PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Loretta Jemmott, PhD, RN, discusses her life in community outreach. CLINICAL CORNER HIV/AIDS education efforts aimed at PAs and NPs improve patient care.
CLINICAL CORNER Results from the international, Phase 3, double-blind VERxVE trial.
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Combat Compassion Fatigue A few years ago, when his spouse became me ill with leukemia, Joel Wesley Thompson, MHS, PA-C, AAHIVS, DFAAPA, a physician assistant specializing i n H I V/A I DS sin ce the late 1980s, became a 24-hour caregiver. r. Although professionally ly well equipped to provide care, Mr. Thompson mpson soon found himself exhibiting xhibiting characteristics typical al of emotional exhaustion. “It created some burnout in me. But I recognized what was going on because I’d gone through that before, back when HIV was not really treatable and I went to a lot of funerals,” said Mr. Thompson, who also is affiliated with Carolinas Healthcare System in Charlotte, NC. Fortunately, burnout and compassion fatigue can be mitigated by a number of factors that can be identified,
cultivated, and pracculti ticed. Although doctic tors, nurses, and to physician assistants p may feel invincible, m they need to rect ognize that they o are not, and that a in order to care for others, they need to oth care for themselves. The concept of burnout is intertwined with compassion fatigue. Some compassio believe burn burnout is caused by environmental sstressors (eg, the workplace, difficult colleagues), and compassion fatigue is stress caused by the patient care aspect of work and characteristics of the provider that make him/her vulnerable (eg, empathizing too much with the patient, vicarious traumatization).1,2 The distinction, however, may not be so clear-cut. see COMPASSION, page 4
Advanced Practitioners on the Frontline
hroughout the evolution of HIV/ AIDS from an infectious disease outbreak into a chronic disease,1 providers like nurse practitioners (NP) and physician assistants (PA) have played a central role in the HIV/AIDS clinic.2 When HIV/AIDS emerged in the 1980s, there was a natural transition of these advanced practitioners into the field. Their place in the HIV/AIDS clinic was later reinforced by government programs that provided funding to clinics and the recognition of HIV as a chronic disease.3
“NPs and PAs often find themselves where there is great need, among the unserved or the underserved, and that’s really the face of HIV,” said Suzanne Willard, PhD, CRNP, an NP and directorat-large of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. At the time HIV emerged, there also was a need to understand what was happening. “One of the things PAs are really well educated in is how to get a good history and physical and see ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS, page 11