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6 Sustainability: Mitigates Risk from Climate Change

Most luxury buyers are choosing their next home with environmental sustainability in mind (75 percent), and this buyer is thinking for the long-term. Luxury buyers seeking sustainability features and amenities are 71 percent more likely than non-seekers to consider this purchase as a legacy home that will be passed on to heirs. Further, as interest in sustainability grows the quality of buyer improves: they want to transact sooner and for relatively higher budget.

Percent Select Yes: Does Environmental Sustainability Factor

Into Your Home Search Criteria | LUXURY BUYERS

63% 81% 56% 83% 79% 90%

Better Place To Live Investment Property

Better Location Settling Down & Nesting Better Run City/Town Next Chapter in Life

Buyer Insight: The intention to buy sustainable housing for the long term is a strong endorsement for including these features in marketing materials and encouraging developers and renovators to keep these themes central in future plans.

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