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The Independent Monthly Newspaper for Anesthesiologists AnesthesiologyNews.com • F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 • Volume 38 Number 2
Ultrasound May Add No Gain For Pain
he use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia does not translate into better pain outcomes when compared with traditional techniques, according to a review of 23 randomized controlled trials published in the September 2011 issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia (113:596-604).
Seeing the (Green) Light In the OR Researchers take on poor visibility during surgery
perating rooms that are too dark should go green, according to a new study that purposely sheds little light on a safety issue. The research, presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (abstract 1660), found that rather than shutting off the overhead fixtures in the OR—a common practice that gives surgeons the clearest view of monitors—bathing the room in a dim green light accomplishes the same goal more safely and without forcing others to feel as if they are working in a tomb.
see ultrasound page 8
see green page 16
Laughter, and Tears, on the Way To Safer Anesthesia (Part 1) Gerald Zeitlin, MD, graduated from the University of Cambridge in England, in 1954. After qualification as a physician in 1958, he became intrigued by the power of anesthesiologists in saving the lives of young patients dying of poliomyelitis. After practicing in England for six years, Dr. Zeitlin accepted a position at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. Dr. Zeitlin has served as president of the Massachusetts Society of Anesthesiologists, delegate to the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and reviewer for the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project.
The following is the first installment of an excerpt from his new book, “Laughing and Crying About Anesthesia: A Memoir of Risk and Safety” (Allandale Publishers, 2011). Dr. Zeitlin will donate half the proceeds of the sales of the book, which he wrote in part “for a non-medical audience to help them understand what we do,” to the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research.
et’s return to the Whittington Hospital on the high and leafy hills of North London. The Senior Consultant in Anaesthesia was
see laughing page 12
06 | COMMENTARY How hospital closings may affect the anesthesia job market.
10 | Pain Medicine A better approach to injections for back pain.
18 | CLinical Anesthesiology Licorice gargle eases post-intubation irritation.
30 | ad Lib Learning medicine from art.
23 | CME—PreAnesthetic Assessment Lesson 296: PreAnesthetic Assessment Of the Elderly Patient With Coexisting Alcohol or Substance Use Disorder
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Complimentary Informed Consent Review from PPM, see pages 8 and 11.
McMahonMedicalBooks.com MedInfoNow see page 29