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Letter to Membership
Dear Members, Happy New Year to you and all your families! We look forward to another great year together and want you to know our team is here for you. Our goal each day is to provide you with an experience you deserve as members of such a great club. The club should be your getaway, a daily vacation where you can enjoy great service, great food, and a fun experience at whatever activity you choose to use at the Club. As always please let us know if we can provide anything for you.
2021 was a record year for Holston Hills Country Club! We saw membership growth that is unprecedented in recent decades. As Membership Director, Dara Jenkins, has helped us reach new heights. When we were purchased by M m c e Connel mbers. l G As olf of in the Dec tim e e mb of er thi o s f 2015 writing we we h a ad re a up tot to al 5 of 57 399 total members. members A . s T of his De is cember 31 truly remar , k 2020 we able grow ha th d a 47 nd 1 is total very exciting for the future of the club.
2021 saw the Korn Ferry Tour VisitKnoxville Open played at Holston Hills Country Club for the first time. The event was a huge success! The players were all very complimentary of the golf course and the hospitality. Our staff worked tirelessly with year out compl seamless aint a and nd we perfo look rmed forw at a ard ve to ry high an eve le n vel. bet T te h r ank eve yo nt u to May our members 9-15, 2022. that Our volu goal nte is ere to d b t e o he com lp e ma the ke m this ost first well respected tournament on the Korn Ferry Tour and 2021 was a great first step.
Co ·Ta ngra nner tulations to our Cl Davis, Men’s Club ub Ch Champ ampion io ~ n 3 s y in ea 202 rs in 1: a row! ·Melissa Walsh, Ladies Club Champion ~ 8 years in a row!
·Todd Burgan, Men’s Senior Club Champion ~ 2 years in a row!
·Tessa Tarr, Ladies Senior Club Champion ~ On her 1st try!
We also continue to make a strong showing on the State level as Todd Burgan won the TN Mid-Amateur Championship
for the 4th time and Jeff Golliher won the TN Men’s Senior Match-Play Championship.
We are so proud of our staff that we must stop for a minute and thank them for the effort they put in on a daily basis. So many of them show up each day ready to get the job done and they work together as a true team. McConnell Golf recognizes our team as very unified and in sync together and this unity makes it so much fun to come to work each day. Please take a moment to thank any of our team members you come across for all the great work they do and the effort they put forth on a daily basis.
2022 looks to be another record year as we continue to grow. We are very excited about all the programs and events we have planned. Please be sure to visit the website to review the 2022 event calendar and mark your calendars for the events you hope to participate in.
Lastly, as a team we just want to thank you for supporting the club and our team. Your kindness and genuine care for the club and us as a staff is heartfelt. We are so blessed to have such a great club and be surrounded by so many fun and caring members. We cannot thank you enough for all you do to make Holston Hills Country Club one of the best clubs in the Southeast!
Sincerely and on behalf of the entire Holston Hills Team, Chris Dibble, General Manager/ Director of Golf