2 minute read

Implica�ons of Digital Transforma�on of Audit Procedures

Followed by his talk, Mr. V. Shenoy Vishwanath Execu�ve Director, Indian Bank made a brief introductory address. He emphasized that the bank is taking all measures for ensuring the smooth opera�ons and con�nuity of the business.

Mr. Srivats Ram, MD, Wheels India & Vice President MCCI gave a special address. He stated that Indian economy is slowing down and in last 2 quarters not many ac�vi�es have been happening in manufacturing sector. He assured that the economy and country will revive soon, though it may be slow. He added that banks should play a pivotal role in suppor�ng the Industries and credit facility will be key factor for growth.


Mr. V. S. Narayanan, GM, Corporate Credit & Mr. K S Sudhakara Rao, GM, MSME made a detailed presenta�on on Indian bank products to MSME’s, Women entrepreneur , and to other businesses.

Followed by the sessions we had an interac�ve Q&A session. Mr V S Narayanan, GM, Corporate Credit, Mr . K. S. Sudhakara Rao, GM, MSME and Mr K. Chandra Reddy, FGM, Indian Bank were the panelists.

Par�cipants were customers of Indian bank, Business professionals, MCCI members. We had around 70+ Par�cipants.

Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General thanked Indian Bank for its new ini�a�ve and sounded that the session was very informa�ve

11TH MAY 2020

Implications of Digital Transformation of Audit Procedures

how different states in India are affected, how transmission of virus is spreading and he emphasized that the The Chamber jointly with Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts and Science College for Women - Department of Commerce organized a webinar on Implica�ons of Digital Transforma�on of Audit Procedures on 11th May 2020

Dr. K.Rama Subramaniam, Director & CEO, Valiant Technologies Pvt. Ltd., was the speaker of the session. He made a very detailed presenta�on covering what is digital transforma�on, key audit procedures and how digital transforma�on has impacted audit procedures. Many examples related to digital transforma�on was sited.

More than 175+ par�cipants a�ended the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.

14TH MAY 2020

Interaction with Industries Department Mr.Muruganandam, IAS, Principal Secretary regarding Labour reforms

This mee�ng was held to update and propose the labour reforms which are essen�al for industries Post covid lock down keeping in mind the ordinance passed in other states.

Mr. Srivat Ram Vice President MCCI set the context and Mr. Anand Gopalan Chairman of IR Commi�ee made a detailed presenta�on of the reforms required in labour laws.

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