Linking today’s talent with New Hampshire employers
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workforce connection NH
Linking today’s talent with New Hampshire employers
President & Publisher Sharron McCarthy Editor Jeff Feingold
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Sales Executives Karen Bachelder
Connie McCullion
Cynthia Stone
An abundance of opportunities in a job seeker’s market
Sales Support Manager Angela LeBrun
150 Dow Street Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 624-1442 E-mail:
New Hampshire Business Review (USPS 413430) is published 28 times a year, bi-weekly with an additional issue in July and December, by Business Publications, Inc., 150 Dow Street, Manchester, NH 03101. Periodical postage paid at Manchester, NH and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: One year, $32.00, two years, $55.00, three years, $80.00, Single copy $1.75. Postmaster: Send address changes to NHBR, PO Box 433273, Palm Coast, FL 32143. The New Hampshire Business Review assumes no responsibility for typographical errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement. This publication’s liability for an error shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error.
For several years now, New Hampshire’s unemployment rate has ranked among the lowest in the country, and employers are feeling the pinch. But for job seekers, there’s an extraordinary amount of well-paying jobs available. In Workforce Connection NH, a comprehensive guide to employment opportunities in New Hampshire, you’ll find a number of training opportunities listed in our collection of leading employers’ profiles as well as information about statewide resources that can help job seekers of any age and background embark on a new career path. For instance, highlighted on page 7, New Hampshire’s Office of Workforce Opportunity has been allocated $5 million from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide personalized career road mapping services and some financial assistance as well as certification for individuals and family members of individuals who have experienced opioid addiction. On page 13, you can learn about the Community College System of New Hampshire’s ApprenticeshipNH program, which connects job seekers with employers to receive payment for on-the-job training and class time. CCSNH also offers WorkReadyNH, a tuition-free, 60-hour soft skills training program that helps job seekers and employees polish their communication and problem-solving skills. Workforce Connection NH also features informative advice columns on topics that include introducing yourself to employers at job fairs, working with a staffing firm and tips for starting a new job off on the right foot. We’d like to thank the Community College System of New Hampshire and supporting sponsor JobsInNH. As you’ll see throughout this book, CCSNH is playing a vital role in the development of much-needed skills for today’s workforce, in cooperation with large and small employers in the state.
Thank you to our book sponsor:
Jeff Feingold, Editor NH Business Review
(ISSN: 0164-8152)
And our supporter: Workforce Connection NH 2019 3
Contents Training and employment services for New Hampshire job seekers. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community colleges can open doors for many Granite Staters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Allow a staffing firm to make your next introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Introduce yourself to potential employers at an upcoming job fair. . . . . . 11 Starting a new job? Hit the ground running. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Workforce challenges solved with apprenticeship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 BUSINESS PROFILES
AutoFair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Catholic Medical Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Chadwick BaRoss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Crown Uniform & Linen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. . . . . . . . . . 18 Geneia LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Merchants Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 New Hampshire Catholic Charities. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pike Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Redimix Companies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Triangle Credit Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 TRM Microwave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Waypoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 Workforce Connection NH 2019
The seven community colleges of the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) are proud to once again present this publication. There are countless job opportunities in exciting fields that require education and training which are easily accessible and affordable. Let this guide help you understand those opportunities and how to get there. The many resources in this publication will help you navigate the dynamic economy in New Hampshire — whether it’s healthcare, high-tech, advanced manufacturing, construction, hospitality or business. There are thousands of employers across the state doing world class work in the global economy. In a short time, you can get the background needed to play a part in a competitive field. New Hampshire is fortunate to have a skilled and competitive workforce which is a major factor leading to our low unemployment and high wages. This opportunity requires companies to continually think about training, continuing education and upskilling to retain and improve their own workforce. They know they will need to invest in their people to stay competitive. New Hampshire’s community colleges are partners and collaborators with hundreds of companies to provide the best degrees, certificates and customized training. We also offer the WorkReadyNH and ApprenticeshipNH programs to help prospective and current employees better fill job openings. We invite you, job seeker or employer, to reach out to our colleges — whether you turn to our workforce and employer services, our faculty, our program advisory boards or our presidents to see how we can meet your needs. With so many different job opportunities and industries, we will work with you to understand how we can help you along your path.
Sincerely, Jeremy Hitchcock Chairman, CCSNH Board of Trustees
The best place for my career and my health. Elaine, deNicola Breast Health Center
We are proud to be recognized as a top employer and health care provider in our region! Learn more at
Training and employment services for New Hampshire job seekers In addition to employment services, there are a number of training programs for unemployed and under-employed persons of any age to pursue a new career in a high-demand field. With the availability of federal grants, some Granite Staters are even eligible for financial assistance that helps them make that next step.
6 Workforce Connection NH 2019
For individuals who have been out of the workforce for some time and feel they need some brushing up, WorkReadyNH is a tuition-free program that teaches fundamental and soft skills. At the end of the program, graduates earn a National Career Readiness Certificate after being tested in three areas: reading and understanding workplace documents, applied mathematics and graphic literacy. Graduates also will have successfully completed 60 hours of soft skills training taught by top-notch instructors through the Community College System of New Hampshire. The soft skills course places participants in simulated workplace-related settings and covers areas that include: • Job interviews • Workplace safety • Communication skills • Team building & conflict resolution • Problem-solving • On-the-job training • Customer service For more information about the courses, visit
Any Granite Stater above age 16 is eligible to participate in a registered apprenticeship with a local employer. Apprenticeships consist of paid on-thejob training as well as related classroom instruction at one of New Hampshire’s seven community colleges. Apprenticeships range from one year to six years in length with a minimum of 144 hours of classroom learning and 2,000 hours of onthe-job training, with a salary increase for each year of completion. Anyone interested can visit for a list of openings in healthcare, manufacturing, IT, hospitaity and construction, or contact Emily Zeien at apprenticeshipusanh@ Below: Freudenberg-Nok has worked with Lakes Region Community College to develop an apprenticeship program, which consists of 688 hours of classroom instruction and 6,400 hours of on-the-job training at its Bristol plant.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
NH Works Job Match System Think of it like the New Hampshire version of The system features a resume and letter builder to send information to employers. Job seekers can also explore the regional labor market for information such as the average weekly earnings for a position or the fastest growing occupations.
Unemployed persons considered low income, are deficient in some basic skills, score low in reading and math, speak English as a second language, have recently been laid off or are a displaced homemaker may be eligible for funds under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. WIOA funds can be used for classroom training, including obtaining certification, for high-demand jobs and may provide financial support to eliminate or lessen barriers to full-time employment, such as transportation reimbursement, child care reimbursement and funds for uniforms, tools and other emergency services. Unemployed individuals are encouraged to reach out to their local NH Works center to assess state resources available to them and receive information and counseling regarding in-demand occupations.
On-the-Job Training Individuals who are WIOA eligible can participate in On-the-Job Training, a program that helps companies hire unemployed persons by reimbursing the employer up to 50% of the wage rate of the new employee to cover training for up to six months. In some cases, for a maximum reimbursement of $5,500, Return to Work, a NH Employment Security program, and On-the-Job Training can be combined to help workers secure positions.
Return to Work Individuals filing unemployment compensation in New Hampshire are eligible to participate in Return to Work, a voluntary training program administered by NH Employment Security. For up to six weeks, a maximum of 24 hours per week, individuals are trained by an employer while continuing to receive unemployment compensation benefits and conduct a job search during non-training time. Often, an employer will find a skilled employee that they will onboard.
NH Works for Recovery
NH Works Centers: All offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Berlin 151 Pleasant Street Berlin, NH 06570-0159 603-752-5500
Keene 149 Emerald Street Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1904
Nashua 6 Townsend West Nashua, NH 03063-1215 603-882-5177
Claremont 404 Washington Street Claremont, NH 03743-2261 603-543-3111
Laconia 426 Union Avenue, Suite 3 Laconia, NH 03246-2894 603-524-3960
Portsmouth 2000 Lafayette Road Portsmouth, NH 03801-5673 603-436-3702
Concord 45 South Fruit Street Concord, NH 03301-1140 603-228-4100
Littleton 646 Union Street, Suite 100 Littleton, NH 03561-5314 603-444-2971
Salem 29 South Broadway Salem, NH 03079-3026 603-893-9185
Conway 518 White Mountain Highway Conway, NH 03818-4205 603-447-5924
Manchester 300 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03104-4957 603-656-7841
Somersworth 6 Marsh Brook Drive Somersworth, NH 03878 603-742-3600
New Hampshire’s Office of Workforce Opportunity under the Department of Business and Economic Affairs has been allocated $5 million from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide comprehensive and individualized re-employment services to individuals who have been directly or indirectly affected by the opioid crisis. (This includes unemployed individuals who themselves have experienced opioid addiction as well as family members.) Partnering with Governor Chris Sununu’s Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative, the NH Works for Recovery program continues to develop relationships with employers who declare themselves ready to hire someone in recovery and are eligible for funding toward worker salaries during the trial period. NH Works for Recovery career navigators will work with persons in recovery and family members affected by the opioid crisis, providing skills assessment and personalized career roadmapping services, some financial assistance for housing and/or childcare services as well as certification in a variety of careers, including recovery support positions. Workforce Connection NH 2019 7
NH Job Corps Center Economically disadvantaged individuals that are 16 to 24 years old, or individuals with a documented disability, can partake in a nocost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. While living at the center, students are tested for reading and math placement. If
Microelectronics Bootcamp The Microelectronics Bootcamp is a non-credited course at Nashua Community College that has successfully led 95 percent of more than 100 graduates to full-time positions in a new career. Each session consists of 10 weeks of 40 hours of classroom training, teaching students of all ages and backgrounds assembly techniques for radio frequency and microwave electronic assemblies. Upon successful competition of the program, students are guaranteed an interview with BAE Systems as well as an introduction to other entry-level ribbon/wire bonding and manual epoxy dispense and die attach positions in the greater Nashua area. On average, graduating students earn $17 to $27 per hour with their new employer. Those interested can sit in on a class to determine if it is the right career path for them. The cost of the program is $5,500, though some financial assistance may be available. For more information, contact Jon Mason, corporate, community and continuing education coordinator at Nashua Community College, at or 603-578-8900 ext. 1763. 8 Workforce Connection NH 2019
they fall below the 8th-grade level, they take academic courses to catch up. Those who dropped out of high school will earn one of two tiers of high school diplomas in addition to a trade. Trade options include a “hard trade” (advanced manufacturing, electrical or automotive), hotel and lodging (including culinary arts), medical (certified nursing assistant, clinical medical assistant or medical office support) and security and protective services. For more information, call 603-695-8800.
Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success ORIS is now a nonprofit organization, but it was initially funded by the U.S. Department of Refugee Resettlement to assist refugees integrating into American culture. ORIS’s employment services include assisting refugee clients with resume writing, job searches, applications and interpretation at interviews. ORIS’s Youth Programs provide employment opportunities for refugee and immigrant teenagers. If you need employment assistance, contact Alex Sebantu at or 603-296-0443.The office is located at 434 Lake Ave., 2nd Floor, Manchester, NH 30103.
MY TURN MY TURN is a nonprofit that operates robust academic and employment training programs for young people ages 14 to 24 in communities across New Hampshire and North Central Massachusetts. MY TURN works closely with employers to understand their workforce needs and then recruits and trains young people to be well-positioned to suceed in entry-level positions. For more information, contact Allison Joseph at
Vocational Rehabilitation Job Placement Services For individuals with disabilities, the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation can assist with resume writing and job searches, preparing for job interviews, setting up job shadow opportunities and performing a discrepancy analysis to determine if a job is a good fit as well as identify any barriers to successful employment. A situational assessment is similar to the Office of Workforce Opportunity’s Return to Work program where oftentimes a business will hire the individual testing out a position. However, during the test trial, the individual is not paid for the small amount of hours they work since they are also receiving a service by a Vocational Rehabilitation coach, who evaluates their skills and determines how to adapt the position to their needs. Vocational Rehabilitation also offers services and materials to assist individuals with starting their own business. For information on getting started, visit https://
Vocational Rehabilitation Regional Offices: Open weekdays, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m Berlin Regional Office 650 Main Street 603-752-2271(V/TTY), 1-888-300-9550 Concord Regional Office 21 S. Fruit Street, Suite 20 603-271-2327(V/TTY), 1-800-299-1647 Keene Regional Office The Center At Colony Mill, Gilbo Avenue Entrance 149 Emerald Street 603-357-0266 (V/TTY), 1-800-620-7688 Manchester/Nashua Regional Office One Sundial Avenue, Suite 201N Manchester phone numbers 603-669-8733 (V/TTY), 1-800-627-9304 Nashua phone numbers 603-889-6844(V/TTY), 1-800-635-9614 Portsmouth Regional Office 215 Commerce Way, Suite 3 603-436-8884(V/TTY), 1-800-882-2744
Community colleges can open doors for many Granite Staters New Hampshire’s community colleges offer affordability, pathways to in-demand careers, transfer opportunities and much more Q. Why am I hearing so much about community colleges lately? Because community colleges are a very smart choice for NH residents of all ages and phases of life. This is true if you want to begin a four-year degree pathway at a more affordable cost, as well as if your primary objective is to learn the skills for a profession. Community college graduates who earn a two-year associate degree enjoy among the highest employment rates in the state and nation, because our programs are aligned with the opportunities in today’s economy. Community colleges are also among the most affordable options for students — in-state tuition for a full-time New Hampshire student is about $6,500 per year, well under what most colleges charge, plus financial aid can offset that cost. How would you like to graduate with a great educational experience, exciting opportunities for your future, and a fraction of the college debt others will have?
Q. Can I earn my four-year (bachelor’s) degree? CCSNH has many transfer pathways and partnerships with four-year colleges and universities. Every year, hundreds of students earn a two-year associate degree at a New Hampshire community college and transfer into a bachelor’s degree program at another college or university. Students can also complete a certificate program in less than two years and accelerate into a career — there are a lot of options at community colleges!
Q. What if I’m not sure what to study or what courses to take? Some students know exactly what their career interest is and what program to take. Students can enroll in a specific program, like Computer Science, Culinary Arts or Radiologic Technology. Others may have a general idea of what they like — for instance healthcare, hospitality or business
— but are not sure exactly how to start. That’s OK — our programs are grouped in broad “focus areas” so you can take courses that match your general area of interest and then refine your course choices and major as you go. Or you can start in a field like General Studies, which provides a broad foundation for many options as you go forward. You can also find courses that focus on a specific set of skills that meet an employment need.
Q. Where are NH’s community colleges located?
you-learn” model of paid work experience in combination with classroom learning. These apprenticeship programs are sponsored by employers and include guaranteed employment up front in a high-demand field.
Q. How do I learn more? From, you can find links to all seven of New Hampshire’s community colleges as well as the WorkReadyNH and ApprenticeshipNH programs.
Main campuses are located in Nashua, Portsmouth, Manchester, Concord, Laconia, Claremont and Berlin. We also have academic centers in North Conway, Littleton, Lebanon, Keene and Rochester — so a start to your college education is close by. Berlin
Q. Aside from degree and certificate programs, what other programs do you offer for job seekers? CCSNH’s WorkReadyNH program is a tuition-free program that can be completed in less than a month, designed to help job seekers become successful job applicants and employees. Combining a 60-hour soft skills course with online learning modules, Lebanon the program builds skills Academic Center and certifies achievement in areas identified by employers as key to workplace success. Claremont ApprenticeshipNH is another program offered by New Hampshire’s community colleges in partnership with dozens Keene of employers across Academic Center New Hampshire, which provides an “earn-while-
Littleton Academic Center
North Conway Academic Center
Rochester Academic Center
Manchester Portsmouth
Workforce Connection NH 2019 9
Allow a staffing firm to make your next introduction Staffing recruiters know how to cut through the red tape and get your resume in front of employers
By Vicki Giuffre Utilizing a staffing firm is a great option to add to your job search. Staffing firms already have a lot of business relationships and contacts with local companies in a wide variety of industries. Most of their business contacts are in the Human Resources Department, which is exactly who you want to get your resume in front of. Plus, staffing recruiters know how to cut through the red tape, summarize and highlight your skills as well as present them to the right person to land that much-desired interview. If the company and the job applicant decide that they want to work together, the staffing firm charges the company, never the applicant. The way it usually works is that there is a temphire arrangement between the staffing firm, the company and the applicant that is being hired. The applicant becomes an employee of the staffing firm and is placed on “assignment” at the company worksite for an agreed number of working hours. Usually this ends up being a 3- to 6-month time period. During this time, the company has the opportunity to observe and determine if the staffing firm employee is doing a good job and is a good fit for their company culture. At 10 Workforce Connection NH 2019
the same time, the employee can also assess the company and decide if this is where they would like to stay as well. Do they get along with management and the other employees? Is there room for growth? If all goes well, the employee completes their assignment and the company hires them and converts them onto their payroll. It’s a happy ending for everyone! Typically for skilled positions, the staffing firm is paid a percentage of the annual salary of the candidate that was placed. In a temp-hire scenario, the staffing firm charges the company an hourly mark-up percentage above the employee’s hourly pay rate. No money is deducted from the employee’s check to pay the staffing firms profit — it all comes from the client company. Temporary and long-term temporary positions are like temp-hire assignments except there is an actual end date for the assignment with no chance to be hired, or the assignment if indefinite. No money is charged to the applicant. Many staffing firms offer benefits and long-term temporary employees can often qualify for and take advantage of them like they would at any other job. Staffing firms also have another arrangement where the staffing firm finds the candidate a job and the candidate is placed
directly on the company’s payroll. Again, with a traditional staffing firm, there is no charge for the candidate. The company is charged a finder’s fee, or what we call a direct placement fee. This fee can be any amount of money. An added benefit to using a staffing firm is that recruiters are usually willing to give good advice when it comes to sprucing up or modernizing your resume. Interviewing etiquette and critiquing is often offered as well. This assistance is free when you use a staffing firm that genuinely wants to help you get the job. When choosing a staffing firm to work with, whether you are looking for a temp, temp-hire or direct placement position, work with a staffing firm that calls and at a minimum conducts an in-depth phone interview before submitting your information to a company. Preferably, the staffing firm should be bringing you in for a face-face interview first, whenever possible. Besides, do you want to be represented by a staffing firm that hasn’t taken the time to get to know you and why you are possibly the best candidate for the job? Staffing firms generally don’t tell a candidate the name of the company they are recruiting for until after they have interviewed the candidate, there is interest in the job and the company has expressed interest in the candidate and wants an interview set up. This is a standard practice in the industry. This is done for many reasons, but mainly so that the staffing firm is sure to be identified as the recruitment source and control the submittal process to avoid any confusion. Vicki Giuffre is president and owner of Wicked Staffing Solutions, Inc., which services New Hampshire, southern Maine and Massachusetts. Wicked Staffing offers temporary, long-term temporary, temp-hire and direct placement employment in light industrial, skilled labor, customer service, administrative and management positions in a multitude of industries. Visit
Introduce yourself to potential employers at an upcoming job fair A successful experience could lead to a job interview or employment on the spot By Pamela Szacik Job fairs provide a critical connection between the job seeker and employers looking to fill positions. NH Employment Security (NHES) conducts multi-employer job fairs, job fairs targeted to an employer and job fairs targeted to a specific industry to assist Granite Staters seeking employment. Job fairs are a great opportunity for job seekers to introduce themselves to many employers in one place, and for employers to meet with job seekers face-to-face. Space is available for employers to interview job seekers and even hire them on the spot. For those looking to change careers, this is an opportunity to talk to employers and research what positions would best fit your needs, interests and abilities. In 2018, NHES conducted three job fairs targeted to employers and 20 multi-employer job fairs. At these job fairs, 1,442 employers recruiting for 18,740 positions had the opportunity to meet with 3,796 job seekers. In 2019, the department has conducted seven job fairs to date, and at least 12 more are scheduled this year. So far, this year, employers with 4,619 open positions have seen 701 job seekers. All our events are free and open to the public. Registration is required for employers only. Also available are resources to assist with barriers to employment, including education and training, supportive services, veteran’s organizations and self-employment support. For information on upcoming job fairs and the employers scheduled to attend, visit and click on the green job fair button on the home page.
Pamela Szacik is the director of the Employment Services Bureau within New Hampshire Employment Security.
Preparing for the JOB Fair The employer’s objectives
• Locate candidates for employment • Evaluate the market • Market their company
Your objectives
• Network • Gather information (company needs, and desires; hiring process and timelines; actual versus potential openings) • Get an invitation to an interview
Who will be there
• Request a list of attendees (see list on registration site: http://www.nhes. • Company reps may include HR personnel, hiring managers, search firm representatives, employment agencies
Research the companies
• Find out which employers are the best match for your skills and experience
Prioritize your contacts
• Identify your “must see” employers • Plan to visit your lower priority companies first to help you get past your nervousness and give you a chance to practice your approach
Plan your schedule and your presentation
30-Second Introduction: Who are you? What do you do? What can you do for me?
Prepare questions to ask the employer
• • • •
Plan to arrive early Decide ahead of time how long you plan to stay Build in time for breaks Consider that there may be lines; decide how to use your “wait time” (not likely but still possible) • Know what you want (position, type of company, location), your key selling points. Don’t try to “wing it”. • Review script and practice (Veterans – be clear about what your combined military experience and past civilian experience and education can do for an employer – know what words to use to translate your military experience into something the employer understands!) • Review list of questions to ask employers
Workforce Connection NH 2019 11
Starting a new job? Hit the ground running Take these steps to impress your new employer from day one By Eric Cormier Starting a new job should be an exciting time, with one of the most difficult parts of the job-search process — interviewing for and securing the right opportunity — successfully finished. To keep the positive momentum going, new hires should follow a few basic steps to start a new job on the right foot, making a positive first impression and quickly establishing themselves as a valuable asset to the company.
Take notes There may be a lot of information to absorb quickly, including colleagues’ names, policies and procedures, and even directions such as where to park. While some people may more easily remember such details, taking notes, either in a notebook or on a laptop or smartphone, and reviewing those notes later, is a sure-fire way for all new workers to get up to speed swiftly. Additionally, coworkers and managers may notice if a new employee repeatedly asks questions about previously discussed items. Taking notes the first time will help minimize the need to revisit ground that has already been covered.
Ask smart questions Whether during an initial sit-down with the CEO or as part of new employee orientation, asking thoughtful questions about the company’s culture, purpose, goals and targets can make a positive impression on leadership while demonstrating the employee’s genuine interest in learning as much as possible about the business. New hires can broaden their understand12 Workforce Connection NH 2019
ing of their employer’s expectations by asking specific questions focused on their goals and duties for the first 30, 60 and 90 days in the job. These questions also show forward planning and organizational skills. Recently hired employees should also ask their direct supervisor for feedback on a regular basis to ensure expectations are being met and both parties are aligned.
Listen carefully New workers should act as information sponges, soaking up all the details they can from meetings and conversations, whether the topic is a human resources policy, client background or the company’s overall business goals. In addition, if the position became available because another employee was promoted, consider meeting with him or her to obtain advice and hear firsthand what it takes to succeed in the job. Recently hired employees may want to exercise discretion when speaking up and sharing big ideas or opinions. What may seem like a fresh, revolutionary idea to a new hire may be a suggestion that has already been floated by others and rejected for good reason. It may be best to focus on listening and learning during the first few weeks and save unsolicited opinions and suggestions for a later time when a deeper knowledge base has been established.
Reap the benefits An often-overlooked aspect of starting a new job is maximizing company benefits. New hires should familiarize themselves with the HR materials provided and ask questions. Some company benefits, such as health insurance, can be complex, involving several steps and
various deadlines. Studying the documents soon after the start date and asking relevant questions with plenty of time before any deadlines is advisable, as waiting until the last minute may cause unforeseen problems.
Follow the rule of 3 yeses Showing willingness to be a team player by saying yes when asked to help out is a great way to start a new role. Adopting a helpful attitude and displaying an eagerness to contribute will impress new colleagues and supervisors, and should be a priority during the first two weeks. However, saying yes too many times can cause new workers to become overloaded and fall behind in their work. A good rule of thumb is to say yes to the first three requests, then evaluate your workload when more requests are made. If the amount of work is too much, politely decline additional requests. This can prevent the initial workload from piling up. Starting at a slower pace and avoiding mistakes is always better than the alternative of taking on too much, getting overwhelmed and making unforced errors. The first two weeks at a new job can be a pivotal time for new employees, regardless of seniority or position. Following these steps can help new hires integrate into the workplace faster, hit the ground running and, ideally, exceed expectations within a short period of time. Eric Cormier is manager of HR services with Insperity, a trusted advisor to America’s best businesses for more than 33 years that provides an array of human resources and business solutions designed to help improve business performance.
Workforce challenges solved with apprenticeship Employers are taking advantage of partnerships to train and retain workers There’s no doubt that recruiting skilled workers is a challenge. The ApprenticeshipNH program is helping New Hampshire businesses address their workforce needs in a unique way through focused training that leads to employee advancement. Funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor and housed at the Community College System of NH (CCSNH), ApprenticeshipNH focuses on partnering with employers in five growing New Hampshire industries: healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, hospitality and construction/infrastructure. Apprenticeship programs enable industry to be a part of creating a much-needed workforce through a combination of paid on-the-job learning and related classroom instruction that increases an apprentice’s skill level and wages. Apprenticeship programs consist of five key components: Business involvement – employers are actively involved and are the foundation for every program Structured on-the-job training – veteran employees become mentors, providing on-site training Classroom instruction – New Hampshire’s community colleges provide technical education Rewards for skill gains – apprentices receive wage increases in parallel with new/ improved skills National credential – upon completion, apprentices receive a nationally-recognized credential from the U.S. Department of Labor. Over the past two years, ApprenticeshipNH has helped 23 employers across the state develop apprenticeship programs that have served hundreds of employees. Businesses benefitting from these programs include healthcare employers like Senior Helpers of the Greater Seacoast in Stratham, Catholic Medical Center
in Manchester and LRGHealthcare in Laconia. Manufacturing companies like EPTAM Plastics in Northfield, Tecomet Inc. in Manchester and Cobham in Exeter have also partnered with ApprenticeshipNH to train skilled workers. Developed around occupations such as Licensed Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, CNC Machinist and Precision Assembler, each apprenticeship program is built to fit the specific needs of the employer and apprentices. Some apprenticeship programs may provide college credits towards a certificate or degree at the college, and scholarship assistance from ApprenticeshipNH means that the financial responsibility for an apprentice is minimal. Employers with apprenticeship programs can also take advantage of WorkReadyNH, a tuition-free 60-hour soft skill training offered at all seven of NH’s community colleges. WorkReadyNH places participants in simulated workplace-related settings and covers topics such as communication, problem-solving and professionalism to ensure that graduates are ready to succeed in the workplace. Because apprenticeship programs are very focused on occupation-specific technical skills, WorkReadyNH serves as an excellent precursor to an apprenticeship by enhancing the essential soft skills needed to be successful in the workplace. In addition, WorkReadyNH graduates receive a National Career Readiness Certificate issued by ACT and have proven themselves ready for employment by testing successfully in three areas covered by the credential: Reading and Understanding Workplace Documents, Applied Mathematics and Graphic Literacy. The assessment results identify four levels of competence that are tied to an extensive database that compares a worker’s skill level with the skills required to successfully complete a specific job.
“The WorkReadyNH program is an important component of our LNA and Medical Assistant apprenticeships because it ensures that our employees have fine-tuned their soft skills and are able to build their self-confidence in the workplace. Using WorkReadyNH as a prerequisite to apprenticeship helps guarantee that our apprentices will be ready for the rigor and demand of apprenticeship training and education requirements. Because both programs are housed at the Community College System of NH, the process for LRGHealthcare to leverage both programs was seamless.” – Cass Walker, vice president, administrative & support services, LRGHealthcare
Individuals interested in applying to become an apprentice, or businesses interested in developing a program can contact Emily Zeien, ApprenticeshipNH grant manager at or by calling (603) 2303526. More information can also be found online at
Workforce Connection NH 2019 13
1477 South Willow Street Manchester, NH 03103 603-634-4700
Positions available:
Medical, Dental Rx Card & Vision Coverage Short & Long-Term Disability Flexible Spending Account & Health Savings Account • Employee Purchase & Discount Program • Paid Vacation • Life Insurance & 401(k)
he AutoFair Group proudly serves the New England area with eight locations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, including Manchester, Stratham, Merrimack, Chelmsford and Haverhill. Every day at AutoFair, we have an inventory of over 3,000 vehicles, with brand-new vehicles from Honda, Ford, Hyundai, Nissan, Volkswagen, Subaru and Genesis ready for immediate delivery. Along with this is our large inventory of pre-owned vehicles in a wide variety of makes, including Certified PreOwned vehicles that may still be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. We always give our customers the lowest price on the vehicle of their choice — new or used — along with unmatched service and personal attention. There is nothing more valuable to us than our longstanding relationships with the people of New England.
How to apply:
What we do:
• • • • • •
Sales Consultant Business Development Coordinator Service Advisor Automotive Technician Parts Counter Consultant Lot Attendant
Special benefits and perks: • • • •
Will Foley Corporate Trainer & Recruiter 603-634-1705
14 Workforce Connection NH 2019
We take pride in putting together a knowledgeable and well-trained sales staff at each of our eight AutoFair locations. By ensuring that each associate is friendly, informed and supportive, we provide the best possible car-buying experience for each potential buyer — an approach that leads to happy customers and repeat business. The same goes for our Certified Service Centers, where the service advisors, automotive technicians and parts sales
consultants all have a wealth of knowledge on vehicle models and their maintenance. AutoFair services all makes and models, not just the ones we sell.
Our ideal candidate: AutoFair seeks candidates who are ready to dedicate themselves to providing only the best service to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. The qualities we look for are loyalty, attention to detail, courtesy, cooperation and initiative.
Why we are a great company to work for:
Business New Hampshire Magazine ranks AutoFair as one of the state’s Top 10 Private Companies. NH Business Review also honored us as the Best Auto Dealership in New Hampshire for 2019 at their Best of Business Awards. We feel a strong bond with the people in the communities around us and appreciate all they have done to make us successful. As a team and as individuals, the members of the AutoFair family are always happy to return that support through volunteer work, donations and other contributions. This is your chance to join a winning team and be a part of something wonderful. Give us a call today and see how you can become a member of not just a great dealership, but a great family: the AutoFair family.
AutoFair Automotive Group is a respected industry leader in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We continue to work hard building a reputation for offering high quality vehicles and tremendous customer service.
The AutoFair Automotive Group operates three dealerships in Massachusetts and five dealerships in New Hampshire. The AutoFair Auto Group is a thriving automotive dealership group established in Manchester, NH in 1991.
AutoFair prides itself on offering the highest degree of customer service in the industry. We stand behind our products & services 100% and make every effort to satisfy the customer at every step of their owner experience. With a team of 750+ employees, we strive to provide our customers with the best value possible.
50 Commercial Street Suite 35 Manchester, NH 03101 866-267-9894
Positions available: • • • • • • •
Cloud Computing Architect Product Specialist Client Executive Business Analyst Software Engineer Case Manager Population Health Engagement Specialist
Special benefits and perks: The benefits of working at Geneia go beyond health, vision and dental care. Equally important are culture, co-workers and the knowledge that your work to transform the healthcare system is valued and valuable. Our Employee Council creates service initiatives such as the United Way Day of Caring and Manchester, NH’s West High School Career Day and team development opportunities like weekly lunches, corn hole tournaments and Halloween costume competitions. In addition to our competitive salaries, an annual performance-based incentive plan and comprehensive benefits, we also offer: • • • • •
Tuition assistance Relaxed atmosphere & dress Remote work options Culturally diverse, inclusive workplace Work alongside talented and passionate people dedicated to solving important and complex healthcare problems
How to apply: Pedro Rodrigues, Corporate Recruiter
16 Workforce Connection NH 2019
eneia LLC is a healthcare analytic solutions and services company that focuses on improving systems to support personalized, patient-centered care. We help hospitals, physicians, health plans and employers improve health outcomes, lower costs and restore the Joy of Medicine to practicing physicians. Our Physician Misery Index has helped galvanize the healthcare industry to address the epidemic of physician burnout.
What we do: We are a team of more than 200 passionate professionals who believe the healthcare system can and should function better in support of improved and personalized health. To see our vision in action, watch Lucy’s* story at: Supported by Geneia’s Theon® analytics and insights platform, Lucy’s physician, care team, health plan and employer work together to engage and support her in the kind of lifestyle changes needed to prevent progression to diabetes. Our products and services also include the @HomeSM remote patient monitoring program, clinical services for active management of client populations, data science intelligence, training and education, and professional advisory services to help organizations evolving to value-based care models. *Lucy is fictional and not intended to represent any specific person. This information is provided for illustrative purposes only.
Our ideal candidate: Those who thrive at Geneia are innovative, driven and passionate about solving problems in healthcare. They are self-motivated, hard-working and find success within collaborative and creative environments. We believe in where we are going individually and as an organization.
Why we are a great company to work for: Our people are our single greatest asset and we invest in their health and well-being. Employee word-of-mouth about life as a Geneia employee has helped us attract talented data scientists, technologists, clinicians and more, and earned us the honor of being named a Best Places to Work two years in a row. Geneia is growing. We added 50+ employees in 2018 and have plans to hire 75+ more in 2019. We base our hiring practices on finding the right cultural fit. We believe synergy between diverse contributors is the path to great innovation. Geneia values and hires for perseverance, initiative, responsibility and collaboration.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: We offer year-round internships in: • Data science • Software development • Health education & wellness • Marketing
15 Technology Way Nashua, NH 03060 603-598-7000
Positions available: We are currently accepting applicants for all related company positions (Sales, Service, Office, Management, Stockroom/ Warehouse), with key areas being in our sales and service department.
Special benefits and perks: If you’ve got hustle, our route representatives get paid for a full day even if they finish earlier than anticipated.
How to apply: Please contact Crown’s HR department at 603-598-7000; option #7 or at employment.html
rown Uniform and Linen Service was founded as a family business in 1914 and has been a leading provider of uniform programs and linen services in New England ever since. We have remained a family owned uniform supplier and are committed to building long lasting customer relationships by providing efficient and cost-effective textile solutions with a personal touch. Additionally, we serve thousands of businesses throughout New England, and after more than 100 years in business, our customers are still our number one priority. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality uniforms and linens in the most cost effective and convenient way. Today, the founder’s grandson Arthur Spilios leads the company while great-grandsons Plato and George Spilios oversee daily operations. Together, they carry on the family tradition of providing superior quality uniforms and linens, with outstanding personal service at an affordable price.
What we do: Crown’s uniform rental service includes weekly pickup and delivery, computerized inventory tracking, expert laundering and professional pressing and repairs for one low weekly rate. Whether you need work uniforms, corporate apparel, healthcare apparel, linen services, a medical scrubs service or dust control items, we can create a program designed for your specific business needs.
Our ideal candidate: Crown prides itself on the relationship we have with our customers. If you are a relationship builder and place care for the customer you
serve above everything else, this is the right place for you. Candidates that have a strong work ethic, share their observations for improvement and see themselves as an integral part of the organization are welcome!
Why we are a great company to work for: Crown believes that all businesses have a responsibility to the community, their customers and their employees. Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy includes employment policies that ensure a diverse workforce with a safe working environment, provides funds and materials for victims of disaster, and promotes sustainable business practices through recycling, waste reduction and lower resource consumption. Our commitment to improvement has led us to certification with the Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council, and our work with The Laundry Environment Stewardship Program, The Sustainable Business Leader Program and the TRSA Clean Green Program has earned Crown a 2012 Boston Green Award.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: Crown does a lot of its own industry specific, in-house training. We have individuals within our management and leadership team that have many years of working experience in this industry and we have leveraged those individuals to create a one-of-a-kind training program with hands-on experience. In addition, we have yearly professional development courses assigned through our new Learning Management System to keep everyone informed and up to date in their roles.
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One Medical Center Drive Lebanon, NH 03756 603-650-5000
Training opportunities: The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Workforce Readiness Institute offers training programs for: • Pharmacy Technicians • Medical Assistants • Licensed Nurse Assistants • Surgical Technologists • Ophthalmic Assistants • High School and College Interns
Employee benefits: Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) is committed to the health and well-being of our employees and our community. We believe it is vital to the success of our organization. Benefits available to our employees include: • Health, life, dental and long & short term disability insurance • Earned time off / vacation time • Retirement plans • Tuition assistance • Continuing education time and monies • Employee Assistance Program • And more!
Learn more and apply: Website:
artmouth-Hitchcock is a place of learning. We are New Hampshire’s only academic health system, and are committed to training and development. We support a culture of continuous learning, value diversity in our workforce, and are committed to welcoming learners into our teams. As a student in the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Workforce Readiness Institute (WRI), you can launch or advance your career in health care. Most of our training programs are offered at no cost to participants, include access to college-credit, and full-time employment opportunities for successful graduates. Our programs focus on real-world hands-on learning and teamwork.
What we do: Dartmouth-Hitchcock is a nonprofit academic health system serving a population of 1.9 million in New Hampshire and Vermont. Anchored by Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, our flagship hospital, D-H provides access to more than 1,500 primary care doctors and specialists in almost every area of medicine. Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center is one of only 49 Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the nation; and the Children’s Hospital at DartmouthHitchcock is New Hampshire’s only children’s hospital. Our mission is to advance health through research, education, clinical practice and community partnerships, providing each person the best care, in the right place, at the right time, every time.
Why D-H is a great company to work for: Our mission is to care for the people in our communities. Not only do we care for our neighbors, friends and families, we care for 18 Workforce Connection NH 2019
each other. It is inspiring to work with people dedicated to this mission. Our teams are committed to continuous improvement and lifelong learning through career development, cutting-edge medical research and working with patients on their personal health journey.
Our ideal candidate: Helping people is important to you. You are willing to go above and beyond to help patients and fellow care team members. You have a positive, can-do attitude. You are curious and have a desire to learn and participate. You know when to ask for help and are willing to listen and grow from feedback.
How to get started:
Visit to see the 2019-2020 program schedule and application information. We encourage you to read about the different programs offered and the career opportunities for our graduates. Information sessions are held throughout the year at which we provide you with all the information you need to decide whether this is the right career step for you. Regardless of whether you have always been interested in health care, or are just starting to explore it — we welcome you to apply.
ARE YOU READY TO START OR ADVANCE YOUR CAREER IN HEALTH CARE? “This training has given me the opportunity to build a career in health care. I enjoy building relationships with patients, seeing their improvements and making them smile every day. I’m fortunate that this training brought me to D-H where our teams are like family and we all have a passion for helping patients. Take the leap — you could be sunshine in someone’s rainy day.” Sharon, Licensed Nurse Assistant
“I wanted a career that was challenging, fast-paced and meaningful. Now, I work closely alongside two of the top providers in New England, as well as a team of doctors, residents, medical students and nurses. This program has changed my life; it’s given me financial independence, confidence and a sense of purpose.” Elissa, Medical Assistant
The Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) Workforce Readiness Institute offers training programs for:
a Pharmacy Technicians aMedical Assistants aLicensed Nurse Assistants aSurgical Technologists aOphthalmic Assistants aHigh School and College Internships
500+ students have been trained of graduates have been placed in roles at % Dartmouth-Hitchcock or Dartmouth-Hitchcock 100 Health member organizations program graduates plan to continue their 82% ofeducation 8% of apprentices are veterans “This apprenticeship has helped me become more professional, changed the way I communicate and the way I present myself. It has changed my life in such a positive way. The on-the-job training was incredibly beneficial, and the shadowing made me feel like I was already part of the team. Since completing my apprenticeship, I have been promoted to a Team Trainer and am now helping to train new team members, including future apprentices!” Chelsea, Pharmacy Technician
For more information and to apply, visit
33 Franklin Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 603-889-2470
Positions available: Various entry-level and experienced positions are available. Please see the careers link on our website for current career opportunities.
Special benefits and perks: • Holidays, Vacation, Sick and Personal Time off • Medical, Vision, Dental and Life Insurance • Flexible Spending • Short and Long Term disability • Education reimbursement • Pension and 401(k) Savings Plans
How to apply: Interested in joining our team? Apply online at
20 Workforce Connection NH 2019
Why we are a great company to work for:
What we do:
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs:
t Triangle, we are committed to our member and employee needs as we are continuously researching and offering financial products and services that fit your needs. We are committed to offering our employees an excellent work environment in order to deliver services that exceed our members’ expectations. We continuously strive to enrich our community through volunteerism and unparalleled community involvement initiatives.
We offer an array of financial services and products, including online banking, mobile banking, savings, checking, audio response banking, auto loans, mortgages, and commercial lending and business services.
Our ideal candidate: Triangle is seeking candidates who are hardworking, dedicated, and value the importance of personalized member service and giving back to our community.
Enriching our community is a core belief of Triangle Credit Union, as an organization, and our staff. Our community is where our members live and, it’s here, where we want to give, whether it is volunteering, sponsoring or hosting events to give back to the community where we work and live.
Triangle is proud to partner with the Academy of Finance. The Academy of Finance provides internship opportunities to high school students interested in learning about the various aspects of a financial institution.
215 Myrtle Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-663-0205
Positions available: Catholic Charities New Hampshire is actively hiring for a wide range of healthcare, social services and administrative positions, including but not limited to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNAs) Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Registered Nurses (RNs) Nursing Supervisors Cooks and Culinary Professionals Activity Aides Dietary Aides Unit Managers Housekeeping/Laundry Aides Social Workers Mental Health Counselors Special Education Professionals Administrative Assistants Warehouse Operations Volunteers
Special benefits and perks: Benefits include highly competitive wages, generous paid time off, comprehensive health insurance, retirement 401(k) savings with employer contributions, flexible schedules, holiday pay and various training and mentoring initiatives. We also host employee appreciation and social events throughout the year.
How to apply: Kevin Spillane Recruitment /Compensation Specialist 603-663-0226
ounded in 1945, Catholic Charities New Hampshire is one of the largest nonprofit social services agencies in New Hampshire, providing vital programs and support for 1-in-12 residents statewide, from children and teenagers to adults and the elderly. Our social services programs help individuals and families overcome life obstacles, build independence and move their lives forward. We also own and operate various skilled nursing facilities throughout the Granite State, offering short-term rehabilitation care, memory care, assisted living, independent living and long-term senior care. Our incredible employees are driven by our mission to respond to our neighbors in need, and together, work to heal, comfort and empower lives.
What we do: Catholic Charities New Hampshire offers a wide range of programs and services, including: • Person-centered healthcare services for seniors across the state • Intensive and other case management for individuals and families facing poverty, insecure housing and other significant life obstacles • Pregnancy and parenting education for young parents looking to bring their children into the world and raise them in environments free of childhood stressors • Counseling services for those overcome by intense personal struggles • Food distribution to food insecure households through the New Hampshire Food Bank • Academic, social, emotional and behavioral services for children and teenagers who display severe behaviors • Rides to medical appointments for homebound and disabled elderly.
Our ideal candidate: Our ideal candidate is someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of the people and communities throughout New Hampshire. You are driven, motivated and eager to grow on both a professional and personal level. You want to be a part of a unique mission-centered culture and a strong team of amazing people who bring meaning and purpose to their work each and every day. You want a strong work-life balance through highly competitive wages and benefits.
Why we are a great company to work for: Simple — we are mission-driven to bring positive change to our neighbors who need it most. Whether it is frontline staff at our skilled nursing facilities, social workers going into communities or administrative positions maintaining our operational excellence, everyone makes a difference in moving lives forward and providing a level of hope those we serve never thought was possible. The work we do is life changing for our clients — and our staff.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs:
Catholic Charities New Hampshire provides training and mentoring initiatives for employees of all levels across the organization. We also offer scholarship and educational opportunities for select nursing staff, including LNAs and LPNs.
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280 S. River Road Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 United States 603-627-6000
Positions available: • Development Engineer - Detailer/ Drafter • Equipment Maintenance Technician • Human Resources Manager • Product Development Engineer • Quality Inspector • Software Engineer - User Interface Applications • Test Engineer • Test Technician • Key Account Manager
Special benefits and perks: TRM is proud to offer a full range of benefits: Medical / Dental Insurance Cafeteria Plan 125 (benefit contributions with pre-tax dollars) 401(k) Plan Life and Accidental Death Insurance Short & Long Term Disability Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Paid Time Off Paid Holidays Wellness Program
How to apply: Jamie Hill, Finance Manager 603-627-6000 ext. 122
22 Workforce Connection NH 2019
RM Microwave is a Woman-Owned Small Business specializing in the custom design and manufacture of RF/Microwave components and integrated subsystem assemblies. We’ve been serving our nation’s top defense and space contractors since 1970 by providing expert engineering solutions and innovative products to solve complex challenges.
Our ideal candidate: Since we are sub-contractors for the U.S. government, all candidates must be U.S. citizens and ideally have the appropriate education, knowledge and experience as it relates to their field. We look for outstanding communicators and those who can not only bring in fresh ideas, but offer solutions, adding value to their team through proactive participation.
What we do: TRM has two co-located fully equipped AS9100D / ISO9001:2015 certified facilities where we handle product development, prototyping, manufacturing, testing and qualification. Our products are prevalent in systems used for Intelligence Collections, Detection, Analysis, Signal Processing, Satellite Communications and Radar in the Aerospace, Shipboard and Space environments for both Military and Commercial Industries.
Why we are a great company to work for: There are so many great reasons to work for TRM Microwave. In addition to full benefits and an outstanding 401(k) offering with generous company match, our employees enjoy a 9/80 schedule which means our offices are closed every other Friday. TRM invests in professional development so our employees can excel on the job and advance in their careers. We work hard and play hard. TRM has a Wellness committee dedicated to fun activities and events throughout the year to promote an enjoyable work experience and team building.
Be part of a rapidly growing team of people who strive for Innovation, Teamwork and Solutions.
WHO WE ARE TRM Microwave is a Woman-Owned Small Business specializing in the custom design and manufacture of RF/Microwave components and integrated subsystem assemblies. We’ve been serving our nation’s top defense and space contractors since 1970 by providing expert engineering solutions and innovative products to solve complex challenges. Our products are prevalent in systems used for Intelligence Collections, Detection, Analysis, Signal Processing, SATCOM and Radar in the Aerospace, Shipboard, and Space environments for Military and Commercial Industries. TRM is experiencing record growth and recruiting people who offer exceptional knowledge and skills along with the drive to share their talents with coworkers and customers alike. We invest in professional development so our employees can excel on the job and advance in their careers. Finding and retaining great people along with building exceptional teams are the best ways to improve employee satisfaction and achieve new levels of success. We want to hear from you!
Contact us today at (603) 627-6000 | 280 S. River Rd. Bedford, NH 03110 |
Corporate Office 3 Eastgate Park Road Belmont, NH 03320 800-283-7453
Positions available: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Truck Drivers Heavy Equipment Operators Paving Utility Person Traffic Coordinator Plant Utility Person Mechanics Quality Control Technicians Project Superintendents Lead Mechanic Mechanic Tri-axle Driver Crusher Utility Plant Utility Person
Special benefits and perks: • Comprehensive Year Round Benefits • including Medical, Dental, and Vision • 401(k) with Company Match • Phone and Vehicle Discounts
How to apply:
24 Workforce Connection NH 2019
he largest asphalt and aggregate producers in New England — five generations and 146 years strong. The company’s operations have expanded to include divisions in aggregate production, asphalt grinding, reclamation and a heavy highway division that handles earthwork, pipe installation and site work.
Why we are a great company to work for:
What we do:
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs:
Pike currently operates quarries, aggregate crushing and hot mix asphalt production facilities throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, providing specification products for all state and FAA applications.
Our ideal candidate: Pike is looking for safety minded, hardworking and dedicated individuals.
Pike has doubled in size in the last 10 years and currently employs over 800 people throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. It is the dedication, knowledge and quality workmanship of our employees that makes Pike Industries such a great company.
Pike hires college students to work as interns each summer. Through an organized and structured process, the interns will be exposed to and trained on many aspects of our business operations. The intern will be paired with an experienced employee to learn about Pike’s operations.
1 Sundial Ave., Suite 301 Manchester, NH 03103 800-269-6500
Positions available: • Ready Mix Drivers • Customer Service/Dispatch • Batcher • Loader Operator
Special benefits and perks: • Comprehensive Year Round Benefits including Medical, Dental, and Vision • 401(k) with Company Match • Phone and Vehicle Discounts
How to apply:
ith multiple plant locations in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, Redimix Companies is ready to serve your needs, whatever the project: residential, home improvement, bridge/highway or commercial/ industrial. We are the leading Redimix company in New England.
What we do: Redimix Companies offers quality ready-mixed concrete designed per customer specifications and delivered in a timely manner via our vast network of convenient manufacturing locations.
Our ideal candidate: Safety minded and hardworking individuals who are ready to go above and beyond to best serve our customers.
Why we are a great company to work for: Our employees make Redimix Companies a great place to work. They set us apart from our competitors. They go above and beyond, do whatever it takes and make it happen every day. These traits are common among those who work at Redimix Companies and if this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply to work with us.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: Redimix hires college students to work as interns each summer. Through an organized and structured process, the interns will be exposed to and trained on many aspects of our business operations. Each intern will be paired with an experienced employee to learn about Redimix’s operations.
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100 McGregor Street Manchester, NH 03102 603-668-3545
Positions available: • RNs & LNAs in all areas • Surgical & Cath Lab Techs • Patient Service Representatives • Medical Assistants • Phlebotomist / Clinical Lab Assistant • Coders • Patient Account Representatives • Cardiac Sonographer • Radiology Techs • Pharmacy Techs • Environmental & Food Service Staff • Registrars
Special benefits and perks: To work at CMC is to be part of a health system that provides the highest caliber of care to patients in a respectful, dynamic and team-oriented atmosphere where your skills and talents are valued. CMC offers a combination of competitive pay, rewards and benefits designed to fit your unique life: • Medical/Dental/Vision/Prescription • Paid Time Off • Wellness Program • Academic Assistance Program • Tax Sheltered Savings Plan (403-B) • Life Insurance • Long and Short Term Disability • Employee Discounts to Select Services • Free Parking • Employee Recognition Programs
How to apply: To apply online, please visit CMC’s Careers page at:
26 Workforce Connection NH 2019
atholic Medical Center (CMC), a member of GraniteOne Health, is one of New Hampshire’s largest medical centers. With a commitment to delivering the highest quality and most advanced healthcare to patients, our approximately 2,500 employees are dedicated to providing health, healing and hope to all. Caring for the very young to the young at heart, through a variety of healthcare services and a dedication to community outreach programs, CMC is helping to foster a healthier community, every day. CMC is where heart meets health. As we grow, offering more services and adding hospital units, we invite you to become a part of CMC. It is talent like yours that will help us continue our tradition of providing compassionate care. For all of us, it truly is a work of heart.
What we do: CMC is a healthcare system comprised of a medical center licensed for 330 beds; The New England Heart & Vascular Institute; multi-specialty and primary care outpatient practices; the Mom’s Place and Special Care Nursery; and numerous clinical affiliations with such organizations as GraniteOne Health and Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Our ideal candidate: People who value the need to evolve, learn and invent new ways of working will thrive at CMC. Our goal is to keep employees engaged and excited, learning and achieving throughout their career.
Why we are a great company to work for: CMC focuses on continuous improvement, encouraging and empowering exceptional healthcare professionals to affect real change in order to enhance the health of our patients and our entire community.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: • Transition to Professional Practice — promotes retention, enhances education and support, reduces turnover, and instills CMC’s mission and values in newly registered nurses. The program also recognizes and reinforces that an individual patient’s preference, values and needs are respected and the patient (or designee) is a full partner in providing compassionate and safe care. • Medical Assistant and LNA Apprenticeship Program with Manchester Community College and the Department of Labor.
A career that fits your life. Looking for a career that matters? Find it today by sharing your talent with us!
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Opportunities for professional success include: Easy commute—more time for what’s important to you Comprehensive benefits package Flexible scheduling Support for advanced certification Transition to Practice Cutting-edge technologies Compassionate environment
Contact us today for a career that fits your life.
Catholic Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer and we embrace diversity. EOE/M/F/D/V
237 Sheep Davis Road Concord, NH 03301 800-477-4063
Positions available: • Heavy Duty Equipment Field Service Technicians • Equipment Detailer/ Painter
Special benefits and perks: • Competitive Compensation • Generous Paid Time Off (accrue up to 3 weeks in your first year) • Eight Paid Holidays per year • Competitive Benefits Package including Medical, Dental, Supplemental Life, Short-term Disability • Company Paid Life Insurance and Long-term Disability • Wellness Programs • 401(k) Plan with 4.5% Company match • Safety Boot Reimbursement • Referral Program • Service Awards
How to apply: Jen McCourt, SHRM-CP Human Resources 207-854-6300
28 Workforce Connection NH 2019
hadwick-BaRoss represents the finest manufacturers in the industry; meeting the needs of the heavy equipment markets from Maine to Connecticut with six conveniently located facilities. Through our years of emphasis on product development and support, Chadwick-BaRoss has become uniquely positioned to provide a selection of the best equipment available anywhere with support unsurpassed in the industry. All your forestry needs, from harvesting to forwarding, to loading and processing, can be met with our full line of harvesters, forwarders, processors, slashers and delimbers. All your construction needs, from road building to site preparation, can be met with our earth moving equipment lines: excavators, wheel loaders, skidsteers and off-highway trucks. These products are complemented by a full line of shaker and trommel screens and stackers for support back at the pit. A full line of attachments, such as hydraulic and high-lift buckets extends the utility of primary construction units. Our recycling equipment includes industrial tub grinders for reducing various kinds of wood waste, screens for mixing or separating municipal waste and compost, recyclers for processing construction debris and other waste materials and classifying them into sizes appropriate for various end users. Municipalities depend on us for equipment such as vacuum and mechanical sweepers, sewer and basin cleaners and equipment support for their road maintenance activities. We are uniquely positioned to fill your snow removal needs with attachments to traditional earth moving units as well as specialized units such as tracked sidewalk plows.
Our ideal candidate: • Has a obtained a 2-year technical degree or several years of comparable shop experience • Has diesel equipment repair experience • Has working knowledge of hydraulics, transmissions, undercarriage, track systems, components, electrical and fuel systems • Has the ability to communicate effectively with customers, team members and manufacturer representatives • Possesses a drive to exceed goals, achieve success and maintain enthusiasm with little or no direct supervision • Enjoys challenges and is able to persevere with a positive attitude when faced with difficulties • Is honest and ethical at all times, reliable, dependable and fulfills obligations • Is willing to lead by example and set high standards of excellence
Why we are a great company to work for: Chadwick-BaRoss invests in their employees. Individuals are provided the autonomy to grow their career with the support and resources necessary for their individual success, which in turn, leads to the company’s success. Our Values: Sharing Knowledge, Integrity, Long-Term, Performance, Humility, Agility.
Statewide Headquarters 464 Chestnut Street Manchester NH 03105 603-518-4000
Positions available: • Social workers/Case Managers • Licensed Mental Health Counselors • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers • Family Support Specialists • Caregivers/Personal Care Service Providers • Nurses • Administrative / Operational staff
Special benefits and perks: When you join the Waypoint team, you become part of a multi-faceted agency that changes lives while changing the social landscape of NH. Waypoint values its employees and offers comprehensive benefits that can be tailored to individual needs: • Competitive pay • Medical, dental, vision, prescription • 403(b) retirement plan • Life insurance • Long and short-term disability • Paid vacation, sick, and personal time • Flex time • Flex spending • Tools for mobility and variable work environments • Opportunities for growth • Rewards for longevity, performance
How to apply: Go to the JOBS page at
aypoint works to empower people of all ages through an array of human services and advocacy. As the longest-standing children’s charitable organization in New Hampshire, Waypoint is a pioneer in the field, always evolving to meet the changing needs of the times. The agency adheres to the highest standards of practice and is the only organization of its kind in NH to be accredited by the Council on Accreditation. We fully realize that in order to be the agency of choice for those who seek help, we must be the agency of choice for those who can provide it.
What we do: A private nonprofit, Waypoint has 17 sites throughout the state, and over 25 programs serving nearly 10,000 people each year. Among our partners are NH DHHS, schools, healthcare and mental health providers, police, advocacy groups, city government, faith-based groups, shelters, and the corporate sector. Waypoint’s service spectrum includes child abuse prevention; home-based family empowerment; mental health and family counseling; runaway and homeless youth services; early intervention for children with developmental concerns; senior care; transitional living; foster care; human trafficking response; pregnancy counseling; help for children who have chronic health conditions; adoption; summer camp; and an advocacy/public policy program.
Why we are a great company to work for: Because we get the HUMAN side of HUMAN SERVICES. We realize that the way to get the best out of a workforce is to provide a rewarding experience that combines worklife balance, proper compensation, growth opportunities, and a daily dose of awe. We do the tough stuff. Sometimes, it’s heart-wrenching and will keep you up at night. But always, you can go to bed knowing that you made a positive impact in the world. It’s not just a way to make a living…it’s a way to elevate your life.
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: Waypoint accepts associate, bachelor’s and master’s-level interns. Students learn from the best while advancing their degree, attaining licensure, building their skills, and gaining real-world experience. Interns receive supervision and the support of professional staff.
Our ideal candidate: You’ve got to have heart, with a healthy dose of integrity and grit. It helps to have a strong work ethic, to be creative and innovative, open-minded and trust-worthy, and to play well on a team. Education, experience vary per position. It is important to sync with the agency culture. Workforce Connection NH 2019 29
1278 Hooksett Road Hooksett, New Hampshire 03106 603-669-4100
Positions available: Merchants Fleet provides a wide variety of professional opportunities throughout our organization. We encourage every employee to be a leader, grow & innovate, and make an impact. Below are just a few of the positions we have open. Join our fleet! • Full-time opportunities available: • Client Services • Accounting/Finance • Administrative • Sales • Fleet Operations
Special benefits and perks: Our commitment to our employees is one of the hallmarks of Merchants. We offer above-market benefits to fuel employees’ growth. • 86% Empolyer-Paid Medical • 401(k) Plan and Match • 3 Weeks PTO • $7,500 Tuition Reimbursement • Mentorship & Training Opportunities • 16 Paid Volunteer Hours • Wellness Programs • Vehicle Sales & Service Discounts • Employee Assistance Programs • Employee Recognition Programs
How to apply: For current opportunities, visit 603.669.4100
30 Workforce Connection NH 2019
erchants Fleet’s mission is to provide our clients with the most innovative fleet management experience nationally. Merchants Fleet is the 8th largest fleet management company nationally. Merchants provides clients with the most high-touch service and innovative experience across the industry, for fleets from one vehicle to over 5,000 with flexible terms from three months to seven years. Our unique technology platforms coupled with specialized fleet teams provide the most comprehensive FleetTech solutions to drive proven results.
What we do: We supply leased vehicles (ranging from cars to heavy duty trucks and even passenger vans) and the technologies and services that power them. Some of these services include maintenance programs, fuel management, insurance, toll management, telematics, pool management, and fleet consulting. Our innovative technologies include the fleet management software TotalView and the vehicle pool technology, FleetShare.
Our ideal candidate: If you believe in doing business with integrity, want a flexible environment that allows you to
succeed both at work and at home, and embrace out-of-the-box thinking, we would love to hear from you. Your Career. Your Future. Merchants Fleet.
Why we are a great company to work for: At every level of Merchants Fleet, employees are empowered to be leaders. We encourage each team member to take pride in their work, and with a culture that emphasizes feedback, collaboration, and mentorship, you elevate your career. Accolades include: • Best Company to Work for in New Hampshire • Best and Brightest Companies to Work For • Great Place to Work Certified • Coolest Company for Young Professionals
Internships, apprenticeships and training programs: • Rotational Intern Program - Gain exposure to multiple areas of the business • Merchants Academy - Provides professional development and leadership training opportunities • FleetiQ Training – Opportunity to learn from fleet professionals • Mentorship Program - Designed to engage, develop and empower employees and provide exclusive opportunities for networking and professional development. Employees are paired with a senior manager, meeting monthly over the course of one year.