7 minute read
Interac�on with Industries Department Mr.Muruganandam, IAS, Principal Secretary reg. Labour reforms
16TH MAY 2020
The Chamber jointly with Medicall and Biovedas organized a webinar for doctors and allied healthcare professionals to understand their post covid prac�ces and also to share the best prac�ces being followed in the health care industry.
Two renowned experts Dr. S. Manivannan Founder and Managing Director Kauvery Hospital and Mr. N.S. Viswanathan Chief Finance Officer MFine, were the panelists and the webinar was moderated by Mr. J. Raghunathan ,Director Alpharithm Technologies.
Ms. K. Saraswathi Secretary General, MCCI welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants.
Mr. Srivastan, Director Bio Vedas Consultancy Pvt. Ltd introduced the panelists and moderator to the delegates.
Followed by the brief introduc�on of the speakers, there was a Q & A session for the par�cipants. Both the panelist gave insights and examples of how they are following in their respec�ve hospitals and how the covid 19 is been handled worldwide.
The Webinar was well a�ended by 40 delegates, professionals such as doctors, consultants and other health care professionals.
10TH MAY 2020
17TH MAY 2020
31ST MAY 2020
Certificate Course – HCFM
very detailed presenta�on covering what is digital transforma�on, key audit procedures and how digital This is a joint program with Medicall on Financial Management for Medical Professionals. As we had only 2 physical classes before the lockdown the cer�ficate course was completed through webinars. The three sessions on customs, GST and Capital Expenditure were completed.
Mr. J. Krishnan Partner S. Natesa Iyer and co.
Mr. K.Vaitheeswaran Advocate & Tax Consultant K. Vaitheeswaran & Co Ms. Sripriya Kumar Partner SPR & Co., Chartered Accountants
18TH MAY 2020
TO 22TH MAY 2020
Certificate Course on POSH
Due to the rapid growth in industrializa�on and with the advent of globaliza�on and improvement in different fields, women in India are taking up more and more opportuni�es. Working from home, or telecommu�ng has become a compulsory norm in the wake of social isola�on amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a drama�c shi� in workplace dynamics, and the companies should be proac�ve in acknowledging that the workplace has transformed in ways they did not contemplate even six months ago, and should constantly refresh their frameworks for workplace safety.
With the set objec�ve this virtual cer�ficate on Preven�on of Sexual Harassment Act (POSH) was held with the support of CEO - TSG Consultancy. It was a 5 day session for 1.5 hours every day.
Experts who handled the sessions were: • Mr. Aditya Joshi, Advocate, Pune • Ms Saras Bhasker, Counseling Psychologist & Coach • Ms Madri Guruswamy Advocate, T.S.Gopalan & Co. • DR.R. Krishna Murthy, Director, Industrial Rela�ons, Ins�tute of India, Mumbai • Ms Veena Gopalakrishnan, Partner, AZB & Partners, Bangalore • Dr. Rupande Padaki Founder Director, The P & P Group • Mr TR Harish ,Advocate, BCP Associates, Bengaluru • Ms.Shru� Joshi Advocate, Pune • Ms Savitha Kesav Jagadeesan, Resident Partner, Kochhar & Co. • Mr Kannan, CEO, Vietnam Company Ltd. Some of the topics dealt in the course includes: • History & Overview of POSH Act • Best Prac�ces – Step by step process of conduc�ng enquiry • Skills of barefoot Counselling • Mind the Gap – Psychosocial implica�ons of sexual harassment • Gender sensi�za�on & Gender equality • Case Studies & Case Laws -Discussion by Legal experts • Prac�cal aspects & Challenges – Panel Discussion
The Cer�ficate course was completed successfully and the feedback was excellent. HR professionals, Lawyers, Students, consultants par�cipated and in the cer�ficate course. There were around 38 par�cipants for the course.
29TH MAY 2020
The Pandemic Covid 19 has significantly impacted the higher educa�on sector; there is a paradigm shi� in educa�on sector, with virtual classrooms and on line learning transforming the centuries – old, chalk talk teaching model. A mul�-pronged approach is necessary to manage and build a resilient educa�on system in the long term. To understand the challenges and opportuni�es for Academia a webinar was organized on 29th May, 2020. Act (POSH) was held with the support of CEO - TSG Consultancy. It was a 5 day session for 1.5 hours every day. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the welcome address.
Mr. R.M. Kishore, Chairman, MCCI Educa�on & Skill Commi�ee & Vice Chairman, RMK Group of Engineering Colleges gave the introductory address and introduced Mr. Ramkumar. Mr Ramkumar Ramamoorthy President, MCCI & Chairman & Managing Director, India Cognizant Technology Solu�ons India Pvt. Ltd. addressed on “Covid 19 – Challenges and Opportuni�es for Academia”
He informed Covid 19 is unprecedented Pandemic. He highlighted that we have to rethink and reimagine the learning con�nuum. Reimagining everything we do is important for survival and growth.From Admissions, teaching learning and modali�es and placement are going to have substan�al changes. He elaborated on the acronym CLIMB and cited examples of best prac�ces for necessary implementa�on. C- Con�nuous learning. L – Learn agility I – Interdisciplinary M – Modulariza�on B - Blended borderless with online educa�on and technology
Followed by his address, the Q and A session was moderated by Ms Vandhana Sundaram , Associate Director, Cognizant , Member of Educa�on and Skill commi�ee . Mr. R.M. Kishore, summed up and thanked Mr Ram Kumar Ramamoorthy . Ms. K. Saraswathi proposed the vote of thanks.
There were more than 150+ delegates including the Principals of Engineering Colleges, Technical Ins�tu�ons and facul�es in the webinar.
30TH MAY 2020
Webinar on “Survival Strategies for Small & Medium Hospitals during Covid 19 - Ask all About Employee Management
The Chamber organized a second series of Survival Strategies for Small & Medium Hospitals during Covid 19 webinar with Medicall and Biovedas on “Ask all About Employee Management” on 30th May 2020. First series covered the best prac�ces being followed in the health care industry and the second series covered the aspects of employee management in healthcare industry. Two renowned experts Dr. S. Mannivannan Founder and
Managing Director. Kauvery Hospital and Mr. Ganesh Selvaraj , Senior Health care HR Professional were the panelists and the webinar was moderated by Prof N Sridhar, Adjunct Professor – Finance, Great Lakes Ins�tute of with the support of CEO - TSG Management. Ms. K.Saraswathi Secretary General, MCCI welcomed the speakers and the par�cipants.
Followed by the speaker’s introduc�on there was a Q&A session. Ques�ons related to safety of employees, Training of employees, Salary cut, were posted.
Webinar was well a�ended by more than 50 professionals including doctors, consultants and other health care professionals.
SME survey presentation by MCCI to Industrial Sec & Finance Sec
A�er a series of policy measures announced by the Government for the benefit of the MSMEs during covid 19, the Chamber took up a detailed survey with the objec�ve of finding the key challenges faced by the MSMEs and to understand their awareness about the various schemes announced by the Government. There was an overwhelming response from 1200 MSMEs within a short span of 4 days, thanks to the support of the General Commi�ee members in the manufacturing sector. With the support of Samma� Consul�ng LLP, a quick analysis was made with eight specific recommenda�ons to the Government. A detailed presenta�on was made to Mr. S.Krishnan IAS, Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Mr. Muruganandam, IAS, Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Ms.Anu George, IAS Industries Commissioner and a few other senior officers in the Industries Department.
The Chamber’s presenta�on on the findings and the recommenda�ons were greatly appreciated by the officials who also gave a few addi�onal sugges�ons. The same have been incorporated in our report.