1978 —
35th Anniversary — 2013
The Independent Monthly Newspaper for Gastroenterologists
Volume 64, Number 1 • January 2013
ACG 2012
IBS No Longer Only Functional Disorder
Experienced Physicians Offer Tips To Trainees on Landing a Job It’s Never Too Early To Start the Search
BY DAVID WILD BY CHRISTINA FRANGOU LAS VEGAS—For the first time, investigators have documented structural abnormalities in the small bowel of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These findings “will fundamentally change our thinking on the disease,” researchers told attendees of the 2012 see IBS, page 8
Mesalamine Elicits Response in IBS BY MONICA J. SMITH LAS VEGAS—Mesalamine, a 5-aminosalicyte acid that is effective for maintenance of remission in patients with ulcerative colitis, also may be effective in relieving and controlling symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome see Mesalamine, page 9
If they haven’t already, fellows and residents should add one more resolution to their New Year’s list: Start the job search. The earlier that trainees begin the search, the better, experts say. Many recommend that residents and fellows start the process 18 months before they are due to finish training. With recruiting season kicking into high gear over the next few months, Gastroenterology & Endoscopy Newss summarized some practical tips for finding a job in academic medicine or private practice, as outlined by two gastroenterologists with experience in each area. see Job Search, page 25
Experts’ Picks
Best of the American College e Of Gastroenterology: Part 2 COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY DAVID WILD Gastroenterology & Endoscopy Newss asked several experts to select their favvorite abstracts from the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scien ntific Meeting. Inside is a collection of their selections and comments that reflect the varied interests of the experts who we interviewed. (Part 1 of this series appeared in the Decemberr 2012 issue of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News.) see Best of ACG, page 14
MDs and DOs Plan Unified Accreditation System For Graduate Medical Education ............... page 5
EXPERT REVIEW: Sexual Misconduct by Professionals: A New Model of Understanding BY GREGORY E. SKIPPER, MD, AND STEPHEN SCHENTHAL, MD..................... page 29
EXPERT REVIEW: Safeguarding Yourself Against Allegations Of Sexual Abuse or Patient Impropriety BY HARVEY TETTLEBAUM, JD, AND KEVIN MEYERS, JD .................................................................. page 33
PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT Clinical Applications of Probiotics in Gastroenterology: Questions and Answers, An Issue of Gastroenterology Clinics see page 37
The Gastric Cancers: Targeted for Personalized Medicine see pages 10-11