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Webinar on COVID 19 Prescrip�on Move forward

2ND MAY 2020

Interactive Session on “Ease of Doing Business – Customs Digital Initiatives & Current Measures by Ms Sudha Koka, IRS, Commissioner of Customs IV, Chennai


Under the auspices of Logis�cs commi�ee the webinar on Ease of Doing Business – Customs Digital Ini�a�ves & Current Measures was organized on Saturday, 2nd May 2020.

Ms. K. Saraswathi Secretary General welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants

Mr. P. Kanniappan, GC member of MCCI and

Managing Director, WABCO India Ltd., was the Chief Guest in his address he expressed apprecia�on for the various ini�a�ves of the Customs and also elaborated on a few concerns to be addressed for the benefit of the Industries.

Mr. S. Padmanabhan GC member of MCCI and Managing Director Sa�va Hitech & Conware Pvt.Ltd. introduced Ms. Sudha Koka, IRS, Commissioner of Customs IV.

Ms Sudha Koka, Commissioner of Customs IV, Chennai thanked the Chamber for organizing the interac�ve session and introduced her team to the par�cipants.

Ms Sudha Koka stated that Chennai customs is providing quick and efficient services and they are exploring all digital pla�orms to ease out be�er ways of service. The important measures taken during Covid 19 includes 1) in collabora�on with NSE affairs and other stake holders - the waiver of storage period 2) movement of cargo – passes and e passes 3) e gate pass 4) more relaxa�on on clearance 5) Bank guarantee and advances - many facilita�ons have been done 6) in Customs Chennai and CBIC website all circulars have been updated 7) many relaxa�ons in bank guarantee norms 8) exporters SP005 correc�on is extended for further 6 months period. 9) Dedicated email id created for clarifica�on for SP005 Correc�on.9) Separate email ids are created for the benefit of the users who can reach out to Customs to get their queries clarified.

Ms Sudha Koka, IRS informed representa�ons received from the Chamber will be considered to for necessary implementa�on.

A�er the session in the Q&A session, Mr. J. Krishnan, GC member of MCCI and Partner S Natesa Iyer & Co was the Moderator. Most of the queries were answered and the relevant authori�es contact details were shared by the team for taking up further concerns, if any.

We had more than 110 par�cipants who took part in the interac�ve session and the feedback was posi�ve.

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