Wide Open Experiences
3rd Annual Charity Raffle Every prize has a minimum value of $250! By purchasing raffle tickets, you are directly supporting Camp Big Sky. Every dollar raised will allow us to continue to provide any person of any age with any disability accessible fishing, camping, boating and other outdoor related opportunities--at no cost. For more information, visit our web site, www.campbigsky.org ∙ Four box seat tickets to the St. Louis Cardinals when they take on the Chicago Cubs in July and hotel accommodations for the night in St. Louis, MO. ∙ Camp Big Sky Gift Certificate for five hours exclusive use for up to 25 people. ∙ Two season tickets for the Bradley Braves Men’s Basketball 2012-2013 season. ∙ Two season tickets for Bradley Braves Women’s Basketball 2012-2013 season. ∙ Private gourmet dinner for eight, prepared in your home, by Chef Pat Glatz. ∙ Collection of exquisite wines from the Turley Vineyard courtesy Leonard Sachs. ∙ Private Golf Instruction by Ric Baxter and Weaver Ridge golf package. ∙ Family fun & entertainment package in Peoria. ∙ Maui Jim’s women’s sunglasses, hat and T-shirt. Tickets prices: 1 for $5 ∙ Maui Jim’s men’s sunglasses, hat and T-shirt. 5 for $20 ∙ Beauty services from area spas and salons. 15 for $50 ∙ Women’s gift basket from Barb Schrefler. 35 for $100 ∙ Peoria area sports & fitness package. 75 for $200 ∙ Family Fun Entertainment Package. 100 for $250 ∙ Customized, handcrafted bags set. ∙ Peoria area restaurant dining tour.
Many, many more prize packages!
Contact: Brad Guidi exec@campbigsky.org (309) 258-6002
Additional prizes continue to pour in each day. Drawing to be held on Saturday, May 19, 2012. Need not be present to win. All winners will be contacted by phone and email no later than May 30, 2012.