Monthly Report - May 2021

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The Madras Chamber


The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry



The Madras Chamber


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8th May 2021


Session on Understanding Sec�on 80G and 12AB (Income tax Act) Valida�on and their impact on CSR

13th May 2021

Presenta�on on MSME Policy 2021

8th, 15th & 22nd May 2021


9th arbitra�on webinar series on Mari�me Arbitra�ons with Illustra�ons from the Suez Canal MV Ever given


12th May 2021

MCCI Cer�ficate Program On New Labour Codes

22nd May 2021 Panel Discussion on IT Intermediary Rules

General Commi�ee Mee�ng

Expert Commi�ee Mee�ng





The Madras Chamber

8th May 2021 Session on Understanding Sec�on 80G and 12AB (Income tax Act) Valida�on and their impact on CSR

The Chamber under the auspices of the Company Law Commi�ee and CSR Commi�ee jointly organized a Session on “Understanding Sec�on 80G and 12AB (Income tax Act) Valida�on and their impact on CSR -8th May 2021. This program was organised to understand the procedures and the process to be followed under the above sec�ons, for the benefit of the members. Dr. B Ravi, Chairman, Company Law Commi�ee





introduced the speaker CA. Subashini Ganapathy, Founder Partner, Subashini & Associates LLP. CA. Subashini Ganapathy made a detailed address on the amendments to the Sec. 12AB and 80G of the Income Tax Act. The Government is aiming to create a na�onal register of all charitable en��es, and eliminate the defunct and inac�ve ones through these amendments. The proposed amendments, their implica�ons in terms of registra�on/cer�fica�on status and future dona�ons, was dealt in detail .Further the Impact on implemen�ng agencies (trusts and not-for-profits) and Impact on corporate / individual donors and CSR implementa�on partners were highlighted. In the Q & A session Dr B Ravi, Chairman Company law Commi�ee moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by CA. Subashini Ganapathy. Apart from the structured Q&A we had an open Q&A ques�ons wherein Dr B Ravi compiled the queries posted by the par�cipants and CA. Subashini Ganapathy answered the same. Ms Rajashree Natarajan, Chairperson , CSR Expert Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. The Program was a�ended by more than 77 members primarily included NGOs and Corporates and the feedback was posi�ve.





The Madras Chamber

12th May 2021 Presenta�on on MSME Policy 2021

Under the auspices of the Manufacturing Commi�ee, the Chamber organized a Virtual Presenta�on on MSME Policy 2021 for the benefit of the members. Mr Sarathi, Chairman, Manufacturing

Commi�ee Introduced the speaker Mr.V.Sriram, Partner, Samma�

Consul�ng and Analy�cs LLP and set the context for the mee�ng. Mr.V.Sriram made a detailed presenta�on covering the policy targets and strategies and the incen�ve schemes for start-ups were also discussed in detail. He further highlighted few areas which were not covered in the policy like how ini�a�ves like Industry 4.0 will be provided assistance/incen�ves, no specific stress on ‘Athmanirbar’ to take advantage of central policies and as to how to bring in those micro units which have never been able to access formal funding sources. He urged the Chamber to represent those areas which have not been covered to the new government. In the Q & A session ,Ms K Saraswathi, moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Mr. V. Sriram. Queries related to subsidy, TIIC role, delay in payments, maintenance related to Industrial estates and sugges�ons in terms of plug and play model requirements were posted. The program was a�ended by more than 40 members took part in the session and the feedback was posi�ve.


13th May 2021 9th arbitra�on webinar series on Mari�me Arbitra�ons with Illustra�ons from the Suez Canal MV Ever given

The Chamber under the auspices of the MCCI Arbitra�on, Media�on and Concilia�on Centre organized the Ninth Arbitra�on webinar series on 13th May 2021. Ms Madhumathi.C, Registrar of Arbitra�on Centre gave a brief introduc�on about the Chamber and the Arbitra�on Centre and introduced the speaker. Mr.Ashwin Shanker, Advocate & Arbitrator, Chambers of George Rebello addressed the Session He made a detailed presenta�on on Suez Canal Crisis and its a�ermath.




The Madras Chamber

The containership Ever Given ran aground while transi�ng the Suez Canal on March 23, 2021, lodging herself against both banks of the waterway. The blockage caused vessels backed up in the Mediterranean to the north and the Red Sea to the south. The effect on the global supply chain due to the incident resulted in insurance claims. The claims will not come only from cargo on board the Ever Given but from cargoes on ships which voyage will be delayed due to inability to transit the Canal. Possible Kinds of Mari�me Li�ga�on / Arbitra�ons that would arise out of this incident was dealt in detail. In the Q & A session Mr. J Krishnan, MCCI GC member moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Mr.Ashwin Shanker. Ques�ons related to General Average, salvage, force majeure and mari�me li�ga�ons were posted. Ms K Saraswathi proposed the formal vote of thanks. The program was well a�ended by more than 123 par�cipants and students from AMET university joined in large numbers as this was a case study subject and the feedback was posi�ve.


8th, 15th & 22nd May 2021 MCCI Cer�ficate Program On New Labour Codes

The Chamber has completed two virtual sessions on 17th and 24th April on Code on Wages & Code on Industrial Rela�ons. The sessions on Occupa�onal Safety and Health code and Social Security code were covered during the month of May 2021. • Occupa�onal Health, Safety & Working Condi�ons was handled by Mr.Srinageshwar, Vice President, (Group Industrial Rela�ons), Simpson Group & Ms Savitha Kesav Jagadeesan , Senior Resident Partner , Kochhar & Co., • Code on Social security was handled by Mr.P.Senthilkumar,PF Commissioner-Tambaram, Ms.K Sribhoomi Yesaswini ,Kasturi Associates, Bangalore and Mr.K.Varadan,Chief Consulta�on Officer, Aparajitha Corporate Services




The Madras Chamber

A�er the comple�on of the Couse, there was an online assessment for the par�cipants. The course was well a�ended by more 99 par�cipants and par�cipants were from across Industries in India. The feedback was posi�ve and there are requests to conduct these courses on a regular basis with the necessary updates.


22nd May 2021 Panel Discussion on the "IT Intermediary Rules"

The Chamber under the auspices of IT/ITES and Legal Expert commi�ee organized a Panel discussion on the “IT Intermediary Rules on 22nd May 2021. The







and its

No�fica�on dated 25.02.2021 enacted the



(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. This new rule has received mixed response from the Industry. While these rules are trying to regulate some of the features of social media and OTT pla�orms, the real challenge lies in its implementa�on. We had experts from legal, IT and policy to discuss the impact of






stakeholders. Ms K Saraswathi , Secretary general anchored the session. Mr. L Ashok, Chairman IT/ITES Expert Commi�ee gave an overview of the theme. He informed that this is very important topic to discuss because today we could see intermediaries are influencing the society and corporate are becoming stronger and stronger. He cited that every country wants to have a regula�on and developing country like India is making the new paradigm shi� by these laws. He raised the ques�on as to how are we going to implement and manage all the intermediates within a same spectrum of regularly framework? Ms.Savitha.K. Jagadessan , Co-Chair, Legal Commi�ee Introduced the Speakers for the panel discussion.




The Madras Chamber

Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran Advocate & Tax Consultant and moderator set the context for the panel discussion . He stated that the enactment of Data Protec�on Bill, 2019 is yet to happen but there is a deluge of informa�on and one cannot deny the fact that what appears true could be false and what appears false could be true and the web space has truly become ‘maya’. The new rules to a large extent have resemblance to the General Data Protec�on Regula�on and EU Code of Prac�ce on Disinforma�on. The measures also seem to extract a few ideas from the Data Protec�on Bill, 2019. Borrowed from many, the rules are quite comprehensive in nature. Mere laws would not bring about change and society will have to be aware of the serious damage that can be caused on account of misinforma�on or disinforma�on. The need of the hour is a law for data protec�on which deals with both rights and du�es.

A�er his ini�al remarks for the Panel discussion he posted the structured ques�ons to the panelist.

Ms. N. S. Nappinai, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, & Founder of Cyber Saathi dealt with the legal perspec�ve of the law. Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, posted ques�ons broadly related to legal aspects covering the scope and ambit of the new intermediary guidelines, enforceability and impact of implemen�ng these regula�ons without the enactment of the Data Protec�on Law. These ques�ons helped the par�cipants to understand about the law and its framework.

Mr. Pranesh Prakash, Policy Director, The Centre for Internet and Society, Bengaluru covered the policy perspec�ve. Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, posted ques�ons broadly related to the new regula�ons on the privacy of subscribers, global prac�ces and similar guidelines and improved self-regula�on.

Mr Rajendran Dhanapani, Director of Engineering, Zoho Corpora�on covered the industry percep�ve. Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, posted ques�ons like how industry perceive these new rules?, how prac�cal is regula�on of code of ethics, code of prac�ces and steps companies would generally take in implemen�ng these rules.

Ms K Saraswathi proposed the formal vote of thanks.

The Program was well a�ended by more than 73 par�cipants and many members from IT and Legal companies par�cipated in the panel discussion and the feedback was posi�ve.




The Madras Chamber

General Commi�ee Mee�ng: Regular GC mee�ng held on 8th May 2021)

Expert commi�ee Mee�ngs : 1.

IT/ITES Mee�ng -10th May 2021


Educa�on Commi�ee Mee�ng -12th May 2021


Logis�cs Commi�ee Mee�ng -15th May 2021


Legal Commi�ee -19th May 2021


Company Law -20th May 2021


Other core Commi�ee Mee�ngs

Other mee�ngs: 1.

Mr Srivats Ram, President a�ended the mee�ng for select Industrial associa�ons to discuss about the lockdown and Covid relief measures organised under the leadership of Mr M.K Stalin, Honorable Chief Minister of TN on 9th May 2021.


Mr. Srivats Ram a�ended the virtual mee�ng organised under the leadership of Mr M.K Stalin, Honorable Chief Minister of TN on 19th May 2021 for select industrial associa�ons and industries to share their Covid contribu�on and other support extended to TN Government.


Interac�ve virtual Mee�ng with Dr.G Kumar ,Omandurar Medical College & hospital to understand the requirement of Omandurar Hospital for procuring medical oxygen concentrators.


Mee�ngs with Vendor and donors for procuring medical oxygen Concentrators to Omandurar Hospital


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