GENERAL SURGERY NEWS The Independent Monthly Newspaper for the General Surgeon
July 2022 • Volume 49 • Number 7
Surgical Robots, Once ‘On the Horizon,’ Poised to Transform Surgery
Distance From Facility Increases Patients’ Risk For Advanced Colon Cancer, Mortality
DENVER—Over the next five years, robotic surgery in the United States will be transformed, driven by an expansion of commercially available robotic platforms. At the 2022 annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, Santiago Horgan, MD, a professor of clinical surgery at the University of California, San Diego, predicted that robotic surgery is about to enter a new chapter. (Firsthand stories presented at SAGES by surgeons on how they implemented robotics into their practice can be found following this article on pages 18 and 19.) “In the next five years, we will have at least four or five soft tissue robotic platforms and maybe two or three flexible robots for endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. So, it’s a very promising time,” Dr. Horgan said. Continued on page 16
Early Adopter: Telemedicine Here to Stay Surgeon Sees Technology y as Natural Evolution of Healthcare thcare
TAMPA, FLA.—The odds of presenting with metastatic or
Intuitive's da Vinci SP system.
T4 colon cancer, having delayed surgical intervention, and having worse mortality increased directly and linearly with distance to treatment facilities, according to new research. The findings were presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. According to presenting study author Andrew Russ, MD, an associate professor of surgery at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, in Knoxville, colon cancer outcomes in the United States have improved over the past 30 years due to an emphasis on screening and improved treatments. But specific regions of the United States have worse outcomes; the rural Southeast is one of these regions. Continued on page 12
Reducing Breast Tulsa Shooting Re-excisions: A Potential Intensifies Concerns Area for Cost Savings About Violence Against Healthcare Workers By MONICA J. SMITH
LAS VEGAS—Re-excision after breast-conserving
he COVID-19 pandemic may have ignited a surge in telemedicine, but onee Pennsylvania surgeon has been en using communications techhnology to perform a significant nt amount of his work remotely for more than 15 years. It started with one patient making a postoperative visit. “She gave me a hug and said, ‘I’m sorry I have to see you. I just drove an hour to ask four questions. The back of my house abuts one of your rural hospitals; why couldn’t I
surgery has a significant impact on patients, who face a second operation with its risk for complications and potentially worse cosmetic outcomes. Reexcision is also a burden on OR time and cost, and represents an area that, with even a modest reduction, could yield big benefits, according to a new study. “Re-excision rates have been discussed as a measure of quality for breast surgery, but there is not a large amount of data on healthcare costs. So, we looked within our healthcare system to see how much of a cost burden re-excision is, and how improving reexcision rates might help,” said Jeffery Chakedis, MD,
multiple shooting in a medical building in Tulsa, Okla., has shocked and devastated the medical community and intensified concerns about rising rates of violence against healthcare workers. In June, an orthopedic surgeon, a sports medicine physician, a clinic supervisor and the spouse of a patient were killed, shot by a man who blamed his surgeon for pain following back surgery two weeks earlier. “We, united as orthopaedic surgeons, find
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4 ACS Welcomes Bipartisan Firearms Law as ‘Good First Step’ F OC U S ON FLUOR ESC EN C E
20 New Column Explores Imaging Technology OP IN ION
26 Publish or Perish: An Aphorism for General Surgery Residents
Efficiency and Ergonomic Benefit Using POWERSEAL™ Sealer/ Divider Curved Jaw, Double-Action in Gynecologic Procedures PAGE 10