The Madras Chamber
The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The Madras Chamber
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3rd July 2020 Webinar on Design Thinking for Manufacturing
11th July 2020 Webinar on Covid 19 – Challenges and Opportuni�es for Academia for Arts and Science
15th July 2020 Webinar on Presenta�on & Interac�ve Session on Paperless Exports under Turant Customs
21st July 2020 Webinar on Presenta�on & Interac�on on New Dimension of AGM through Video Conferencing / Other Audio Video means (OAVM) & Salient Features of Amendment to Indian Stamp Act & Rules
5th July 2020 / 12th July 2020 Cer�ficate Course – HCFM
13th July 2020 Second COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus Series – Theme – Housing supply and affordability
17th July 2020 Webinar on A recap of Direct Tax changes
24th July 2020 Webinar on EXIM Trade in New Normal
The Madras Chamber
3rd July 2020
Webinar on Design Thinking for Manufacturing
Under the auspices of manufacturing expert commi�ee webinar on Design Thinking for manufacturing
3rd July 2020. Dr. Anbu Rathinavel is Chief Design Officer & Head, 8012 FT Design Center at Intellect Design Arena Ltd., was the speaker of the webinar. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the welcome remarks. Mr. S. Sarathi, Chairman of Manufacturing commi�ee set the context for the session. He men�oned that we are in a dynamic situa�on and the issues that we are facing are quite new and different. The kind of disrup�ons faced by industries are different and we need a design thinking mechanism to unleash the opportuni�es. Dr. Anbu Rathinavel made a very detailed presenta�on on design thinking. He emphasized on three important factors such as listening, Dialogue and observa�on. His presenta�on also covered elements of great design, general assump�ons, secured work ac�vity and how many companies failed with tradi�onal thinking. He urged the par�cipants to first ask the right ques�on to understand the problem. Followed by his presenta�on we had a Q&A session. Ms. K Saraswathi , Secretary General, MCCI proposed the vote of thanks. We had 36 par�cipants in the webinar. and the feedback was posi�ve.
The Madras Chamber
5th July 2020 / 12th July 2020
Certificate Course – HCFM
This is a joint program with Kauvery Hospital and Medicall on Financial Management for Medical Professionals. As we had only 2 physical classes before the lockdown the cer�ficate course was completed through webinars. We had completed 2 sessions on presenta�on on Excel for hospital owners on 5th July 2020 and the final session on Risk management on 12th July 2020. HCFM cer�ficate course got completed successfully and par�cipants gave a posi�ve feedback. Speakers were 1.
Mr.Srivatsan V Director, Bio Vedas Consultancy Pvt Ltd
Mr. Ravi Veeraraghavan, Deloi�e
11th July 2020
Webinar on Covid 19 – Challenges and Opportunities for Academia for Arts and Science Ms. K. Saraswathi Secretary General, MCCI gave the
welcome address.
commi�ee for organizing the session and
Ramamoorthy, President, MCCI & Chairman & Managing Director, India Cognizant Technology Solu�ons India Pvt. Ltd for addressing the session. Dr. S. Ramanathan, Co Chairman, MCCI Educa�on & Skill Commi�ee & Principal Asan Memorial College of Arts
Mr.Ramkumar to the par�cipants. Mr. Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, President, MCCI & Chairman & Managing Director, India Cognizant Technology Solu�ons India Pvt. Ltd. addressed on “Covid 19 – Challenges and Opportuni�es for Academia” (for Arts and Science Colleges). His session covered the industry perspec�ve in terms of what is happening in market place (macro environment), need for educa�on ins�tu�ons across disciplines of study and how to capitalize the new opportunity.
The Madras Chamber
He highlighted good sectors would be health care, life science, bio technology and medical devices. In healthcare –pharmacy, Nursing, Ayurveda, Siddha and Psychology, physiology, Telecommunica�ons, Financial Services and certain retail will have huge opportunity. There are few sectors affected for short term and few others challenged for long run. Consumer behavior will also change a�er this pandemic. Learning behavior will change. From Admissions, teaching learning and modali�es and placement are going to have substan�al changes. He emphasized the need for collabora�ve effort, blended learning models and the integra�on using technology. He added that even a�er a student leaves the campus, learning should con�nue .Ins�tu�ons can provide online courses and we have to revisit this program dura�on. The Ins�tu�ons have to make courses as modules, have to be crea�ve and think on new parameters. He stated that today, placement plays an important role, ins�tu�ons have to research on which industry will do well and which are the industry that would hire. Opportunity in inter disciplinary thinking / innova�on is going to be order of the day. A�er the presenta�on we had a Q&A session moderated by Dr. M. Jaya Associate Professor & Head Department of Commerce, Asan Memorial College of Arts & Science and member of MCCI Educa�onal Commi�ee. Dr.D.Uthira, Vice Principal, MOP Vaishnav College for Women and member of MCCI Educa�onal Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. We had more than 143 par�cipants who a�ended the webinar the feedback was excellent.
13 July 2020 th
Second COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus Series – Theme – Housing for All to create Sustainable and Inclusive Cities
The Chamber, as part of the second Urban Thinkers Campus series organized a webinar on 13th July 2020 between 6.00 pm and 8.00 pm (IST). The focal theme of this webinar is “Housing for All to Create Sustainable and Inclusive Ci�es”. What was interes�ng was that for the first �me a number of like minded organiza�ons as below, came together in bringing to the table unique experiences and cross learnings so as to have out of box ideas in finding solu�ons for different urban issues. Partnering Organiza�ons: a)
Na�onal Ins�tute of Urban Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi
Sushant School of Planning and Development, Ansal University, Gurgaon
US Green Building Council, Washington, D.C.
European Urban Knowledge Network, The Hague
Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mumbai,
Regional Studies Associa�on, Sussex, UK.
Ms. K. Sarawathi, Secretary General welcomed and thanked all the eminent speakers, partners and the par�cipants for being a part of this webinar
The Madras Chamber
Mr. Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, President MCCI, gave the welcome address. He pointed out that with Tamil Nadu being one of the most urbanized States, the stress on its infrastructure has also been on the increase in the last 2 to 3 decades. With Chennai and its peripherals having emerged as the main industrial belt , more and more people have moved into the region not only from interior parts of Tamil Nadu, but also from other States in the country. This has created a dire need to look into one of the important aspects, namely housing. The recent pandemic and the huge migrant labour component of Chennai’s labour market , has further exposed the issue of Affordable Housing challenges and that is one of the main reason this campus has a�ained significance in the current context Mr. T. Shivaraman, Managing Director & CEO, Shriram EPC Ltd, Chennai, who was the founding chairman of the Sustainable Chennai Forum of the Chamber, moderated the session. He said that the recent pandemic has made it necessary to think differently and to find innova�ve solu�ons for many urban issues including housing. Several affordable housing schemes have been launched by Central and State governments, but have had limited success due to regulatory constraints. However, during the pandemic, the World Bank has reached out to the State with two projects – $200 million First Tamil Nadu Housing Sector Strengthening Program and the $50 million Tamil Nadu Housing and Habitat Development Project – to strengthen the state’s housing sector policies, ins�tu�ons, and regula�ons. As the Industrial hub in Chennai is dependent on migrant workers, the Tamil Nadu Government has recently announced plans to build houses for nearly 1.5 lakh workers working in 5 Industrial parks in a span of 5 to 10 years. He said the event will discuss the strategies and challenges on affordable housing par�cularly in the city of Chennai.
The Madras Chamber
Prof. Dr. P. S. N. Rao, Director, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi gave the special address. He explained how affordable housing is defined in the Indian context and men�oned that the concept of affordability is complex and is not easy to define. He explained the system of housing supplies in India including the Govt agencies under specific schemes like BSUP, RAY, Indiramma, Manyawar Kanshiram Aawas Yojana among others and he also explained the general land acquisi�on methods under these systems. In showing global good prac�ces, we had Ms. Diana Fitzsimons Town planner and development surveyor, Councilmember, Ireland and Ms. Michaela Kauer, Director, Brussels Liaison Office of the city of Vienna, Austria addressing the par�cipants presen�ng their case studies in Northern Ireland and EU respec�vely. In the Panel discussion Mr.Prakash Challa, Chairman & Managing Director, SSPDL Group and Mr.Rajiv Nehru, Director, were the panelists. Mr. Prakash Challa, leading private player in the housing sector and former President of CREDAI (Confedera�on of Real Estate Developers Associa�on of India), pointed out the ground level challenges in providing affordable housing to the deserving, with the increasing land cost on the one side and with the regulatory pressures on the other side. He said balancing the quality and cost factor is the toughest task for private players. He strongly felt that the Government should consider specific incen�ves and support to the private players like more FSI, tax concession etc., to incen�vize private par�cipa�on in the housing sector. Mr.Rajiv Nehru, Director – Product Development &Training, RICS School of Built Environment Noida, stated in Indian context investment in house is treated as a permanent asset. He said balancing op�ons in all affordable schemes involving stake holder management is crucial. Today, the buzz word is student housing, and in India this concept is being adopted in Universi�es in India. The real issue in affordability is Transferable Development Rights (TDR), the policies and the op�miza�on of the costs. He concluded that simplifica�on of norms is essen�al to make affordable housing reach one and all. We had more than 110+Par�cipants who took part in the conference. Feedback was posi�ve.
15th July 2020
Webinar on Presentation & Interactive Session on Paperless Exports under Turant Customs
The Chamber, under the auspices of the Logis�cs commi�ee in associa�on with ACAAI and NACIN organized a webinar on Presenta�on & Interac�ve Session on “Paperless Exports under Turant Customs” on Wednesday, 15th July 2020 between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave a brief introduc�on about the Chamber and the importance of this program. by Mr. J. Krishnan, Partner S.Natesa Iyer& Co., and MCCI General Commi�ee welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants. He applauded the new ini�a�ves by the customs for ensuring the easy of doing business and informed this session would help us to understand the various measures taken by Customs. Mr.Udayabhaskar Reddy, Whole �me Director, Sanco Trans Ltd. and Chairman, MCCI Logis�cs Commi�ee introduced the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest Mr. Navneet Goel IRS, Principal Addi�onal Director General, NACIN, ZTI, Chennai. informed that best measures are taken to promote trade and ease of doing business. He requested the par�cipants to share their new ideas for necessary implementa�on and also highlight any difficul�es or issues faced.
The Madras Chamber
Mr.Venugopal Nair IRS Assistant Director –Training NACIN,.Chennai, made a very detailed presenta�on on faceless, paperless, contactless customs. The transforma�on process of paper to paperless, contact less process was explained. Followed by his presenta�on we had a Q&A session. moderated by Ms.Chaitaly Metha, Director at EKF GLOBAL Logis�cs Pvt Ltd and ACAAI Mumbai Region. MrAshwinVijayakumar
Paramount Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd. and Co Chairman of MCCI Logis�cs Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. We had more than 160+ par�cipants across loca�ons par�cipa�ng the webinar and they found it very informa�ve.
17th July 2020
Webinar on A recap of Direct Tax changes The Chamber under the auspices of the Direct Taxes commi�ee organized a
Webinar on
A recap of Direct Tax changes on Friday, 17th July 2020 between 03.00 pm and 5.00 pm. Mr. SrivatsRam, President Incharge of the Chamber
He informed that under the
umbrella of various MCCI expert commi�ees, the Chamber had submi�ed many proposals to government during this pandemic �mes. Changes in DT are made to improve easy of doing business and lot of changes are brought in and this forum will provide an opportunity for our members to engage and to interact with the speakers .
The Madras Chamber
Mr. Sriram Seshadri, Partner Price Waterhouse &Co. LLP and Chairman Direct Tax Expert Commi�ee gave the opening remarks and set the tone for the webinar. He added that in last one year many relaxa�ons and changes were made and this session was curated and organized to understand the changes . Mr. B S Nagaraj, Director -Tax, Price Waterhouse & Co. LLP made a very detailed presenta�on covering key developments happening in direct taxes in the last 9-12 months including overview of new tax rates for corporates, amendments in dividend tax, Vivad se vishwas, covid 19 relaxa�on measures. Mr. S Ramakrishnan, Principal Commissioner of Income-tax, Chennai made a detailed presenta�on on prac�cal insights into E Assessment scheme. He covered all aspects related to the E assessments and on the digital measures taken in E assessments . Followed by the presenta�ons we had a Q and A session. Mr.Vikram Vijayaraghavan Advocate Subbaraya Aiyar Padmanabhan & Ramamani (SAPR) Advocates and Co Chairman, Direct Tax Expert Commi�ee summed up the session. In terms of -e assessment, he stated it is a big change in system which is happening. Suggested data mining can be used in audi�ng and performance analysis. He concluded by saying the more concerning factor is s�mula�ng the economy. He proposed a formal vote of thanks. 50 par�cipants took part in the session and the feedback was posi�ve.
21 July 2020 st
Webinar on Presentation & Interaction on New Dimension of AGM through Video Conferencing / Other Audio Video means (OAVM) & Salient Features of Amendment to Indian Stamp Act & Rules The Madras Chamber under the auspices of the Company Law commi�ee organized a Webinar on Presenta�on & Interac�on on New Dimension of AGM through Video Conferencing / Other Audio Video means (OAVM) & Salient Features of Amendment to Indian Stamp Act & Rules on Tuesday, 21st July 2020 between 11.00 am and 12.30 pm. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General MCCI gave the welcome remarks. Dr.B.Ravi, Chairman, MCCI Company Law Commi�ee set the context for the webinar and introduced the speaker. He Informed that for decades AGM was conducted physically and outbreak of covid had called for many reforms. In India, very soon it can be a made part of legisla�on. He added that Law will make it an op�on to company to choose.
The Madras Chamber
Ms. K. Sreepriya Head – RTA & CS Cameo Corporate Services made a detailed presenta�on to the amendments to Indian Stamp Act & Rules and the new dimension of AGM through Video Conferencing. The presenta�on on New Dimension of AGM thro’ Video Conferencing / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) was coveredfollowed by that Salient features of Amendment to Indian Stamp Act & Rules. We had a Q&A Session wherein the par�cipants clarified their queries. Mr.Naresh, Co-Chairman, MCCI Company Law Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. We had 38 a�endees for the session and the feedback was posi�ve.
24th July 2020
Webinar on EXIM Trade in New Normal
The Chamber y under the auspices of the
organized a webinar on EXIM Trade in New Normal. The objec�ve of the webinar was primarily to understand the changes that had happened and iden�fy different strategies to ensure growth of EXIM Trade. Welcome remarks
was given by
Mr.Srivats Ram, President Incharge of the Chamber He welcomed the Chief Guest,
Shri.Pawan Kumar Agarwal
IAS, Special Secretary – Logis�cs, Department of Commerce, Ministry of
speakers and par�cipants .. In his welcome address he stated that the Chamber is working closely with ports and customs and
believe that we
could also add value by engaging with the
The Madras Chamber
Shri.Pawan Kumar Agarwal IAS, Special Secretary – Logis�cs, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI in his special address stated that rather than focusing on numbers, we should look at addressing inefficiencies in the system and there is scope to improve. He said that a standardized manual for all the ports could not be prepared as there are varia�ons in opera�ons of ports across the country. The model will be developed by port authori�es along with other stakeholders and accepted by the logis�cs division. There will be a third party audit of the handbooks to ensure it is being implemented. Systema�c reforms in EXIM trade and port performance would be done. He added that the Government would appreciate sugges�ons from the Chamber and requested the members to share their ideas/sugges�ons for necessary implementa�on. Mr. J. Krishnan Partner S.Natesa Iyer & Co.,& MCCI GC Member introduced the the Speakers and moderated the speaker session. Ms T. Nalina Sofia, IRS ,Joint Director, NACIN, Chennai .made a detailed presenta�on on Special Ini�a�ves by customs during Covid 19 .Presenta�on covered the aspects n dedicated single window COVID-19 helpdesk for EXIM trade, Customs duty exemp�on, Turant Customs, Faceless Assessment – Phase I, Facility of SB005 error correc�on in the Customs EDI system . Mr. Ishwar Achanta Managing Director, Portman India Pvt Ltd & MCCI GC Member made a detailed presenta�on on Infrastructure Developments related to Port & Terminals which was appreciated by the par�cipants. Mr. Krishna Kumar Nagarajan, Senior Vice President at Mediterranean Shipping Company(MSC),Chennai made a presenta�on on Challenges in Indian Sea Borne Trade Post Covid (Containerized & Break bulk ). Mr. Mohanasundaram, General Manager, Traffic & Customs, Hyundai Motor India Ltd made an address on Trade Expecta�ons in new normal. He addressed on Hyundai motor India Ltd case study of how they cope up the changes in terms of digitaliza�on, exports, safety and in trade. The Panel Discussion discussed on Exim Trade in New Normal was moderated by Mr. Udayabhaskar Reddy Chairman, MCCI Logis�cs Commi�ee. Mr.Dushyant Mulani, Vice President, KhimjiPoonja Freight Forwarders. Pvt Ltd, Mumbai and Vice President of BCBA addressed on required evolu�on. He discussed about how trade is transformed in new normal and digital measures in trade. Mr. K. Vamsidhar, DGM- Commercial Branch, State Bank of India, Chennai addressed on the changing roles of banking opera�ons. He covered the SBI Bank new schemes and packages in new normal for business community . He also agreed to share the details of the new policies of bankers to all EXIM Traders. Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant & MCCI GC Member gave an address on emerging legal issues in EXIM Trad, A�er math of covid and the legal implica�ons, how digitaliza�on is gearing up and he cau�oned on digital risk and how to cope up with the new challenges.
The Madras Chamber
Mr. K. Kannan Head - Underwri�ng, Marine Liability & Head of Global Business Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Co. Ltd. made an address on Insurance and Protec�on in Covid era .He gave an address on how insurance industry is adap�ng to new normal and the various measures being provided in insurance industry to EXIM trade. Mr. Alok Kumar, Branch Manager, Export Credit Guarantee Corpora�on of India Limited, Chennai gave an address on Risk mi�ga�on and Guarantee Schemes for Imports & Exports. The Q&A was moderated by Mr. Udayabhaskar Reddy., We had 140+ par�cipants from a mixed group of traders, brokers, exporters, associa�ons and business fraternity The feedback was posi�ve.