The Pharmacist’s News Source
Volume 39 • Number 1 • January 2012
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Programs Bridge Gap In Care Between The Hospital and Home New Orleans—The transition between the hospital and the patient’s home is notorious for discontinuities that too often result in rehospitalization. According to published data, one in five discharged Medicare patients are readmitted within 30 days, with adverse drug events (ADEs) the major culprit in sending patients— especially older Americans—back to the hospital (Ann Intern Med 2003;138:161-167; N Engl J Med 2011;365:2002-2012). In 2013, Medicare will begin to penalize hospitals that have high rates of preventable readmissions. Hospitals, strongly averse to the prospect of lost income, are paying more attention to this tenuous phase of patient recovery. Increasingly, they are enlisting pharmacists to fill some of the gaps in care that can lead to
see BRIDGE, page 18
Demonstration Project Cuts Some Risk From Hydromorphone Use
demonstration project at nine hospitals in southern Pennsylvania, aimed at improving the safe use of hydromorphone through a combination of educational programs, computerized order entry improvements and enhanced prescribing oversight, has yielded mixed results, according to its developers. The nine-month project, developed in part by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), found that practitioners’ knowledge about prescribing differences between hydromorphone and morphine improved, and the number of patients who required a rescue agent or rapid response call decreased. But the percentage of cases in which concomitant medications contributed to adverse drug reactions (ADRs) increased from 20% before the initiative to 41% afterward. “Education is not a long-term strategy to effect change,” said Matthew Fricker, RPh, ISMP’s program director, “but it’s a starting point.”
see HYDROMORPHONE, page 34
in this issue Up Front
Medication Safety Drug mishaps remain a leading cause of ER visits.
Practice Models
Leadership in Action Ernie Anderson Jr., MS, RPh, on doing more with less.
Hem/Onc Pharmacy New drug for advanced breast cancer ‘practice-changing.’
Critical Care Can bar-code scanning fix the ‘black hole’ of drug safety—the operating room?
Guest Editorial The case for casting a wider BCMA net.
Informatics The growing appetite for health care apps. A closed-loop med management system streamlines investigational drug handling.
As supply gap continues, caregivers struggle to meet basics of feeding
Operations & Mgmt Reducing heart failure readmissions.
Parenteral Nutrition Shortage Hits Patients, Providers Hard ears of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery for a childhood cancer left 41-year-old San Francisco health planner Frances Culp with gastrointestinal damage and malabsorption issues. To remedy this, in 2005, Ms. Culp began receiving nightly infusions of home total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to provide her body with enough calories and nutrients to keep her not only alive, but thriving. The change was remarkable. Ms. Culp felt stronger and became more active than she had been in years. But in spring 2011, she learned that there was a shortage of the vitamins that form a key component of her nutritional support. “I can absorb some vitamins orally, so I tried to make it work, but my hair has been falling out in clumps, my weight is way down and my energy level has dropped dramatically. The effects of malnutrition have really started to show,” Ms. Culp said. “Other ingredients are now going into shortage as well. There is no ingredient in TPN that I can do
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Educational Review
Immune Globulins: Therapeutic, Pharmaceutical, Cost, and Administration Considerations See insert after page 28.
see TPN SHORTAGE, page 8
Opioid Gene Variants Linked To Cancer Survival in Women
ounting laboratory and epidemiologic data suggest a link between opioid exposure during cancer surgery and metastasis of, and eventual death from, the disease. Now, a major genetics study has turned up some of the most compelling evidence yet for a connection between the pain killers and malignancy—even beyond the operating room.
T h e n e w wo r k , by researchers at the University of North Carol i n a, i n Ch ape l H i l l , found that breast cancer patients with variants of the µ-opioid receptor that make their cells less responsive to the analgesic are as much as fourfold less likely to die of
see GENES, page 22
New Products FIRST® ‘Magic Mouthwash’ Compounding Kits now available.
EXPAREL™ from Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
See page 32.
See page 32.