2012 Airshow Sponsorship Package

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EVENT INFORMATION 1. Table of Contents 2. Overview 3. Demographics 4. Quality of Life Programs 5. Yuma Free Event 6. Recognition & Awards 7. Community Relations Pg. 1 8. Community Relations Pg. 2 9. At a Glance Pg. 1 10. At a Glance Pg. 2 11. Presenting Level 12. Associated Level 13. Supporting Level 14. Contributing Level 15. Participating Level 16. Friends of the Airshow / Hospitality Chalet 17. Chalet Village / Childrens’Area 18. Options á la Carte 19. Sponsor Recogntion Page




OFFICE: (928) 269-3245 CELL: (928) 304-9942


OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The 50th annual MCAS Yuma Airshow & Open House will be held on March 17, 2012. The theme of this years event will be the Marine Aviation Centennial. Aerial performances will focus on demonstrating the representation of the last 100 years of Marine Aviation. The headline act will be the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. The event will host numerous static displays of various military aircraft and equipment, and a large variety of civilian aircraft displays as well.

Date: March 17th 2012 Time. 8:30am - 3:00pm ADMISSION: General Admission is Free



Sponsorship: With tens of millions of spectators attending Air Shows each year, the Airshows industry represents one of the very largest, if not the largest outdoor professional sports in North America. Based on the volume of spectators alone, Air Shows represent a significant marketing / sponsorship opportunity for companies at the local and national level. This opportunity becomes even more attractive when you start looking at the demographics of the audience; well-educated affluent families 53 percent of whom fit within the coveted range of 30 to 50 years of age. Consider adding an Airshow sponsorship to your repertoire of marketing vehicles by reviewing the tiered packages we have enclosed. If you do not find something that fits your specific marketing objectives, our creative marketing team can work with you to create a customized sponsorship package.

(Private Chalets are available for purchase)


DEMOGRAPHICS The International Council of Air Shows estimates that over 80 million spectators attend Air Shows throughout North America each year, drawing nearly twice the attendance figures of NFL football and making it the second most popular spectator sport in North America. At the Airshow specific level, sponsorship remains a competent and cost-effective tool for companies seeking to reach a well-educated family audience in a relatively uncluttered atmosphere. 9.6%

Home Ownership






Spectator Household Income


Under 18K

Some High School


$18K - $25K 6.7%

High School Graduate


$25K - $35K 10.1%

Some College


$35K - $50K 12.9%

College Graduate


$50K - $75K 26.4%

Post Graduate Studies



$75K - $100K 17.2% Over $100K


13.4% 60 +

6.6% 55 - 59

50 - 54


10.4% 45 - 49

12.6% 40 - 44

12.4% 35 - 39

11.9% 30 - 34

26 - 29


13.9% 18 - 25





Wondering where the money goes?

Marine & Family Services Career Resource Center Center for Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment Counseling Center Drug Demand Reduction Program Education Center Family Advocacy Recreation Family Counseling Auto Skills Center Family Member Employment Individual & Marriage Counseling Enlisted Recreation Center Information and Referral Entertainment Ticket Office Library Outdoor Adventure Center Personal Financial Management Oasis Swimming Pool Relocation Office Cactus Bowling Center Transition Assistance Station Theater Victim Advocacy Infinities Enlisted Club Special Events Staff NCO Club Homecomings Officer Club Welcome Home Event Month of Military Child Marine Corps Family Team Building Health Fairs CREDO-Chaplains Religious Enrichment Military Appreciation Day Ball Gown Giveaway Development Operation Concerts Children, Youth & Teen Programs Fun Runs Exceptional Family Member Program Life Skill Program LINKS-Lifestyle, Insights, Networking, Knowledge & Skills New Parent Support Program PREP - Prevention & Relationship Enhancement Program Readiness and Deployment Support Retired Assistance Office Unit Family Readiness Program Semper Fit Athletics Fitness Center Health Promotions Single Marine Program Sports


YUMA’S BEST FREE EVENT Most people will never experience the sensation of sitting in the cockpit of a modern fighter jet streaking through the sky, or in a stunt plane as it dips and turns in an aerobatics display.

Greg added, “Credit for much of the show’s success goes to the Yuma-area businesses that help sponsor the event financially. Even during this time of recession, this past year we had a record level of sponsorships.”

Yuma area residents can enjoy the next best thing. They can watch from the ground as these aircraft go through their aerial gyrations overhead and they don’t have to pay the price of admission to watch.

McShane attributes the Airshow’s popularity to a greater emphasis on changing the acts from year to year so the event stays fresh. “There is no excuse to say, I was there a couple of years ago so I know what it’s all about.”

Respondents in Yuma’s Best, the Yuma Sun’s annual poll of its reader’s favorite businesses, services and entertainment in Yuma County, picked the Yuma Airshow as the Best Free Entertainment event in 2009 and 2010. The Airshow previously won that category in 2007, as well. Hosted annually by the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, the event brings to town the nation’s top military and civilian aviators who dazzle thousands of spectators with their flight demonstrations. Aside from the show going on overhead, the public can go onto the TARMAC and get an up close look at fighter and bomber aircraft that once were or are today part of our nation’s arsenal. Aside from the fact that the show is free, “It’s geared towards the family,” informs Greg McShane, air show coordinator and MCAS airfield operations officer. “It’s a great family event. We like it because it’s an opportunity for the Marine Corps to open up its backyard and welcome in the public,” adding “and at the same time provide a full day of entertainment.”


For more information, visit www.yumaairshow.com


The World Class MCAS Yuma Airshow has been the recipient of many awards throughout the years. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Guiness Book of World Records “Longest Wall of Fire”

First live HD webcast of a Military Airshow

First live performance of a major symphony orchestra at an Airshow

World’s Largest Human Yellow Ribbon at an Airshow

2009 Telly Award Recipient for Airshow Television Commercial

2010 Telly Award Recipient for Airshow Television Commercial

2011 Telly Award Recipient for Airshow Television Commercial


1st Place Television Commercial (2008)

1st Place Television Commercial (2011)

3rd Place Event Website (2007)

3rd Place Event Website (2005)

3rd Place Radio Commercial Ad (2011)

3rd Place Event Poster (2011)

PRESENTING LEVEL $20,000 Cash / $30,000 “Trade in Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Presenting Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion.

Name and logo on the official Airshow poster and offical Airshow T-Shirts.

Name recognition in all Yuma Airshow radio and television spots leading up to Airshow day. Logo recognition in social networking, e-mail and web campaign to begin six (6) weeks prior to the Airshow. Name and logo in all Airshow print media advertisements to include postcards, base publication, local newspaper and billboards.

Name and logo recognition on website and on screen in theater advertising. Four (4) 3’x 10’ Sponsor provided banner advertisements displayed on the 32nd street and Avenue 3E MCAS Yuma fence line leading up to Airshow day.


Sponsor Category Exclusivity.

Fifteen (15) sponsor mentions over public address system.

Sponsor signage at high traffic locations at the Airshow. Presenting sponsor receives space for up to thirty (30) 3’x 5’ banners. (All banners and advertising materials provided by sponsor).

Product sales rights.

First right of refusal.

Interaction with over 55,000 Airshow attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line, for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 40’ x 40’ footprint, 1 large sunshade, 4 tables, 8 chairs. Electricity available upon request.


VIP corporate hospitality & food chalet at Airshow.

Unrestricted viewing, comfortable seating for sixty (60) guests.

Outstanding catered foods, beverages and beer served throughout the day.

Sign displaying your company name.

15 V.I.P. parking passes.

Custom Airshow sponsor banners (2) 3’x 10’ to place at your business leading to Airshow day.

Invitation to Meet The Thunderbirds Party held at MCAS Yuma Friday, March 16th 2012. Event includes food, beverages and entertainment. Ten (10) invitations.

Thank you recognition plaque includes framed 8”x 10” color glossy of air show artwork with brass plate signed by the base Commanding Officer.


Two (2) private 10’x 10’ chalet canopy positioned in a secured footprint area of 30’x 15’ at show center.

Attendants for catering and clean up.

ASSOCIATED LEVEL $10,000 Cash / $15,000 “Trade In Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Associated Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion.

Name and logo in 75% Airshow print media advertisements to include base publication, local newspaper and billboards.

Name and logo recognition on website and on screen in theater advertising.

Two (2) 3’ x 10’ sponsor provided banners displayed on the 32nd street and Avenue 3E MCAS Yuma fence line for one month prior to Air Show day.


Interaction with over 55,000 Airshow attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line. For sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 40’x 40’ footprint, 1 large sunshade, 4 tables, 8 chairs. Electricity available upon request.

Twelve (12) sponsor mentions over public address system.

Sponsor signage at high traffic locations at the Airshow.

Associated sponsor receives space for up to twenty (20) 3’x 5’ banners. (All banners and advertising materials provided by sponsor).


VIP corporate hospitality & food chalet at Airshow. One (1) private 10’x 10’ chalet canopy positioned in a secure footprint area at Airshow Center.

Unrestricted viewing, comfortable seating for sixty (30) guests.

Outstanding catered foods, beverages and beer served throughout the day.

8 V.I.P. parking passes.

Custom Airshow sponsor banner (1) 3’x 5’ to place at your business leading to Air Show day.

Invitation to Meet the Thunderbirds Party held at MCAS Yuma Friday, March 16th 2012. Event includes food, beverages and entertainment. Eight (8) invitations.

Thank you recognition plaque includes a framed 8”x 10” color glossy of Airshow artwork with brass plate signed by the base Commanding Officer.

Attendants for catering and clean up.


SUPPORTING LEVEL $7,500 Cash / $10,000 “Trade In Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Supporting Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion. Name and logo on 50% Airshow print media advertisements to include base publication, local newspaper and billboards.

Name and logo recognition on website and on screen in theater advertising.

One (1) 3’ x 10’ sponsor provided banner displayed on the 32nd street and Avenue 3E MCAS Yuma fence line for one month prior to Airshow day.


Interaction with over 55,000 Air Show attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line, for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 20’x 20’ footprint, 1/2 large sunshade, 2 tables, 4 chairs. Electricity available upon request.

Six (6) sponsor mentions over public address system.

Sponsor signage at high traffic locations at the Airshow.

Contributing sponsor receives space for up to twelve (12) 3’x5’ banners. (All banners and advertising materials provided by sponsor).


General admission chalet tickets. Fifteen (15) Invitations.

Unrestricted viewing, with comfortable seating.

Chalet canopy positioned in a secured area at show center.

Outstanding catered foods, beverages and beer served throughout the day.

Attendants for catering and clean up.

6 V.I.P. parking passes.

Custom Airshow Sponsor banner (1) 3’x 5’ to place at your business leading to Airshow day.

Invitation to Meet the Thunderbirds Party held at MCAS Yuma Friday, March 16th 2012 Event includes food, beverages and entertainment. Six (6) invitations.


Thank you recognition plaque: Plaque includes framed 8”x 10” color glossy Airshow artwork with brass plate signed by the base Commanding Officer.

CONTRIBUTING LEVEL $5,000 Cash / $7,500 “Trade In Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Particpating Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion.

Name and logo recognition on website and on screen in theater advertising.

One (1) 3’x5’ sponsor provided banner displayed on the 32nd street and Avenue 3E MCAS Yuma fence line for one month prior to Airshow day.


Interaction with over 55,000 Airshow attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line, for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 20’x 20’ footprint, 1/2 large sunshade, 2 tables, 4 chairs. Electricity available upon request.

Four (4) sponsor mentions over public address system.


General admission chalet tickets. Ten (10) Invitations.

Unrestricted viewing, with comfortable seating.

Chalet canopy positioned in a secured area at show center.

Outstanding catered foods, beverages and beer served throughout the day.

Attendants for catering and clean up.

Four (4) V.I.P. parking passes.

Custom Airshow Sponsor banner (1) 3’x 5’ to place at your business leading to Airshow day.

Invitation to Meet the Thunderbirds Party held at MCAS Yuma Friday, March 16th 2012. Event includes food, beverages and entertainment. Four (4) invitations.

Thank you recognition letter: A letter thanking your business for your contribution signed by the base Commanding Officer.


PARTICIPATING LEVEL $2,500 “Cash Or Trade In Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Particpating Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion.

Name and logo recognition on website and on screen in theater advertising.

One (1) 3’ x 5’ sponsor provided banner displayed on the 32nd street and Avenue 3E MCAS Yuma fence line for one month prior to Airshow day.


Interaction with over 55,000 Airshow attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line, for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 10’x 20’ footprint, 1/4 large sunshade, 2 tables, 4 chairs. Electricity available upon request.

Two (2) sponsor mentions over public address system.


General admission chalet tickets. Four (4) Invitations.

Unrestricted viewing, with comfortable seating.

Chalet canopy positioned in a secured area at show center.

Outstanding catered foods, beverages and beer served throughout the day.

Attendants for catering and clean up.

Two (2) V.I.P. parking passes.

Custom Airshow Sponsor banner (1) 3’x 5’ to place at your business leading to Airshow day.

Invitation to Meet the Thunderbirds Party held at MCAS Yuma Friday, March 16th 2012. Event includes food, beverages and entertainment. Two (2) invitations.

Thank you recognition letter: A letter thanking your business for your contribution signed by the base Commanding Officer.



$500 “Cash Or Trade In Kind” Deadline February 2012 ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY

Permission to use the Yuma Airshow logo and “MCCS Friends of the Airshow Sponsor” designation in advertising and promotion.


Interaction with over 55,000 Airshow attendees. Product display spaces on the flight line, for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. 10’x 10’ footprint, 1/8 large sunshade, 1 table, 2 chairs. Electricity available upon request.

Thank you recognition letter: A letter thanking your business for your contribution signed by the base Commanding Officer.

HOSPITALITY CHALET Deadline February 2012

The 2012 Yuma Airshow Private Food & Hospitality Chalet provides an excellent opportunity to entertain clients, employees, family and friends. You will be provided your own seating offered in a special setting with the best views of the show along with the Sponsorship and Commanding Officer’s Chalets. Enjoy uncompromising VIP Service.


Attractive 10’x 10’ Chalet Tent with 15’x 15’ footprint space. Comfortable seating for 30 guests. Unrestricted viewing area at show center. Outstanding catered foods and beverages for 30 people. Tables with linens provided. Attendants on hand for service and clean up during event.

Secured area away from the crowd. Wrist bands provided for easy access in and out of Chalet area.

Welcome visit from MCAS Yuma’s Commanding Officer. 10 VIP Parking Passes which allow for exclusive access and reserved parking near the flight line. A 3’ x 10’ banner with your company name to be placed in Chalet area of fence line. (1 banner provided by sponsor).

Standard Package $2,000 Cash Preferred Package $2,500 Cash (Includes Upgraded, Premium Menu) These Chalets are our best sellers. Call today and secure yours! ONLY 18 AVAILABLE (Presenting and Associate sponsor packages include a private food and hospitality chalet).



$5,000 Cash / $10,000 “Trade In Kind”


Exclusive Identity on Chalet Village archway entrance.

Exclusive mentions (6) six by the announcer in reference to “Your Company” Chalet Village.

Exclusive identity on all Chalet badge credentials.

Extensive Company brand exposure to local business owners, VIP’s and clients residing in the Chalet Village.

Customized collateral materials provided by your company to be displayed in each chalet.

Banner display opportunity: Display up to four (4) 3’x 5’ banners provided by your company at the entrance of the Chalet Village and on the MCAS fence line as the Official Chalet Village Sponsor.


4 Tickets to General Chalet area.

CHILDREN’S AREA $3,000 Cash Or $5,000 “Trade In Kind” BRAND RECOGNITION:

Exclusive Identity at Children’s town. Exclusive identity booth. Exclusive identity by several public mentions by the announcer in reference to “Your Company.” Official Airshow Children’s “Lost & Found.”

Company logo recognition on website and official Airshow map. Sponsor banner signage up to four (4) 8’ x 10’ provided by your company to be displayed.

10’ x 10’ footprint beneath large sunshade, 1 table and 2 chairs for sampling, couponing or mutually agreed upon marketing activity. Electricity available upon request.


Á LA CARTE OPTIONS Crowd Fence Line Banners - Cash or “Trade In Kind” (Fence that separates the crowd from show center)

One 3’ x 5’ Two 3’ x 5’

$300.00 $500.00

One 3’ x 10’ Two 3’ x 10’

$500.00 $750.00

Web Banner Link - Cash or “Trade In Kind”

Main Page Web Banner with Link


Secondary Pages Link $200.00

Official Airshow Program - Cash Only Full Page, Full Color, Back Cover $2,000,00 Full Page, Full Color $1,000.00 1/2 Page, Full Color $700.00 1/4 Page, Full Color $400.00

Additional Options Cash or “Trade In Kind” Official Airshow Poster Sponsor Logo Inclusion $200.00 Booth $350.00. Additional Tables $15.00 ea. Additional Chairs $7.00 ea.

Additional Chalet Tickets Available Cash Only - $100.00 each 18

THANK YOU THANK YOU! To a few of our 2011 Airshow Sponsors...

fencing by sk blt companies

sparkletts harper construction company navy federal credit union bristol environment remediation monster media trax international corporation bdt and associates canyon distributing kentucky fried chicken southwest gas corporation allied waste services mac electric

rv world

the ramada inn lauris construction amu realty executives, paula a. reece grand canyon university papa murphy’s homeland security inc. bellamora international group university of phoenix yuma truck driving school armed forces bank life care center of yuma usaa aps


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