1 minute read
As of early February, I am out on Maternity leave For this exceptional time in my life I plan to be out for 12 weeks Although I will be unavailable during this time I have taken great detail in preparing for a full schedule of group exercise classes, wellness programs and personal training to continue
My fellow Directors Jen (Activities & Aquatics Director) and Rafa (Tennis Director) will be taking over my day to day responsibilities around the sports center to help you access all of the Wellness Programs while I am away
If you have other specific questions about how the Wellness Programs at the Sports Center will be addressed during my maternity leave please reach out to Jason gm@portersneckcountryclub com
If you are looking for assistance in the following areas please reach out to my co-workers:
Group Exercise: Jen, activities@portersneckcountryclub com
Paxton after Hours Gym Access: Lynne, admin@portersneckcountryclub.com
Sports Center Front Desk: Rafa, tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub.com
Gym/ Sports Center Maintenance: Rafa, tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub com
Personal Training: Rafa, tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub com
Thank you for your support and excitement as I have gone through my pregnancy, I have really enjoyed being able to continue working up till this point Upon my return, in May, we will be looking forward to starting the gym flooring project and it will be a few weeks away from the start of the Aqua Fitness classes!