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Dear Members,
It’s been just a little over a year since the first reported cases of COVID-19 were reported in the United States. Who could have imagined all that it would entail from the shutting down of states, wearing face coverings, closures of schools, curfews, to-go food only, working from home, quarantining, and getting tested. It has been an extremely long year to say the least. None the less, if you are reading this, you most likely have endured through the pandemic to this point. We really need to learn from the positives that have come from this and build on those while continuing to be proactive in keeping our members, guests, and staff safe.
Throughout this pandemic, the Grande Dunes Members Club has continued to be a place where members and staff can feel safe and welcome. In 2021, we are looking forward to continued membership growth. We welcomed over 100 new members in 2020 and are off to a great start for 2021. Our success has been, in large part, due to our members promoting the Club. Membership growth will continue to be our focus and if you know of anyone who may be interested in joining, please reach out to Membership Director, Pamela Evans, for more information.
Over the past number of weeks we started experiencing a number of battery issues within our current fleet of golf carts. After numerous visits and testing of the current fleet, it became apparent that ending our current lease and beginning a new one would be necessary. Unfortunately, our new cart fleet is not scheduled to be delivered until sometime in April. However, in the meantime, Club Car will continue to monitor and repair any of our current carts that are having battery issues. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we continue to rectify the situation.
The rainfall, throughout the month of February, has been incredible. I don t think it would be a stretch to say that it has been record
’ -breaking. Our positive momentum in the number of golf rounds played came to a screeching halt. However, spring is almost here and by the time you read this newsletter I hope that the February rains are a distant memory. Our annual Golf Tournament Schedule really jump starts in March as we have our Season Opening Scramble, One Day Member/Member, as well as the start of our Thursday Night and Couples events. We look forward to greater participation than in years’ past and hope that you will join us. Please see Joe’s article in this newsletter as to formats, price, etc. March and April are also busy months throughout the Club as we strive to create a variety of offerings. We will continue to welcome our Trivia and Family Feud events that are becoming increasingly popular. We have a Grapenight event in both March and April. And please don’t forget that Easter comes early this year, April 4th. We will host our ever-popular Easter with the Bunny on Saturday, April 3rd and Easter Brunch on Sunday, April 4th. Please make certain to go to the Members Club Calendar to reserve your table for each of these events. Lastly, I would like to recognize our Employee of the Year for 2020, Ronnie Russ. Ronnie is our mechanic that keeps all of our golf course equipment in working order. Ronnie has been with the Grande Dunes Members Club for a little over two years but has had a major impact on the Club’s operation. Ronnie continues to make significant contributions that are beyond the normal job expectations. There aren’t enough good things that can be said about Ronnie and I cannot thank him enough for the job he continues to do. We have a great Membership and an extremely dedicated group of professionals working at Grande Dunes Members Club. I am very excited for what 2021 has to bring our Club and its members. Please reach out to me anytime with questions to Brian.Vest@GrandeDunes.com. Sincerely, Brian Vest
Brian Vest, Director of Operations I Brian.Vest@GrandeDunes.com