Independent News on Advances in Cancer Care
Hematology/Oncology Edition • August 2011 • Vol. 6, No. 8
E vidence builds for the use of abiraterone in prostate cancer.
P azopanib improves progressionfree survival in advanced sarcoma. PRN
News from recently published journal studies.
HematOlogic DISEASE
28 28
S teven Vogl, MD, discusses where we are in treating large B-cell lymphoma.
New Standard of Care Predicted for Myelofibrosis Chicago—Clinicians may soon have a new therapeutic option for treating patients with myelofibrosis (MF). Two randomized Phase III trials have demonstrated that the Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor ruxolitinib (Incyte) improves response rates compared with currently available therapies in patients with MF. The two trials, COMFORT-I and II, are the first randomized drug trials for the potentially deadly bone marrow disorder that frequently leads to leukemia. “Data from the COMFORT studies indicate that ruxolitinib has the potential to significantly improve see MYELOFIBROSIS, page 9
Missense mutations in CLL linked to poor prognosis.
R-CHOP with relapse prevention therapy may boost PTL survival. CLINICAL TRIALS
Recently launched Phase II and Phase III clinical trials.
Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Between pages 16 and 17.
Mixed News on PARP Inhibitors Presented at ASCO Meeting
The Concept of ‘Unrealistic Optimism’ In Early-Phase Trials
ncologists may not be fully aware of a relatively new term introduced by ethicists to describe certain patients who agree to participate in early-phase canMaurie cer clinical trials. Some researchers believe that Markman, MD these individuals express unrealistic optimism, which apparently means that despite understanding the limited statistical probability of experiencing clinical benefit from a particular management plan, they have a strong belief see ‘UNREALISTIC’, page 14
A pathological specimen of ovarian carcinoma and model of PARP1.
Chicago—The results of several new trials of different PARP inhibitor drugs for treatment of ovarian cancer and breast cancer were reported at the recent annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology. In some cases, experts called the results “exciting,” and in others, “disappointing.” see PARP, page 5
Consolidation: Is It Really What It Looks Like?
eimbursement continues to decline and providers are looking at options for their future. Consolidation is one option that is being driven by several factors. Declining reimbursement means small independent physician groups can’t survive. And small hospitals are losing money on operations. So, hospitals are merging, practices are merging, and hospitals and practices are merging with each other— all to create economies of scale. Another
driver of consolidation is the changing perspective of physicians about owning their practice. The growing base of younger physicians overwhelmingly is looking for employment and has no interest in ownership. This population is shaping state lobbying groups to their interests, see CONSOLIDATION, page 29
WWW.CMEZONE.COM DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology
FDA News
Vincent T. DeVita, Steven A. Rosenberg, Theodore S. Lawrence
Lazanda (Archimedes) approved for breakthrough cancer pain.
For more information, see page 32.
See page 25.