MCCI - Monthly Report - April 2020

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The Madras Chamber


The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry



The Madras Chamber

Schedule of Virtual Programs at a Glance April 2020 SL.NO.




7th April 2020

Interac�ve Session – Updates on EXIM Trade


8thApril 2020

Interac�on mee�ng with Mr. Muruganandam, Principal Secretary, Industries Department, Govt. of TN


9th-11th April 2020

MCCI Cer�ficate Course on Futuris�c HR


13th April 2020

Session on Ac�on & Learning – HR Perspec�ve during Lockdown Period

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16th April 2020 & 27th April 2020 23rd April 2020


24th April 2020


28th April 2020


29th April 2020

Webinar on Force Majeure & Covid 19 – An Impact Analysis Webinar on Discussion on “India as on Arbitra�on Hub” Session on legal issues and business solu�ons in wake of lockdown and its a�ermath Interac�ve Session with Mr.S V Krishna Kumar, Regional Director, ESI Corpora�on & Mr Pranit Joshi, PF Commissioner, Chennai Webinar on Covid 19 Inspired Lessons for Secure Work-From Home

Virtual Mee�ngs 1. General Commi�ee Mee�ngs 2. Expert Commi�ee Mee�ngs 3. Other Sub Commi�ee group Mee�ngs

Other MCCI COVID measures

1. Covid Help Desk 2. MCCI Representa�ons




The Madras Chamber

Interactive Session to know the Updates about EXIM trade - 7th April 2020 Under the auspices of Logis�cs expert commi�ee, MCCI organized an interac�ve session to know the updates about EXIM Trade on 7th April 2020. Mr.Udayabaskar Reddy, Chairman of the Commi�ee welcomed the par�cipants to the interac�ve session and he anchored the session. Mr. J. Krishnan, Past Chairman of logis�cs commi�ee summarized the 10 ac�on points and on the developments happening a�er lock down. Mr. S. Padmanabhan, Mr. Ishwar Achanta , Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, GC Members of the Chamber and Mr. Raghu Sankar,ICSA ac�vely contributed by answering queries of the par�cipants. Mr. Krishnan listed out the challenges in terms of lack of public transport, lack of drivers, Interstate blocks, norms for social distancing and hygiene lacking clarity, non-availability of masks, huge surge in air freight among others. The par�cipants were requested to update themselves by checking the Chamber’s website for updates on logis�cs and other related areas during the pandemic. The Session was a�ended by more than 70 par�cipants and the feedback was posI�ve.

Virtual Interaction meeting with Mr.Muruganandam Principal Secretary, Industries Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu - 8th April 2020 The General Commi�ee members of the Chamber had a virtual interac�on mee�ng with Mr. Muruganandam, Principal Secretary, Industries Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. Mr. Srivats Ram presented the sugges�ons/recommenda�ons / concerns of the members and Mr.Muruganandam shared his inputs and requested the Commi�ee to send a detailed representa�on for necessary considera�on. Further, he answered a few queries from the members and was recep�ve to providing all necessary support to the Industries during this lockdown.




The Madras Chamber

MCCI Certificate Course on Futuristic HR – 9th April 2020 – 11th April 2020 Under the auspices of HR & IR Expert Commi�ee, the Cer�ficate Course on Futuris�c HR was organized from 8th February 2020. Due to the pandemic, the pending sessions were completed through virtual pla�orm for the benefit of the par�cipants. On 9th and 10th April, Mr.Ramakrishnan Director & Managing Partner, Krishna's Management Advisory & Services handled the session. He covered the topics related to Talent Management and Reten�on Management. On 11th April, the morning session on Cultural aspects of the organiza�on was handled by Ms Jayanthi Anilkumar, Head HR - SC GBS Chennai & Head HR - Retail Banking, Private & Wealth Management Opera�ons at Standard Chartered Global Business Services Private Limited. She covered the global perspec�ve and related new changes in laws, majority and minor group conflicts, how cultural dynamics plays a pivotal role in organiza�on decision making with real �me examples. Post Lunch session was handled by Mr. Krishnan Ravishankar, Harrison Assessments. He covered the topic related to EQ / EI. At the end of the session par�cipants underwent a EQ test and the individual scores were rated. Par�cipants found it very useful to know their individual EQ levels. The HR course was well received and par�cipants found it useful and requested the Chamber to conduct short term course. The Cer�ficate course was a�ended by 9 par�cipants.

Session on Action & Learning – HR Perspective during Lockdown Period - 13th April 2020 Under the auspices of HR and IR Expert Commi�ee, the session on Ac�on & Learning – HR Perspec�ve during Lockdown Period was organized. The objec�ve of the program was to understand how organiza�ons are coping up during this lock down period and how they are managing and engaging their staffs during the work from home. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General of MCCI welcomed the panelists and the par�cipants and stated that work from home is the new normal and extended her special thanks to HR commi�ee for organizing the session. Prof. Sridhar, Chairman of MCCI Expert commi�ee on HR & IR gave an overview of the session. Mr. R Venkatanarayanan, Group Head HR, Rane gave an overall perspec�ve about how the organiza�ons should func�on during this pandemic and what support can be provided by the HR of an organiza�on.




The Madras Chamber

Mr.Prashanth Srivatsava Founder & CEO, The Other 2 Thirds Consul�ng LLP elaborated on how the employees are engaged during this pandemic with sta�s�cs. Mr Dinesh Kumar Kamalasekaran, Senior Manager-Employee Rela�ons, Infosys Ltd touched upon the importance of IT during this period and explained about how his organiza�on organized work from home for their employees. Mr. A .R. Subramaniam, Co-founder Cum ED, 3 Point Human Capital P Ltd., in his address covered the aspects of staffing in the Industries and how the supply chain is affected due to the shortage of manpower Mr. S. Shyam Sundar, Vice President HR, Brakes India Pvt Ltd. addressed on how their organiza�on have completed a survey to understand the employee mindset and shared the outcome of the survey. The session was followed by a Q and A wherein queries rela�ng to WFH, pay cuts were answered. More than 100 par�cipants took part in the session and gave a posi�ve feedback.

Webinar on Force Majeure & Covid 19 – An Impact Analysis 16th April 2020 & 27th April 2020 Under the auspices of Legal Expert commi�ee of MCCI, Mr. Anand Gopalan, Chairman of the Legal Expert Commi�ee curated the session. The session was handled by eminent speakers on various dimensions of Force Majeure and Covid 19. Mr.K.Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant & Chairman, MCCI GST Expert Commi�ee made a detailed presenta�on on “The Doctrine of Impossibility”. He covered the back ground, evolu�on, previous interpreta�on and what is impossible with relevant case laws. He also explained the way forward. Mr. Eshwar Sabapathy, Managing Partner Eshwars House of Corporate & IPR Laws made a presenta�on on “Law of Force Majeure: A bird’s eye view of the Law” with case laws covering the crux of the force majeure clause in the Contract, Structure of a Force Majeure Clause and what if a contract does not have a force majeure clause.




The Madras Chamber

Sector Wise Analysis of Challenges and applica�on of Force Majeure was explained in the panel discussion. Ms.Savitha Kesav Jagadeesan, Senior Resident Partner, Kochhar & Co., Chennai moderated the session. Mr Anirudh Krishnan, Partner, AK Law Chambers elaborated on the clause in an agreement in the sector of infrastructure and construc�on and explained as to how we can make use of force majeure clause. Mr.G.V.Anand Bhushan, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas made a PPT presenta�on on Commercial Contracts and explained as to how we can claim force majeure and what are the new developments during Pandemic situa�on invoking force majeure was explained . Mr.P.Jayaprakash, Partner, Fox & Mandal elaborated on the dimensions of the clauses of force majeure in real estate & Commercial Leasing sector. Ms Anjuli Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Partner , Kochhar & Co., Dubai explained as to what extent can covid 19 be treated as a force majeure event in the banking and financial sector and also the contractual obliga�on to invoke force majeure covering RBI regula�ons with the do’s and don’ts. There were more than 30 ques�ons from 100+ par�cipants which were handled by the panelists As the Program on 16th April was a grand success and there were requests for a repeat session, the Chamber held another session on 27th April with the same speakers for the benefit of the members.

Webinar on Discussion on “India as on Arbitration Hub” 23 April 2020 Under the auspices of the Legal Commi�ee, a Session on “India as an Arbitra�on Hub” was held on 23rd April 2020. The Chamber being one of the first few organiza�ons to provide Arbitra�on services for the members has revamped and set up an exclusive Arbitra�on, Media�on and Concilia�on Centre. This session was organized to give an insight about the Arbitra�on overseas and how India is moving towards becoming an Arbitra�on Hub, thus increasing the scope of the Arbitra�on centre. Ms.K.Saraswathi, Secretary General welcomed the speakers and par�cipants. Mr. Anand Gopalan, Chairman of Legal Expert Commi�ee set the tone for the discussion. He introduced the speakers for the discussions. Mr. Thomas Williams, Partner Dispute Resolu�on ; Arbitra�on Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners, Qatar, thanked MCCI and Mr Anirudh for invi�ng him to the session. He covered the England standard of Jurisdic�on. The evolu�on of English arbitra�on act, for last 10 years and why London arbitra�on is se�ng up standards to arbitra�on was widely covered. He highlighted that London is most trusted and a popular arbitra�on center in the world with its clear comprehensive legisla�ons.




The Madras Chamber

Mr. Ramesh Selvaraj, Co Deputy Head of Interna�onal Arbitra�on Prac�ce Allen and Gledhill LLP, Singapore addressed about the Singapore Interna�onal arbitra�on Hub. He shared a few facts for the popularity of Singapore arbitra�ons such as its geographical loca�on, governments constant efforts to open up to interna�onal arbitra�on, regular upda�ng of Singapore legisla�on to keep up with the world class standards, Singapore courts promo�on of Interna�onal Arbitra�on as a hub and how the jurisdic�on courts are pro arbitra�on in approach. He stated that this added value to the sophis�cated set up of Singapore Interna�onal Arbitra�on . He also addressed about the growth, value and cases of SIAC. Mr. Anirudh Krishnan, Managing Partner, AK Law Chambers broadly covered about India as an emerging Hub for Arbitra�on. He proposed 4 important points that are required for country to emerge as an arbitra�on Hub such as a) Robust arbitra�on regime b) minimum judicial approach c) System that incen�vize performance and decen�vise the default 4) improvement of the culture of arbitra�on. He highlighted that the quality of system and culture are to be strengthened and other systema�c problems can be addressed through technological interven�ons to speed up the process of arbitra�on. India‘s policy developments and realis�c legisla�ons are in place and from 2015 India is marching toward the global arbitra�on and he added that sooner India will emerge as the world class Arbitra�on centre. The Q and A Session a�er the presenta�ons was moderated by Mr. Anand Gopalan More than 70 par�cipants including lawyers, students and business professionals took part in the session.

Session on Legal Issues and Business Wolutions in Wake of Lockdown and its Aftermath - 24th April 2020 During the Pandemic Covid 19 and the lockdown, as there was an urgent need to understand the labour issues, payment of wages from the Legal and HR perspec�ve, this session was organized by the HR and IR Commi�ee in two parts where in legal experts spoke during the morning session and HR fraternity addressed the session during post lunch session. Ms. K. Saraswathi Secretary General welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants. Mr. Anand Gopalan, Co Chairman of HR / IR expert commi�ee introduced the speakers.




The Madras Chamber

First Session: Legal Perspec�ve Mr Bharat Goyal, Advocate, Mumbai explained the legisla�ons rela�ng to the disaster management, the various circulars from MHA and what are applicable to labour force. He added that during the a�ermath of the lockdown, the organiza�on priori�es will shi� to cost reduc�on measures and customer reten�on. We can expect Pay cuts, deferred increments and hiring could be stopped temporarily. He also stated that the employers should take a balanced view in respect of disengagement of contract labour during the lockdown. Mr. Michael Dias, Advocate New Delhi thanked MCCI for invi�ng him and other legal experts to give the perspec�ve in the domain of law. He stated that laws should be adhered to inspite of huge disrup�ons due to Pandemic. He added that the organiza�ons have to expand its applicability in these cri�cal situa�ons, because it calls for more of a humane approach to deal with sensi�vity issues of employees. A robust system to address the work from home has to be developed and the wages/salaries have to be paid as per the MCA guidance un�l the Labour Ministry addresses the issues. Medical and Life Insurance for employees have to be adequate. Mr Aditya Joshi, Advocate, Pune thanked MCCI for giving an opportunity to address in this session. The salient features covered in his address include the 20th and 29th March central government no�fica�ons as to how the workers should be treated, whether, permanent, contract or NEEM trainees and appren�ces. He also covered the consequences of non-payment to workers. A�er the presenta�ons, there was a Q and A session and the issues related to wages, lay off, pandemic law, leave , allowances ,compensa�on package were covered extensively. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General proposed the vote of thanks.

Post lunch session: HR perspec�ve in wake of lockdown and its a�ermath Ms. K. Saraswathi Secretary General welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants. Prof Sridhar,Chairman of HR / IR expert commi�ee introduced the speakers and added HR force is managing the new dynamic changes during this Covid 19 pandemic. Dr. C.Jayakumar ,Vice President and Head, Corporate Human Resource L& T Ltd. His address covered on how L & T put a structure in place for the staff members to work during this pandemic and the elaborate plans to operate post lockdown Mr Ronald Canute Sequeira, Entrepreneur-in-Residence Samara Capital addressed on how people can capitalize on some of the opportuni�es available during this pandemic. He added that supply chain will be a big opportunity and the leaders have to plan for the future. The employees are to be informed about the organiza�on plan and future initai�ves.




The Madras Chamber

Mr Adika Ratna Sekhar, Director [HR & CA], Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., explained about how their service and manufacturing business were set in place during the lockdown and stressed on the importance of safety measures to be adopted for the welfare of the employees. There was a Q and A session and the issues related to Salaries, Training, appraisal, downsizing and future norms of HR were discussed. More than 180+ par�cipants took part in both the sessions. HR professionals, Legal professionals, business professionals, students and consultants ac�vely par�cipated in this session.

Interactive Session with Mr. S V Krishna Kumar, Regional Director, ESI Corporation & Mr. Pranit Joshi, PF Commissioner, Chennai 28th April 2020 Under the auspices of the Legal Commi�ee, an interac�on with the authori�es of ESI and PF was organized jointly with EFSI on 28th April 2020, with the objec�ve to clarify the queries of the Employers regarding payment of ESI, whether the ESI funds could be diverted for wage payment and to understand the ini�a�ves taken under PF during the lockdown period. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants. Prof. N. Sridhar Chairman of HR /IR Expert commi�ee gave the introductory address and introduced the delegates to the webinar session. Mr. Srinageswar, Simpson Group thanked MCCI and ESFI for arranging interac�ve sessions with ESI Corpora�on and PF Commissioners and stated that it is the need of hour in wake of down lock. He applauded ESI Corpora�on for its ini�a�ves and involvement in Covid related works. Mr. Manickam of ESFI thanked PF commissioner and ESI Corpora�on for readily accep�ng and joining the interac�ve session. Mr. S V Krishna Kumar, Regional Director, ESI Corpora�on thanked MCCI and EFSI for jointly arranging the interac�ve session. He briefed about the various ini�a�ves of the ESI Corpora�on, gave the help line support details of ESI. He added that the ESI Corpora�on has made arrangements to �e up with private hospitals where in ESI Pa�ents are being allowed to take treatment. He assured that the ESI Corpora�on will ensure to make all payment for its Insured persons (IP) and all measures are put in place to ensure the con�nuity. All coverage of ESIC is also being done. All Districts of Tamil Nadu will be fully covered for availing the benefits. He also added that they are expec�ng a few ini�a�ves from the Government in the near future for the benefit of employers.




The Madras Chamber

The Q and A Session was moderated by Mr. Anand Gopalan, Co Chairman of HR /IR expert commi�ee. In the following Session, Mr. Pranit Joshi, Regional Commissioner, Provident Fund, Chennai made a very detailed presenta�on about PMGKY 2020 (Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana )scheme and PF Ini�a�ves, objec�ves and those who are eligible to be covered. In the Q and A session moderated by Mr. Anand Gopalan, par�cipants posted many ques�ons related to PF .Many ques�ons were addressed and the par�cipants were requested to send their queries to the Chamber to be consolidated and sent to the ESI and PF for clarifica�ons. More than 200 par�cipants across industry took part and the interac�ve session was well applauded. More than 100 ques�ons were raised to both ESI and PF commissioner.

Webinar on Covid 19 Inspired Lessons for Secure Work - From Home - 29th April 2020

Under the auspicies of the IT/ITES Commi�ee, a webinar on Covid 19 Inspired Lessons for Secure Work-From Home was organized on 29th April 2020. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General MCCI welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants. Mr. L. Ashok, chairman of IT/ITES expert commi�ee gave an overview of the program and introduced the speakers.




The Madras Chamber

Mr. Praveen Sasidharan, Partner – Cyber Risk Services, Deloi�e Touche Tohmatsu India LLP made a presenta�on on Working from Home – Impact of Technology session. He addressed on the challenges from WFH-last mail connec�vity ,cost of technology, laws and regula�ons, Cyber risk, unsecured network, Security system, an�-virus during remote network and the do’s and don’ts of WFH. Ms. Shobana P. Ravi, IT, Innova�on and Learning Officer ,TAFE addressed on Working from Home – The new normal – use cases session. She elaborated on the various measures adopted by TAFE to ensure con�nuity of business during the pandemic. She informed that MIS process were put in place and addi�onal so�ware and hardware were purchased and MS office Teams were used for internal communica�on. Further, the work was categorized based on the nature, and priority areas like R and D, Quality and systems were put in place for their func�oning. She also informed that measures are being taken to create a be�er atmosphere from those working from home. The Panel discussion was on the topic “Ask me Anything” Dr. Ramasub,ramanian Co Chairman of the IT Commi�ee and MD, Valiant Technologies Pvt Ltd. moderated the session . Panelists were Mr. L. Ashok , MD, Futurenet Technologies Pvt Ltd., Mr. R. Vi�al Raj,Partner, Kumar & Raj Chartered and Mr. Praveen Sasidharan. They answered various queries pertaining to IT and its usage during the new normal. More than 190 par�cipants across industry took part in this session.

General Commi�ee: Discussions The General Commi�ee had con�nuous discussions during the lockdown to discuss the impact of Covid 19 on the trade and commerce. Based on the concerns of the members of the Chamber, the Chamber prepared necessary recommenda�ons to the Government to accelerate the revival of the Industries. 13 Mee�ngs were held in the month of April 2020 apart from the regular GC mee�ng.

Expert Commi�ee The Chamber has been having regular mee�ngs with the Expert Commi�ees and this has been useful in understanding the different challenges faced by different sectors and for obtaining the sugges�ons/recommenda�ons from each commi�ee to be submi�ed to the Government. The Following Expert Commi�ees had their mee�ngs Logis�cs CSR Energy IT/ITes HR and IR




The Madras Chamber

Representa�ons made by the Chamber during the Lockdown The Chamber made the following representa�on to concerned authori�es during lockdown to address the concerns of the members. 1. Ministry of Civil Avia�on : Priority of clearance for live consignments ; Suspension of late filing fee ; Suspension of Penal demurrage charges levied by Port ; Logis�cs services for essen�al service – 24th March 2020 2. industries Dept., GoTN : Clearance of Essen�al Manufacturing goods at Inter State / Intra State ments – 28th March 2020


3. SEBI : Exemp�ng the Mee�ng of Independent Directors as per Provision under Companies Act 2013 – 30th March 2020 4. Ministry of Corporate Affairs : Representa�on on CSR - 5th April 2020 5. Ministry of Civil Avia�on : Demurrage waiver for import and exports consignments due to outbreak of COVID 19 at all air cargo complexes across the country / At Chennai Airport. – 9th April 2020 6. Industries Department, GoTN : Recommenda�ons for Industries – 10th April 2020 (Rep to State Govt.) 7. FM, GoI : Recommenda�ons for MCCI – 10th April 2020 (Rep to Central Govt) 8. Commerce Secretary, GoI : Recommenda�ons for MCCI – 10th April 2020 (Rep to Central Govt) 9. RBI Governor : MCCI Representa�on – 11th April 2020 10. FM, GoI : MCCI addi�onal Representa�on – 11th April 2020 11. Chief Minister, GoTN - 13th April 2020 12. CSR Representa�on through MHA – 17th April 2020 13. MCCI Recommenda�on for Relief for Exim – Economic Advisor, Ministry of Civil Avia�on – 20th April 2020 14. MCCI TN Restart Recommenda�ons – Select Chief Secretaries, GoTN – 25th April 2020

Help desk for Covid 19 by MCCI – Updates The Chamber ini�ated the help desk for Covid 19 in the website. As logis�cs is the sector where the challenges are manifold, in spite of the support provided by the Government through various measures, the Chamber has been receiving numerous queries and the experts in logis�cs commi�ee have been providing the necessary guidance. There has been a posi�ve feedback from some of the members and they have expressed their apprecia�on for the efforts of the Chamber. Further, the Chamber has been upda�ng the circulars and no�fica�ons from different Government departments in the website apart from the sending the same by mails to members for their ready reference. The Chamber through its various mee�ngs with the Expert Commi�ees and through whatsapp groups have been providing necessary informa�on/updates about measures taken by the Government.


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