Monthly Report - June 2021

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The Madras Chamber


The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry



The Madras Chamber


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5th June 2021


Talk on “Ecorestora�on and Climate Resilience”

10th June 2021


Tenth Arbitra�on webinar series on Guerilla Tac�cs in Interna�onal Arbitra�on

17th June 2021

Know the latest in GST

15th June 2021 WBC Panel discussion on Inclusive Leadership in Challenging Times

21st June 2021


Key Developments in IBC during COVID Pandemic with special emphasis in PrePack insolvency & Personal Guarantor insolvency

22nd June 2021


New Benefits for Families of EPF & ESI Subscribers - Presenta�on by Officials of EPFO & ESIC, Chennai


7th June 2021

Extraordinary General Mee�ng

26th June 2021 Exclusive offer to MSME Companies to par�cipate in the Virtual Job Fair for Women

24th, 25th, 29th & 30th June 2021 In house Training for M/s .Ruhrpumpen India Pvt Ltd.

General Commi�ee Mee�ng





The Madras Chamber

5th June 2021 Talk on Ecorestora�on and Climate Resilience

On the Occasion of World Environment Day, the Chamber under Sustainable Chennai Forum and Energy Commi�ee organized a Talk on “Eco Restora�on and Climate Resilience” on 5th June 2021. Mr. Srivats Ram, President, MCCI gave the brief introduc�on about Chamber and SCF ini�a�ves and highlighted that the Tamil Nadu State Ac�on Plan on Climate Change (TNSAPCC) recently released a dra� of a revamped plan on climate change. He emphasized that building climate resilience cannot happen without climate adapta�onsuggested that without the eco restora�on, communi�es and countries might not be able to withstand climate risks Ms. K Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI introduced the speaker Dr. A Nambi Appadurai , Director & Strategy Head , Climate Resilience Prac�ce of World Resources Ins�tute (WRI) India . Dr. A Nambi Appadurai made a detailed presenta�on covering the impacts / challenges, opportuni�es, and how it could be linked to resilience. He reiterated on the point that the eco system need to be restored. His address broadly covered the rivers & lake ecosystems, forest degrada�on and climate change. The process of conserva�on to restora�on and then to resilience was explained in detail. Real �me case studies and projects were shared to demonstrate the restora�on process and its benefits. His final remarks covered the need for scien�fic assessment, harnessing and promo�ng ci�zen science, building a business model and building a robust database / base line data.




The Madras Chamber

Mr. S. Venkatachalam, Managing Director, Orient Green Power Co. Ltd. & Chairman, Energy Commi�ee, MCCI moderated the Q&A session . Queries related to sustainability, resilience and way forward norms were posted and the queries were clarified by Dr. A Nambi Appadurai. Mr. S. Venkatachalam proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Program was a�ended by more than 116 par�cipants and there were a diversified mix of par�cipants who took part in the session and the feedback was posi�ve.


7th June 2021 Know the latest in GST

Under the auspices of the GST expert commi�ee, the Chamber had organised an exclusive session on Know the latest in GST on Monday 7th June, 2021. This session was organised to update the members on the latest amendments, judgements that would have an impact and what transpired in the 43rd GST council mee�ng. Mr. Srivats Ram, President, MCCI gave the opening remarks and highlighted GST commi�ee ac�ve work in terms of programs and representa�on. In spite of all the odds, the GST collec�ons touched a record high at Rs 1.41 trillion in April, surpassing the Rs one trillion mark for the seventh straight month in a row during 2020-21. Further he added that there were many provisions of the GST law challenged before various high courts and some of the judgements might throw a light on the prac�cal difficul�es faced by the people




The Madras Chamber

Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General introduced the speaker Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant and Chairman, MCCI GST Commi�ee. Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant and Chairman, MCCI GST Commi�ee made a detailed presenta�on on the decisions which were made during the 43rd GST Council mee�ng, amendments made to CGST Act and IGST Act and its implica�ons pending HC and SC decisions on GST related ma�ers. He added that the going forward norms would be Compensa�on to States, Covid Cess, Compensa�on Cess, Delinking of Returns and Payment of Tax and Place of Supply Issues, etc. Mr. R. Gopakumar, Associate Director, Cognizant Technology Solu�ons Pvt. Ltd and Co-Chair, MCCI GST Commi�ee moderated the Q&A session. There was an overwhelming response from the members and more than 200 par�cipants took part in the program. The feedback was very posi�ve.

10th June 2021 Tenth Arbitra�on webinar series on Guerilla Tac�cs in Interna�onal Arbitra�on


The Chamber under the auspices of the MCCI




Concilia�on Centre organized the Tenth Arbitra�on webinar series on Thursday, 10th June 2021.





Registrar gave


of brief

introduc�on about the Chamber and the Arbitra�on Centre and introduced the speaker. Ms .Sheila Ahuja , Partner Allen & Overy’s Global Arbitra�on group , Singapore was the speaker for the session. She made a detailed presenta�on covering Guerilla Tac�cs in Interna�onal Arbitra�on. The subject of guerrilla tac�cs in interna�onal arbitra�on was the focal point of discussion during the last few years. Guerrilla tac�cs in arbitra�on con�nued to be an excep�on with regard to the conven�onal means of arbitra�on proceedings. But the guerrillas of modern arbitra�ons would hinder and lead to, the lack of ethical norms in adjudica�on is becoming blatant in this method of dispute resolu�on as well.




The Madras Chamber

Another element of guerrilla tac�cs that deserved the a�en�on is the ‘tac�cal’ element, i.e., the party’s deliberate engagement with the ac�on in ques�on, rather than the mere exploita�on of coincidences or unforeseen developments. Guerrilla tac�cs were chosen in cases where the sole inten�on was to obstruct the proceedings or to hinder the other party. Guerrilla tac�cs would begin where a party no longer uses these safeguards as a shield, but as a weapon to assault the integrity of the arbitral proceedings. Factors that trigger Guerilla Tac�cs in Interna�onal Arbitra�on were dealt in detail. Although the guerrilla tac�cs in interna�onal arbitra�on had come to the limelight, a regulatory change that accommodates the ethical overhaul to meet the changes in arbitra�on proceedings were yet to be seen In the Q & A session Mr.Anirudh Krishnan, Founding Partner, A K Law Chambers & MAMC Governing council Member moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Ms. Sheila Ahuja. Ms. K. Saraswathi proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Program was well a�ended by more than 57 par�cipants and the feedback was posi�ve .


15th June 2021 Panel discussion on Inclusive Leadership in Challenging Times

The Chamber under the auspices of the Women Business Council (WBC) organized a Virtual Panel discussion on the topic “Inclusive Leadership in Challenging Times" on 15th June 2021 . Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the Welcome Address. Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian, Chairperson, Women Business Council & Chief Strategist - Diversity Evalua�on, AVTAR set the context for the panel discussion. Inclusivity leadership is a con�nuous process and they know how to take advantage of each opportunity, adequately use the skills of their team members, and leverage the compe��ve advantages available to them. The importantelement of inclusion were fairness and respect, value and belongingness and confidence and Inspira�on. The six signature traits of inclusive leadership includes commitment, courage, cognizant, curiosity, cultural Intelligence and collabora�on and those imply widely on how organiza�ons select and develop the leaders. Further she briefed the panel discussion would broadly focus on the leadership style being inclusive, having more empathy, people first a�tude, resilience in tough �mes and increasing engagement and belongingness. Ms. Madhumathi. C ,Deputy Secretary introduced the Panelists namely 1) Ms. Jayanthi Vaidyanathan Senior Director HR, Paypal India ,2) Ms. Ritu Singh IT Global Service Delivery & IT Governance Adani Group and 3) Ms Gowri Kailasam, President of Rane (Madras) Ltd, Steering & Linkage Division Chennai.




The Madras Chamber

Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian moderated the panel discussion and posted the structured ques�ons rela�ng to the inclusivity to the panelist such as how to sustain and priori�ze inclusive leadership, culture of cohesiveness, belongingness in the current virtual era and focus on returning to work in the post pandemic era as a leader to promote be�erment of our workforce? Ms Jayanthi Vaidyanathan stated that COVID had posted many learnings and in last 2 years HR perspec�ve had changed its dimensions.Organiza�ons have to rethink their ethos and leadership styles. Standard set of programs or process would not suit todays issues and solu�ons are to be unique to the demand and one solu�on may not apply for all. During the pandemic, in PayPal, Work from Home (WFH) op�on

was provided to all

employees. Many exclusive employee support programs and employee advocacy teams were developed to promote and support the employees. Grievance support was set in place to sort out the issues. She further stated that they had open communica�on, openness and redefined the working models to suite the current need. Ms Ritu informed they had to think beyond the conven�on and it demanded the change in cultural mindset. When WFH op�on was provided to employees, they had to build the applica�on overnight to ensure work is con�nuous without affec�ng the pace. The prime mantra was courage, trust and values which enabled them to foresee the problem and redefine the solu�on and to make it possible. Micro management does not work. They were hand holding the employees �ll they needed the support and then allowed them to explore and experience on their own. Communica�on was open and it helped to understand and bring in required changes. Ms Gowri informed WFH concept was totally new to manufacturing units. She added that if COVID did not force us to think definitely manufacturing units would not have believed it would be possible. Employees ,vendors and customers adapted to new changes and were also suppor�ve in the new phase of work. Empathy played a vital role in understanding the problem. Lastly, she emphasized that we have a huge talent pool in the market in order to make it more inclusive we have to ensure to tap the talent pool which is available in abundant. The diversified approach will help to tap the hidden talent.




The Madras Chamber

A�er the structured Q&A there was an open a Q&A Session. Many ques�ons rela�ng to new paradigm learning’s, WFH strategy, going forward new norms, etc. were raised to panelists. Mr. T R Kesavan, Vice President, MCCI proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Program was well a�ended by more than 113 par�cipants and the feedback was posi�ve.


17th June 2021 Presenta�on on Key Developments in IBC during COVID Pandemic with special emphasis in Pre Pack insolvency & Personal Guarantor insolvency

Ms Saraswathi, Secretary welcomed the members.


Dr B Ravi, Chairman of the Company law commi�ee set the context and introduced the speaker Mr. Anant Merathia, Managing Partner, Anant Merathia & Associates. He highlighted that many changes are happening in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and in order to understand the changes and its impacts under the auspices of the company law commi�ee chamber had organized an awareness session. Further he added that SEBI and MCA had come out with 2 major changes in terms of new regula�ons in delis�ng and the same would be discussed in the next mee�ng. Mr.Anant Merathia made a detailed presenta�on. He stated that law is significantly evolving from 2019 and many amendments had been witnessed during covid in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. His presenta�on covered the major amendments in light of Covid-19 developments and in terms of increase in threshold Limit Under IBC 2016, Pre- Admission Process, The Process For Bankruptcy, Prepack Insolvency Process, Closure Of Process and law mark case laws -The Case Laws-Evolu�on of IBC 2016. Dr B Ravi moderated the Q&A session. Queries related to personal Guarantor, new dimensions in law, family held companies, con�ngent liabili�es, etc were posted and the queries were clarified by Mr.Anant Merathia. Ms B Chandra , Co chairman of the Company Law commi�ee proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Program was a�ended by more than 40 par�cipants and it was a diversified mix of par�cipants who took part in the session . The feedback was posi�ve.




The Madras Chamber

21st June 2021


Extraordinary General Mee�ng

Under Rule 23 of the Rules of the Chamber an Extraordinary General Body Mee�ng (EGM)was organized on Monday, 21st June through Cisco Webex virtual mode. Due to the sudden outbreak of the pandemic in the year 2020, and con�nuous lockdowns, no physical mee�ngs could be held. As the permission from the Government for the virtual AGM could be obtained only in November, the Chamber had to delay the AGM and organized it on 27th November 2020. Taking cognizance that the new commi�ee had been there for less than a year and considering the fact that the pandemic which s�ll posed challenges to businesses, the General Commi�ee a�er due delibera�ons felt that it would be be�er to con�nue with the same commi�ee members for one more year (2021-2022) �ll the next scheduled during the year 2022. The Chamber has consulted with the concerned authori�es and clarified that an Extraordinary General Body Mee�ng (EGM) would be sufficient for the exis�ng members to con�nue for the current year as well through a suitable resolu�on. President proposed that the present Members of the General Commi�ee (20 Elected Members including President, Vice President & Members of the General Commi�ee) would con�nue for one more term (2021-2022) up to the AGM to be held in the year 2022”. Mr. Mr. Udayabhaskar Reddy, Chairman Logis�cs Expert Commi�ee seconded the proposal. President requested the Secretary General to announce the names of the GC members. The Secretary General read out the names of the GC members for the year 2021-22 Since there were no other issues for discussion, the President thanked the members. Mr. T. R. Kesavan, Vice President proposed the formal vote of thanks


22nd June 2021 New Benefits for Families of EPF & ESI Subscribers Presenta�on by Officials of EPFO & ESIC, Chennai

The Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India had recently announced addi�onal benefits for families of insured persons covered under the ESI & EPFOs EDLI schemes. The Chamber under the auspices of the HR&IR Commi�ee organised an interac�ve session with PF & ESI organisa�ons in understand the schemes, benefits for employees and other connected issues. Ms.K.Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI anchored the session.


Chennai on 22nd June 2021 to



The Madras Chamber

Mr.Srivats Ram, President, MCCI gave the welcome




introduc�on about Chamber and




done under aegis of HR&IR Commi�ee. The PF, ESI policies had a direct impact and relevance for the employees and their families even in normal �mes and more so, now. There were many ques�ons rela�ng to who will benefit? What’s new for insured persons under ESIC? What were the types of benefit under EPFO among others ? In order make us clear on the queries the interac�ve session was organized. Mr.Shyam





Commi�ee introduced the Speakers for the session. Mr. Pranit Joshi, Regional Provident Commissioner-II, Chennai thanked MCCI for invi�ng him for the second �me to brief the members about the changes brought in the EPF. He made a detailed presenta�on explaining the new features and schemes introduced during the pandemic in EPFO and stated that pandemic mooted the innova�on in all walks of government department works which would not have been implemented, so fast if not for the pandemic. Star�ng from online facility schemes for members which had been the ci�zen centric movement, composi�on claim form, auto claim se�lement , New advance claim under para 68HH of EPF scheme, Prayaas, an Ini�a�ve to release pension on the date of superannua�on, Umang (Unified Mobile Applica�on For New-Age Governance schemes were dealt in detail . Going forward normal to Increase the Auto Se�lement of claims, Interac�ve E-PRO and Automa�on of Transfers were also covered in his presenta�on. Mr Ramesh Kumar Deputy Director, ESI Corpora�on made a detailed presenta�on covering ESI Applicability, Coverage, contribu�ons and medical benefits.The eligibility criteria was explained in detail for the benefit of the members .His presenta�on also covered Modified ABVKY Scheme and urged members to make use of the benefit. And lastly all COVID-19 Relief Scheme was explained. A�er the presenta�on there was an open Q&A Session where many queries related to EPF and ESI were posted and both the speakers clarified and shared their coordinate contacts in case of any further queries to mail them directly. As it was a need of the hour topic, members par�cipated in large numbers and more than 200 par�cipants were present for this interac�ve session.




The Madras Chamber

26th June 2021 Exclusive offer to MSME Companies to par�cipate in the Virtual Job Fair for Women


The Chamber under the auspices of WBC joined hands with Avtar Group, an innova�ve and transforma�onal Diversity and Inclusion solu�ons firm in a major job fair exclusively for women on 26th June 2021. The Chamber was the Outreach Partner for this Job Fair which has an exclusive offer for MSMEs. This unique event provided the much-needed opportunity of networking and hiring freshers, early and mid-career women professionals. Many of the members were a part of the virtual job fair and more than 1000 par�cipants enrolled for the event and par�cipated.

24th, 25th, 29th & 30th June 2021


In House Training for M/s . Ruhrpumpen India Pvt Ltd.

An exclusive virtual in-house training was conducted for one of our esteemed members, M/s Ruhrpumpen India Ltd, on the below topics on EHS for their employees. Mr. C S Kamesh, Sr. Principal Consultant – Management Systems, CSR & Sustainability was the resource person. The dura�on of each session was for 2 hours. Around 50 of their officials from various departments a�ended the below sessions and the feedback was posi�ve. Mr. C. S. Kamesh answered all the raised by the officials of Ruhrpumpen. •

Training in Workplace Ergonomics on 24th June 2021 between 10 am and 12 noon

Training on Equipment Safety on 24th June 2021 between 3 pm and 5 pm

Training on Employee Health Resources on 25th June 2021 between 10 am and 12 noon

Training on Safe Handling of Waste on 25th June 2021 between 3 pm and 5 pm

Training on Environment Safety on 29th June 2021 between 10 am and 12 noon

Training on Electrical Safety on 29th June 2021 between 3 pm and 5 pm

Training on Online Safety on 30th June 2021 between 10 am and 12 noon

OTHER MEETINGS Chamber’s CSR Role: The Chamber, with the support from some of its members, donated 72 oxygen concentrators of 10L capacity worth almost Rs 1 crore to the Omandurar General Hospital as per their requirements. The contribu�on was acknowledged and appreciated in a mee�ng at the Secretariat in the presence of Honourable Health Minister of Tamil Nadu, Thiru. Ma Subramanian. A few representa�ves from the member companies who contributed joined the mee�ng along with Mr. S.Sankaranarayanan, Deputy Secretary of the Chamber. The member companies were Stahl India Pvt. Ltd., City Union Bank, Cognizant Founda�on, Paramount Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd., Easun MR Changers, MB Metallic Bellows and others who made generous contribu�on. Dr. Ravi, chairman of the Company Law Commi�ee and GC member mooted the idea and was the first contributor.


MONTHLY REPOR T - JUNE 2021 • Monthly GC mee�ng was held on 12th June 2021 • Other mee�ngs: Apart from regular core commi�ee mee�ngs we had the following mee�ngs SOP discussion with FICCI and CII - 12th June 2021 Discussion on MCCI recommenda�ons to TN Govt - 18th June 2021 Discussion about ac�vi�es jointly with SDPC - 24th June 2021 Mee�ng with Mr Rajesh Lakhoni,IAS, CMD,Electricity Board - 25th June 2021



The Madras Chamber

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