65th PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology meeting issue
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The Independent Monthly Newspaper for Anesthesiologists AnesthesiologyNews.com • D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 • Volume 37 Number 12
Is QT Prolongation A Valid Reason To Abandon Zofran?
lthough the FDA announced it is conducting a safety review of the antinausea drug Zofran (ondansetron, ondansetron hydrochloride and their generics) because of its potential to increase the risk for cardiac arrhythmias, some experts say the drug is still useful in many patients, provided it is appropriately monitored. Zofran, used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused
Opioid Gene Variants Linked To Cancer Survival in Women
ounting laboratory and epidemiologic data have suggested a link between exposure to opioids during cancer surgery and metastasis of, and eventual death from, the disease. Now, a major genetics study has turned up some of the most compelling evidence yet for a connection between opioids and malignancy, even beyond the operating room. The new work, by researchers at the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, found that breast cancer patients with variants of the µ-opioid receptor that make their cells less responsive to the analgesic are as much as fourfold less likely to die of their tumors as those with the most widespread form of the receptor.
see zofran page 58
see genes page 44
Uninformed Consent
Average Study Participant Likely Unaware of Risks
nformed consent is a must for any clinical researcher, a legacy of Boston anesthesiologist Henry Knowles Beecher, MD, an early pioneer in the field of medical ethics. Dr. Beecher’s 1966
paper in the New England Journal of Medicine exposing widespread ethical lapses in clinical research helped lay the foundations for the research protections that most investigators now take for granted. But a new study suggests that even today, a key safeguard against potential abuse— consent forms—is troublingly vulnerable. Informed consent documents are written at a reading level too high for the average research participant, according to an analysis of forms from 15 studies conducted at two tertiary care centers. see consent page 60
08 | Ad Lib
34 | Pain Medicine
Robbing the captain’s pantaloons— crime and the history of anesthesia.
A pair of unusual cases in pain management.
55 | CLinical Anesthesiology
Anesthesia and the Feres Doctrine.
Walking speed pegged to successful surgical recovery.
17 | CME Malignant Hyperthermia: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
30 |
Goal-directed Therapies for Positive Patient Outcomes: Monitoring and Volume Replacement With 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 in 0.9% Sodium Chloride for Injection
47 | CME—PreAnesthetic Assessment Lesson 295: PreAnesthetic Assessment of the Patient With Systolic Or Diastolic Heart Failure
OneSourceAnesthesia from Anesthesia Business Consultants, see pages 2 and 16.
Vapor-Clean from Dynasthetics, see pages 15 and 43.
The Wireless Videoassisted Intubating Stylet from Disposcope, see pages 38 and 66.