The Madras Chamber
The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The Madras Chamber
12th August 2021 SAGARMALA – “The Catalyst for India’s Logis�cs boom”, a Virtual Interac�ve session with Invest India
Job Fair
13th August 2021
18th August 2021 Knowledge Sharing Session on “One Na�on, One Grid, One Frequency, One Price
Factory visit to Mando Automo�ve India Pvt. Ltd
19th August 2021
19th August 2021
Presenta�on on "An insight into Securi�es and Exchange Board of India (Prohibi�on of Insider Trading) Regula�ons, 2015"
Twel�h Arbitra�on Webinar Series: "Investment Treaty Arbitra�on”
20th & 21st August 2021
25th August 2021 Talk on " Businesses in Ancient Madras and Modern Chennai"
Session on HS Code 2022
General Commi�ee Mee�ng
Expert Commi�ee Mee�ng
The Madras Chamber
7th August 2021
Job Fair
The pandemic had caused a major disrup�on in various aspects of life and the most important one in the world is that of sustained employment for those who had one and crea�ng some for those who have lost or do not have. Hence the Rotary Club of Chennai Mambalam and Rotary Club of Chennai Spotlight from the Rotary Interna�onal District 3232, Chennai, India joined hands with the Govt of Tamil Nadu to conduct a Job Fair on 7th Aug 2021 at the YMCA Ground, Royape�ah, Chennai 600014 , with a clear guided principles of the State Government’s SOP for the pandemic all through the pre & post event. The Madras Chamber supported the organizers in ge�ng the right companies / employers to par�cipate in the fair. The below companies par�cipated in the job fair. 1. Allsec Technologies 2. Apex Laborotories 3. Apollo Tyres 4. Futurenet Technologies 5. Thejo Engineering 6. TVS Supply Chain Solu�ons 7. Wheels India 8. Yazaki 9. M M Forgings 10. Stahl India The Chamber extended its support and more than 120 companies par�cipated and 3500 candidates have taken part and about 700 candidates have been selected and issued appointment orders.
12th August 2021 “SAGARMALA – The Catalyst for India’s Logis�cs boom”, a Virtual Interac�ve session with Invest India
The chamber under the auspices of the logis�cs expert commi�ee organized the SAGARMALA – The Catalyst for India’s Logis�cs boom”, a Virtual Interac�ve session with Invest India on 12th August 2021. This Interac�ve session was organised to understand the Government of India's logis�cs plans with special reference to Sagarmala.
The Madras Chamber
Mr J Krishnan, S.Natesa Iyer Logis�cs & LLP delivered the welcome address and set the context. He highlighted the need for crea�ng infrastructure for ports. Further he added that ports helps in crea�on of ci�es and mega ci�es as well .In order to achieve the USD 5 trillion economy, the ports play a pivotal role .He then introduced the Speaker Ms. Prerna Soni, Vice President, Invest India. Ms. Prerna Soni, Vice President, Invest India, Department for Promo�on of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India made a detailed presenta�on on the Invest India (Na�onal Investment Promo�on and Facilita�on Agency) ini�a�ves and the project spearheaded under Invest India. Further a walk through of what is happening worldwide and how India is doing to tap the other markets were explained in detail. She elaborated the project Sagarmala and emphasized that these projects weredone mainly to reduce logis�cs cost and be part of the global supply chain. With regard to freight corridors extensions and other railway projects, measures aretaken to ensure the last mail connec�vity. Mr U Udayabhaskar Reddy,Chairman Logis�cs Expert Commi�ee posted a few structured ques�ons related to EXIM issues , ship building and request for extension of freight corridor to South India were posted and suggested. There was an open house a�er the structured Q&A. Ms K.Saraswathi Secretary General, MCCI proposed the formal vote of thanks. We had over 44 par�cipants and was mixed group of par�cipants and the feedback was very posi�ve.
13th August 2021 Factory visit to Mando Automo�ve India Pvt.Ltd
Mr. S. Sarathi, Chairman of the Manufacturing Commi�ee had extended an invita�on for a factory visit to Mando Automo�ve India Pvt.Ltd., (Anand Groupfor understanding the Opera�ng Engineers (OE) model which is considered as an Industry benchmark. We had 11 members from the manufacturing commi�ee who visited the Factory and found the visit very useful and informa�ve.
The Madras Chamber
18th August 2021
Knowledge Sharing Session “One Na�on, One Grid, One Frequency, One Price Under the auspices of the Energy Commi�ee the chamber organized Knowledge Sharing Session on " One Na�on, One Grid, One Frequency, One Price on 18th August 2021. The energy sector plays a crucial role in the progress of the country and influences both ease of living and ease of doing business. The Government of India is working on uniform electricity pricing across India and this may need synchronizing all regional grids and ensuring seamless connec�vity in order to achieve substan�al annual savings. For this purpose, the Govt has recently come out with a discussion paper on One Na�on, One Grid, One Frequency, One Price. In order to know more about the proposed concept, the Chamber organized the knowledge sharing session. Mr. S Venkatachalam, Chairman Energy Expert commi�ee gave the Welcome Address. Ms K. Saraswathi , Secretary General introduced the speakers.
Speakers for the session were •
Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Head - Business Development (Domes�c) PT&D, L&T Construc�on.
Mr. A Kalyanasundaram, Head - Engineering Competency Development, PT&D, L&T Construc�on
Mr. Piyush Bhatnagar Manager- Business Development, PT&D, L&T Construc�on
Business Video & A brief Presenta�on on L&T Ltd. was made by Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Head - Business Development (Domes�c) PT&D, L&T Construc�on. The session was divided into technical and commercial where in the Technical Aspects was covered by Mr. A Kalyanasundaram, Head - Engineering Competency Development, PT&D, L&T Construc�on and the Economic and Commercial Aspects were covered by Mr. Piyush Bhatnagar Manager- Business Development PT&D, L&T Construc�on and Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Head - Business Development (Domes�c) PT&D, L&T Construc�on. Followed by the presenta�ons, we had the Q & A Session. Vote was thanks was delivered by Mr.Suryanarayana Rao,Co-Chairman, MCCI Energy Commi�ee . We had more than 40 par�cipants and it was a diversified mix of par�cipants and the feedback was good.
The Madras Chamber
19th August 2021
Presenta�on on the topic "An insight into Securi�es and Exchange Board of India (Prohibi�on Of Insider Trading) Regula�ons, 2015
The Chamber under the auspices of the Company Law Commi�ee organized the Presenta�on on the topic "An insight into Securi�es and Exchange Board of India (Prohibi�on of Insider Trading) Regula�ons, 2015 in order to create the awareness on the new Insider Trading regula�ons. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General welcomed the members. Dr. B. Ravi, Chairman of the Company Law Commi�ee set the context and introduced the speaker, Ms. Shailashri Bhaskar, Prac�sing Company Secretary. Ms. Shailashri Bhaskar made a detailed presenta�on covering the Prohibi�on of Insider Trading Regula�ons, Code of Fair Disclosure, Code of Conduct for the Preven�on of Insider Trading and Whistle blower mechanism . Dr. B. Ravi moderated the Q&A session and the queries were clarified by Ms. Shailashri Bhaskar. Ms. B. Chandra, Co chairman of the Company Law commi�ee proposed the formal vote of thanks The Program was a�ended by more than 31 members and the feedback was posi�ve.
19th August 2021
Twel�h Arbitra�on Webinar Series on the topic "Investment Treaty Arbitra�on "
The Chamber under the auspices of the MCCI
Concilia�on Centre is organizing the Twel�h Arbitra�on Webinar Series on the topic "Investment Treaty Arbitra�on " on 19th August 2021 . Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the welcome remarks and introduced the speaker, Mr Shreyas Jayasimha Founding Partner Aarna Law LLP. Mr
addressed on the investment Treaty Arbitra�on .
The Madras Chamber
He concluded by advoca�ng the need for reforms in Investment treaty protec�on. In the Q & A session Ms. Madhri Guruswamy, Advocate, T S Gopalan & Co. moderated the sessionand the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Mr Shreyas Jayasimha . Ms. K.Saraswathi, Secretary General, proposed the vote of thanks. The Program was well a�ended by more than 33 par�cipants and the feedback was posi�ve.
20th & 21st August 2021
Session on HS Code 2022 Under the auspices of the Logis�cs expert Commi�ee Chamber organized a comprehensive session covering all the changes in HS Code 2022 on 20th and 21st August 2021. This was a repeat session based on the requests of the members.
Mr.J.Krishnan, Partner, S. Natesa Iyer Logis�cs LLP. was the speaker for the session . He made a detailed presenta�on covering all changes in HS code 2022.
We had more than 24 par�cipants a�ended the session and they found it useful.
25th August 2021 Talk on "Businesses in Ancient Madras and Modern Chennai"
The Chamber organized a Talk on” Businesses in Ancient Madras and Modern Chennai" - 25th August 2021. This was organized to commemorate the Madras Day. Mr Srivats Ram, President MCCI gave the welcome address . He briefed about MCCI’s history and role and informed about the Chambers new ini�a�ve “Chennai as a Next Financial Hub”, taking a lead on making Chennai a next genera�on financial hub.
The Madras Chamber
Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI introduced the speakers for the day. Mr. Pradeep Chakravarthy, Historian, Chennai and Moderator Panelists : •
Mr. Venkatesh Ramakrishnan, Bilingual Novelist & Historian
Ms. Suhsila Ravindranath, Senior Journalist
Mr Pradeep set the context and briefed about the core business in Madras through the ages. Core business
commodi�es, tex�les, horses and ivory. Spices were also traded across the peninsula for shipment from Tiruvotriur, Manali and Mylapore. Followed
Ramakrishnan, explained the key business in the colonial �mes , and about the post Independence by Ms. Suhsila Ravindranath. Second aspects discussed were e on the role of business in the colonial �mes by Mr. Venkatesh Ramakrishnan and post-Independence on the overall development of the society By Ms. Suhsila Ravindranath. Mr Venkatesh briefed about ini�al trade, exports, popula�on, salve trade and products sold during colonial �mes. Ms. Suhsila covered the growth of business during post-independence, Industrial estate developments, manufacturing hub, financial and retail capital of the city. Madras was a city of buzzing ac�vity entrepreneurship and startup culture were very ac�ve. Traders were very proud about doing business with ethics and values and were closely connected to religious ins�tu�ons and the community in seeing themselves as having strong ethics. The trade journey spanning centuries and the recent development on brick and motor set up and Fintech city was covered. A�er the panel discussion, we had a Q&A session. Mr. Pradeep Chakravarthy moderated the session. Mr. J. Krishnan, GC member proposed the formal vote of thanks. The session was well a�ended by more than 62 a�endees.
The Madras Chamber
Mee�ng with Ms. Pooja Kulkarni, IAS, MD, Guidance Tamil Nadu on 6th August 2021 Mr. Srivats Ram, President Mr Ramkumar, Past President Mr. T. R. Kesavan, Vice President, Ms. Saraswathi, Secretary General and Mr.Sriram, Samma� Consul�ng had a mee�ng with Ms. Pooja Kulkarni, IAS, MD, Guidance Tamil Nadu. This mee�ng was to update on the ac�vi�es undertaken by the Chamber to support the ac�vi�es of the Guidance Tamil Nadu to enhance the investments in the State.
Uganda Hybrid Road Show Programme from 12thAugust -14th August 2021 The Chamber extended its support for the "Uganda Hybrid Road Show Programme”, organized from 12th August to 14th August 2021 at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai by the High Commissioner of Uganda, New Delhi along with PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one of the co-promoter Chambers of ASSOCHAM. The Uganda Hybrid Road Show themed as Uganda- India: Raising flags for Mutual Economic Growth is to encourage and a�ract the Indian Industry to consider Uganda as the possible des�na�on of Investment & Trade and to access the African market. High level diplomats and execu�ves from their Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Investment par�cipated in this unique event. Themes for 3 days were Reaching for lucra�ve investment opportuni�es in the Pearl of Africa , Reaching for lucra�ve tourism and culture investment opportuni�es in the Pearl of Africa and Reaching for lucra�ve trade opportuni�es in the Pearl of Africa. Many of ourmembers ac�vely par�cipated in the Three-Day Road Show both Physically and Virtually and found it useful for their business.
Mee�ng with Mr. Ramkumar, Advocate and Independent Director, City Union Bank on 28th August 2021.
General Commi�ee Mee�ng: Regular GC mee�ng held on - 14th August 2021
Expert Commi�ee Mee�ng: WBC commi�ee mee�ng was held on 26th August 2021