McCallie Magazine, Fall 2011

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Our Greatest Generation 2011 Faculty Fellows Plane Perseverance Commencement Weekend 2011 FA L L 2 0 1 1

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y w h at ’ s n e w

Class of 2011:

Leadership Learned As each McCallie graduating class heads off to

unchartered waters, faculty and staff hope the tools used to transform each student into a McCallie Man are carried with them beyond the Ridge. Leaders of the Class of 2011 left no doubt as evidenced by the messages delivered at Commencement. "Each and every one of us has been blessed with a talent that we should share with others to better someone else’s life,” says Grayson Medal recipient Walker Ranson '11 (left). “Find a place to invest in the life of someone else: tutor, serve a meal or teach someone to play an instrument." In his valedictory speech, Ryan Schumacher '11 (right) offered points for successful living: seizing opportunities presented, taking risks, appreciating the present, being vulnerable and pursuing connection. g

“Man’s Chief End is to Glorify God and to Enjoy Him Forever”

The McCallie School Mission McCallie School is dedicated to preparing young men to make a positive difference in their world. By fostering their intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional development, the school seeks to inspire and motivate them to: »»strive for excellence »»seek truth »»live honorably »»act responsibly »»help others


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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C O NTENTS

Our Greatest Generation Inspired by the best-selling book “Unbroken,” alumni share their World War II experiences.

Feature » FIRST



4 More Than a Mission Trip

Sophomore Daniel Condrey got more out of a summer mission trip than he anticipated

» Campus


6 Commencement Weekend ’11 The latest class of McCallie Men celebrated its entrance into the real world

8 2011 Faculty Fellows

Four deserving faculty members are named Faculty Fellows in the program's fourth class

10 All Corners of the Globe

Faculty spanned the globe with the Renewal and Summer Grant program

» Alumni

18 McCallie's American Heroes

Ne ws

13 Plane Perseverance

An avid aviator, Bill Glasser ’61 now pilots an airplane he built himself


A list of alumni who lost their lives in U.S. military service

19 An Olympic Achievement

Charles Battle ’60 and Hill Carrow ’73 are each involved in the Olympic movement

» Class


20 Births/Weddings/News

Read the latest updates from your classmates

» IN



23 In Memoriam

Obituaries of alumni who have gone before us Join more than 2,800 others and become a friend of McCallie School on Facebook. Receive frequent updates about McCallie on Twitter @McCallieSchool. "Views from the Ridge" ( offers perspectives on boys and education.


photo by Pat DuLaney

The McCallie Magazine is published by McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | | | The name “McCallie School,” the McCallie School logo and the McCallie School seal are all trademarks/namemarks of McCallie School. All materials appearing in the McCallie Magazine, including photography, are ©1996–2011 by McCallie School. Reprint or electronic reproduction of any such material for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of McCallie School. Permission to use written material (not photographs) is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as McCallie is credited. | Photography by David Humber, McCallie staff and contributed photos. | For information about McCallie Magazine and to obtain permission to reproduce trademarked and copyrighted material, contact the McCallie School Public Affairs Office at (423.624.8300) or by writing the Public Affairs Office, McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | McCallie School fully supports all anti-discrimination laws and does not engage in any unlawful discrimination.

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y letters

First Person

More Than a Mission Trip

Spirit of '66

up to our first village. Even with a translator, it was tough to simultaneously wash dirty, ticklish feet and go from talking about Manchester United to God and personal faith to which shoe was the coolest. It was a humbling experience for me as well as everyone else in our group, but it was well worth the effort. Several of the kids I talked to actually became Christians or were interested in learning more about God, but almost every single one of their eyes lit up when they got their first pair of shoes. One seven-year-old boy, Jose, was easy to engage in conversation and excited to talk about almost everything. From American culture and sports to his own family and belief in God, he talked so much my Peruvian translator could hardly keep up with him. After 30 minutes of nonstop speaking and laughing, he handpicked a pair of Spider-Man sneakers that lit up when he walked. Then Jose said something to me that I will never forget, “I am going to remember this day for the rest of my life.” While I have volunteered for several organizations such Sophomore Daniel Condrey shared shoes and the Gospel this past summer on a Samaritan's Feet mission trip to Peru. First Person as hospice care and the food allows a teacher, administrator or student to present a unique bank, few experiences in my perspective on life at McCallie. life have been more fulfilling. My expectations prior to Samaritan’s Feet is an organization the trip were that I would probably do a that provides shoes for children in imlittle work, have a sense of accomplishment poverished areas. Its true mission runs about myself, maybe have some fun and much deeper than that though, for the gain a nice addition for the old college essay. distribution of shoes is only a means to What I got was the trip of a lifetime. achieve its true goal, to share the GosAs I got on the bus and waved goodbye pel. It was our job (two chaperones, to the kids from the window, I kept thinktwo college undergraduates, six fellow ing about Jose’s words. It can be easy to forMcCallie students and me) to distribget how our actions, while maybe trivial to ute the shoes. But more importantly us, can stand out in the eyes of others, espewe had to first wash the feet of every cially to impressionable, younger children. child, teenager and occasional smallWe all took away something different footed parent. from this trip. I learned that I can, even if While we washed feet, we were supin a small way, make a difference in someposed to talk, share the Gospel and one else’s life. g pray with the child. I had known most of this before arriving in Peru. However, I had not considered the possible difThe McCallie Magazine welcomes ficulties of doing this until your feedback and memories. moments before we drove

Dear Editor:

When our plane took off from the

The Chapel was at capacity with folks still coming. Someone stepped to the podium and asked if the younger McCallie boys, students and recent graduates, would offer their seats to older guests. Before the request was finished, they began to rise. They did not wait to see if others would respond; they knew. Quietly they lined the walls, blue and white ties, blue blazers; McCallie boys. We sat as a class to represent all of ’66: Wann, Shuck, Killian, Beene, Scott, Groves, Allen, Card, Michaels, Hoback, Kendall, Carmichael, Sizer, Smith, A. In the pews in front of us was Gus’ class, one of them now a rising senior at the Air Force Academy in uniform, next to his McCallie pals. Another one reminded me of 33 (classmate Ronnie Thomas’ football jersey was 33), and he was having a particularly hard time of it; a big kid with tears running down his face. The soonenough officer leaned over and whispered something to him. Then he sat back and put his hand on 33’s shoulder. It gave the boy some peace. So I put my hand on Beene’s shoulder, and it gave me some peace. McCallie boys. On an unimaginably tragic day, our friend John McCravey ’66 walked to the microphone and talked about spirit, spirit that is real, spirit that comforts, spirit that binds, spirit that endures. Dr. McCravey brought patient kindness and leadership to all in attendance, brought in the way he has to our class for 50 years. He pulled it off. You would have been proud of him. Gus, I know, is proud of him. McCallie boys. g

international airport in Lima, Peru, I could not help but compare my most recent memories with my expectations from roughly two months prior. As a freshman looking for ways to get involved in the McCallie community and for something to break up the summer routine, the description of a Samaritan’s Feet mission trip from the year before interested me. A participant in several of McCallie’s local service programs, I thought I knew exactly what the experience would be like. Little did I know how misleading expectations can be.

– Andy Smith '66

g Mr. Smith wrote this as a reflection upon the memorial service at McCallie for the son of one of his classmates. Gus McCravey ’08 died tragically at age 21 this past July. The service was held in the McCallie Chapel where, as Mr. Smith writes, "we began as a class in 1960, where we graduated, where Gus graduated and where we go now to remember."

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C A M P US NEWS


FA CULT Y McCallie welcomed several new faculty

(Front L-R) Tim Brown, Brian Mu, Sebastian Krupa. (Back L-R) Bharath Venkatesh, Gil Walton, Bruce Baldree, Mac Caldwell. (Not pictured: John Miller) Eight seniors were named National Merit Semifinalists in September. This academic honor places them among the top one percent, or roughly 16,000, of the more than 1.5 million juniors who took the Preliminary SAT last year. Earning the honor were Tim Brown, San Antonio, Texas; Mac Caldwell, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.; Sebastian Krupa, Hixson, Tenn.; John Miller, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Gil Walton, Montrose, Ala.; and Bruce Baldree, Brian Mu and Bharath Venkatesh, Chattanooga. McCallie boasts 17 National Merit Semifinalists in the last three years and accounted for eight of the 12 semifinalists from all boarding schools in the southeast region. All Semifinalists are eligible for Finalist status and a chance to earn National Merit Scholarships to the college of university of their choice. Additionally, 11 students were recognized as Commended Students – Micah Bardoner, Signal Mountain, Tenn.; Mike Baxter, Crandall, Ga.; Cole Chadwick, Chatsworth, Ga.; Smith Collett, Morganton, N.C.; Sam Lyons, Keene, Ky.; Russ Robinson, Lookout Mountain, Ga.; Brian Viscomi, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.; J.T. Wu, Duluth, Ga.; and Bobby Brouner, Ed Carroll and Bryant Jenkins of Chattanooga.

A DMINI STRAT ION Upper School Head Kenny Sholl was given the additional responsibilities and title of Associate Head, Dr. Kirk Walker ’69 announced in May. “This appointment recognizes several of the key roles and Kenny Sholl responsibilities he has held for over a decade, yet do not strictly involve just the Upper School,” Dr. Walker said. According to school historian John McCall, this marks the first time since 1990 that this title has been used at McCallie. Dean Warren James ’43 and Houston Patterson ’43 were the last to hold this title, each co-serving in this role from 1978-90 under Spencer McCallie III ’55.

and staff members for the 2011-12 school year. Four newcomers are McCallie graduates – Patch Lawson ’05, assistant director of boarding admission; Charlie Ramsay ’06, adjunct assistant tennis coach; Jesse Teague ’00, Upper School Spanish; and Eamon Thornton ’02, Middle School English. Other new additions are Jake Altemus, outdoor program director; Brian Beckley, college counseling; Jennifer Beckley learning center specialist; Marybeth Campeau, communications assistant; Nyasha Chiundiza, English; Karah Friberg, biology/chemistry; Brian Hanks, database manager and programmer; Richard Henderson, strength coach; Will Honeycutt, assistant director of counseling; JT Kane, adjunct music teacher; Debbie Lifsey, adjunct chemistry teacher; Jane Sharp, administrative assistant for Annual Giving and Melissa White, library assistant in the Middle School. Several staff members have different titles this year including Melissa Alverson, learning center administrative assistant; Janet Best, Middle School administrative assistant; Carol Bradford, Upper School faculty secretary; Theda Griffin, development

(L-R) Brian Beckley, Jennifer Beckley, Eamon Thornton '02, Marybeth Campeau, Karah Friberg, Melissa White, Jake Altemus, Jesse Teague '00, Nyasha Chiundiza, Brian Hanks and Richard Henderson. (Not pictured: Will Honeycutt, JT Kane, Patch Lawson '05, Debbie Lifsey, Charlie Ramsay '06 and Jane Sharp)

administrative assistant; Nina Keane, summer programs/music administrative assistant and Elise Mitchell, development systems manager. Cissy May was named Science Department Chair. Five recent retirees will continue in adjunct roles, Kemmer Anderson, English; Laura Berglund, science; Elise Lewis, technology; John McCall, Spanish and Bill Royer, drama. g

{ For full coverage of events around campus,visit } FA CIL I T IES In keeping up with technological advances,

McCallie made several improvements to Maclellan Academic Building this summer. School research indicated that McCallie students were relying much more on electronic resources in the library than print resources. Because of this evolution in technology, the school determined that shifting the location of the library from the second floor to the first floor opened up positive possibilities for several academic areas. While not going exclusively to a digital format for books and research material, the library moved 75 percent of its collection to the old bookstore in Maclellan Hall. Those items are still available upon request. The new space (right), while smaller, has a smart classroom with 10 laptops and wireless access. Librarian Beth Reardon is better equipped to train and prepare students McCa llie m aga zine |


with skills to navigate the challenges of technology. The Learning Center and its staff relocated to a much more functional and welcoming space for students on the second floor of the Academic Building, complete with several private rooms for one-on-one tutoring. Also benefitting from the move are Dean of Day Students Hank Hopping, Dean of Residential Life Sumner McCallie, Academic Dean Linda Snodgrass and Registrar Ryan Wadley, each with an improved modern, inviting office. g

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Weekend 2011

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Sixty-two percent (91 of 146 members) of the Class of 2011 accepted scholarships to the college or university they are attending as of Fall 2011. The following is a list of scholarship acceptances for the Class of 2011. Clay Anderson Alumni Association Scholarship Honors Program Georgia Institute of Technology Joel Avey Lucky Day, Presidential and Academic Excellence Scholarships Honors College at the University of Mississippi Forrest Ayers McKissick Award The University of South Carolina Tanner Ball Faculty Scholar, Centre College Andrew Barber Athletic grant-in-aid for cheerleading Tennessee HOPE Scholarship Tennessee Tech Roland Beard Engineering and Honors Challenge Scholarships The University of Pittsburgh Nathan Bird Ned McWherter and Vanderbilt National Merit Scholarships Tennessee HOPE Scholarship Vanderbilt University Tyrone Brooks Kappa Si-Phi Georgia Southern University Reed Butler Presidential Scholarship Birmingham-Southern College Avery Carpenter Benjamin Rush Scholarship Dickinson College Houston Clark Wake Forest Scholar Wake Forest University Will Clark Athletic grant-in-aid for swimming Furman University Collin Cochran Morehouse Academic Scholarship Morehouse College Jarrod Coleman Athletic grant-in-aid for football Tennessee HOPE Scholarship The Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga Patrick Connell Buschmann Award, Xavier University Brendan Daly Presidential Scholarship Salve Regina University Paul Deaton Merit Scholar, Laptop Award and Catapult Scholarship Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

T.J. Duncan Athletic grant-in-aid for wrestling University of Maryland Tyler Eaton Academic Scholarship Award Georgia HOPE Scholarship Berry College Carter Ellis Park Scholar, North Carolina State Univ. Jack Ely Academic Excellence Scholarship University of Mississippi Eric Futral VA Scholarship, University of Alabama David Glenn Foundation and Dean’s Awards Birmingham-Southern College Tommy Green Presidential Scholarship University of Alabama Keenan Hale Athletic grant-in-aid for football Syracuse University Richie Hamilton Academic Merit Scholarship Lees-McRae University Noah Hanover Academic Merit Scholarship Mercer University Chase Hibbard University Scholarship University of Notre Dame Grant Humphreys Merit Award, Santa Clara University Chiji Jon-Ubabuco National Achievement Award Vanderbilt University Martin Krecker Wofford Merit Scholarship Wofford College Chad Lee Athletic grant-in-aid in basketball Tennessee HOPE Scholarship Lee University Jesse Lee Alumni and Friends Scholarship Brandeis University Matt Long ROTC Scholarship, Davidson College Chase Martino Athletic grant-in-aid for wrestling Wilkes University David McCandless Stamps Leadership Scholarship Georgia Institute of Technology

Michael McCarthy Wake Forest Scholar Wake Forest University Jay Meacham Dean’s Scholarship Birmingham-Southern College Logan Meacham Appointment, U.S. Air Force Academy Brian Morrison Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group Scholarship Washington & Lee University Jack Morrow Appointment, U.S. Naval Academy Wells Parker Ecce Quam Bonum Award University of the South Joe Petosa Volunteer Scholarship Tennessee HOPE Scholarship University of Tennessee E.J. Quijano Pioneer Scholarship Transylvania University Tony Restaino University Scholarship University of Chicago Matt Reynolds Academic Merit Award University of Alabama Ryan Schumacher USA Today Scholar-Athlete Milk Mustache Scholarship and the 2011 AXA Achievement Community Scholarship Stanford University Will Scott Blood Assurance Crystal Green Memorial Scholarship, Academic Excellence, Academic Excellence NonResident and Eagle Scout Scholarships Honors College at the University of Mississippi Brian Shin Volunteer Award Tennessee HOPE Scholarship University of Tennessee Mac Simms Freshman Scholarship University of North Dakota Austen Smith Mars Scholarship Tennessee HOPE Scholarship Vanderbilt University Mark Taylor National Merit Scholarship University of North Carolina John Waller Dean’s Scholarship, Lee University Thomas Walters General Assembly Merit Scholarship Tennessee HOPE Scholarship University of the South Carter Ward Methodist Award, Presidential and Dean’s Scholarships Birmingham-Southern College

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Kyle Winkler Heritage Scholarship Auburn University Logan Yerbey Academic Scholarship and Competitive Award, Berry College Wes Young Watson Scholarship Georgia HOPE Scholarship University of Georgia Michael Zeiser Chancellor’s Scholarship Texas Christian University

Additional HOPE Scholarship recipients Georgia – Builder Brock, Robert Dann, Jack Hoyt, Jack McGinness, Mikey Robinson, Drake Rustand, Christian Smith Tennessee – John Arnold, John Atkins, Noah Breazeale, David Fine, Trell Gardenhire, Jacob Gross, Francisco Guzman, Adam Harbin, Scott Head, Austin Hicks, Garrett Hicks, Sam Hobbs, Alvaz Kaukab, Montrell Lord, Lucas Marshall, Weston Mattice, Connor McElheney, Brian Reynolds, Kellen Shiles, Terry West, Tyler Willingham, Andrew Zellner

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C a mp u s l if e

2011 Faculty Fellows The Faculty Fellows Class of 2011 includes deserving teachers Dr. Lew Cisto, Bill Jamieson, Jason Jones and Michael Lowry.

Dr. Lew Cisto

Music Department Chair faculty member since 1985 On his reaction to his selection – I was certainly surprised. You don’t think about these things. We are so busy working with the boys. Most of us here talk about institutional goals and the boys’ goals. I am very, very grateful and humbled for the recognition. If you ask Dr. Walker, he would probably say there are very few times that I’ve ever been speechless. But I was. I’ve been here for 26 years, and thinking about anything for myself doesn’t cross my mind. It’s about the institution; it’s about the kids. Thinking about it a bit more, I was very grateful to the music staff. With the type of personnel that we have in our department, and the type of students we have at McCallie, it’s easy to do well with that kind of support. You have to get after it. But when you have a great support staff of colleagues that helps you implement what you want to do, and when you have students who are motivated and enthusiastic and embrace what you want to do, it makes you look good. On this honor affirming what he is doing on a daily basis – If you have your goals and objectives, if you have the way you think really works, and it has been gleaned over by your professors on a graduate level, and it’s been time-tested, and after all is said and done, to have people think well of what you do is really nice. It is self-affirming. You hope that what you believe in really works in the minds of people. I’m a linebacker in conductor’s clothes. Sometimes I go after things like it’s fourth-down-and-one. I’m animated. I have enthusiasm. I have definite goals and objectives. To go after those in a tactful and appropriate way and still have people think kindly of you after 26 years is a blessing. On his teaching style – It covers the full pendulum swing of educational techniques and emotions. It is a reflection of the student’s eyes. I see in them what is needed, then I address it. When you’ve been teaching for over 40 years, the tool box that you bring into the educational setting is filled with all types of tools. You see in the students what you need to do, then you reach for that tool. I guess that’s one thing you gain from experience. Also, being of Italian heritage, I was taught very carefully to look behind the eyes. Not just to see what is the most immediate or recognizable, but to look for a deeper meaning, a deeper need. That’s my educational style. I watch very carefully for what I perceive is a student’s need. And in that lies the success or failure of myself as an instructor because the kids wear it on their faces. They’re either excited or think you’re redundant or boring.

Bill Jamieson

Middle School English faculty member since 1981 On this honor affirming what he is doing on a daily basis – I am humbled by their affirmation. No one knows better than I, though, that I’ve still not gotten the whole teaching process exactly right yet. I guess it would be a bad sign if a teacher ever thought he had somehow reached some pinnacle from which he could only look down. The excitement I feel each August, after having charged my battery in the summer, is that I get to try all over again to make the current year better than the last. On his teaching style – It is safe to say that my style evolves from year to year. The constant remains my Bill Jamieson abiding belief that eighth grade is a great year to teach. It is a year of tremendous growth, with the students changing physically, emotionally and intellectually. They are able to begin recognizing issues that they’ve never thought much of before and struggle to understand a world that gets more complex by the day. I have the privilege of being present during that process. I hold class in a tight-knit circle of tables; students facing each other with no place to hide. A premium is placed on arriving prepared and participating in the exchange of ideas rather than sitting and passively soaking up material without a critical eye. The novels, plays, stories and poems we cover frankly play to my advantage. Each work seems to speak to boys at the right time in their march towards maturity. My job is to facilitate that awakening without getting in the way. Philosophically, I believe my job is to send them to the ninth grade as students who are more confident than when they arrived, who are aware that they possess a unique writing voice that they perhaps did not know they had, and who are unafraid to tackle the difficult but ultimately satisfying challenge that high school will throw at them. And if in the meantime they have come to understand themselves a little better and where it is that they fit into this world, then that’s icing on the cake. On character development fitting into his daily teaching routine – The first thing I talk about is the value of their good name and the importance of guarding it by living out the Honor Code in their daily lives. There is absolutely nothing we do in English class that is worth jeopardizing their honor. It’s the first of many commentaries over the course of the year on perspective. Later in the year, I ask the boys to take on alter egos for a month, shadowing a character that is very different from them. The alter ego follows the boys around daily. The guys keep a journal on the similarities and differences that they and the alter egos possess. Really it's just an exercise in living out the dictum that Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird” challenges his own children with: to really know a person, you have to walk around in that person’s skin for awhile. Seeing the world from someone else’s perspective not only integrates well with the literature we are studying, but it also serves as a powerful character lesson along the way.

Lew Cisto

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C A M P US L I F E

Jason Jones

Michael Lowry

faculty member since 2001

faculty member since 1993

On his reaction to his selection – I was taken totally by surprise. A summer-break voicemail from the headmaster requesting a call-back as soon as possible can jar some nerves, so when I returned Dr. Walker's call, I did not know what to expect. The news left me speechless, but of course I was thrilled. I tried to keep it from my wife so she would be surprised by the announcement at the Headmaster's Dinner, but I was too excited to keep my mouth shut. I told her the night I received the call. When I began to receive congratulatory emails and encouraging phone calls from peers after it was announced to the faculty, I came to appreciate the support our community offers to its members more than I have in years.

On this honor affirming what he is doing on a daily basis – Teaching is very much an act of faith and hope. I think of the classroom as a garden where we are nurturing young minds and weeding out sloppy thinking. Despite all our efforts at assessment and seeking feedback, we as teachers rarely have any insight into the impact of our work. Many a time I have walked home wondering "did I make any kind of difference today?" It Michael Lowry is gratifying to learn that maybe I did.

Upper School Classics

Upper School Science

On this honor affirming what he is doing on a daily basis – Learning should be a celebration. The sharing and acquisition of knowledge and understanding are brilliant moments that better us as human beings, both individually and as members of a society, and they deserve enthusiasm and hard work. That the parents and students remember me and recall what we have done together and think it a worthy and rewarding experience is a validation for me of what I am trying to accomplish. The day-to-day travail sometimes obfuscates that sliver of beauty that lies at the core of what we are trying to do at McCallie, but it is exciting and reenergizing to see that the discovery of that sliver not only comes to our students and the people who send them here, but that it stays with them as they move on with the rest of their lives. On his teaching style – Beloved as they are to me, language and the ancient world are simply vehicles by which I may teach boys to reason and think for themselves. If I can spark an interest in Latin or the ancients, that is marvelous. However, my specialties will not appeal to all. It is up to them to find their own passions and pursue them. My hope is to be an example and one who can teach them the skills needed to reason their way through their own lives and do what they enjoy along the way. My enthusiasm for, interest in and knowledge of my chosen field and the ways in which I continue to advance my understanding of it and the interests it sparks allow me to be a model of the ‘life-long’ student. This is another part of my role as teacher. In 10 years, few of my students will remember the grammatical intricacies of Latin or the date of Julius Caesar’s election as Pontifex Maximus, but if they have taken away that it is one of life’s joys to be passionate about something, to explore it thoroughly and to use it to discover other interests that deserve exploration, then I have done my job. The greatest contribution I can make here is assisting students in learning to think for themselves. I do make a conscious effort, however, to cross disciplines; the students have to trust me to take them there. Where would archaeology be without science? Where would science be without math? Where would math be without astronomy? How does astronomy find its roots in the literature of mythology?

Jason Jones

On his teaching style – In 1996 I attended a seminar sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Our topic was Plato's "Republic," and we met in Athens, Greece, to delve deeply into his works. I was truly moved by Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" in which he describes prisoners trapped in a cave their entire life, viewing shadows of reality on the cave wall. He writes that the "light of learning" breaks their shackles and allows them to emerge from the cave into a new world, but it is painful: “At first, when any of them is liberated and required to suddenly stand up and turn his neck around, and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the images; and then imagine someone saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision.” That powerful story etched itself into my work as an educator: bring the light of learning to young minds. On character development fitting into his daily teaching routine – It blossoms in my role as an outdoor educator. A provocative quote regarding character development goes: "Character is cultivated in a bed of pain." Spending 15 days in the wilderness of the Wind River Range of Wyoming challenges boys in ways they never thought possible. It also is the ideal laboratory for leadership and character development.

The McCallie Faculty Fellows program annually rewards outstanding educators at the school who make a positive impact on both the academic and character development of their students. Former Board of Trustees Chairman Ed Michaels ’60 proposed his plan for the development of a faculty fellows program several years ago, and it was born in 2008. The program is designed to acknowledge outstanding faculty members during their professional review year. A committee will select the Fellows from the review pool and award each a $2,500 supplement per year for four years, funded through an endowment established by Mr. Michaels. McCallie’s faculty is evaluated every four years, so the fellowship selection process was built into the existing review process. All teachers are eligible for the honor in conjunction with their review year. Faculty are evaluated based on classroom observations, class surveys, a professional improvement plan, department input, response to strategic questions, a personal teaching portfolio and nominations from alumni and parents. g

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All Corners

of the Globe

McCallie’s Faculty Renewal and Summer Grant Program gives teachers an opportunity to continue the learning process and grow creatively and intellectually through travel. In the summer of 2011, nine faculty members benefitted from the grant. The following is a brief description of their journeys.

While watching “Ancient Aliens” on the

History Channel last summer, Gordon Connell says he was blown away during a segment on Machu Picchu. The ruins of Machu Picchu, considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, are the intricate remains of an ancient Incan civilization high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Much of the stone structure of a city, dating back to at least the early 1400s, is intact, revealing small clues about one of Earth’s mysterious societies. Mr. Connell traveled to Peru in mid-July and made the trek on foot to this mountaintop civilization. While he says the steep trails up and down the Andes were challenging but not too difficult, he did admit to battling the high altitude on the first day or two of the hike. But the climbs and the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements were all forgotten once the first view of Machu Picchu came into focus.

“When you see it for the first time, you come upon it at a place called the Sun Gate,” says Mr. Connell, who has visited all 50 states but had never been south of the Equator. “You are way above it. The guides want you to see it at dawn when the sun is coming in and forms the shadows. It is the most spectacular time to see it. “I’ve done a lot of traveling, but Machu Picchu may be the ultimate experience because it is such an incredible place. But I think the journey to it, the hike itself, highlighted the whole thing. It was truly everything I hoped it would be and one of those things that I will remember for a long time.” Ken Henry channeled American author Henry David Thoreau in July, retreating to a remote cabin in southwestern North Carolina to be alone and to write. He spent the majority of each day working on his memoirs. “It’s true what they say in books,” Mr. Henry says. “If you sit down and start writing about something, just let yourself go and give yourself the freedom to write, you’ll remember things that you haven’t remembered for two decades. And you’ll remember things that are important to you.” The school curriculum inspired Mr. Henry. The English department changed the freshmen outline for the first semester to include a heavy focus on writing. He particGordon Connell explored the mysteries of Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Chris Carpenter at the gravesite of Stonewall Jackson.

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ipated in his students’ writing assignments and discovered that writing about personal experiences came easy to him. “Our lives are so busy,” says Mr. Henry, who realized his goal of writing 40,000 words. “There are always people around. I realized that the solitude is good for me to be able to see the bigger picture. I didn’t spend a lot of time on the phone. I didn’t answer email. Being able to retreat was good. Writing about your life is therapeutic. Not only does it help you conjure up memories, but it helps you find some closure in some things.” Randy Odle teaches his AP History students “to not judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes.” This summer, he traveled to Italy to walk in the footsteps, if not the shoes, of the influential Italian artists and urban planners about whom he teaches in class. Mr. Odle and his wife Andrea visited Rome, Pompeii, Monte Cassino and Florence. In Rome, they explored the Roman Forum and Trajan’s Forum, Coliseum, Pantheon, Circus Maximus and the Vatican. A highlight of the ancient tour was his trip to the famous ruins of the Roman town of Pompeii. The small town on the Bay of Naples experienced a deadly eruption of nearby Mt. Vesuvius, and rather than being destroyed, the town was preserved by layers of ash and mud. “The current excavation project still leaves much of the city covered, but the site provides the greatest details of what it might have been like to live in the days of

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the Roman Empire,” he says. The ultimate beneficiaries of Mr. Odle’s trip will be his students. “As a history teacher, my most important job is to make the subject accessible and exciting to my 10th- and 12th-grade students,” he says. “My personal explorations of the locales about which we read help my personal understanding of history, and make it easier to convey accurate attitudes of those epochs.” Scandinavia is largely left out of the conversation of world history, says Upper School history and contemporary issues teacher Prentice Stabler ’02. To fill this void, Mr. Stabler traveled to Norway in July. For three weeks, he researched the role of the Vikings on European civilization and studied modern-day Norway’s place in the world as an environmental leader and one of the world’s wealthiest nations. Visiting Norway’s Viking museums, historical sites and flowing fjords in the Norwegian countryside provided Mr. Stabler with a taste of Viking information. However, he also came away disappointed with what was available to him. “This period is basically the only time Norwegians were on the world stage,” he says. “But they didn’t leave much behind historically, and they weren’t very literate. We would see statues with tiny plaques, but usually, they didn’t seem to pass along as much information as you would expect.” More than 10 centuries later, Norway is now known as one of the world’s richest nations as well as one of its most environmentally-conscious. Yet Mr. Stabler is interested in the European Union and why Norway has declined invitations to join it. The EU is a partnership of 27 European countries, each of which is its own sovereign nation. It was founded after World War II in an effort to create economic cooperation between the nations. It even developed the euro as its own form of common currency. “I interviewed many Norwegians to try to understand their country’s position in relation to modern Europe,” Mr. Stabler says. “I met with fishermen and farmers and townsfolk to get different perspectives on what it meant to be an independent Norwegian as opposed to a Norwegian as an EU member state.” Sumner McCallie, Dean of Residential Life and advisor to McCallie’s Habitat for

Humanity chapter, has served on Chattanooga’s Habitat board for four years and as its president for the last two. During this time, the school’s chapter has built 14 houses in the area and worked on several other international projects. Because of increasing costs, it is becoming difficult for the McCallie chapter to raise the funds needed for a complete Habitat home build. Mr. McCallie went to Hungary in June to learn Habitat’s renovation methods. His goal is to present the idea of renovation as an alternative to construction to the Chattanooga board. “Instead of Hungary building new homes, it renovates existing homes,” Mr. McCallie says of the Hungarian chapter. “The government changed its format for grants. Part of why I went there was to learn how Hungary does what it does. It is one of the best international organizations, if not the best, in this type of renovation project.” Habitat home builds vary in production costs depending on location. Funds needed to build a Habitat home in the United States range between $75,000 and $125,000. McCallie’s chapter, Mr. McCallie says, will realistically only be able to raise about half of the $75,000 each school year, despite generous donations from parents, grandparents and friends of McCallie. Thus the plan to move toward renovation. Mr. McCallie spent nearly two weeks in the small Hungarian village of Berekfurdo. He and his Habitat team helped a single mother with three children insulate their home from the harsh Eastern European winters. The walls of their stucco cottage were practically non-existent to the

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chilling air, and the indoor temperatures never warmed above 50 degrees. The Habitat team used huge Styrofoam-like insulating blocks, cementing them to the outside of the house. Another team returned a few weeks later to re-stucco the exterior. This past July, Dr. Michael Woodward and his wife Nancy covered the state of Georgia, researching, rereading books by, and paying homage to, authors from the Peach State. A voracious reader, Dr. Woodward’s reading list is extensive and impressive. But those by Georgian authors top his list of favorites.

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The view at sunset from Ken Henry's secluded cabin in North Carolina. Sumner McCallie (green shirt) and his Habitat for Humanity team renovate a home in Hungary.

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The tour included visiting the homes, museums and hometowns of authors Erskine Caldwell, Harry Crews, Carson McCullers and Flannery O’Connor. The Woodwards also attended the Southeastern Writers Association 2011 Writers Workshops on St. Simons Island. “After 40 years of teaching history, one of the things I am trying to do is broaden my base of knowledge of doing more with certain writers in Southern literature,” he says. “While the South is known for incredible writers, Georgia has been blessed with a wealth of them. The four I chose share a common focus, they write about people not often portrayed in the popular fiction of their times.” Prentice Stabler '02 explores the Norwegian countryside. Andrea and Randy Odle have a bird's-eye view of Florence, Italy.

Decades of devouring books has set in motion in him a desire to write. He has long-range plans to write historical fiction – articles on William Faulkner or presentations which could be used by other academicians to teach history. Buck Rogers, director of college guidance, attended the Overseas Association for College Admission Counseling Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in July. The convention at the University of Calgary was aimed at college admission counselors as well as those who recruit international students for colleges. With over 40 international boarding students on the enrollment list this year, chances are good that several will return to their home countries for their college studies. McCallie’s international population includes students from the Bahamas, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway and Saudi Arabia. But the majority of its international students hail from China and Korea. “I went to a couple of sessions where the focus was the Asian educational system,” Mr. Rogers says. “We have an increasing number of Asian students. If we have a Korean student who wants to return to Korea to pursue his college studies there, I think I understand the Asian system a little bit better now.” Upper School history

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teacher Chris Carpenter ’96 took a 10-day trip across the Eastern Theatre of the Civil War to visit its most significant battlefields and historic places. The trip included battlefields at Gettysburg, Antietam, Manassas and Petersburg as well as important sites at Harpers Ferry, Fort Sumter and both capitals of the Confederacy. The idea for the road trip came from his experience as a McCallie student in the 1990s. “In the past, McCallie would take a group of students studying Civil War history up to Virginia to visit the battlefields over Fall Break or Thanksgiving,” he says. “I had the idea of bringing the trip back, but the first step would be for me to see some of it myself.” He also desires to be a more compelling teacher of Civil War history. By traveling to the sites, he could go beyond the basics and relate what they smell like, look like and feel like to be on the battleground. Mr. Carpenter feels that the trip will benefit his classes. As a teacher of the Civil War Reconstruction history elective, he now has immediate experience that he can relay to his students about this important conflict in American history. Upper School ceramics teacher Lizzie Caldwell traveled to the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts in Helena, Mont., a renowned non-profit educational institution, to attend its 60th anniversary celebration. The milestone event, titled “2011: From the Center to the Edge—60 years of Creativity and Innovation,” offered the opportunity for artists, collectors and enthusiasts to celebrate the heritage, growth, and evolution of the Bray. Ms. Caldwell said that her interest in attending the event stemmed from her desire to network with others involved in all aspects of the ceramics field. “The idea was to immerse myself in the endeavor of connecting with the best of the clay world,” she says. “I wanted to talk with artists in the creative process and collectors who invest in their work. I want to really know the full circle and view the ceramic movement as a whole entity.” Ms. Caldwell treasured the opportunity for exposure to developments in the ceramics movement outside of the Southeast and plans to bring her transformative experience back to her ceramics classroom at McCallie. g

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y alumni news

Plane Perseverance An airplane pilot since 1963, Bill Glasser '61 took his hobby to the next level – he built his own plane. The garage door at Bill Glasser’s Las Vegas

home on Sweeping Valley Street was raised as it is every other day. On the afternoon of Nov. 10, 2005, however, a winged vehicle rolled from the garage out to the driveway and onto the street, causing quite a stir in the neighborhood. An aviation enthusiast since college, Mr. Glasser ’61 had been constructing his own airplane in his garage since 1998. “I really wanted my own aircraft,” he says. “And I was confident I could build one. I quickly found out that my estimation to build one in two years was not very realistic.” Mr. Glasser was first introduced to flying in 1963 while attending the University of Tennessee. A graduate student asked if anyone was interested in going over the mountains to take some pictures. “Always a wise guy, I said, ‘sure, do you have an airplane?’” Mr. Glasser remembers. “He looked at me with a straight face and said ‘yes.’ He took Terry Parks (McCallie Class of ’61) and me for a ride over the Smoky Mountains. I thought that was the neatest thing since bread and butter.” The pilot, Werner Roder, was working on his flight instructor’s certificate and in time, taught both young men to fly, a skill each of them has continued to practice to this day. With a degree in chemistry, his employment career led him to many places around the world and on several career paths. He remains a Las Vegas resident, accepting a job there in 1989 with the U.S. nuclear weapons testing program. For 20 years, he served as quality manager for the high-level nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain. He also worked for the Department of Energy and is currently employed as a grant project officer for the DOE. After years of instructing, piloting charters and flying for pleasure, Mr. Glasser devised a plan to build his own airplane. Through research, he determined that the process would require 2,000 man hours or 20 hours per week for two years. His research proved to be a little off.

From a catalog, he chose an assembly kit for the Van’s RV-4, a single-engine, two-passenger airplane constructed entirely of sheet metal. The kit’s first package arrived in February 1998 and included the tail section with a horizonphoto by Pat DuLaney tal stabilizer and the Bill Glasser '61 in his ZenEagle. rudder. “If you can build this, you can build the rest of the airair shows and sometimes requires pilots plane, because it is just more of the same,” to maneuver their airplanes in close the instruction manual taunted. proximity to that of a flying partner. Two years came and went. At the three“I have been teaching student pilots for year mark, the tail and wings were completyears to stay away from other aircraft,” says ed and stored in the garage. Still remainMr. Glasser, who has logged more than 350 ing on the building plan docket were parts hours of flight time in the ZenEagle. “Forfor the body, engine, electrical components mation flying brings a whole new definition and landing gear. He was nowhere near beto up close and personal.” ing finished. His goal is to perform in an air show one Through patience and perseverance, Mr. day soon. And he hasn’t ruled out the idea Glasser completed the plane’s assembly of flying the ZenEagle to Chattanooga to in August of 2005, more than seven years give some of his old classmates a ride. g later than he anticipated. Despite the delay, the finished product, which he named the ZenEagle, has proven to be well worth his time, sweat and effort. “This became a labor of love,” says Mr. Glasser, who credits McCallie for instilling in him the drive to finish what you start. “I have a feeling of peacefulness when I am in the air. It relaxes me from the stresses of work. It is Zen.” His new fascination is with formation flying, a synchronized form of flying by two or more aircraft. This type of Bill Glasser '61 (right) and his brother Jim '67 (left) flying is often on display at were on campus for Reunion Weekend in September.

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C O V ER F EATURE

Our Greatest

Generation Interestingly, a book on the experiences of a World War II prisoner of war has brought McCallie men of a wide age range together.

This summer’s required reading book for McCallie Upper School students was the best-seller “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand. The book chronicles the incredible life of Louis Zamperini, an Italian-American who went from troubled California adolescent to nationally-ranked high school distance runner to a U.S. Olympian in the 1936 Summer Games in Berlin, Germany. His quest for setting world distance records was put on hold because of World War II. Mr. Zamperini joined the Army Air Corps and served as a bombardier in many missions over the South Pacific. While flying a reconnaissance mission in search of

a fallen U.S. crew, Mr. Zamperini and the crew of the “Green Hornet” crash-landed in the ocean. Floating on a tiny raft, he and two others survived for 47 days, fending off sharks, hunger, bullets from Japanese aircraft and intense sun. Found and captured by the Japanese, he was interred in a prisoner of war camp. His story progresses into another one of survival, this one from mental and physical abuse, extreme living conditions and slavelike labor. When the War ended, he returned to his family in the States, but then the nightmares began. His prison tormentor, “The Bird,” Mutsuhiro Watanabe, visited him in his sleep, continuing to make his life after the War a living hell. In an attempt to stop the hauntings by “The Bird,” Mr. Zamperini’s wife insisted the couple attend a Rev. Billy Graham crusade, trying to save both Louis and their marriage. Something finally clicked deep inside Mr. Zamperini. He turned his life over to Jesus Christ, and the bad dreams, the night sweats and the negative disposition came to an end.

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W. Hanes Lancaster Jr. '42

Still an inspiration at age 94, Mr. Zamperini has since forgiven his captors and remains an example of what the human spirit can endure and overcome. McCallie Dean of Student Life Bob Bires read the book last spring and determined it was the perfect required reading for McCallie boys. “It’s a great story with four parts that are all equally interesting,” Mr. Bires says. “It’s certainly a story of resilience that we thought would resonate with the boys.” But the book also struck a chord with alumni, specifically those of our “Greatest Generation.” Joe Painter, Major Gifts Officer in McCallie’s Development Office, communicated with members of McCallie’s Golden M Society. Golden M members are alumni who have celebrated their 50th reunion. They were invited to read "Unbroken" and encouraged to share personal experiences from World War II and that era. The response was impressive. Mr. Painter received 20 notes of correspondence, while 10 submitted written memories. What follows are seven interesting excerpts from alumni submissions.

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W. Hanes Lancaster Jr. ’42 – Mr. Lancaster, a Grayson Medal winner, was a member of the U.S. Army Air Corps, 20th Air Force, XX Bomber Command and the 462nd Bomb Group. He was on a crew which flew B-29 bombers in the China-Burma-India Theater. Mr. Lancaster compiled his war-time memoirs in book form for his four daughters.

After loading 8,250 gallons of fuel and two 1,000-pound bombs, we were ready to go to Singapore on November 4. . . . About 0630 the morning W. Hanes Lancaster Jr. '42 of the 5th, I climbed into my dome and we test-fired all the guns without any malfunctions. Shortly, we began to see the Malaya Peninsula on our left, so we became more alert, knowing the Japanese air fields dotted the coast all the way down. About 0745, I reported to the entire crew by intercom that I had a crack in my plexiglass blister at the forward part of my dome. Although the crack was initially small, it seemed to be creeping slowly higher. Since we were under pressurization at altitude, I told everybody to have their oxygen masks ready in case the blister blew out. As we were forming into elements with other planes at our rendezvous in the Strait of Malacca at 0800, my blister blew out, taking my goggles and almost my helmet with an outrush of air. Only by slapping my hand on top of my head did I prevent the loss of my helmet and oxygen mask. With the other planes in our formation, we were over the target at 0810 that morning. The flak, which primarily came up from the naval vessels in the causeway, was accurate and heavy, indicating the Japanese navy had good radar. Several bursts were so close I could see the red in the center of the explosion, causing me to instinctively flinch and duck. With no blister, my imagination must have been working overtime since I thought some of the flak smoke came into the plane. As we left the target area, a Japanese

Togo fighter came in on us from 11 o’clock low but turned away before Mackinaw could get a shot at it. Then, a Tony, a new Japanese fighter which resembled a U.S. P-51, made an attack from below, climbing to our altitude at 5 o’clock high. I was able to get all six of my guns on him, giving him a long burst. Flame shot out the right side of his engine and he peeled left in a dive into a cloud bank. Briner was scanning below, and Green just saw the Tony go into the cloud. I never heard anything from my report at debriefing later after we got back, but the official record issued showed “1 plane destroyed, 1 probably destroyed, and 1 damaged!” On Wednesday, May 23, 1945 . . . our target

was the south urban area of Tokyo. (Our aircraft) “Old Acquaintance” was loaded with 34 firebomb cluster bombs. . . . As we hit the IP and turned towards Tokyo, a searchlight locked onto us and within 10 seconds about 10 other searchlights locked on us. Ross was throwing chaff out the camera hatch in the rear but nothing deterred the lights, and the flak began to burst all around us. It was a helpless feeling, knowing the antiaircraft ground guns were concentrating on us. We were at 9,500 feet, and from my seat on top of the plane, I could see how we were surrounded by flak bursts and automatic weapons fire. It seemed to me the heaviest bursts were exploding around both left engines, and I could hear it rattling off the sides of the plane. Trying to look down was blinding from the lights coming up on us. Tommy opened the bomb bay doors with the searchlights holding us, and everything in the plane lit up with strong light. I could distinguish other B-29s flying just beyond the perimeter of light around us, since they figured with our being caught, the searchlights wouldn’t pick them up. We let our bomb clusters go at 0332 on May 24. Briner and I watched the rear bomb bay clear, but on the intercom we heard Schroen call out that we had “hangups” in the front bomb bay, meaning some clusters in the front bomb bay were still with us. It seemed one cluster on the center rack had not left and two from the side rack had tried to drop but were held by one on the center rack. Knowing we had only 34 seconds before the clusters would explode, Habe gave the plane a heavy snap and the two armed clusters bounded out. Schroen was about

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to panic. Ross said he saw the clusters explode just as they left the bomb bay under the plane. Green reported a Japanese Nick passed under us but no one shot at it. About that time, we ran into the thermal cloud of smoke and heat billowing up from the target area, and our tail snapped so hard we thought we’d lost it. Everything got quiet, and Green in the tail thought we’d all bailed out. He started screaming over the intercom, blocking any communications throughout the plane. Curran yelled at me, asking how we could quiet Green, and I told him to just cut the intercom wire to the tail, and he did. The thermals within the black smoke were so strong they were tossing #457 around like a feather. I went from auto mix to full oxygen flow on my oxygen mask, since I was smelling and tasting the odor of the target fire. It was the sickening sweet smell of death, I felt. Everything loose in the plane, including the floor boards, was floating around within our compartment. I looked for my chest parachute which I had set in the mouth of the tunnel since I couldn’t wear it in my seat, and it was nowhere to be seen. The plane rolled right and I thought we were going into a complete rollover. Lehwalder and Habe were fighting the controls in that scary environment and we were

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losing altitude fast. Lee finally convinced Habe to press to the left or we’d be gone, and we slid out level from the thermal at about 2,000 feet above the ground. We immediately turned right and headed for the ocean. That maneuver bothered me, as I was afraid other planes coming through the smoke would run into us, since our flight plan had been to fly for five minutes before making our turn. After we got out over the water, Tommy went into the bomb bay with a screwdriver and pried the shackle open to release the bomb on the center rack which had caused our hang-ups. In any event, I was as scared as I’ve ever been in my life, and I felt I had been as close to hell as I ever wanted to be. I was convinced the Good Lord had brought us through this trial. The afternoon of the 4th, I was told I would

be shipped out by sea on the next day, August 5. . . . The three of us boarded a Liberty Ship, the S.S. Cushman K. Davis, together with at least 700 other men from various groups. We were assigned a space in the hole of the ship, and I selected a fold-down bunk near the top of the compartment so no one would be above me, although I had to climb over three other bunks to get to mine. . . . Once at sea, the captain came on the loudspeaker to announce we would land in Seattle, Washington, on August 14. . . . Due to the hole of the ship being so hot and

“It was a helpless feeling, knowing the antiaircraft ground guns were concentrating on us. We were at 9,500 feet, and from my seat on top of the plane, I could see how we were surrounded by flak bursts and automatic weapons fire.” W. HANES LANCASTER JR. '42

crowded, all of us spent as much time as possible on deck where the breeze was reasonably cool. Practically everyone aboard was an overseas combat veteran. We even had some Marines who had not been back to the States since 1942 when they fought in the island hopping invasions. One of the fellows I spent some time with was Warren Faust from Pennsylvania. He had enlisted when he was a medical student at Penn State, and he planned on returning after the war. He had been a medic in many actions while overseas. On August 6, with the usual preface, “Now hear this!” the loudspeaker told us a new type of bomb, an atomic bomb, had been dropped by a B-29, destroying the entire city of Hiroshima, Japan. Of course, that event promoted a lot of discussion, as we heard the Japanese had been offered unconditional surrender, but they had rejected it. Again, on August 9, another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, and again the Japanese rejected the offer of unconditional surrender. g Ben H. Marshall – Maj. Marshall was the father of Duncan Marshall ’56 and Ben Marshall ’61. Maj. Marshall was a frontline surgeon for the 300th General Hospital 15th Evac Surgical Team. Ben and Duncan submitted a booklet of letters from the major to his wife written during the last few weeks of World War II.

April 24, 1945 – It seems that we have become a German P.O.W. hospital, they came in all night long last nite (sic) and are still coming – it’s somewhat ironic that we should be working to save their lives when from four to 12 hours ago they were trying to kill our boys and then to read how they treat their prisoners, but on the operating table, they don’t look or breathe a bit dif-

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ferent from any other patient – I just don’t know the answer but just follow my human instinct and hope that something good comes out of it – I haven’t lost a case yet and I’m certain I’ve operated well over 100 in the past 10 days. April 25, 1945 – No mail today but I really didn’t expect any after yesterday. Last nite (sic) I operated all nite long again on (German) Duncan Marshall '56 P.O.Ws. I had one old Italian man 82 years old who had stepped on a land mine, he was so pitiful and I felt so sorry for him because I had to amputate both legs, one at mid-thigh and one at the knee. The afternoon late when I went around to see him, I said: “Pappa Comisto,” a big grin came on his face and he said: “Bene, Ben Marshall '61 Bene” which means good. If I get by with him, I’ll believe it possible to do anything to the human body if one has plenty of blood and plasma – we gave him 1,000 cc of blood and 500 cc of plasma during and following the operation, and his BP was never below 100.

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Brask and I are taking both pre-op and first surgical call tonight as we have finally caught up and there are none waiting – no sooner said though and they’ve just told me that 14 severely (wounded Germans) have just arrived so we’re off for another nite of it. It’s rumored tonight that we’ll probably be moving soon but I don’t believe anything anymore until it comes to pass. We’re planning on listening to Pres. Truman’s opening address at the S.F. conference at 1:45 a.m. tonite, I’ll let you know tomorrow whether or not we got it. g

E.H. Lawman Jr. ’40 – Mr. Lawman was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Corps and the 76th Fighter Squadron. He was shot down over China and taken in by a friendly unit of Chinese guerillas. This excerpt is from a secret document he he had to submit upon returning to a U.S. base.

On the afternoon of 19 June 1945, I left Laohwangping A/F leading two flights of four Mustangs on a dive bombing and offensive recon mission to the E.H. Lawman Jr. '40 Kweilin area. After having dropped our bombs on a rail bridge a short distance north of Kweilin, my second flight broke off to recon another sector while I took my flight northeast along the road and railroad. I was on the deck with my wingman slightly behind and above me and with the second element flying cover about 3,000 feet above. Approximately 10 miles northeast of Chuanhsien, I came abruptly upon four 40 mm AA positions in a rail cut. They had not been previously reported, and I had little time to get in a burst before I was past them. The rest of the flight circled wide, and I packed it in and came around for a better pass. The guns were ready both times although I noticed only three bursts the first time over. Coming in for the second pass I sprayed the whole area and concentrated particularly on one gun and crew which I could see very well. After passing over I took evasive action and was not hit until I started to

turn in again. This time at least one 40 mm shell hit the nose of the plane and got the engine and the coolant. I called the flight to cover me stating that I thought I would have to bail out. I tried to gain altitude and headed west. The canopy came off without trouble and the coolant scoop was opened manually in order to get as much time out of the engine as possible. I cleared the first range of hills and got as far as the foothills just beyond when the engine began to cut out badly and get very hot, and I knew I couldn’t keep it in the air any longer. In doing everything I could to stay up, I had not taken time to trim the plane for bailout so when the time came I had to get out the quickest way possible. I had flown for about four minutes and estimate that I bailed out 15 miles west of Chuanhsien. The plane was down to 500 feet and 110 miles per hour when I released the stick and dove out the right side. The Mustang nosed over immediately, and that was the last I remember for probably 15 minutes. My hand was on the ripcord of my chute when I left the cockpit which was fortunate because the horizontal stabilizer clipped me in the neck and hit my leg. Either unconsciously or because of the impact when the plane hit me, the cord was pulled, and I later found that I had only been scratched and bruised up a bit on landing. When I regained consciousness, I found myself about 10 yards from my parachute. I do not remember getting out of the rigging or crawling away. The plane was burning 50 yards away where it had crashed into the hillside. I went back to the chute and gathered it into one big bunch, but finding no place to hide it on the barren hill, I left it where it was after stripping the jungle pack. Then I headed in what I thought to be a westerly direction with my leg swelling and head aching from the blow and cuts from the stabilizer. g William D. Vinson ’42 – Mr. Vinson served in the U.S. Navy for 12 years in several capacities. During World War II, he spent most of his assignments in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. His excerpt is from a personal collection of written memories from his Naval career.

On 26 December 1944, I reported to the USS West Virginia, BB-48, one of the battleships that had been sunk at Pearl Harbor but had been raised and rebuilt, for

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Joe Painter (left), McCallie development officer, gives Bill Vinson '42 (right) a campus tour.

transportation to the Wasatch. We set out with five battleships, three heavy cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers and 18 escort aircraft William D. Vinson '42 carriers. While we were steaming past Manila in the China Sea, a kamikaze crash-dived into the carrier, CVE-79 Ommaney Bay, that was sailing about 500 yards astern of us causing much damage and multiple fires. The carrier was too badly damaged to be saved and was sunk with some men still aboard that couldn’t be rescued. This had to be done. Otherwise the burning ship would have been a beacon to other Japanese pilots since it was beginning to get dark. Many of their ship’s crew were (sic) rescued, and quite a few were transferred to our ship. This certainly brought the reality of war home to me. g Editor’s Note: Minimal editing was done to the submitted excerpts in order to maintain the integrity of the original messages.

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y ALU M N I NEWS

American Heroes McCallie’s

McCallie served as a military school from 1918 to 1970. It is certainly proud of its military heritage and extremely grateful to the 93 alumni who sacrificed their lives for our country. Listed here are those who paid the ultimate price in the various American conflicts. World War I Rhey P. Frierson ’10 Capt. Fred Weihl Fritts ’10 1st Lt. Frank Holmes Atlee ’12 1st Lt. Clifford Barker Grayson ’12 Lt. Charles William Loring Clark ’13 Gordon Dewees ’19 World War II Cmdr. Thomas Calloway Latimore ’11 Lt. O.H. Perry Kenney ’12 Lt. Col. Charles Henry Mayhew Beatty ’20 Pvt. Nall Bright ’23 PhM3/C Alfred Joseph Brandon Jr. ’27 2nd Lt. Michael Morrison Allison Jr. ’28 Pvt. George H. Dunlap IV ’28 Lt. Paul Winder Curtis Jr. ’31 Sgt. 1st Class William Peet Hemphill Jr. ’31 Sgt. Eugene Robinson Matthews ’32 Lt. Nelson Page Hill Jr. ’33 Lt. Harvey Wilson Moore Jr. ’33 Lt. David Anderson Allen ’34 Capt. William Arthur Chenoweth Jr. ’34

1st Sgt. William Fitts Eldridge ’34 1st Lt. Walter Craig Lansford Jr. ’35 Pvt. Raymond W. Mullins ’35 Capt. William Wiley Bird ’36 1st Lt. Marshall McLaney Shepherd ’36 Lt. Kenneth Steward Jr. ’36 Capt. Charles Hector Triplett III ’36 Lt. William Henry Wilson III ’36 Pfc. Thomas Ruffin Bledsoe ’37 Lt. Fabius Monroe Clements Jr. ’37 Lt. Charles Asbery McKinney ’37 Thomas Merritt Pittman Jr. ’37 Benjamin Bryant Todd Jr. ’37 1st Lt. Harry H. Cohn ’38 1st Lt. Joseph Clenn Simpson ’38 1st Lt. John Andrew Feuchtenberger ’39 1st Lt. James D. Gilbert ’39 2nd Lt. William Henry Harrison Jr. ’39 Capt. Richard Henry Johnson ’39 Ensign Robert Goree Nelson Jr. ’39 2nd Lt. Frank Thatcher Saunders Jr. ’39 Pfc. John Graham Sims ’39 Lt. Paul Andrew Swank ’39

1st Lt. Henry McCoy Blanchard II ’40 1st Lt. Frederick A. Schlemmer ’40 2nd Lt. Robert Emerson Smitherman ’40 2nd Lt. Fred C. Wallace Jr. ’40 Lt. William Gifford Clegg ’41 Lt. John McDowel King ’41 Sgt. Frank Dean May ’41 Sgt. 3C Frank Harwood Pennybacker ’41 Ensign Robert Eugene Ridenhour III ’41 Tech. Sgt. James Arthur Bacon Jr. ’42 2nd Lt. Ruford Patterson Covington ’42 1st Lt. Edwin Screven Frierson ’42 Pvt. Lauren Allen Gates Jr. ’42 Ensign Lemuel Woodward Harrison ’42 Staff Sgt. John Montgomery Schneider ’42 2nd Lt. Louis Gray Young ’42 2nd Lt. George Thomas Bright ’43 Pvt. John Walter Bruton Jr. ’43 Pfc. John Turner Graves ’43 Pfc. James Perry Hartness Jr. ’43 Sgt. Thomas Winchester Hendrick ’43 Cpl. Charles Harwood Moorman ’43 Pfc. Morris Belknap Moorman ’43 Pfc. Edward Gilbert Taliaferro ’43 Staff Sgt. William Durham West Jr. ’43 Pvt. Charles Sumpter Wylie ’43 Pfc. Ben Bob Ross ’44 Korean War Maj. John Wesley Browne Jr. ’35 1st Lt. Walter Moore Armistead ’40 1st Lt. John Miles Corbett ’43 2nd Lt. Spencer Hewitt Jarnagin ’45 2nd Lt. William Robb Kimbro ’47 Pfc. David Montgomery Nicoll ’50 Airman 2nd Class Earl Wilbur Radlein Jr. ’50 Vietnam War Lt. Col. William Barringer Boyd ’46 Ensign George Scarboro Roberts ’56 Capt. William Forman Abernethy ’57 Maj. William Thomas McPhail ’57 Lt. j.g. Richard Clifton DeArmond Jr. ’60 2nd Lt. Richard Sandusky Johnson Jr. ’62 1st Lt. William David Settlemire ’62 Maj. John Robert Hagan ’63 2nd Lt. John Ashley Templeton ’63 SP4 Robert Barry Crosby ’64 Military Service Maintaining the Peace Capt. Charles Sayer Walline ’36 Lt. j.g. Garner P. Strickland Jr. ’41 Sgt. Ralph T. Bass ’42 Lt. John McCormick Hodges III ’78 1st Lt. Billy Charles Perry Jr. ’79 Airman Scott Roberts Oliver ’80

The Memorial Wall on campus honors those alumni who have died in active military service.

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McCallie’s first-ever Alumni Journal was published Dec. 1945 and included a 14-page section in memory of McCallie alumni lost or missing in action in World War II. To view the actual pages of the publication, visit McCallie’s website at

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y alumni news

An Olympic Achievement

Higher Education Honor

The International Olympic Committee’s July announcement

Dr. Bill Gentry ’96 was selected to the University of Georgia’s 40 Under 40 list, celebrating its top graduates under the age of 40.

that South Korea was chosen to host the 2018 Olympic Winter Games had a certain McCallie School connection to it. Alumnus Charles Battle ’60 (right), in the of Counsel role at the Miller & Martin law firm in Atlanta, served as international advisor to the Pyeongchang, South Korea, Winter Olympics bid committee.

It is the inaugural class selected by Georgia’s Alumni Association. A nominee must have made an impact in business, Dr. Bill Gentry ’96 leadership, community, educational and/or philanthropic endeavors; should demonstrate dedication to the University of Georgia and its mission of teaching, research and service; and must represent the very best of Georgia graduates. The Alumni Association received over 500 nominations for the list. A day student from Chattanooga while at McCallie, Dr. Gentry graduated from Emory University. He earned his master’s and doctorate degrees in applied psychology from Georgia, becoming a PhD in 2005. He works as a senior research associate at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, N.C., and is an assistant professor in the Leadership Studies doctoral program at North Carolina A&T. He has written more than 20 academic journal articles and was a guest columnist for during the 2008 presidential and vice presidential debates.

Alumni Achievement McCallie’s Alumni Achievement Awards are presented to reunion-year McCallie graduates who have shown outstanding accomplishments in a chosen career. Fourteen men were honored at a special alumni luncheon on Sept. 24 as part of the Reunion Weekend 2011 festivities. This year’s recipients included Dr. Ryan K. Berglund ’91, urology surgeon; Dixon Brooke Jr. ’66, president and CEO of EBSCO Industries; J. Lanier Burns ’61, theology professor at Dallas Theological Seminary; Andrew M. Exum ’96, fellow at the Center for a New American Security; Benjamin C. Halliburton ’81, founder, CIO of Tradition Capital Management; Rodney L. Kincaid ’51, founder and president of Kincaid Construction Company and R. Brittain Leach ’56, a television and movie actor.

From 1989-90, Mr. Battle was the Executive Vice President of the Atlanta Organizing Committee which bid successfully for Atlanta to host the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. After Atlanta was awarded the bid, he worked as Managing Director for International Relations for the Atlanta committee. Additionally, he has served as international advisor for such Olympic cities as Beijing, China; Vancouver, Canada; and Sochi, Russia. g

More Olympic Aspirations Another alumnus involved in the Olympic

movement is Hill Carrow ’73 (right). The North Carolina native and valedictorian of McCallie’s Class of 1973 was responsible for bringing the 2011 U.S. Figure Skating Championships to Greensboro, N.C., this past January. Analysis shows the economic impact of the Championships on the Greensboro area was $27.4 million with an additional $24 million from media impact. Mr. Carrow brought the U.S. Olympic Festival to his state in 1987. He held executive roles for Sara Lee and the U.S. Olympic Committee and was a lawyer for Progress Energy before starting his own consulting firm, Sports & Properties. He also founded North Carolina Amateur Sports and the

Also honored were Dr. Alex G. Little ’61, professor of surgery at Wright State University; R. Scott Matthews Jr. ’66, president of Matthews Farms Inc.; Dr. David P. McCallie Jr. ’71, vice president of Medical Informatics, Cerner Corporation; T. Thornton Muir ’86, founder, CEO of Service Central Technology; Gordon P. Robertson ’76, CEO of Christian Broadcasting Network; Jeffrey W. Simmons ’96, aquatic biologist for TVA and Prentis B. Tomlinson ’61, president and CEO of Calibre Energy Inc. (L-R) Dr. Alex G. Little ’61, Dr. David P. McCallie ’71, J. Lanier Burns ’61, Dr. Ryan K. Berglund ’91, Andrew Exum ’96, R. Scott Matthews Jr. ’66, Jeffrey W. Simmons ’96, F. Dixon Brooke Jr. ’66, T. Thornton Muir ’86, Prentis B. Tomlinson ’61

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State Games of North Carolina and is credited with luring USA Baseball, the amateur governing body of the sport, from Arizona to North Carolina. g



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Fall 2011

Births&Weddings Births80s-00s To Robert Watkin '81 and Phoebe, a son, David, in August 2011. To Robert Paine '92 and Elizabeth, a son, Beckett, on May 26, 2011. To T.W. Francescon '95 and Laurel, a daughter, Isabella Marjorie, on Oct. 7, 2010. To Damon Darsey '97 and Mary Ann, a son, Robert Moss, on May 13, 2011. To Brad Doyle '98 and Anna, a son, Albert ‘Tate,’ on September 27, 2011. To John Power '00 and Liz, a son, Luke Owen, on June 28, 2011. To John Wright '02 and Melissa, twin sons, Matthew David and Benjamin Luke, on July 10, 2011. To Ryan Banze '02 and Suzie, a son, Jackson, on August 10, 2011. To Dustin Elrod '03 and Rebecca, a son, Leland, on October 1, 2010. To Cameron Rice '03 and Rachel, a daughter, Sofia Grace, on July 16, 2011. To Grayson Hicks '06 and Gaby, a son, John-Henry Bernard, on August 15, 2011. g










To Cameron Rice ’03 and Rachel, a daughter, Sofia Grace, on July 16, 2011.

Jim Daughdrill '05, McCallie's Director of Phonathons and College Age Alumni, married Libby Adgent on August 6, 2011. Front row (L-R): Ian Rountree '05, Malik Karimi '05, Mike Patterson '05, Hal Daughdrill '73, Hal Boyd '15 and Andrew Smith '05. Back row (L-R): Danny Lawrence '05, John Smith '05, Sumner McCallie, Charles Haston '05, Tom Carroll '05, Chris Saxon '05, Jim Daughdrill '05, McArn Bennett '05, Patrick Lawson '05, Noah Newman '05, Stephen Andresen '05, Hank Bramblet '95, Ryan Patton '06, Prentice Stabler '02, Ryan Sparks '98 and Alex Gregor '05.

Weddings90s Andrew Vance '94 to Katie Beck on June 16, 2011. Paul Womble '95 to Susan Emma on June 26, 2010. Jimmy Sobeck '99 to Katie Kennedy on August 13, 2011. Kevin Songer '99 to Roxie Mogee on May 29, 2011. Robert Walker III '99 to Lisa Hoffmann on June 4, 2011. g




Weddings00s Kilton Kingsman Jr. '02 to Katie Cosgrove on June 4, 2011. Hunter Groves '02 to Beth Christian on June 11, 2011. Christopher Randolph Rymer '02 to Yoko Ozasa on July 23, 2011. Ramsey Brock Jr. '03 to Megan Riser on April 30, 2011. Whit Dowlen '05 to Katelyn Tipps on July 2, 2011. Zachary Cavitt '05 to Lauren Rogers on July 17, 2011. Jim Daughdrill '05 to Libby Adgent on August 6, 2011. Tyler Evatt '06 to Paige Ivey on Oct 1, 2011. g







McCallie alums gathered for a group picture at the wedding of Whit Dowlen '05 and Katelyn Tipps on July 2, 2011. Left to right: T.W. Francescon '95, Andrew Parkhurst '05, Tom Baird '72, Henry Williams '66, Gary Davis '69, Katelyn, Don Morton '69, Whit, John Dowlen '03, David Bishop '05, Hugh Dowlen '07. Chris Kerr '05, Sam Dowlen '09 and Ben Doak '05.

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Class Updates 1940s-1950s Robert McAmis ’41 is living in the southern Phillipines serving a small, rural congregation. He is the consultant to the Lutheran church in financial and legal concerns. James Sizer ’43 retired from his mechanical engineering position at the U.S. Army TankAutomotive Command in Warren, Mich. Charles Castner ’47 works as a volunteer consultant with railroad collections at the University of Louisville archives and is a pianist for his Downtown Rotary Club. Alonzo “Peanut” Myers ’51 is active in the Southern Medical Association as the Councilor for Virginia. Drew Read ’89 is a Cincinnati stockbroker and CEO of Paul Anderson Youth Home. He has led boys from the organization on bicycle trips through the Southeast for the last five years.

1960s-1970s Pete McCall ’60 works as a tour guide in Washington, D.C., and he led classmates Henry Foy ’60 and Bill Fuller ’60 around town in May. He and his wife traveled to the Taj Mahal in India this year as well as to Yosemite, Calif.

Terry “Roc” Evans ’91 completed his master's degree in math education from Walden University. Boyd Hegarty ’92 teaches and researches at the University of New Hampshire.

Bill Linderman ’62 plays keyboards for a band called “The Lifters.”

Jefferson Barlew ’94 is a graduate student in linguistics at Ohio State University.

Viston Taylor ’64 wrote and published a book of poetry, "Poems—Volume One." The book took over a year to compile. Some of it is authobiographical, depicting scenes and emotions that he has experienced, and some of the book is fantasy. The subject matter varies from Vietnamese culture, seasons, death, holiday remembrances and religion. Included are tributes to six grandchildren. He credits McCallie teacher Miles McNiff for encouraging him to write poetry.

Alex Dunlap ’95 recently moved to Chicago for work as a regional manager for Morgan Stanley Private Bank. He volunteers for Deepstream Guatemala, which sponsors philanthropic mission trips.

Hal Winn ’67 has a general dentistry practice in Greenville, Miss., and is active with the Honduras Medical Mission, an annual mission that he reports is an “amazing experience.” James Woodford ’68 was elected to the Cookeville City Council.

1980s-1990s Will Connell ’85 is president of Gulf Intermodal Services, a Houston-based trucking company.

John Pulleyn ’97 served as a Tank Platoon Leader in Germany and deployed his platoon to Baghdad, Iraq, as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He earned a Bronze Star medal. He recently founded Parrish, Pulleyn & Young Wealth Management with Scott Parrish.

Nathan Gray ’98 is the Executive Director of the Bedouins, a non-profit organization using skateboarding and graffiti to promote peace in the Middle East and America. He is currently working on two projects, an independent documentary capturing the Middle East subculture of skateboarders and street artists in the midst of these revolutionary times, and a project which will teach skateboarding to children in the slums of Mumbai, India. John Thompson ’98 humorously writes that he is now the “Minister of Propaganda” for Smuttynose Brewing Company and the Portsmouth Brewery. Williams Brinson ’99 lives in Greensboro, N.C., with his wife, AK Wilkinson, and works as an NFL writer for Jonathan Ferguson ’99 returned to the University of Maryland to pursue a master’s degree in public policy.

An Alpine Reunion McCallie graduate Oliver Benton III ’73 and sons, Oliver IV ’08 and Elliott ’11, reunited with McCallie Rotary Exchange student Nicolas Roth ’08 in the Swiss Alps this summer. Nicolas competed at the World Rowing event in Amsterdam this summer and came in third place in the lightweight four boat.

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Notes continued . . .

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Fall 2011 Charles Allderdice '04 finished his first year of medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He was selected to participate in a National Institutes of Health grant study last summer. He presented his team’s findings over the winter at the Southern regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research in New Orleans and had an abstract of the study listed in the February issue of the Journal of Investigative Medicine. Graeme Keith '04 received his law degree from Charleston School of Law. Ollie Passmore '04 has been awarded Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding by the University of Cambridge to undertake an MPhil in Classics (Greek Literature) to start in October 2011. He intends to proceed immediately to Ph.D. studies upon the successful completion of his master's. Alex Gregor '05 recently moved to New York to work for Acumen Fund, a social venture fund operating in South Asia, East and West Africa.

Robert Harris III ’14 climbed Kilimanjaro with his dad, Mr. Robert G. Harris Jr. this summer.

Richard Clarke '06 works as an admissions counselor for Mars Hill College. Kevin Songer '99 works at Gensler in Atlanta, a global architecture, design, planning and consulting firm, where he is the Project Manager for the Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister's international accounts. Jason Susong '99 serves with the U.S. Air Force and is currently deployed to Afghanistan.

2000s Matthew Hitchcock '00 is the ship’s physician for the USNS Mercy. Rufus Marye '00 completed the Field Artillery Captains Career Course at Fort Sill, Okla.

Pavel Konfrst '01 writes that he was hired by Czech Airlines, a national air transportation carrier, as a pilot in 2005. He flies in the Airbus 320 family to destinations around the world. He says, "For my success, I owe much to McCallie which gave me the opportunity to study abroad. Very few pilots in our company could experience that. And that helped me much." Shan Morrow '01 graduated from Northwestern University's MMM Program with a master's in Business Administration from Kellogg School of Management and a master's in Engineering Management from McCormick School of Engineering. Jacob Quilliams '01 received his master's of Arts in Teaching degree from Georgia College and State University.

James Corne '01 graduated from Penn State with a master’s degree in Business Administration. Dalton Grein '01 is in his second year of Business School at Wake Forest University

Chris Conner '02 traveled to Maseno, Kenya, this past April to work at a rural hospital and clinic as part of his internship in internal medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He graduated from the UT College of Medicine in May of 2010 and is starting his residency in radiology at St. Louis University this July.

Ian Houser '06 is pursuing a B.F.A. in photography at Savannah College of Art and Design where he has been awarded an Artistic Honors scholarship as well as several institutional grants. He writes, “I want to thank McCallie and especially my first photography professor Lane Taylor for cultivating my passion for photography at an early age. I wouldn't have made it this far had it not been for McCallie's dedication to the fine arts. The breadth of experience I gained in high school is invaluable and still influences my art to this day.” Trey McNeill '06 graduated from Samford University and is enrolled in the University's Brock Business School working on his masters. He is employed by First Bank in Birmingham as a mortgage loan coordinator. David Mullens '07 began law school at the University of Georgia. David W. Jackson III '08 served as an assistant to the Deputy Speaker, Nigel Evans, in the British House of Commons, this summer in London. Reid Cooper '09 founded Deziny, a website design and development company.

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In Memoriam 1930s-1940s



William Gail Riley ’39 of Meridian, Miss., died June 10, 2011. The Army Air Force veteran, doctor and philanthropist is survived by his wife Christine, five children and 11 grandchildren.

Richard “Dick” J. Ramsey '50 died July 22, 2011. The business owner, church volunteer and avid runner is survived by his wife Alice, three children and eight grandchildren.

Henry “Bud” Kelso McKinney Jr. ’76 of Chattanooga died March 23, 2011. He is survived by his mother and three siblings.

Carl Benton Davis ’39 of Chattanooga died July 13, 2010. The Army veteran, pilot and business owner is survived by his wife Ruby, two daughters, five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Donald Arnett Thomas ’51 of Memphis, Tenn., died August 8, 2011. The insurance executive and fisherman is survived by his wife Saralene, three children, five grandchildren and a brother.

William David Tucker Sr. ’39 of Miami, Fla., died July 13, 2011. The Army veteran, teacher and community volunteer is survived by his wife Helen, two children, three grandchildren, a greatgrandchild and a sister. Joseph MacLean Richards ’43 of Niceville, Fla., died January 1, 2011. He is survived by his wife Sharron.

Mr. George William Colvin Jr. ’51 of WinstonSalem, N.C., died October 6, 2009. The Army veteran, architect and artist is survived by his two children, six grandchildren and his brother. James Freeman Harris ’53 of Chattanooga died June 3, 2011. He is survived by his daughter and a brother. Augustin Clayton Bryan Jr. ’57 of Greensboro, N.C., died June 8, 2011. The Army veteran, businessman and Sunday school teacher is survived by his wife Mary, two children, a grandchild and two siblings.

Kenneth Houston “Bucky” Howard Jr. ’45 of Maryville, Tenn., died April 28, 2011. The Navy veteran and avid sportsman is survived by his wife Helen, four children, 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Clifton Rodes ’45 of Danville, Ky., died July 31, 2011. The farmer, deacon and community volunteer is survived by two children, three grandchildren and two brothers.

Dr. Matt Davis Brown ’57 of Chattanooga died on June 19, 2011. The research physicist and community volunteer is survived by his wife Linda, two children, two grandchildren, his mother and four siblings.

Samuel Francis Fowler Jr. ’46 of Knoxville, Tenn., died May 5, 2011. The Army Reserve veteran and law partner is survived by his wife Josephine Ann, four children and 11 grandchildren.

Rawley Galloway Speir ’60 of Loudon, Tenn., died June 11, 2011. The Army veteran and salesman is survived by his wife Shirley, a son and two siblings.

Rodolph Blevins Davenport III ’46 of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., died July 26, 2011. The business owner and community volunteer is survived by his wife Clara, three children, four grandchildren and two sisters.

Robert Dyer Poe ’61 of Chattanooga died July 25, 2011. He was a home builder, newspaperman, banker and community volunteer.

Dr. Samuel Craighead Alexander Jr. ’47 of Haverford, Penn., died June 23, 2010. The anesthesiologist, teacher and photographer is survived by his wife Betty, three children, eight grandchildren and a sister. Harry Maxwell Shoemaker III ’48 of Hixson, Tenn., died May 9, 2011. The Air Force veteran, businessman and accomplished golfer is survived by his wife Peggy, two children, four grandchildren and a sister. Thomas Weissinger Schlater ’48 of Nashville, Tenn., died July 26, 2011. The judge, attorney and aviator is survived by his wife Jane, three children, three grandchildren and two sisters.

Herman Bayless ’77 of Sturbridge, Mass., died April 14, 2011. The attorney is survived by five children, three granddaughters and a brother, Howard ’75. Joshua Bryant Berry ’88 of Houston, Texas, died on July 2, 2011. The business owner, community volunteer and avid runner is survived by three children, two brothers and his mother. Wilmer H. Mills ’88 of Chattanooga died July 25, 2011. The poet and teacher is survived by his wife Kathryn, a son Benjamin ’16, a daughter, his parents, grandparents and three siblings.

1990s-2000s Jason Aaron Heacker ’01 of Chattanooga died March 30, 2011. The outdoor enthusiast and camp staff member is survived by his wife Amanda, his parents, his grandparents and a sister. James Preston Brown ’04 of Chattanooga died December 11, 2010. He is survived by his parents and brother Taylor ’06. Gus McCravey ’08 of Chattanooga died on July 5, 2011. The college student and lacrosse coach is survived by his mother, his father John ’66, sister and grandmother.

John Walter Martin ’62 of Fountaintown, Ind., died June 22, 2011. The solar energy pioneer, world traveler and farmer is survived by his brother and sister. Edward Young “Chape” Chapin IV ’63 of Chattanooga died August 6, 2011. The scholar and business owner is survived by his father Edward III ’40, three children, including Edward V ’89 and John ’99, two grandchildren and three brothers, Garnet ’67, William ’72 and James ’75. Dr. William “Rees” Buttram ’63 of Chattanooga, died August 8, 2011. The diagnostic radiologist, Civil War history buff and golfer is survived by his wife Mary Lynn and two children.

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Read a reflection by Andy Smith ’66 of the on-campus memorial service for Gus McCravey ’08 on page 4.


Faculty Patrick Duncan McKinsey of Signal Mountain, Tenn., died August 5, 2011. He taught math at McCallie from 1952-1988 and was also involved in Day Camp. He also taught life saving and physical fitness. He is survived by his wife Mary Jane, a son Pat ’77, five grandchildren and a brother.

Obituaries are included in McCallie Magazine in chronological order by date of death. Those not included in this issue will appear in the next. The Alumni Office sends email announcements about confirmed deaths to all classmates whose email addresses are updated in our system as soon as the school is notified of them. Stay informed of such things. Make sure the Alumni Office has your updated email address.

non-profit org.

McCallie School



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Questions or comments? Feel free to contact McCallie’s Communications Office at 423.493.5615 or 423.493.5716 or e-mail

View McCallie in a Whole New Way

McCallie360 Now you can visit the beautiful McCallie campus in a whole new light, right from your office chair or home computer! McCallie has launched the new McCallie360, a virtual tour complete with 360-degree pictures, site descriptions and numerous photos, all to give the visitor a better visual representation of what life on the Ridge is like. The virtual tour features 360-degree views of 12 campus locations including the Chapel, the new Learning Center in Maclellan Academic Center, a biology lab, an interior view of the Dining Hall and a patio view, McCallie Lake, a resident

H e admast er

Dr. R. Kirk Walker, Jr. ’69



comm u n icat io n s

Billy T. Faires ’90

advisor dorm room, Pressly Hall Commons, Spears Stadium and three views from inside the Sports & Activities Center including the varsity basketball court and spectator gallery, the Student Activities Center and the Kline Strength and Conditioning Center. Each 360-degree shot offers controls for the viewer to take charge of his or her own tour and read helpful location descriptions. The tour also includes another 20 still photos of various locations on campus. Take the tour at

M cCa l l ie M aga zi n e Edi tor

Jeff Romero

Cha irma n of th e Board

L. Hardwick Caldwell ’66

Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Board of T r u st e e s Board of T r u st e e s

James W. Burns ’89

W. Kirk Crawford ’77

Joseph M. Haskins ’76

Jon E. Meacham ’87

Sanford B. Prater ’66

Robert G. Card ’66

J. Hal Daughdrill III ’73

Houston B. Hunt ’76

Conrad R. Mehan ’77

James M. Ruffin ’80

Bradley B. Cobb ’86

S. Elliott Davenport ’78

Michael I. Lebovitz ’82

Glenn H. Morris ’82

Joseph A Schmissrauter III ’75

E. Robert Cotter III ’69

John A. Fogarty, Jr. ’73

James P. McCallie ’56

Dennis Oakley ’72

Robert J. Walker ’58





Chattanooga, Tennessee Rome, Georgia



ESSEX FELLS, NEW JERSEY Winston-salem, north carolina CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Nashville, Tennessee

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