March 28, 2013 - Issue 8

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Student Newspaper of Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

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North Adams, Mass.

Volume 77 ◆ Issue 8

Th u r s d ay, M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

College to Wishes come true in “Into the Woods” Accreditation to begin open take $125K forum process budget cut By Nick Arena

Managing Editor

By Jack Guerino Staff Writer

MCLA will take a $125,000 cut from its operating budget during the present fiscal year, due to state spending cuts. According to Jim Stakenas, vice president of administration and finance, the college will remain largely unaffected. “We have a very good budget process,” Stakenas said. “We are particularly cognoscente about what we need on the academic side because we are all about academics, and having a very thoughtful budget process allows us a little breathing room when something like this happens.” Massachusetts will cut spending, as well as pull money from reserves, in order to close $540 million gap in the budget. These cuts, known as the 9C State Budget Cut, will include a 1 percent reduction in many state and public institutions. Stakenas said that because of great attention to spending, the school will only see minimal changes. “Any cut to our budget means we have to rethink expenditures, and we do our budgets very conservatively,” Stakenas said. “We often plan to have some resources in case we get a cut from the state, so I do not think any department is going to see any adverse effect from this cut.” Stakenas explained where they planned to combat the money lost through the spending cuts. “We’ve asked for all of the vice presidents to look for 1 percent in their budgets and during the course of every year, you have resignations, retirements, and unfilled positions,” Stakenas said. “So the expectation is that we will make it up by what discretionary spending we have between now and untill the end of the year, as well as vacant positions.” Stakenas said that although the school will remain mostly untouched by the cuts, it is still unfortunate that the school will not receive the money. “Every resource we have is a valuable resource, and there is always more we can do,” Stakenas said. “We could have used it for next year’s budget, to buy some new equipment, or to make CUTS, continued on 3 BeaconMCLA_EIC MCLABeacon

Photo by Kayla Degnan/Beacon Staff

The cast of “Into the Woods” joins in song to celebrate the end of scene one.

Students reflect on travel courses By Ryan Flynn

Senior News Editor Several students went to Spain, Ireland, and Japan over spring break as a part of this semesters’ travel courses. After weeks of learning about a country’s history, art, and culture, they finally had the opportunity to apply and truly experience what they had learned in the classroom.

NEASC, continued on 3

Photo courtesy of Rebecca McCauley/ Special to the Beacon

Spain Under the supervision and guidance of Spanish and course professor Graziana Ramsden, the 16 participating students spent three nights in the city of Madrid and three nights in Barcelona. Junior Adam Tobin noted that visiting the two cities were both very unique experiences. “They both had their perks,” he said. “Barcelona was more beautiful. It’s an old style classic city. Madrid was less crowded. There was more room and it was big like New York City.” In Barcelona, one of the highlights was a tour of the city focused on the famous architecture of Antoni Gaudi, who according to Ramsden, is considered the national architect of Spain. In Madrid, students had the opportunity to view and analyze the famous Picasso painting Guernica. Other experiences included seeing the

Professor discusses molecules Brown Bag Lectures continue with Emily Maher’s work News, page 5

MCLA is coming upon the final stages of its New England Association of Schools and Colleges accreditation process, and the next step is a series of town hall style meetings. The meetings will begin at SGA’s meeting on April 8. The draft of the final report, which will be presented during the NEASC visit in November, is ready to be reviewed, according to Director of Student Development Celia Norcross. “All the chairs have done a great job of talking to people on campus and involving their committees and now they’ve submitted these writing pieces and now we’re in the review stage of all of that, making it all weave together, making sure that the story is really telling what we want to see about ourselves,” Norcross said. The process up until this point has involved 11 different chairs, each with their own committees, performing a study process to make sure the College is meeting with the 11 standards put forward by NEASC.

Students in Anthony Daly’s travel course to Ireland stand before the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland.

SGA budget estimates ‘fiscally conservative’ By Chris Goodell Staff Writer

Photo by Jess Gamari/ Beacon Staff

The view on the other side of the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge in Northern Ireland off the North Atlantic Ocean. Royal Palace in Madrid, shopping real life, their facial expressions in Plaza de Sol, and seeing Span- are priceless for me,” she said. ish musical performances. While students enjoyed the Ramsden shared that seeing culture of Spain, they also had an the students react to seeing fa- opportunity to get a real-life view mous aspects of Spain after learn- of the hardships and protests curing about them in the classroom rently going on in the country. was really rewarding. According to Tobin, the protests “When they actually see it in TRAVEL, continued on 4

Medicine Man to per- Senior pitcher strives form at The Parlor Cafe for excellence Senior Tyson Luneau’s band will perform with others at 7:30 p.m.

Ainsley McDonald hopes to build a strong team

Arts & Entertainment, page 6

Sports, page 9

The Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) recommended Monday night to draw upon more than $60,000 of the Student Government Association (SGA) reserve funds to allocate toward club budgets. Treasurer James Wetzel presented the BFC’s recommendations for the fiscal year 2014 budget, which totaled $436,121, including club budgets, the SGA operating budget, and $8,000 in supplemental and emergency funds. This total is more than $60,000 greater than the projected revenues from student activity fees. According to Wetzel, an estimated 1,400 full-time students will contribute approximately $373,800 in revenue. SGA, continued on 2

News 2-5 Arts & Entertainment 6-7 Sports 8-9 Campus Comment 10 Fun & Games 11 Photo Essay 12

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