1 minute read

Step into Summer!

Le�er from the Editor – Moira Carmenate

Talking Wine 3



MOIRA’S with Moira Carmenate

LEMON with formentera WFC


with The Travel Managers

WHAT’S ON 28 - 29

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Editor Moira@expatlifestyle.es

Adver�sing Tracy@expatlifestyle.es

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and feeling good about life.

For those of you who are struggling, my wellbeing article this month is about anxiety. This coincides with “Mental Health Month” which have been in existence since 1949 and have yearly themes relating to mental health issues - this year’s theme is anxiety.

No matter where you are in the world, you can’t ignore the fact that King Charles’ coronation is taking place in May. Moira’s Kitchen features coronation recipes including the main dish, Coronation Quiche direct from the Royal’s website. I have brought back Coronation Chicken and Victoria Sandwich which we featured for the Queen’s Jubilee last June as some of you may have missed the issue.

Health this month is all about the benefits of lemons – something we take for granted and which surround us in our region – you may be surprised at the extent that lemons can benefit your health.

Whatever you are doing this month, remember you only have one life – so live it to the full and remember to reach out to others who may need a listening ear or a little help.

Love Moira

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