 1 corner sofa, 1 coffee table and 1 pouf, ideal for gathering family and friends on the porch, terrace or garden.


Marbella Outdoor Sofa Set is one of our popular outdoor furniture. The Tex�lene rope is encircled by a tough rust-evidence aluminum outline and the high-versa�le foam filled cushions make the en�re item look brimming with solace.




Great Expat Lifestyle Bake Off For information on how to enter go to our website www.theexpatcentre.com or email: tracy@theexpatcentre.com Baking competition Winners announced Sunday 6th 1st , 2nd & 3rd place awards Star Baker Prize Bake Sale (in aid of charity) Categories to enter: Celebration Cake – Showstopper Decorated Cup cakes Dessert Pies The Expat Lifestyle Show 5th & 6th November 2022 Awards: 1st - Rosette & pet bed 2nd - Rosette & 10 euros 3rd - Rosette Expat Lifestyle Show Cutest Pet competition 5th & 6th November Enter Now! Submit your favourite photo of your pet online Show off your adorable pet and help homeless animals For information on how to enter go to our website www.theexpatcentre.com or email tracy@theexpatcentre.com Enter Now!
advice hub, legal & financial services, property, home improvements, food & drink, cooking demo’s, beauty & wellbeing, and so much more….. Register online to enter for a chance to win a spa day At the la laguna hotel, doña pepa, ciudad quesada Expat Lifestyle Live saturday 5th & sunday 6th november 2022 10 am to 5 pm brought to you by expat lifestyle magazine As well as exhibits, we will have live demonstra�ons and interes�ng talks taking placecookery demos, cocktail making, property advice, health & wellbeing to name a few. contact us to register: tracy@theexpatcentre.com +34 865 66 85 96
*Data extracted from process closure surveys after using our roadside assistance and breakdown services. 919 181 144

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