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Tee It Up
HHCC Golf Guest Rates & Cart Fees
SATURDAYS Effective JANUARY 1st, 2022
* Cart Fee to $21 (+
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th thru SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th I 10:00am start) (shotgun
Saturday tee times will be set as a10:00am shotgun starts. We will allow for 20 groups and we will keep a waiting list as well. Slots in the shotgun start, can be held by normal online booking and will be available the Wednesday in advance at 7:30 am.
If the shotgun is full and you wish to be placed on the waiting list please contact the golf shop at 865-525-0626. The Golf Shop will take away any unfilled slots 24 hours in advance to free spots for others.
Certainly we anticipate frost delays. If we know days in advance we will move the shotgun to a later time and notify the members. Always keep an eye on the tee sheet for day of notifications in case it is unclear the day before and the staff has to make a last minute decision to delay.
HHCC Upcoming Spring Golf Events
Mark your calendars now!
MARCH 7th - 9th I Aeration
(course closed) MARCH 26th I PXG Fitting Day
APRIL 6th I Masters Par 3 Tournament (both Ladies & Men)
APRIL 7th I Dogfight KICKS-OFF APRIL 11th I Knoxville PGA Pro-Am APRIL 16th I Council Fire Interclub @HHCC
APRIL 23rd & 24th I HH Member-Member
The full HHCC Golf Schedule for 2022 is posted online, we are still finalizing dates. Updates will be posted in the HHCC Weekly Happenings and on the Holston Hills website. If you have any additional questions, please contact the golf sho[p at 865.525.0626.

HHCC Young Professional Golf/Mixer
Starting this Spring, 2022
Be on the lookout for dates this spring as we are beginning a "9&Wine" series for members in the Young Executive class. We hope to offer a chance for you to develop your networks within the club amongst your peers!
Spouses are encouraged to join to play ride/walk along!
Congratulations to Joey Batuello,
who was named 2021 Assistant Professional of the Year for the Knoxville PGA Chapter
HHCC Ladies Golf
THURSDAYS I 5:00pm starting in March
Any ladies that are interested in the beginners golf program, starting up in the middle of March, please contact Christian Melson at Cmelson@holstonhills.com
HHCC Junior Golf
Practices: SATURDAYS I Ages 7 & Under - 12:30pm and Ages 8 & Older - 1:30pm
Matches: SUNDAYS I TBA (Afternoons)
Registration for Junior Golf 2022
Operation36 Spring Semester Registration Open: January 1st - March 14th First Meeting - Sunday, March 13th
Class times: TUSEDAYS I 4:00-5:00pm and 5:00-6:00pm WEDNESDAYS I 4:00-5:00pm and 5:00-6:00pm
Matches: SUNDAYS I TBA (Afternoons)
Contact Christian Melson, to sign-up or get additional information. Email at Cmelson@holstonhills.com or call 757.848.7369.