2019 ParentingNH Family Resource Book

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The benefits of summer camp

Tick, tick, tick



Preparing for Preschool

Family fun in the Granite State



Community resources

Support for working moms


So your child wants to be a singer


Your teen's first job



What you need to know about IEPs

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from the editor’s desk PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER:


Resource Guide, our annual compendium for Granite State parents and families. When we compile the Family Resource Guide our goal is that you will reference it again and again throughout the year. Whether you have lived here your entire life or you are new to the area, we know you will find information helpful to raising to family. In the 2019 edition, you’ll find articles on jobs for teens, preparing for preschool, what you need to know about ticks, the benefits of summer camp, support for working moms and more. Still haven’t found what you are looking for? You will find additional resources and information at www.parentingnh.com. Our website is the place to go to find seasonal guides to family fun, our daily events calendar, archived issues, contests and giveaways. ParentingNH, which published its first issue in 1993, is the state’s first and original statewide parenting publication and has won more than 30 national awards. Each month, ParentingNH is distributed to hundreds of locations statewide. Be sure to check out our three other special publications: NH Next: Your Guide to Life After High School, Stepping Stones NH: A guidebook for people with disabilities, their families and the professionals who support them, and the Family Summer Fun Guide. Also, don’t miss ParentingNH’s Summer Camp Expos in March. Follow us between issues on www.parentingnh.com, through our weekly and monthly e-newsletters, or via Facebook.

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150 Dow St., Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 624-1442, fax (603) 624-1310 www.parentingnh.com ©2019 MCLEAN COMMUNICATIONS, LLC The Family Resource Book® is published by McLean Communications, 150 Dow St., Manchester, NH 03101, (603) 624-1442. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any mistakes in advertisements or editorial. Statements/opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect or represent those of this publication or its officers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, McLean Communications, LLC.: ParentingNH disclaims all responsibility for omission and errors.

Melanie Hitchcock Editor


Sharron McCarthy, x5117 smccarthy@mcleancommunications.com



Tick, tick, tick Don’t waste time — tick prevention starts now so you can avoid illness BY MELANIE PLENDA


t the first sign of blooms, many of us are itching to get outside and into nature.

How to remove a tick 1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. 2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don't twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal. 3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. 4. Dispose of a live tick by submersing it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers. — Courtesy of www.tickfreenh.org

4 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

But it’s not just winter-weary humans looking to make the most of spring days; another critter is also ready to get out and get feeding: ticks. While we in New Hampshire are blessed with an embarrassment of riches when it comes to natural beauty and resources, we also are lousy with ticks – blacklegged deer ticks to be precise, just the kind that can carry a host of diseases. In New Hampshire that includes Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Borrelia miyamotoi, and Powassan virus. Ticks in surrounding New England states have also been known to carry ehrlichiosis, tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. While that fact alone might be enough to scare you back into hibernation, it shouldn’t, said Abigail A. Mathewson, Surveillance Epidemiology Program Manager with the state Department of Health and Human Services. Not every tick is infected and not every bite leads to disease, Mathewson said. In fact, a little bit of preparation and a healthy dose of vigilance, she said, can keep the whole family healthy, happy and enjoying the outdoors, even during tick season. First, some data. In New Hampshire in 2016, there were 1,480 reported cases of Lyme disease. (Lyme disease data for 2017 was not yet available, but Mathewson said it’s expected to be similar to previous years.) According to DHHS data, incidents of other tick-borne diseases have increased over the past several years. Incidents of anaplasmosis, a bacterial disease, for example, went from 91 in 2013 to 306 in 2017. Further, incidents of babesiosis, a parasitic disease that infects cells similarly to malaria, went from 23 to 71 over that same period. (There was only one reported incident of Powassan, a viral disease, and no data was available for Borrelia miyamotoi, a bacterial disease.) Each of the tick-borne diseases can lead to serious illness and in some cases death if left untreated. In the early stages, when there are symptoms, they are usually flu-like and include chills, fever and fatigue. In the case of Lyme, a person bitten by an infected tick may develop what is called an erythema migrans rash, more commonly known as a “bullseye” rash that expands over time.

By far, the biggest concern in New Hampshire is Lyme disease. According to DHHS data, depending on the county you’re in, anywhere from 41 percent to 85 percent of blacklegged ticks you encounter can carry Lyme disease, with the average falling somewhere around 60 percent. What that means, Mathewson said, is “If you happen to get bitten by a tick, you should remove it properly as soon as possible. Then wash the site of the bite and surrounding area.” HOW THE TICK GETS INFECTED According to DHHS, blacklegged ticks have four life stages: eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults. The pathogens that cause the disease, however, use rodents, such as white-footed mice and chipmunks, as “reservoir hosts”, or hosts that are the source of the bacteria, parasite, or virus in the environment, Mathewson said. Some may use other animals as well, such as robins. “In their immature stages,” Mathewson said, “blacklegged ticks will feed upon these smaller animals and pick up pathogens while they are feeding. Blacklegged ticks use the white-tailed deer as their ‘reproductive host’, or the host that they mate and feed on to ensure success of the next generation.” People usually get bitten by blacklegged tick nymphs. They are very small, and can get overlooked. They are most active in the late spring to summer months (usually May through August), according to DHHS. However, Mathewson cautions, “The black-legged tick will become active and quest (search) for a host when the temperatures get above 40 F. This means that you can see ticks out looking for a host during the winter months on a mild day, if they are not covered by snow.” PREVENTION A tick habitat is typically anywhere there is tall grass or brush, which means they can be found in the woods as well as in more urban and suburban areas. Clearing brush and dead leaves and keeping tall grass away from your home are good ways to prevent hosts from wanting to spend time there, Mathewson said. As for getting ready to head out into the wild, to avoid getting bitten Mathewson recommends wearing an EPA registered repellent, such as DEET. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, products that

contain DEET can be used by and are safe for children older than two months. Parents should be careful not to get the repellent on any part the child may put in his or her mouth. For those younger than 2 months, Mathewson recommends using a mosquito net over a carrier or stroller to keep ticks out. Another thing Mathewson recommends is treating clothing with permethrin. She said while the DEET repels most ticks, the permethrin will actually kill any ticks that make it onto your clothing. Furthermore, she said wearing long sleeves tucked into your pants and long pants tucked into your socks will prevent a tick from finding a place to bite before you notice it. She also recommends wearing light-colored clothing and avoiding brushy areas/tick habitat. But even with all of that, it is still important to do a tick check daily, more often if you are out in tick habitat. Mathewson said she started teaching her kids at a young age how to check in between toes, fingers and in hair to try to spot ticks. These days, while they are still young, it’s sort of a game where the whole family takes turns checking for ticks. Mathewson stresses that because the nymphs are so small and because they like dark, protected places, it’s important to check everywhere and often.

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TREATMENT Talbot said that most of the tick-borne diseases have similar signs and symptoms including fever, chills, muscle aches and then sometimes a rash. Mathewson said that the time a tick needs to be attached to infect a person varies widely. If you find a tick and develop a bullseye rash or come down with flu-like symptoms, see a doctor right away. Talbot said treatment for each tick-borne disease varies, but most are treated with an antibiotic or a combination of antibiotics and other drugs. Powassan does not have any known treatment, according to DHHS. Talbot said that these treatments are very effective, but people can get re-infected via a new tick bite and a small number of patients can have lingering posttreatment symptoms, such as fatigue and just not feeling like themselves. Talbot also said that for anyone 8 and older who has had a tick attached for at least 36 hours, a doctor can give a prophylactic dose of doxycycline within 72 hours of removing the tick. At the end of the day, though, Talbot said the best course of action when it comes to ticks in New Hampshire is prevention. “There’s so much that can be done to prevent tick bites,” she said. “The methods to prevent tick bites are not necessarily easy or sexy, but they are effective.” Melanie Plenda is a longtime contributor to PNH.








Health&Wellness Allergists

Dentists & Orthodontists

Core Allergy & Immunology 9 Buzell Ave., 3rd Floor, Exeter 418-0034, www.corephysicians.org

Children’s Dental Center of New Hampshire 7 State Route 101A, Amherst 673-1000, www.childrensdentalnh.com At Children’s Dental Center, we focus on quality of care and creating a positive, nurturing experience. Whether you have an infant and want to build the foundation for a healthy smile, or you just moved to the area with a teenager, our skilled, kid-focused approach means that going to the dentist is something both you and your child can feel good about.

Alternative Medicine Core Acupuncture 7 Alumni Drive, Exeter, NH 778-6777, www.corephysicians.org Exeter Hospital Massage Services 7 Alumni Drive, Exeter, NH 778-6777, www.exeterhospital.com Restore for Life 821 Bennett Way, Newmarket 770-6177, www.restoreforlife.com Your potential is endless when you discover the multitude of disease, disorders and dysfunctions that improve with this gentle holistic light touch therapy. The health of every cell depends on the connectivity of the entire system using the natural approach to reconnect and repair all aspects for healthy body function, addressing all your child’s needs.

Childbirth & Maternity Catholic Medical Center (CMC) 100 McGregor St., Manchester 668-3545, www.catholicmedicalcenter.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center 253 Pleasant St., Concord 226-2200, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 577-4000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Specialty Care at Bedford Medical Park 5 Washington Place, Bedford 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org Elliot Hospital 1 Elliot Way, Manchester Elliot On-Call: 663-4567 www.elliothospital.org St. Joseph Hospital 172 Kinsley St. Nashua 882-3000, www.stjosephhospital.com Family Center at Exeter Hospital, The 5 Alumni Drive, Exeter 580-6358, www.exeterhospital.com Partners for Women’s Health 3 Alumni Drive, Suite 401, Exeter 778-0557, www.womenshealthexeter.com

Collins Dentistry For Children 100 Bridge St., Pelham 635-1166, www.collinsdentistry.com Our pediatric dental team treats infants, children, teens and patients with special needs. We educate parents and children about the importance of proper oral health care and regular dental visits and provide both quality and positive preventative and restorative dental experiences for our patients. We serve children throughout Southern NH and accept most private insurance, as well as NH Medicaid. Core Pediatric Dentistry 5 Hampton Road, Exeter 773-4900, www.corephysicians.org Lindner Dental Associates PC 72 So. River Road, Hampshire Place, Bedford 624-3900, www.lindnerdental.com The dentists and staff of Lindner Dental Associates have been dedicated to providing high-quality dental services to patients of all ages since 1985. Our unique practice encompasses pediatric, orthodontic, cosmetic, and restorative dental care for all family members, in a state-of-the-art facility. We strive to provide a comfortable atmosphere for all patients to alleviate any anxiety related to dental care.

Ears, Nose & Throat (ENT) Core Otolaryngology & Audiology 9 Buzell Ave, Exeter, 772-8208 200 Griffin Road, Portsmouth, 766-6400 www.corephysicians.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist of Southern NH 30 Canton St., Suite 2, Manchester 622-3623, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

Eye Care Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center 590 Court St., Keene 354-6666, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

6 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

Family Medicine Catholic Medical Center (CMC) 100 McGregor St., Manchester 668-3545, www.catholicmedicalcenter.org CHaD at Cheshire Medical Center/ Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene 580 Court St., Keene 354-5400, www.chadkids.org CHaD at DartmouthHitchcock Heater Road 18 Old Etna Road, (Off Route 120), Lebanon 650-4000, www.chadkids.org Core Physicians 9 Primary Care Offices and 20 Specialty Care Practices 580-6668, www.corephysicians.org Your family depends on you for so many things. The most important – keeping them healthy and growing strong. That is why more families in our region have grown to depend on Core Physicians. With more than 40 primary care providers and 60 specialists, we have the expertise, technology and comprehensive care to keep you and your family healthy. Core Family and Internal Medicine of Exeter 21 Hampton Road, Building 3, Exeter 775-0000, www.corephysicians.org 20 Hampton Road, Exeter 772-1436, www.corephysicians.org 605 Lafayette, Road, Portsmouth 658-2344, www.corephysicians.org Epping Regional Health Center 212 Calef Highway, Epping 693-2100, www.corephysicians.org Hampton Health 879 Lafayette Road, Hampton 929-1195, www.corephysicians.org Kingston Health Carriage Town Plaza, 53 Church St., Kingston 642-3910, www.corephysicians.org Mill Pond Family Practice 44 Newmarket Road, Durham 868-5832, www.corephysicians.org Plaistow Health 24 Plaistow Road, Unit 2, Plaistow 382-4972, www.corephysicians.org Seacoast Family Practice Millbrook Office Park, 118 Portsmouth Ave, Suite A 201, Stratham 778-1620, www.corephysicians.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center 25 South River Road, Bedford 695-2572, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 253 Pleasant St., Concord 226-2200, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 208 Robinson Road, Hudson 577-3410, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 580 Court St., Keene 354-6666, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 294 Daniel Webster Hwy., Merrimack 440-7722, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 14 Armory Road, Milford 673-2515, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 577-4000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Heater Road 18 Old Etna Road, (Off Route 120), Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org Derry Medical Center Derry, Londonderry, Windham & Bedford 537-1300, www.derrymedicalcenter.com Derry Medical Center is an independent primary care practice with more than 50 providers on staff, including several specialty areas. We are here to treat your entire family, from newborns to seniors. We understand that “life happens” and offer same-day appointments, often within two hours for urgent care visits. We are open most weeknights until 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays until 3:00 in Derry. Plus, you’ll love the ease of booking appointments and renewing prescriptions online. We are always accepting new patients. Experience Primary Care Plus at DMC! Elliot Family Medicine Elliot Family Medicine at Amherst 199 State Route 101, Amherst 249-3000, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Family Medicine at Bedford 25 Leavy Drive, Bedford 472-7233, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Family Medicine at Glen Lake 89 South Mast Road, Goffstown 497-5661, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Family Medicine at Hooksett 1256 Hooksett Road, Hooksett 624-8652, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Pediatrics and Primary Care at Riverside 11 Kimball Drive, Hooksett 641-5386, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Primary Care at Londonderry 40 Buttrick Road, Londonderry 552-1400, www.elliothospital.org

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St. Joseph Hospital Family Medicine 4 Dobson Way, Merrimack 424-4181, www.stjosephhospital.com 444 Nashua St., Milford 673-3014, www.stjosephhospital.com 460 Amherst St., Nashua 883-7970, www.stjosephhospital.com 173 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua 891-4804, www.stjosephhospital.com 208 Robinson Road, Hudson 882-6700, www.stjosephhospital.com St. Joseph Hospital Internal Medicine 17 Riverside St., Ste. 202, Nashua 595-3614, www.stjosephhospital.com

Hospitals & Medical Centers Catholic Medical Center (CMC) 100 McGregor St., Manchester 668-3545 www.catholicmedicalcenter.org Catholic Medical Center (CMC), a member of GraniteOne Health, is committed to delivering the highest quality, most advanced healthcare to patients across New Hampshire. Caring for the very young to the young at heart, through a variety of healthcare services and a dedication to community outreach programs, CMC is helping to foster a healthier community, every day. Where heart meets health. Children’s Hospital at DartmouthHitchcock (CHaD) 25 South River Road, Bedford 695-2572, www.chadkids.org

CHaD at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Heater Road 18 Old Etna Road, (Off Route 120), Lebanon 650-4000, www.chadkids.org CHaD at Exeter Hospital 9 Buzell Ave., Exeter 695-2745, www.chadkids.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock at the Notre Dame Pavilion 87 McGregor St., Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

CHaD at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Drive, Bennington, VT 802-442-6361, www.chadkids.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist of Southern NH 30 Canton St., Suite 2, Manchester 622-3623, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

CHaD at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, a Children’s Center for Specialty Medicine 789 Central Ave., Dover 740-2366, www.chadkids.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Heater Road 18 Old Etna Road, (Off Route 120), Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

CHaD Oncology and Neurology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock at the Notre Dame Pavilion 87 McGregor St., Manchester 695-2500, www.chadkids.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Specialty Care at Bedford Medical Park 5 Washington Place, Bedford 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center 25 South River Road, Bedford 695-2573, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 253 Pleasant St., Concord 226-2200, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 208 Robinson Road, Hudson 577-3410, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 590 Court St., Keene 354-6666, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 14 Armory Road, Milford 673-2515, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org



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Exeter Hospital 5 Alumni Drive, Exeter 778-7311, www.exeterhospital.com Exeter Hospital is a community-based hospital serving New Hampshire’s Seacoast Region. The hospital’s comprehensive health care services include, but are not limited to, breast health, maternal/child and reproductive medicine, cardiovascular, gastroenterology, sleep medicine, occupational and employee health, oncology with Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center oncologists, orthopedics and emergency care. Lawrence General Hospital 1 General St., Lawrence, MA 978-683-4000 www.lawrencegeneral.org/today www.lawrencegeneral.org/spine Lawrence General is a private, nonprofit community hospital affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center for pediatrics. Although the hospital is considered a community hospital, it is developing a reputation as a well-respected regional medical facility. The hospital has completed $73 million in new construction and renovation including inpatient units and its new, stateof-the-art surgical center. The hospital’s current yearly treatment average is 12,000 inpatients, 70,000 emergency visits, 1,400 births, and a total of 262,000 inpatient and outpatient encounters. Last year, Lawrence General contributed more than $22,000,000 in community benefits and charity care to our region. St. Joseph Hospital 172 Kinsley St. Nashua 882-3000, www.stjosephhospital.com St. Joseph Hospital, a member of Covenant Health, is a 208-bed acute care community hospital located in Nashua, New Hampshire. The main campus features the latest diagnostic and treat-

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Elliot Hospital 1 Elliot Way, Manchester Elliot On-Call: 663-4567 www.elliothospital.org Elliot Health System is a leading provider of comprehensive healthcare services in the region. Elliot’s network of physicians live and work in Manchester, Bedford, Goffstown, Hooksett, Raymond, Londonderry, Suncook, Windham and Amherst providing pediatric care, internal medicine, and family medicine to children and adults. Elliot Hospital is also home to over 1,800 births each year and offers regular childbirth education courses. Elliot Hospital houses the only pediatric surgery program,


St. Joseph Hospital Adult Medicine 173 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua 891-4500, www.stjosephhospital.com

CHaD at Cheshire Medical Center/ Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene 580 Court St., Keene 354-5400, www.chadkids.org

2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 577-4000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health is an academic health system that provides access to more than 1,000 primary care doctors and specialists in almost every area of medicine. Anchored by DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center, the system includes the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, the Children’s Hospital at DartmouthHitchcock; affiliated member hospitals in Lebanon, Keene, and New London, NH, and Windsor, VT, and Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire; and 24 Dartmouth-Hitchcock clinics that provide ambulatory services across New Hampshire and Vermont.


Lindner Dental Associates PC 72 So. River Road, Hampshire Place, Bedford 624-3900, www.lindnerdental.com

253 Pleasant St., Concord 226-6100, www.chadkids.org One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.chadkids.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2745, www.chadkids.org 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 695-2745, www.chadkids.org



Elliot Primary Care at Raymond 15 Freetown Road, Raymond 895-8000, www.elliothospital.org Elliot Family Health Center at Suncook 50 Pinewood Road, Allenstown 485-7861, www.elliothospital.org



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Medical Information & Referral DoctorLink at St. Joseph Hospital 172 Kinsley St. Nashua 800-210-9000, www.stjosephhospital.com Exeter Hospital Physician & Referral Center 580-6668, www.exeterhospital.com

Mental Health Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester 401Cypress St., Manchester 668-4111, www.mhcgm.org The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester is the largest outpatient mental health provider in the state of NH serving all age groups whose comprehensive system of care covers needs at all levels. Programs include: Bedford Counseling Associates, Child and Adolescent Services,

Community Support Services, Emergency and Interim Care, The Cypress Center, Medication Services, North End Counseling and Mobile Crisis Response Team. Seacoast Mental Health Center 1145 Sagamore Ave., Portsmouth 431-6703, www.smhc-nh.org 30 Prospect Ave., Exeter 772-2710, www.smhc-nh.org The mission of Seacoast Mental Health Center is to provide a broad, comprehensive array of high-quality, effective and accessible mental health services to residents of the eastern half of Rockingham County. We provide comprehensive mental health services to children, adolescents, adults and families. Services range from 24/7 365 days a year emergency services to individual and group therapy, couples and family therapy, substance use disorder treatment, and case management.

Occupational Therapy OT Works 4 Kidz, LLC 3 Industrial Drive, Unit 1, Windham 870-0078, www.otworks4kidz.com At OT Works 4 Kidz we provide outstanding occupational, physical, and speech therapy services to individuals ages 0-18. Children and adolescents with a variety of developmental delays and disabilities

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Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Core Orthopedics 7 Alumni Drive, Exeter 777-1000, www.corephysicians.org

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Physical Therapists Athletic Performance Center of Exeter Hospital Epping, Exeter and Hampton 601-7761, www.exeterhospital.com/ apcenter Exeter Hospital Pediatric Rehabilitation 212 Calef Highway, Epping 777-1885, www.exeterhospital.com 207 South Main St., Newmarket 292-7285, www.exeterhospital.com 24 Plaistow Road, Unit 4, Plaistow 257-3333, www.exeterhospital.com Exeter Hospital Rehabilitation 7 Alumni Drive, Exeter 778-6548, www.exeterhospital.com 212 Calef Highway, Epping 777-1886, www.exeterhospital.com 207 South Main St., Newmarket 292-7285, www.exeterhospital.com 24 Plaistow Road, Unit 4, Plaistow 257-3333, www.exeterhospital.com 53 Church St., Kingston 642-9425, www.exeterhospital.com

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Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network 70 Butler St., Salem 893-2900, www.northeastrehab.com OT Works 4 Kidz, LLC 3 Industrial Drive, Unit 1, Windham 870-0078, www.otworks4kidz.com St. Joseph Hospital Outpatient Rehab Services 460 Amherst St., Nashua 598-2401, www.stjosephhospital.com 208 Robinson Road, Hudson 889-7465, www.stjosephhospital.com 382 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack 424-9635, www.stjosephhospital.com 442 Nashua St., Milford 673-9950, www.stjosephhospital.com 75 Northeastern Blvd., Nashua 595-3076, www.stjosephhospital.com 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 883-4624, www.stjosephhospital.com

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Kimberly Marble, MD 3 Alumni Drive, Suite 402, Exeter 603-773-9904, www.drmarble.com

Speech Therapists Exeter Hospital Pediatric Rehabilitation 212 Calef Highway, Epping 777-1885, www.exeterhospital.com 207 South Main St., Newmarket 292-7285, www.exeterhospital.com 24 Plaistow Road, Unit 4, Plaistow 257-3333, www.exeterhospital.com OT Works 4 Kidz, LLC 3 Industrial Drive, Unit 1, Windham 870-0078, www.otworks4kidz.com Premier Speech Therapy, LLC 80 Nashua Rd, Building B, Londonderry 548-2188 www.premierspeechtherapy.com Premier Speech Therapy, LLC is a family- centered private practice treating speech, language and swallowing disorders in infants, children and adults. Our experienced therapists aim to incorporate the needs of each individual and are committed to providing superior quality service to our clients in order to become an essential building block on your road to success.

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Core Physicians 9 Primary Care Offices and 20 Specialty Care Practices 580-6668, www.corephysicians.org Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center 253 Pleasant St., Concord 226-2200, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 590 Court St., Keene 354-6666, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-5000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 294 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack 440-7722, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 14 Armory Road, Milford 673-2515, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua 577-4000, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

St. Joseph Hospital Midwifery 168 Kinsley St., Ste. 19, Nashua 595-3951, www.stjosephhospital.com/ midwifery

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Specialty Care at Bedford Medical Park 5 Washington Place, Bedford 695-2500, www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org

St. Joseph Hospital OB/GYN 30 Daniel Webster Hwy. Suite 11, Merrimack 883-3365 www.stjosephhospital.com/OBGYN 208 Robinson Road, Hudson 883-3365 www.stjosephhospital.com/OBGYN

Elliot Hospital 1 Elliot Way, Manchester Elliot On-Call: 663-4567 www.elliothospital.org Exeter Hospital 5 Alumni Drive, Exeter 580-6668, www.exeterhospital.com


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Beyond the ABCs and 123s — the skills parents should expect their child to learn BY KRYSTEN GODFREY MADDOCKS

12 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019


ast year, CeCe Harris, 4, of Portsmouth, attended The Children’s Garden in Portsmouth two half-days a week.

This year she’ll add another day to her schedule and is more than ready to spend additional time in the classroom. CeCe’s mother, Jessica Harris, a former preschool teacher, said that she was lucky that CeCe exhibited no initial separation anxiety and has always been naturally social. Still, attending a structured preschool helped further develop CeCe’s social and fine motor skills. “CeCe has been home with me since she was born, and I feel that this gradual increase prepares her for the full-week schedule she’ll face in kindergarten,” Harris said. “As much as I have used my skill set to assist her at home with academic tasks, I think there is something to be said for the classroom environment.” Thousands of families across New Hampshire are sending their 3- to 5-year-old children to preschool this fall. Families can choose to send their children two to five days a week, and program days can range from 3 to 10 hours long. Some programs are an extension of child care; others serve preschool-age children only. Whether parents are looking for their children to grow their social and emotional skills, develop academic proficiency or simply separate from their families a few hours a day, many are curious about what skills preschoolers should grasp before they head to kindergarten. From potty training to speaking, reading and writing, several experts weigh in on what you should expect your preschooler to learn – and how you can support their growth. DEVELOP A SENSE OF INDEPENDENCE THROUGH PLAY Katelyn Dennis, executive director of Great Bay Kids Company, a 50-year-old nonprofit child care center with sites in Portsmouth, Exeter and Newmarket, said preschool students should first aim to develop independence and self-help skills. GBKC’s preschool program serves children ages 3 to

5 from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, in addition to providing care for children from age six weeks through kindergarten and after-school programs. GBKC reaches 600 students each day. “We often [as parents] want to do everything for them at home. It’s important to develop independent skills so that they can take care of their body and be healthy,” she said. Great Bay Kids Company completes regular individual student learning assessments and follows the Creative Curriculum, which outlines developmentally appropriate activities for children according to their age. Dennis said that GBKC also follows the School Administrative Unit 16’s report card for both pre-K and kindergarten, as teachers work closely with educators in the district to support children with individual education plans who attend the center. Teachers focus on activities that help develop fine and large motor, social, and emotional growth. “We know that 85 to 90 percent of the brain develops before the age of 5,” Dennis said. “What may look like play is an activity a teacher has set up on purpose to develop specific skills.” And for those parents worried about potty training — a prerequisite for entry into many preschool programs — Dennis said it is built into the curriculum at GBKC. “Children model their peers’ behavior and support each other,” she said. At Live and Learn Early Learning Center in Lee, owner and director Johanna Booth-Miner’s preschool students focus on building resilience and independence through connections made in nature. “Taking away ages 4 and 5 so that children can be 6 is a crime,” Booth Miner said. “I don’t believe in worksheets or sitting down with workbooks.” Since 1974, students at Live and Learn have spent a lot of time outside. As the first Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classroom in the state, the school offers three classrooms of preschoolers (and their younger and older peers ages 6 weeks to kindergarten, as well as children up to age 13 in www.parentingnh.com





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their afterschool program) 25 acres of land to explore, including five miles of nature trails and plenty of animal friends. “Every classroom has a mammal and fish tank. We have two donkeys, two sheep, 14 chickens and four rabbits [in barns]. Our children tell you eggs come from chickens, not the grocery store,” Booth-Miner said. Through feeding and caring for animals, students develop caregiving skills and empathy. They learn also math and science through gathering and collecting data outdoors. Teachers photograph students as they are completing activities and “tag” them according to skill set — for example, fine motor — and send them to parents so they can see student learning in action. Later, these photographs become part of an annual portfolio. Potty training is not required before students move up to a preschool classroom; classrooms are fluid and students can “try out” the next age level classroom to ensure it’s a fit. “Can children succeed if they don’t know all the letters in their name by kindergarten? Yes. If they know how to risk-take and understand failure is not the end, but the beginning of the learning process, the child is ready,” Booth-Miner said. FOCUS ON SPEECH, LANGUAGE, AND LITERACY “By age 4, you should understand pretty much every word your child is saying,” said Kate Glennon, a speech language pathologist with Clearly Speaking, a speech therapy practice with offices in Dover, Hampton Falls and Londonderry. While shyness is a normal behavior, by age 3 and 4, children should understand how to take turns, play cooperatively and verbally relate experiences to their peers and adults, Glennon said. Parents can support their preschool-age child’s communication skills by empowering them in their communication, in whatever stage they happen to be in. “They are just beginning to express ideas, frustrations and feelings ­— acknowledge them for that,” she said. Reading to your child helps develop critical vocabulary skills, and in addition, they get the one-to-one communication and reciprocal sharing with someone else, Glennon said. “I don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on preschoolers’ knowledge of their ABCs and 123s, but they should be asking questions and be an active communicator. They should be able to self-regulate before they learn as part of a group,” Glennon said. A good preschool teacher should be enthusiastic and excited about books and talking about them. Good preschool classrooms include plenty of pencils, markers, lined paper, construction paper and other materials to help foster interest in reading and writing, according to Ruth Wharton-McDonald, an assistant professor at the University of New Hampshire and director of Seacoast Reads, a one-to-one tutoring program. Some activities that support early literacy include reading nursery rhymes, singing songs, learning to recognize rhymes and even rereading the same books to help support children re-telling a story in a different way, she said. Learning how to take turns while talking and listening while someone else is talking are important skills for little ones to learn as well. At the same time, parents should understand that some children might not talk much compared to other 3-year-olds but might instead enjoy music or dance. Or kick a soccer ball better than other children. A good preschool is aware of the developmental trajectory that kids follow, but also pays lots of attention to individual children, WhartonMcDonald said. “In young children, we know there is a natural tendency in the community to compare your child to a neighbor, cousin or older child. In

CONTINUE TO BUILD RESILIENCE Important preschool self-help skills include the ability to secure a button, jump, balance and hold a marker, said Taylor PrendergastMoore, a pediatric occupational therapist at Outside the Lines, a private practice in Dover that addresses fine and gross motor skills, cognitive and social abilities, and play skills and sensory processing abilities. While at age 3 or 4, children aren’t expected to have mastered those skills, they should feel comfortable attempting them, she said. “It’s not ‘can they do their buttons,’ but how do they act in the process? Are they calm when they face failures? Do they immediately ask for help when they feel slightly challenged? Do they explore methods and ways to solve a problem?” said PrendergastMoore. “Simply changing wording from ‘I’ll show you,’ to ‘what would happen if?’ can shift a child’s mindset and help build resilience, as they are starting to explore trial and error on their own.” Parents should also work with their caregivers to model consistency, particularly when potty training. For boys, parents should not worry about mastering potty training until about age 4. During the preschool years, children are still developing their interoceptive system, which is the part of them that tells them when they are hungry, tired or feeling things in the body. But while children should be gaining more control over their bodies and learning how to function in groups, that does not mean they should be sitting still in the process, Prendergast said. “Right now, we are asking kids to do things before they are ready to do them. Kids should be outside playing. If they are sitting still, they should be turning over rocks and looking for ants. Or learning how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” she said. “They should be involved in learning activities that are immediately intrinsically fun.” ADDRESS CONCERNS If parents are concerned their preschool-age child is falling behind or could benefit from extra help at home, they should immediately communicate with their child’s teacher. They can also talk to their pediatrician, participate in a public school screenings, or get an evaluation from a private provider with expertise in speech, physical, occupational or behavioral therapy. “Parents should never feel that they drop off their child in the morning and then are not involved,” said Booth-Miner. “A quality early child care and educational facility deals with the child and their whole family.” Krysten Godfrey Maddocks is a former journalist and marketing director who now regularly writes for higher education and technology organizations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

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most cases, that’s not particularly helpful. We know kids develop at their own pace and with their own interests,” she said. Parents of preschoolers should not rely on drills to improve reading and writing, but should instead allow children to experiment, said Bethany Silva, research assistant professor of education and director of the Community Literacy Center at the University of New Hampshire. As children learn how language works, they develop their receptive language, move on to spoken language and then focus on representational words in reading and writing, she said. Imaginative play around letters, words and pictures develops literacy. “The first stage of writing is drawing and pictures,” Silva said. “Often what happens between 3 and 5 is that children go from abstract drawing and scribbles to representational drawing. The child who used to draw scribbles might then be able to draw a family. By the time a child hits the 5-year mark, he or she might be able to draw a lot of letters.”

Education&Childcare Child Care & Early Learning Programs


Auburn Montessori School 78 Rockingham Road, Auburn 627-1691, www.auburnmontessori.com In our 30th year, we are an established school, offering an environment rich in academic, artistic and outdoor experiences. Our focus on care for self and others, peace curriculum, woods, gardens and resident animals combine to build in each child a strong connection to their world. We are proud to foster a sense of support and community with our families lasting years beyond graduation. Part or full time/summer camps. Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua One Positive Place, Nashua 883-0523, www.bgcn.com Boys & Girls Club of Manchester 555 Union St., Manchester 625-5031, www.begreatmanchester.org Early Learning Center – Temple Israel 200 State St., Portsmouth, 436-5301 www.templeisraelnh.org The Granite YMCA 30 Mechanic St., Manchester 623-3558, www.graniteymca.org The Granite YMCA is the community leader in providing high-quality child care for infant, preschool and school-aged children. Children grow while exploring and having fun in a variety of hands-on and physical activities. Programs include before and after school child care, day/ overnight camps, teen centers, and teen leadership programs. Financial assistance available. For more information visit www.graniteymca.org Learning Adventures, ECC 51 Old Bedford Road, Bedford, 669-2811 www.learningadventuresnh.com At Learning Adventures our goal is to provide each child with a safe, quality environment in which to explore the world around them through meaningful experiences and activities. Our statelicensed center is open year ‘round and offers affordable childcare for children ages 1-4 years, as well as, vacation/ snow/summer camp programs for school age children. Manchester Community College Child Development Center 1066 Front St., Manchester 206-8098, www.mccnh.edu/cdc MCC Child Development Center for pre-

schoolers through kindergarten age is a Lab School for Manchester Community College’s Early Childhood Development (ECE) program. It offers: • Part-time, full time, and drop-in options • ECE – degreed teachers • Developmentally appropriate activities • Low teacher/student ratios • Supervised student interns Open from 7:30am to 5:30p, Monday through Friday year round. Licensed by the State of NH Childcare Licensing Bureau and accredited by NAEYC.

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Child Care Information & Referral

Nashua Child Learning Center 5 Saint Laurent St., Nashua 883-4356, www.nclckids.org A variety of planned experiences that stimulates active learning with exceptional age-appropriate education in a Christian environment since 1974. State of N.H. licensed plus status with degreed and state qualified teachers, developmentally appropriate curriculum for

Southern New Hampshire Services - Nashua Early Head Start 88 Temple St., Nashua 578-1732, www.snhs.org

The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center 36 Tsienneto Road, Derry 437-8477, www.urteachers.org

Southern New Hampshire Services - Seabrook Head Start 146 Lafayette Road, Seabrook 474-3507 ext. 4913, www.snhs.org


toddlers to full-day kindergarten with specialized instruction in music and creative movement. Call for openings. Over The Rainbow Preschool 223 Rockingham Road, Derry 432-6655 Celebrating 31 years in Education. We have built a reputation of having longterm qualified staff with 3 generations in the school. Licensed by the State of NH CCLB for 6 weeks–12 years. Offering a variety of quality developmentally ageappropriate programs. Full & part time extended care programs. School year & summer sessions. Nurturing the whole child in a safe & loving environment. Salem Family Resources-Success By 6 -The Learning Cooperative Early Education & Enrichment Program at the Haigh School, 24 School St., Salem 898-5493, www.salemfamilyresources.org Salem Family Resources — a NH Family Resource Center • The Learning Cooperative Preschool — starting at 24 months, and Enrichment Programs for PreK to age 10 • Parenting & Play Groups for families with young children; Groups meet in Salem and Derry • Workshops for Parents and Educators For information about our affordable programs and assistance please contact: 603 898-5493 info@salemfamilyresources. org. Visit our website: www.salemfamilyresources.org

16 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Southern New Hampshire Services Nashua Child Development Center 134 Allds St., Nashua 889-7812, www.snhs.org

Southern New Hampshire Services - Silver Street Head Start 160 Silver St., Manchester 668-8010, www.snhs.org The Granite YMCA 30 Mechanic St., Manchester 623-3558, www.graniteymca.org The Trinity Early Learning Center 12 Station Road, Bedford 622-6336, www.tlcnh.org Come grow with us at The Trinity Early Learning Center! We have full-time or part-time openings for children ages 6 weeks to 6 years, including full-day Kindergarten and Kindergarten Extended Day programs. TELC provides a loving Christ – centered learning environment that nurtures wholeness, creativity, and education-based care. Schedule a visit today. Contact Linda Brady, Head of School at 622-6336. World Academy 138 Spit Brook Road, Nashua 888-1982, www.worldacademynh.com Prestigious, private school offering an exceptional education from birth through Grade Eight, with curricula strong in science, math, writing, the arts, world languages and enrichment. Promoting 21st Century learning through communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity technology and hands-on experiences, our family-focused school fosters a love of learning throughout our diverse student body. Our state-of-theart Gymnasium/Theatre Complex and Middle School building complement our

Manchester Community College Child Development Center 1066 Front St., Manchester 206-8098, www.mccnh.edu/cdc

Educational Resources

Auburn Montessori School 78 Rockingham Road, Auburn 627-1691, www.auburnmontessori.com Hampstead Academy 320 East Road, Hampstead 329-4406, www.hampsteadacademy.org Learning Adventures ECC 51 Old Bedford Road, Bedford, 669-2811 www.learningadventuresnh.com Namaste Montessori School 535 Mast Road, Goffstown, 627-3503 www. namastechildrenshouse.com Nashua Child Learning Center 5 Saint Laurent St., Nashua 883-4356, www.nclckids.org Pine Hill at High Mowing School 77 Pine Hill Drive, Wilton 654-6003, www.pinehill.org St. Christopher School 20 Cushing Ave., Nashua 882-7442, www.stchrisschoolnh.org The Trinity Early Learning Center 12 Station Road, Bedford 622-6336, www.tlcnh.org The Trinity School of Bedford 12 Station Road, Bedford 622-6330, www.tsbnh.org World Academy 138 Spit Brook Road, Nashua 888-1982, www.worldacademynh.com

Preschools Auburn Montessori School 78 Rockingham Road, Auburn 627-1691, www.auburnmontessori.com Catholic School Office/ Diocese of Manchester 153 Ash Street, Manchester

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18 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

669-3100, www.catholicschoolsnh.org NH Catholic Schools proudly educate over 4,000 students in more than 20 schools. Affordable preschools, safe, family-oriented elementary schools and academically rigorous high schools for students with various learning abilities. We are committed to making Catholic education accessible, available, and affordable to any child that desires it. Visit your local Catholic school or go online to www.catholicschoolsnh.org for more information.

ized curriculum, nutritious meals, family involvement and support. Locations throughout Hillsborough & Rockingham counties.

Early Learning Center – Temple Israel 200 State St., Portsmouth 436-5301, www.templeisraelnh.org We welcome everyone with joy, including all levels of faith and background. We are guided by Jewish values that are universal and resonate with all cultures and backgrounds. Our academic program teaches early math concepts, reading and literacy skills, independence and thinking skills. Our fully developed program includes arts and crafts, field trips, sensory development activities, exercise, cooking, block play, imaginative play, and lots of fun, hands-on activities that are set up and displayed in the classroom using a Montessori representation. Ages 2.9 to 6 years welcome, with a Monday – Friday program from 8:45am – 1:00pm, from September to June in the beautiful downtown Portsmouth. www. templeisraelnh.org for our brochure and more information.

Southern New Hampshire Services — Eleventh Street Head Start 24 Eleventh St., Nashua 882-6278, www.snhs.org

Learning Adventures, ECC 51 Old Bedford Road, Bedford, 669-2811 www.learningadventuresnh.com Namaste Montessori School 535 Mast Road, Goffstown, 627-3503 www.namastechildrenshouse.com Nashua Child Learning Center 5 Saint Laurent St., Nashua 883-4356, www.nclckids.org Over The Rainbow Preschool 223 Rockingham Road, Derry, 432-6655 Southern New Hampshire Services – Head Start and Early Head Start 160 Silver St., Manchester 668-8010, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services Head Start and Early Head Start provides quality educational programs for children birth to five. Services include part-year preschool and home visiting programs for income eligible families at no cost. Full-year childcare services for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Services include individual-

Southern New Hampshire Services — Bronstein Head Start 41 Central St., Nashua 882-3384, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Derry Head Start 9 Crystal Ave., Derry 216-8864, www.snhs.org

Southern New Hampshire Services — Greenville Head Start 16 Adams St., Greenville 878-4028, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Hampton Head Start 53 Winnacunet Road, Hampton 601-2196, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Head Start at Manchester Community College 1066 Front St., Manchester 623-2332, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Hillsboro Head Start 21 School St., Hillsboro 464-3136, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Manchester Head Start West 435 South Main St., Manchester 666-5982 x16, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Nashua Child Development Center 134 Allds St., Nashua 889-7812, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Northwest Head Start 300 Youville St., Manchester 518-5824, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Portsmouth Head Start 1 Campus Drive, Ste. #22, Portsmouth 422-8231, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Raymond Head Start 108 Freemont Road, Raymond 224-2937 ext. 15, www.snhs.org Southern New Hampshire Services — Rose Bryne Head Start 40 Pine St., Manchester 668-8010 ext. 6039, www.snhs.org

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Salem Family Resources-Success By 6

The Trinity Early Learning Center 12 Station Road, Bedford 622-6336, www.tlcnh.org World Academy 138 Spit Brook Road, Nashua 888-1982, www.worldacademynh.com

Private Elementary Schools Catholic School Office/ Diocese of Manchester 153 Ash Street, Manchester 669-3100, www.catholicschoolsnh.org Hampstead Academy 320 East Road, Hampstead 329-4406 www.hampsteadacademy.org Hampstead Academy is a private, independent STEAM school located in southern New Hampshire. At Hampstead Academy, learning is valued and individuals are celebrated. Students develop their academic potential in a caring environment that cultivates creative thinking, upstanding character, and enthusiasm for learning. Hampstead Academy: Affordable tuition, priceless education. The school, located at 320 East Road, Hampstead, NH, enrolls students in Pre-kindergarten through Grade 8. Namaste Montessori School 535 Mast Road, Goffstown, 627-3503 www.namastechildrenshouse.com We respect and view each child as a unique personality and an important person in our community. Our goal is to assist young children ages 2.5 to 12 to reach their fullest potential as healthy, creative, constructive members of our community and to cultivate a genuine desire for lifelong learning. Part of this assistance is to work closely with the parents, to respect the individual child and his/her needs, and to nurture the qualities of imagination, honesty, loyalty, grace, and resilience. Pine Hill at High Mowing School 77 Pine Hill Drive, Wilton 654-6003, www.pinehill.org We are a progressive, arts, movement and nature-based Waldorf School. Your child will develop the capacities needed to meet the demands of our ever-changing world and live a joyful, balanced, and fulfilling life. Our broad, inclusive, and comprehensive curriculum

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challenges and inspires students through captivating learning experiences. Independent Preschool-grade 12. $2.7M Financial aid & East, West, and South Bus Routes. Come, be inspired.

a NH Family Resource Center

New Location! Haigh School, 24 School St., Salem • Parenting & Play Groups

Meet other parents & their young children for Fun and Learning! Groups meet in Salem and Derry

St. Christopher School 20 Cushing Ave., Nashua 882-7442, www.stchrisschoolnh.org At St. Christopher School, we provide an education with high academic and moral standards for every Pre-Kindergarten to sixth grade student who desires it, regardless of economic status or religious background. Our traditional curriculum is enhanced by state-of-the art interactive technology as well as study in the arts, music, Spanish, physical education and computer skills. In addition, students learn to become moral, enthusiastic community members and leaders through service projects and activities. The Trinity School of Bedford 12 Station Road, Bedford 622-6330, www.tsbnh.org Looking for a Christ–centered education for you Kindergarten through Grade 2 student? Come grow and learn with us at Trinity School of Bedford! We employ a holistic approach to education that prepares a child for participation in society, grounded in excellence and a biblical worldview. Call to schedule a visit. Contact Linda Brady, Head of School at 622-6330. World Academy 138 Spit Brook Road, Nashua 888-1982, www.worldacademynh.com

•The Learning Cooperative

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Community Resources & Support Adoptive Families for Children 18 Centre St., Concord 931-4882, www.adoptivefamiliesforchildren.com Adoptive Families for Children is a fullservice adoption agency, licensed in NH and providing services to adoptive families and birth parents for over 30 years. We provide adoption assistance and counseling for birth parents and home studies and placement services for adoptive parents.

Manchester Community Resource Center 434 Lake Ave., Manchester 647-8967, www.mcrcnh.com

Lakes Region Tourism Association 286-8008/1-800-60-LAKES, www.lakesregion.org

Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester 401Cypress St., Manchester 668-4111, www.mhcgm.org

New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights 2 Industrial Park Drive, Concord 271-2767, www.state.nh.us/hrc

Nashua Children’s Association 125 Amherst St., Nashua 883-3851, www.nashuachildrenshome.org

New Hampshire Employment Security 45 South Fruit St., Concord 224-3311, www.nh.gov/nhes Full-service offices in Berlin, Claremont, Concord, Conway, Keene, Laconia, Littleton, Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth, Salem, Somersworth; Satellite offices In Colebrook, Exeter and Plymouth

New Horizons for New Hampshire 199 Manchester St., Manchester 668-1877, www.newhorizonsfornh.org

Bethany Christian Services 183 High St., Candia 483-2886, www.bethany.org/candia

NH Statewide Addiction Crisis hotline 844-711-4357

New Hampshire Catholic Charities 215 Myrtle St., Manchester 669-3030

Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention (MCVP) 24-hour crisis line: 1-888-511-6287 www.mcvprevention.org

New Hope For Children 130 Central Ave., Dover 842-4794, www.newhopeadoption.com NH Foster & Adoptive Parent Association 545-5022, www.nhfapa.org Waypoint (formerly Child and Family Services of NH) 464 Chestnut St., Manchester 518-4000, www.waypointnh.org

Crisis Intervention American Red Cross — New Hampshire/Vermont region 225-6697, www.redcross.org/local/newhampshire-vermont Child Abuse Reporting (NH Division of Health & Human Services) 800-894-5533 Child Help — National Child Abuse Hotline 800-422-4453, www.childhelp.org

Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter 2 Quincy St., Nashua 889-7770, www.nsks.org Planned Parenthood of Northern New England 866-476-1321, www.plannedparenthood. org/planned-parenthood-northern-newengland Samaritans 24-hour crisis hotline: 357-5505 www.samaritansnh.org SHARE Program 1 Columbus Ave., Milford 673-9898, www.sharenh.org SENHS 272 County Farm Road, Dover 516-8160, www.senhs.org The Front Door Agency 7 Concord St., Nashua 886-2866, www.frontdooragency.org

Cross Roads House 600 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth 436-2218, www.crossroadshouse.org

Waypoint (formerly Child and Family Services of NH) 464 Chestnut St., Manchester 518-4000 , www.waypointnh.org

Drug Free NH 24-hour crisis line: 844-711-4357 www.drugfreenh.org

Youth Council, The 112 West Pearl St., Nashua 889-1090, www.theyouthcouncil.org

Families In Transition 122 Market St., Manchester 641-9441, www.fitnh.org

Government and State Resources

GreenPath Financial Wellness 800-550-1961, www.greenpath.com

211 New Hampshire Call 211 or go to www.211nh.org

New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services 129 Pleasant St., Concord 844-275-3447, www.dhhs.state.nh.us Satellite offices in Berlin, Claremont, Concord, Conway, Keene, Laconia, Littleton, Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Rochester New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services — Division of Family Assistance 844-275-3447, www.dhhs.nh.gov/dfa New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services — Division for Children, Youth and Families 800-894-5533, www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcyf New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services — WIC Nutrition Program 800-942-4321, www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/ nhp/wic New Hampshire Fish and Game Department 11 Hazen Drive, Concord 271-3421, www.wildlife.state.nh.us New Hampshire State House Visitor’s Center 107 North Main St., Room 119, Concord 271-2154, www.gencourt.state.nh.us/ nh_visitorcenter/default.htm New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority 32 Constitution Drive, Bedford, www.nhhfa.org New Hampshire Legal Assistance 800-639-5290, www.nhla.org


New Hampshire Legal Services www.nhlegalaid.org New Hampshire State Library 20 Park St., Concord, www.nh.gov/nhsl New Hampshire Travel Council Concord 227-6320, www.nhtravelcouncil.com New Hampshire Women's Foundation 18 Low Ave., Suite 205, Concord 226-3355, www.nhwomensfoundation.org NH Medicaid www.dhhs.nh.gov/ombp/medicaid NHHEAF (New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation) 4 Barrell Court, Concord www.nhheaf.org Visit NH www.visitnh.gov

Information and Support Services Alateen/Al-Anon 369-6930, www.nhal-anon.org Alcoholics Anonymous 1-800-593-3330, www.nhaa.net Avenues to Surrogacy 18 Centre St., Concord 228-6712, www.avenuestosurrogacy.com Avenues to Surrogacy is a full-service agency providing support, advice, and assistance to people hoping to create a family through surrogacy. We work with families looking to expand their families through surrogacy and with women interested in becoming a surrogate. Bridges: Domestic & Sexual Violence Support 33 East Pearl St., Nashua 16 Elm St., Suite 2, Milford 24-hour crisis hotline: 883-3044, www.bridgesnh.org Child Care Aware of NH 1-855-393-1731, www.nh.childcareaware.org Community Action Program — Belknap/Merrimack Counties 2 Industrial Park Drive, Concord 225-3295, www.bm-cap.org Community Action Program of Strafford County 577 Central Ave., Suite 10, Dover 435-2500, www.straffordcap.org





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Community Action Program Tri-County Cap 30 Exchange St., Berlin 752-7001, www.tccap.org Community Bridges, Inc. 70 Pembroke Road, Concord 225-4153, www.communitybridgesnh.org Court Appointed Special Advocates of NH (CASA) 138 Coolidge Ave., Manchester 626-4600, www.casanh.org

Granite United Way www.graniteuw.org

United Ways of New Hampshire www.uwnh.org

HAVEN – Support services for those impacted by sexual or domestic violence 20 International Drive, Suite 300, Portsmouth 436-4107; 24-hour domestic violence crisis hotline: 994-SAFE, www.havennh.org

UNH Cooperative Extension www.extension.unh.edu

Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 129 Pleasant St., Concord 271-4507 www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/bchs/clpp


Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services 312 Marlboro St., Keene 352-2253 www.hcsservices.org

Parent Education

MADD NH - Mothers Against Drunk Driving 24-hour victim hotline: 877-MADD-HELP www.madd.org


New Hampshire Catholic Charities 215 Myrtle St., Manchester 669-3030, www.cc-nh.org

386 Merrimack St.



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United Way of Greater Nashua 20 Broad St., Nashua 882-4011, www.unitedwaynashua.org United Way of Greater Seacoast 112 Corporate Drive, Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth 436-5554, www.uwgs.org

Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network l Pediatrics

101 Amesbury St.

Southwestern Community Services 63 Community Way, Keene 352-7512 96-102 Main St., Claremont 542-9528, www.scshelps.org

Easterseals NH Child Development and Family Resource Center 555 Auburn St., Manchester 623-8863, www.eastersealsnh.org

Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester 401Cypress St., Manchester 668-4111, www.mhcgm.org

Lawrence, MA Methuen, MA

Southern New Hampshire Services 40 Pine St., Manchester 668-8010, www.snhs.org

New Hampshire Children’s Trust 10 Ferry St., Suite 315, Concord 224-1279, www.nhchildrenstrust.org New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence Concord, 224-8893, 24-hour domestic violence hotline: 866-644-3574 24-hour sexual assault hotline: 800-277-5570 www.nhcadsv.org New Hampshire Conflict Resolution Association www.nhcra.org

22 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Waypoint (formerly Child and Family Services of NH) 464 Chestnut St., Manchester 518-4000 , www.waypointnh.org

NH Lawyer Referral Service 2 Pillsbury St., Suite 300, Concord 229-0002, www.nhbar.org

Adult Learning Center 40 Arlington St., Nashua: 598-8303 4 Lake St., Nashua: 882-9080, www.adultlearningcenter.org Children’s Place and Parent Education Center, The 27 Burns Ave., Concord 224-9920, www.thechildrensplacenh.org Families First Health and Support Center 100 Campus Drive, Suite 12, Portsmouth 422-8208, www.familiesfirstseacoast.org Family Resource Center, The 123 Main St., Gorham 466-5190, www.frc123.org Family Resource Center of Greater Nashua 1 Positive Place, Nashua 883-0523 x215 sites.google.com/site/familyresource ctrnashua/ Good Beginnings of the Upper Valley 93 South Main St., West Lebanon 298-9524, www.gbuv.org Grapevine, The (family resources for Hillsborough County) 4 Aiken St., Antrim 588-2620, www.grapevinenh.org

Greater Tilton Area Family Resource Center 5 Prospect St., Tilton 286-4255, www.gtafrc.wordpress.com Lakes Region Community Services Family Resource Center 719 North Main St., Laconia 524-8811, www.lrcs.org/family-resource-center Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services 312 Marlboro St., Keene 352-2253, www.hcsservices.org Lakes Region Community Services Family Resource Center 719 North Main St., Laconia 524-8811, www.lrcs.org/family-resourcecenter Our Place Program of NH Catholic Charities 16 Oak St., Manchester: 647-2244 72 Vine St., Nashua: 866-970-5947 29 Grant St., Rochester: 994-2699, www.nh-cc.org Parent Information Center 54 Old Suncook Road, Concord 224-7005, www.parentinformationcenter.org River Center, The 9 Vose Farm Road, Suite 115, Peterborough 924-6800, www.rivercenter.us Riverbend Community Mental Health Concord 228-1600, www.riverbendcmhc.org Mobile crisis services hotline: 1-844-7435748 Salem Family Resources- Success by 6: The Learning Cooperative Early Education & Enrichment Program. at the Haigh School, 24 School St., Salem 898-5493, www.salemfamilyresources.org TLC Family Resource Center 109 Pleasant St., Claremont 542-1848, www.tlcfamilyrc.org The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center 36 Tsienneto Road, Derry 437-8477, www.URteachers.org White Birch Center 51 Hall Ave., Henniker 428-7860, www.whitebirchcc.org

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So your child wants to be a


Not every child is the next Mariah Carey, but professional voice instruction teaches discipline and more • BY BILL BURKE

It was in that briefest of moments that Natalie Livingston glimpsed her future. The 18-year-old from Danville, now a musical theater major in the Hartt School of music at the University of Hartford (Conn.), is on the path to fulfilling a dream that began in that silence three years ago. And despite the dedication, occasional setbacks, hard work and unwavering passion it takes, she, and others like her, know that it’s a fulfilling and ultimately achievable goal. “It started as a hobby,” Livingston said. “But then I got a supporting role in ‘Sweeney Todd’ and I was like, ‘Well, this I something I love to do.’ It was no longer just a hobby.” Livingston began her singing career as a high school freshman when she began training for the New Hampshire All-State Music Festival. That same year, an audition for a role in “Fiddler on the Roof” and the key arrival of an influential teacher combined to instill the passion that grew over time. “His passion really inspired me to develop my own passion,” Livingston said of her early musical mentor and chorus instructor, Rob Harrington. “I was willing to put in any work I needed to do in order to be the best I possibly could.” It’s a pursuit that has led to noticeable changes, according to her mother — both in her abilities as a performer and as she grew through adolescence. “I think she learned that it’s OK to follow her dreams,” Michelle Livingston said. “When you go to your parents and tell them you want to go to school for musical theater, our first reaction was, ‘What do you want to do for work?’ But she’s educated us and


we’ve learned the arts are important. You can make a living in the arts. If you’re determined, if you work hard and if you have the proper training and choose the proper program — it can work.” Choosing a music school can be an important step in moving toward that dream. A number of schools throughout New Hampshire specialize in training young musicians and singers, and teaching the proper way to begin the craft. “Often times, you need to be clear about what your personal goals are,” said Ann Davison, executive director and founder of the Bedford Youth Performing Company. “Often times we’ll get little guys who want to come in and have someone play piano while they sing. That’s not what we do. What you want is someone trained in teaching voice as if it is an instrument. You need to have someone who knows how to teach that instrument, and you need to have somebody who works really well with children.” Other times, instructors can help to reset expectations in young would-be singers. TV shows like “American Idol” or “The Voice,” while inspirational, can set unrealistic goals. Tikes hoping to www.parentingnh.com






he final, fading notes of Timberlane Regional High School’s musical performance of “Sweeney Todd” drifted into nothing and for an instant — just the blink of an eye — the auditorium remained silent before it filled with cheers and applause.

Natalie Livingston as Maria in “West Side Story.”


become the next Kelly Clarkson or to unleash the booming voice of Jennifer Hudson may be heading down the wrong path. A trained instructor can spot that and guide that child accordingly. Davison’s school, which opened 21 years ago, instructs youngsters in music, dance, theater, and provides chances to perform in rock and jazz ensembles, among other opportunities. “That should not be their goal,” Davison said of the ‘you’re going to Hollywood’ set. “They need to sound like themselves. Kids want to have a certain sound and power and we need to show them the work that needs to be done to get there. Voices don’t come readymade to do that kind of thing. [The TV shows] can inflate kids, but kids have always had those dreams and fantasies — and why not? They’re great goals to have.” There are also safety considerations, teachers say. Singing improperly can lead to physical problems — Livingston had her own struggle with developing nodes on her vocal cords but worked through it with the help of a trained teacher. The exercises and training she received from her teacher enabled her to heal and to develop a new confidence, her mother said. “I’ve seen a huge change in her from the time she started singing,” Michelle Livingston said. “She used to get nervous. Not about her performance — but whether her voice was going to hold up. Her voice was unpredictable. We were always wondering if her voice was going to perform for her.” Vocal health is emphasized in local music schools, which involves treating the voice like any other instrument. Singing improperly, like playing an instrument improperly, can lead to problems. Approaching the skill carefully is an important part of the process — something that even the most accomplished singers have learned. “Just because somebody is famous and on the radio, it doesn’t mean they’re singing properly,” said Jay Latulippe, co-director of Let’s Play Music and Make Art, LLC, in Derry. “Students will come in and try to emulate what they hear on the radio, but even Adele got nodes. She has said she knew she was singing wrong but did it anyway. She had to go back and do it properly. That’s where training comes in.” Along with the dreams of life in the spotlight are the benefits that come along with honing such skills. According to experts, it can be a vital part of a well-rounded education. “My feeling is that music education is the best education you can get,” Latulippe said. “It’s the equivalent of taking math and English and melding them together. There’s been a lot of research into music education, and it’s been found that music is the only discipline that requires both hemispheres of the brain to work in tandem and fire at the same time.”

According to the National Association for Music Education, students benefit from musical training in a number of ways, including developing increased language and reasoning skills, mastering memorization, increasing coordination, enjoying a sense of achievement, learning pattern recognition and improving emotional development. “We see kids start lessons with us and we see the impact,” Latulippe said. “There are so many positives. There’s pure brain development, but that’s not what the kids are thinking. Parents can certainly see it. It helps develop patience, discipline, concentration and even social development. That’s the thing about music. When you’re singing and playing with other people, you have to learn to work together. You learn how to make it work so it blends and sounds great. “All of those skills help you in every aspect of your life, whether it’s academic, relationships with other people, your job later in life — all the skills you learn in music help you be a better person in general and navigate life gracefully.” Of course, there are also arguments against pursuing a career path with a less-than assured financial future, but Natalie Livingston is having none of it. “Why do we only put value on things where you’re guaranteed to make money?” she said. “It saddens me because what does it matter how much money you make as long as you love what you’re doing? But the world thinks differently.” It’s a mindset that Davison espouses at the Bedford Youth Performing Company. If the only result is learning to set goals, developing a work ethic and learning determination, then all the work is worth it. “First of all, in my perspective, every kid is a superstar,” she said. “They’re not all going to be superstar singers, but you have to take time and discover what your gifts are. They’ll get the joy of singing, but it also gives kids a voice – which sounds odd, because I don’t mean it in the literal sense. It gives them power, another way of expressing themselves. It gives them a depth and texture to communicate what they have to say.” It’s that intangible element that may have ensnared Livingston. “I’ve always loved singing,” she said. “For me, it’s always been an amazing way to express myself. I love connecting with people and telling stories. And it’s in that moment, right when the show ends, where there’s silence before everybody claps. That’s when you know the audience got it.” Bill Burke is PNH’s Dad on Board. He’s also the managing editor for custom publications at McLean Communications.

Summer Camp is back at Gymnastics Village with half and full day options (9am-3pm)! Designed for boys and girls from 6 to 14, kids will participate in gymnastics rotations, fitness activities, Ninja Challenge obstacle courses, games, crafts, party apparatus like our inflatables, zip-line and more. Registration for summer camps and recreational classes begins April 1st. Call 603.889.8092 or visit gymnasticsvillage.com.

26 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Enrichment Programs Art, Music and Theater Currier Museum of Art 150 Ash St., Manchester 518-4974, www.currier.org Salem Family Resources-Success By 6 -The Learning Cooperative Early Education & Enrichment Program at the Haigh School, 24 School St., Salem 898-5493, www.salemfamilyresources.org YMCA of Greater Nashua Nashua Branch 882-2011, www.nmymca.org Merrimack Branch 881-7778, www.nmymca.org

Dance and Gymnastics Gymnastics Village 13 Caldwell Drive, Amherst 889-8092, www.gymnasticsvillage.com One of the top gymnastics training facilities in the Northeast, we offer classes for children 18 months to 18 years. USA Gym-

Happy Feet Dance School, LLC 25 Indian Rock Road, Windham 434-4437, www.happyfeetdanceschool.biz Happy Feet Dance School offers fun, ageappropriate dance classes to students ages 2 through teens! The school prides itself on being referred to as “the friendly dance school.” Their dedicated staff nurtures each child’s unique abilities to allow all of their students to develop self-esteem, in helping to reach their full potential.

Outside the Classroom Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne Point State Park 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye 436-8043 www.seacoastsciencecenter.org

Sports, Fitness and Recreation

people with a fun, safe and constructive after-school environment. Our Club offers programs and services designed to build character and strengthen life skills. Open to all youth, ages 5-18. No child is turned away due to inability to pay. We also offer summer camps and holiday activities.

Camp Birch Hill 333C Birch Hill Road, New Durham 859-4525, www.campbirchhill.com The Granite YMCA 30 Mechanic St., Manchester 623-3558, www.graniteymca.org

Boys & Girls Club of Manchester 555 Union St., Manchester 625-5031, www.begreatmanchester.org The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester offers fun, safe and affordable before- and after-school programs for children in grades 1 through 12 with a focus on academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. Fees vary based on grade and program. For more information, call or visit us online.

The Workout Club & Wellness Center 16 Pelham Road, Salem, 894-4800 18 Orchard View Drive, Londonderry, 434-6565 www.theworkoutclub.com The Works Family Health & Fitness Center 23 Works Way, Somersworth 742-2163, www.workshealthclub.com

Youth and Teen Services

SEE Science Center

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua One Positive Place Nashua 883-0523, www.bgcn.com

200 Bedford St., Manchester 669-0400, www.see-sciencecenter.org

The Boys & Girls Club is a communitybased organization that provides young

The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center 36 Tsienneto Road, Derry 437-8477, www.urteachers.org


nastics competitive programs for both boys and girls. We offer birthday parties

for up to 15 children. We also provide a full range of gymnastics activities throughout the summer.

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My child qualifies as special needs

– now


When developing an education plan, you don’t have to get lost in the acronyms BY MELANIE PLENDA

SPECIAL NEEDS 28 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

So when a child is struggling in school, whether it’s academically or socially, it can be difficult. And when the alphabet soup — IEPs, 504s, IDEA and FAPE — enters the conversation, it can be overwhelming, said Stephanie Landry, a learning disabilities specialist at McLaughlin Middle School in Manchester. But it doesn’t need to be. For starters, a special needs diagnosis and implementation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) doesn’t have to be a forever thing, Landry said. In fact, going into the process, the goal is typically to get the child discharged from special education at some point, and that does happen. The IEP is meant to address the issues the child is having so they can be discharged. “The earlier you catch things, the better off you are,” Landry said, noting that most are given out in elementary school when a disability begins to show itself. “The earlier we can catch things, the quicker we can get them caught up, and the quicker we can get them off services. The goal is to not have them on an IEP.” That said, some children will have IEPs for their entire school careers and that’s OK, Landry said. She shares that her own first-grader has an IEP and their goal is to have him off of it by second grade. “I don’t want this to be something that follows him forever,” she said. “But if that’s what he needs, I’m OK with that.” WHAT IS AN IEP? An IEP is a plan designed by a learner’s educational team to address the individual’s unique learning needs, said Kelly Ardita, a special education teacher and case manager at Bow Memorial School. Students who have an identified educational disability and need special education are eligible for IEPs. Landry said there are still misconceptions about what constitutes a special education student. She said most often people still think of kids in wheelchairs or those who need physical help feeding themselves, for example. “But there is so much more to special ed that people are completely not aware of,” Landry said. “There are special ed kids in almost every classroom.” She said that looking at her own son, one might not suspect he had a disability. “He talks, he walks, he eats, he’s a typical kid,” she said. “And people are surprised when I do tell them that [he has an IEP]. They’re like, ‘oh, what’s wrong with him?’ Well, nothing is really ‘wrong’ with him, but I get that that is people’s first instincts. He has a learning disability, he needs some extra supports in reading and in speech, you know, and it was those things that people don’t typically don’t think of as special ed.” The team that puts the plan together typically comprises a regular education teacher, a special education teacher, the parents, the student – depending on their age – and individuals

504 PLANS These types of accommodations are different than classroom modifications offered with a 504 plan. Ardita said a 504 plan falls under the Section 504 Rehabilitative Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law originally aimed at stopping discrimination of individuals with disabilities. “A 504 is something that you and I can have,” she said. “It’s something we can have in the workplace, even an adult.” Ardita said 504s are minor accommodations to help the student, whereas an IEP is a plan that changes things completely. In reading, for example, a student with an IEP may read the same story as a regular ed student, but it’s at a lower reading level. In science and social studies, she said, when it comes to tests, she often will give IEP students tests that have the same core concepts as the regular ed class, but are modified to meet the needs of the special ed student. Same concepts, she said, different test. When it comes to a 504 plan, there are two things to consider, Ardita said. The first is that a learner must present with a disability, which can include a variety of learning and attention issues. Second, that disability must interfere with the student’s ability to learn in the general classroom setting. A 504 plan is a plan for accommodations, or if appropriate, supports and/or services for the student, and is typically developed and monitored through regular education, Ardita said. www.parentingnh.com






arents want their children to have a positive educational experience — to learn, make friends and have happy, healthy, productive lives.

who are working to provide the student’s services, such as a speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, counselor, reading specialist etc., Ardita said. The team also usually includes a Local Education Agency. The LEA is a representative of the school district that the student attends and represents the district that is providing funding for the student and is often a school administrator. The plan itself includes a variety of information including: • The student’s learning profile • Consideration of special factors to be considered so the student can access their free and appropriate public education — also known as FAPE • Specialized goals and objectives designed to address the student’s educational needs • Accommodations and/or modifications that the student may need to best access the educational setting • Special education and related services • Accommodations for state and district-wide testing • A determination of if a student needs extended school-year services based on their learning profile • A determination of the school setting or placement of where the plan will be put in place The process includes meeting with the team to come up with a plan. When it comes to the accommodations included in the plan, they vary. But by way of example, Ardita said, they might include providing word banks on assessments to help a student who can’t recall vocabulary or allowing the use of a scribe on assignments to support a student with weak writing skills. An example of a modification in an IEP may include providing different spelling words from what is presented in the general curriculum or allowing a student access to content materials such as an audio recording or Braille to support a vision impairment.

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30 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Accommodations in 504 plans may include supports such as wheelchair ramps so a student can access all parts of the school building, the use of an FM amplification voice system to support students with hearing impairments or even adapting an environment to minimize distractions for a student with a ADHD diagnosis, Ardita said. “These often reflect a student’s disability and provide for access to the school environment and learning,” she adds. ANNUAL REVIEW If a learner is found by their educational team to qualify for an IEP it must be reviewed at least on a yearly basis, or at any time any member of the team would like to do so. Students who are receiving special education must also have a re-evaluation completed at least every three years. A test is administered at that point and is used for the team to determine if the student still qualifies for a disability identification, and still requires special education. As the student progresses, the team can decide to discharge the student from special education and dispense with the IEP. When that happens, Ardita said, “It is typically because the goals have been met through the prescriptive education the IEP provided for and the student is achieving on grade level, no longer needing special education.” Landry recognizes that the whole process can be overwhelming to navigate. That is why it helps to go into an initial referral meeting armed with seven questions. Ardita suggests coming into that meeting with a written list to ensure all questions and concerns are answered. Some questions she suggests asking include: • Do you have a handout or resource that I could have to better understand the steps of this process and my rights as a parent? • What are the names, e-mails and roles of the individuals working with my student? • What is the best way to contact you? • What are the best ways to support my child at home with what you are working on here at school? • Are there outside resources I can access to further support what I’m working on at home? • How will you measure my student’s progress and how will you be informing me? • How might my learner’s day look different from their peers? Landry said parents should also feel comfortable asking for a list of the child’s strengths and where he or she is succeeding. “When parents are sitting at the meeting and teachers are spitting out all kinds of perceived negative things, if you feel overwhelmed and upset, stop the meeting and just say, I know my kid is a good kid and they have good qualities, please tell me one good thing,” Landry said. “I think sometimes we get so focused on what we’re worried about so that the parents know we’re worried about this and it sometimes gets hammered too hard, especially if it’s the first time it’s coming up. Parents can feel completely blindsided. “It’s hard to sit there and hear that your child is different. Because every parent just wants their kid to be like everybody else. You know even as adults, we just want to fit in. It’s scary thinking that your kid might be doing something different.” Melanie Plenda is an award-winning writer and longtime contributor to ParentingNH.

Special Needs NH ProviderLink Directory; a program of Gateways Community Services 144 Canal St., Nashua 844-220-5465, www.nhproviderlink.org

Developmental Services Center for Autism and Related Disorders 15 Constitution Drive, Bedford 637-9406, www.centerforautism.com The CARD program includes comprehensive and cutting-edge curricula that can be tailored to the specific needs of individuals from birth through adulthood. These programs help individuals learn to communicate, develop friendships and lead happy, healthy lives. CARD’s mission is to make a difference in the world by providing top-quality, innovative evidence-based, effective treatment to ensure individuals fulfill their potential. Gateways Autism Center 100 Perimeter Road, Nashua 484-4135, www.gatewayscs.org The Gateways Autism Center is a program based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that provides a combination of center and home-based programming as well as social skills for individuals with Autism. The Gateways Autism Center strives to provide high-quality skills training and behavior intervention for the promotion of independence and autonomy. We offer service in our center, clients’ homes, and within the community as well as school consultation.

Educational Resources Crotched Mountain - Ready, Set, Connect ABA Treatment 57 Regional Drive, Suite 7, Concord 340 Granite St., Unit #3, Manchester 1 Verney Drive, Greenfield 547-1430, www.cmf.org/autism Helping children with autism build communication, social, play, motor and self-care skills through Applied Behavioral Analysis led by Board Certified Behavior Analysts and therapists in a caring and fun group environment. Crotched Mountain School 1 Verney Drive, Greenfield 547-3311- x1894, www.cmf.org/school Crotched Mountain School offers a unique combination of world-class special education, full-time residential living, year-round accessible recreation, a comprehensive array of therapeutic supports and vocational experiences.

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Monarch School of New England 61 Eastern Ave, Rochester 332-2848, www.monarchschoolne.org The Monarch School of New England is a day school for students with significant disabilities, ages 5 to 21. Our elementary/ middle school and high school/vocational center are both located in Rochester, New Hampshire. Our focus is on student’s abilities and strengths. Students graduate with a resume of vocational, social, and functional life skills that prepare them for adulthood.

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Independent Living Crotched Mountain Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM) 57 Regional Drive, Suite 7A, Concord 226-2903, www.shoprem.com

Parent Education Programs The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center 36 Tsienneto Road, Derry 437-8477, www.URteachers.org The Upper Room is a Family Resource Center serving parents, grandparents, children and teens through 15 educational programs, classes, support groups, referral services, including support for young adults.

Vocational Training Monarch School of New England 61 Eastern Ave, Rochester 332-2848, www.monarchschoolne.org

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Childcare Classrooms Located in Hillsborough, Manchester, and Nashua For more information and applications please call 603-668-8010 x6098 or 1-800-322-1073 www.parentingnh.com






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Currier Museum of Art 150 Ash St., Manchester 518-4974, www.currier.org

Dance and Gymnastics Gymnastics Village 13 Caldwell Drive, Amherst 889-8092, www.gymnasticsvillage.com

Early Childhood Early Learning Center – Temple Israel 200 State St., Portsmouth 436-5301, www.templeisraelnh.org Learning Adventures, LLC 51 Old Bedford Road, Bedford 669-2811 www.learningadventuresnh.com Over The Rainbow Preschool 223 Rockingham Road, Derry, 432-6655


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Strawbery Banke Museum 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth 433-1100, www.strawberybanke.org

Informational and Referral NH Lawyer Referral Service 2 Pillsbury St., Suite 300, Concord 229-0002, www.nhbar.org

Science & Nature Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne Point State Park 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye 436-8043 www.seacoastsciencecenter.org SEE Science Center 200 Bedford St., Manchester 669-0400, www.see-sciencecenter.org

Sports, Fitness and Recreation Boys & Girls Club of Manchester 555 Union St., Manchester 625-5031, www.begreatmanchester.org Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua One Positive Place, Nashua 883-0523, www.bgcn.com

32 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Camp Birch Hill 333C Birch Hill Road, New Durham 859-4525, www.campbirchhill.com Your home away from home! Camp Birch Hill is a traditional, family-owned summer camp for boys and girls ages 6-16. Nestled on 100 acres of private, lakeside land in the lakes region of New Hampshire campers can choose from 50 diverse activities throughout their two-, four-, or six-week stay. NUThin’ but GOOD TIMES! 746 DW Highway, Merrimack 429-2200 www.nuthinbutgoodtimes.com The Granite YMCA 30 Mechanic St., Manchester 623-3558, www.graniteymca.org The Workout Club & Wellness Center 16 Pelham Road, Salem, 894-4800 18 Orchard View Drive, Londonderry 434-6565, www.theworkoutclub.com At The Workout Club, we’re proud to offer numerous programs for children to help them learn the importance of regular physical activity and a healthy diet from a young age. Our vacation camps offer your children a fun, physically active time including fit classes, splash park and our 40-foot rock wall and our birthday parties are the best. The Works Family Health & Fitness Center 23 Works Way, Somersworth 742-2163, www.workshealthclub.com The Works is the most comprehensive health and fitness center in the seacoast area. Extensive indoor and outdoor facilities, birthday parties, swimming lessons taught by certified instructors, and supervised children’s programs for members, NH licensed after school program, summer and vacation camps, registered dietitians, personal trainers and over 100 group fitness classes each week! Stop by and find out what all the excitement is about. YMCA of Greater Nashua Nashua Branch – 882-2011 Merrimack Branch – 881-7778 www.nmymca.org

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The unexpected benefits of camp are the best reasons to attend


amp directors work hard to portray the benefits their camp can provide to children.

Camp offers the opportunity to make friends, to experience the outdoors, to “just be a kid” for a little while, to learn a hobby or sport…the list goes on and on. It’s printed on the brochure, posted on the website, talked about during introductory visits. But what stretches the list even further are the intangible and often unanticipated “gifts of learning” that attending summer camp can give your child and your family. These might not be boldly splashed across a flyer, but they’re just as real. FLEXIBILITY ISN’T OPTIONAL. How quickly we learn to adapt, adjust and accept change when our hiking trip gets called off due to thunderstorms. The game created while huddled in the tent, using whatever is at hand -- two camp mugs, three stones and a rolled-up pair of socks – becomes a fun way to spend an hour where at home the weather might have been an excuse for whining about being bored while stuck in the house. Camp teaches kids

that life isn’t predictable, and to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation. FIND COMMON GROUND. It’s nearly impossible to spend days and weeks in the company of peers without needing to navigate disagreements. In the camp community, where bullying isn’t only not allowed, it is actively “uncool,” campers quickly learn they will not want to be friends with everyone, but you do need to find a way to co-exist. Campers build conflict management skills that will be valuable their whole lives through actively practicing the ability to find common ground and being a positive member of the group. (MOST) SPIDERS WON’T KILL YOU. A ladybug landed on your backpack. It’s adorable (please stop screaming)! And, even if there is a Daddy Long Legs lurking in your cubby, all he’s doing is keeping you from getting another mosquito bite. Seeing firsthand what happens when humans take over natural spaces of other


species – and learning to live with creepy crawlies — imparts in children a sense of duty for protecting and positively interacting with the environment. EVERYONE CAN SING AND DANCE. Singing is not just for Grammy Award-winning acts and most people never make it on Dancing With the Stars. No matter how untrained your voice or your feet, it’s impossible to worry about skill when you and 100 others are singing about soggy moose who spilled their juice or when your group is dancing around your table in the dining hall to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Nowhere is the life lesson of learning to “dance like no one is watching” taught better than it is at camp. FINDING APPRECIATION. Sometimes, without meaning to, kids take for granted what they have, both tangible and intangible. When food appears on the table every day, kids don’t always stop to think and thank the person who shopped for it, prepared it (and likely will clean it up). On a camp-out night, however, your child becomes part of a group responsible for collecting the firewood, starting a fire, prepping the food, cooking for everyone, and cleaning up to “leave no trace” – a process that can take a couple hours for a basic meal. As they take on responsibilities for things that get done for them at home, children learn that the love, attention and care provided by a parent may be their “job,” but it still deserves a thank you. So when your camper comes home from camp, their trunk will be full with more than just dirty clothes and archery awards. They will carry home with them life skills and a greater awareness of the world around them, and even of their place in that world. Don’t be surprised. Take it in stride and act like you knew it all along (after all, that’s why you sent them to camp, right?)! Then, take the next step and talk with your camper about how to incorporate their newfound abilities and experiences into the school year and home. You’ll both be impressed with where the secret benefits of camp can take you. Emily Golinsky is the executive director of Camp Starfish located in Rindge.






The amazing ‘secret menu’ camps don’t advertise

A sneak peek at PNH’s



arentingNH compiles the best of what there is to do in New Hampshire during the summer in the annual Family Summer Fun Guide. Here’s a sample of the some of the places, events and things to do this summer. Be sure to look for the complete 2019 edition in mid-June on news stands and at www.parentingnh.com.

I F I T’S R A I N I N G … Head to the Mount Washington Valley Children’s Museum in North Conway, where kids can put on puppet shows, play with trains, climb into a life-sized tree house, explore outer space, and more. The museum is in the heart of downtown, so you can walk to nearby restaurants and shops. WWW.MWVCHILDRENSMUSEUM.ORG

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST In Portsmouth, the Prescott Park Arts Festival brings musical theater to the shores of the Piscataqua River all summer long. In 2019 the main production is Beauty and the Beast, with performances held most Thursdays through Sundays from June 21 to Aug. 18, 2019. Enjoy the other sights and sounds of Prescott Park, including its magnificent views and lush flower gardens. WWW.PRESCOTTPARK.ORG


w cheering on the Ne Enjoy an afternoon the of ts, an AA-affiliate Hampshire Fisher Ca rthNo f the field at the Toronto Blue Jays. Of r, ste he dium in Manc east Delta Dental Sta ings inn ng of those extra-lo kids can spend part cy un bo th ’s play area, wi in a special children eck out Ch e. urs co an obstacle works. house, games, and giveaways and fire ecial themed days, the calendar for sp S.COM


T H E G R E AT OU DOO R S Learn more about the flora and fauna of New Hampshire at Sqaum Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness. The center’s trails wind through meadows, marshes and forests where you can visit live animal displays of some of the creatures who call the area home — including a black bear and bobcat. WWW.NHNATURE.ORG

TA K E I N A S HOW In Wilton, Andy’s Summer Playhouse is an innovative children-only summer theater that provides kids with an unmatched opportunity to hone their acting skills. Summer 2019 at Andy’s Playhouse will include over 300 child players putting on productions of Goblin Secrets and The Resisters: A Football Musical. WWW.ANDYSSUMMERPLAYHOUSE.ORG

34 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

Summer Fun Guide Stop by the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, a planetarium and science learning center that offers star shows, outer space learning exhibits, and special family programs that inspire everyone to reach for the stars. The Center is open daily during the summer, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m




FA M I LY D AY I N T H E LAKES REGION In Wolfeboro, learn about a pivotal time in U.S. history at the Wright Museum of World War II’s annual family day, being held Sunday, July 14, 2019. Festivities include rides in restored WWII vehicles, WWII re-enactors, WWII memorabilia, as well as a magic show, animal shows, face painting, games and other kid-friendly fun. Bring the grandparents for a special day. WWW.WRIGHTMUSEUM.ORG

ERA B R IN G Y O U R C A M ’ T O ‘M O O S E A L L E Y 3 from Pittsburg north to

16-mile stretch of Route ny of Did you know that the y? That’s because ma is known as Moose Alle ken the Canadian border bro the un ted 6,000 moose live in New Hampshire’s estima do u yo this road. If forests on either side of g drive, NH Fish ttin spo go for a moose t advises you and Game Departmen — and have to stay in your vehicle your camera ready!

L I V I N G H I S T O RY Meet John Adams and celebrate America’s founding and freedom at Exeter’s annual American Independence Festival, hosted by the American Independence Museum. Role players, British and Patriot re-enactors, traditional artisans, music, food, sidewalk sales, children’s activities, and fireworks are just some of the fun. Plus, see an original Declaration of Independence. This year’s event is July 13, 2019. WWW.INDEPENDENCEMUSEUM.ORG


C H R I S T M A S I N J U LY With exciting holiday-themed rides and a chance to visit the jolly old elf himself, Christmas really does happen all summer long at Santa’s Village in Jefferson. Ride, slide, splash and play at this favorite White Mountains attraction voted by TripAdvisor as one of the Top 25 Amusement Parks in the United States. WWW.SANTASVILLAGE.COM





Family Fun Attractions NUThin’ but GOOD TIMES! 746 DW Highway, Merrimack, 429-2200 www.nuthinbutgoodtimes.com


Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne Point State Park 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye, 436-8043 www.seacoastsciencecenter.org Strawbery Banke Museum 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth 433-1100, www.strawberybanke.org

Destination Resort The Inn at East Hill Farm 460 Monadnock St., Troy 800-242-6495, www.east-hill-farm.com The Inn at East Hill Farm is a working farmstay that offers a vacation atmosphere coupled with an authentic farm-oriented educational experience. Year-round activities for the whole family include indoor & outdoor swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, cow milking, egg collecting, wagon rides, horseback riding, and a children’s recreation program. Three home-cooked family style meals served daily and a bottomless cookie jar!


OVER THE RAINBOW PRESCHOOL Celebrating 31 Years of Education! w Quality Infant, Toddler, Preschool & Kindergarten Programs w School-Age Program w Part-time and Full-time Daycare w School-year and Summer Sessions w 2, 3 and 5-day Programs w 6 weeks - 12 years Open Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 6:pm 223 Rockingham Road Derry, NH 03038 603-432-6655

Children’s Museum of NH 6 Washington St., Dover 742-2002, www.childrens-museum.org Offers two levels of hands-on, interactive exhibits for children from newborn to middle school. Guests can explore subjects such as dinosaurs, music, aeronautics, world cultures, art more. Open Tuesdays - Saturdays 10am-5pm and Sundays Noon-5pm during school year and seven days a week during summer. Admission is free for Members, $10 Adults and Kids over 12 months, $9 Seniors 65+. Currier Museum of Art 150 Ash St., Manchester 518-4974, www.currier.org The Currier Museum of Art is home to an internationally renowned collection of European and American art, including works by Monet, Hopper, and Wyeth. The Currier’s Art Center offers classes and workshops for people of all ages and skill levels, and popular kid’s camps year-round. The Museum also owns Zimmerman House, the only Frank Lloyd Wright designed home in New England open to the public.

36 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

SEE Science Center 200 Bedford St., Manchester 669-0400, www.see-sciencecenter.org SEE’s exhibits create fun, hands-on learning experiences for visitors of all ages. Explore forces, sound, technology and much more 7 days a week! SEE offers public programs, birthday parties, camps, technology classes, mini-courses, a science gift shop, and more. Keep up with SEE activities by joining our email list, and by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Strawbery Banke Museum 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth 433-1100, www.strawberybanke.org In the heart of Portsmouth, this 10 acre outdoor history museum is dedicated to bringing 300+ years of American history to life. Children and adults learn and have fun together exploring historic houses, heirloom gardens, hands – on crafts, stories told by costumed role players, special exhibits and holiday celebrations. Tickets good for TWO days. Children under 5 & active-duty military families, free. Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne Point State Park 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye 436-8043 www.seacoastsciencecenter.org Located on the rocky coast in historic Odiorne Point State Park. See, touch, and learn about marine animals of the Gulf of Maine. Exhibits and programs teach about our ocean and coastal environment, and inspire conservation of our blue planet. Tide pooling, environmental day camp, family events, outdoor summer concerts, birthday parties, nature trails, picnic areas and playground.

Sports, Fitness and Recreation

hands-on and physical activities. Programs include before and after school child care, day/overnight camps, teen centers, and teen leadership programs. Financial assistance available. For more information visit www.graniteymca.org NUThin’ but GOOD TIMES! 746 DW Highway, Merrimack 429-2200 www.nuthinbutgoodtimes.com Nuthin’ but Good Times! is a family friendly, indoor playground open to the public, we also specialize in birthday parties! Our large soft play structures accommodate all ages from toddlers and up, we have a Café, lounge area, and massage chairs and more! Our Café offers healthy choices for snacks, lunch and dinner! Red’s Shoe Barn 35 Broadway, Dover 22 Plaistow Road, Plaistow 742-1893, www.redsshoebarn.com The Workout Club & Wellness Center 16 Pelham Road, Salem, 894-4800 18 Orchard View Drive, Londonderry, 434-6566, www.theworkoutclub.com The Works Family Health & Fitness Center 23 Works Way, Somersworth 742-2163, www.workshealthclub.com YMCA of Greater Nashua Nashua Branch – 882-2011 Merrimack Branch – 881-7778 www.nmymca.org The Y is a nonprofit charitable organization serving locally for more than 130 years from facilities in Nashua and Merrimack. Programs and services are offered in safe and supportive environments including volunteer opportunities, preschool/school-age childcare, daycamping, swimming, arts & dance, family events, sports instruction, health & wellness options, recreational fun and so much more!

Camp Birch Hill 333C Birch Hill Road, New Durham 859-4525, www.campbirchhill.com The Granite YMCA 30 Mechanic St., Manchester 623-3558, www.graniteymca.org The Granite YMCA is the community leader in providing high-quality child care for infant, preschool and school – aged children. Children grow while exploring and having fun in a variety of

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Not your mom’s workplace




NH companies are changing their policies to support working moms and keep them on the job

iana Duggan was pregnant with her second child when her employer, Fidelity Investments, announced it would be expanding its paid maternity and parental leave policies. Maternity leave was extended from 12 weeks to 16 weeks, while other parental leave was extended from two weeks to six weeks. The policy change made it much easier for Duggan to return to work after giving birth. “By the time my maternity [leave] was up, I was much more confident coming back to work,” said Duggan,

whose husband, Mark, also works at Fidelity in Merrimack and was able to take advantage of the longer parental leave option. “It seemed the second time on maternity leave was much more enjoyable. It wasn’t just me running around and doing everything – my husband was there as well,” said Duggan. “Having him home that extra time, we were able to get in a

very good routine, especially having two at home now.” When Duggan did return to work, Fidelity also allowed her to shift her schedule earlier, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. “It allows me to [experience] a lot of the day, coming in earlier, but I also get to leave early and spend time with my family. My girls are so young, they go to bed early, so now I don’t feel like





I’m rushing around to put them to bed,” said Duggan. Flexible hours also allow Duggan and her husband to balance work and family. “He takes care of drop-off in the morning so I can come into the office, and if he needs to stay later, I already have it planned that I’m leaving early to get the girls,” she said. “It works for our family and both of our careers.”


RETURNING ON HER TERMS “There’s no one more loyal than a mom who went through pregnancy with you and returned on her terms,” said Zachary Gregg, founder and managing partner of marketing agency Vital Design in Portsmouth. Over the past few years, Vital has more than doubled its workforce, mainly through hiring millennials. “We know that comes with the territory, whether a man or a woman, if you hire somebody in their mid-20s to mid-30s, they’re going to [have a baby],” said Gregg. Usually pregnant workers will visit Gregg’s office to share the news. “In some ways, they’re nervous to tell us because they don’t know what the reaction will be,” said Gregg. “It starts with a conversation. ‘We’re super excited for you and no matter what you tell me, whether it’s “I’m definitely coming back to work; I want to work the rest of my life” or “I don’t know if I’m coming back to work,” I don’t expect you to know now,’” Gregg will say to expectant mothers. Gregg tells them to keep their plans fluid and open-ended, so as to not put pressure on new mothers to stick to strict schedules. “I think the first thing is not creating hardand-fast expectations that they have to be here during a certain period of time, letting them know they may need to make changes to their schedule,” said Gregg. “We tell them, ‘don’t come back until you’re ready to come back and don’t create a schedule where you’re afraid of letting us down’.” This flexibility also helps parents balance work and family. Especially as children get older and involved in sports, both parents will take off time to assist with coaching. If a worker wants to regularly pick up their children from child care at 3 p.m. and not make up the hours in the evening, they have the option of recalculating their salary to match the amount of time they want to work. A $70,000 salary at 40 hours per week becomes a $50,000 salary for 28 hours a week. “As long as that expectation is clear and everyone’s OK with it, it’s completely freeing for the employee to realize ‘Wow, I can do

both,’” said Gregg. Generally, though, Vital employees have worked for the company a few years and developed a trustworthy relationship that allows them to manage their flexible schedules. “Quite honestly, our best employees are moms. Moms and dads are efficient with their time. They tend to get more done in their day than others would, and they tend to understand their schedule very well,” said Gregg. “It follows our culture of being transparent and authentic. We’re going to be supportive, what we get out of that is committed employees that want to work here.” MODEL EMPLOYERS Katie Schwerin, chief operating officer of organic personal care manufacturer W.S. Badger Company in Gilsum, has been at the center of some progressive family-friendly policies. When an employee asked if she could bring her baby to work, Schwerin did some research and discovered the Parenting in the Workplace Institute, a Utah-based nonprofit whose founder helped Badger create a Babies-at-Work program. Over 15 babies, ages three to six months, have participated in the program. (Badger offers three months of paid maternity leave.) “I think, in general, children and families need support,” said Schwerin. “We want to help businesses connect the dots and understand that the future depends on the upbringing of our children, and that children need more time with their parents.” The policy has also helped Badger with employee retention. “The benefit to the company is huge. The parents are forever grateful. And almost across the board people are happier when babies are around, so it helps the other employees as well. It’s a warm experience,” she said. Badger also built a child care center just down the road that accepts children ages six months to three years old. These types of policies are what led Schwerin to serve for some time as the cochair of Impact Monadnock Business Ambassadors, the business arm of the Monadnock United Way’s initiative dedicated to supporting the region’s young children and families. This effort runs in tandem with Healthy Monadnock 2020, an initiative founded and developed by the Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth Hitchcock-and guided by the Council for a Healthier Community, a group of over 30 individuals representing businesses, schools, organizations and coalitions.

38 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

“We really want to be a model company,” said Schwerin. “We’ve been working to make companies in the region more family friendly.” Currently serving as the co-chair of the Business Ambassadors, Peter Hansel, president of Filtrine Manufacturing Company in Keene, has established new family-friendly policies at his company. They include restructuring paid time off to make it more available to new hires, extending its parental leave to four weeks and adopting a Babiesat-Work policy, though no babies have been born since the change. “I’m going to step forward in things that make sense for our company as well as setting an example for others in the region,” said Hansel. Keene Housing, the City’s housing authority, has had one baby participate sporadically in its Babies-at-Work program. “For the type of work a great many of our employees do, it’s not particularly disruptive and we think it’s one of the ways we can show appreciation for our staff,” said Josh Meehan, executive director of Keene Housing. “There’s not a huge pool of property managers that have experience with income restrictions; there’s a whole set of requirements around that. We hope our familyfriendly policies make us competitive.” Bensonwood, a Walpole-based custom home builder, has seen a demographic shift in its workers, increasing female employees by 20 percent in recent years. As a few workers were out on maternity leave, Human Resources Associate Ana Gonzalez put the final touches on a newly constructed, discreet room for mothers to privately pump breast milk. “I remember when I had my daughter it was a very personal thing. There’s space for them to leave their equipment in the room so they’re not transporting it back and forth and attracting attention,” said Gonzalez. “You can look at it as a benefit, but at a certain point, it really just is the right thing to do.” Bensonwood has also been flexible in easing mothers back to work. “One of our staffers coming back from maternity leave wasn’t ready to come back full time so we staggered her reentry. As things progressed, she decided she didn’t want to work full time and wanted to work part time, so we just adjusted her schedule,” said Gonzalez. “We absolutely work with them as best we can to accommodate as much as possible.” Liisa Rajala is the associate editor at NH Business Review, a publication of McLean Communications. ParentingNH is also a McLean Communications publication.

Services&Retail Margaret Cunnane Hall, Attorney at Law 37 High St., Milford 673-8323, www.margaretchall.com Attorney Hall is widely known for her private adoption practice. She received the prestigious “Angels in Adoption” Congressional award and is an Adoption Fellow of the Academy of Adoption and Reproduction Attorneys. She represents NH families in adoption, family divorce law and other general legal needs, including wills. Her office is located near the Milford Oval. NH Lawyer Referral Service 2 Pillsbury St., Suite 300, Concord 229-0002, www.nhbar.org The NH Lawyer Referral Service, a free public service of the NH Bar Association, offers guidance in selecting and hiring a qualified , competent, and insured attorney. Trained staff reviews the legal matter and attempts to connect members of the public with the right attorney or other community resources.

Shaine Law 15 Constitution Drive, Suite 1A, Bedford 714-7268, www.shainelaw.com Experienced professional focuses on targeted needs and concerns of seniors. Specifically we work with seniors’ concerns relating to fraud and on developing tools and strategies for protecting against becoming a victim. We also work with seniors on planning for Medicaid eligibility and filing an application. If you have other general needs, we may be able to help too.

Independent Living Crotched Mountain Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM) 57 Regional Drive, Suite 7A, Concord 226-2903, shoprem.com

Children’s Hair Salon Snip-Its 317 Amherst St., Nashua 889-0000, www.snipits.com Snip-its was created to untangle the haircare challenges of parents trying to find a stimulating and enjoyable hair cutting solution for their kids. At Snip-its, our friendly and knowledgeable staff, animated gadgets, computer games and charac-

ter filled entertaining environment are all geared to making sure your child leaves with a great looking haircut and, better yet, a great big smile!

men, women and children. We strive for customer satisfaction and old-fashioned service. Our sales associates are fully trained to assist in finding the proper shoes for your needs. Huge selection of namebrand shoes and clothing for everyone. Red’s is worth the trip from anywhere!

Family Shoe Store Red’s Shoe Barn 35 Broadway, Dover 22 Plaistow Road, Plaistow 742-1893, www.redsshoebarn.com We’re one of New England’s largest family-owned shoe stores with products for

Surrogacy Avenues to Surrogacy 18 Centre St., Concord 228-6712, www.avenuestosurrogacy.com

Do you want to help a family have a baby? Do you enjoy being pregnant? Avenues to Surrogacy, a New Hampshire based surrogacy agency, is looking for women between the ages of 21 and 40 who would be willing to serve as gestational surrogates and carry a baby for another family. Surrogates are paid for their time and effort. If you are interested please call 603�228�6712 and we will explain how to make someone’s dreams come true and how surrogacy works.

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Attorneys & Legal Assistance

Your teen’s first


What you need to know before your child enters the workforce




ne scoop or two? Is that in a sugar cone or waffle?” The questions fly fast and furious at the busy windows of Lago’s Ice Cream, a popular ice cream venue on Route 1 in Rye. On any given day, a dozen teens are on staff, taking orders, scooping out massive amounts of ice cream, making sundaes, frappes and floats and cleaning up. For many, it is their first job, and many return year after year to a place that becomes like a second home. Lago’s has been hiring teens since it opened in 1981. “We love hiring teens,” said owner Steve Grenier. “They have a good energy level and positive attitude and are eager to learn. Eventually many of our college students move on to a job closer to their career path, but for someone just entering the job market, this is a great place to start.” Grenier said that even though making the perfect ice cream cone may not sound like an experience that could influence your career, the work has an impact. “We teach kids to leave mediocrity at the door,” he said. “Those are the words we live by. If you do your job, be consistent about details, and are on time, these skills will serve you well in the long run. Learning to do small things well helps you manage big projects. Some tasks are mundane but you will always have such work to do, no matter what your career is. If you handle these efficiently, you will be organized and prepared to tackle things that are more challenging.” Jobs that rely heavily on customer interaction also teach kids critical interpersonal skills. “The job is very fast-paced, so teens need to learn good interpersonal skills and teamwork so the crew works together and helps each other out as needed,” said Grenier.

40 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

meant to help them do the job better. “Likewise, if your child gets bored easily, work with them to find a job that really interests them. For example, if they are passionate about animals, perhaps working in a pet store is a good fit. If they love technology, then Best Buy might be an option. If some of these issues are ongoing problems, such as having trouble with authority, then talking with a counselor might be wise so that this problem doesn’t become worse and interfere with a successful career down the road.” Parents can also help teens prepare for “realworld jobs” by giving them chores at home, and gradually increasing those responsibilities as children enter their tween and teen years. “Parents might even offer payment for cerARE THEY READY? tain jobs if they require a bigger level of responEvery teen is different in how quickly they sibility and are consistently done well and when mature, so while some teens are ready to tackle expected,” said Schopick. a job at age 14 or 15, others may not be comNot all teens have a smooth entry into the fortable in the workplace until later. job market, and when that happens, parents Dr. David Schopick, a psychiatrist in Portsneed to know when to intervene. “If your child mouth who is board certified in child and has applied for job after job and is getting adolescent psychiatry, offers some tips. turned down, it can be a blow to their self“If your teen already has a good work ethic, esteem and start to create anxiety about the like perhaps wanting to have a lemonade stand whole job interview process,” said Schopick. when they were a child and now they are talk“A parent might ask some of these potential ing about ways to earn money, then this is a employers for some insights into why their good indicator that they are probably ready for child wasn’t hired so they can be better prea ‘real’ job,” he said. pared next time around.” “Another thing to watch for is a certain level For Tanya Regna of Dover, this summer is the of maturity. Some questions to consider are: first summer her son, CJ, 16, has had a job, and Are they good at following directions? Are they so far, the experience is going well. reliable? Do they have some initiative? And, do “We encouraged him to get a job at 15, but they want to be busy? If the answers to these even though he applied at companies that said questions are ‘yes,’ then most likely they are they hired kids under 16, when he went for the ready to go to work. These traits are characterinterviews, he was told he was too young. After istics that employers look for and having them a few experiences like that, he gave up. We didn’t will stand teens in good stead on that first job.” push it because he still could not drive, so his Schopick said teens who have trouble with having a job would have made it really challengauthority, get bored easily, have low self-esteem ing for us to get him to work, given our already or are overly sensitive to criticism may have hectic schedules. Now, he will soon have his lidifficulty with that first job. cense, so we gave him a nudge that a job would “No one likes to be criticized, but if your be really good, and he found one.” teen falls apart over being corrected, then it is With many jobs out there for teens, parents important for parents to find a way to build up can be at sea when it comes to what job might be their self-esteem and teach them how to handle the best fit for their child. criticism before they enter the job market. They There are laws designed to protect the safety need to understand that it’s not personal, but and welfare of teens and tweens, but beyond

that, job choice is a personal choice made by parent and child. Regna decided to set some boundaries, but for the most part, she let CJ pick his own job. “As a new driver, I did not want him doing food delivery or being on the road for an extended time. Also, since he started work prior to school getting out, we told him that work could not interfere with his schoolwork or grades. He’s worked hard to be an honor student, and we want him to maintain that – as does he.” Like the teens at the Lago’s, CJ is involved in customer service, working as a busboy/server at a busy golf club. He interacts with cadres of coworkers and club members while dealing with the club’s hectic event schedule. Regna said she is pleased her son likes the work and that she is getting good reports. “Club members have told me that he’s a hard worker, that he takes the initiative and helps out whenever asked, which makes me proud. I can also say that I’ve already seen great changes at home. He has to be responsible for his schedule and avoid conflicts, make sure his uniform is ready for his shifts, and that he has transportation, and he’s doing all of that. He’s also been better about doing his chores at home. I’ve seen tremendous growth in his taking responsibility overall.” For CJ himself, the experience has proven equally positive. “I enjoy having a job,” he said. “It gives me something to do and the environment at the country club is friendly and open. To be honest, having a job is not as difficult and scary as everyone says it is. I do feel like more of an adult now that I’m working. There’s something about making and spending your own money that makes you feel more mature.” Regna said the only negative regarding CJ’s first job is that her son’s influx of ready cash combined with the ease of online ordering has resulted in an uptick of boxes arriving from Amazon. “We told him that half of every paycheck has to go into savings, but I think we may need to talk a bit more about the budgeting process,” she said, laughing. Crystal Ward Kent is a freelance writer who has written for numerous local and regional magazines. She owns Kent Creative in Dover.






“The kids also learn how to interact with customers, how to be friendly, answer questions, and help solve any problems that might arise, whether it’s a dropped cone or someone wanting a special item. I see kids come in here summer after summer who are really shy and after a few weeks they have really blossomed and come out of their shell. It’s pretty amazing.” Grenier encourages that growth by inviting his ice cream crews to come up with ideas for new products or flavors, or any other suggestions that can help the business and the customer experience. “We’ve gotten some great feedback,” he said. “It’s always fun to hear what the kids come up with and to see them care about the business.”

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42 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

2 018



ast summer, ParentingNH asked readers to vote online in its eighth annual poll to help determine those

things that make New Hampshire a great place for families to live. Readers cast their votes in more than 50 categories including family restaurant, pediatrician, kid-friendly museum, and more. Take a look to see who

Favorites Winners

won. Congratulations to all of our Family Favorite winners!

Adventure and Aerial Park

Amusement Park

Family Favorite: Gunstock

Family Favorite: Canobie Lake Park

Adventure Park 719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford 293-4341; www.gunstock.com

85 North Policy St., Salem 893-3506; www.canobie.com

Bakery and Dessert Family Favorite: Buckley’s Bakery & Cafe 436 Daniel Webster Hwy., Merrimack 262-5929; www.buckleysbakerycafe. com Greater Concord: Bread and Chocolate 29 South Main St., Concord 228-3330; Find on Facebook



Multi-location: Frederick’s Pastries NH locations: Bedford and Amherst www.pastry.net



Bike Shop












Our readers’ top picks for New Hampshire families.


Greater Nashua: Black Forest Cafe 212 Route 101, Amherst 672-0500; www.theblackforestcafe.com


Family Favorite: The Bike Barn 252 Willow St., Manchester 668-6555; www.bikebarnusa.com Greater Concord: S&W Sports 296 South Main St., Concord 228-1441; www.swsports.net Seacoast: Exeter Cycles 4 Portsmouth Ave., Exeter 778-2331; www.exetercycles.com





Multi-location: Goodale’s Bike Shop

Seacoast: Maternity at the

Lakes Region: Funspot

Hooksett, Nashua, Concord www.goodalesbikeshop.com

Family Center at Exeter Hospital 5 Alumni Drive, Exeter

579 Endicott St. N., Laconia 366-4377; www.funspot.com

Birthing Center or Hospital

778-7311; www.exeterhospital.com

Candy Shop or Chocolatier

Family Favorite:

Family Favorite: Leda Lanes

Family Favorite:

340 Amherst St.,

13 Warren St., Concord 225-2591; www.granitestatecan-

Bowling Alley

Maternity Center at Elliot Hospital 1 Elliot Way, Manchester 669-5300; www.elliothospital.org

Granite State Candy Shoppe

Nashua 889-4884; www.ledalanes.com

Greater Concord: The Family Place at Concord Hospital 250 Pleasant St., Concord 225-2711; www.concordhospital.org Greater Manchester: Mom’s Place at Catholic Medical Center 100 McGregor St., Manchester 663-6667; www.catholicmedicalcenter.org Greater Nashua: The Birth Place at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center 8 Prospect St., Nashua 577-2560; www.snhbirthplace.org

Greater Concord: Boutwell’s Bowling Center 152 North State St., Concord 224-0941; www.boutwellsbowl.com Greater Nashua: Merrimack Ten Pin Center 698 Daniel Webster Hwy., Merrimack 429-0989; www.merrimacktenpin.com Greater Manchester: Spare Time 216 Maple St., Manchester 625-9656; www.sparetimeentertainment.com

Child Photographer Family Favorite: CLIX Portrait Studios 224 Main St., Salem 952-4141; www.clixne.com Greater Concord: Bellies & Babies 3 Partridge Road, Concord 223-4145; www.photographybynylora.com


Seacoast: Eye Sugar Photography Somersworth

Greater Manchester: Van Otis Chocolates

617-6119; www.eyesugarphotography.com

341 Elm St., Manchester 627-1611; www.vanotischocolates.

Children’s Local Book Store

com Lakes Region: Kellerhaus 259 Endicott St., N. Laconia 366-4466; www.kellerhaus.com North: Zeb’s General Store 2675 White Mountain Hwy., North Conway 356-9294; www.zebs.com

Family Favorite: Gibson’s Book Store 45 South Main St., Concord 224-0562; www.gibsonsbookstore.com Greater Manchester: The Bookery 848 Elm St., Manchester 836-6600; www.bookerymht.com

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Seacoast: Red’s Shoe Barn

Greater Concord:

Greater Manchester:

35 Broadway, Dover

Whole Health Chiropractic

OutFITters Thrift Store

742-1893; www.redsshoebarn.com

6 Loudon Road, Concord 224-6633; www.whchiro.com

394 Second St., Manchester 641-6691; www.outfitters.org

Greater Manchester:

Seacoast: Children’s Orchard

Amoskeag Chiropractic 55 Amoskeag St., Manchester

105 Gosling Road, Newington 436-8704; www.childrensorchard.com

624-8000; www.chiropractors.com




772-4923; www.whirlygigstoyshop.com











Family Favorite: Whirlygigs Toy Shop 107 Water St., Exeter




Monadnock Region: Toyland 321 Nashua St., Milford 672-1537; Find on Facebook North: The Toy Chest 2703 White Mountain Hwy., North Conway 356-7176; www.toychest.com Seacoast: G.Willikers! Toy Shop 13 Market St., Portsmouth 436-7746; www.gwillikers.com

Seacoast: Water Street Bookstore 125 Water St., Exeter 778-9731; www.waterstreet.books.com Multi-location: Toadstool Bookshops Keene, Milford and Peterborough locations www.toadbooks.com

Children’s Shoe Store Family Favorite: Alec’s Shoe Store 1617 Southwood Drive, Nashua 882-6811; www.alecs-shoes.com Greater Concord: Joe King’s Shoe Shop 45 North Main St., Concord 225-6012; www.joekings.com

Multi-location: Josh’s Toys and Games NH locations: Salem, Nashua, Manchester www.joshstoysandgames.com

The Pain Relief Center 163 Amherst St., Nashua 886-4500; www.nashuachiropractor.com Lakes Region: Awakening Chiropractic 7A Grange Road, Tilton 729-0009; www.awakeningchiropractic.com Seacoast: Back To Health Chiropractic 18 Lafayette Road, North Hampton 964-1844; www.backtohealthchiros.com

Family Favorite (tie): Chiropractic Associates of Bedford 765 South Main St., Dartmouth Commons Manchester 626-3900; www.askachiro.net Family Favorite (tie): Crossroads Chiropractic 556 Pembroke St., Pembroke 224-4281; www.crossroadschiropractic.com

Red’s Shoe Barn’s staff is trained to properly fit your kids into the right sized kid’s shoes, sneakers, sandals, winter and rain boots. Kids Call Them Cool. You’ll Call Them Durable and Affordable.

35 Broadway, Dover 742-1893 | Route 125, Plaistow 382-7688 www.redsshoebarn.com

Family Favorite: Queen City Cupcakes 790 Elm St., Manchester 624-4999; www.qccupcakes.com Greater Nashua: Bite Me Kupcakez 4 Mound Court, Merrimack 674-4459; www.bitemekupcakez.com Lakes Region: Lakes Region Cupcakes 1002 Union Ave., Laconia 527-8286; www.lakesregioncupcakes.com North: White Mountain Cupcakery 2 Common Court, North Conway 730-5140; www.wmcupcakery.com


The Proper Fit Can Make All the Difference.

Visit our 2 locations and discover NH’s truly unique shoe store!

Greater Nashua:

Clothing Consignment Family Favorite: Lots For Tots 1525 South Willow St., Manchester 216-6238; www.lotsfortotsne.com

Seacoast: Clyde’s Cupcakes 104 Epping Road, Exeter 583-4850; www.clydescupcakes.com


Children’s Toy Store

Greater Nashua: M&C Clothing and Gifts 135 Route 101A, Amherst 886-6727; www.m-c-clothing-andgoods.myshopify.com

Time Travel Through 300+ Years Historic Houses, Games, Gardens

Strawbery Banke Museum Regular Season May 1 thru Oct 31 Tickets good for TWO days. Family rate. Under 5 years free.


14 Hancock St. Portsmouth NH 03801 603.433.1100 www.parentingnh.com www.parentingnh.com|| FAMILY FAMILYRESOURCE RESOURCEBOOK BOOK••20199 2019


Dance Studio Family Favorite: Dance Inspirations 248 Sheep Davis Road, Unit 6, Concord 856-8545; www.dance inspirations.com

Greater Manchester:

Greater Concord:

Seacoast: The Works

Audubon Massabesic Center

Grace Family Dentistry

Family Health and Fitness

26 Audubon Way, Auburn 668-2045; www.audubon.org

143 Airport Road, Concord 225-6650;

23 Works Way, Somersworth 742-2163;



570 Ocean Blvd., Rye 436-8043;

Greater Nashua: Nashua Family Dentistry

National chain: Planet Fitness 17 NH locations


25 Riverside St., No. 201, Nashua 574-4394; www.nashuafamilydentistry.com

627-5566; www.planetfitness.com

Family Fitness Club

Family Favorite: Mental Health

Seacoast: Seacoast Science Center

Greater Manchester: Dimensions in Dance

Equestrian Center

84 Myrtle St., Manchester 668-4196;

Lucky 7 Stables 154 Litchfield Road, Londonderry 432-3076; www.lucky7stables.com

www.dimensionsindance.com Greater Salem: Happy Feet Dance School 25 Indian Rock Road, Windham 434-4437; www.happyfeetdanceschool.biz

Greater Manchester: Different Drummer Farm 55 South Road, Candia 483-2234; www.differentdrummer-

Family Favorite: Greater Nashua/Merrimack YMCA Merrimack and Nashua locations

Environmental and Educational Center


Family Favorite:

Greater Manchester: Goffstown

Family Favorite: Squam Lake Natural Science Center

Lindner Dental Associates 72 South River Road, Bedford 624-3900; www.lindnerdental.com

Allard Center-YMCA

Family Dentist

23 Science Center Road, Holderness 968-7194; www.nature.org

Margaret Cunnane Hall Attorney at Law Attorney Hall is a Family Lawyer Divorce • Custody • Child Support • Alimony • Mediation and Collaborative Law


In addition, Attorney Hall has a large active private domestic adoption practice. For further information visit www.margaretchall.com


116 Goffstown Back Road, Goffstown 497-4663; www.graniteymca.org

Family Mental Health and Counseling Services Center of Greater Manchester 401 Cypress St., Manchester 668-4111; www.mhcgm.org Greater Nashua: The Counseling Center of Nashua 1 Main St., Nashua 883-0005; www.counselingcenter.com Greater Concord: Riverbend Community Mental Health 278 Pleasant St., Concord 228-1600; www.riverbendcmhc.org

The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center Extensive Classes & Programs include:  Crossroads Co-Parenting Course  UR Parents: support group for parents of teens

 Connect weekly playgroup  TIPS for young parents  Active Parenting  Positive Solutions  Nurturing Families

Attorney Hall is pleased to welcome Attorney Anne-Marie Hall Palmieri to the office. 37 High Street, Milford NH 03055 603-673-8323

Recipient of the 2013 NH Bar Association Pro Bono Distinguished Service Award

When it comes to your mental health... go the experts! The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester is the largest and most comprehensive outpatient mental health provider in the state of New Hampshire.

603-668-4111 • www.mhcgm.org 46 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

(603) 437-8477 URteachers.org 36 Tsienneto Rd, Derry, NH 03038

Greater Manchester:

Greater Manchester:

Greater Nashua: Holistic

Greater Manchester:

Bedford Family Therapy

Puritan Backroom

Self Care Center of Nashua

Puritan Backroom

10 Commerce Park North, Unit 1A, Bedford

790 Elm St., Manchester 624-4999; www.qccupcakes.com

12 Murphy Drive, Nashua 883-1490; www.thehsccenter.com

245 Hooksett Road, Manchester 669-6890; www.puritanbackroom.

Multi-location: T-Bones Great American Eatery

Greater Manchester: Northeast Integrative Medicine

Seacoast: Seacoast Mental Health

Bedford, Derry, Hudson, Laconia,

360 Route 101, Unit 7, Bedford

Homemade Ice Cream

1145 Sagamore Ave., Portsmouth

Salem locations


27 Crystal Ave., Derry

431-6703; www.smhc-.org



425-0100; www.moosplace.com

Family Ski Resort

Seacoast: North Coast Family Health

Seacoast: Memories Ice Cream

875 Greenland Road, Unit A1, Portsmouth

95 Exeter Road, Kingston 642-3737; www.memoriesicecream.

427-6800; www.naturopathic-doctors.com


Family Favorite: Pats Peak Ski Area 686 Flanders Road, Henniker 428-3245; www.patspeak.com

Family-friendly Bank Family Favorite: TD Bank www.tdbank.com

Hospital or Medical Center Family Favorite: Elliot Hospital 4 Elliot Way, Suite 401, Manchester

Family Pediatrician

Family-friendly Credit Union

Family Favorite:

Family Favorite:

Greater Manchester:

Dartmouth Hitchcock Pediatrics 5 Washington Place, Bedford 695-2500; www.chadkids.org

Service Credit Union www. servicecu.org

Catholic Medical Center 100 McGregor St., Manchester 668-3545;


Greater Concord: Concord Hospital

Greater Concord: Concord Pediatrics 248 Pleasant St., Suite 1700, Concord 224-1929; www.concordpediatrics.com Greater Nashua: Foundation Pediatrics 280 Main St., Suite 111, Nashua 594-6030; www.shealth.org Greater Manchester: River Road Pediatrics 58 Hawthorne Drive, Bedford 622-8619; www.riverroadpediatrics.com Seacoast: Core Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 166 Plaistow Road, Plaistow 257-4000; www.corephysicians.org

Family Restaurant Family Favorite: Tuckaway Tavern & Butchery 58 Route 27, Raymond 244-2431; www.thetuckaway.com

Family Favorite: Gym-Ken Gymnastics 184 Rockingham Road, Windham 434-9060; www.gymkengymnastics.com Greater Concord: Flipz Gymnastics 14 Chenell Drive, Concord 224-3223; www.flipzgymnastics.com Greater Manchester: Granite State Gymnastic Center 1316 Hooksett Road, Hooksett 935-9816; www.granitestategymnastics.com Seacoast: Gymnastics at Brentwood Common 112 Crawley Falls Road, Brentwood 642-7200; www.brentwoodcommons.com

669-5300; www.elliothospital.org


com Greater Salem: Moo’s Place

Ice Skating or Hockey Facility Family Favorite: Tri-Town Ice Arena 311 West River Road, Hooksett 485-1100; www.tri-townicearena.com Greater Concord: Everett Arena 15 Loudon Road, Concord 228-2784; www.concord.gov Greater Nashua: Conway Arena 5 Stadium Drive, Nashua 595-2400; www.conwayarena.com

250 Pleasant St., Concord 225-2711; www.concordhospital.org

Seacoast: The Rinks at Exeter 40 Industrial Drive, Exeter 775-7423; www.therinksatexeter.com

Greater Nashua: Southern New Hampshire Medical Center 8 Prospect St., Nashua 577-2000; www.shealth.org

Indoor Play Place

North: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center/CHaD 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon 650-KIDS; www.chadkids.org

Ice Cream Family Favorite: Hayward’s Ice Cream, 7 Daniel Webster Hwy., Nashua 888-4663;

Holistic Medicine and Health Services Practitioner

www.haywards icecream.com

Family Favorite: Whole Health Concord 91 North State St., Concord 369-4626; www.naturalmedicine.com

Ice Cream Barn 107 Beech Hill Road, Hopkinton 223-0828; www.beechhillfarm.com

Greater Concord: Beech Hill Farm &

Family Favorite: Funspot 579 Endicott St. N., Laconia 366-4377; www.funspot.com Greater Manchester: Cowabunga’s! 1328 Hooksett Road, Hooksett 625-8008; www.mycowabungas.com Greater Concord: Krazy Kids 60 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke 228-PLAY;www.krazykids.com Greater Nashua: Launch Trampoline Park 17 Tanguay Ave., Nashua 318-7600; www.launchnashua.com

Kid-friendly Museum Family Favorite: SEE Science Center 200 Bedford St., Manchester 669-0400; www.see-sciencecenter.org

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606-1233; www.bedfordfamilytherapy.com

Greater Concord: McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

Multi-location-Seacoast: Friendly Toast

2 Institute Drive, Concord

113 Congress St., Portsmouth

271-7827; www.starhop.com

430-2154; www.thefriendlytoast.com

Kids Hair Cut Family Favorite: Sweet Snips 105 Lafayette Road, Hampton Falls

Greater Manchester: Currier Museum of Art 150 Ash St., Manchester

Family Favorite: Manchester Karate Studio 371 South Willow St., Manchester 782-0010; www.manchesterkarate.com Greater Nashua: Bedford

601-7610; www.sweetsnips.com

Martial Arts Academy 292 Route 101 West, Bedford

Greater Manchester:

626-9696; www.bedfordmartial artsacademy.com

The Modern Man Barbershop & Shave Parlor

669-6144; www.currier.org

Martial Arts Studio

Lakes Region: Beyond the Belt

1134 Hooksett Road, Hooksett 782-8786; Find on Facebook

Martial Arts Center 5 Trinity Road, Meredith

58 Cleveland Hill Road, Tamworth Village

Lakes Region: Barbery’s

366-1044; www.btbmartialarts.com

Kids Cuts (closed)

323-7591; www.remickmuseum.org

National chain: Snip-its

Seacoast: Karate International Martial Arts Center

Seacoast: Children’s Museum of New Hampshire

317 Amherst St., Nashua

Lakes Region: Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm

6 Washington St., Dover 742-2002; www.childrens-museum.org

Kids Favorite Breakfast Place Family Favorite: Parker’s Maple Barn 1316 Brookline Road, Mason 878-2308; www.parkersmaplebarn.com Greater Manchester: Airport Diner 2280 Brown Ave., Manchester 623-5040; www.thecman.com

Learning or Tutoring Service

Multi-location: Tokyo Joe’s Studio Nashua and Milford locations www.tokyojoes.net

Family Favorite: Parker Academy 2 Fisk Road, Concord 228-4209; www.parkereducation.com

Mini Golf

National chain: Sylvan Learning Center Bedford, Hampton Falls, Rochester, Portsmouth, Salem locations www.sylvanlearning.com

Greater Manchester: Chucksters

Local Party Supplies Store Family Favorite: Donovan’s Party and Novelty 102 Fort Eddy Road, Concord 226-2225; www.donovansparty.com

Multi-location: Tucker’s 1328 Hooksett Road, Hooksett 206-5757; www.tuckers.com

e Trini Th t


ool o Sch

edford fB


North: Polly’s Pancake Parlor 672 Route 117, Sugar Hill 823-5575; www.pollyspancakeparlor.com

889-0000; www.snipits.com

137 Epping Road, Exeter 778-8475; www.kimac.com

“Learning to Love, Live, Serve”

E S T. 2 0 1 8

(603) 622-6330

“Learning to Love, Live, Serve” Located at Trinity Life Community 12 Station Road, Bedford

Family Favorite: Mel’s Funway Park 454 Charles Bancroft Hwy., Litchfield 424-2292; www.melsfunwaypark.com 9 Bailey Road, Chichester 798-3555; www.chucksters.com Lakes Region: Funspot 579 Endicott St., N., Laconia 366-4377; www.funspot.com

Movie Theater Family Favorite: Cinemagic Hooksett, Merrimack, Portsmouth www.cinemagicmovies.com

Greater Manchester: Regal Cinemas 100 Technology Drive, Hooksett www.regmovies.com Greater Nashua: Milford Drive In 531 Elm St., Milford 673-4090; www.milforddrivein.com Lakes Region: Smitty’s Cinema 630 West Main St. Tilton 286-4444; www.smittyscinema.com Seacoast: O’Neil Cinemas 24 Calef Hwy., Epping 679-3529; www.oneilcinemas.com Multi-location: Chunky’s Cinema NH locations: Manchester, Nashua, Pelham www.chunkys.com

Music or Entertainment Venue Family Favorite: Palace Theatre 80 Hanover St., Manchester 668-5588; www.palacetheatre.org Greater Manchester: SNHU Arena 555 Elm St., Manchester 644-5000; www.snhuarena.com Lakes Region: Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion 72 Meadowbrook Lane, Gilford 293-4700; www.bankpavilion.com Seacoast: Prescott Park 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth 436-2848; www.prescottpark.org


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48 www.parentingnh.com | FAMILY RESOURCE BOOK • 2019

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