3 minute read
s Corner
The warm summertime temperatures are finally here and the Bermuda turf is thriving and aggressively growing. Aerification went very smoothly and things healed up nicely. With the cooler than normal spring this year, the areas (#1 fairway, #4 fairway, #9 fairway, and #10 fairway) where we still have some old Common Bermuda has taken a bit longer to fill in and thicken up. With some extra nutrients and warmer weather, we will start to see these areas improve.
Now that the turf is aggressively growing we have started implementing our cultural practices that will provide you with the best possible playing conditions. Each Monday that we are closed we will be lightly verigrooming the greens followed by a light topdressing of fine sand. This process will aid in keeping the grain on the greens to a minimum and improving the ball roll and firmness of the greens. This time of year we also will be lightly topdressing tees and landing zones in fairways to dilute the thatch and also aid in a smoother, firmer surface.
Summertime also means that the Wyndham Championship is just around the corner. The contractors that perform the tournament build will have already started by the time you are reading this and it will be the same company as years past which is good as they have normally been as respectful as possible performing all this work while you are trying to enjoy your round of golf. Should there ever be a problem please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will notify the lead foreman performing the work.

With the golf course conditions being very good I hope to see many of you out on the course this summer!
Chad Cromer Golf Course Superintendent

Sedgefield Country Club welcomed the Women's ACC Golf Championship in April
Summer is here and I am very happy with the course conditions. We had a great spring. The weather this spring started off cool and dry so it took longer than normal for the Bermuda grass to really get going. With some much-needed rains and the warm weather, Bermuda is growing nicely and we are getting great definition between the different heights of cut on the course.
We had a very successful aerification the first week of June. During the aerification week, the agronomy team pulled cores on greens, all short cut, and lots of high traffic areas around the course. This was done to help alleviate soil compaction and help with water infiltration. Some of these areas have not been core aerified in years and we are already seeing huge benefits from this practice.
Another reason we are seeing better color and a much better stand of rough this year is due to an application that was made back in January. This year we decided to combine our fertility and our summer preemergent into one application. What has normally been done is spraying our pre-emergent and then coming back and fertilizing the course later in the year. However, by doing this it makes it cost prohibitive to fertilize the entire course, so typically only the shortcut has been fertilized. By combining these two applications into one, we were able to apply to the entire course. I am seeing great results from this application and it is something we will continue moving forward.
As we are now into summer we are in full maintenance mode. We will still be picking away at different sod projects around the course, but our daily focus is on maintaining the course and providing great playing conditions daily. Hope everyone has a great summer of golf and hope to see you on the course.
Ross Jernigan
2021 Cardinal Men's Member-Member Champions Rod Patefield and Rob Melhem It took an extra shootout hole to get it done, however when the 8-foot putt dropped to the bottom of the cup their dream was realized!!! Congratulation to all for some outstanding play!